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-## Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge Version 3.
-## SWEBOK  ®A Project of the IEEE Computer Society
-**Guide to the Software Engineering**
-**Body of Knowledge**
-**Version 3.**
-Pierre Bourque, École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS)
-Richard E. (Dick) Fairley, Software and Systems Engineering Associates (S2EA)
-**_Copyright and Reprint Permissions._** Educational or personal use of this
-material is permitted without fee provided such copies 1) are not made for
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-Copyright © 2014 IEEE. All rights reserved.
-Paperback ISBN-10: 0-7695-5166-
-Paperback ISBN-13: 978-0-7695-5166-
-Digital copies of _SWEBOK Guide_ V3.0 may be downloaded free of charge for
-personal and academic use via [](
-**_IEEE Computer Society Staff for This Publication_**
-Angela Burgess, Executive Director
-Anne Marie Kelly, Associate Executive Director, Director of Governance
-Evan M. Butterfield, Director of Products and Services
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-- Foreword
-- Foreword to the 2004 Edition
-- Editors
-- Coeditors
-- Contributing Editors
-- Change Control Board
-- Knowledge Area Editors
-- Knowledge Area Editors of Previous SWEBOK Versions
-- Review Team
-- Acknowledgements
-- Professional Activities Board, 2013 Membership
-- Motions Regarding the Approval of SWEBOK Guide V3.0
-- Motions Regarding the Approval of SWEBOK Guide 2004 Version
-- Introduction to the Guide
-**Chapter 1: Software Requirements 1**
-### 1. Software Construction Fundamentals
-1.1. Definition of a Software Requirement
-1.2. Product and Process Requirements
-1.3. Functional and Nonfunctional Requirements
-1.4. Emergent Properties
-1.5. Quantifiable Requirements
-1.6. System Requirements and Software Requirements
-2. Requirements Process
-    2.1. Process Models
-    2.2. Process Actors
-    2.3. Process Support and Management
-    2.4. Process Quality and Improvement
-3. Requirements Elicitation
-    3.1. Requirements Sources
-    3.2. Elicitation Techniques
-4. Requirements Analysis
-    4.1. Requirements Classification
-    4.2. Conceptual Modeling
-    4.3. Architectural Design and Requirements Allocation
-    4.4. Requirements Negotiation
-    4.5. Formal Analysis
-5. Requirements Specification
-    5.1. System Definition Document
-    5.2. System Requirements Specification
-    5.3. Software Requirements Specification
-6. Requirements Validation
-    6.1. Requirements Reviews
-    6.2. Prototyping
-#### 2.1. Concurrency
-#### 2.2. Control and Handling of Events
-#### 2.3. Data Persistence
-#### 2.4. Distribution of Components
-#### 2.5. Error and Exception Handling and Fault Tolerance
-#### 2.6. Interaction and Presentation
-#### 2.7. Security
-### 3. Software Structure and Architecture
-#### 3.1. Architectural Structures and Viewpoints
-#### 3.2. Architectural Styles
-#### 3.3. Design Patterns
-#### 3.4. Architecture Design Decisions
-#### 3.5. Families of Programs and Frameworks
-### 4. User Interface Design
-## Table of Contents
-### 3. Practical Considerations
-#### 3.1. Construction Design
-#### 3.2. Construction Languages
-#### 3.3. Coding
-#### 3.4. Construction Testing
-#### 3.5. Construction for Reuse
-### 3. Test Techniques
-#### 2.3. Maintenance Cost Estimation
-#### 2.4. Software Maintenance Measurement
-### 3. Maintenance Process
-#### 3.1. Maintenance Processes
-#### 2.2. Software Library
-### 3. Software Configuration Control
-#### 3.1. Requesting, Evaluating, and Approving Software Changes
-#### 2.7. Plan Management
-### 3. Software Project Enactment
-#### 3.1. Implementation of Plans
-#### 3.2. Software Acquisition and Supplier Contract Management
-#### 3.3. Implementation of Measurement Process
-#### 3.4. Monitor Process
-#### 3.5. Control Process
-#### 3.6. Reporting
-### 4. Review and Evaluation
-#### 4.1. Determining Satisfaction of Requirements
-#### 4.2. Reviewing and Evaluating Performance
-### 5. Closure
-#### 5.1. Determining Closure
-#### 5.2. Closure Activities
-### 6. Software Engineering Measurement
-#### 6.1. Establish and Sustain Measurement Commitment
-#### 3.4. Continuous and Staged Software Process Ratings
-### 4. Software Measurement
-#### 4.1. Software Process and Product Measurement
-#### 4.4. Agile Methods
-### Matrix of Topics vs. Reference Material
-### 3. Practical Considerations
-#### 3.1. Software Quality Requirements
-#### 3.2. Defect Characterization
-### 2. Group Dynamics and Psychology
-#### 2.1. Dynamics of Working in Teams/Groups
-#### 2.2. Individual Cognition
-#### 2.3. Dealing with Problem Complexity
-#### 2.4. Interacting with Stakeholders
-#### 2.5. Dealing with Uncertainty and Ambiguity
-#### 2.6. Dealing with Multicultural Environments
-#### 3.2. Writing
-#### 3.3. Team and Group Communication
-#### 2.15. Replacement and Retirement Decisions
-### 3. Risk and Uncertainty
-#### 3.1. Goals, Estimates, and Plans
-#### 3.2. Estimation Techniques
-#### 3.3. Addressing Uncertainty
-#### 3.4. Prioritization
-#### 3.5. Decisions under Risk
-#### 7.4. Algorithmic Design Strategies
-#### 7.5. Algorithmic Analysis Strategies
-### 8. Basic Concept of a System
-#### 8.1. Emergent System Properties
-#### 8.2. Systems Engineering
-#### 8.3. Overview of a Computer System
-### 9. Computer Organization
-#### 9.1. Computer Organization Overview
-#### 9.2. Digital Systems
-#### 9.3. Digital Logic
-#### 9.4. Computer Expression of Data
-### 6. Discrete Probability
-### 7. Finite State Machines
-### Matrix of Topics vs. Reference Material
-      - 6.3. Model Validation
-      - 6.4. Acceptance Tests
-   - 7. Practical Considerations
-      - 7.1. Iterative Nature of the Requirements Process
-      - 7.2. Change Management
-      - 7.3. Requirements Attributes
-      - 7.4. Requirements Tracing
-      - 7.5. Measuring Requirements
-   - 8. Software Requirements Tools
-   - Matrix of Topics vs. Reference Material
-- Chapter 2: Software Design
-   - 1. Software Design Fundamentals
-      - 1.1. General Design Concepts
-      - 1.2. Context of Software Design
-      - 1.3. Software Design Process
-      - 1.4. Software Design Principles
-   - 2. Key Issues in Software Design
-      - 2.1. Concurrency
-      - 2.2. Control and Handling of Events
-      - 2.3. Data Persistence
-      - 2.4. Distribution of Components
-      - 2.5. Error and Exception Handling and Fault Tolerance
-      - 2.6. Interaction and Presentation
-      - 2.7. Security
-   - 3. Software Structure and Architecture
-      - 3.1. Architectural Structures and Viewpoints
-      - 3.2. Architectural Styles
-      - 3.3. Design Patterns
-      - 3.4. Architecture Design Decisions
-      - 3.5. Families of Programs and Frameworks
-   - 4. User Interface Design
-      - 4.1. General User Interface Design Principles
-      - 4.2. User Interface Design Issues
-      - 4.3. The Design of User Interaction Modalities
-      - 4.4. The Design of Information Presentation
-      - 4.5. User Interface Design Process
-      - 4.6. Localization and Internationalization
-      - 4.7. Metaphors and Conceptual Models
-   - 5. Software Design Quality Analysis and Evaluation
-      - 5.1. Quality Attributes
-      - 5.2. Quality Analysis and Evaluation Techniques
-      - 5.3. Measures
-   - 6. Software Design Notations
-      - 6.1. Structural Descriptions (Static View)
-      - 6.2. Behavioral Descriptions (Dynamic View)
-   - 7. Software Design Strategies and Methods
-      - 7.1. General Strategies
-      - 7.2. Function-Oriented (Structured) Design
-      - 7.3. Object-Oriented Design
-      - 7.4. Data Structure-Centered Design
-      - 7.5. Component-Based Design (CBD)
-      - 7.6. Other Methods
-   - 8. Software Design Tools
-   - Matrix of Topics vs. Reference Material
-- Chapter 3: Software Construction
-   - 1. Software Construction Fundamentals
-      - 1.1. Minimizing Complexity
-      - 1.2. Anticipating Change
-      - 1.3. Constructing for Verification
-      - 1.4. Reuse
-      - 1.5. Standards in Construction
-   - 2. Managing Construction
-      - 2.1. Construction in Life Cycle Models
-      - 2.2. Construction Planning
-      - 2.3. Construction Measurement
-   - 3. Practical Considerations
-      - 3.1. Construction Design
-      - 3.2. Construction Languages
-      - 3.3. Coding
-      - 3.4. Construction Testing
-      - 3.5. Construction for Reuse
-      - 3.6. Construction with Reuse
-      - 3.7. Construction Quality
-      - 3.8. Integration
-   - 4. Construction Technologies
-      - 4.1. API Design and Use
-      - 4.2. Object-Oriented Runtime Issues
-      - 4.3. Parameterization and Generics
-      - 4.4. Assertions, Design by Contract, and Defensive Programming
-      - 4.5. Error Handling, Exception Handling, and Fault Tolerance
-      - 4.6. Executable Models
-      - 4.7. State-Based and Table-Driven Construction Techniques
-      - 4.8. Runtime Configuration and Internationalization
-      - 4.9. Grammar-Based Input Processing
-      - 4.10. Concurrency Primitives
-      - 4.11. Middleware
-      - 4.12. Construction Methods for Distributed Software
-      - 4.13. Constructing Heterogeneous Systems
-      - 4.14. Performance Analysis and Tuning
-      - 4.15. Platform Standards
-      - 4.16. Test-First Programming
-   - 5. Software Construction Tools
-      - 5.1. Development Environments
-      - 5.2. GUI Builders
-      - 5.3. Unit Testing Tools
-      - 5.4. Profiling, Performance Analysis, and Slicing Tools
-   - Matrix of Topics vs. Reference Material
-- Chapter 4: Software Testing
-   - 1. Software Testing Fundamentals
-      - 1.1. Testing-Related Terminology
-      - 1.2. Key Issues
-      - 1.3. Relationship of Testing to Other Activities
-   - 2. Test Levels
-      - 2.1. The Target of the Test
-      - 2.2. Objectives of Testing
-   - 3. Test Techniques
-      - 3.1. Based on the Software Engineer’s Intuition and Experience
-      - 3.2. Input Domain-Based Techniques
-      - 3.3. Code-Based Techniques
-      - 3.4. Fault-Based Techniques
-      - 3.5. Usage-Based Techniques
-      - 3.6. Model-Based Testing Techniques
-      - 3.7. Techniques Based on the Nature of the Application
-      - 3.8. Selecting and Combining Techniques
-   - 4. Test-Related Measures
-      - 4.1. Evaluation of the Program Under Test
-      - 4.2. Evaluation of the Tests Performed
-   - 5. Test Process
-      - 5.1. Practical Considerations
-      - 5.2. Test Activities
-   - 6. Software Testing Tools
-      - 6.1. Testing Tool Support
-      - 6.2. Categories of Tools
-   - Matrix of Topics vs. Reference Material
-- Chapter 5: Software Maintenance
-   - 1. Software Maintenance Fundamentals
-      - 1.1. Definitions and Terminology
-      - 1.2. Nature of Maintenance
-      - 1.3. Need for Maintenance
-      - 1.4. Majority of Maintenance Costs
-      - 1.5. Evolution of Software
-      - 1.6. Categories of Maintenance
-   - 2. Key Issues in Software Maintenance
-      - 2.1. Technical Issues
-      - 2.2. Management Issues
-      - 2.3. Maintenance Cost Estimation
-      - 2.4. Software Maintenance Measurement
-   - 3. Maintenance Process
-      - 3.1. Maintenance Processes
-      - 3.2. Maintenance Activities
-   - 4. Techniques for Maintenance
-      - 4.1. Program Comprehension
-      - 4.2. Reengineering
-      - 4.3. Reverse Engineering
-      - 4.4. Migration
-      - 4.5. Retirement
-   - 5. Software Maintenance Tools
-   - Matrix of Topics vs. Reference Material
-- Chapter 6: Software Configuration Management
-   - 1. Management of the SCM Process
-      - 1.1. Organizational Context for SCM
-      - 1.2. Constraints and Guidance for the SCM Process
-      - 1.3. Planning for SCM
-      - 1.4. SCM Plan
-      - 1.5. Surveillance of Software Configuration Management
-   - 2. Software Configuration Identification
-      - 2.1. Identifying Items to Be Controlled
-      - 2.2. Software Library
-   - 3. Software Configuration Control
-      - 3.1. Requesting, Evaluating, and Approving Software Changes
-      - 3.2. Implementing Software Changes
-      - 3.3. Deviations and Waivers
-   - 4. Software Configuration Status Accounting
-      - 4.1. Software Configuration Status Information
-      - 4.2. Software Configuration Status Reporting
-   - 5. Software Configuration Auditing
-      - 5.1. Software Functional Configuration Audit
-      - 5.2. Software Physical Configuration Audit
-      - 5.3. In-Process Audits of a Software Baseline
-   - 6. Software Release Management and Delivery
-      - 6.1. Software Building
-      - 6.2. Software Release Management
-   - 7. Software Configuration Management Tools
-   - Matrix of Topics vs. Reference Material
-- Chapter 7: Software Engineering Management
-   - 1. Initiation and Scope Definition
-      - 1.1. Determination and Negotiation of Requirements
-      - 1.2. Feasibility Analysis
-      - 1.3. Process for the Review and Revision of Requirements
-   - 2. Software Project Planning
-      - 2.1. Process Planning
-      - 2.2. Determine Deliverables
-      - 2.3. Effort, Schedule, and Cost Estimation
-      - 2.4. Resource Allocation
-      - 2.5. Risk Management
-      - 2.6. Quality Management
-      - 2.7. Plan Management
-   - 3. Software Project Enactment
-      - 3.1. Implementation of Plans
-      - 3.2. Software Acquisition and Supplier Contract Management
-      - 3.3. Implementation of Measurement Process
-      - 3.4. Monitor Process
-      - 3.5. Control Process
-      - 3.6. Reporting
-   - 4. Review and Evaluation
-      - 4.1. Determining Satisfaction of Requirements
-      - 4.2. Reviewing and Evaluating Performance
-   - 5. Closure
-      - 5.1. Determining Closure
-      - 5.2. Closure Activities
-   - 6. Software Engineering Measurement
-      - 6.1. Establish and Sustain Measurement Commitment
-      - 6.2. Plan the Measurement Process
-      - 6.3. Perform the Measurement Process
-      - 6.4. Evaluate Measurement
-   - 7. Software Engineering Management Tools
-   - Matrix of Topics vs. Reference Material
-- Chapter 8: Software Engineering Process
-   - 1. Software Process Definition
-      - 1.1. Software Process Management
-      - 1.2. Software Process Infrastructure
-   - 2. Software Life Cycles
-      - 2.1. Categories of Software Processes
-      - 2.2. Software Life Cycle Models
-      - 2.3. Software Process Adaptation
-      - 2.4. Practical Considerations
-   - 3. Software Process Assessment and Improvement
-      - 3.1. Software Process Assessment Models
-      - 3.2. Software Process Assessment Methods
-      - 3.3. Software Process Improvement Models
-      - 3.4. Continuous and Staged Software Process Ratings
-   - 4. Software Measurement
-      - 4.1. Software Process and Product Measurement
-      - 4.2. Quality of Measurement Results
-      - 4.3. Software Information Models
-      - 4.4. Software Process Measurement Techniques
-   - 5. Software Engineering Process Tools
-   - Matrix of Topics vs. Reference Material
-- Chapter 9: Software Engineering Models and Methods
-   - 1. Modeling
-      - 1.1. Modeling Principles
-      - 1.2. Properties and Expression of Models
-      - 1.3. Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics
-      - 1.4. Preconditions, Postconditions, and Invariants
-   - 2. Types of Models
-      - 2.1. Information Modeling
-      - 2.2. Behavioral Modeling
-      - 2.3. Structure Modeling
-   - 3. Analysis of Models
-      - 3.1. Analyzing for Completeness
-      - 3.2. Analyzing for Consistency
-      - 3.3. Analyzing for Correctness
-      - 3.4. Traceability
-      - 3.5. Interaction Analysis
-   - 4. Software Engineering Methods
-      - 4.1. Heuristic Methods
-      - 4.2. Formal Methods
-      - 4.3. Prototyping Methods
-      - 4.4. Agile Methods
-   - Matrix of Topics vs. Reference Material
-- Chapter 10: Software Quality
-   - 1. Software Quality Fundamentals
-      - 1.1. Software Engineering Culture and Ethics
-      - 1.2. Value and Costs of Quality
-      - 1.3. Models and Quality Characteristics
-      - 1.4. Software Quality Improvement
-      - 1.5. Software Safety
-   - 2. Software Quality Management Processes
-      - 2.1. Software Quality Assurance
-      - 2.2. Verification & Validation
-      - 2.3. Reviews and Audits
-   - 3. Practical Considerations
-      - 3.1. Software Quality Requirements
-      - 3.2. Defect Characterization
-      - 3.3. Software Quality Management Techniques
-      - 3.4. Software Quality Measurement
-   - 4. Software Quality Tools
-   - Matrix of Topics vs. Reference Material
-- Chapter 11: Software Engineering Professional Practice
-   - 1. Professionalism
-      - 1.1. Accreditation, Certification, and Licensing
-      - 1.2. Codes of Ethics and Professional Conduct
-      - 1.3. Nature and Role of Professional Societies
-      - 1.4. Nature and Role of Software Engineering Standards
-      - 1.5. Economic Impact of Software
-      - 1.6. Employment Contracts
-      - 1.7. Legal Issues
-      - 1.8. Documentation
-      - 1.9. Tradeoff Analysis
-   - 2. Group Dynamics and Psychology
-      - 2.1. Dynamics of Working in Teams/Groups
-      - 2.2. Individual Cognition
-      - 2.3. Dealing with Problem Complexity
-      - 2.4. Interacting with Stakeholders
-      - 2.5. Dealing with Uncertainty and Ambiguity
-      - 2.6. Dealing with Multicultural Environments
-   - 3. Communication Skills
-      - 3.1. Reading, Understanding, and Summarizing
-      - 3.2. Writing
-      - 3.3. Team and Group Communication
-      - 3.4. Presentation Skills
-   - Matrix of Topics vs. Reference Material
-- Chapter 12: Software Engineering Economics
-   - 1. Software Engineering Economics Fundamentals
-      - 1.1. Finance
-      - 1.2. Accounting
-      - 1.3. Controlling
-      - 1.4. Cash Flow
-      - 1.5. Decision-Making Process
-      - 1.6. Valuation
-      - 1.7. Inflation
-      - 1.8. Depreciation
-      - 1.9. Taxation
-      - 1.10. Time-Value of Money
-      - 1.11. Efficiency
-      - 1.12. Effectiveness
-      - 1.13. Productivity
-   - 2. Life Cycle Economics
-      - 2.1. Product
-      - 2.2. Project
-      - 2.3. Program
-      - 2.4. Portfolio
-      - 2.5. Product Life Cycle
-      - 2.6. Project Life Cycle
-      - 2.7. Proposals
-      - 2.8. Investment Decisions
-      - 2.9. Planning Horizon
-      - 2.10. Price and Pricing
-      - 2.11. Cost and Costing
-      - 2.12. Performance Measurement
-      - 2.13. Earned Value Management
-      - 2.14. Termination Decisions
-      - 2.15. Replacement and Retirement Decisions
-   - 3. Risk and Uncertainty
-      - 3.1. Goals, Estimates, and Plans
-      - 3.2. Estimation Techniques
-      - 3.3. Addressing Uncertainty
-      - 3.4. Prioritization
-      - 3.5. Decisions under Risk
-      - 3.6. Decisions under Uncertainty
-   - 4. Economic Analysis Methods
-      - 4.1. For-Profit Decision Analysis
-      - 4.2. Minimum Acceptable Rate of Return
-      - 4.3. Return on Investment
-      - 4.4. Return on Capital Employed
-      - 4.5. Cost-Benefit Analysis
-      - 4.6. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
-      - 4.7. Break-Even Analysis
-      - 4.8. Business Case
-      - 4.9. Multiple Attribute Evaluation
-      - 4.10. Optimization Analysis
-   - 5. Practical Considerations
-      - 5.1. The “Good Enough” Principle
-      - 5.2. Friction-Free Economy
-      - 5.3. Ecosystems
-      - 5.4. Offshoring and Outsourcing
-   - Matrix of Topics vs. Reference Material
-- Chapter 13: Computing Foundations
-   - 1. Problem Solving Techniques
-      - 1.1. Definition of Problem Solving
-      - 1.2. Formulating the Real Problem
-      - 1.3. Analyze the Problem
-      - 1.4. Design a Solution Search Strategy
-      - 1.5. Problem Solving Using Programs
-   - 2. Abstraction
-      - 2.1. Levels of Abstraction
-      - 2.2. Encapsulation
-      - 2.3. Hierarchy
-      - 2.4. Alternate Abstractions
-   - 3. Programming Fundamentals
-      - 3.1. The Programming Process
-      - 3.2. Programming Paradigms
-   - 4. Programming Language Basics
-      - 4.1. Programming Language Overview
-      - 4.2. Syntax and Semantics of Programming Languages
-      - 4.3. Low-Level Programming Languages
-      - 4.4. High-Level Programming Languages
-      - 4.5. Declarative vs. Imperative Programming Languages
-   - 5. Debugging Tools and Techniques
-      - 5.1. Types of Errors
-      - 5.2. Debugging Techniques
-      - 5.3. Debugging Tools
-   - 6. Data Structure and Representation
-      - 6.1. Data Structure Overview
-      - 6.2. Types of Data Structure
-      - 6.3. Operations on Data Structures
-   - 7. Algorithms and Complexity
-      - 7.1. Overview of Algorithms
-      - 7.2. Attributes of Algorithms
-      - 7.3. Algorithmic Analysis
-      - 7.4. Algorithmic Design Strategies
-      - 7.5. Algorithmic Analysis Strategies
-   - 8. Basic Concept of a System
-      - 8.1. Emergent System Properties
-      - 8.2. Systems Engineering
-      - 8.3. Overview of a Computer System
-   - 9. Computer Organization
-      - 9.1. Computer Organization Overview
-      - 9.2. Digital Systems
-      - 9.3. Digital Logic
-      - 9.4. Computer Expression of Data
-      - 9.5. The Central Processing Unit (CPU)
-      - 9.6. Memory System Organization
-      - 9.7. Input and Output (I/O)
-   - 10. Compiler Basics
-      - 10.1. Compiler/Interpreter Overview
-      - 10.2. Interpretation and Compilation
-      - 10.3. The Compilation Process
-   - 11. Operating Systems Basics
-      - 11.1. Operating Systems Overview
-      - 11.2. Tasks of an Operating System
-      - 11.3. Operating System Abstractions
-      - 11.4. Operating Systems Classification
-   - 12. Database Basics and Data Management
-      - 12.1. Entity and Schema
-      - 12.2. Database Management Systems (DBMS)
-      - 12.3. Database Query Language
-      - 12.4. Tasks of DBMS Packages
-      - 12.5. Data Management
-      - 12.6. Data Mining
-   - 13. Network Communication Basics
-      - 13.1. Types of Network
-      - 13.2. Basic Network Components
-      - 13.3. Networking Protocols and Standards
-      - 13.4. The Internet
-      - 13.5. Internet of Things
-      - 13.6. Virtual Private Network (VPN)
-   - 14. Parallel and Distributed Computing
-      - 14.1. Parallel and Distributed Computing Overview
-      - 14.2. Difference between Parallel and Distributed Computing
-      - 14.3. Parallel and Distributed Computing Models
-      - 14.4. Main Issues in Distributed Computing
-   - 15. Basic User Human Factors
-      - 15.1. Input and Output
-      - 15.2. Error Messages
-      - 15.3. Software Robustness
-   - 16. Basic Developer Human Factors
-      - 16.1. Structure
-   - 17. Secure Software Development and Maintenance
-      - 17.1. Software Requirements Security
-      - 17.2. Software Design Security
-      - 17.3. Software Construction Security
-      - 17.4. Software Testing Security
-      - 17.5. Build Security into Software Engineering Process
-      - 17.6. Software Security Guidelines
-   - Matrix of Topics vs. Reference Material
-- Chapter 14: Mathematical Foundations
-   - 1. Set, Relations, Functions
-      - 1.1. Set Operations
-      - 1.2. Properties of Set
-      - 1.3. Relation and Function
-   - 2. Basic Logic
-      - 2.1. Propositional Logic
-      - 2.2. Predicate Logic
-   - 3. Proof Techniques
-      - 3.1. Methods of Proving Theorems
-   - 4. Basics of Counting
-   - 5. Graphs and Trees
-      - 5.1. Graphs
-      - 5.2. Trees
-   - 6. Discrete Probability
-   - 7. Finite State Machines
-   - 8. Grammars
-      - 8.1. Language Recognition
-   - 9. Numerical Precision, Accuracy, and Errors
-   - 10. Number Theory
-      - 10.1. Divisibility
-      - 10.2. Prime Number, GCD
-   - 11. Algebraic Structures
-      - 11.1. Group
-      - 11.2. Rings
-   - Matrix of Topics vs. Reference Material
-- Chapter 15: Engineering Foundations 15-
-   - 1. Empirical Methods and Experimental Techniques
-      - 1.1. Designed Experiment
-      - 1.2. Observational Study
-      - 1.3. Retrospective Study
-   - 2. Statistical Analysis
-      - 2.1. Unit of Analysis (Sampling Units), Population, and Sample
-      - 2.2. Concepts of Correlation and Regression
-   - 3. Measurement
-      - 3.1. Levels (Scales) of Measurement
-      - 3.2. Direct and Derived Measures
-      - 3.3. Reliability and Validity
-      - 3.4. Assessing Reliability
-   - 4. Engineering Design
-      - 4.1. Engineering Design in Engineering Education
-      - 4.2. Design as a Problem Solving Activity
-      - 4.3. Steps Involved in Engineering Design
-   - 5. Modeling, Simulation, and Prototyping
-      - 5.1. Modeling
-      - 5.2. Simulation
-      - 5.3. Prototyping
-   - 6. Standards
-   - 7. Root Cause Analysis
-      - 7.1. Techniques for Conducting Root Cause Analysis
-   - Matrix of Topics vs. Reference Material
-- Appendix A: Knowledge Area Description Specifications A-
-- Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) - Appendix B: IEEE and ISO/IEC Standards
-Supporting the Software Engineering
-- Appendix C: Consolidated Reference List C-
-Every profession is based on a body of knowl- edge, although that knowledge is
-not always defined in a concise manner. In cases where no formality exists, the
-body of knowledge is “gen- erally recognized” by practitioners and may be
-codified in a variety of ways for a variety of different uses. But in many
-cases, a guide to a body of knowledge is formally documented, usu- ally in a
-form that permits it to be used for such purposes as development and
-accreditation of academic and training programs, certification of specialists,
-or professional licensing. Generally, a professional society or similar body
-maintains stewardship of the formal definition of a body of knowledge.
-During the past forty-five years, software engi neering has evolved from a
-conference catch phrase into an engineering profession, characterized by 1) a
-professional society, 2) standards that specify generally accepted professional
-practices, 3) a code of ethics, 4) conference proceedings, 5) textbooks, 6)
-curriculum guidelines and curricula, 7) accreditation criteria and accredited
-degree programs, 8) certification and licensing, and 9) this Guide to the Body
-of Knowledge. In this _Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge_ ,
-the IEEE Computer Society pres ents a revised and updated version of the body
-of knowledge formerly documented as SWEBOK 2004; this revised and updated
-version is denoted SWEBOK V3. This work is in partial fulfillment of the
-Society’s responsibility to promote the advancement of both theory and practice
-for the profession of software engineering.
-It should be noted that this _Guide_ does not present the entire the body of
-knowledge for software engineering but rather serves as a guide to the body of
-knowledge that has been developed over more than four decades. The software
-engineering body of knowledge is constantly evolv- ing. Nevertheless, this
-_Guide_ constitutes a valuable characterization of the software engineering
-In 1958, John Tukey, the world-renowned statistician, coined the term software.
-The term soft ware engineering was used in the title of a NATO conference held
-in Germany in 1968. The IEEE Computer Society first published its Transactions
-on Software Engineering in 1972, and a commit- tee for developing software
-engineering standards was established within the IEEE Computer Society in 1976.
-In 1990, planning was begun for an international standard to provide an overall
-view of soft- ware engineering. The standard was completed in 1995 with
-designation ISO/IEC 12207 and given the title of Standard for Software Life
-Cycle Processes. The IEEE version of 12207 was published in 1996 and provided a
-major foundation for the body of knowledge captured in SWEBOK 2004.  The
-current version of 12207 is designated as ISO/IEC 12207:2008 and IEEE
-12207-2008; it provides the basis for this SWEBOK V3.
-This Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge is presented to you,
-the reader, as a mechanism for acquiring the knowledge you need in your
-lifelong career development as a software engineering professional.
-Dick Fairley, Chair
-Software and Systems Engineering Committee
-IEEE Computer Society
-Don Shafer, Vice President
-Professional Activities Board
-IEEE Computer Society
-In this _Guide_ , the IEEE Computer Society establishes for the first time a
-baseline for the body of knowledge for the field of software engineering, and
-the work partially fulfills the Society’s responsibility to promote the
-advancement of both theory and practice in this field. In so doing, the Society
-has been guided by the experience of disciplines with longer histories but was
-not bound either by their problems or their solutions.
-It should be noted that the _Guide_ does not purport to define the body of
-knowledge but rather to serve as a compendium and guide to the body of
-knowledge that has been developing and evolving over the past four decades.
-Furthermore, this body of knowledge is not static. The _Guide_ must,
-necessarily, develop and evolve as software engineering matures. It
-nevertheless constitutes a valuable element of the software engineering
-In 1958, John Tukey, the world-renowned statistician, coined the term
-_software_. The term _soft- ware engineering_ was used in the title of a NATO
-conference held in Germany in 1968. The IEEE Computer Society first published
-its _Transactions on Software Engineering_ in 1972. The committee established
-within the IEEE Computer Society for developing software engineering standards
-was founded in 1976.
-The first holistic view of software engineering to emerge from the IEEE
-Computer Society resulted from an effort led by Fletcher Buckley to develop
-IEEE standard 730 for software quality assurance, which was completed in
-The purpose of IEEE Std. 730 was to provide uniform, minimum acceptable
-requirements for preparation and content of software quality assurance plans.
-This standard was influential in com- pleting the developing standards in the
-following topics: configuration management, software testing, software
-requirements, software design, and software verification and validation.
-During the period 1981–1985, the IEEE Computer Society held a series of
-workshops con- cerning the application of software engineering standards. These
-workshops involved practitio- ners sharing their experiences with existing
-standards. The workshops also held sessions on plan- ning for future standards,
-including one involving measures and metrics for software engineer- ing
-products and processes. The planning also resulted in IEEE Std. 1002, Taxonomy
-of Software Engineering Standards (1986), which provided a new, holistic view
-of software engineering. The standard describes the form and content of a
-software engineering standards taxonomy. It explains the various types of
-software engineering standards, their functional and external relationships,
-and the role of various functions participating in the software life cycle.
-In 1990, planning for an international standard with an overall view was begun.
-The plan- ning focused on reconciling the software process views from IEEE Std.
-1074 and the revised US DoD standard 2167A. The revision was eventually
-published as DoD Std. 498. The international standard was completed in 1995
-with designation, ISO/IEC 12207, and given the title of Stan- dard for Software
-Life Cycle Processes. Std. ISO/IEC 12207 provided a major point of departure
-for the body of knowledge captured in this book.
-It was the IEEE Computer Society Board of Governors’ approval of the motion put
-forward in May 1993 by Fletcher Buckley which resulted in the writing of this
-book. The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Council approved a related
-motion in August 1993. The two motions led to a joint committee under the
-leadership of Mario Barbacci and Stuart Zweben who served as cochairs. The
-mission statement of the joint committee was “To establish the appropriate
-sets(s) of criteria and norms for professional practice of software engineering
-upon which industrial decisions, professional certification, and educational
-curricula can be based.” The steering committee organized task forces in the
-following areas:
-1. Define Required Body of Knowledge and Recommended Practices.
-2. Define Ethics and Professional Standards.
-3. Define Educational Curricula for undergraduate, graduate, and continuing
-This book supplies the first component: required body of knowledge and
-recommend practices.  The code of ethics and professional practice for software
-engineering was completed in 1998 and approved by both the ACM Council and the
-IEEE Computer Society Board of Governors. It has been adopted by numerous
-corporations and other organizations and is included in several recent
-The educational curriculum for undergraduates is being completed by a joint
-effort of the IEEE Computer Society and the ACM and is expected to be completed
-in 2004.
-Every profession is based on a body of knowledge and recommended practices,
-although they are not always defined in a precise manner. In many cases, these
-are formally documented, usually in a form that permits them to be used for
-such purposes as accreditation of academic programs, development of education
-and training programs, certification of specialists, or professional licensing.
-Generally, a professional society or related body maintains custody of such a
-formal definition. In cases where no such formality exists, the body of
-knowledge and recommended practices are “generally recognized” by practitioners
-and may be codified in a variety of ways for different uses.
-It is hoped that readers will find this book useful in guiding them toward the
-knowledge and resources they need in their lifelong career development as
-software engineering professionals.  The book is dedicated to Fletcher Buckley
-in recognition of his commitment to promoting software engineering as a
-professional discipline and his excellence as a software engineering
-practitioner in radar applications.
-Leonard L. Tripp, IEEE Fellow 2003
-Chair, Professional Practices Committee, IEEE
-Computer Society (2001–2003)
-Chair, Joint IEEE Computer Society and ACM
-Steering Committee for the Establishment of
-Software Engineering as a Profession (1998–1999)
-Chair, Software Engineering Standards Committee,
-IEEE Computer Society (1992–1998)
-Pierre Bourque, Department of Software and IT Engineering, École de technologie
-supérieure (ÉTS), Canada,
-Richard E. (Dick) Fairley, Software and Systems Engineering Associates (S2EA),
-Alain Abran, Department of Software and IT Engineering, École de technologie
-supérieure (ÉTS), Canada,
-Juan Garbajosa, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Technical University of
-Madrid, UPM), Spain,
-Gargi Keeni, Tata Consultancy Services, India, Beijun Shen,
-School of Software, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China,
-The following persons contributed to editing the SWEBOK Guide V3:
-- Don Shafer
-- Linda Shafer
-- Mary Jane Willshire
-- Kate Guillemette
-The following persons served on the SWEBOK Guide V3 Change Control Board:
-- Pierre Bourque
-- Richard E. (Dick) Fairley, Chair
-- Dennis Frailey
-- Michael Gayle
-- Thomas Hilburn
-- Paul Joannou
-- James W. Moore
-- Don Shafer
-- Steve Tockey
-Software Requirements
-Gerald Kotonya, School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster University,
-Peter Sawyer, School of Computing and Communications, Lancaster University, UK,
-**Software Design**
-Yanchun Sun, School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking
-University, China,
-Software Construction
-Xin Peng, Software School, Fudan University, China,
-Software Testing
-Antonia Bertolino, ISTI-CNR, Italy,
-Eda Marchetti, ISTI-CNR, Italy,
-Software Maintenance
-Alain April, École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS), Canada,
-Mira Kajko-Mattsson, School of Information and Communication Technology,
-KTH Royal Institute of Technology,
-Software Configuration Management
-Roger Champagne, École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS), Canada,
-Alain April, École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS), Canada,
-Software Engineering Management
-James McDonald, Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering,
-Monmouth University, USA,
-Software Engineering Process
-Annette Reilly, Lockheed Martin Information Systems & Global Solutions, USA,
-Richard E. Fairley, Software and Systems Engineering Associates (S2EA), USA,
-Software Engineering Models and Methods
-Michael F. Siok, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company, USA,
-Software Quality
-J. David Blaine, USA,
-Durba Biswas, Tata Consultancy Services, India,
-Software Engineering Professional Practice
-Aura Sheffield, USA,
-Hengming Zou, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China,
-Software Engineering Economics
-Christof Ebert, Vector Consulting Services, Germany,
-Computing Foundations
-Hengming Zou, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China,
-Mathematical Foundations
-Nabendu Chaki, University of Calcutta, India,
-Engineering Foundations
-Amitava Bandyopadhayay, Indian Statistical Institute, India,
-Mary Jane Willshire, Software and Systems Engineering Associates (S2EA), USA,
-Appendix B: IEEE and ISO/IEC Standards Supporting SWEBOK
-James W. Moore, USA,
-The following persons served as Associate Editors for either the Trial version
-published in 2001 or for the 2004 version.
-Software Requirements
-Peter Sawyer, Computing Department, Lancaster University, UK
-Gerald Kotonya, Computing Department, Lancaster University, UK
-Software Design
-Guy Tremblay, Département d’informatique, UQAM, Canada
-Software Construction
-Steve McConnell, Construx Software, USA
-Terry Bollinger, the MITRE Corporation, USA
-Philippe Gabrini, Département d’informatique, UQAM, Canada
-Louis Martin, Département d’informatique, UQAM, Canada
-Software Testing
-Antonia Bertolino, ISTI-CNR, Italy
-Eda Marchetti, ISTI-CNR, Italy
-Software Maintenance
-Thomas M. Pigoski, Techsoft Inc., USA
-Alain April, École de technologie supérieure, Canada
-Software Configuration Management
-John A. Scott, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
-David Nisse, USA
-Software Engineering Management
-Dennis Frailey, Raytheon Company, USA
-Stephen G. MacDonell, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
-Andrew R. Gray, University of Otago, New Zealand
-Software Engineering Process
-Khaled El Emam, served while at the Canadian National Research Council, Canada
-Software Engineering Tools and Methods
-David Carrington, School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering,
-The University of Queensland, Australia
-Software Quality
-Alain April, École de technologie supérieure, Canada
-Dolores Wallace, retired from the National Institute of Standards and
-Technology, USA Larry Reeker, NIST, USA
-References Editor
-Marc Bouisset, Département d’informatique, UQAM
-The people listed below participated in the public review process of _SWEBOK
-Guide_ V3. Membership of the IEEE Computer Society was not a requirement to
-participate in this review process, and membership information was not
-requested from reviewers. Over 1500 individual comments were collected and duly
-Carlos C. Amaro, USA
-Mark Ardis, USA
-Mora-Soto Arturo, Spain
-Ohad Barzilay, Israel
-Gianni Basaglia, Italy
-Denis J. Bergquist, USA
-Alexander Bogush, UK
-Christopher Bohn, USA
-Steve Bollweg, USA
-Reto Bonderer, Switzerland
-Alexei Botchkarev, Canada
-Pieter Botman, Canada
-Robert Bragner, USA
-Kevin Brune, USA
-Ogihara Bryan, USA
-Luigi Buglione, Italy
-Rick Cagle, USA
-Barbara Canody, USA
-Rogerio A. Carvalho, Brazil
-Daniel Cerys, USA
-Philippe Cohard, France
-Ricardo Colomo-Palacios, Spain
-Mauricio Coria, Argentina
-Marek Cruz, UK
-Stephen Danckert, USA
-Bipul K. Das, Canada
-James D. Davidson, USA
-Jon Dehn, USA
-Lincoln P. Djang, USA
-Andreas Doblander, Austria
-Yi-Ben Doo, USA
-Scott J. Dougherty, UK
-Regina DuBord, USA
-Fedor Dzerzhinskiy, Russia
-Ann M. Eblen, Australia
-David M. Endres, USA
-Marilyn Escue, USA
-Varuna Eswer, India
-Istvan Fay, Hungary
-Jose L. Fernandez-Sanchez, Spain
-Dennis J. Frailey, USA
-Tihana Galinac Grbac, Croatia
-Colin Garlick, New Zealand
-Garth J.G. Glynn, UK
-Jill Gostin, USA
-Christiane Gresse von Wangenheim, Brazil
-Thomas Gust, USA
-H.N. Mok, Singapore
-Jon D. Hagar, USA
-Anees Ahmed Haidary, India
-Duncan Hall, New Zealand
-James Hart, USA
-Jens H.J. Heidrich, Germany
-Rich Hilliard, USA
-Bob Hillier, Canada
-Norman M. Hines, USA
-Dave Hirst, USA
-Theresa L. Hunt, USA
-Kenneth Ingham, USA
-Masahiko Ishikawa, Japan
-Michael A. Jablonski, USA
-G. Jagadeesh, India
-Sebastian Justicia, Spain
-Umut Kahramankaptan, Belgium
-Pankaj Kamthan, Canada
-Perry Kapadia, USA
-Tarig A. Khalid, Sudan
-Michael K.A. Klaes, Germany
-Maged Koshty, Egypt
-Claude C. Laporte, Canada
-Dong Li, China
-Ben Linders, Netherlands
-Claire Lohr, USA
-Vladimir Mandic, Serbia
-Matt Mansell, New Zealand
-John Marien, USA
-Stephen P. Masticola, USA
-Nancy Mead, USA
-Fuensanta Medina-Dominguez, Spain
-Silvia Judith Meles, Argentina
-Oscar A. Mondragon, Mexico
-David W. Mutschler, USA
-Maria Nelson, Brazil
-John Noblin, USA
-Bryan G. Ogihara, USA
-Takehisa Okazaki, Japan
-Hanna Oktaba, Mexico
-Chin Hwee Ong, Hong Kong
-Venkateswar Oruganti, India
-Birgit Penzenstadler, Germany
-Larry Peters, USA
-S.K. Pillai, India
-Vaclav Rajlich, USA
-Kiron Rao, India
-Luis Reyes, USA
-Hassan Reza, USA
-Steve Roach, USA
-Teresa L. Roberts, USA
-Dennis Robi, USA
-Warren E. Robinson, USA
-Jorge L. Rodriguez, USA
-Alberto C. Sampaio, Portugal
-Ed Samuels, USA
-Maria-Isabel Sanchez-Segura, Spain
-Vineet Sawant, USA
-R. Schaaf, USA
-James C. Schatzman, USA
-Oscar A. Schivo, Argentina
-Florian Schneider, Germany
-Thom Schoeffling, USA
-Reinhard Schrage, Germany
-Neetu Sethia, India
-Cindy C. Shelton, USA
-Alan Shepherd, Germany
-Katsutoshi Shintani, Japan
-Erik Shreve, USA
-Jaguaraci Silva, Brazil
-M. Somasundaram, India
-Peraphon Sophatsathit, Thailand
-John Standen, UK
-Joyce Statz, USA
-Perdita P. Stevens, UK
-David Struble, USA
-Ohno Susumu, Japan
-Urcun Tanik, USA
-Talin Tasciyan, USA
-J. Barrie Thompson, UK
-Steve Tockey, USA
-Miguel Eduardo Torres Moreno, Colombia
-Dawid Trawczynski, USA
-Adam Trendowicz, Germany
-Norio Ueno, Japan
-Cenk Uyan, Turkey
-Chandra Sekar Veerappan, Singapore
-Oruganti Venkateswar, India
-Jochen Vogt, Germany
-Hironori Washizaki, Japan
-Ulf Westermann, Germany
-Don Wilson, USA
-Aharon Yadin, Israel
-Hong Zhou, UK
-Funding for the development of _SWEBOK Guide_ V3 has been provided by the IEEE
-Computer Society. The editors and coeditors appreciate the important work
-performed by the KA editors and the contributing editors as well as by the the
-members of the Change Control Board. The editorial team must also acknowledge
-the indispensable contribution of reviewers.
-The editorial team also wishes to thank the following people who contributed to
-the project in various ways: Pieter Botman, Evan Butterfield, Carine Chauny,
-Pierce Gibbs, Diane Girard, John Keppler, Dorian McClenahan, Kenza Meridji,
-Sam- uel Redwine, Annette Reilly, and Pam Thompson.  Finally, there are surely
-other people who have contributed to this Guide , either directly or
-indirectly, whose names we have inadvertently omit- ted. To those people, we
-offer our tacit appreciation and apologize for having omitted explicit
-Dejan Milojicic, 2014 President
-David Alan Grier, 2013 President
-Thomas Conte, 2015 President
-**2013 MEMBERSHIP**
-Donald F. Shafer, Chair
-Pieter Botman, CSDP
-Pierre Bourque
-Richard Fairley, CSDP
-Dennis Frailey
-S. Michael Gayle
-Phillip Laplante, CSDP
-Jim Moore, CSDP
-Linda Shafer, CSDP
-Steve Tockey, CSDP
-Charlene “Chuck” Walrad
-The _SWEBOK Guide_ V3.0 was submitted to ballot by verified IEEE Computer
-Society members in November 2013 with the following question: “Do you approve
-this manuscript of the _SWEBOK Guide_ V3.0 to move forward to formatting and
-The results of this ballot were 259 Yes votes and 5 No votes.
-**The following motion was unanimously adopted by the Professional Activities
-Board of the IEEE Com- puter Society in December 2013:**
-The Professional Activities Board of the IEEE Computer Society finds that the
-Guide to the Soft- ware Engineering Body of Knowledge Version 3.0 has been
-successfully completed; and endorses the Guide to the Software Engineering Body
-of Knowledge Version 3.0 and commends it to the IEEE Computer Society Board of
-Governors for their approval.
-**The following motion was adopted by the IEEE Computer Society Board of
-Governors in December 2013:**
-MOVED, that the Board of Governors of the IEEE Computer Society approves Version 3.0 of the
-Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge and authorizes the Chair of the Profes-
-sional Activities Board to proceed with printing.
-**The following motion was unanimously adopted by the Industrial Advisory Board
-of the _SWEBOK Guide_ project in February 2004:**
-The Industrial Advisory Board finds that the Software Engineering Body of
-Knowledge project ini- tiated in 1998 has been successfully completed; and
-endorses the 2004 Version of the Guide to the SWEBOK and commends it to the
-IEEE Computer Society Board of Governors for their approval.
-**The following motion was adopted by the IEEE Computer Society Board of
-Governors in February 2004:**
-MOVED, that the Board of Governors of the IEEE Computer Society approves the
-2004 Edition of the Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge and
-authorizes the Chair of the Profes- sional Practices Committee to proceed with
-Please also note that the 2004 edition of the _Guide to the Software
-Engineering Body of Knowledge_ was submitted by the IEEE Computer Society to
-ISO/IEC without any change and was recognized as Technical Report ISO/IEC TR
-KA Knowledge Area
-Software Engineering Body of
-Publication of the 2004 version of this _Guide to the Software Engineering Body
-of Knowledge_ (SWEBOK 2004) was a major milestone in establishing software
-engineering as a recognized engineering discipline. The goal in developing this
-update to SWEBOK is to improve the currency, readability, consistency, and
-usability of the _Guide_.
-All knowledge areas (KAs) have been updated to reflect changes in software
-engineering since publication of SWEBOK 2004. Four new foundation KAs and a
-Software Engineering Profes sional Practices KA have been added. The Software
-Engineering Tools and Methods KA has been revised as Software Engineering
-Models and Methods. Software engineering tools is now a topic in each of the
-KAs. Three appendices provide the specifications for the KA description, an
-annotated set of relevant standards for each KA, and a listing of the
-references cited in the _Guide_.
-This _Guide_, written under the auspices of the Professional Activities Board
-of the IEEE Computer Society, represents a next step in the evolution of the
-software engineering profession.
-ISO/IEC/IEEE Systems and Software Engineering Vocabulary (SEVOCAB) defines
-software engineering as “the application of a systematic, disciplined,
-quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of
-software; that is, the application of engineering to software).”^1
-The _Guide_ should not be confused with the Body of Knowledge itself, which
-exists in the published
-1 See [](
-literature. The purpose of the Guide is to describe the portion of the Body of
-Knowledge that is generally accepted, to organize that portion, and to provide
-topical access to it.
-The Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge ( SWEBOK Guide ) was
-established with the following five objectives:
-1. To promote a consistent view of software engineering worldwide
-2. To specify the scope of, and clarify the place of software engineering with
-respect to other disciplines such as computer science, project management,
-computer engineering, and mathematics
-3. To characterize the contents of the software engineering discipline
-4. To provide a topical access to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge
-5. To provide a foundation for curriculum development and for individual
-certification and licensing material
-The first of these objectives, a consistent worldwide view of software
-engineering, was supported by a development process which engaged approximately
-150 reviewers from 33 countries. More information regarding the development
-process can be found on the website ( Professional and learned
-societies and public agencies involved in software engineering were contacted,
-made aware of this project to update SWEBOK, and invited to participate in the
-review process. KA editors were recruited from North America, the Pacific Rim,
-and Europe. Presentations on the project were made at various international
-venues. The second of the objectives, the desire to specify the scope of
-software engineering, motivates the fundamental organization of the Guide. The
-material that is recognized as being within this discipline is organized into
-the fifteen KAs listed in Table I.1. Each of these KAs is treated in a chapter
-in this Guide.
-Table I.1. The 15 SWEBOK KAs
-Software Requirements
-Software Design
-Software Construction
-Software Testing
-Software Maintenance
-Software Configuration Management
-Software Engineering Management
-Software Engineering Process
-Software Engineering Models and Methods
-Software Quality
-Software Engineering Professional Practice
-Software Engineering Economics
-Computing Foundations
-Mathematical Foundations
-Engineering Foundations
-In specifying scope, it is also important to identify the disciplines that
-intersect with software engineering. To this end, SWEBOK V3 also recognizes
-seven related disciplines, listed in Table I.2. Software engineers should, of
-course, have knowledge of material from these disciplines (and the KA
-descriptions in this _Guide_ may make reference to them). It is not, however,
-an objective of the _SWEBOK Guide_ to characterize the knowledge of the related
-Table I.2. Related Disciplines
-Computer Engineering
-Computer Science
-General Management
-Project Management
-Quality Management
-Systems Engineering
-The relevant elements of computer science and mathematics are presented in the
-Computing Foundations and Mathematical Foundations KAs of the _Guide_ (Chapters
-13 and 14).
-The organization of the KA chapters supports the third of the project’s
-objectives - a characterization of the contents of software engineering. The
-detailed specifications provided by the project’s editorial team to the
-associate editors regarding the contents of the KA descriptions can be found in
-Appendix A.
-The Guide uses a hierarchical organization to decompose each KA into a set of
-topics with recognizable labels. A two (sometime three) level breakdown
-provides a reasonable way to find topics of interest. The Guide treats the
-selected topics in a manner compatible with major schools of thought and with
-breakdowns generally found in industry and in software engineering literature
-and standards. The breakdowns of topics do not presume particular application
-domains, business uses, management philosophies, development methods, and so
-forth. The extent of each topic’s description is only that needed to understand
-the generally accepted nature of the topics and for the reader to successfully
-find reference material; the Body of Knowledge is found in the reference
-materials themselves, not in the Guide.
-To provide topical access to the knowledge-the fourth of the project’s
-objectives-the Guide identifies authoritative reference material for each KA.
-Appendix C provides a Consolidated Reference List for the Guide. Each KA
-includes relevant references from the Consolidated Reference List and also
-includes a matrix relating the reference material to the included topics.  It
-should be noted that the Guide does not attempt to be comprehensive in its
-citations. Much material that is both suitable and excellent is not
-referenced. Material included in the Consolidated Reference List provides
-coverage of the topics described.
-To achieve the SWEBOK fifth objective-providing a foundation for curriculum
-certification, and licensing, the criterion of _generally accepted_ knowledge
-has been applied, to be distinguished from advanced and research knowledge (on
-the grounds of maturity) and from specialized knowledge (on the grounds of
-generality of application).
-The equivalent term _generally recognized_ comes from the Project Management
-Institute: “Generally recognized means the knowledge and practices described
-are applicable to most projects most of the time, and there is consensus about
-their value and usefulness.”^2 However, the terms “generally accepted” or
-“generally recognized” do not imply that the designated knowledge should be
-uniformly applied to all software engineering endeavors—each project’s needs
-determine that—but it does imply that competent, capable software engineers
-should be equipped with this knowledge for potential application. More
-precisely, generally accepted knowledge should be included in the study
-material for the software engineering licensing exami- nation that graduates
-would take after gaining four years of work experience. Although this criterion
-is specific to the US style of education and does not necessarily apply to
-other countries, we deem it useful.
-The KA descriptions are structured as follows. In the introduction, a brief
-definition of the KA and an overview of its scope and of its relationship
-with other KAs are presented.
-_A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge_, 5th ed., Project
-Management Institute, 2013; [](
-The breakdown of topics in each KA constitutes the core the KA description,
-describing the decomposition of the KA into subareas, topics, and sub-topics.
-For each topic or subtopic, a short description is given, along with one or
-more references.
-The reference material was chosen because it is considered to constitute the
-best presentation of the knowledge relative to the topic. A matrix links the
-topics to the reference material. The last part of each KA description is the
-list of recommended references and (optionally) further readings. Relevant
-standards for each KA are presented in Appendix B of the Guide.
-Appendix A describes the specifications provided by the editorial team to the
-associate editors for the content, recommended references, format, and style of
-the KA descriptions.
-Appendix B is an annotated list of the relevant standards, mostly from the IEEE
-and the ISO, for each of the KAs of the SWEBOK Guide.
-Appendix C contains the consolidated list of recommended references cited in
-the KAs (these references are marked with an asterisk (*) in the text).
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-**CHAPTER 10**
-##### CMMI
-Capability Maturity Model
-CoSQ Cost of Software Quality
-Commercial Off-the-Shelf
-FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
-FTA Fault Tree Analysis
-PDCA Plan-Do-Check-Act
-PDSA Plan-Do-Study-Act
-QFD Quality Function Deployment
-SPI Software Process Improvement
-SQA Software Quality Assurance
-SQC Software Quality Control
-SQM Software Quality Management
-TQM Total Quality Management
-V&V Verification and Validation
-What is software quality, and why is it so impor- tant that it is included in
-many knowledge areas (KAs) of the _SWEBOK Guide_?
-One reason is that the term _software quality_ is overloaded. Software quality
-may refer: to desirable characteristics of software products, to the extent to
-which a particular software product possess those characteristics, and to
-processes, tools, and techniques used to achieve those characteristics. Over
-the years, authors and organizations have defined the term quality differently.
-To Phil Crosby, it was “conformance to requirements” [1]. Watts Humphrey refers
-to it as “achieving excellent levels of “fitness for use” [2]. Meanwhile, IBM
-coined the phrase “market-driven quality,” where the “customer is the final arbiter”
-[3*, p8].
-More recently, software quality is defined as the
-“capability of software product to satisfy stated
-and implied needs under specified conditions” [4]
-and as “the degree to which a software product
-meets established requirements; however, quality
-depends upon the degree to which those estab-
-lished requirements accurately represent stake-
-holder needs, wants, and expectations” [5]. Both
-definitions embrace the premise of conformance
-to requirements. Neither refers to types of require-
-ments (e.g., functional, reliability, performance,
-dependability, or any other characteristic). Signifi-
-cantly, however, these definitions emphasize that
-quality is dependent upon requirements.
-These definitions also illustrate another reason
-for the prevalence of software quality through-
-out this Guide : a frequent ambiguity of software
-quality versus software quality requirements
-(“the -ilities ” is a common shorthand). Software
-quality requirements are actually attributes of (or
-constraints on) functional requirements (what
-the system does). Software requirements may
-also specify resource usage, a communication
-protocol, or many other characteristics. This KA
-attempts clarity by using software quality in the
-broadest sense from the definitions above and
-by using software quality requirements as con-
-straints on functional requirements. Software
-quality is achieved by conformance to all require-
-ments regardless of what characteristic is speci-
-fied or how requirements are grouped or named.
-Software quality is also considered in many of
-the SWEBOK KAs because it is a basic param-
-eter of a software engineering effort. For all engi-
-neered products, the primary goal is delivering
-maximum stakeholder value, while balancing the
-constraints of development cost and schedule;
-this is sometimes characterized as “fitness for
-**10-2** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-use.” Stakeholder value is expressed in require-
-ments. For software products, stakeholders could
-value price (what they pay for the product), lead
-time (how fast they get the product), and software
-This KA addresses definitions and provides an
-overview of practices, tools, and techniques for
-defining software quality and for appraising the
-state of software quality during development,
-maintenance, and deployment. Cited references
-provide additional details.
-The breakdown of topics for the Software Quality
-KA is presented in Figure 10.1.
-**1. Software Quality Fundamentals**
-Reaching agreement on what constitutes quality
-for all stakeholders and clearly communicating
-that agreement to software engineers require that
-the many aspects of quality be formally defined
-and discussed.
-A software engineer should understand qual-
-ity concepts, characteristics, values, and their
-application to the software under development or
-maintenance. The important concept is that the
-software requirements define the required quality
-attributes of the software. Software requirements
-influence the measurement methods and accep-
-tance criteria for assessing the degree to which
-the software and related documentation achieve
-the desired quality levels.
-1.1. Software Engineering Culture and Ethics
-[3*, c1s4] [6*, c2s3.5]
-Software engineers are expected to share a com-
-mitment to software quality as part of their culture.
-A healthy software engineering culture includes
-many characteristics, including the understanding
-that tradeoffs among cost, schedule, and quality
-are a basic tenant of the engineering of any prod-
-uct. A strong software engineering ethic assumes
-Figure 10.1. Breakdown of Topics for the Software Quality KA
-Software Quality 10-3
-that engineers accurately report information, con-
-ditions, and outcomes related to quality.
-Ethics also play a significant role in software
-quality, the culture, and the attitudes of software
-engineers. The IEEE Computer Society and the
-ACM have developed a code of ethics and pro-
-fessional practice (see Codes of Ethics and Pro-
-fessional Conduct in the Software Engineering
-Professional Practice KA).
-_1.2. Value and Costs of Quality_
-[7*, c17, c22]
-Defining and then achieving software quality is
-not simple. Quality characteristics may or may
-not be required, or they may be required to a
-greater or lesser degree, and tradeoffs may be
-made among them. To help determine the level
-of software quality, i.e., achieving stakeholder
-value, this section presents cost of software qual-
-ity (CoSQ): a set of measurements derived from
-the economic assessment of software quality
-development and maintenance processes. The
-CoSQ measurements are examples of process
-measurements that may be used to infer charac-
-teristics of a product.
-The premise underlying the CoSQ is that the
-level of quality in a software product can be
-inferred from the cost of activities related to deal-
-ing with the consequences of poor quality. Poor
-quality means that the software product does not
-fully “satisfy stated and implied needs” or “estab-
-lished requirements.” There are four cost of qual-
-ity categories: prevention, appraisal, internal fail-
-ure, and external failure.
-Prevention costs include investments in software
-process improvement efforts, quality infrastruc-
-ture, quality tools, training, audits, and manage-
-ment reviews. These costs are usually not specific
-to a project; they span the organization. Appraisal
-costs arise from project activities that find defects.
-These appraisal activities can be categorized into
-costs of reviews (design, peer) and costs of test-
-ing (software unit testing, software integration,
-system level testing, acceptance testing); appraisal
-costs would be extended to subcontracted software
-suppliers. Costs of internal failures are those that
-are incurred to fix defects found during appraisal
-activities and discovered prior to delivery of the
-software product to the customer. External fail-
-ure costs include activities to respond to software
-problems discovered after delivery to the customer.
-Software engineers should be able to use CoSQ
-methods to ascertain levels of software quality
-and should also be able to present quality alter-
-natives and their costs so that tradeoffs between
-cost, schedule, and delivery of stakeholder value
-can be made.
-1.3. Models and Quality Characteristics
-[3*, c24s1] [7*, c2s4] [8*, c17]
-Terminology for software quality characteristics
-differs from one taxonomy (or model of software
-quality) to another, each model perhaps having
-a different number of hierarchical levels and a
-different total number of characteristics. Various
-authors have produced models of software qual-
-ity characteristics or attributes that can be useful
-for discussing, planning, and rating the quality
-of software products. ISO/IEC 25010: 2011 [4]
-defines product quality and quality in use as two
-related quality models. Appendix B in the SWE-
-BOK Guide provides a list of applicable standards
-for each KA. Standards for this KA cover various
-ways of characterizing software quality.
-1.3.1. Software Process Quality
-Software quality management and software engi-
-neering process quality have a direct bearing on
-the quality of the software product.
-Models and criteria that evaluate the capabili-
-ties of software organizations are primarily proj-
-ect organization and management considerations
-and, as such, are covered in the Software Engi-
-neering Management and Software Engineering
-Process KAs.
-It is not possible to completely distinguish pro-
-cess quality from product quality because process
-outcomes include products. Determining whether
-a process has the capability to consistently pro-
-duce products of desired quality is not simple.
-The software engineering process, discussed
-in the Software Engineering Process KA, influ-
-ences the quality characteristics of software prod-
-ucts, which in turn affect quality as perceived by
-**10-4** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-1.3.2. Software Product Quality
-The software engineer, first of all, must determine
-the real purpose of the software. In this regard,
-stakeholder requirements are paramount, and they
-include quality requirements in addition to func-
-tional requirements. Thus, software engineers
-have a responsibility to elicit quality requirements
-that may not be explicit at the outset and to under-
-stand their importance as well as the level of diffi-
-culty in attaining them. All software development
-processes (e.g., eliciting requirements, designing,
-constructing, building, checking, improving qual-
-ity) are designed with these quality requirements
-in mind and may carry additional development
-costs if attributes such as safety, security, and
-dependability are important. The additional devel-
-opment costs help ensure that quality obtained can
-be traded off against the anticipated benefits.
-The term work-product means any artifact that
-is the outcome of a process used to create the
-final software product. Examples of a work-prod-
-uct include a system/subsystem specification, a
-software requirements specification for a soft-
-ware component of a system, a software design
-description, source code, software test documen-
-tation, or reports. While some treatments of qual-
-ity are described in terms of final software and
-system performance, sound engineering practice
-requires that intermediate work-products relevant
-to quality be evaluated throughout the software
-engineering process.
-_1.4. Software Quality Improvement_
-[3*, c1s4] [9*, c24] [10*, c11s2.4]
-The quality of software products can be improved
-through preventative processes or an itera-
-tive process of continual improvement, which
-requires management control, coordination, and
-feedback from many concurrent processes: (1)
-the software life cycle processes, (2) the process
-of fault/defect detection, removal, and preven-
-tion, and (3) the quality improvement process.
-The theory and concepts behind qual-
-ity improvement—such as building in quality
-through the prevention and early detection of
-defects, continual improvement, and stakeholder
-focus—are pertinent to software engineering.
-These concepts are based on the work of experts
-in quality who have stated that the quality of a
-product is directly linked to the quality of the
-process used to create it. Approaches such as the
-Deming improvement cycle of Plan-Do-Check-
-Act (PDCA), evolutionary delivery, kaizen, and
-quality function deployment (QFD) offer tech-
-niques to specify quality objectives and determine
-whether they are met. The Software Engineering
-Institute’s IDEAL is another method [7*]. Qual-
-ity management is now recognized by the SWE-
-BOK Guide as an important discipline.
-Management sponsorship supports process and
-product evaluations and the resulting findings.
-Then an improvement program is developed
-identifying detailed actions and improvement
-projects to be addressed in a feasible time frame.
-Management support implies that each improve-
-ment project has enough resources to achieve the
-goal defined for it. Management sponsorship is
-solicited frequently by implementing proactive
-communication activities.
-1.5. Software Safety
-[9*, c11s3]
-Safety-critical systems are those in which a sys-
-tem failure could harm human life, other living
-things, physical structures, or the environment.
-The software in these systems is safety-critical.
-There are increasing numbers of applications
-of safety-critical software in a growing number
-of industries. Examples of systems with safety-
-critical software include mass transit systems,
-chemical manufacturing plants, and medical
-devices. The failure of software in these systems
-could have catastrophic effects. There are indus-
-try standards, such as DO-178C [11], and emerg-
-ing processes, tools, and techniques for develop-
-ing safetycritical software. The intent of these
-standards, tools, and techniques is to reduce the
-risk of injecting faults into the software and thus
-improve software reliability.
-Safety-critical software can be categorized as
-direct or indirect. Direct is that software embed-
-ded in a safety-critical system, such as the flight
-control computer of an aircraft. Indirect includes
-software applications used to develop safety-
-critical software. Indirect software is included in
-software engineering environments and software
-test environments.
-Software Quality 10-5
-Three complementary techniques for reduc-
-ing the risk of failure are avoidance, detection
-and removal, and damage limitation. These
-techniques impact software functional require-
-ments, software performance requirements, and
-development processes. Increasing levels of risk
-imply increasing levels of software quality assur-
-ance and control techniques such as inspections.
-Higher risk levels may necessitate more thorough
-inspections of requirements, design, and code
-or the use of more formal analytical techniques.
-Another technique for managing and control-
-ling software risk is building assurance cases. An
-assurance case is a reasoned, auditable artifact
-created to support the contention that its claim
-or claims are satisfied. It contains the following
-and their relationships: one or more claims about
-properties; arguments that logically link the evi-
-dence and any assumptions to the claims; and a
-body of evidence and assumptions supporting
-these arguments [12].
-**2. Software Quality Management Processes**
-Software quality management is the collection of
-all processes that ensure that software products,
-services, and life cycle process implementations
-meet organizational software quality objectives
-and achieve stakeholder satisfaction [13, 14].
-SQM defines processes, process owners, require-
-ments for the processes, measurements of the
-processes and their outputs, and feedback chan-
-nels throughout the whole software life cycle.
-SQM comprises four subcategories: software
-quality planning, software quality assurance
-(SQA), software quality control (SQC), and soft-
-ware process improvement (SPI). Software qual-
-ity planning includes determining which quality
-standards are to be used, defining specific quality
-goals, and estimating the effort and schedule of
-software quality activities. In some cases, soft-
-ware quality planning also includes defining the
-software quality processes to be used. SQA activ-
-ities define and assess the adequacy of software
-processes to provide evidence that establishes
-confidence that the software processes are appro-
-priate for and produce software products of suit-
-able quality for their intended purposes [5]. SQC
-activities examine specific project artifacts (docu-
-ments and executables) to determine whether they
-comply with standards established for the project
-(including requirements, constraints, designs,
-contracts, and plans). SQC evaluates intermedi-
-ate products as well as the final products.
-The fourth SQM category dealing with improve-
-ment has various names within the software indus-
-try, including SPI, software quality improvement,
-and software corrective and preventive action. The
-activities in this category seek to improve process
-effectiveness, efficiency, and other characteris-
-tics with the ultimate goal of improving software
-quality. Although SPI could be included in any of
-the first three categories, an increasing number
-of organizations organize SPI into a separate cat-
-egory that may span across many projects (see the
-Software Engineering Process KA).
-Software quality processes consist of tasks
-and techniques to indicate how software plans
-(e.g., software management, development, qual-
-ity management, or configuration management
-plans) are being implemented and how well the
-intermediate and final products are meeting their
-specified requirements. Results from these tasks
-are assembled in reports for management before
-corrective action is taken. The management of
-an SQM process is tasked with ensuring that the
-results of these reports are accurate.
-Risk management can also play an important
-role in delivering quality software. Incorporating
-disciplined risk analysis and management tech-
-niques into the software life cycle processes can
-help improve product quality (see the Software
-Engineering Management KA for related mate-
-rial on risk management).
-2.1. Software Quality Assurance
-[7*, c4–c6, c11, c12, c26–27]
-To quell a widespread misunderstanding, soft-
-ware quality assurance is not testing. software
-quality assurance (SQA) is a set of activities that
-define and assess the adequacy of software pro-
-cesses to provide evidence that establishes confi-
-dence that the software processes are appropriate
-and produce software products of suitable qual-
-ity for their intended purposes. A key attribute of
-SQA is the objectivity of the SQA function with
-respect to the project. The SQA function may
-also be organizationally independent of the proj-
-ect; that is, free from technical, managerial, and
-**10-6** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-financial pressures from the project [5]. SQA has
-two aspects: product assurance and process assur-
-ance, which are explained in section 2.3.
-The software quality plan (in some industry
-sectors it is termed the software quality assurance
-plan) defines the activities and tasks employed
-to ensure that software developed for a specific
-product satisfies the project’s established require-
-ments and user needs within project cost and
-schedule constraints and is commensurate with
-project risks. The SQAP first ensures that quality
-targets are clearly defined and understood.
-The SQA plan’s quality activities and tasks are
-specified with their costs, resource requirements,
-objectives, and schedule in relation to related
-objectives in the software engineering manage-
-ment, software development, and software main-
-tenance plans. The SQA plan should be consis-
-tent with the software configuration management
-plan (see the Software Configuration Manage-
-ment KA). The SQA plan identifies documents,
-standards, practices, and conventions governing
-the project and how these items are checked and
-monitored to ensure adequacy and compliance.
-The SQA plan also identifies measures; statistical
-techniques; procedures for problem reporting and
-corrective action; resources such as tools, tech-
-niques, and methodologies; security for physical
-media; training; and SQA reporting and docu-
-mentation. Moreover, the SQA plan addresses
-the software quality assurance activities of any
-other type of activity described in the software
-plans—such as procurement of supplier software
-for the project, commercial off-the-shelf software
-(COTS) installation, and service after delivery of
-the software. It can also contain acceptance crite-
-ria as well as reporting and management activi-
-ties that are critical to software quality.
-_2.2. Verification & Validation_
-[9*, c2s2.3, c8, c15s1.1, c21s3.3]
-As stated in [15],
-The purpose of V&V is to help the devel-
-opment organization build quality into the
-system during the life cycle. V&V pro-
-cesses provide an objective assessment
-of products and processes throughout the
-life cycle. This assessment demonstrates
-whether the requirements are correct, com-
-plete, accurate, consistent, and testable.
-The V&V processes determine whether
-the development products of a given activ-
-ity conform to the requirements of that
-activity and whether the product satisfies
-its intended use and user needs.
-Verification is an attempt to ensure that the
-product is built correctly, in the sense that the
-output products of an activity meet the specifi-
-cations imposed on them in previous activities.
-Validation is an attempt to ensure that the right
-product is built—that is, the product fulfills its
-specific intended purpose. Both the verification
-process and the validation process begin early
-in the development or maintenance phase. They
-provide an examination of key product features
-in relation to both the product’s immediate prede-
-cessor and the specifications to be met.
-The purpose of planning V&V is to ensure that
-each resource, role, and responsibility is clearly
-assigned. The resulting V&V plan documents
-describe the various resources and their roles and
-activities, as well as the techniques and tools to be
-used. An understanding of the different purposes of
-each V&V activity helps in the careful planning of
-the techniques and resources needed to fulfill their
-purposes. The plan also addresses the manage-
-ment, communication, policies, and procedures of
-the V&V activities and their interaction, as well as
-defect reporting and documentation requirements.
-2.3. Reviews and Audits
-[9*, c24s3] [16*]
-Reviews and audit processes are broadly defined
-as static—meaning that no software programs or
-models are executed—examination of software
-engineering artifacts with respect to standards that
-have been established by the organization or proj-
-ect for those artifacts. Different types of reviews
-and audits are distinguished by their purpose, lev-
-els of independence, tools and techniques, roles,
-and by the subject of the activity. Product assur-
-ance and process assurance audits are typically
-conducted by software quality assurance (SQA)
-personnel who are independent of development
-Software Quality 10-7
-teams. Management reviews are conducted by
-organizational or project management. The engi-
-neering staff conducts technical reviews.
-- Management reviews evaluate actual project
-    results with respect to plans.
-- Technical reviews (including inspections,
-    walkthrough, and desk checking) examine
-    engineering work-products.
-- Process assurance audits. SQA process
-    assurance activities make certain that the
-    processes used to develop, install, operate,
-    and maintain software conform to contracts,
-    comply with any imposed laws, rules, and
-    regulations and are adequate, efficient and
-    effective for their intended purpose [5].
-- Product assurance audits. SQA product
-    assurance activities make certain to provide
-    evidence that software products and related
-    documentation are identified in and comply
-    with contracts; and ensure that nonconfor-
-    mances are identified and addressed [5].
-2.3.1. Management Reviews
-As stated in [16*],
-The purpose of a management review is to
-monitor progress, determine the status of
-plans and schedules, and evaluate the effec-
-tiveness of management processes, tools
-and techniques. Management reviews com-
-pare actual project results against plans to
-determine the status of projects or mainte-
-nance efforts. The main parameters of man-
-agement reviews are project cost, schedule,
-scope, and quality. Management reviews
-evaluate decisions about corrective actions,
-changes in the allocation of resources, or
-changes to the scope of the project.
-Inputs to management reviews may include
-audit reports, progress reports, V&V reports, and
-plans of many types, including risk management,
-project management, software configuration
-management, software safety, and risk assess-
-ment, among others. (Refer to the Software Engi-
-neering Management and the Software Configu-
-ration Management KAs for related material.)
-2.3.2. Technical Reviews
-As stated in [16*],
-The purpose of a technical review is to
-evaluate a software product by a team of
-qualified personnel to determine its suit-
-ability for its intended use and identify
-discrepancies from specifications and
-standards. It provides management with
-evidence to confirm the technical status of
-the project.
-Although any work-product can be reviewed,
-technical reviews are performed on the main
-software engineering work-products of software
-requirements and software design.
-Purpose, roles, activities, and most importantly
-the level of formality distinguish different types
-of technical reviews. Inspections are the most for-
-mal, walkthroughs less, and pair reviews or desk
-checks are the least formal.
-Examples of specific roles include a decision
-maker (i.e., software lead), a review leader, a
-recorder, and checkers (technical staff members
-who examine the work-products). Reviews are
-also distinguished by whether meetings (face to
-face or electronic) are included in the process. In
-some review methods checkers solitarily exam-
-ine work-products and send their results back to
-a coordinator. In other methods checkers work
-cooperatively in meetings. A technical review
-may require that mandatory inputs be in place in
-order to proceed:
-- Statement of objectives
-- Specific software product
-- Specific project management plan
-- Issues list associated with this product
-- Technical review procedure.
-The team follows the documented review pro-
-cedure. The technical review is completed once
-all the activities listed in the examination have
-been completed.
-Technical reviews of source code may include a
-wide variety of concerns such as analysis of algo-
-rithms, utilization of critical computer resources,
-adherence to coding standards, structure and
-**10-8** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-organization of code for testability, and safety-
-critical considerations.
-Note that technical reviews of source code or
-design models such as UML are also termed static
-analysis (see topic 3, Practical Considerations).
-2.3.3. Inspections
-“The purpose of an inspection is to detect and
-identify software product anomalies” [16*].
-Some important differentiators of inspections as
-compared to other types of technical reviews are
-1. Rules. Inspections are based upon examining
-    a work-product with respect to a defined set
-    of criteria specified by the organization. Sets
-    of rules can be defined for different types of
-    workproducts (e.g., rules for requirements,
-    architecture descriptions, source code).
-2. Sampling. Rather that attempt to examine
-    every word and figure in a document, the
-    inspection process allows checkers to evalu-
-    ate defined subsets (samples) of the docu-
-    ments under review.
-3. Peer. Individuals holding management posi-
-    tions over members of the inspection team
-    do not participate in the inspection. This is
-    a key distinction between peer review and
-    management review.
-4. Led. An impartial moderator who is trained
-    in inspection techniques leads inspection
-    meetings.
-5. Meeting. The inspection process includes
-    meetings (face to face or electronic) con-
-    ducted by a moderator according to a formal
-    procedure in which inspection team mem-
-    bers report the anomalies they have found
-    and other issues.
-Software inspections always involve the author
-of an intermediate or final product; other reviews
-might not. Inspections also include an inspection
-leader, a recorder, a reader, and a few (two to five)
-checkers (inspectors). The members of an inspec-
-tion team may possess different expertise, such as
-domain expertise, software design method exper-
-tise, or programming language expertise. Inspec-
-tions are usually conducted on one relatively
-small section of the product at a time (samples).
-Each team member examines the software prod-
-uct and other review inputs prior to the review
-meeting, perhaps by applying an analytical tech-
-nique (see section 3.3.3) to a small section of
-the product or to the entire product with a focus
-on only one aspect—e.g., interfaces. During the
-inspection, the moderator conducts the session
-and verifies that everyone has prepared for the
-inspection and conducts the session. The inspec-
-tion recorder documents anomalies found. A set
-of rules, with criteria and questions germane to
-the issues of interest, is a common tool used in
-inspections. The resulting list often classifies the
-anomalies (see section 3.2, Defect Characteriza-
-tion) and is reviewed for completeness and accu-
-racy by the team. The inspection exit decision
-corresponds to one of the following options:
-1. Accept with no or, at most, minor reworking
-2. Accept with rework verification
-3. Reinspect.
-2.3.4. Walkthroughs
-As stated in [16*],
-The purpose of a systematic walk-through
-is to evaluate a software product. A walk-
-through may be conducted for the purpose
-of educating an audience regarding a soft-
-ware product.
-Walkthroughs are distinguished from inspec-
-tions. The main difference is that the author pres-
-ents the work-product to the other participants in
-a meeting (face to face or electronic). Unlike an
-inspection, the meeting participants may not have
-necessarily seen the material prior to the meet-
-ing. The meetings may be conducted less for-
-mally. The author takes the role of explaining and
-showing the material to participants and solicits
-feedback. Like inspections, walkthroughs may be
-conducted on any type of work-product including
-project plan, requirements, design, source code,
-and test reports.
-Software Quality 10-9
-2.3.5. Process Assurance and Product Assur-
-ance Audits
-As stated in [16*],
-The purpose of a software audit is to pro-
-vide an independent evaluation of the con-
-formance of software products and pro-
-cesses to applicable regulations, standards,
-guidelines, plans, and procedures.
-Process assurance audits determine the adequacy
-of plans, schedules, and requirements to achieve
-project objectives [5]. The audit is a formally
-organized activity with participants having spe-
-cific roles—such as lead auditor, another auditor, a
-recorder, or an initiator—and including a represen-
-tative of the audited organization. Audits identify
-instances of nonconformance and produce a report
-requiring the team to take corrective action.
-While there may be many formal names for
-reviews and audits, such as those identified in the
-standard [16*], the important point is that they
-can occur on almost any product at any stage of
-the development or maintenance process.
-**3. Practical Considerations**
-_3.1. Software Quality Requirements_
-[9*, c11s1] [18*, c12]
-[17*, c15s3.2.2, c15s3.3.1, c16s9.10]
-3.1.1. Influence Factors
-Various factors influence planning, management,
-and selection of SQM activities and techniques,
-- the domain of the system in which the soft-
-    ware resides; the system functions could be
-    safety-critical, mission-critical, business-
-    critical, security-critical
-- the physical environment in which the soft-
-    ware system resides
-- system and software functional (what the
-    system does) and quality (how well the sys-
-    tem performs its functions) requirements
-- the commercial (external) or standard (inter-
-    nal) components to be used in the system
-       - the specific software engineering standards
-          applicable
-       - the methods and software tools to be used for
-          development and maintenance and for qual-
-          ity evaluation and improvement
-       - the budget, staff, project organization, plans,
-          and scheduling of all processes
-       - the intended users and use of the system
-       - the integrity level of the system.
-Information on these factors influences how
-the SQM processes are organized and docu-
-mented, how specific SQM activities are selected,
-what resources are needed, and which of those
-resources impose bounds on the efforts.
-3.1.2. Dependability
-In cases where system failure may have extremely
-severe consequences, overall dependability (hard-
-ware, software, and human or operational) is the
-main quality requirement over and above basic
-functionality. This is the case for the following
-reasons: system failures affect a large number of
-people; users often reject systems that are unre-
-liable, unsafe, or insecure; system failure costs
-may be enormous; and undependable systems
-may cause information loss. System and soft-
-ware dependability include such characteristics
-as availability, reliability, safety, and security.
-When developing dependable software, tools and
-techniques can be applied to reduce the risk of
-injecting faults into the intermediate deliverables
-or the final software product. Verification, valida-
-tion, and testing processes, techniques, methods,
-and tools identify faults that impact dependability
-as early as possible in the life cycle. Addition-
-ally, mechanisms may need to be in place in the
-software to guard against external attacks and to
-tolerate faults.
-3.1.3. Integrity Levels of Software
-Defining integrity levels is a method of risk
-Software integrity levels are a range of
-values that represent software complexity,
-criticality, risk, safety level, security level,
-**10-10** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-desired performance, reliability, or other
-project-unique characteristics that define
-the importance of the software to the user
-and acquirer. The characteristics used to
-determine software integrity level vary
-depending on the intended application and
-use of the system. The software is a part of
-the system, and its integrity level is to be
-determined as a part of that system.
-The assigned software integrity levels may
-change as the software evolves. Design, coding,
-procedural, and technology features implemented
-in the system or software can raise or lower the
-assigned software integrity levels. The software
-integrity levels established for a project result
-from agreements among the acquirer, supplier,
-developer, and independent assurance authorities.
-A software integrity level scheme is a tool used in
-determining software integrity levels. [5]
-As noted in [17*], “the integrity levels can be
-applied during development to allocate additional
-verification and validation efforts to high-integ-
-rity components.”
-_3.2. Defect Characterization_
-[3*, c3s3, c8s8, c10s2]
-Software quality evaluation (i.e., software quality
-control) techniques find defects, faults and fail-
-ures. Characterizing these techniques leads to an
-understanding of the product, facilitates correc-
-tions to the process or the product, and informs
-management and other stakeholders of the sta-
-tus of the process or product. Many taxonomies
-exist and, while attempts have been made to gain
-consensus, the literature indicates that there are
-quite a few in use. Defect characterization is also
-used in audits and reviews, with the review leader
-often presenting a list of issues provided by team
-members for consideration at a review meeting.
-As new design methods and languages evolve,
-along with advances in overall software technolo-
-gies, new classes of defects appear, and a great
-deal of effort is required to interpret previously
-defined classes. When tracking defects, the soft-
-ware engineer is interested in not only the number
-of defects but also the types. Information alone,
-without some classification, may not be sufficient
-to identify the underlying causes of the defects.
-Specific types of problems need to be grouped to
-identify trends over time. The point is to establish
-a defect taxonomy that is meaningful to the orga-
-nization and to software engineers.
-Software quality control activities discover infor-
-mation at all stages of software development and
-maintenance. In some cases, the word defect is
-overloaded to refer to different types of anomalies.
-However, different engineering cultures and stan-
-dards may use somewhat different meanings for
-these terms. The variety of terms prompts this sec-
-tion to provide a widely used set of definitions [19]:
-- _Computational Error_ : “the difference
-    between a computed, observed, or measured
-    value or condition and the true, specified, or
-    theoretically correct value or condition.”
-- _Error_ : “A human action that produces an
-    incorrect result.” A slip or mistake that a per-
-    son makes. Also called human error.
-- _Defect_ : An “imperfection or deficiency in a
-    work product where that work product does
-    not meet its requirements or specifications
-    and needs to be either repaired or replaced.”
-    A defect is caused by a person committing
-    an error.
-- _Fault_ : A defect in source code. An “incorrect
-    step, process, or data definition in computer
-    program.” The encoding of a human error in
-    source code. Fault is the formal name of a bug_._
-- _Failure_ : An “event in which a system or sys-
-    tem component does not perform a required
-    function within specified limits.” A failure is
-    produced when a fault is encountered by the
-    processor under specified conditions.
-Using these definitions three widely used soft-
-ware quality measurements are defect density
-(number of defects per unit size of documents),
-fault density (number of faults per 1K lines of
-code), and failure intensity (failures per use-hour
-or per test-hour). Reliability models are built
-from failure data collected during software test-
-ing or from software in service and thus can be
-used to estimate the probability of future failures
-and to assist in decisions on when to stop testing.
-One probable action resulting from SQM find-
-ings is to remove the defects from the product
-under examination (e.g., find and fix bugs, create
-new build). Other activities attempt to eliminate
-Software Quality 10-11
-the causes of the defects—for example, root cause
-analysis (RCA). RCA activities include analyzing
-and summarizing the findings to find root causes
-and using measurement techniques to improve
-the product and the process as well as to track the
-defects and their removal. Process improvement
-is primarily discussed in the Software Engineer-
-ing Process KA, with the SQM process being a
-source of information.
-Data on inadequacies and defects found by
-software quality control techniques may be lost
-unless they are recorded. For some techniques
-(e.g., technical reviews, audits, inspections),
-recorders are present to set down such informa-
-tion, along with issues and decisions. When auto-
-mated tools are used (see topic 4, Software Qual-
-ity Tools), the tool output may provide the defect
-information. Reports about defects are provided
-to the management of the organization.
-_3.3. Software Quality Management Techniques_
-[7*, c7s3] [8*, c17] [9*, c12s5, c15s1, p417]
-Software quality control techniques can be cat-
-egorized in many ways, but a straightforward
-approach uses just two categories: static and
-dynamic. Dynamic techniques involve executing
-the software; static techniques involve analyzing
-documents and source code but not executing the
-3.3.1. Static Techniques
-Static techniques examine software documenta-
-tion (including requirements, interface specifica-
-tions, designs, and models) and software source
-code without executing the code. There are many
-tools and techniques for statically examining soft-
-ware work-products (see section 2.3.2). In addi-
-tion, tools that analyze source code control flow
-and search for dead code are considered to be
-static analysis tools because they do not involve
-executing the software code.
-Other, more formal, types of analytical tech-
-niques are known as formal methods_._ They are
-notably used to verify software requirements and
-designs. They have mostly been used in the veri-
-fication of crucial parts of critical systems, such
-as specific security and safety requirements. (See
-also Formal Methods in the Software Engineer-
-ing Models and Methods KA.)
-3.3.2. Dynamic Techniques
-Dynamic techniques involve executing the soft-
-ware code. Different kinds of dynamic techniques
-are performed throughout the development and
-maintenance of software. Generally, these are
-testing techniques, but techniques such as simu-
-lation and model analysis may be considered
-dynamic (see the Software Engineering Models
-and Methods KA). Code reading is considered a
-static technique, but experienced software engi-
-neers may execute the code as they read through
-it. Code reading may utilize dynamic techniques.
-This discrepancy in categorizing indicates that
-people with different roles and experience in the
-organization may consider and apply these tech-
-niques differently.
-Different groups may perform testing during
-software development, including groups inde-
-pendent of the development team. The Software
-Testing KA is devoted entirely to this subject.
-3.3.3. Testing
-Two types of testing may fall under V&V because
-of their responsibility for the quality of the mate-
-rials used in the project:
-- Evaluation and tests of tools to be used on
-    the project
-- Conformance tests (or review of confor-
-    mance tests) of components and COTS prod-
-    ucts to be used in the product.
-Sometimes an independent (third-party or
-IV&V) organization may be tasked to perform
-testing or to monitor the test process V&V may
-be called upon to evaluate the testing itself: ade-
-quacy of plans, processes, and procedures, and
-adequacy and accuracy of results.
-The third party is not the developer, nor is it
-associated with the development of the product.
-Instead, the third party is an independent facil-
-ity, usually accredited by some body of authority.
-Their purpose is to test a product for conformance
-to a specific set of requirements (see the Software
-Testing KA).
-**10-12** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-_3.4. Software Quality Measurement_
-[3*, c4] [8*, c17] [9*, p90]
-Software quality measurements are used to
-support decision-making. With the increasing
-sophistication of software, questions of quality
-go beyond whether or not the software works to
-how well it achieves measurable quality goals.
-Decisions supported by software quality mea-
-surement include determining levels of software
-quality (notably because models of software
-product quality include measures to determine
-the degree to which the software product achieves
-quality goals); managerial questions about effort,
-cost, and schedule; determining when to stop test-
-ing and release a product (see Termination under
-section 5.1, Practical Considerations, in the Soft-
-ware Testing KA); and determining the efficacy
-of process improvement efforts.
-The cost of SQM processes is an issue fre-
-quently raised in deciding how a project or a soft-
-ware development and maintenance group should
-be organized. Often, generic models of cost are
-used, which are based on when a defect is found
-and how much effort it takes to fix the defect rela-
-tive to finding the defect earlier in the develop-
-ment process. Software quality measurement data
-collected internally may give a better picture of
-cost within this project or organization.
-While the software quality measurement data
-may be useful in itself (e.g., the number of defec-
-tive requirements or the proportion of defective
-requirements), mathematical and graphical tech-
-niques can be applied to aid in the interpretation
-of the measures (see the Engineering Foundations
-KA). These techniques include
-- descriptive statistics based (e.g., Pareto
-    analysis, run charts, scatter plots, normal
-    distribution)
-- statistical tests (e.g., the binomial test, chi-
-    squared test)
-- trend analysis (e.g., control charts; see
-    _The Quality Toolbox_ in the list of further
-    readings)
-- prediction (e.g., reliability models).
-Descriptive statistics-based techniques and
-tests often provide a snapshot of the more
-troublesome areas of the software product under
-examination. The resulting charts and graphs
-are visualization aids, which the decision mak-
-ers can use to focus resources and conduct pro-
-cess improvements where they appear to be most
-needed. Results from trend analysis may indicate
-that a schedule is being met, such as in testing, or
-that certain classes of faults may become more
-likely to occur unless some corrective action is
-taken in development. The predictive techniques
-assist in estimating testing effort and schedule
-and in predicting failures. More discussion on
-measurement in general appears in the Software
-Engineering Process and Software Engineering
-Management KAs. More specific information on
-testing measurement is presented in the Software
-Testing KA.
-Software quality measurement includes mea-
-suring defect occurrences and applying statistical
-methods to understand the types of defects that
-occur most frequently. This information may be
-used by software process improvement for deter-
-mining methods to prevent, reduce, or eliminate
-their recurrence. They also aid in understanding
-trends, how well detection and containment tech-
-niques are working, and how well the develop-
-ment and maintenance processes are progressing.
-From these measurement methods, defect
-profiles can be developed for a specific applica-
-tion domain. Then, for the next software project
-within that organization, the profiles can be used
-to guide the SQM processes—that is, to expend
-the effort where problems are most likely to occur.
-Similarly, benchmarks, or defect counts typical of
-that domain, may serve as one aid in determining
-when the product is ready for delivery. Discus-
-sion on using data from SQM to improve devel-
-opment and maintenance processes appears in the
-Software Engineering Management and Software
-Engineering Process KAs.
-**4. Software Quality Tools**
-Software quality tools include static and dynamic
-analysis tools. Static analysis tools input source
-code, perform syntactical and semantic analysis
-without executing the code, and present results to
-users. There is a large variety in the depth, thor-
-oughness, and scope of static analysis tools that
-Software Quality 10-13
-can be applied to artifacts including models, in
-addition to source code. (See the Software Con-
-struction, Software Testing, and Software Main-
-tenance KAs for descriptions of dynamic analysis
-Categories of static analysis tools include the
-- Tools that facilitate and partially automate
-    reviews and inspections of documents and
-    code. These tools can route work to differ-
-    ent participants in order to partially automate
-    and control a review process. They allow
-    users to enter defects found during inspec-
-    tions and reviews for later removal.
-- Some tools help organizations perform soft-
-    ware safety hazard analysis. These tools
-    provide, e.g., automated support for failure
-    mode and effects analysis (FMEA) and fault
-    tree analysis (FTA).
-       - Tools that support tracking of software prob-
-          lems provide for entry of anomalies discov-
-          ered during software testing and subsequent
-          analysis, disposition, and resolution. Some
-          tools include support for workflow and for
-          tracking the status of problem resolution.
-       - Tools that analyze data captured from soft-
-          ware engineering environments and soft-
-          ware test environments and produce visual
-          displays of quantified data in the form of
-          graphs, charts, and tables. These tools some-
-          times include the functionality to perform
-          statistical analysis on data sets (for the pur-
-          pose of discerning trends and making fore-
-          casts). Some of these tools provide defect
-          and removal injection rates; defect densities;
-          yields; distribution of defect injection and
-          removal for each of the life cycle phases.
-**10-14** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-Kan 2002
-##### [3*]
-Bott et al. 2000
-##### [6*]
-Galin 2004
-##### [7*]
-Naik and Tripathy 2008
-##### [8*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [9*]
-Voland 2003
-##### [10*]
-IEEE Std. 1028-2008
-##### [16*]
-Moore 2006
-##### [17*]
-Wiegers 2003
-##### [18*]
-**1. Software
-    1.1. Software
-    Engineering
-    Culture and
-    Ethics
-c1s4 c2s3.5
-1.2. Va lue a nd
-Cost of Quality
-1.3. Models
-and Quality
-c24s1 c2s4 c17
-1.4. Software
-c1s4 c24
-1.5. Software
-**2. Software
-    2.1. Software
-    Quality
-    Assurance
-2.2. Verification
-and Validation
-c8, c15
-2.3. Reviews
-and Audits
-c24s3 *
-Software Quality 10-15
-Kan 2002
-##### [3*]
-Bott et al. 2000
-##### [6*]
-Galin 2004
-##### [7*]
-Naik and Tripathy 2008
-##### [8*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [9*]
-Voland 2003
-##### [10*]
-IEEE Std. 1028-2008
-##### [16*]
-Moore 2006
-##### [17*]
-Wiegers 2003
-##### [18*]
-**3. Software
-Quality Practical
-3.1. Software
-3.2. Defect
-c10 s2
-3.3. SQM
-Te c h n i q u e s
-c7s3 c17
-##### *
-3.4. Software
-c4 c17 p90
-**4. Software
-Q u a l i t y To o l s**
-N. Leveson, _Safeware: System Safety and Computers_ [20].
-This book describes the importance of software safety practices and how these
-practices can be incorporated into software development projects.
-T. Gilb, _Principles of Software Engineering Management_ [21].
-This is one of the first books on iterative and incremental development
-techniques. The Evo Method defines quantified goals, frequent timeboxed
-iterations, measurements of progress toward goals, and adaptation of plans
-based on actual results.
-T. Gilb and D. Graham, _Software Inspection_ [22].
-This book introduces measurement and statistical sampling for reviews and
-defects. It presents techniques that produce quantified results for reducing
-defects, improving productivity, tracking projects, and creating
-K.E. Wiegers, Peer Reviews in Software: A Practical Guide [23].
-This book provides clear, succinct explanations of different peer review
-methods distinguished by level of formality and effectiveness. Pragmatic
-guidance for implementing the methods and how to select which methods are
-appropriate for given circumstances is provided.
-N.R. Tague, The Quality Toolbox , 2nd ed., [24].
-Provides a pragmatic how-to explanation of a comprehensive set of methods,
-tools, and techniques for solving quality improvement problems. Includes
-the seven basic quality control tools and many others.
-IEEE Std. P730-2013 Draft Standard for Software Quality Assurance Processes
-This draft standard expands the SQA processes identified in IEEE/ISO/IEC
-12207-2008. P730 establishes standards for initiating, planning, controlling,
-and executing the software quality assurance processes of a software
-development or maintenance project. Approval of this draft standard is expected
-in 2014.
-Software Quality 10-17
-[1] P.B. Crosby, _Quality Is Free_ , McGraw-Hill, 1979.
-[2] W. Humphrey, _Managing the Software Process_ , Addison-Wesley, 1989.
-[3*] S.H. Kan, _Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering_ , 2nd ed.,
-Addison- Wesley, 2002.
-[4] _ISO/IEC 25010:2011 Systems and Software Engineering—Systems and Software
-Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE)—Systems and Software Quality
-Models_ , ISO/IEC, 2011.
-[5] _IEEE P730™/D8 Draft Standard for Software Quality Assurance Processes_ ,
-IEEE, 2012.
-[6*] F. Bott et al., _Professional Issues in Software Engineering_ , 3rd ed.,
-Taylor & Francis, 2000.
-[7*] D. Galin, _Software Quality Assurance: From Theory to Implementation_ ,
-Pearson Education Limited, 2004.
-[8*] S. Naik and P. Tripathy, _Software Testing and Quality Assurance: Theory
-and Practice_ , Wiley-Spektrum, 2008.
-[9*] P. Clements et al., _Documenting Software Architectures: Views and Beyond_
-, 2nd ed., Pearson Education, 2010.
-[10*] G. Voland, _Engineering by Design_ , 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, 2003.
-[11] _RTCA DO-178C, Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment
-Certification_ , Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics, 2011.
-[12] _IEEE Std. 15026.1-2011 Trial-Use Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC TR
-15026-1:2010 Systems and Software Engineering— Systems and Software
-Assurance—Part 1: Concepts and Vocabulary_ , IEEE, 2011.
-[13] IEEE Std. 12207-2008 (a.k.a. ISO/IEC 12207:2008) Standard for Systems and
-Software Engineering—Software Life Cycle Processes , IEEE, 2008.
-[14] ISO 9000:2005 Quality Management Systems—Fundamentals and Vocabulary ,
-ISO, 2005.
-[15] IEEE Std. 1012-2012 Standard for System and Software Verification and
-Validation , IEEE, 2012.
-[16*] IEEE Std. 1028-2008, Software Reviews and Audits , IEEE, 2008.
-[17*] J.W. Moore, The Road Map to Software Engineering: A Standards-Based Guide
-, Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press, 2006.
-[18*] K.E. Wiegers, Software Requirements , 2nd ed., Microsoft Press, 2003.
-[19] ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2010 Systems and Software Engineering—Vocabulary , ISO/
-IEC/IEEE, 2010.
-[20] N. Leveson, Safeware: System Safety and Computers , Addison-Wesley
-Professional, 1995.
-[21] T. Gilb, Principles of Software Engineering Management , Addison-Wesley
-Professional, 1988.
-[22] T. Gilb and D. Graham, Software Inspection , Addison-Wesley Professional,
-[23] K. Wiegers, Peer Reviews in Software: A Practical Guide , Addison-Wesley
-Professional, 2001.
-[24] N.R. Tague, The Quality Toolbox , 2nd ed., ASQ Quality Press, 2010.
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-**CHAPTER 11**
-##### ACM
-Association for Computing
-BCS British Computer Society
-Certified Software Development
-Certified Software Development
-International Electrotechnical
-IEEE CS IEEE Computer Society
-International. Federation for
-Information Processing
-IP Intellectual Property
-International Organization for
-N DA Non-Disclosure Agreement
-World Intellectual Property
-WTO World Trade Organization
-The Software Engineering Professional Prac-
-tice knowledge area (KA) is concerned with the
-knowledge, skills, and attitudes that software
-engineers must possess to practice software engi-
-neering in a professional, responsible, and ethi-
-cal manner. Because of the widespread applica-
-tions of software products in social and personal
-life, the quality of software products can have
-profound impact on our personal well-being
-and societal harmony. Software engineers must
-handle unique engineering problems, producing
-software with known characteristics and reliabil-
-ity. This requirement calls for software engineers
-who possess a proper set of knowledge, skills,
-training, and experience in professional practice.
-The term “professional practice” refers to a
-way of conducting services so as to achieve cer-
-tain standards or criteria in both the process of
-performing a service and the end product result-
-ing from the service. These standards and crite-
-ria can include both technical and nontechnical
-aspects. The concept of professional practice can
-be viewed as being more applicable within those
-professions that have a generally accepted body
-of knowledge; codes of ethics and professional
-conduct with penalties for violations; accepted
-processes for accreditation, certification, and
-licensing; and professional societies to provide
-and administer all of these. Admission to these
-professional societies is often predicated on a pre-
-scribed combination of education and experience.
-A software engineer maintains a professional
-practice by performing all work in accordance
-with generally accepted practices, standards, and
-guidelines notably set forth by the applicable pro-
-fessional society. For example, the Association for
-Computing Machinery (ACM) and IEEE Com-
-puter Society (IEEE CS) have established a Soft-
-ware Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional
-Practice. Both the British Computer Society (BCS)
-and the International Federation for Information
-Processing (IFIP) have established similar profes-
-sional practice standards. ISO/IEC and IEEE have
-further provided internationally accepted software
-engineering standards (see Appendix B of this
-Guide ). IEEE CS has established two international
-certification programs (CSDA, CSDP) and a corre-
-sponding Guide to the Software Engineering Body
-of Knowledge ( SWEBOK Guide ). All of these are
-**11-2** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-elements that lay the foundation for of the profes-
-sional practice of software engineering.
-The Software Engineering Professional Practice
-KA’s breakdown of topics is shown in Figure
-11.1. The subareas presented in this KA are pro-
-fessionalism, group dynamics and psychology,
-and communication skills.
-**1. Professionalism**
-A software engineer displays professionalism
-notably through adherence to codes of ethics
-and professional conduct and to standards and
-Figure 11.1. Breakdown of Topics for the Software Engineering Professional Practice KA
-Software Engineering Professional Practice 11-3
-practices that are established by the engineer’s
-professional community.
-The professional community is often repre-
-sented by one or more professional societies;
-those societies publish codes of ethics and profes-
-sional conduct as well as criteria for admittance
-to the community. Those criteria form the basis
-for accreditation and licensing activities and may
-be used as a measure to determine engineering
-competence or negligence.
-_1.1. Accreditation, Certification, and Licensing_
-[1*, c1s4.1, c1s5.1–c1s5.4]
-1.1.1. Accreditation
-Accreditation is a process to certify the compe-
-tency, authority, or credibility of an organization.
-Accredited schools or programs are assured to
-adhere to particular standards and maintain cer-
-tain qualities. In many countries, the basic means
-by which engineers acquire knowledge is through
-completion of an accredited course of study.
-Often, engineering accreditation is performed by
-a government organization, such as the ministry
-of education. Such countries with government
-accreditations include China, France, Germany,
-Israel, Italy, and Russia.
-In other countries, however, the accredita-
-tion process is independent of government and
-performed by private membership associations.
-For example, in the United States, engineer-
-ing accreditation is performed by an organiza-
-tion known as ABET. An organization known as
-CSAB serving as a participating body of ABET
-is the lead society within ABET for the accredita-
-tion of degree programs in software engineering.
-While the process of accreditation may be dif-
-ferent for each country and jurisdiction, the general
-meaning is the same. For an institution’s course of
-study to be accredited means that “the accredita-
-tion body recognizes an educational institution as
-maintaining standards that qualify the graduates
-for admission to higher or more specialized insti-
-tutions or for professional practice” [2].
-1.1.2. Certification
-Certification refers to the confirmation of a per-
-son’s particular characteristics. A common type
-of certification is professional certification, where
-a person is certified as being able to complete an
-activity in a certain discipline at a stated level
-of competency. Professional certification also
-can also verify the holder’s ability to meet pro-
-fessional standards and to apply professional
-judgment in solving or addressing problems.
-Professional certification can also involve the
-verification of prescribed knowledge, the master-
-ing of best practice and proven methodologies,
-and the amount of professional experience.
-An engineer usually obtains certification by
-passing an examination in conjunction with other
-experience-based criteria. These examinations
-are often administered by nongovernmental orga-
-nizations, such as professional societies.
-In software engineering, certification testi-
-fies to one’s qualification as a software engineer.
-For example, the IEEE CS has enacted two cer-
-tification programs (CSDA and CSDP) designed
-to confirm a software engineer’s knowledge of
-standard software engineering practices and to
-advance one’s career. A lack of certification does
-not exclude the individual from working as a
-software engineer. Currently certification in soft-
-ware engineering is completely voluntary. In fact,
-most software engineers are not certified under
-any program.
-1.1.3. Licensing
-“Licensing” is the action of giving a person the
-authorization to perform certain kinds of activi-
-ties and take responsibility for resultant engineer-
-ing products. The noun “license” refers to both
-that authorization and the document recording
-that authorization. Governmental authorities or
-statutory bodies usually issue licenses.
-Obtaining a license to practice requires not only
-that an individual meets a certain standard, but
-also that they do so with a certain ability to prac-
-tice or operate. Sometimes there is an entry-level
-requirement which sets the minimum skills and
-capabilities to practice, but as the professional
-moves through his or her career, the required
-skills and capabilities change and evolve.
-In general, engineers are licensed as a means of
-protecting the public from unqualified individuals.
-In some countries, no one can practice as a pro-
-fessional engineer unless licensed; or further, no
-**11-4** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-company may offer “engineering services” unless
-at least one licensed engineer is employed there.
-_1.2. Codes of Ethics and Professional Conduct_
-[1*, c1s6–c1s9] [3*, c8] [4*, c1s2] [5*, c33]
-Codes of ethics and professional conduct com-
-prise the values and behavior that an engineer’s
-professional practice and decisions should
-The professional community establishes codes
-of ethics and professional conduct. They exist
-in the context of, and are adjusted to agree with,
-societal norms and local laws. Therefore, codes
-of ethics and professional conduct present guid-
-ance in the face of conflicting imperatives.
-Once established, codes of ethics and profes-
-sional conduct are enforced by the profession,
-as represented by professional societies or by a
-statutory body.
-Violations may be acts of commission, such
-as concealing inadequate work, disclosing con-
-fidential information, falsifying information, or
-misrepresenting one’s abilities. They may also
-occur through omission, including failure to dis-
-close risks or to provide important information,
-failure to give proper credit or to acknowledge
-references, and failure to represent client inter-
-ests. Violations of codes of ethics and profes-
-sional conduct may result in penalties and pos-
-sible expulsion from professional status.
-A code of ethics and professional conduct for
-software engineering was approved by the ACM
-Council and the IEEE CS Board of Governors in
-1999 [6*]. According to the short version of this
-Software engineers shall commit them-
-selves to making the analysis, specifica-
-tion, design, development, testing and
-maintenance of software a beneficial and
-respected profession. In accordance with
-their commitment to the health, safety and
-welfare of the public, software engineers
-shall adhere to the eight principles con-
-cerning the public, client and employer,
-product, judgment, management, profes-
-sion, colleagues, and self, respectively.
-Since standards and codes of ethics and pro-
-fessional conduct may be introduced, modified,
-or replaced at any time, individual software engi-
-neers bear the responsibility for their own con-
-tinuing study to stay current in their professional
-1.3. Nature and Role of Professional Societies
-[1*, c1s1–c1s2] [4*, c1s2] [5*, c35s1]
-Professional societies are comprised of a mix
-of practitioners and academics. These societies
-serve to define, advance, and regulate their cor-
-responding professions. Professional societies
-help to establish professional standards as well
-as codes of ethics and professional conduct. For
-this reason, they also engage in related activities,
-which include
-- establishing and promulgating a body of gen-
-    erally accepted knowledge;
-- accrediting, certifying, and licensing;
-- dispensing disciplinary actions;
-- advancing the profession through confer-
-    ences, training, and publications.
-Participation in professional societies assists
-the individual engineer in maintaining and sharp-
-ening their professional knowledge and relevancy
-and in expanding and maintaining their profes-
-sional network.
-1.4. Nature and Role of Software Engineering
-[1*, c5s3.2, c10s2.1] [5*, c32s6] [7*, c1s2]
-Software engineering standards cover a remark-
-able variety of topics. They provide guidelines for
-the practice of software engineering and processes
-to be used during development, maintenance, and
-support of software. By establishing a consensual
-body of knowledge and experience, software engi-
-neering standards establish a basis upon which fur-
-ther guidelines may be developed. Appendix B of
-this Guide provides guidance on IEEE and ISO/
-IEC software engineering standards that support
-the knowledge areas of this Guide.
-The benefits of software engineering standards
-are many and include improving software quality,
-Software Engineering Professional Practice 11-5
-helping avoid errors, protecting both software
-producers and users, increasing professional dis-
-cipline, and helping technology transition.
-_1.5. Economic Impact of Software_
-[3*, c10s8] [4*, c1s1.1] [8*, c1]
-Software has economic effects at the individual,
-business, and societal levels. Software “success”
-may be determined by the suitability of a product
-for a recognized problem as well as by its effec-
-tiveness when applied to that problem.
-At the individual level, an engineer’s continu-
-ing employment may depend on their ability
-and willingness to interpret and execute tasks
-in meeting customers’ or employers’ needs and
-expectations. The customer or employer’s finan-
-cial situation may in turn be positively or nega-
-tively affected by the purchase of software.
-At the business level, software properly applied
-to a problem can eliminate months of work
-and translate to elevated profits or more effec-
-tive organizations. Moreover, organizations that
-acquire or provide successful software may be a
-boon to the society in which they operate by pro-
-viding both employment and improved services.
-However, the development or acquisition costs of
-software can also equate to those of any major
-At the societal level, direct impacts of software
-success or failure include or exclude accidents,
-interruptions, and loss of service. Indirect impacts
-include the success or failure of the organization
-that acquired or produced the software, increased
-or decreased societal productivity, harmonious
-or disruptive social order, and even the saving or
-loss of property and life.
-_1.6. Employment Contracts_
-[1*, c7]
-Software engineering services may be provided
-under a variety of client-engineer relationships.
-The software engineering work may be solic-
-ited as company-to-customer supplier, engineer-
-to-customer consultancy, direct hire, or even
-volunteering. In all of these situations, the cus-
-tomer and supplier agree that a product or ser-
-vice will be provided in return for some sort of
-consideration. Here, we are most concerned with
-the engineer-to-customer arrangement and its
-attendant agreements or contracts, whether they
-are of the direct-hire or consultant variety, and
-the issues they typically address.
-A common concern in software engineering
-contracts is confidentiality. Employers derive
-commercial advantage from intellectual property,
-so they strive to protect that property from dis-
-closure. Therefore, software engineers are often
-required to sign non-disclosure (NDA) or intel-
-lectual property (IP) agreements as a precondi-
-tion to work. These agreements typically apply
-to information the software engineer could only
-gain through association with the customer. The
-terms of these agreements may extend past termi-
-nation of the association.
-Another concern is IP ownership. Rights to
-software engineering assets—products, innova-
-tions, inventions, discoveries, and ideas—may
-reside with the employer or customer, either under
-explicit contract terms or relevant laws, if those
-assets are obtained during the term of the soft-
-ware engineer’s relationship with that employer
-or customer. Contracts differ in the ownership of
-assets created using non-employer-owned equip-
-ment or information.
-Finally, contracts can also specify among
-other elements the location at which work is to
-be performed; standards to which that work will
-be held; the system configuration to be used for
-development; limitations of the software engi-
-neer’s and employer’s liability; a communication
-matrix and/or escalation plan; and administrative
-details such as rates, frequency of compensation,
-working hours, and working conditions.
-1.7. Legal Issues
-[1*, c6, c11] [3*, c5s3–c5s4] [9*, c1s10]
-Legal issues surrounding software engineering
-professional practice notably include matters
-related to standards, trademarks, patents, copy-
-rights, trade secrets, professional liability, legal
-requirements, trade compliance, and cybercrime.
-It is therefore beneficial to possess knowledge of
-these issues and their applicability.
-Legal issues are jurisdictionally based; soft-
-ware engineers must consult attorneys who
-**11-6** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-specialize in the type and jurisdiction of any iden-
-tified legal issues.
-1.7.1. Standards
-Software engineering standards establish guide-
-lines for generally accepted practices and mini-
-mum requirements for products and services pro-
-vided by a software engineer. Appendix B of this
-_Guide_ provides guidance on software engineer-
-ing standards that are applicable to each KA.
-Standards are valuable sources of requirements
-and assistance during the everyday conduct of
-software engineering activities. Adherence to
-standards facilitates discipline by enumerating
-minimal characteristics of products and practice.
-That discipline helps to mitigate subconscious
-assumptions or overconfidence in a design. For
-these reasons, organizations performing software
-engineering activities often include conformance
-to standards as part of their organizational poli-
-cies. Further, adherence to standards is a major
-component of defense from legal action or from
-allegations of malpractice.
-1.7.2. Trademarks
-A trademark relates to any word, name, symbol,
-or device that is used in business transactions.
-It is used “to indicate the source or origin of the
-goods” [2].
-Trademark protection protects names, logos,
-images, and packaging. However, if a name, image,
-or other trademarked asset becomes a generic term,
-then trademark protection is nullified.
-The World Intellectual Property Organization
-(WIPO) is the authority that frames the rules and
-regulations on trademarks. WIPO is the United
-Nations agency dedicated to the use of intellec-
-tual property as a means of stimulating innova-
-tion and creativity.
-1.7.3. Patents
-Patents protect an inventor’s right to manufac-
-ture and sell an idea. A patent consists of a set
-of exclusive rights granted by a sovereign gov-
-ernment to an individual, group of individuals, or
-organization for a limited period of time. Patents
-are an old form of idea-ownership protection and
-date back to the 15th century.
-Application for a patent entails careful records
-of the process that led to the invention. Patent
-attorneys are helpful in writing patent disclosure
-claims in a manner most likely to protect the soft-
-ware engineer’s rights.
-Note that, if inventions are made during the
-course of a software engineering contract, owner-
-ship may belong to the employer or customer or
-be jointly held, rather than belong to the software
-There are rules concerning what is and is not
-patentable. In many countries, software code is
-not patentable, although software algorithms may
-be. Existing and filed patent applications can be
-searched at WIPO.
-1.7.4. Copyrights
-Most governments in the world give exclusive
-rights of an original work to its creator, usually
-for a limited time, enacted as a copyright. Copy-
-rights protect the way an idea is presented—not
-the idea itself. For example, they may protect the
-particular wording of an account of an historical
-event, whereas the event itself is not protected.
-Copyrights are long-term and renewable; they
-date back to the 17th century.
-1.7.5. Trade Secrets
-In many countries, an intellectual asset such as
-a formula, algorithm, process, design, method,
-pattern, instrument, or compilation of informa-
-tion may be considered a “trade secret,” provided
-that these assets are not generally known and may
-provide a business some economic advantage.
-The designation of “trade secret” provides legal
-protection if the asset is stolen. This protection
-is not subject to a time limit. However, if another
-party derives or discovers the same asset legally,
-then the asset is no longer protected and the other
-party will also possess all rights to use it.
-1.7.6. Professional Liability
-It is common for software engineers to be con-
-cerned with matters of professional liability. As
-Software Engineering Professional Practice 11-7
-an individual provides services to a client or
-employer, it is vital to adhere to standards and
-generally accepted practices, thereby protecting
-against allegations or proceedings of or related to
-malpractice, negligence, or incompetence.
-For engineers, including software engineers,
-professional liability is related to product liabil-
-ity. Under the laws and rules governing in their
-jurisdiction, engineers may be held to account
-for failing to fully and conscientiously follow
-recommended practice; this is known as “negli-
-gence.” They may also be subject to laws govern-
-ing “strict liability” and either implied or express
-warranty, where, by selling the product, the engi-
-neer is held to warrant that the product is both
-suitable and safe for use. In some countries (for
-example, in the US), “privity” (the idea that one
-could only sue the person selling the product) is
-no longer a defense against liability actions.
-Legal suits for liability can be brought under
-tort law in the US allowing anyone who is harmed
-to recover their loss even if no guarantees were
-made. Because it is difficult to measure the suit-
-ability or safety of software, failure to take due
-care can be used to prove negligence on the part
-of software engineers. A defense against such an
-allegation is to show that standards and generally
-accepted practices were followed in the develop-
-ment of the product.
-1.7.7. Legal Requirements
-Software engineers must operate within the con-
-fines of local, national, and international legal
-frameworks. Therefore, software engineers must
-be aware of legal requirements for
-- registration and licensing—including exami-
-    nation, education, experience, and training
-    requirements;
-- contractual agreements;
-- noncontractual legalities, such as those gov-
-    erning liability;
-- Basic information on the international legal
-    framework can be accessed from the World
-    Trade Organization (WTO).
-1.7.8. Trade Compliance
-All software professionals must be aware of
-legal restrictions on import, export, or reexport
-of goods, services, and technology in the juris-
-dictions in which they work. The considerations
-include export controls and classification, transfer
-of goods, acquisition of necessary governmental
-licenses for foreign use of hardware and software,
-services and technology by sanctioned nation,
-enterprise or individual entities, and import
-restrictions and duties. Trade experts should be
-consulted for detailed compliance guidance.
-1.7.9. Cybercrime
-Cybercrime refers to any crime that involves
-a computer, computer software, computer net-
-works, or embedded software controlling a sys-
-tem. The computer or software may have been
-used in the commission of a crime or it may have
-been the target. This category of crime includes
-fraud, unauthorized access, spam, obscene or
-offensive content, threats, harassment, theft of
-sensitive personal data or trade secrets, and use
-of one computer to damage or infiltrate other
-networked computers and automated system
-Computer and software users commit fraud by
-altering electronic data to facilitate illegal activ-
-ity. Forms of unauthorized access include hack-
-ing, eavesdropping, and using computer systems
-in a way that is concealed from their owners.
-Many countries have separate laws to cover
-cybercrimes, but it has sometimes been difficult
-to prosecute cybercrimes due to a lack of pre-
-cisely framed statutes. The software engineer has
-a professional obligation to consider the threat of
-cybercrime and to understand how the software
-system will protect or endanger software and user
-information from accidental or malicious access,
-use, modification, destruction, or disclosure.
-1.8. Documentation
-[1*, c10s5.8] [3*, c1s5] [5*, c32]
-Providing clear, thorough, and accurate docu-
-mentation is the responsibility of each software
-engineer. The adequacy of documentation is
-**11-8** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-judged by different criteria based on the needs of
-the various stakeholder audiences.
-Good documentation complies with accepted
-standards and guidelines. In particular, software
-engineers should document
-- relevant facts,
-- significant risks and tradeoffs, and
-- warnings of undesirable or dangerous conse-
-    quences from use or misuse of the software.
-Software engineers should avoid
-- certifying or approving unacceptable products,
-- disclosing confidential information, or
-- falsifying facts or data.
-In addition, software engineers and their man-
-agers should notably provide the following docu-
-mentation for use by other elements of the soft-
-ware development organization:
-- software requirements specifications, soft-
-    ware design documents, details on the soft-
-    ware engineering tools used, software test
-    specifications and results, and details on the
-    adopted software engineering methods;
-- problems encountered during the develop-
-    ment process.
-For external stakeholders (customer, users,
-others) software documentation should notably
-- information needed to determine if the soft-
-    ware is likely to meet the customer’s and
-    users’ needs,
-- description of the safe, and unsafe, use of the
-    software,
-- description of the protection of sensitive
-    information created by or stored using the
-    software, and
-- clear identification of warnings and critical
-    procedures.
-Use of software may include installation, oper-
-ation, administration, and performance of other
-functions by various groups of users and support
-personnel. If the customer will acquire ownership
-of the software source code or the right to modify
-the code, the software engineer should provide
-documentation of the functional specifications,
-the software design, the test suite, and the neces-
-sary operating environment for the software.
-The minimum length of time documents should
-be kept is the duration of the software products’
-life cycle or the time required by relevant organi-
-zational or regulatory requirements.
-1.9. Tradeoff Analysis
-[3*, c1s2, c10] [9*, c9s5.10]
-Within the practice of software engineering, a
-software engineer often has to choose between
-alternative problem solutions. The outcome of
-these choices is determined by the software engi-
-neer’s professional evaluation of the risks, costs,
-and benefits of alternatives, in cooperation with
-stakeholders. The software engineer’s evaluation
-is called “tradeoff analysis.” Tradeoff analysis
-notably enables the identification of compet-
-ing and complementary software requirements
-in order to prioritize the final set of require-
-ments defining the software to be constructed
-(see Requirements Negotiation in the Software
-Requirements KA and Determination and Nego-
-tiation of Requirements in the Software Engi-
-neering Management KA).
-In the case of an ongoing software develop-
-ment project that is late or over budget, tradeoff
-analysis is often conducted to decide which soft-
-ware requirements can be relaxed or dropped
-given the effects thereof.
-A first step in a tradeoff analysis is establish-
-ing design goals (see Engineering Design in the
-Engineering Foundations KA) and setting the
-relative importance of those goals. This permits
-identification of the solution that most nearly
-meets those goals; this means that the way the
-goals are stated is critically important.
-Design goals may include minimization of
-monetary cost and maximization of reliability,
-performance, or some other criteria on a wide
-range of dimensions. However, it is difficult to
-formulate a tradeoff analysis of cost against risk,
-especially where primary production and second-
-ary risk-based costs must be traded against each
-Software Engineering Professional Practice 11-9
-A software engineer must conduct a tradeoff
-analysis in an ethical manner—notably by being
-objective and impartial when selecting criteria for
-comparison of alternative problem solutions and
-when assigning weights or importance to these
-criteria. Any conflict of interest must be disclosed
-up front.
-**2. Group Dynamics and Psychology**
-Engineering work is very often conducted in the
-context of teamwork. A software engineer must
-be able to interact cooperatively and construc-
-tively with others to first determine and then
-meet both needs and expectations. Knowledge of
-group dynamics and psychology is an asset when
-interacting with customers, coworkers, suppliers,
-and subordinates to solve software engineering
-_2.1. Dynamics of Working in Teams/Groups_
-[3*, c1s6] [9*, c1s3.5, c10]
-Software engineers must work with others. On
-one hand, they work internally in engineering
-teams; on the other hand, they work with cus-
-tomers, members of the public, regulators, and
-other stakeholders. Performing teams—those
-that demonstrate consistent quality of work and
-progress toward goals—are cohesive and possess
-a cooperative, honest, and focused atmosphere.
-Individual and team goals are aligned so that the
-members naturally commit to and feel ownership
-of shared outcomes.
-Team members facilitate this atmosphere by
-being intellectually honest, making use of group
-thinking, admitting ignorance, and acknowledg-
-ing mistakes. They share responsibility, rewards,
-and workload fairly. They take care to communi-
-cate clearly, directly to each other and in docu-
-ments, as well as in source code, so that informa-
-tion is accessible to everyone. Peer reviews about
-work products are framed in a constructive and
-nonpersonal way (see Reviews and Audits in the
-Software Quality KA). This allows all the mem-
-bers to pursue a cycle of continuous improvement
-and growth without personal risk. In general,
-members of cohesive teams demonstrate respect
-for each other and their leader.
-One point to emphasize is that software engi-
-neers must be able to work in multidisciplinary
-environments and in varied application domains.
-Since today software is everywhere, from a phone
-to a car, software is impacting people’s lives far
-beyond the more traditional concept of software
-made for information management in a business
-2.2. Individual Cognition
-[3*, c1s6.5] [5*, c33]
-Engineers desire to solve problems. The ability to
-solve problems effectively and efficiently is what
-every engineer strives for. However, the limits
-and processes of individual cognition affect prob-
-lem solving. In software engineering, notably due
-to the highly abstract nature of software itself,
-individual cognition plays a very prominent role
-in problem solving.
-In general, an individual’s (in particular, a software
-engineer’s) ability to decompose a problem and cre-
-atively develop a solution can be inhibited by
-- need for more knowledge,
-- subconscious assumptions,
-- volume of data,
-- fear of failure or consequence of failure,
-- culture, either application domain or
-    organizational,
-- lack of ability to express the problem,
-- perceived working atmosphere, and
-- emotional status of the individual.
-The impact of these inhibiting factors can be
-reduced by cultivating good problem solving
-habits that minimize the impact of misleading
-assumptions. The ability to focus is vital, as is
-intellectual humility: both allow a software engi-
-neer to suspend personal considerations and con-
-sult with others freely, which is especially impor-
-tant when working in teams.
-There is a set of basic methods engineers use
-to facilitate problem solving (see Problem Solv-
-ing Techniques in the Computing Foundations
-KA). Breaking down problems and solving them
-one piece at a time reduces cognitive overload.
-Taking advantage of professional curiosity and
-pursuing continuous professional development
-**11-10** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-through training and study add skills and knowl-
-edge to the software engineer’s portfolio; reading,
-networking, and experimenting with new tools,
-techniques, and methods are all valid means of
-professional development.
-_2.3. Dealing with Problem Complexity_
-[3*, c3s2] [5*, c33]
-Many, if not most, software engineering prob-
-lems are too complex and difficult to address as
-a whole or to be tackled by individual software
-engineers. When such circumstances arise, the
-usual means to adopt is teamwork and problem
-decomposition (see Problem Solving Techniques
-in the Computing Foundations KA).
-Teams work together to deal with complex and
-large problems by sharing burdens and draw-
-ing upon each other’s knowledge and creativity.
-When software engineers work in teams, differ-
-ent views and abilities of the individual engineers
-complement each other and help build a solution
-that is otherwise difficult to come by. Some spe-
-cific teamwork examples to software engineering
-are pair programming (see Agile Methods in the
-Software Engineering Models and Methods KA)
-and code review (see Reviews and Audits in the
-Software Quality KA).
-_2.4. Interacting with Stakeholders_
-[9*, c2s3.1]
-Success of a software engineering endeavor
-depends upon positive interactions with stake-
-holders. They should provide support, informa-
-tion, and feedback at all stages of the software
-life cycle process. For example, during the early
-stages, it is critical to identify all stakeholders and
-discover how the product will affect them, so that
-sufficient definition of the stakeholder require-
-ments can be properly and completely captured.
-During development, stakeholders may pro-
-vide feedback on specifications and/or early
-versions of the software, change of priority, as
-well as clarification of detailed or new software
-requirements. Last, during software maintenance
-and until the end of product life, stakeholders pro-
-vide feedback on evolving or new requirements
-as well problem reports so that the software may
-be extended and improved.
-Therefore, it is vital to maintain open and pro-
-ductive communication with stakeholders for the
-duration of the software product’s lifetime.
-2.5. Dealing with Uncertainty and Ambiguity
-[4*, c24s4, c26s2] [9*, c9s4]
-As with engineers of other fields, software engi-
-neers must often deal with and resolve uncer-
-tainty and ambiguities while providing services
-and developing products. The software engineer
-must attack and reduce or eliminate any lack of
-clarity that is an obstacle to performing work.
-Often, uncertainty is simply a reflection of lack
-of knowledge. In this case, investigation through
-recourse to formal sources such as textbooks and
-professional journals, interviews with stakehold-
-ers, or consultation with teammates and peers can
-overcome it.
-When uncertainty or ambiguity cannot be over-
-come easily, software engineers or organizations
-may choose to regard it as a project risk. In this
-case, work estimates or pricing are adjusted to
-mitigate the anticipated cost of addressing it (see
-Risk Management in the Software Engineering
-Management KA).
-2.6. Dealing with Multicultural Environments
-[9*, c10s7]
-Multicultural environments can have an impact
-on the dynamics of a group. This is especially
-true when the group is geographically separated
-or communication is infrequent, since such sepa-
-ration elevates the importance of each contact.
-Intercultural communication is even more dif-
-ficult if the difference in time zones make oral
-communication less frequent.
-Multicultural environments are quite prevalent
-in software engineering, perhaps more than in
-other fields of engineering, due to the strong trend
-of international outsourcing and the easy shipment
-of software components instantaneously across
-the globe. For example, it is rather common for a
-software project to be divided into pieces across
-national and cultural borders, and it is also quite
-common for a software project team to consist of
-people from diverse cultural backgrounds.
-For a software project to be a success, team
-members must achieve a level of tolerance,
-Software Engineering Professional Practice 11-11
-acknowledging that some rules depend on soci-
-etal norms and that not all societies derive the
-same solutions and expectations.
-This tolerance and accompanying understand-
-ing can be facilitated by the support of leadership
-and management. More frequent communication,
-including face-to-face meetings, can help to miti-
-gate geographical and cultural divisions, promote
-cohesiveness, and raise productivity. Also, being
-able to communicate with teammates in their
-native language could be very beneficial.
-**3. Communication Skills**
-It is vital that a software engineer communicate
-well, both orally and in reading and writing. Suc-
-cessful attainment of software requirements and
-deadlines depends on developing clear under-
-standing between the software engineer and
-customers, supervisors, coworkers, and suppli-
-ers. Optimal problem solving is made possible
-through the ability to investigate, comprehend,
-and summarize information. Customer product
-acceptance and safe product usage depend on the
-provision of relevant training and documentation.
-It follows that the software engineer’s own career
-success is affected by the ability to consistently
-provide oral and written communication effec-
-tively and on time.
-_3.1. Reading, Understanding, and Summarizing_
-[5*, c33s3]
-Software engineers are able to read and under-
-stand technical material. Technical material
-includes reference books, manuals, research
-papers, and program source code.
-Reading is not only a primary way of improv-
-ing skills, but also a way of gathering informa-
-tion necessary for the completion of engineering
-goals. A software engineer sifts through accu-
-mulated information, filtering out the pieces that
-will be most helpful. Customers may request that
-a software engineer summarize the results of
-such information gathering for them, simplifying
-or explaining it so that they may make the final
-choice between competing solutions.
-Reading and comprehending source code is
-also a component of information gathering and
-problem solving. When modifying, extending,
-or rewriting software, it is critical to understand
-both its implementation directly derived from the
-presented code and its design, which must often
-be inferred.
-3.2. Writing
-[3*, c1s5]
-Software engineers are able to produce written
-products as required by customer requests or gen-
-erally accepted practice. These written products
-may include source code, software project plans,
-software requirement documents, risk analyses,
-software design documents, software test plans,
-user manuals, technical reports and evaluations,
-justifications, diagrams and charts, and so forth.
-Writing clearly and concisely is very important
-because often it is the primary method of com-
-munication among relevant parties. In all cases,
-written software engineering products must be
-written so that they are accessible, understand-
-able and relevant for their intended audience(s).
-3.3. Team and Group Communication
-[3*, c1s6.8] [4*, c22s3] [5*, c27s1]
-[9*, c10s4]
-Effective communication among team and group
-members is essential to a collaborative software
-engineering effort. Stakeholders must be con-
-sulted, decisions must be made, and plans must
-be generated. The greater the number of team
-and group members, the greater the need to
-The number of communication paths, how-
-ever, grows quadratically with the addition of
-each team member. Further, team members
-are unlikely to communicate with anyone per-
-ceived to be removed from them by more than
-two degrees (levels). This problem can be more
-serious when software engineering endeavors or
-organizations are spread across national and con-
-tinental borders.
-Some communication can be accomplished in
-writing. Software documentation is a common
-substitute for direct interaction. Email is another
-but, although it is useful, it is not always enough;
-also, if one sends too many messages, it becomes
-difficult to identify the important information.
-Increasingly, organizations are using enterprise
-**11-12** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-collaboration tools to share information. In addi-
-tion, the use of electronic information stores,
-accessible to all team members, for organiza-
-tional policies, standards, common engineering
-procedures, and project-specific information, can
-be most beneficial.
-Some software engineering teams focus on
-face-to-face interaction and promote such inter-
-action by office space arrangement. Although
-private offices improve individual productivity,
-colocating team members in physical or virtual
-forms and providing communal work areas is
-important to collaborative efforts.
-_3.4. Presentation Skills_
-[3*, c1s5] [4*, c22] [9*, c10s7–c10s8]
-Software engineers rely on their presentation
-skills during software life cycle processes. For
-example, during the software requirements
-phase, software engineers may walk customers
-and teammates through software requirements
-and conduct formal requirements reviews (see
-Requirement Reviews in the Software Require-
-ments KA). During and after software design,
-software construction, and software maintenance,
-software engineers lead reviews, product walk-
-throughs (see Review and Audits in the Software
-Quality KA), and training. All of these require the
-ability to present technical information to groups
-and solicit ideas or feedback.
-The software engineer’s ability to convey
-concepts effectively in a presentation therefore
-influences product acceptance, management,
-and customer support; it also influences the abil-
-ity of stakeholders to comprehend and assist in
-the product effort. This knowledge needs to be
-archived in the form of slides, knowledge write-
-up, technical whitepapers, and any other material
-utilized for knowledge creation.
-Software Engineering Professional Practice 11-13
-Bott et al. 2000
-##### [1*]
-Voland 2003
-##### [3*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [4*]
-McConnell 2004
-##### [5*]
-##### IEEE-CS/ACM 1999
-##### [6*]
-Moore 2006
-##### [7*]
-Tockey 2004
-##### [8*]
-Fairley 2009
-##### [9*]
-**1. Professionalism**
-    1.1. Accreditation,
-    Certification, and
-    Licensing
-1.2. Codes of Ethics
-and Professional
-c8 c1s2 c33 *
-1.3. Nature and
-Role of Professional
-c1s2 c35s1
-1.4. Nature and
-Role of Software
-c10 s2.1
-c32s6 c1s2
-1.5. Economic
-Impact of Software
-c10 s8 c1s1.1 c1
-1.6. Employment
-1.7. Legal Issues c6, c11
-1.8. Documentation c10s5.8 c1s5 c32
-1.9. Tradeoff
-**2. Group Dynamics
-and Psychology**
-    2.1. Dynamics of
-    Working in Teams/
-    Groups
-2.2. Individual
-c1s6.5 c33
-2.3. 2.3 Dealing with
-Problem Complexity
-c3s2 c33
-2.4. Interacting with
-**11-14** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-Bott et al. 2000
-##### [1*]
-Voland 2003
-##### [3*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [4*]
-McConnell 2004
-##### [5*]
-##### IEEE-CS/ACM 1999
-##### [6*]
-Moore 2006
-##### [7*]
-Tockey 2004
-##### [8*]
-Fairley 2009
-##### [9*]
-2.5. Dealing with
-Uncertainty and
-2.6. Dealing with
-**3. Communication
-    3.1. Reading,
-    Understanding, and
-    Summarizing
-3.2. Writing c1s5
-3.3. Team and Group
-c1s6.8 c22s3 c27s1 c10s4
-3.4. Presentation
-c1s5 c22
-c10 s8
-Software Engineering Professional Practice 11-15
-Gerald M. Weinberg, _The Psychology of
-Computer Programming_ [10].
-This was the first major book to address program-
-ming as an individual and team effort and became
-a classic in the field.
-Kinney and Lange, P.A., _Intellectual Property
-Law for Business Lawyers_ [11].
-This book covers IP laws in the US. It not only
-talks about what the IP law is; it also explains
-why it looks the way it does.
-[1*] F. Bott et al., Professional Issues in
-Software Engineering , 3rd ed., Taylor &
-Francis, 2000.
-[2] Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary ,
-11th ed., 2003.
-[3*] G. Voland, Engineering by Design , 2nd ed.,
-Prentice Hall, 2003.
-[4*] I. Sommerville, Software Engineering , 9th
-ed., Addison-Wesley, 2011.
-[5*] S. McConnell, Code Complete , 2nd ed.,
-Microsoft Press, 2004.
-[6*] IEEE CS/ACM Joint Task Force on
-Software Engineering Ethics and
-Professional Practices, “Software
-Engineering Code of Ethics and
-Professional Practice (Version 5.2),” 1999;
-[7*] J.W. Moore, The Road Map to Software
-Engineering: A Standards-Based Guide ,
-Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press, 2006.
-[8*] S. Tockey, Return on Software: Maximizing
-the Return on Your Software Investment ,
-Addison-Wesley, 2004.
-[9*] R.E. Fairley, Managing and Leading
-Software Projects , Wiley-IEEE Computer
-Society Press, 2009.
-[10] G.M. Weinberg, The Psychology
-of Computer Programming: Silver
-Anniversary Edition , Dorset House, 1998.
-[11] Kinney and Lange, P.A., Intellectual
-Property Law for Business Lawyers ,
-Thomson West, 2013.
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-**CHAPTER 12**
-EVM Earned Value Management
-IRR Internal Rate of Return
-Minimum Acceptable Rate of
-SDLC Software Development Life Cycle
-SPLC Software Product Life Cycle
-ROI Return on Investment
-ROCE Return on Capital Employed
-TCO Total Cost of Ownership
-Software engineering economics is about mak-
-ing decisions related to software engineering in a
-business context. The success of a software prod-
-uct, service, and solution depends on good busi-
-ness management. Yet, in many companies and
-organizations, software business relationships to
-software development and engineering remain
-vague. This knowledge area (KA) provides an
-overview on software engineering economics.
-Economics is the study of value, costs,
-resources, and their relationship in a given context
-or situation. In the discipline of software engi-
-neering, activities have costs, but the resulting
-software itself has economic attributes as well.
-Software engineering economics provides a way
-to study the attributes of software and software
-processes in a systematic way that relates them
-to economic measures. These economic measures
-can be weighed and analyzed when making deci-
-sions that are within the scope of a software orga-
-nization and those within the integrated scope of
-an entire producing or acquiring business.
-Software engineering economics is concerned
-with aligning software technical decisions with
-the business goals of the organization. In all
-types of organizations—be it “for-profit,” “not-
-for-profit,” or governmental—this translates into
-sustainably staying in business. In “for-profit”
-organizations this additionally relates to achiev-
-ing a tangible return on the invested capital—
-both assets and capital employed. This KA has
-been formulated in a way to address all types of
-organizations independent of focus, product and
-service portfolio, or capital ownership and taxa-
-tion restrictions.
-Decisions like “Should we use a specific compo-
-nent?” may look easy from a technical perspective,
-but can have serious implications on the business
-viability of a software project and the resulting
-product. Often engineers wonder whether such
-concerns apply at all, as they are “only engi-
-neers.” Economic analysis and decision-making
-are important engineering considerations because
-engineers are capable of evaluating decisions both
-technically and from a business perspective. The
-contents of this knowledge area are important top-
-ics for software engineers to be aware of even if
-they are never actually involved in concrete busi-
-ness decisions; they will have a well-rounded view
-of business issues and the role technical consid-
-erations play in making business decisions. Many
-engineering proposals and decisions, such as make
-versus buy, have deep intrinsic economic impacts
-that should be considered explicitly.
-This KA first covers the foundations, key ter-
-minology, basic concepts, and common practices
-of software engineering economics to indicate
-how decision-making in software engineering
-includes, or should include a business perspec-
-tive. It then provides a life cycle perspective,
-highlights risk and uncertainty management, and
-shows how economic analysis methods are used.
-Some practical considerations finalize the knowl-
-edge area.
-**12-2** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-Figure 12.1. Breakdown of Topics for the Software Engineering Economics KA
-Software Engineering Economics 12-3
-The breakdown of topics for the Software Engi-
-neering Economics KA is shown in Figure 12.1.
-**1. Software Engineering Economics
-_1.1. Finance_
-[1*, c2]
-Finance is the branch of economics concerned
-with issues such as allocation, management,
-acquisition, and investment of resources. Finance
-is an element of every organization, including
-software engineering organizations.
-The field of finance deals with the concepts of
-time, money, risk, and how they are interrelated.
-It also deals with how money is spent and bud-
-geted. Corporate finance is concerned with pro-
-viding the funds for an organization’s activities.
-Generally, this involves balancing risk and profit-
-ability, while attempting to maximize an organi-
-zation’s wealth and the value of its stock. This
-holds primarily for “for-profit” organizations,
-but also applies to “not-for-profit” organizations.
-The latter needs finances to ensure sustainability,
-while not targeting tangible profit. To do this, an
-organization must
-- identify organizational goals, time horizons,
-    risk factors, tax considerations, and financial
-    constraints;
-- identify and implement the appropriate busi-
-    ness strategy, such as which portfolio and
-    investment decisions to take, how to manage
-    cash flow, and where to get the funding;
-- measure financial performance, such as
-    cash flow and ROI (see section 4.3, Return
-    on Investment), and take corrective actions
-    in case of deviation from objectives and
-    strategy.
-_1.2. Accounting_
-[1*, c15]
-Accounting is part of finance. It allows people
-whose money is being used to run an organization
-to know the results of their investment: did they
-get the profit they were expecting? In “for-profit”
-organizations, this relates to the tangible ROI
-(see section 4.3, Return on Investment), while in
-“not-for-profit” and governmental organizations
-as well as “for-profit” organizations, it translates
-into sustainably staying in business. The primary
-role of accounting is to measure the organiza-
-tion’s actual financial performance and to com-
-municate financial information about a business
-entity to stakeholders, such as shareholders,
-financial auditors, and investors. Communication
-is generally in the form of financial statements
-that show in money terms the economic resources
-to be controlled. It is important to select the right
-information that is both relevant and reliable to
-the user. Information and its timing are partially
-governed by risk management and governance
-policies. Accounting systems are also a rich
-source of historical data for estimating.
-1.3. Controlling
-[1*, c15]
-Controlling is an element of finance and account-
-ing. Controlling involves measuring and correct-
-ing the performance of finance and accounting.
-It ensures that an organization’s objectives and
-plans are accomplished. Controlling cost is a spe-
-cialized branch of controlling used to detect vari-
-ances of actual costs from planned costs.
-1.4. Cash Flow
-[1*, c3]
-Cash flow is the movement of money into or out
-of a business, project, or financial product over a
-given period. The concepts of cash flow instances
-and cash flow streams are used to describe the
-business perspective of a proposal. To make a
-meaningful business decision about any specific
-proposal, that proposal will need to be evaluated
-from a business perspective. In a proposal to
-develop and launch product X, the payment for
-new software licenses is an example of an outgo-
-ing cash flow instance. Money would need to be
-spent to carry out that proposal. The sales income
-from product X in the 11th month after market
-launch is an example of an incoming cash flow
-**12-4** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-instance. Money would be coming in because of
-carrying out the proposal.
