commit 2b7a3e7e81a809f91ba99646d766f57faaf0a6ed from: ligurio date: Wed Nov 29 13:48:55 2023 UTC Deploying to gh-pages from @ ligurio/lua-c-manual-pages@5c44d841cfc7bb013d6255865fa3f9f4deb188ed 🚀 commit - 19a96d85bc867026e578597defc19dfcef936f63 commit + 2b7a3e7e81a809f91ba99646d766f57faaf0a6ed blob - d4e80614b026d1b6d237d1264523477c02fd31b4 blob + adf3fa44bf3abccee2527551c23ed51d182e6569 --- luaL_newmetatable.3 +++ luaL_newmetatable.3 @@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ .Ft int .Fn luaL_newmetatable "lua_State *L" "const char *tname" .Sh DESCRIPTION -.Fn luaL_newmetatable If the registry already has the key .Fa tname , returns 0. Otherwise, creates a new table to be used as a metatable for blob - 0864a2b2ea1344a195ed8285b5f95d239aed389c blob + 3a5c8878fca6fd5842a4fc6e6052193a84ddbd1c --- luaL_newmetatable.3.html +++ luaL_newmetatable.3.html @@ -33,10 +33,10 @@


() - If the registry already has the key tname, returns 0. - Otherwise, creates a new table to be used as a metatable for userdata, adds - it to the registry with key tname, and returns 1.


If the registry already has the key tname, + returns 0. Otherwise, creates a new table to be used as a metatable for + userdata, adds it to the registry with key tname, and + returns 1.

In both cases pushes onto the stack the final value associated with tname in the registry.

blob - 76f1888072e4f2b3e21799480258da92dde62545 blob + 0cff79b5d045f33a721ea645bfa67354420ac807 --- lua_getinfo.3 +++ lua_getinfo.3 @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ was defined, you can write the following code: lua_Debug ar; lua_getfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, "f"); /* get global 'f' */ lua_getinfo(L, ">S", &ar); -printf("%d\n", ar.linedefined); +printf("%d\&\\n", ar.linedefined); .Ed .Pp Each character in the string what selects some fields of the structure ar to be blob - e39eadf941bd373b2f2f9d5b2cd22111f6233de4 blob + 0346f7ac62b97c22a5a3db43441492abda540ca1 --- lua_getinfo.3.html +++ lua_getinfo.3.html @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
lua_Debug ar;
 lua_getfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, "f");  /* get global 'f' */
 lua_getinfo(L, ">S", &ar);
-printf("%d0, ar.linedefined);
+printf("%d\n", ar.linedefined);

Each character in the string what selects some fields of the structure ar to be filled or a value to be pushed on the stack: