commit 7a4e8c861965e3cef5f11d299ab386b70d2d6a6b from: Sergey Bronnikov date: Wed Jul 27 06:59:11 2022 UTC man3: luaL_dofile.3 commit - e6048a7d98c38d8415ca92a7365ccb77aa7c04bf commit + 7a4e8c861965e3cef5f11d299ab386b70d2d6a6b blob - /dev/null blob + 503648a2c74e51e4695a8896e8c9b3c26e9755f1 (mode 644) --- /dev/null +++ man3/luaL_dofile.3 @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +.Dd $Mdocdate: July 24 2022 $ +.Dt LUAL_DOFILE 3 +.Os +.Sh NAME +.Nm luaL_dofile +.Nd loads and runs the given file +.Sh SYNOPSIS +.In lauxlib.h +.Ft int +.Fn luaL_dofile "lua_State *L" "const char *filename" +.Sh DESCRIPTION +.Fn luaL_dofile +loads and runs the given file. +It is defined as the following macro: +.Pp +.Bd -literal -offset indent -compact +(luaL_loadfile(L, filename) || lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0)) +.Ed +.Sh RETURN VALUES +It returns 0 if there are no errors or 1 in case of errors. +.Sh HISTORY +The +.Fn luaL_dofile +manual page was written by Sergey Bronnikov.