-The term _cash flow stream_ refers to the set of
-cash flow instances over time that are caused by
-carrying out some given proposal. The cash flow
-stream is, in effect, the complete financial picture
-of that proposal. How much money goes out?
-When does it go out? How much money comes
-in? When does it come in? Simply, if the cash
-flow stream for Proposal A is more desirable than
-the cash flow stream for Proposal B, then—all
-other things being equal—the organization is bet-
-ter off carrying out Proposal A than Proposal B.
-Thus, the cash flow stream is an important input
-for investment decision-making. A cash flow
-instance is a specific amount of money flowing
-into or out of the organization at a specific time
-as a direct result of some activity.
-A cash flow diagram is a picture of a cash flow
-stream. It gives the reader a quick overview of
-the financial picture of the subject organization or
-project. Figure 12.2 shows an example of a cash
-flow diagram for a proposal.
-_1.5. Decision-Making Process_
-[1*, c2, c4]
-If we assume that candidate solutions solve a
-given technical problem equally well, why should
-the organization care which one is chosen? The
-answer is that there is usually a large differ-
-ence in the costs and incomes from the different
-solutions. A commercial, off-the-shelf, object-
-request broker product might cost a few thousand
-dollars, but the effort to develop a homegrown
-service that gives the same functionality could
-easily cost several hundred times that amount.
-If the candidate solutions all adequately solve
-the problem from a technical perspective, then
-the selection of the most appropriate alternative
-should be based on commercial factors such as
-optimizing total cost of ownership (TCO) or
-maximizing the short-term return on investment
-(ROI). Life cycle costs such as defect correction,
-field service, and support duration are also rel-
-evant considerations. These costs need to be fac-
-tored in when selecting among acceptable tech-
-nical approaches, as they are part of the lifetime
-ROI (see section 4.3, Return on Investment).
-A systematic process for making decisions will
-achieve transparency and allow later justifica-
-tion. Governance criteria in many organizations
-demand selection from at least two alternatives.
-A systematic process is shown in Figure 12.3.
-It starts with a business challenge at hand and
-describes the steps to identify alternative solu-
-tions, define selection criteria, evaluate the solu-
-tions, implement one selected solution, and moni-
-tor the performance of that solution.
-Figure 12.3 shows the process as mostly step-
-wise and serial. The real process is more fluid.
-Sometimes the steps can be done in a different
-order and often several of the steps can be done
-in parallel. The important thing is to be sure that
-Figure 12.2. A Cash Flow Diagram
-Software Engineering Economics 12-5
-none of the steps are skipped or curtailed. It’s also
-important to understand that this same process
-applies at all levels of decision making: from a
-decision as big as determining whether a software
-project should be done at all, to a deciding on an
-algorithm or data structure to use in a software
-module. The difference is how financially sig-
-nificant the decision is and, therefore, how much
-effort should be invested in making that deci-
-sion. The project-level decision is financially sig-
-nificant and probably warrants a relatively high
-level of effort to make the decision. Selecting an
-algorithm is often much less financially signifi-
-cant and warrants a much lower level of effort to
-make the decision, even though the same basic
-decision-making process is being used.
-More often than not, an organization could
-carry out more than one proposal if it wanted
-to, and usually there are important relationships
-among proposals. Maybe Proposal Y can only be
-carried out if Proposal X is also carried out. Or
-maybe Proposal P cannot be carried out if Pro-
-posal Q is carried out, nor could Q be carried out
-if P were. Choices are much easier to make when
-there are mutually exclusive paths—for example,
-either A or B or C or whatever is chosen. In pre-
-paring decisions, it is recommended to turn any
-given set of proposals, along with their various
-interrelationships, into a set of mutually exclu-
-sive alternatives. The choice can then be made
-among these alternatives.
-1.6. Valuation
-[1*, c5, c8]
-In an abstract sense, the decision-making pro-
-cess—be it financial decision making or other—
-is about maximizing value. The alternative that
-maximizes total value should always be chosen.
-A financial basis for value-based comparison is
-comparing two or more cash flows. Several bases
-of comparison are available, including
-- present worth
-- future worth
-- annual equivalent
-- internal rate of return
-- (discounted) payback period.
-Based on the time-value of money, two or more
-cash flows are equivalent only when they equal
-the same amount of money at a common point
-in time. Comparing cash flows only makes sense
-when they are expressed in the same time frame.
-Note that value can’t always be expressed in
-terms of money. For example, whether an item
-is a brand name or not can significantly affect
-its perceived value. Relevant values that can’t
-be expressed in terms of money still need to be
-expressed in similar terms so that they can be
-evaluated objectively.
-Figure 12.3. The Basic Business Decision-Making Process
-**12-6** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-_1.7. Inflation_
-[1*, c13]
-Inflation describes long-term trends in prices.
-Inflation means that the same things cost more
-than they did before. If the planning horizon of
-a business decision is longer than a few years, or
-if the inflation rate is over a couple of percentage
-points annually, it can cause noticeable changes
-in the value of a proposal. The present time value
-therefore needs to be adjusted for inflation rates
-and also for exchange rate fluctuations.
-_1.8. Depreciation_
-[1*, c14]
-Depreciation involves spreading the cost of a
-tangible asset across a number of time periods;
-it is used to determine how investments in capi-
-talized assets are charged against income over
-several years. Depreciation is an important part
-of determining after-tax cash flow, which is criti-
-cal for accurately addressing profit and taxes. If
-a software product is to be sold after the devel-
-opment costs are incurred, those costs should be
-capitalized and depreciated over subsequent time
-periods. The depreciation expense for each time
-period is the capitalized cost of developing the
-software divided across the number of periods
-in which the software will be sold. A software
-project proposal may be compared to other soft-
-ware and nonsoftware proposals or to alternative
-investment options, so it is important to deter-
-mine how those other proposals would be depre-
-ciated and how profits would be estimated.
-_1.9. Taxation_
-[1*, c16, c17]
-Governments charge taxes in order to finance
-expenses that society needs but that no single orga-
-nization would invest in. Companies have to pay
-income taxes, which can take a substantial portion
-of a corporation’s gross profit. A decision analysis
-that does not account for taxation can lead to the
-wrong choice. A proposal with a high pretax profit
-won’t look nearly as profitable in posttax terms.
-Not accounting for taxation can also lead to unre-
-alistically high expectations about how profitable a
-proposed product might be.
-1.10. Time-Value of Money
-[1*, c5, c11]
-One of the most fundamental concepts in
-finance—and therefore, in business decisions—
-is that money has time-value: its value changes
-over time. A specific amount of money right now
-almost always has a different value than the same
-amount of money at some other time. This con-
-cept has been around since the earliest recorded
-human history and is commonly known as time-
-value. In order to compare proposals or portfo-
-lio elements, they should be normalized in cost,
-value, and risk to the net present value. Currency
-exchange variations over time need to be taken
-into account based on historical data. This is par-
-ticularly important in cross-border developments
-of all kinds.
-1.11. Efficiency
-[2*, c1]
-Economic efficiency of a process, activity, or
-task is the ratio of resources actually consumed to
-resources expected to be consumed or desired to
-be consumed in accomplishing the process, activ-
-ity, or task. Efficiency means “doing things right.”
-An efficient behavior, like an effective behavior,
-delivers results—but keeps the necessary effort to
-a minimum. Factors that may affect efficiency in
-software engineering include product complex-
-ity, quality requirements, time pressure, process
-capability, team distribution, interrupts, feature
-churn, tools, and programming language.
-1.12. Effectiveness
-[2*, c1]
-Effectiveness is about having impact. It is the
-relationship between achieved objectives to
-defined objectives. Effectiveness means “doing
-the right things.” Effectiveness looks only at
-whether defined objectives are reached—not at
-how they are reached.
-1.13. Productivity
-[2*, c23]
-Productivity is the ratio of output over input from
-an economic perspective. Output is the value
-Software Engineering Economics 12-7
-delivered. Input covers all resources (e.g., effort)
-spent to generate the output. Productivity com-
-bines efficiency and effectiveness from a value-
-oriented perspective: maximizing productivity
-is about generating highest value with lowest
-resource consumption.
-**2. Life Cycle Economics**
-_2.1. Product_
-[2*, c22] [3*, c6]
-A product is an economic good (or output) that is
-created in a process that transforms product fac-
-tors (or inputs) to an output. When sold, a prod-
-uct is a deliverable that creates both a value and
-an experience for its users. A product can be a
-combination of systems, solutions, materials,
-and services delivered internally (e.g., in-house
-IT solution) or externally (e.g., software applica-
-tion), either as-is or as a component for another
-product (e.g., embedded software).
-_2.2. Project_
-[2*, c22] [3*, c1]
-A project is “a temporary endeavor undertaken
-to create a unique product, service, or result”.^1
-In software engineering, different project types
-are distinguished (e.g., product development,
-outsourced services, software maintenance, ser-
-vice creation, and so on). During its life cycle, a
-software product may require many projects. For
-example, during the product conception phase,
-a project might be conducted to determine the
-customer need and market requirements; during
-maintenance, a project might be conducted to
-produce a next version of a product.
-_2.3. Program_
-A program is “a group of related projects, sub-
-programs, and program activities managed in a
-coordinated way to obtain benefits not available
-1 Project Management Institute, Inc., _PMI Lexicon
-of Project Management Terms,_ 2012, [](
-from managing them individually.”^2 Programs
-are often used to identify and manage different
-deliveries to a single customer or market over a
-time horizon of several years.
-2.4. Portfolio
-Portfolios are “projects, programs, subportfolios,
-and operations managed as a group to achieve
-strategic objectives.”^3 Portfolios are used to group
-and then manage simultaneously all assets within
-a business line or organization. Looking to an
-entire portfolio makes sure that impacts of deci-
-sions are considered, such as resource allocation
-to a specific project—which means that the same
-resources are not available for other projects.
-2.5. Product Life Cycle
-[2*, c2] [3*, c2]
-A software product life cycle (SPLC) includes
-all activities needed to define, build, operate,
-maintain, and retire a software product or service
-and its variants. The SPLC activities of “oper-
-ate,” “maintain,” and “retire” typically occur in
-a much longer time frame than initial software
-development (the software development life
-cycle—SDLC—see Software Life Cycle Mod-
-els in the Software Engineering Process KA).
-Also the operate-maintain-retire activities of an
-SPLC typically consume more total effort and
-other resources than the SDLC activities (see
-Majority of Maintenance Costs in the Software
-Maintenance KA). The value contributed by a
-software product or associated services can be
-objectively determined during the “operate and
-maintain” time frame. Software engineering eco-
-nomics should be concerned with all SPLC activ-
-ities, including the activities after initial product
-2.6. Project Life Cycle
-[2*, c2] [3*, c2]
-Project life cycle activities typically involve five
-process groups—Initiating, Planning, Execut-
-ing, Monitoring and Controlling, and Closing [4]
-2 Ibid.
-3 Ibid.
-**12-8** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-(see the Software Engineering Management KA).
-The activities within a software project life cycle
-are often interleaved, overlapped, and iterated
-in various ways [3*, c2] [5] (see the Software
-Engineering Process KA). For instance, agile
-product development within an SPLC involves
-multiple iterations that produce increments of
-deliverable software. An SPLC should include
-risk management and synchronization with dif-
-ferent suppliers (if any), while providing audit-
-able decision-making information (e.g., comply-
-ing with product liability needs or governance
-regulations). The software project life cycle and
-the software product life cycle are interrelated; an
-SPLC may include several SDLCs.
-_2.7. Proposals_
-[1*, c3]
-Making a business decision begins with the
-notion of a _proposal_. Proposals relate to reaching
-a business objective—at the project, product, or
-portfolio level. A proposal is a single, separate
-option that is being considered, like carrying out
-a particular software development project or not.
-Another proposal could be to enhance an exist-
-ing software component, and still another might
-be to redevelop that same software from scratch.
-Each proposal represents a unit of choice—either
-you can choose to carry out that proposal or you
-can choose not to. The whole purpose of business
-decision-making is to figure out, given the current
-business circumstances, which proposals should
-be carried out and which shouldn’t.
-_2.8. Investment Decisions_
-[1*, c4]
-Investors make investment decisions to spend
-money and resources on achieving a target objec-
-tive. Investors are either inside (e.g., finance,
-board) or outside (e.g., banks) the organization.
-The target relates to some economic criteria, such
-as achieving a high return on the investment,
-strengthening the capabilities of the organization,
-or improving the value of the company. Intangi-
-ble aspects such as goodwill, culture, and compe-
-tences should be considered.
-2.9. Planning Horizon
-[1*, c11]
-When an organization chooses to invest in a par-
-ticular proposal, money gets tied up in that pro-
-posal—so-called “frozen assets.” The economic
-impact of frozen assets tends to start high and
-decreases over time. On the other hand, operat-
-ing and maintenance costs of elements associated
-with the proposal tend to start low but increase
-over time. The total cost of the proposal—that
-is, owning and operating a product—is the sum
-of those two costs. Early on, frozen asset costs
-dominate; later, the operating and maintenance
-costs dominate. There is a point in time where the
-sum of the costs is minimized; this is called the
-minimum cost lifetime.
-To properly compare a proposal with a four-
-year life span to a proposal with a six-year life
-span, the economic effects of either cutting the
-six-year proposal by two years or investing the
-profits from the four-year proposal for another
-two years need to be addressed. The planning
-horizon, sometimes known as the study period,
-is the consistent time frame over which propos-
-als are considered. Effects such as software life-
-time will need to be factored into establishing a
-planning horizon. Once the planning horizon is
-established, several techniques are available for
-putting proposals with different life spans into
-that planning horizon.
-2.10. Price and Pricing
-[1*, c13]
-A price is what is paid in exchange for a good or
-service. Price is a fundamental aspect of financial
-modeling and is one of the four Ps of the marketing
-mix. The other three Ps are product, promotion,
-and place. Price is the only revenue-generating ele-
-ment amongst the four Ps; the rest are costs.
-Pricing is an element of finance and marketing.
-It is the process of determining what a company
-will receive in exchange for its products. Pricing
-factors include manufacturing cost, market place-
-ment, competition, market condition, and quality
-of product. Pricing applies prices to products and
-services based on factors such as fixed amount,
-quantity break, promotion or sales campaign,
-Software Engineering Economics 12-9
-specific vendor quote, shipment or invoice date,
-combination of multiple orders, service offerings,
-and many others. The needs of the consumer can
-be converted into demand only if the consumer
-has the willingness and capacity to buy the prod-
-uct. Thus, pricing is very important in marketing.
-Pricing is initially done during the project initia-
-tion phase and is a part of “go” decision making.
-_2.11. Cost and Costing_
-[1*, c15]
-A cost is the value of money that has been used up
-to produce something and, hence, is not available
-for use anymore. In economics, a cost is an alter-
-native that is given up as a result of a decision.
-A sunk cost is the expenses before a certain
-time, typically used to abstract decisions from
-expenses in the past, which can cause emotional
-hurdles in looking forward. From a traditional
-economics point of view, sunk costs should not
-be considered in decision making. Opportunity
-cost is the cost of an alternative that must be for-
-gone in order to pursue another alternative.
-Costing is part of finance and product manage-
-ment. It is the process to determine the cost based
-on expenses (e.g., production, software engineer-
-ing, distribution, rework) and on the target cost
-to be competitive and successful in a market.
-The target cost can be below the actual estimated
-cost. The planning and controlling of these costs
-(called _cost management_ ) is important and should
-always be included in costing.
-An important concept in costing is the total cost
-of ownership (TCO). This holds especially for
-software, because there are many not-so-obvious
-costs related to SPLC activities after initial prod-
-uct development. TCO for a software product is
-defined as the total cost for acquiring, activating,
-and keeping that product running. These costs
-can be grouped as direct and indirect costs. TCO
-is an accounting method that is crucial in making
-sound economic decisions.
-_2.12. Performance Measurement_
-[3*, c7, c8]
-Performance measurement is the process whereby
-an organization establishes and measures the
-parameters used to determine whether programs,
-investments, and acquisitions are achieving the
-desired results. It is used to evaluate whether
-performance objectives are actually achieved; to
-control budgets, resources, progress, and deci-
-sions; and to improve performance.
-2.13. Earned Value Management
-[3*, c8]
-Earned value management (EVM) is a project
-management technique for measuring progress
-based on created value. At a given moment, the
-results achieved to date in a project are com-
-pared with the projected budget and the planned
-schedule progress for that date. Progress relates
-already-consumed resources and achieved
-results at a given point in time with the respec-
-tive planned values for the same date. It helps
-to identify possible performance problems at an
-early stage. A key principle in EVM is tracking
-cost and schedule variances via comparison of
-planned versus actual schedule and budget versus
-actual cost. EVM tracking gives much earlier vis-
-ibility to deviations and thus permits corrections
-earlier than classic cost and schedule tracking that
-only looks at delivered documents and products.
-2.14. Termination Decisions
-[1*, c11, c12] [2*, c9]
-Termination means to end a project or product.
-Termination can be preplanned for the end of a
-long product lifetime (e.g., when foreseeing that a
-product will reach its lifetime) or can come rather
-spontaneously during product development
-(e.g., when project performance targets are not
-achieved). In both cases, the decision should be
-carefully prepared, considering always the alter-
-natives of continuing versus terminating. Costs of
-different alternatives must be estimated—cover-
-ing topics such as replacement, information col-
-lection, suppliers, alternatives, assets, and utiliz-
-ing resources for other opportunities. Sunk costs
-should not be considered in such decision making
-because they have been spent and will not reap-
-pear as a value.
-**12-10** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-_2.15. Replacement and Retirement Decisions_
-[1*, c12] [2*, c9]
-A replacement decision is made when an organi-
-zation already has a particular asset and they are
-considering replacing it with something else; for
-example, deciding between maintaining and sup-
-porting a legacy software product or redeveloping
-it from the ground up. Replacement decisions use
-the same business decision process as described
-above, but there are additional challenges: sunk
-cost and salvage value. Retirement decisions are
-also about getting out of an activity altogether,
-such as when a software company considers not
-selling a software product anymore or a hardware
-manufacturer considers not building and selling a
-particular model of computer any longer. Retire-
-ment decision can be influenced by lock-in fac-
-tors such as technology dependency and high exit
-**3. Risk and Uncertainty**
-_3.1. Goals, Estimates, and Plans_
-[3*, c6]
-Goals in software engineering economics are
-mostly business goals (or business objectives).
-A business goal relates business needs (such as
-increasing profitability) to investing resources
-(such as starting a project or launching a prod-
-uct with a given budget, content, and timing).
-Goals apply to operational planning (for instance,
-to reach a certain milestone at a given date or to
-extend software testing by some time to achieve a
-desired quality level—see Key Issues in the Soft-
-ware Testing KA) and to the strategic level (such
-as reaching a certain profitability or market share
-in a stated time period).
-An estimate is a well-founded evaluation of
-resources and time that will be needed to achieve
-stated goals (see Effort, Schedule, and Cost Esti-
-mation in the Software Engineering Management
-KA and Maintenance Cost Estimation in the Soft-
-ware Maintenance KA). A software estimate is
-used to determine whether the project goals can
-be achieved within the constraints on schedule,
-budget, features, and quality attributes. Estimates
-are typically internally generated and are not
-necessarily visible externally. Estimates should
-not be driven exclusively by the project goals
-because this could make an estimate overly opti-
-mistic. Estimation is a periodic activity; estimates
-should be continually revised during a project.
-A plan describes the activities and milestones
-that are necessary in order to reach the goals of
-Figure 12.4. Goals, Estimates, and Plans
-Software Engineering Economics 12-11
-a project (see Software Project Planning in the
-Software Engineering Management KA). The
-plan should be in line with the goal and the esti-
-mate, which is not necessarily easy and obvi-
-ous—such as when a software project with given
-requirements would take longer than the target
-date foreseen by the client. In such cases, plans
-demand a review of initial goals as well as esti-
-mates and the underlying uncertainties and inac-
-curacies. Creative solutions with the underlying
-rationale of achieving a win-win position are
-applied to resolve conflicts.
-To be of value, planning should involve con-
-sideration of the project constraints and commit-
-ments to stakeholders. Figure 12.4 shows how
-goals are initially defined. Estimates are done
-based on the initial goals. The plan tries to match
-the goals and the estimates. This is an iterative
-process, because an initial estimate typically does
-not meet the initial goals.
-_3.2. Estimation Techniques_
-[3*, c6]
-Estimations are used to analyze and forecast the
-resources or time necessary to implement require-
-ments (see Effort, Schedule, and Cost Estimation
-in the Software Engineering Management KA
-and Maintenance Cost Estimation in the Software
-Maintenance KA). Five families of estimation
-techniques exist:
-- Expert judgment
-- Analogy
-- Estimation by parts
-- Parametric methods
-- Statistical methods.
-No single estimation technique is perfect, so
-using multiple estimation technique is useful.
-Convergence among the estimates produced by
-different techniques indicates that the estimates
-are probably accurate. Spread among the esti-
-mates indicates that certain factors might have
-been overlooked. Finding the factors that caused
-the spread and then reestimating again to pro-
-duce results that converge could lead to a better
-3.3. Addressing Uncertainty
-[3*, c6]
-Because of the many unknown factors during
-project initiation and planning, estimates are
-inherently uncertain; that uncertainty should be
-addressed in business decisions. Techniques for
-addressing uncertainty include
-- consider ranges of estimates
-- analyze sensitivity to changes of assumptions
-- delay final decisions.
-3.4. Prioritization
-[3*, c6]
-Prioritization involves ranking alternatives based
-on common criteria to deliver the best possible
-value. In software engineering projects, software
-requirements are often prioritized in order to
-deliver the most value to the client within con-
-straints of schedule, budget, resources, and tech-
-nology, or to provide for building product incre-
-ments, where the first increments provide the
-highest value to the customer (see Requirements
-Classification and Requirements Negotiation in
-the Software Requirements KA and Software
-Life Cycle Models in the Software Engineering
-Process KA).
-3.5. Decisions under Risk
-[1*, c24] [3*, c9]
-Decisions under risk techniques are used when
-the decision maker can assign probabilities to the
-different possible outcomes (see Risk Manage-
-ment in the Software Engineering Management
-KA). The specific techniques include
-- expected value decision making
-- expectation variance and decision making
-- Monte Carlo analysis
-- decision trees
-- expected value of perfect information.
-**12-12** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-_3.6. Decisions under Uncertainty_
-[1*, c25] [3*, c9]
-Decisions under uncertainty techniques are used
-when the decision maker cannot assign probabili-
-ties to the different possible outcomes because
-needed information is not available (see Risk
-Management in the Software Engineering Man-
-agement KA). Specific techniques include
-- Laplace Rule
-- Maximin Rule
-- Maximax Rule
-- Hurwicz Rule
-- Minimax Regret Rule.
-    **4. Economic Analysis Methods**
-4.1. For-Profit Decision Analysis
-[1*, c10]
-Figure 12.5 describes a process for identifying
-the best alternative from a set of mutually exclu-
-sive alternatives. Decision criteria depend on the
-business objectives and typically include ROI
-(see section 4.3, Return on Investment) or Return
-on Capital Employed (ROCE) (see section 4.4,
-Return on Capital Employed).
-For-profit decision techniques don’t apply for
-government and nonprofit organizations. In these
-cases, organizations have different goals—which
-means that a different set of decision techniques
-are needed, such as cost-benefit or cost-effective-
-ness analysis.
-Figure 12.5. The for-profit decision-making process
-Software Engineering Economics 12-13
-_4.2. Minimum Acceptable Rate of Return_
-[1*, c10]
-The minimum acceptable rate of return (MARR)
-is the lowest internal rate of return the organi-
-zation would consider to be a good investment.
-Generally speaking, it wouldn’t be smart to invest
-in an activity with a return of 10% when there’s
-another activity that’s known to return 20%.
-The MARR is a statement that an organization
-is confident it can achieve at least that rate of
-return. The MARR represents the organization’s
-opportunity cost for investments. By choosing
-to invest in some activity, the organization is
-explicitly deciding to not invest that same money
-somewhere else. If the organization is already
-confident it can get some known rate of return,
-other alternatives should be chosen only if their
-rate of return is at least that high. A simple way
-to account for that opportunity cost is to use the
-MARR as the interest rate in business decisions.
-An alternative’s present worth evaluated at the
-MARR shows how much more or less (in pres-
-ent-day cash terms) that alternative is worth than
-investing at the MARR.
-_4.3. Return on Investment_
-[1*, c10]
-Return on investment (ROI) is a measure of the
-profitability of a company or business unit. It
-is defined as the ratio of money gained or lost
-(whether realized or unrealized) on an investment
-relative to the amount of money invested. The
-purpose of ROI varies and includes, for instance,
-providing a rationale for future investments and
-acquisition decisions.
-_4.4. Return on Capital Employed_
-The return on capital employed (ROCE) is a mea-
-sure of the profitability of a company or business
-unit. It is defined as the ratio of a gross profit
-before taxes and interest (EBIT) to the total assets
-minus current liabilities. It describes the return on
-the used capital.
-4.5. Cost-Benefit Analysis
-[1*, c18]
-Cost-benefit analysis is one of the most widely
-used methods for evaluating individual propos-
-als. Any proposal with a benefit-cost ratio of less
-than 1.0 can usually be rejected without further
-analysis because it would cost more than the ben-
-efit. Proposals with a higher ratio need to con-
-sider the associated risk of an investment and
-compare the benefits with the option of investing
-the money at a guaranteed interest rate (see sec-
-tion 4.2, Minimum Acceptable Rate of Return).
-4.6. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
-[1*, c18]
-Cost-effectiveness analysis is similar to cost-
-benefit analysis. There are two versions of cost-
-effectiveness analysis: the fixed-cost version
-maximizes the benefit given some upper bound
-on cost; the fixed-effectiveness version minimizes
-the cost needed to achieve a fixed goal.
-4.7. Break-Even Analysis
-[1*, c19]
-Break-even analysis identifies the point where
-the costs of developing a product and the revenue
-to be generated are equal. Such an analysis can
-be used to choose between different proposals at
-different estimated costs and revenue. Given esti-
-mated costs and revenue of two or more propos-
-als, break-even analysis helps in choosing among
-4.8. Business Case
-[1*, c3]
-The business case is the consolidated information
-summarizing and explaining a business proposal
-from different perspectives for a decision maker
-(cost, benefit, risk, and so on). It is often used
-to assess the potential value of a product, which
-can be used as a basis in the investment decision-
-making process. As opposed to a mere profit-
-loss calculation, the business case is a “case” of
-plans and analyses that is owned by the product
-**12-14** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-manager and used in support of achieving the
-business objectives.
-_4.9. Multiple Attribute Evaluation_
-[1*, c26]
-The topics discussed so far are used to make deci-
-sions based on a single decision criterion: money.
-The alternative with the best present worth, the
-best ROI, and so forth is the one selected. Aside
-from technical feasibility, money is almost
-always the most important decision criterion, but
-it’s not always the only one. Quite often there are
-other criteria, other “attributes,” that need to be
-considered, and those attributes can’t be cast in
-terms of money. Multiple attribute decision tech-
-niques allow other, nonfinancial criteria to be fac-
-tored into the decision.
-There are two families of multiple attribute
-decision techniques that differ in how they use
-the attributes in the decision. One family is the
-“compensatory,” or single-dimensioned, tech-
-niques. This family collapses all of the attributes
-onto a single figure of merit. The family is called
-compensatory because, for any given alternative,
-a lower score in one attribute can be compensated
-by—or traded off against—a higher score in other
-attributes. The compensatory techniques include
-- nondimensional scaling
-- additive weighting
-- analytic hierarchy process.
-In contrast, the other family is the “noncom-
-pensatory,” or fully dimensioned, techniques.
-This family does not allow tradeoffs among the
-attributes. Each attribute is treated as a separate
-entity in the decision process. The noncompensa-
-tory techniques include
-- dominance
-- satisficing
-- lexicography.
-_4.10. Optimization Analysis_
-[1*, c20]
-The typical use of optimization analysis is to
-study a cost function over a range of values to
-find the point where overall performance is best.
-Software’s classic space-time tradeoff is an
-example of optimization; an algorithm that runs
-faster will often use more memory. Optimization
-balances the value of the faster runtime against
-the cost of the additional memory.
-Real options analysis can be used to quantify
-the value of project choices, including the value
-of delaying a decision. Such options are difficult
-to compute with precision. However, awareness
-that choices have a monetary value provides
-insight in the timing of decisions such as increas-
-ing project staff or lengthening time to market to
-improve quality.
-**5. Practical Considerations**
-5.1. The “Good Enough” Principle
-[1*, c21]
-Often software engineering projects and products
-are not precise about the targets that should be
-achieved. Software requirements are stated, but
-the marginal value of adding a bit more function-
-ality cannot be measured. The result could be late
-delivery or too-high cost. The “good enough”
-principle relates marginal value to marginal cost
-and provides guidance to determine criteria when
-a deliverable is “good enough” to be delivered.
-These criteria depend on business objectives and
-on prioritization of different alternatives, such as
-ranking software requirements, measurable qual-
-ity attributes, or relating schedule to product con-
-tent and cost.
-The RACE principle (reduce accidents and
-control essence) is a popular rule towards good
-enough software. Accidents imply unnecessary
-overheads such as gold-plating and rework due
-to late defect removal or too many requirements
-changes. Essence is what customers pay for. Soft-
-ware engineering economics provides the mech-
-anisms to define criteria that determine when a
-deliverable is “good enough” to be delivered.
-It also highlights that both words are relevant:
-“good” and “enough.” Insufficient quality or
-insufficient quantity is not good enough.
-Agile methods are examples of “good enough”
-that try to optimize value by reducing the over-
-head of delayed rework and the gold plating that
-Software Engineering Economics 12-15
-results from adding features that have low mar-
-ginal value for the users (see Agile Methods in
-the Software Engineering Models and Methods
-KA and Software Life Cycle Models in the Soft-
-ware Engineering Process KA). In agile meth-
-ods, detailed planning and lengthy development
-phases are replaced by incremental planning and
-frequent delivery of small increments of a deliv-
-erable product that is tested and evaluated by user
-_5.2. Friction-Free Economy_
-Economic friction is everything that keeps mar-
-kets from having perfect competition. It involves
-distance, cost of delivery, restrictive regulations,
-and/or imperfect information. In high-friction
-markets, customers don’t have many suppliers
-from which to choose. Having been in a business
-for a while or owning a store in a good location
-determines the economic position. It’s hard for
-new competitors to start business and compete.
-The marketplace moves slowly and predictably.
-Friction-free markets are just the reverse. New
-competitors emerge and customers are quick to
-respond. The marketplace is anything but predict-
-able. Theoretically, software and IT are friction-
-free. New companies can easily create products
-and often do so at a much lower cost than estab-
-lished companies, since they need not consider
-any legacies. Marketing and sales can be done
-via the Internet and social networks, and basi-
-cally free distribution mechanisms can enable a
-ramp up to a global business. Software engineer-
-ing economics aims to provide foundations to
-judge how a software business performs and how
-friction-free a market actually is. For instance,
-competition among software app developers is
-inhibited when apps must be sold through an app
-store and comply with that store’s rules.
-_5.3. Ecosystems_
-An ecosystem is an environment consisting of all
-the mutually dependent stakeholders, business
-units, and companies working in a particular area.
-In a typical ecosystem, there are producers and
-consumers, where the consumers add value to
-the consumed resources. Note that a consumer is
-not the end user but an organization that uses the
-product to enhance it. A software ecosystem is,
-for instance, a supplier of an application working
-with companies doing the installation and sup-
-port in different regions. Neither one could exist
-without the other. Ecosystems can be permanent
-or temporary. Software engineering economics
-provides the mechanisms to evaluate alternatives
-in establishing or extending an ecosystem—for
-instance, assessing whether to work with a spe-
-cific distributor or have the distribution done by a
-company doing service in an area.
-5.4. Offshoring and Outsourcing
-Offshoring means executing a business activity
-beyond sales and marketing outside the home
-country of an enterprise. Enterprises typically
-either have their offshoring branches in low-
-cost countries or they ask specialized companies
-abroad to execute the respective activity. Offshor-
-ing should therefore not be confused with out-
-sourcing. Offshoring within a company is called
-captive offshoring. Outsourcing is the result-ori-
-ented relationship with a supplier who executes
-business activities for an enterprise when, tra-
-ditionally, those activities were executed inside
-the enterprise. Outsourcing is site-independent.
-The supplier can reside in the neighborhood of
-the enterprise or offshore (outsourced offshor-
-ing). Software engineering economics provides
-the basic criteria and business tools to evaluate
-different sourcing mechanisms and control their
-performance. For instance, using an outsourcing
-supplier for software development and mainte-
-nance might reduce the cost per hour of software
-development, but increase the number of hours
-and capital expenses due to an increased need for
-monitoring and communication. (For more infor-
-mation on offshoring and outsourcing, see “Out-
-sourcing” in Management Issues in the Software
-Maintenance KA.)
-**12-16** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-Tockey 2005
-##### [1*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [2*]
-Fairley 2009
-##### [3*]
-**1. Software Engineering Economics
-    1.1. Finance c2
-    1.2. Accounting c15
-    1.3. Controlling c15
-    1.4. Cash Flow c3
-    1.5. Decision-Making Process c2, c4
-    1.6. Valuation c5, c8
-    1.7. Inflation c13
-    1.8. Depreciation c14
-    1.9. Taxation c16, c17
-    1.10. Time-Value of Money c5, c11
-    1.11. Efficiency c1
-    1.12. Effectiveness c1
-    1.13. Productivity c23
-**2. Life Cycle Economics**
-    2.1. Product c22 c6
-    2.2. Project c22 c1
-    2.3. Program
-    2.4. Portfolio
-    2.5. Product Life Cycle c2 c2
-    2.6. Project Life Cycle c2 c2
-    2.7. Proposals c3
-    2.8. Investment Decisions c4
-    2.9. Planning Horizon c11
-    2.10. Price and Pricing c13
-    2 .11. Cost and Costing c15
-    2.12. Performance Measurement c7, c8
-    2.13. Earned Value Management c8
-    2.14. Termination Decisions c11, c12 c9
-    2.15. Replacement and Retirement Decisions c12 c9
-Software Engineering Economics 12-17
-Tockey 2005
-##### [1*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [2*]
-Fairley 2009
-##### [3*]
-**3. Risk and Uncertainty**
-3.1. Goals, Estimates, and Plans c6
-3.2. Estimation Techniques c6
-3.3. Addressing Uncertainty c6
-3.4. Prioritization c6
-3.5. Decisions under Risk c24 c9
-3.6. Decisions under Uncertainty c25 c9
-**4. Economic Analysis Methods**
-4.1. For-Profit Decision Analysis c10
-4.2. Minimum Acceptable Rate of Return c10
-4.3. Return on Investment c10
-4.4. Return on Capital Employed
-4.5. Cost-Benefit Analysis c18
-4.6. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis c18
-4.7. Break-Even Analysis c19
-4.8. Business Case c3
-4.9. Multiple Attribute Evaluation c26
-4.10. Optimization Analysis c20
-**5. Practical Considerations**
-5.1. The “Good Enough” Principle c21
-5.2. Friction-Free Economy
-5.3. Ecosystems
-5.4. Offshoring and Outsourcing
-**12-18** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-_A Guide to the Project Management Body of
-Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)_ [4].
-The _PMBOK® Guide_ provides guidelines for
-managing individual projects and defines project
-management related concepts. It also describes
-the project management life cycle and its related
-processes, as well as the project life cycle. It is
-a globally recognized guide for the project man-
-agement profession.
-_Software Extension to the Guide to the Project
-Management Body of Knowledge (SWX)_ [5].
-_SWX_ provides adaptations and extensions to the
-generic practices of project management docu-
-mented in the _PMBOK® Guide_ for managing
-software projects. The primary contribution of
-this extension to the _PMBOK® Guide_ is descrip-
-tion of processes that are applicable for managing
-adaptive life cycle software projects.
-B.W. Boehm, _Software Engineering Economics_
-This book is the classic reading on software
-engineering economics. It provides an overview
-of business thinking in software engineering.
-Although the examples and figures are dated, it
-still is worth reading.
-C. Ebert and R. Dumke, _Software Measurement_
-This book provides an overview on quantita-
-tive methods in software engineering, starting
-with measurement theory and proceeding to
-performance management and business decision
-D.J. Reifer, _Making the Software Business Case:
-Improvement by the Numbers_ [8].
-This book is a classic reading on making a busi-
-ness case in the software and IT businesses. Many
-useful examples illustrate how the business case
-is formulated and quantified.
-[1*] S. Tockey, Return on Software: Maximizing
-the Return on Your Software Investment ,
-Addison-Wesley, 2004.
-[2*] J.H. Allen et al., Software Security
-Engineering: A Guide for Project
-Managers , Addison-Wesley, 2008.
-[3*] R.E. Fairley, Managing and Leading
-Software Projects , Wiley-IEEE Computer
-Society Press, 2009.
-[4] Project Management Institute, A Guide
-to the Project Management Body of
-Knowledge (PMBOK(R) Guide) , 5th ed.,
-Project Management Institute, 2013.
-[5] Project Management Institute and IEEE
-Computer Society, Software Extension
-to the PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition , ed:
-Project Management Institute, 2013.
-[6] B.W. Boehm, Software Engineering
-Economics , Prentice-Hall, 1981.
-[7] C. Ebert and R. Dumke, Software
-Measurement , Springer, 2007.
-[8] D.J. Reifer, Making the Software Business
-Case: Improvement by the Numbers ,
-Addison Wesley, 2002.
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-**CHAPTER 13**
-AOP Aspect-Oriented Programming
-ALU Arithmetic and Logic Unit
-Application Programming
-ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
-B/S Browser-Server
-Computer Emergency Response
-Te a m
-COTS Commercial Off-The-Shelf
-CRUD Create, Read, Update, Delete
-C/S Client-Server
-CS Computer Science
-DBMS Database Management System
-FPU Float Point Unit
-I/O Input and Output
-ISA Instruction Set Architecture
-International Organization for
-ISP Internet Service Provider
-LAN Local Area Network
-MUX Multiplexer
-NIC Network Interface Card
-OOP Object-Oriented Programming
-OS Operating System
-OSI Open Systems Interconnection
-PC Personal Computer
-PDA Personal Digital Assistant
-PPP Point-to-Point Protocol
-RFID Radio Frequency Identification
-RAM Random Access Memory
-ROM Read Only Memory
-SCSI Small Computer System Interface
-SQL Structured Query Language
-TCP Transport Control Protocol
-UDP User Datagram Protocol
-VPN Virtual Private Network
-WA N Wide Area Network
-The scope of the Computing Foundations knowl-
-edge area (KA) encompasses the development
-and operational environment in which software
-evolves and executes. Because no software can
-exist in a vacuum or run without a computer, the
-core of such an environment is the computer and
-its various components. Knowledge about the
-computer and its underlying principles of hard-
-ware and software serves as a framework on
-which software engineering is anchored. Thus, all
-software engineers must have good understand-
-ing of the Computing Foundations KA.
-It is generally accepted that software engi-
-neering builds on top of computer science. For
-example, “Software Engineering 2004: Cur-
-riculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree
-Programs in Software Engineering” [1] clearly
-states, “One particularly important aspect is that
-software engineering builds on computer science
-and mathematics” (italics added).
-Steve Tockey wrote in his book Return on
-Software :
-Both computer science and software engi-
-neering deal with computers, computing,
-and software. The science of computing, as
-a body of knowledge, is at the core of both.
-**13-2** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-... Software engineering is concerned with
-the application of computers, computing,
-and software to practical purposes, specifi-
-cally the design, construction, and opera-
-tion of efficient and economical software
-Thus, at the core of software engineering is an
-understanding of computer science.
-While few people will deny the role computer
-science plays in the development of software
-engineering both as a discipline and as a body of
-knowledge, the importance of computer science
-to software engineering cannot be overempha-
-sized; thus, this Computing Foundations KA is
-being written.
-The majority of topics discussed in the Com-
-puting Foundations KA are also topics of discus-
-sion in basic courses given in computer science
-undergraduate and graduate programs. Such
-courses include programming, data structure,
-algorithms, computer organization, operating
-systems, compilers, databases, networking, dis-
-tributed systems, and so forth. Thus, when break-
-ing down topics, it can be tempting to decompose
-the Computing Foundations KA according to
-these often-found divisions in relevant courses.
-However, a purely course-based division of
-topics suffers serious drawbacks. For one, not
-all courses in computer science are related or
-equally important to software engineering. Thus,
-some topics that would otherwise be covered in a
-computer science course are not covered in this
-KA. For example, computer graphics—while an
-important course in a computer science degree
-program—is not included in this KA.
-Second, some topics discussed in this guide-
-line do not exist as standalone courses in under-
-graduate or graduate computer science programs.
-Consequently, such topics may not be adequately
-covered in a purely course-based breakdown. For
-example, abstraction is a topic incorporated into
-several different computer science courses; it is
-unclear which course abstraction should belong
-to in a course-based breakdown of topics.
-The Computing Foundations KA is divided into
-seventeen different topics. A topic’s direct useful-
-ness to software engineers is the criterion used for
-selecting topics for inclusion in this KA (see Figure
-13.1). The advantage of this topic-based breakdown
-is its foundation on the belief that Computing Foun-
-dations—if it is to be grasped firmly—must be con-
-sidered as a collection of logically connected topics
-undergirding software engineering in general and
-software construction in particular.
-The Computing Foundations KA is related
-closely to the Software Design, Software Con-
-struction, Software Testing, Software Main-
-tenance, Software Quality, and Mathematical
-Foundations KAs.
-The breakdown of topics for the Computing
-Foundations KA is shown in Figure 13.1.
-Figure 13.1. Breakdown of Topics for the Computing Foundations KA
-Computing Foundations 13-3
-**1. Problem Solving Techniques**
-    [2*, s3.2, c4] [3*, c5]
-The concepts, notions, and terminology introduced
-here form an underlying basis for understanding
-the role and scope of problem solving techniques.
-_1.1. Definition of Problem Solving_
-Problem solving refers to the thinking and activi-
-ties conducted to answer or derive a solution to
-a problem. There are many ways to approach a
-problem, and each way employs different tools
-and uses different processes. These different
-ways of approaching problems gradually expand
-and define themselves and finally give rise to dif-
-ferent disciplines. For example, software engi-
-neering focuses on solving problems using com-
-puters and software.
-While different problems warrant different
-solutions and may require different tools and
-processes, the methodology and techniques used
-in solving problems do follow some guidelines
-and can often be generalized as problem solving
-techniques. For example, a general guideline for
-solving a generic engineering problem is to use
-the three-step process given below [2*].
-- Formulate the real problem.
-- Analyze the problem.
-- Design a solution search strategy.
-_1.2. Formulating the Real Problem_
-Gerard Voland writes, “It is important to recog-
-nize that a specific problem should be formulated
-if one is to develop a specific solution” [2*].
-This formulation is called the problem statement,
-which explicitly specifies what both the problem
-and the desired outcome are.
-Although there is no universal way of stat-
-ing a problem, in general a problem should be
-expressed in such a way as to facilitate the devel-
-opment of solutions. Some general techniques
-to help one formulate the real problem include
-statement-restatement, determining the source
-and the cause, revising the statement, analyzing
-present and desired state, and using the fresh eye
-1.3. Analyze the Problem
-Once the problem statement is available, the next
-step is to analyze the problem statement or situ-
-ation to help structure our search for a solution.
-Four types of analysis include situation analysis,
-in which the most urgent or critical aspects of a
-situation are identified first; problem analysis, in
-which the cause of the problem must be deter-
-mined; decision analysis, in which the action(s)
-needed to correct the problem or eliminate its
-cause must be determined; and potential problem
-analysis, in which the action(s) needed to prevent
-any reoccurrences of the problem or the develop-
-ment of new problems must be determined.
-1.4. Design a Solution Search Strategy
-Once the problem analysis is complete, we can
-focus on structuring a search strategy to find the
-solution. In order to find the “best” solution (here,
-“best” could mean different things to different
-people, such as faster, cheaper, more usable, dif-
-ferent capabilities, etc.), we need to eliminate
-paths that do not lead to viable solutions, design
-tasks in a way that provides the most guidance in
-searching for a solution, and use various attributes
-of the final solution state to guide our choices in
-the problem solving process.
-1.5. Problem Solving Using Programs
-The uniqueness of computer software gives prob-
-lem solving a flavor that is distinct from general
-engineering problem solving. To solve a problem
-using computers, we must answer the following
-- How do we figure out what to tell the com-
-    puter to do?
-- How do we convert the problem statement
-    into an algorithm?
-- How do we convert the algorithm into
-    machine instructions?
-The first task in solving a problem using a com-
-puter is to determine what to tell the computer to
-do. There may be many ways to tell the story, but
-all should take the perspective of a computer such
-**13-4** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-that the computer can eventually solve the prob-
-lem. In general, a problem should be expressed
-in such a way as to facilitate the development of
-algorithms and data structures for solving it.
-The result of the first task is a problem state-
-ment. The next step is to convert the problem state-
-ment into algorithms that solve the problem. Once
-an algorithm is found, the final step converts the
-algorithm into machine instructions that form the
-final solution: software that solves the problem.
-Abstractly speaking, problem solving using a
-computer can be considered as a process of prob-
-lem transformation—in other words, the step-by-
-step transformation of a problem statement into
-a problem solution. To the discipline of software
-engineering, the ultimate objective of problem
-solving is to transform a problem expressed in
-natural language into electrons running around
-a circuit. In general, this transformation can be
-broken into three phases:
-a) Development of algorithms from the prob-
-lem statement.
-b) Application of algorithms to the problem.
-c) Transformation of algorithms to program
-The conversion of a problem statement into
-algorithms and algorithms into program codes
-usually follows a “stepwise refinement” (a.k.a.
-systematic decomposition) in which we start
-with a problem statement, rewrite it as a task,
-and recursively decompose the task into a few
-simpler subtasks until the task is so simple that
-solutions to it are straightforward. There are three
-basic ways of decomposing: sequential, condi-
-tional, and iterative.
-**2. Abstraction**
-    [3*, s5.2–5.4]
-Abstraction is an indispensible technique associ-
-ated with problem solving. It refers to both the
-process and result of generalization by reducing
-the information of a concept, a problem, or an
-observable phenomenon so that one can focus
-on the “big picture.” One of the most important
-skills in any engineering undertaking is framing
-the levels of abstraction appropriately.
-“Through abstraction,” according to Voland,
-“we view the problem and its possible solution
-paths from a higher level of conceptual under-
-standing. As a result, we may become better pre-
-pared to recognize possible relationships between
-different aspects of the problem and thereby gen-
-erate more creative design solutions” [2*]. This
-is particularly true in computer science in general
-(such as hardware vs. software) and in software
-engineering in particular (data structure vs. data
-flow, and so forth).
-2.1. Levels of Abstraction
-When abstracting, we concentrate on one “level”
-of the big picture at a time with confidence that
-we can then connect effectively with levels above
-and below. Although we focus on one level,
-abstraction does not mean knowing nothing about
-the neighboring levels. Abstraction levels do not
-necessarily correspond to discrete components
-in reality or in the problem domain, but to well-
-defined standard interfaces such as programming
-APIs. The advantages that standard interfaces
-provide include portability, easier software/hard-
-ware integration and wider usage.
-2.2. Encapsulation
-Encapsulation is a mechanism used to imple-
-ment abstraction. When we are dealing with one
-level of abstraction, the information concerning
-the levels below and above that level is encapsu-
-lated. This information can be the concept, prob-
-lem, or observable phenomenon; or it may be the
-permissible operations on these relevant entities.
-Encapsulation usually comes with some degree
-of information hiding in which some or all of
-the underlying details are hidden from the level
-above the interface provided by the abstraction.
-To an object, information hiding means we don’t
-need to know the details of how the object is rep-
-resented or how the operations on those objects
-are implemented.
-2.3. Hierarchy
-When we use abstraction in our problem formula-
-tion and solution, we may use different abstractions
-Computing Foundations 13-5
-at different times—in other words, we work on dif-
-ferent levels of abstraction as the situation calls.
-Most of the time, these different levels of abstrac-
-tion are organized in a hierarchy. There are many
-ways to structure a particular hierarchy and the
-criteria used in determining the specific content of
-each layer in the hierarchy varies depending on the
-individuals performing the work.
-Sometimes, a hierarchy of abstraction is sequen-
-tial, which means that each layer has one and only
-one predecessor (lower) layer and one and only
-one successor (upper) layer—except the upmost
-layer (which has no successor) and the bottommost
-layer (which has no predecessor). Sometimes,
-however, the hierarchy is organized in a tree-like
-structure, which means each layer can have more
-than one predecessor layer but only one successor
-layer. Occasionally, a hierarchy can have a many-
-to-many structure, in which each layer can have
-multiple predecessors and successors. At no time,
-shall there be any loop in a hierarchy.
-A hierarchy often forms naturally in task decom-
-position. Often, a task analysis can be decomposed
-in a hierarchical fashion, starting with the larger
-tasks and goals of the organization and breaking
-each of them down into smaller subtasks that can
-again be further subdivided This continuous divi-
-sion of tasks into smaller ones would produce a
-hierarchical structure of tasks-subtasks.
-_2.4. Alternate Abstractions_
-Sometimes it is useful to have multiple alternate
-abstractions for the same problem so that one can
-keep different perspectives in mind. For exam-
-ple, we can have a class diagram, a state chart,
-and a sequence diagram for the same software
-at the same level of abstraction. These alternate
-abstractions do not form a hierarchy but rather
-complement each other in helping understanding
-the problem and its solution. Though beneficial, it
-is as times difficult to keep alternate abstractions
-in sync.
-**3. Programming Fundamentals**
-    [3*, c6–19]
-Programming is composed of the methodologies
-or activities for creating computer programs that
-perform a desired function. It is an indispensible
-part in software construction. In general, pro-
-gramming can be considered as the process of
-designing, writing, testing, debugging, and main-
-taining the source code. This source code is writ-
-ten in a programming language.
-The process of writing source code often
-requires expertise in many different subject
-areas—including knowledge of the application
-domain, appropriate data structures, special-
-ized algorithms, various language constructs,
-good programming techniques, and software
-3.1. The Programming Process
-Programming involves design, writing, testing,
-debugging, and maintenance. Design is the con-
-ception or invention of a scheme for turning a
-customer requirement for computer software into
-operational software. It is the activity that links
-application requirements to coding and debug-
-ging. Writing is the actual coding of the design
-in an appropriate programming language. Testing
-is the activity to verify that the code one writes
-actually does what it is supposed to do. Debug-
-ging is the activity to find and fix bugs (faults) in
-the source code (or design). Maintenance is the
-activity to update, correct, and enhance existing
-programs. Each of these activities is a huge topic
-and often warrants the explanation of an entire
-KA in the SWEBOK Guide and many books.
-3.2. Programming Paradigms
-Programming is highly creative and thus some-
-what personal. Different people often write dif-
-ferent programs for the same requirements. This
-diversity of programming causes much difficulty
-in the construction and maintenance of large
-complex software. Various programming para-
-digms have been developed over the years to put
-some standardization into this highly creative and
-personal activity. When one programs, he or she
-can use one of several programming paradigms to
-write the code. The major types of programming
-paradigms are discussed below.
-Unstructured Programming: In unstructured
-programming, a programmer follows his/her
-**13-6** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-hunch to write the code in whatever way he/she
-likes as long as the function is operational. Often,
-the practice is to write code to fulfill a specific
-utility without regard to anything else. Programs
-written this way exhibit no particular structure—
-thus the name “unstructured programming.”
-Unstructured programming is also sometimes
-called ad hoc programming.
-_Structured/Procedural/ Imperative Program-
-ming:_ A hallmark of structured programming is
-the use of well-defined control structures, includ-
-ing procedures (and/or functions) with each pro-
-cedure (or function) performing a specific task.
-Interfaces exist between procedures to facilitate
-correct and smooth calling operations of the pro-
-grams. Under structured programming, program-
-mers often follow established protocols and rules
-of thumb when writing code. These protocols
-and rules can be numerous and cover almost the
-entire scope of programming—ranging from the
-simplest issue (such as how to name variables,
-functions, procedures, and so forth) to more com-
-plex issues (such as how to structure an interface,
-how to handle exceptions, and so forth).
-_Object-Oriented Programming:_ While proce-
-dural programming organizes programs around
-procedures, object-oriented programming (OOP)
-organize a program around objects, which are
-abstract data structures that combine both data
-and methods used to access or manipulate the
-data. The primary features of OOP are that objects
-representing various abstract and concrete entities
-are created and these objects interact with each
-other to collectively fulfill the desired functions.
-_Aspect-Oriented Programming:_ Aspect-ori-
-ented programming (AOP) is a programming
-paradigm that is built on top of OOP. AOP aims
-to isolate secondary or supporting functions from
-the main program’s business logic by focusing
-on the cross sections (concerns) of the objects.
-The primary motivation for AOP is to resolve
-the object tangling and scattering associated with
-OOP, in which the interactions among objects
-become very complex. The essence of AOP is
-the greatly emphasized separation of concerns,
-which separates noncore functional concerns or
-logic into various aspects.
-_Functional Programming_ : Though less popu-
-lar, functional programming is as viable as
-the other paradigms in solving programming
-problems. In functional programming, all com-
-putations are treated as the evaluation of math-
-ematical functions. In contrast to the imperative
-programming that emphasizes changes in state,
-functional programming emphasizes the applica-
-tion of functions, avoids state and mutable data,
-and provides referential transparency.
-**4. Programming Language Basics**
-    [4*, c6]
-Using computers to solve problems involves
-programming—which is writing and organiz-
-ing instructions telling the computer what to do
-at each step. Programs must be written in some
-programming language with which and through
-which we describe necessary computations. In
-other words, we use the facilities provided by a
-programming language to describe problems,
-develop algorithms, and reason about problem
-solutions. To write any program, one must under-
-stand at least one programming language.
-4.1. Programming Language Overview
-A programming language is designed to express
-computations that can be performed by a com-
-puter. In a practical sense, a programming lan-
-guage is a notation for writing programs and thus
-should be able to express most data structures and
-algorithms. Some, but not all, people restrict the
-term “programming language” to those languages
-that can express all possible algorithms.
-Not all languages have the same importance
-and popularity. The most popular ones are often
-defined by a specification document established
-by a well-known and respected organization. For
-example, the C programming language is speci-
-fied by an ISO standard named ISO/IEC 9899.
-Other languages, such as Perl and Python, do not
-enjoy such treatment and often have a dominant
-implementation that is used as a reference.
-4.2. Syntax and Semantics of Programming
-Just like natural languages, many programming
-languages have some form of written specifica-
-tion of their syntax (form) and semantics (mean-
-ing). Such specifications include, for example,
-Computing Foundations 13-7
-specific requirements for the definition of vari-
-ables and constants (in other words, declara-
-tion and types) and format requirements for the
-instructions themselves.
-In general, a programming language supports
-such constructs as variables, data types, con-
-stants, literals, assignment statements, control
-statements, procedures, functions, and comments.
-The syntax and semantics of each construct must
-be clearly specified.
-_4.3. Low-Level Programming Languages_
-Programming language can be classified into two
-classes: low-level languages and high-level lan-
-guages. Low-level languages can be understood
-by a computer with no or minimal assistance and
-typically include machine languages and assem-
-bly languages. A machine language uses ones
-and zeros to represent instructions and variables,
-and is directly understandable by a computer. An
-assembly language contains the same instructions
-as a machine language but the instructions and
-variables have symbolic names that are easier for
-humans to remember.
-Assembly languages cannot be directly under-
-stood by a computer and must be translated into a
-machine language by a utility program called an
-_assembler._ There often exists a correspondence
-between the instructions of an assembly language
-and a machine language, and the translation from
-assembly code to machine code is straightfor-
-ward. For example, “add r1, r2, r3” is an assem-
-bly instruction for adding the content of register
-r2 and r3 and storing the sum into register r1. This
-instruction can be easily translated into machine
-code “0001 0001 0010 0011**.** ” (Assume the oper-
-ation code for addition is 0001, see Figure 13.2).
-add r1, r2, r3
-0001 0001 0010 0 011
-Figure 13.2. Assembly-to-Binary Translations
-One common trait shared by these two types
-of language is their close association with the
-specifics of a type of computer or instruction set
-architecture (ISA).
-4.4. High-Level Programming Languages
-A high-level programming language has a strong
-abstraction from the details of the computer’s
-ISA. In comparison to low-level programming
-languages, it often uses natural-language ele-
-ments and is thus much easier for humans to
-understand. Such languages allow symbolic nam-
-ing of variables, provide expressiveness, and
-enable abstraction of the underlying hardware.
-For example, while each microprocessor has its
-own ISA, code written in a high-level program-
-ming language is usually portable between many
-different hardware platforms. For these reasons,
-most programmers use and most software are
-written in high-level programming languages.
-Examples of high-level programming languages
-include C, C++, C#, and Java.
-4.5. Declarative vs. Imperative Programming
-Most programming languages (high-level or low-
-level) allow programmers to specify the indi-
-vidual instructions that a computer is to execute.
-Such programming languages are called impera-
-tive programming languages because one has to
-specify every step clearly to the computer. But
-some programming languages allow program-
-mers to only describe the function to be per-
-formed without specifying the exact instruction
-sequences to be executed. Such programming
-languages are called declarative programming
-languages. Declarative languages are high-level
-languages. The actual implementation of the
-computation written in such a language is hidden
-from the programmers and thus is not a concern
-for them.
-The key point to note is that declarative pro-
-gramming only describes what the program
-should accomplish without describing how to
-accomplish it. For this reason, many people
-believe declarative programming facilitates
-easier software development. Declarative pro-
-gramming languages include Lisp (also a func-
-tional programming language) and Prolog, while
-imperative programming languages include C,
-C++, and JAVA.
-**13-8** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-**5. Debugging Tools and Techniques**
-    [3*, c23]
-Once a program is coded and compiled (compila-
-tion will be discussed in section 10), the next step
-is debugging, which is a methodical process of
-finding and reducing the number of bugs or faults
-in a program. The purpose of debugging is to find
-out why a program doesn’t work or produces a
-wrong result or output. Except for very simple
-programs, debugging is always necessary.
-_5.1. Types of Errors_
-When a program does not work, it is often because
-the program contains bugs or errors that can be
-either syntactic errors, logical errors, or data errors.
-Logical errors and data errors are also known as
-two categories of “faults” in software engineering
-terminology (see topic 1.1, Testing-Related Ter-
-minology, in the Software Testing KA).
-_Syntax errors_ are simply any error that pre-
-vents the translator (compiler/interpreter) from
-successfully parsing the statement. Every state-
-ment in a program must be parse-able before its
-meaning can be understood and interpreted (and,
-therefore, executed). In high-level programming
-languages, syntax errors are caught during the
-compilation or translation from the high-level
-language into machine code. For example, in the
-C/C++ programming language, the statement
-“123=constant;” contains a syntax error that will
-be caught by the compiler during compilation.
-_Logic errors_ are semantic errors that result in
-incorrect computations or program behaviors.
-Your program is legal, but wrong! So the results
-do not match the problem statement or user expec-
-tations. For example, in the C/C++ programming
-language, the inline function “int f(int _x_ ) {return
-f( _x_ -1);}” for computing factorial x! is legal but
-logically incorrect. This type of error cannot be
-caught by a compiler during compilation and is
-often discovered through tracing the execution of
-the program (Modern static checkers do identify
-some of these errors. However, the point remains
-that these are not machine checkable in general).
-_Data errors_ are input errors that result either in
-input data that is different from what the program
-expects or in the processing of wrong data.
-5.2. Debugging Techniques
-Debugging involves many activities and can be
-static, dynamic, or postmortem. Static debug-
-ging usually takes the form of code review, while
-dynamic debugging usually takes the form of
-tracing and is closely associated with testing.
-Postmortem debugging is the act of debugging
-the core dump (memory dump) of a process. Core
-dumps are often generated after a process has ter-
-minated due to an unhandled exception. All three
-techniques are used at various stages of program
-The main activity of dynamic debugging is
-tracing, which is executing the program one piece
-at a time, examining the contents of registers and
-memory, in order to examine the results at each
-step. There are three ways to trace a program.
-- _Single-stepping:_ execute one instruction at
-    a time to make sure each instruction is exe-
-    cuted correctly. This method is tedious but
-    useful in verifying each step of a program.
-- _Breakpoints:_ tell the program to stop execut-
-    ing when it reaches a specific instruction.
-    This technique lets one quickly execute
-    selected code sequences to get a high-level
-    overview of the execution behavior.
-- _Watch points:_ tell the program to stop when a
-    register or memory location changes or when
-    it equals to a specific value. This technique
-    is useful when one doesn’t know where or
-    when a value is changed and when this value
-    change likely causes the error.
-5.3. Debugging Tools
-Debugging can be complex, difficult, and tedious.
-Like programming, debugging is also highly cre-
-ative (sometimes more creative than program-
-ming). Thus some help from tools is in order. For
-dynamic debugging, debuggers are widely used
-and enable the programmer to monitor the execu-
-tion of a program, stop the execution, restart the
-execution, set breakpoints, change values in mem-
-ory, and even, in some cases, go back in time.
-For static debugging, there are many static
-code analysis tools , which look for a specific
-set of known problems within the source code.
-Computing Foundations 13-9
-Both commercial and free tools exist in various
-languages. These tools can be extremely useful
-when checking very large source trees, where it is
-impractical to do code walkthroughs. The UNIX
-_lint_ program is an early example.
-**6. Data Structure and Representation**
-    [5*, s2.1–2.6]
-Programs work on data. But data must be
-expressed and organized within computers before
-being processed by programs. This organization
-and expression of data for programs’ use is the
-subject of data structure and representation. Sim-
-ply put, a data structure tries to store and organize
-data in a computer in such a way that the data can
-be used efficiently. There are many types of data
-structures and each type of structure is suitable
-for some kinds of applications. For example, B/
-B+ trees are well suited for implementing mas-
-sive file systems and databases.
-_6.1. Data Structure Overview_
-Data structures are computer representations of
-data. Data structures are used in almost every pro-
-gram. In a sense, no meaningful program can be
-constructed without the use of some sort of data
-structure. Some design methods and program-
-ming languages even organize an entire software
-system around data structures. Fundamentally,
-data structures are abstractions defined on a col-
-lection of data and its associated operations.
-Often, data structures are designed for improv-
-ing program or algorithm efficiency. Examples of
-such data structures include stacks, queues, and
-heaps. At other times, data structures are used for
-conceptual unity (abstract data type), such as the
-name and address of a person. Often, a data struc-
-ture can determine whether a program runs in a
-few seconds or in a few hours or even a few days.
-From the perspective of physical and logi-
-cal ordering, a data structure is either linear or
-nonlinear. Other perspectives give rise to dif-
-ferent classifications that include homogeneous
-vs. heterogeneous, static vs. dynamic, persistent
-vs. transient, external vs. internal, primitive vs.
-aggregate, recursive vs. nonrecursive; passive vs.
-active; and stateful vs. stateless structures.
-6.2. Types of Data Structure
-As mentioned above, different perspectives can
-be used to classify data structures. However, the
-predominant perspective used in classification
-centers on physical and logical ordering between
-data items. This classification divides data struc-
-tures into linear and nonlinear structures. Linear
-structures organize data items in a single dimen-
-sion in which each data entry has one (physical
-or logical) predecessor and one successor with
-the exception of the first and last entry. The first
-entry has no predecessor and the last entry has
-no successor. Nonlinear structures organize data
-items in two or more dimensions, in which case
-one entry can have multiple predecessors and
-successors. Examples of linear structures include
-lists, stacks, and queues. Examples of nonlinear
-structures include heaps, hash tables, and trees
-(such as binary trees, balance trees, B-trees, and
-so forth).
-Another type of data structure that is often
-encountered in programming is the compound
-structure. A compound data structure builds on
-top of other (more primitive) data structures and,
-in some way, can be viewed as the same structure
-as the underlying structure. Examples of com-
-pound structures include sets, graphs, and parti-
-tions. For example, a partition can be viewed as
-a set of sets.
-6.3. Operations on Data Structures
-All data structures support some operations that
-produce a specific structure and ordering, or
-retrieve relevant data from the structure, store data
-into the structure, or delete data from the structure.
-Basic operations supported by all data structures
-include create, read, update, and delete (CRUD).
-- Create: Insert a new data entry into the
-    structure.
-- Read: Retrieve a data entry from the structure.
-- Update: Modify an existing data entry.
-- Delete: Remove a data entry from the
-    structure.
-Some data structures also support additional
-**13-10** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-- Find a particular element in the structure.
-- Sort all elements according to some ordering.
-- Traverse all elements in some specific order.
-- Reorganize or rebalance the structure.
-Different structures support different opera-
-tions with different efficiencies. The difference
-between operation efficiency can be significant.
-For example, it is easy to retrieve the last item
-inserted into a stack, but finding a particular ele-
-ment within a stack is rather slow and tedious.
-**7. Algorithms and Complexity**
-    [5*, s1.1–1.3, s3.3–3.6, s4.1–4.8, s5.1–5.7,
-       s6.1–6.3, s7.1–7.6, s11.1, s12.1]
-Programs are not random pieces of code: they are
-meticulously written to perform user-expected
-actions. The guide one uses to compose programs
-are algorithms, which organize various functions
-into a series of steps and take into consideration
-the application domain, the solution strategy, and
-the data structures being used. An algorithm can
-be very simple or very complex.
-_7.1. Overview of Algorithms_
-Abstractly speaking, algorithms guide the opera-
-tions of computers and consist of a sequence of
-actions composed to solve a problem. Alternative
-definitions include but are not limited to:
-- An algorithm is any well-defined computa-
-    tional procedure that takes some value or set
-    of values as input and produces some value
-    or set of values as output.
-- An algorithm is a sequence of computational
-    steps that transform the input into the output.
-- An algorithm is a tool for solving a well-
-    specified computation problem.
-Of course, different definitions are favored
-by different people. Though there is no univer-
-sally accepted definition, some agreement exists
-that an algorithm needs to be correct, finite (in
-other words, terminate eventually or one must be
-able to write it in a finite number of steps), and
-7.2. Attributes of Algorithms
-The attributes of algorithms are many and often
-include modularity, correctness, maintainabil-
-ity, functionality, robustness, user-friendliness
-(i.e. easy to be understood by people), program-
-mer time, simplicity, and extensibility. A com-
-monly emphasized attribute is “performance”
-or “efficiency” by which we mean both time
-and resource-usage efficiency while generally
-emphasizing the time axis. To some degree, effi-
-ciency determines if an algorithm is feasible or
-impractical. For example, an algorithm that takes
-one hundred years to terminate is virtually use-
-less and is even considered incorrect.
-7.3. Algorithmic Analysis
-Analysis of algorithms is the theoretical study
-of computer-program performance and resource
-usage; to some extent it determines the goodness
-of an algorithm. Such analysis usually abstracts
-away the particular details of a specific computer
-and focuses on the asymptotic, machine-indepen-
-dent analysis.
-There are three basic types of analysis. In
-worst-case analysis, one determines the maxi-
-mum time or resources required by the algorithm
-on any input of size n. In average-case analysis,
-one determines the expected time or resources
-required by the algorithm over all inputs of size
-n ; in performing average-case analysis, one often
-needs to make assumptions on the statistical dis-
-tribution of inputs. The third type of analysis is
-the best-case analysis, in which one determines
-the minimum time or resources required by the
-algorithm on any input of size n. Among the
-three types of analysis, average-case analysis is
-the most relevant but also the most difficult to
-Besides the basic analysis methods, there are
-also the amortized analysis, in which one deter-
-mines the maximum time required by an algo-
-rithm over a sequence of operations; and the
-competitive analysis, in which one determines
-the relative performance merit of an algorithm
-against the optimal algorithm (which may not
-be known) in the same category (for the same
-Computing Foundations 13-11
-_7.4. Algorithmic Design Strategies_
-The design of algorithms generally follows one
-of the following strategies: brute force, divide
-and conquer, dynamic programming, and greedy
-selection. The _brute force strategy_ is actually a
-no-strategy. It exhaustively tries every possible
-way to tackle a problem. If a problem has a solu-
-tion, this strategy is guaranteed to find it; however,
-the time expense may be too high. The _divide and
-conquer strategy_ improves on the brute force
-strategy by dividing a big problem into smaller,
-homogeneous problems. It solves the big prob-
-lem by recursively solving the smaller problems
-and combing the solutions to the smaller prob-
-lems to form the solution to the big problem. The
-underlying assumption for divide and conquer is
-that smaller problems are easier to solve.
-The _dynamic programming strategy_ improves
-on the divide and conquer strategy by recogniz-
-ing that some of the sub-problems produced by
-division may be the same and thus avoids solving
-the same problems again and again. This elimina-
-tion of redundant subproblems can dramatically
-improve efficiency.
-The _greedy selection strategy_ further improves
-on dynamic programming by recognizing that
-not all of the sub-problems contribute to the solu-
-tion of the big problem. By eliminating all but
-one sub-problem, the greedy selection strategy
-achieves the highest efficiency among all algo-
-rithm design strategies. Sometimes the use of
-_randomization_ can improve on the greedy selec-
-tion strategy by eliminating the complexity in
-determining the greedy choice through coin flip-
-ping or randomization.
-_7.5. Algorithmic Analysis Strategies_
-The analysis strategies of algorithms include
-_basic counting analysis,_ in which one actually
-counts the number of steps an algorithm takes to
-complete its task; _asymptotic analysis,_ in which
-one only considers the order of magnitude of
-the number of steps an algorithm takes to com-
-plete its task; _probabilistic analysis,_ in which
-one makes use of probabilities in analyzing the
-average performance of an algorithm; _amor-
-tized analysis,_ in which one uses the methods of
-aggregation, potential, and accounting to ana-
-lyze the worst performance of an algorithm on a
-sequence of operations; and competitive analysis,
-in which one uses methods such as potential and
-accounting to analyze the relative performance of
-an algorithm to the optimal algorithm.
-For complex problems and algorithms, one
-may need to use a combination of the aforemen-
-tioned analysis strategies.
-**8. Basic Concept of a System**
-    [6*, c10]
-Ian Sommerville writes, “a system is a purposeful
-collection of interrelated components that work
-together to achieve some objective” [6*]. A sys-
-tem can be very simple and include only a few
-components, like an ink pen, or rather complex,
-like an aircraft. Depending on whether humans
-are part of the system, systems can be divided
-into technical computer-based systems and socio-
-technical systems. A technical computer-based
-system functions without human involvement,
-such as televisions, mobile phones, thermostat,
-and some software; a sociotechnical system
-will not function without human involvement.
-Examples of such system include manned space
-vehicles, chips embedded inside a human, and so
-8.1. Emergent System Properties
-A system is more than simply the sum of its parts.
-Thus, the properties of a system are not simply the
-sum of the properties of its components. Instead,
-a system often exhibits properties that are proper-
-ties of the system as a whole. These properties are
-called emergent properties because they develop
-only after the integration of constituent parts in
-the system. Emergent system properties can be
-either functional or nonfunctional. Functional
-properties describe the things that a system does.
-For example, an aircraft’s functional properties
-include flotation on air, carrying people or cargo,
-and use as a weapon of mass destruction. Non-
-functional properties describe how the system
-behaves in its operational environment. These
-can include such qualities as consistency, capac-
-ity, weight, security, etc.
-**13-12** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-_8.2. Systems Engineering_
-“Systems engineering is the interdisciplinary
-approach governing the total technical and mana-
-gerial effort required to transform a set of cus-
-tomer needs, expectations, and constraints into
-a solution and to support that solution through-
-out its life.” [7]. The life cycle stages of systems
-engineering vary depending on the system being
-built but, in general, include system requirements
-definition, system design, sub-system develop-
-ment, system integration, system testing, sys-
-tem installation, system evolution, and system
-Many practical guidelines have been produced
-in the past to aid people in performing the activi-
-ties of each phase. For example, system design
-can be broken into smaller tasks of identification
-of subsystems, assignment of system require-
-ments to subsystems, specification of subsystem
-functionality, definition of sub-system interfaces,
-and so forth.
-_8.3. Overview of a Computer System_
-Among all the systems, one that is obviously rel-
-evant to the software engineering community is
-the computer system. A computer is a machine
-that executes programs or software. It consists of
-a purposeful collection of mechanical, electrical,
-and electronic components with each component
-performing a preset function. Jointly, these com-
-ponents are able to execute the instructions that
-are given by the program.
-Abstractly speaking, a computer receives some
-input, stores and manipulates some data, and
-provides some output. The most distinct feature
-of a computer is its ability to store and execute
-sequences of instructions called programs. An
-interesting phenomenon concerning the computer
-is the universal equivalence in functionality.
-According to Turing, all computers with a certain
-minimum capability are equivalent in their abil-
-ity to perform computation tasks. In other words,
-given enough time and memory, all computers—
-ranging from a netbook to a supercomputer—are
-capable of computing exactly the same things,
-irrespective of speed, size, cost, or anything else.
-Most computer systems have a structure that
-is known as the “von Neumann model,” which
-consists of five components: a memory for storing
-instructions and data, a central processing unit
-for performing arithmetic and logical operations,
-a control unit for sequencing and interpreting
-instructions, input for getting external informa-
-tion into the memory, and output for producing
-results for the user. The basic components of a
-computer system based on the von Neumann
-model are depicted in Figure 13.3.
-Figure 13.3. Basic Components of a Computer System Based on the von Neumann Model
-Computing Foundations 13-13
-**9. Computer Organization**
-    [8*, c1–c4]
-From the perspective of a computer, a wide
-semantic gap exists between its intended behav-
-ior and the workings of the underlying electronic
-devices that actually do the work within the com-
-puter. This gap is bridged through computer orga-
-nization, which meshes various electrical, elec-
-tronic, and mechanical devices into one device
-that forms a computer. The objects that computer
-organization deals with are the devices, connec-
-tions, and controls. The abstraction built in com-
-puter organization is the computer.
-_9.1. Computer Organization Overview_
-A computer generally consists of a CPU, mem-
-ory, input devices, and output devices. Abstractly
-speaking, the organization of a computer can be
-divided into four levels (Figure 13.4). The _macro
-architecture_ level is the formal specification of all
-the functions a particular machine can carry out
-and is known as the instruction set architecture
-(ISA). The _micro architecture_ level is the imple-
-mentation of the ISA in a specific CPU—in other
-words, the way in which the ISA’s specifications
-are actually carried out. The _logic circuits_ level
-is the level where each functional component
-of the micro architecture is built up of circuits
-that make decisions based on simple rules. The
-_devices_ level is the level where, finally, each logic
-circuit is actually built of electronic devices such
-as complementary metal-oxide semiconductors
-(CMOS), n-channel metal oxide semiconductors
-(NMOS), or gallium arsenide (GaAs) transistors,
-and so forth.
-Macro Architecture Level (ISA)
-Micro Architecture Level
-Logic Circuits Level
-Devices Level
-Figure 13.4. Machine Architecture Levels
-Each level provides an abstraction to the level
-above and is dependent on the level below. To a
-programmer, the most important abstraction is
-the ISA, which specifies such things as the native
-data types, instructions, registers, addressing
-modes, the memory architecture, interrupt and
-exception handling, and the I/Os. Overall, the
-ISA specifies the ability of a computer and what
-can be done on the computer with programming.
-9.2. Digital Systems
-At the lowest level, computations are carried out
-by the electrical and electronic devices within a
-computer. The computer uses circuits and mem-
-ory to hold charges that represents the presence
-or absence of voltage. The presence of voltage
-is equal to a 1 while the absence of voltage is a
-zero. On disk the polarity of the voltage is repre-
-sented by 0s and 1s that in turn represents the data
-stored. Everything—including instruction and
-data—is expressed or encoded using digital zeros
-and ones. In this sense, a computer becomes a
-digital system. For example, decimal value 6 can
-be encoded as 110, the addition instruction may
-be encoded as 0001, and so forth. The component
-of the computer such as the control unit, ALU,
-memory and I/O use the information to compute
-the instructions.
-9.3. Digital Logic
-Obviously, logics are needed to manipulate data
-and to control the operation of computers. This
-logic, which is behind a computer’s proper func-
-tion, is called digital logic because it deals with
-the operations of digital zeros and ones. Digital
-logic specifies the rules both for building various
-digital devices from the simplest elements (such
-as transistors) and for governing the operation of
-digital devices. For example, digital logic spells
-out what the value will be if a zero and one is
-ANDed, ORed, or exclusively ORed together. It
-also specifies how to build decoders, multiplex-
-ers (MUX), memory, and adders that are used to
-assemble the computer.
-9.4. Computer Expression of Data
-As mentioned before, a computer expresses data
-with electrical signals or digital zeros and ones.
-Since there are only two different digits used in
-**13-14** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-data expression, such a system is called a _binary
-expression system_. Due to the inherent nature of
-a binary system, the maximum numerical value
-expressible by an n-bits binary code is 2n − 1.
-Specifically, binary number _a_ n _a_ n−1... _a_ 1 _a_ 0 corre-
-sponds to _a_ n × 2 n + _a_ n−1 × 2 n−1 + ... + _a_ 1 × 21 +
-_a_ 0 × 20. Thus, the numerical value of the binary
-expression of 1011 is 1 × 8 + 0 × 4 + 1 × 2 + 1
-× 1 = 11. To express a nonnumerical value, we
-need to decide the number of zeros and ones to
-use and the order in which those zeros and ones
-are arranged.
-Of course, there are different ways to do the
-encoding, and this gives rise to different data
-expression schemes and subschemes. For example,
-integers can be expressed in the form of unsigned,
-one’s complement, or two’s complement. For
-characters, there are ASCII, Unicode, and IBM’s
-EBCDIC standards. For floating point numbers,
-there are IEEE-754 FP 1, 2, and 3 standards.
-_9.5. The Central Processing Unit (CPU)_
-The central processing unit is the place where
-instructions (or programs) are actually executed.
-The execution usually takes several steps, includ-
-ing fetching the program instruction, decoding
-the instruction, fetching operands, performing
-arithmetic and logical operations on the oper-
-ands, and storing the result. The main compo-
-nents of a CPU consist of registers where instruc-
-tions and data are often read from and written to,
-the arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) that performs
-the actual arithmetic (such as addition, subtrac-
-tion, multiplication, and division) and logic (such
-as AND, OR, shift, and so forth) operations, the
-control unit that is responsible for producing
-proper signals to control the operations, and vari-
-ous (data, address, and control) buses that link the
-components together and transport data to and
-from these components.
-_9.6. Memory System Organization_
-Memory is the storage unit of a computer. It con-
-cerns the assembling of a large-scale memory
-system from smaller and single-digit storage
-units. The main topics covered by memory sys-
-tem architecture include the following:
-- Memory cells and chips
-- Memory boards and modules
-- Memory hierarchy and cache
-- Memory as a subsystem of the computer.
-Memory cells and chips deal with single-digital
-storage and the assembling of single-digit units
-into one-dimensional memory arrays as well
-as the assembling of one-dimensional storage
-arrays into multi-dimensional storage memory
-chips. Memory boards and modules concern the
-assembling of memory chips into memory sys-
-tems, with the focus being on the organization,
-operation, and management of the individual
-chips in the system. Memory hierarchy and cache
-are used to support efficient memory operations.
-Memory as a sub-system deals with the interface
-between the memory system and other parts of
-the computer.
-9.7. Input and Output (I/O)
-A computer is useless without I/O. Common
-input devices include the keyboard and mouse;
-common output devices include the disk, the
-screen, the printer, and speakers. Different I/O
-devices operate at different data rates and reli-
-abilities. How computers connect and manage
-various input and output devices to facilitate the
-interaction between computers and humans (or
-other computers) is the focus of topics in I/O.
-The main issues that must be resolved in input
-and output are the ways I/O can and should be
-In general, I/O is performed at both hard-
-ware and software levels. Hardware I/O can be
-performed in any of three ways. Dedicated I/O
-dedicates the CPU to the actual input and output
-operations during I/O; memory-mapped I/O treats
-I/O operations as memory operations; and hybrid
-I/O combines dedicated I/O and memory-mapped
-I/O into a single holistic I/O operation mode.
-Coincidentally, software I/O can also be per-
-formed in one of three ways. Programmed I/O
-lets the CPU wait while the I/O device is doing
-I/O; interrupt-driven I/O lets the CPU’s handling
-of I/O be driven by the I/O device; and direct
-memory access ( DMA) lets I/O be handled by a
-secondary CPU embedded in a DMA device (or
-Computing Foundations 13-15
-channel). (Except during the initial setup, the
-main CPU is not disturbed during a DMA I/O
-Regardless of the types of I/O scheme being
-used, the main issues involved in I/O include _I/O
-addressing_ (which deals with the issue of how to
-identify the I/O device for a specific I/O opera-
-tion), _synchronization_ (which deals with the issue
-of how to make the CPU and I/O device work
-in harmony during I/O), and _error detection and
-correction_ (which deals with the occurrence of
-transmission errors).
-**10. Compiler Basics**
-    [4*, s6.4] [8*, s8.4]
-_10.1. Compiler/Interpreter Overview_
-Programmers usually write programs in high
-level language code, which the CPU cannot exe-
-cute; so this source code has to be converted into
-machine code to be understood by a computer.
-Due to the differences between different ISAs,
-the translation must be done for each ISA or spe-
-cific machine language under consideration.
-The translation is usually performed by a piece
-of software called a compiler or an interpreter_._
-This process of translation from a high-level lan-
-guage to a machine language is called compila-
-tion, or, sometimes, interpretation.
-_10.2. Interpretation and Compilation_
-There are two ways to translate a program writ-
-ten in a higher-level language into machine code:
-interpretation and compilation. _Interpretation_
-translates the source code one statement at a time
-into machine language, executes it on the spot,
-and then goes back for another statement. Both
-the high-level-language source code and the inter-
-preter are required every time the program is run.
-_Compilation_ translates the high-level-language
-source code into an entire machine-language pro-
-gram (an executable image) by a program called a
-compiler. After compilation, only the executable
-image is needed to run the program. Most appli-
-cation software is sold in this form.
-While both compilation and interpretation con-
-vert high level language code into machine code,
-there are some important differences between the
-two methods. First, a compiler makes the conver-
-sion just once, while an interpreter typically con-
-verts it every time a program is executed. Second,
-interpreting code is slower than running the com-
-piled code, because the interpreter must analyze
-each statement in the program when it is executed
-and then perform the desired action, whereas the
-compiled code just performs the action within
-a fixed context determined by the compilation.
-Third, access to variables is also slower in an
-interpreter because the mapping of identifiers to
-storage locations must be done repeatedly at run-
-time rather than at compile time.
-The primary tasks of a compiler may include
-preprocessing, lexical analysis, parsing, semantic
-analysis, code generation, and code optimiza-
-tion. Program faults caused by incorrect compiler
-behavior can be very difficult to track down. For
-this reason, compiler implementers invest a lot of
-time ensuring the correctness of their software.
-10.3. The Compilation Process
-Compilation is a complex task. Most compilers
-divide the compilation process into many phases.
-A typical breakdown is as follows:
-- Lexical Analysis
-- Syntax Analysis or Parsing
-- Semantic Analysis
-- Code Generation
-Lexical analysis partitions the input text (the
-source code), which is a sequence of characters,
-into separate comments , which are to be ignored
-in subsequent actions, and basic symbols, which
-have lexical meanings. These basic symbols
-must correspond to some terminal symbols of
-the grammar of the particular programming lan-
-guage. Here terminal symbols refer to the ele-
-mentary symbols (or tokens) in the grammar that
-cannot be changed.
-Syntax analysis is based on the results of the
-lexical analysis and discovers the structure in the
-program and determines whether or not a text
-conforms to an expected format. Is this a textu-
-ally correct C++ program? or Is this entry tex-
-tually correct? are typical questions that can be
-**13-16** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-answered by syntax analysis. Syntax analysis
-determines if the source code of a program is cor-
-rect and converts it into a more structured rep-
-resentation (parse tree) for semantic analysis or
-_Semantic analysis_ adds semantic information
-to the parse tree built during the syntax analysis
-and builds the symbol table. It performs vari-
-ous semantic checks that include type checking,
-object binding (associating variable and function
-references with their definitions), and definite
-assignment (requiring all local variables to be
-initialized before use). If mistakes are found, the
-semantically incorrect program statements are
-rejected and flagged as errors.
-Once semantic analysis is complete, the phase
-of _code generation_ begins and transforms the
-intermediate code produced in the previous
-phases into the native machine language of the
-computer under consideration. This involves
-resource and storage decisions—such as deciding
-which variables to fit into registers and memory
-and the selection and scheduling of appropriate
-machine instructions, along with their associated
-addressing modes.
-It is often possible to combine multiple phases
-into one pass over the code in a compiler imple-
-mentation. Some compilers also have a prepro-
-cessing phase at the beginning or after the lexical
-analysis that does necessary housekeeping work,
-such as processing the program instructions for
-the compiler (directives). Some compilers pro-
-vide an optional optimization phase at the end of
-the entire compilation to optimize the code (such
-as the rearrangement of instruction sequence)
-for efficiency and other desirable objectives
-requested by the users.
-**11. Operating Systems Basics**
-    [4*, c3]
-Every system of meaningful complexity needs
-to be managed. A computer, as a rather complex
-electrical-mechanical system, needs its own man-
-ager for managing the resources and activities
-occurring on it. That manager is called an _operat-
-ing system_ (OS)_._
-11.1. Operating Systems Overview
-Operating systems is a collection of software and
-firmware, that controls the execution of computer
-programs and provides such services as computer
-resource allocation, job control, input/output con-
-trol, and file management in a computer system.
-Conceptually, an operating system is a computer
-program that manages the hardware resources
-and makes it easier to use by applications by pre-
-senting nice abstractions. This nice abstraction
-is often called the virtual machine and includes
-such things as processes, virtual memory, and
-file systems. An OS hides the complexity of the
-underlying hardware and is found on all modern
-The principal roles played by OSs are manage-
-ment and illusion. Management refers to the OS’s
-management (allocation and recovery) of physi-
-cal resources among multiple competing users/
-applications/tasks. Illusion refers to the nice
-abstractions the OS provides.
-11.2. Tasks of an Operating System
-The tasks of an operating system differ signifi-
-cantly depending on the machine and time of its
-invention. However, modern operating systems
-have come to agreement as to the tasks that must
-be performed by an OS. These tasks include CPU
-management, memory management, disk man-
-agement (file system), I/O device management,
-and security and protection. Each OS task man-
-ages one type of physical resource.
-Specifically, CPU management deals with the
-allocation and releases of the CPU among com-
-peting programs (called processes/threads in OS
-jargon), including the operating system itself. The
-main abstraction provided by CPU management is
-the process/thread model. Memory management
-deals with the allocation and release of memory
-space among competing processes, and the main
-abstraction provided by memory management
-is virtual memory. Disk management deals with
-the sharing of magnetic or optical or solid state
-disks among multiple programs/users and its main
-abstraction is the file system. I/O device manage-
-ment deals with the allocation and releases of
-various I/O devices among competing processes.
-Computing Foundations 13-17
-Security and protection deal with the protection of
-computer resources from illegal use.
-_11.3. Operating System Abstractions_
-The arsenal of OSs is abstraction. Corresponding
-to the five physical tasks, OSs use five abstrac-
-tions: process/thread, virtual memory, file sys-
-tems, input/output, and protection domains. The
-overall OS abstraction is the virtual machine.
-For each task area of OS, there is both a physi-
-cal reality and a conceptual abstraction. The phys-
-ical reality refers to the hardware resource under
-management; the conceptual abstraction refers
-to the interface the OS presents to the users/pro-
-grams above. For example, in the thread model
-of the OS, the physical reality is the CPU and the
-abstraction is multiple CPUs. Thus, a user doesn’t
-have to worry about sharing the CPU with others
-when working on the abstraction provided by an
-OS. In the virtual memory abstraction of an OS,
-the physical reality is the physical RAM or ROM
-(whatever), the abstraction is multiple unlim-
-ited memory space. Thus, a user doesn’t have to
-worry about sharing physical memory with others
-or about limited physical memory size.
-Abstractions may be virtual or transparent;
-in this context virtual applies to something that
-appears to be there, but isn’t (like usable memory
-beyond physical), whereas transparent applies
-to something that is there, but appears not to be
-there (like fetching memory contents from disk or
-physical memory).
-_11.4. Operating Systems Classification_
-Different operating systems can have different
-functionality implementation. In the early days
-of the computer era, operating systems were rela-
-tively simple. As time goes on, the complexity
-and sophistication of operating systems increases
-significantly. From a historical perspective, an
-operating system can be classified as one of the
-- _Batching OS:_ organizes and processes work
-    in batches. Examples of such OSs include
-    IBM’s FMS, IBSYS, and University of
-    Michigan’s UMES.
-       - _Multiprogrammed batching OS:_ adds mul-
-          titask capability into earlier simple batching
-          OSs. An example of such an OS is IBM’s
-          OS/360.
-       - _Time-sharing OS:_ adds multi-task and inter-
-          active capabilities into the OS. Examples of
-          such OSs include UNIX, Linux, and NT.
-       - _Real-time OS:_ adds timing predictabil-
-          ity into the OS by scheduling individual
-          tasks according to each task’s completion
-          deadlines. Examples of such OS include
-          VxWorks (WindRiver) and DART (EMC).
-       - _Distributed OS:_ adds the capability of man-
-          aging a network of computers into the OS.
-       - _Embedded OS:_ has limited functionality and
-          is used for embedded systems such as cars
-          and PDAs. Examples of such OSs include
-          Palm OS, Windows CE, and TOPPER.
-Alternatively, an OS can be classified by its
-applicable target machine/environment into the
-- _Mainframe OS:_ runs on the mainframe com-
-    puters and include OS/360, OS/390, AS/400,
-    MVS, and VM.
-- _Server OS:_ runs on workstations or servers
-    and includes such systems as UNIX, Win-
-    dows, Linux, and VMS.
-- _Multicomputer OS:_ runs on multiple com-
-    puters and include such examples as Novell
-    Netware.
-- _Personal computers OS:_ runs on personal
-    computers and include such examples as
-    DOS, Windows, Mac OS, and Linux.
-- _Mobile device OS:_ runs on personal devices
-    such as cell phones, IPAD and include such
-    examples of iOS, Android, Symbian, etc.
-**12. Database Basics and Data Management**
-[4*, c9]
-A database consists of an organized collection of
-data for one or more uses. In a sense, a database is
-a generalization and expansion of data structures.
-But the difference is that a database is usually
-external to individual programs and permanent in
-existence compared to data structures. Databases
-are used when the data volume is large or logical
-**13-18** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-relations between data items are important. The
-factors considered in database design include per-
-formance, concurrency, integrity, and recovery
-from hardware failures.
-_12.1. Entity and Schema_
-The things a database tries to model and store are
-called entities. Entities can be real-world objects
-such as persons, cars, houses, and so forth, or they
-may be abstract concepts such as persons, salary,
-names, and so forth. An entity can be primitive
-such as a name or composite such as an employee
-that consists of a name, identification number,
-salary, address, and so forth.
-The single most important concept in a database
-is the _schema_ , which is a description of the entire
-database structure from which all other database
-activities are built. A schema defines the relation-
-ships between the various entities that compose a
-database. For example, a schema for a company
-payroll system would consist of such things as
-employee ID, name, salary rate, address, and so
-forth. Database software maintains the database
-according to the schema.
-Another important concept in database is the
-_database model_ that describes the type of rela-
-tionship among various entities. The commonly
-used models include relational, network, and
-object models.
-_12.2. Database Management Systems (DBMS)_
-Database Management System (DBMS) compo-
-nents include database applications for the stor-
-age of structured and unstructured data and the
-required database management functions needed
-to view, collect, store, and retrieve data from the
-databases. A DBMS controls the creation, main-
-tenance, and use of the database and is usually
-categorized according to the database model it
-supports—such as the relational, network, or
-object model. For example, a relational database
-management system (RDBMS) implements fea-
-tures of the relational model. An object database
-management system (ODBMS) implements fea-
-tures of the object model.
-12.3. Database Query Language
-Users/applications interact with a database
-through a database query language, which is a spe-
-cialized programming language tailored to data-
-base use. The database model tends to determine
-the query languages that are available to access
-the database. One commonly used query lan-
-guage for the relational database is the structured
-query language, more commonly abbreviated as
-SQL. A common query language for object data-
-bases is the object query language (abbreviated as
-OQL). There are three components of SQL: Data
-Definition Language (DDL), Data Manipulation
-Language (DML), and Data Control Language
-(DCL). An example of an DML query may look
-like the following:
-SELECT Component_No, Quantity
-WHERE Item_No = 100
-The above query selects all the Component_No
-and its corresponding quantity from a database
-table called COMPONENT, where the Item_No
-equals to 100.
-12.4. Tasks of DBMS Packages
-A DBMS system provides the following
-- _Database development_ is used to define and
-    organize the content, relationships, and struc-
-    ture of the data needed to build a database.
-- _Database interrogation_ is used for accessing
-    the data in a database for information retrieval
-    and report generation. End users can selec-
-    tively retrieve and display information and
-    produce printed reports. This is the operation
-    that most users know about databases.
-- _Database Maintenance_ is used to add, delete,
-    update, and correct the data in a database.
-- _Application Development_ is used to develop
-    prototypes of data entry screens, queries,
-    forms, reports, tables, and labels for a proto-
-    typed application. It also refers to the use of
-    4th Generation Language or application gen-
-    erators to develop or generate program code.
-Computing Foundations 13-19
-_12.5. Data Management_
-A database must manage the data stored in it.
-This management includes both organization and
-The organization of the actual data in a database
-depends on the database model. In a relational
-model, data are organized as tables with different
-tables representing different entities or relations
-among a set of entities. The storage of data deals
-with the storage of these database tables on disks.
-The common ways for achieving this is to use files.
-Sequential, indexed, and hash files are all used in
-this purpose with different file structures providing
-different access performance and convenience.
-_12.6. Data Mining_
-One often has to know what to look for before
-querying a database. This type of “pinpointing”
-access does not make full use of the vast amount
-of information stored in the database, and in fact
-reduces the database into a collection of discrete
-records. To take full advantage of a database, one
-can perform statistical analysis and pattern dis-
-covery on the content of a database using a tech-
-nique called _data mining._ Such operations can be
-used to support a number of business activities
-that include, but are not limited to, marketing,
-fraud detection, and trend analysis.
-Numerous ways for performing data mining
-have been invented in the past decade and include
-such common techniques as class description,
-class discrimination, cluster analysis, association
-analysis, and outlier analysis.
-**13. Network Communication Basics**
-    [8*, c12]
-A computer network connects a collection of
-computers and allows users of different comput-
-ers to share resources with other users. A network
-facilitates the communications between all the
-connected computers and may give the illusion
-of a single, omnipresent computer. Every com-
-puter or device connected to a network is called
-a _network node._
-A number of computing paradigms have emerged
-to benefit from the functions and capabilities
-provided by computer networks. These paradigms
-include distributed computing, grid computing,
-Internet computing, and cloud computing.
-13.1. Types of Network
-Computer networks are not all the same and
-may be classified according to a wide variety of
-characteristics, including the network’s connec-
-tion method, wired technologies, wireless tech-
-nologies, scale, network topology, functions, and
-speed. But the classification that is familiar to
-most is based on the scale of networking.
-- _Personal Area Network/Home Network_ is a
-    computer network used for communication
-    among computer(s) and different informa-
-    tion technological devices close to one per-
-    son. The devices connected to such a net-
-    work may include PCs, faxes, PDAs, and
-    TVs. This is the base on which the Internet
-    of Things is built.
-- _Local Area Network_ (LAN) connects com-
-    puters and devices in a limited geographical
-    area, such as a school campus, computer lab-
-    oratory, office building, or closely positioned
-    group of buildings.
-- _Campus Network_ is a computer network made
-    up of an interconnection of local area networks
-    (LANs) within a limited geographical area.
-- _Wide area network_ (WAN) is a computer
-    network that covers a large geographic area,
-    such as a city or country or even across inter-
-    continental distances. A WAN limited to a
-    city is sometimes called a Metropolitan Area
-    Network.
-- _Internet_ is the global network that connects
-    computers located in many (perhaps all)
-    countries.
-Other classifications may divide networks into
-control networks, storage networks, virtual pri-
-vate networks (VPN), wireless networks, point-
-to-point networks, and Internet of Things.
-13.2. Basic Network Components
-All networks are made up of the same basic hard-
-ware components, including computers, network
-**13-20** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-interface cards (NICs), bridges, hubs, switches,
-and routers. All these components are called _nodes_
-in the jargon of networking. Each component per-
-forms a distinctive function that is essential for
-the packaging, connection, transmission, amplifi-
-cation, controlling, unpacking, and interpretation
-of the data. For example, a repeater amplifies the
-signals, a switch performs many-to-many connec-
-tions, a hub performs one-to-many connections,
-an interface card is attached to the computer and
-performs data packing and transmission, a bridge
-connects one network with another, and a router is
-a computer itself and performs data analysis and
-flow control to regulate the data from the network.
-The functions performed by various network
-components correspond to the functions specified
-by one or more levels of the seven-layer Open
-Systems Interconnect (OSI) networking model,
-which is discussed below.
-_13.3. Networking Protocols and Standards_
-Computers communicate with each other using
-protocols, which specify the format and regula-
-tions used to pack and un-pack data. To facilitate
-easier communication and better structure, net-
-work protocols are divided into different layers
-with each layer dealing with one aspect of the
-communication. For example, the physical lay-
-ers deal with the physical connection between
-the parties that are to communicate, the data link
-layer deals with the raw data transmission and
-flow control, and the network layer deals with the
-packing and un-packing of data into a particular
-format that is understandable by the relevant par-
-ties. The most commonly used OSI networking
-model organizes network protocols into seven
-layers, as depicted in Figure 13.5.
-One thing to note is that not all network proto-
-cols implement all layers of the OSI model. For
-example, the TCP/IP protocol implements neither
-the presentation layer nor the session layer.
-There can be more than one protocol for each
-layer. For example, UDP and TCP both work on
-the transport layer above IP’s network layer, pro-
-viding best-effort, unreliable transport (UDP) vs.
-reliable transport function (TCP). Physical layer
-protocols include token ring, Ethernet, fast Ether-
-net, gigabit Ethernet, and wireless Ethernet. Data
-link layer protocols include frame-relay, asyn-
-chronous transfer mode (ATM), and Point-to-
-Point Protocol (PPP). Application layer protocols
-include Fibre channel, Small Computer System
-Interface (SCSI), and Bluetooth. For each layer
-or even each individual protocol, there may be
-standards established by national or international
-organizations to guide the design and develop-
-ment of the corresponding protocols.
-Application Layer
-Presentation Layer
-Session Layer
-Transport Layer
-Network Layer
-Data link Layer
-Physical Layer
-Figure 13.5. The Seven-Layer OSI Networking Model
-13.4. The Internet
-The Internet is a global system of interconnected
-governmental, academic, corporate, public, and
-private computer networks. In the public domain
-access to the internet is through organizations
-known as internet service providers (ISP). The
-ISP maintains one or more switching centers
-called a point of presence, which actually con-
-nects the users to the Internet.
-13.5. Internet of Things
-The Internet of Things refers to the networking
-of everyday objects—such as cars, cell phones,
-PDAs, TVs, refrigerators, and even buildings—
-using wired or wireless networking technologies.
-The function and purpose of Internet of Things
-is to interconnect all things to facilitate autono-
-mous and better living. Technologies used in the
-Internet of Things include RFID, wireless and
-wired networking, sensor technology, and much
-software of course. As the paradigm of Internet
-of Things is still taking shape, much work is
-needed for Internet of Things to gain wide spread
-Computing Foundations 13-21
-_13.6. Virtual Private Network (VPN)_
-A virtual private network is a preplanned virtual
-connection between nodes in a LAN/WAN or on
-the internet. It allows the network administrator
-to separate network traffic into user groups that
-have a common affinity for each other such as
-all users in the same organization, or workgroup.
-This circuit type may improve performance
-and security between nodes and allows for eas-
-ier maintenance of circuits when troubleshooting.
-**14. Parallel and Distributed Computing**
-    [8*, c9]
-Parallel computing is a computing paradigm that
-emerges with the development of multi-func-
-tional units within a computer. The main objec-
-tive of parallel computing is to execute several
-tasks simultaneously on different functional units
-and thus improve throughput or response or both.
-Distributed computing, on the other hand, is a
-computing paradigm that emerges with the devel-
-opment of computer networks. Its main objective
-is to either make use of multiple computers in the
-network to accomplish things otherwise not pos-
-sible within a single computer or improve com-
-putation efficiency by harnessing the power of
-multiple computers.
-_14.1. Parallel and Distributed Computing
-Traditionally, parallel computing investigates
-ways to maximize concurrency (the simultaneous
-execution of multiple tasks) within the bound-
-ary of a computer. Distributed computing studies
-distributed systems, which consists of multiple
-_autonomous_ computers that communicate through
-a computer network. Alternatively, distributed
-computing can also refer to the use of distributed
-systems to solve computational or transactional
-problems. In the former definition, distributed
-computing investigates the protocols, mecha-
-nisms, and strategies that provide the foundation
-for distributed computation; in the latter definition,
-distributed computing studies the ways of dividing
-a problem into many tasks and assigning such tasks
-to various computers involved in the computation.
-Fundamentally, distributed computing is
-another form of parallel computing, albeit on a
-grander scale. In distributed computing, the func-
-tional units are not ALU, FPU, or separate cores,
-but individual computers. For this reason, some
-people regard distributed computing as being the
-same as parallel computing. Because both distrib-
-uted and parallel computing involve some form
-of concurrency, they are both also called concur-
-rent computing.
-14.2. Difference between Parallel and Distrib-
-uted Computing
-Though parallel and distributed computing resem-
-ble each other on the surface, there is a subtle but
-real distinction between them: parallel comput-
-ing does not necessarily refer to the execution of
-programs on different computers— instead, they
-can be run on different processors within a single
-computer. In fact, consensus among computing
-professionals limits the scope of parallel comput-
-ing to the case where a shared memory is used by
-all processors involved in the computing, while
-distributed computing refers to computations
-where private memory exists for each processor
-involved in the computations.
-Another subtle difference between parallel and
-distributed computing is that parallel computing
-necessitates concurrent execution of several tasks
-while distributed computing does not have this
-Based on the above discussion, it is possible
-to classify concurrent systems as being “parallel”
-or “distributed” based on the existence or nonex-
-istence of shared memory among all the proces-
-sor: parallel computing deals with computations
-within a single computer; distributed computing
-deals with computations within a set of comput-
-ers. According to this view, multicore computing
-is a form of parallel computing.
-14.3. Parallel and Distributed Computing
-Since multiple computers/processors/cores are
-involved in distributed/parallel computing, some
-coordination among the involved parties is nec-
-essary to ensure correct behavior of the system.
-**13-22** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-Different ways of coordination give rise to differ-
-ent computing models. The most common mod-
-els in this regard are the shared memory (paral-
-lel) model and the message-passing (distributed)
-In a _shared memory (parallel)_ model, all com-
-puters have access to a shared central memory
-where local caches are used to speed up the
-processing power. These caches use a protocol
-to insure the localized data is fresh and up to
-date, typically the MESI protocol. The algorithm
-designer chooses the program for execution by
-each computer. Access to the central memory can
-be synchronous or asynchronous, and must be
-coordinated such that coherency is maintained.
-Different access models have been invented for
-such a purpose.
-In a _message-passing (distributed)_ model, all
-computers run some programs that collectively
-achieve some purpose. The system must work
-correctly regardless of the structure of the net-
-work. This model can be further classified into
-client-server (C/S), browser-server (B/S), and
-n-tier models. In the C/S model, the server pro-
-vides services and the client requests services
-from the server. In the B/S model, the server pro-
-vides services and the client is the browser. In the
-n-tier model, each tier (i.e. layer) provides ser-
-vices to the tier immediately above it and requests
-services from the tier immediately below it. In
-fact, the n-tier model can be seen as a chain of
-client-server models. Often, the tiers between the
-bottommost tier and the topmost tier are called
-_middleware,_ which is a distinct subject of study
-in its own right.
-_14.4. Main Issues in Distributed Computing_
-Coordination among all the components in a dis-
-tributed computing environment is often complex
-and time-consuming. As the number of cores/
-CPUs/computers increases, the complexity of
-distributed computing also increases. Among
-the many issues faced, memory coherency and
-consensus among all computers are the most dif-
-ficult ones. Many computation paradigms have
-been invented to solve these problems and are
-the main discussion issues in distributed/parallel
-**15. Basic User Human Factors**
-    [3*, c8] [9*, c5]
-Software is developed to meet human desires or
-needs. Thus, all software design and develop-
-ment must take into consideration human-user
-factors such as how people use software, how
-people view software, and what humans expect
-from software. There are numerous factors in the
-human-machine interaction, and ISO 9241 docu-
-ment series define all the detailed standards of
-such interactions.[10] But the basic human-user
-factors considered here include input/output, the
-handling of error messages, and the robustness of
-the software in general.
-15.1. Input and Output
-Input and output are the interfaces between users
-and software. Software is useless without input
-and output. Humans design software to process
-some input and produce desirable output. All
-software engineers must consider input and out-
-put as an integral part of the software product
-they engineer or develop. Issues considered for
-input include (but are not limited to):
-- What input is required?
-- How is the input passed from users to
-    computers?
-- What is the most convenient way for users to
-    enter input?
-- What format does the computer require of
-    the input data?
-The designer should request the minimum
-data from human input, only when the data is not
-already stored in the system. The designer should
-format and edit the data at the time of entry to
-reduce errors arising from incorrect or malicious
-data entry.
-For output, we need to consider what the users
-wish to see:
-- In what format would users like to see
-    output?
-- What is the most pleasing way to display
-    output?
-Computing Foundations 13-23
-If the party interacting with the software isn’t
-human but another software or computer or con-
-trol system, then we need to consider the input/
-output type and format that the software should
-produce to ensure proper data exchange between
-There are many rules of thumb for developers
-to follow to produce good input/output for a soft-
-ware. These rules of thumb include simple and
-natural dialogue, speaking users’ language, mini-
-mizing user memory load, consistency, minimal
-surprise, conformance to standards (whether
-agreed to or not: e.g., automobiles have a stan-
-dard interface for accelerator, brake, steering).
-_15.2. Error Messages_
-It is understandable that most software con-
-tains faults and fails from time to time. But
-users should be notified if there is anything that
-impedes the smooth execution of the program.
-Nothing is more frustrating than an unexpected
-termination or behavioral deviation of software
-without any warning or explanation. To be user
-friendly, the software should report all error con-
-ditions to the users or upper-level applications
-so that some measure can be taken to rectify the
-situation or to exit gracefully. There are several
-guidelines that define what constitutes a good
-error message: error messages should be clear, to
-the point, and timely.
-First, error messages should clearly explain
-what is happening so that users know what is
-going on in the software. Second, error mes-
-sages should pinpoint the cause of the error, if at
-all possible, so that proper actions can be taken.
-Third, error messages should be displayed right
-when the error condition occurs. According to
-Jakob Nielsen, “Good error messages should be
-expressed in plain language (no codes), precisely
-indicate the problem, and constructively suggest
-a solution” [9*]. Fourth, error messages should
-not overload the users with too much informa-
-tion and cause them to ignore the messages all
-However, messages relating to security access
-errors should not provide extra information that
-would help unauthorized persons break in.
-15.3. Software Robustness
-Software robustness refers to the ability of soft-
-ware to tolerate erroneous inputs. Software is said
-to be robust if it continues to function even when
-erroneous inputs are given. Thus, it is unaccept-
-able for software to simply crash when encoun-
-tering an input problem as this may cause unex-
-pected consequences, such as the loss of valuable
-data. Software that exhibits such behavior is con-
-sidered to lack robustness.
-Nielsen gives a simpler description of software
-robustness: “The software should have a low
-error rate, so that users make few errors during
-the use of the system and so that if they do make
-errors they can easily recover from them. Further,
-catastrophic errors must not occur” [9*].
-There are many ways to evaluate the robust-
-ness of software and just as many ways to make
-software more robust. For example, to improve
-robustness, one should always check the validity
-of the inputs and return values before progress-
-ing further; one should always throw an excep-
-tion when something unexpected occurs, and
-one should never quit a program without first
-giving users/applications a chance to correct the
-**16. Basic Developer Human Factors**
-    [3*, c31–32]
-Developer human factors refer to the consider-
-ations of human factors taken when developing
-software. Software is developed by humans, read
-by humans, and maintained by humans. If any-
-thing is wrong, humans are responsible for cor-
-recting those wrongs. Thus, it is essential to write
-software in a way that is easily understandable
-by humans or, at the very least, by other software
-developers. A program that is easy to read and
-understand exhibits readability.
-The means to ensure that software meet this
-objective are numerous and range from proper
-architecture at the macro level to the particular
-coding style and variable usage at the micro level.
-But the two prominent factors are structure (or
-program layouts) and comments (documentation).
-**13-24** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-_16.1. Structure_
-Well-structured programs are easier to understand
-and modify. If a program is poorly structured, then
-no amount of explanation or comments is sufficient
-to make it understandable. The ways to organize a
-program are numerous and range from the proper
-use of white space, indentation, and parentheses to
-nice arrangements of groupings, blank lines, and
-braces. Whatever style one chooses, it should be
-consistent across the entire program.
-_16.2. Comments_
-To most people, programming is coding. These
-people do not realize that programming also
-includes writing comments and that comments are
-an integral part of programming. True, comments
-are not used by the computer and certainly do not
-constitute final instructions for the computer, but
-they improve the readability of the programs by
-explaining the meaning and logic of the statements
-or sections of code. It should be remembered that
-programs are not only meant for computers, they
-are also read, written, and modified by humans.
-The types of comments include repeat of the
-code, explanation of the code, marker of the
-code, summary of the code, description of the
-code’s intent, and information that cannot possi-
-bly be expressed by the code itself. Some com-
-ments are good, some are not. The good ones
-are those that explain the intent of the code and
-justify why this code looks the way it does. The
-bad ones are repeat of the code and stating irrel-
-evant information. The best comments are self-
-documenting code. If the code is written in such a
-clear and precise manner that its meaning is self-
-proclaimed, then no comment is needed. But this
-is easier said than done. Most programs are not
-self-explanatory and are often hard to read and
-understand if no comments are given.
-Here are some general guidelines for writing
-good comments:
-- Comments should be consistent across the
-    entire program.
-- Each function should be associated with
-    comments that explain the purpose of the
-    function and its role in the overall program.
-       - Within a function, comments should be
-          given for each logical section of coding to
-          explain the meaning and purpose (intention)
-          of the section.
-       - Comments should stipulate what freedom
-          does (or does not) the maintaining program-
-          mers have with respect to making changes to
-          that code.
-       - Comments are seldom required for indi-
-          vidual statements. If a statement needs com-
-          ments, one should reconsider the statement.
-**17. Secure Software Development and
-[11*, c29]
-Due to increasing malicious activities targeted
-at computer systems, security has become a sig-
-nificant issue in the development of software. In
-addition to the usual correctness and reliability,
-software developers must also pay attention to
-the security of the software they develop. Secure
-software development builds security in software
-by following a set of established and/or recom-
-mended rules and practices in software develop-
-ment. Secure software maintenance complements
-secure software development by ensuring the no
-security problems are introduced during software
-A generally accepted view concerning software
-security is that it is much better to design security
-into software than to patch it in after software is
-developed. To design security into software, one
-must take into consideration every stage of the soft-
-ware development lifecycle. In particular, secure
-software development involves software require-
-ments security , software design security , software
-construction security, and software testing secu-
-rity. In addition, security must also be taken into
-consideration when performing software mainte-
-nance as security faults and loopholes can be and
-often are introduced during maintenance.
-17.1. Software Requirements Security
-Software requirements security deals with the
-clarification and specification of security policy
-and objectives into software requirements, which
-Computing Foundations 13-25
-lays the foundation for security considerations in
-the software development. Factors to consider
-in this phase include software requirements and
-threats/risks. The former refers to the specific
-functions that are required for the sake of secu-
-rity; the latter refers to the possible ways that the
-security of software is threatened.
-_17.2. Software Design Security_
-Software Design security deals with the design
-of software modules that fit together to meet
-the security objectives specified in the security
-requirements. This step clarifies the details of
-security considerations and develops the specific
-steps for implementation. Factors considered
-may include frameworks and access modes that
-set up the overall security monitoring/enforce-
-ment strategies, as well as the individual policy
-enforcement mechanisms.
-_17.3. Software Construction Security_
-Software construction security concerns the ques-
-tion of how to write actual programming code for
-specific situations such that security considerations
-are taken care of. The term “Software Construction
-Security” could mean different things for different
-people. It can mean the way a specific function is
-coded, such that the coding itself is secure, or it can
-mean the coding of security into software.
-Most people entangle the two together without
-distinction. One reason for such entanglement is
-that it is not clear how one can make sure that a
-specific coding is secure. For example, in C pro-
-gramming language, the expression of i<<1 (shift
-the binary representation of i’s value to the left by
-one bit) and 2*i (multiply the value of variable i
-by constant 2) mean the same thing semantically,
-but do they have the same security ramification?
-The answer could be different for different com-
-binations of ISAs and compilers. Due to this lack
-of understanding, software construction secu-
-rity—in its current state of existence—mostly
-refers to the second aspect mentioned above: the
-coding of security into software.
-Coding of security into software can be
-achieved by following recommended rules. A few
-such rules follow:
-- Structure the process so that all sections
-    requiring extra privileges are modules. The
-    modules should be as small as possible and
-    should perform only those tasks that require
-    those privileges.
-- Ensure that any assumptions in the program
-    are validated. If this is not possible, docu-
-    ment them for the installers and maintainers
-    so they know the assumptions that attackers
-    will try to invalidate.
-- Ensure that the program does not share
-    objects in memory with any other program.
-- The error status of every function must be
-    checked. Do not try to recover unless neither
-    the cause of the error nor its effects affect
-    any security considerations. The program
-    should restore the state of the software to
-    the state it had before the process began, and
-    then terminate.
-17.4. Software Testing Security
-Software testing security determines that soft-
-ware protects data and maintains security speci-
-fication as given. For more information, please
-refer to the Software Testing KA.
-17.5. Build Security into Software Engineering
-Software is only as secure as its development
-process goes. To ensure the security of software,
-security must be built into the software engineer-
-ing process. One trend that emerges in this regard
-is the Secure Development Lifecycle (SDL) con-
-cept, which is a classical spiral model that takes
-a holistic view of security from the perspective
-of software lifecycle and ensures that security is
-inherent in software design and development, not
-an afterthought later in production. The SDL pro-
-cess is claimed to reduce software maintenance
-costs and increase reliability of software concern-
-ing software security related faults.
-17.6. Software Security Guidelines
-Although there are no bulletproof ways for secure
-software development, some general guidelines
-do exist that can be used to aid such effort. These
-**13-26** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-guidelines span every phase of the software
-development lifecycle. Some reputable guide-
-lines are published by the Computer Emergency
-Response Team (CERT) and below are its top
-10 software security practices (the details can be
-found in [12]:
-1. Validate input.
-2. Heed compiler warnings.
-3. Architect and design for security policies.
-4. Keep it simple.
-5. Default deny.
-6. Adhere to the principle of least privilege.
-7. Sanitize data sent to other software.
-8. Practice defense in depth.
-9. Use effective quality assurance techniques.
-10. Adopt a software construction security
-    standard.
-Computing Foundations 13-27
-Voland 2003
-##### [2*]
-McConnell 2004
-##### [3*]
-Brookshear 2008
-##### [4*]
-Horowitz et al. 2007
-##### [5*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [6*]
-Null and Lobur 2006
-##### [8*]
-Nielsen 1993
-##### [9*]
-Bishop 2002
-##### [11*]
-**1. Problem Solving
-Te c h n i que s**
-1.1. Definition of
-Problem Solving
-1.2. Formulating the
-Real Problem
-1.3. Analyze the
-1.4. Design a
-Solution Search
-1.5. Problem Solving
-Using Programs
-**2. Abstraction**
-    s5.2–
-       5.4
-2.1. Levels of
-2.2. Encapsulation s5.3
-2.3. Hierarchy s5.2
-**3. Programming
-    c6–19
-3.1. The
-3.2. Programming
-3.3. Defensive
-**4. Programming
-Language Basics**
-    c6
-4.1. Programming
-Language Overview
-4.2. Syntax and
-Semantics of
-**13-28** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-Voland 2003
-##### [2*]
-McConnell 2004
-##### [3*]
-Brookshear 2008
-##### [4*]
-Horowitz et al. 2007
-##### [5*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [6*]
-Null and Lobur 2006
-##### [8*]
-Nielsen 1993
-##### [9*]
-Bishop 2002
-##### [11*]
-4.3. Low Level
-4.4. High Level
-4.5. Declarative
-vs. Imperative
-**5. Debugging Tools
-and Techniques**
-    c23
-5.1. Types of Errors s23.1
-5.2. Debugging
-5.3. Debugging
-To ol s
-**6. Data Structure and
-6.1. Data Structure
-6.2. Types of Data
-6.3. Operations on
-Data Structures
-**7. Algorithms and
-Computing Foundations 13-29
-Voland 2003
-##### [2*]
-McConnell 2004
-##### [3*]
-Brookshear 2008
-##### [4*]
-Horowitz et al. 2007
-##### [5*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [6*]
-Null and Lobur 2006
-##### [8*]
-Nielsen 1993
-##### [9*]
-Bishop 2002
-##### [11*]
-7.1. Overview of
-7.2. Attributes of
-7.3. Algorithmic
-7.4. Algorithmic
-Design Strategies
-7.5. Algorithmic
-Analysis Strategies
-**8. Basic Concept of a
-    c10
-8.1. Emergent
-System Properties
-8.2. System
-8.3. Overview of a
-Computer System
-**13-30** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-Voland 2003
-##### [2*]
-McConnell 2004
-##### [3*]
-Brookshear 2008
-##### [4*]
-Horowitz et al. 2007
-##### [5*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [6*]
-Null and Lobur 2006
-##### [8*]
-Nielsen 1993
-##### [9*]
-Bishop 2002
-##### [11*]
-**9. Computer
-    c1–4
-9.1. Computer
-9.2. Digital Systems c3
-9.3. Digital Logic c3
-9.4. Computer
-Expression of Data
-9.5. The Central
-Processing Unit
-9.6. Memory System
-9.7. Input and Output
-**10. Compiler Basics** s6.4 s8.4
-    10.1. Compiler
-    Overview
-       s8.4
-10.2. Interpretation
-and Compilation
-10.3. The
-Compilation Process
-s6.4 s8.4
-**11. Operating
-Systems Basics**
-    c3
-11.1. Operating
-Systems Overview
-11. 2. Ta sk s of
-Operating System
-    s3.3
-11.3. Operating
-System Abstractions
-11.4. Operating
-Computing Foundations 13-31
-Voland 2003
-##### [2*]
-McConnell 2004
-##### [3*]
-Brookshear 2008
-##### [4*]
-Horowitz et al. 2007
-##### [5*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [6*]
-Null and Lobur 2006
-##### [8*]
-Nielsen 1993
-##### [9*]
-Bishop 2002
-##### [11*]
-**12. Database
-Basics and Data
-12.1. Entity and
-12.2. Database
-Systems (DBMS)
-12.3. Database
-Query Language
-12.4. Ta sk s of
-DBMS Packages
-12.5. Data
-12.6. Data Mining s9.6
-**13. Network
-13.1. Ty p e s of
-13.2. Basic Network
-13.3. Networking
-Protocols and
-13.4. The Internet
-13.5. Internet of
-13.6. Virtual Private
-**14. Parallel and
-14.1. Parallel
-and Distributed
-**13-32** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-Voland 2003
-##### [2*]
-McConnell 2004
-##### [3*]
-Brookshear 2008
-##### [4*]
-Horowitz et al. 2007
-##### [5*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [6*]
-Null and Lobur 2006
-##### [8*]
-Nielsen 1993
-##### [9*]
-Bishop 2002
-##### [11*]
-14.2. Differences
-between Parallel
-and Distributed
-14.3. Parallel
-and Distributed
-Computing Models
-14.4. Main Issues
-in Distributed
-**15. Basic User
-Human Factors**
-    c8 c5
-15.1. Input and
-15.2. Error Messages
-15.3. Software
-**16. Basic Developer
-Human Factors**
-    c31–32
-16.1. Structure c31
-16.2. Comments c32
-**17. Secure Software
-Development and
-17.1. Two Aspects of
-Secure Coding
-17.2. Coding
-Security into
-17.3. Requirement
-17.4. Design
-17.5. Implementation
-Computing Foundations 13-33
-[1] Joint Task Force on Computing Curricula,
-IEEE Computer Society and Association
-for Computing Machinery, _Software
-Engineering 2004: Curriculum Guidelines
-for Undergraduate Degree Programs in
-Software Engineering_ , 2004; [http://sites.](http://sites.)
-[2*] G. Voland, _Engineering by Design_ , 2nd ed.,
-Prentice Hall, 2003.
-[3*] S. McConnell, _Code Complete_ , 2nd ed.,
-Microsoft Press, 2004.
-[4*] J.G. Brookshear, _Computer Science: An
-Overview_ , 10th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2008.
-[5*] E. Horowitz et al., _Computer Algorithms_ ,
-2nd ed., Silicon Press, 2007.
-[6*] I. Sommerville, _Software Engineering_ , 9th
-ed., Addison-Wesley, 2011.
-[7] ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2010 Systems and
-Software Engineering—Vocabulary , ISO/
-IEC/IEEE, 2010.
-[8*] L. Null and J. Lobur, The Essentials of
-Computer Organization and Architecture ,
-2nd ed., Jones and Bartlett Publishers,
-[9*] J. Nielsen, Usability Engineering , Morgan
-Kaufmann, 1993.
-[10] ISO 9241-420:2011 Ergonomics of Human-
-System Interaction, ISO, 2011.
-[11*] M. Bishop, Computer Security: Art and
-Science , Addison-Wesley, 2002.
-[12] R.C. Seacord, The CERT C Secure Coding
-Standard , Addison-Wesley Professional,
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-**CHAPTER 14**
-Software professionals live with programs. In a
-very simple language, one can program only for
-something that follows a well-understood, non-
-ambiguous logic. The Mathematical Foundations
-knowledge area (KA) helps software engineers
-comprehend this logic, which in turn is translated
-into programming language code. The mathemat-
-ics that is the primary focus in this KA is quite
-different from typical arithmetic, where numbers
-are dealt with and discussed. Logic and reason-
-ing are the essence of mathematics that a software
-engineer must address.
-Mathematics, in a sense, is the study of formal
-systems. The word “formal” is associated with
-preciseness, so there cannot be any ambiguous or
-erroneous interpretation of the fact. Mathemat-
-ics is therefore the study of any and all certain
-truths about any concept. This concept can be
-about numbers as well as about symbols, images,
-sounds, video—almost anything. In short, not
-only numbers and numeric equations are sub-
-ject to preciseness. On the contrary, a software
-engineer needs to have a precise abstraction on a
-diverse application domain.
-The _SWEBOK Guide_ ’s Mathematical Founda-
-tions KA covers basic techniques to identify a set
-of rules for reasoning in the context of the system
-under study. Anything that one can deduce fol-
-lowing these rules is an absolute certainty within
-the context of that system. In this KA, techniques
-that can represent and take forward the reasoning
-and judgment of a software engineer in a precise
-(and therefore mathematical) manner are defined
-and discussed. The language and methods of logic
-that are discussed here allow us to describe math-
-ematical proofs to infer conclusively the absolute
-truth of certain concepts beyond the numbers. In
-short, you can write a program for a problem only
-if it follows some logic. The objective of this KA
-is to help you develop the skill to identify and
-describe such logic. The emphasis is on helping
-you understand the basic concepts rather than on
-challenging your arithmetic abilities.
-The breakdown of topics for the Mathematical
-Foundations KA is shown in Figure 14.1.
-**1. Set, Relations, Functions**
-    [1*, c2]
-Set. A set is a collection of objects, called elements
-of the set. A set can be represented by listing its
-elements between braces, e.g., S = {1, 2, 3}.
-The symbol ∈ is used to express that an ele-
-ment belongs to a set, or—in other words—is a
-member of the set. Its negation is represented by
-∉, e.g., 1 ∈ S, but 4 ∉ S.
-In a more compact representation of set using
-set builder notation, {x | P(x)} is the set of all x
-such that P(x) for any proposition P(x) over any
-universe of discourse. Examples for some impor-
-tant sets include the following:
-N = {0, 1, 2, 3, ...} = the set of nonnegative
-Z = {..., −3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...} = the set of
-Finite and Infinite Set. A set with a finite num-
-ber of elements is called a finite set. Conversely,
-any set that does not have a finite number of ele-
-ments in it is an infinite set. The set of all natural
-numbers, for example, is an infinite set.
-**14-2** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-_Cardinality._ The cardinality of a finite set S is
-the number of elements in S. This is represented
-|S|, e.g., if S = {1, 2, 3}, then |S| = 3.
-_Universal Set._ In general S = {x ∈ U | p(x)},
-where U is the universe of discourse in which
-the predicate P(x) must be interpreted. The “uni-
-verse of discourse” for a given predicate is often
-referred to as the universal set. Alternately, one
-may define universal set as the set of all elements.
-_Set Equality._ Two sets are equal if and only if
-they have the same elements, i.e.:
-X = Y ≡ ∀p (p ∈ X ↔ p ∈ Y).
-_Subset._ X is a subset of set Y, or X is contained
-in Y, if all elements of X are included in Y. This is
-denoted by X ⊆ Y. In other words, X ⊆ Y if and
-only if ∀p (p ∈ X → p ∈ Y).
-For example, if X = {1, 2, 3} and Y = {1, 2, 3,
-4, 5}, then X ⊆ Y.
-If X is not a subset of Y, it is denoted as X Y.
-_Proper Subset._ X is a proper subset of Y (denoted
-by X ⊂ Y) if X is a subset of Y but not equal to Y,
-i.e., there is some element in Y that is not in X.
-In other words, X ⊂ Y if (X ⊆ Y) ∧ (X ≠ Y).
-For example, if X = {1, 2, 3}, Y = {1, 2, 3,
-4}, and Z = {1, 2, 3}, then X ⊂ Y, but X is not a
-proper subset of Z. Sets X and Z are equal sets.
-If X is not a proper subset of Y, it is denoted
-as X ⊄ Y.
-_Superset._ If X is a subset of Y, then Y is called
-a _superset_ of X. This is denoted by Y ⊇ X, i.e., Y
-⊇ X if and only if X ⊆ Y.
-For example, if X = {1, 2, 3} and Y = {1, 2, 3,
-4, 5}, then Y ⊇ X.
-Empty Set. A set with no elements is called an
-empty set. An empty set, denoted by ∅, is also
-referred to as a null or void set.
-Power Set. The set of all subsets of a set X is
-called the power set of X. It is represented as
-For example, if X = {a, b, c}, then ℘(X) = {∅,
-{a}, {b}, {c}, {a, b}, {a, c}, {b, c}, {a, b, c}}. If
-|X| = n, then |℘(X)| = 2n.
-Venn Diagrams. Venn diagrams are graphic rep-
-resentations of sets as enclosed areas in the plane.
-For example, in Figure 14.2, the rectangle rep-
-resents the universal set and the shaded region
-represents a set X.
-Figure 14.2. Venn Diagram for Set X
-1.1. Set Operations
-Intersection. The intersection of two sets X and
-Y, denoted by X ∩ Y, is the set of common ele-
-ments in both X and Y.
-In other words, X ∩ Y = {p | (p ∈ X) ∧ (p ∈ Y)}.
-As, for example, {1, 2, 3} ∩ {3, 4, 6} = {3}
-If X ∩ Y = f, then the two sets X and Y are said
-to be a disjoint pair of sets.
-Figure 14.1. Breakdown of Topics for the Mathematical Foundations KA
-Mathematical Foundations 14-3
-A Venn diagram for set intersection is shown in
-Figure 14.3. The common portion of the two sets
-represents the set intersection.
-Figure 14.3. Intersection of Sets X and Y
-_Union._ The union of two sets X and Y, denoted
-by X ∪ Y, is the set of all elements either in X, or
-in Y, or in both.
-In other words, X ∪ Y = {p | (p ∈ X) ∨ (p ∈ Y)}.
-As, for example, {1, 2, 3} ∪ {3, 4, 6} = {1, 2,
-3, 4, 6}.
-Figure 14.4. Union of Sets X and Y
-It may be noted that |X ∪ Y| = |X| + |Y| − |X
-∩ Y|.
-A Venn diagram illustrating the union of two
-sets is represented by the shaded region in Figure
-_Complement._ The set of elements in the univer-
-sal set that do not belong to a given set X is called
-its complement set X'.
-In other words, X' ={p | (p ∈ U) ∧ (p ∉ X)}.
-Figure 14.5. Venn Diagram for Complement Set of X
-The shaded portion of the Venn diagram in Fig-
-ure 14.5 represents the complement set of X.
-Set Difference or Relative Complement. The set
-of elements that belong to set X but not to set Y
-builds the set difference of Y from X. This is rep-
-resented by X − Y.
-In other words, X − Y = {p | (p ∈ X) ∧ (p ∉ Y)}.
-As, for example, {1, 2, 3} − {3, 4, 6} = {1, 2}.
-It may be proved that X − Y = X ∩ Y’.
-Set difference X – Y is illustrated by the shaded
-region in Figure 14.6 using a Venn diagram.
-Figure 14.6. Venn Diagram for X − Y
-Cartesian Product. An ordinary pair {p, q} is
-a set with two elements. In a set, the order of the
-elements is irrelevant, so {p, q} = {q, p}.
-In an ordered pair (p, q), the order of occur-
-rences of the elements is relevant. Thus, (p, q) ≠
-(q, p) unless p = q. In general (p, q) = (s, t) if and
-only if p = s and q = t.
-Given two sets X and Y, their Cartesian product
-X × Y is the set of all ordered pairs (p, q) such that
-p ∈ X and q ∈ Y.
-In other words, X × Y = {(p, q) | (p ∈ X) ∧ (q
-∈ Y)}.
-As for example, {a, b} × {1, 2} = {(a, 1), (a, 2),
-(b, 1), (b, 2)}
-1.2. Properties of Set
-Some of the important properties and laws of sets
-are mentioned below.
-1. Associative Laws:
-    X ∪ (Y ∪ Z) = (X ∪ Y) ∪ Z
-    X ∩ (Y ∩ Z) = (X ∩ Y) ∩ Z
-**14-4** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-2. Commutative Laws:
-    X ∪ Y = Y ∪ X X ∩ Y = Y ∩ X
-3. Distributive Laws:
-    X ∪ (Y ∩ Z) = (X ∪ Y) ∩ (X ∪ Z)
-    X ∩ (Y ∪ Z) = (X ∩ Y) ∪ (X ∩ Z)
-4. Identity Laws:
-    X ∪ ∅ = X X ∩ U = X
-5. Complement Laws:
-    X ∪ X' = U X ∩ X' = ∅
-6. Idempotent Laws:
-    X ∪ X = X X ∩ X = X
-7. Bound Laws:
-    X ∪ U = U X ∩ ∅ = ∅
-8. Absorption Laws:
-    X ∪ (X ∩ Y) = X X ∩ (X ∪ Y) = X
-9. De Morgan’s Laws:
-    (X ∪ Y)' = X' ∩ Y' (X ∩ Y)' = X' ∪ Y'
-_1.3. Relation and Function_
-A relation is an association between two sets of
-information. For example, let’s consider a set
-of residents of a city and their phone numbers.
-The pairing of names with corresponding phone
-numbers is a relation. This pairing is _ordered_ for
-the entire relation. In the example being consid-
-ered, for each pair, either the name comes first
-followed by the phone number or the reverse.
-The set from which the first element is drawn is
-called the _domain set_ and the other set is called
-the _range set_. The domain is what you start with
-and the range is what you end up with.
-A function is a _well-behaved_ relation. A rela-
-tion R(X, Y) is well behaved if the function maps
-every element of the domain set X to a single ele-
-ment of the range set Y. Let’s consider domain set
-X as a set of persons and let range set Y store their
-phone numbers. Assuming that a person may have
-more than one phone number, the relation being
-considered is not a function. However, if we draw
-a relation between names of residents and their
-date of births with the name set as domain, then
-this becomes a well-behaved relation and hence a
-function. This means that, while all functions are
-relations, not all relations are functions. In case
-of a function given an x, one gets one and exactly
-one y for each ordered pair ( x , y ).
-For example, let’s consider the following two
-A: {(3, –9), (5, 8), (7, –6), (3, 9), (6, 3)}.
-B: {(5, 8), (7, 8), (3, 8), (6, 8)}.
-Are these functions as well?
-In case of relation A, the domain is all the
-x-values, i.e., {3, 5, 6, 7}, and the range is all the
-y-values, i.e., {–9, –6, 3, 8, 9}.
-Relation A is not a function, as there are two
-different range values, –9 and 9, for the same
-x-value of 3.
-In case of relation B, the domain is same as that
-for A, i.e., {3, 5, 6, 7}. However, the range is a
-single element {8}. This qualifies as an example
-of a function even if all the x-values are mapped
-to the same y-value. Here, each x-value is distinct
-and hence the function is well behaved. Relation
-B may be represented by the equation y = 8.
-The characteristic of a function may be verified
-using a vertical line test, which is stated below:
-Given the graph of a relation, if one can draw
-a vertical line that crosses the graph in more than
-one place, then the relation is not a function.
-Figure 14.7. Vertical Line Test for Function
-In this example, both lines L1 and L2 cut the
-graph for the relation thrice. This signifies that
-for the same x-value, there are three different
-y-values for each of case. Thus, the relation is not
-a function.
-Mathematical Foundations 14-5
-**2. Basic Logic**
-    [1*, c1]
-_2.1. Propositional Logic_
-A proposition is a statement that is either true
-or false, but not both. Let’s consider declarative
-sentences for which it is meaningful to assign
-either of the two status values: _true_ or _false_. Some
-examples of propositions are given below.
-1. The sun is a star
-2. Elephants are mammals.
-3. 2 + 3 = 5.
-However, a + 3 = b is not a proposition, as it is
-neither true nor false. It depends on the values of
-the variables _a_ and _b_.
-_The Law of Excluded Middle:_ For every propo-
-sition p, either p is true or p is false.
-_The Law of Contradiction:_ For every proposi-
-tion p, it is not the case that p is both true and false.
-Propositional logic is the area of logic that
-deals with propositions. A truth table displays
-the relationships between the truth values of
-A Boolean variable is one whose value is either
-true or false. Computer bit operations correspond
-to logical operations of Boolean variables.
-The basic logical operators including negation
-(¬ p), conjunction (p ∧ q), disjunction (p ∨ q),
-exclusive or (p ⊕ q), and implication (p → q) are
-to be studied. Compound propositions may be
-formed using various logical operators.
-A compound proposition that is always true is a
-tautology. A compound proposition that is always
-false is a contradiction. A compound proposition
-that is neither a tautology nor a contradiction is a
-Compound propositions that always have the
-same truth value are called logically equivalent
-(denoted by ≡). Some of the common equiva-
-lences are:
-Identity laws:
-p ∧ T ≡ p p ∨ F ≡ p
-Domination laws:
-p ∨ T ≡ T p ∧ F ≡ F
-Idempotent laws:
-p ∨ p ≡ p p ∧ p ≡ p
-Double negation law:
-¬ (¬ p) ≡ p
-Commutative laws:
-p ∨ q ≡ q ∨ p p ∧ q ≡ q ∧ p
-Associative laws:
-(p ∨ q) ∨ r ≡ p ∨ (q ∨ r)
-(p ∧ q) ∧ r ≡ p ∧ (q ∧ r)
-Distributive laws:
-p ∨ (q ∧ r) ≡ (p ∨ q) ∧ (p ∨ r)
-p ∧ (q ∨ r) ≡ (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r)
-De Morgan’s laws:
-¬ (p ∧ q) ≡ ¬ p ∨ ¬ q ¬ (p ∨ q) ≡ ¬ p ∧ ¬ q
-2.2. Predicate Logic
-A predicate is a verb phrase template that
-describes a property of objects or a relationship
-among objects represented by the variables. For
-example, in the sentence, The flower is red, the
-template is red is a predicate. It describes the
-property of a flower. The same predicate may be
-used in other sentences too.
-Predicates are often given a name, e.g., “Red”
-or simply “R” can be used to represent the predi-
-cate is red. Assuming R as the name for the predi-
-cate is red , sentences that assert an object is of the
-color red can be represented as R(x) , where x rep-
-resents an arbitrary object. R(x) reads as x is red.
-Quantifiers allow statements about entire col-
-lections of objects rather than having to enumer-
-ate the objects by name.
-The Universal quantifier ∀x asserts that a sen-
-tence is true for all values of variable x.
-For example, ∀x Tiger(x) → Mammal(x)
-means all tigers are mammals.
-The Existential quantifier ∃x asserts that a sen-
-tence is true for at least one value of variable x.
-For example, ∃x Tiger(x) → Man-eater(x) means
-there exists at least one tiger that is a man-eater.
-Thus, while universal quantification uses
-implication, the existential quantification natu-
-rally uses conjunction.
-**14-6** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-A variable _x_ that is introduced into a logical
-expression by a quantifier is bound to the closest
-enclosing quantifier.
-A variable is said to be a free variable if it is not
-bound to a quantifier.
-Similarly, in a block-structured programming
-language, a variable in a logical expression refers
-to the closest quantifier within whose scope it
-For example, in ∃x (Cat(x) ∧ ∀x (Black(x))), x
-in Black(x) is universally quantified. The expres-
-sion implies that cats exist and everything is
-Propositional logic falls short in representing
-many assertions that are used in computer sci-
-ence and mathematics. It also fails to compare
-equivalence and some other types of relationship
-between propositions.
-For example, the assertion _a is greater than
-1_ is not a proposition because one cannot infer
-whether it is true or false without knowing the
-value of _a_. Thus, propositional logic cannot deal
-with such sentences. However, such assertions
-appear quite often in mathematics and we want
-to infer on those assertions. Also, the pattern
-involved in the following two logical equiva-
-lences cannot be captured by propositional
-logic: “ _Not all men are smokers_ ” and “ _Some men
-don’t smoke._ ” Each of these two propositions
-is treated independently in propositional logic.
-There is no mechanism in propositional logic to
-find out whether or not the two are equivalent to
-one another. Hence, in propositional logic, each
-equivalent proposition is treated individually
-rather than dealing with a general formula that
-covers all equivalences collectively.
-Predicate logic is supposed to be a more pow-
-erful logic that addresses these issues. In a sense,
-predicate logic (also known as first-order logic
-or predicate calculus) is an extension of propo-
-sitional logic to formulas involving terms and
-**3. Proof Techniques**
-    [1*, c1]
-A proof is an argument that rigorously establishes
-the truth of a statement. Proofs can themselves be
-represented formally as discrete structures.
-Statements used in a proof include axioms
-and postulates that are essentially the underlying
-assumptions about mathematical structures, the
-hypotheses of the theorem to be proved, and pre-
-viously proved theorems.
-A theorem is a statement that can be shown to
-be true.
-A lemma is a simple theorem used in the proof
-of other theorems.
-A corollary is a proposition that can be estab-
-lished directly from a theorem that has been
-A conjecture is a statement whose truth value
-is unknown.
-When a conjecture’s proof is found, the conjec-
-ture becomes a theorem. Many times conjectures
-are shown to be false and, hence, are not theorems.
-3.1. Methods of Proving Theorems
-Direct Proof. Direct proof is a technique to estab-
-lish that the implication p → q is true by showing
-that q must be true when p is true.
-For example, to show that if n is odd then n^2 −1
-is even, suppose n is odd, i.e., n = 2k + 1 for some
-integer k:
-∴ n^2 = (2k + 1)^2 = 4k^2 + 4k + 1.
-As the first two terms of the Right Hand Side
-(RHS) are even numbers irrespective of the value
-of k, the Left Hand Side (LHS) (i.e., n^2 ) is an odd
-number. Therefore, n^2 −1 is even.
-Proof by Contradiction. A proposition p is true
-by contradiction if proved based on the truth of
-the implication ¬ p → q where q is a contradiction.
-For example, to show that the sum of 2x + 1
-and 2y − 1 is even, assume that the sum of 2x + 1
-and 2y − 1is odd. In other words, 2(x + y), which
-is a multiple of 2, is odd. This is a contradiction.
-Hence, the sum of 2x + 1 and 2y − 1 is even.
-An inference rule is a pattern establishing that
-if a set of premises are all true, then it can be
-deduced that a certain conclusion statement is
-true. The reference rules of addition, simplifica-
-tion, and conjunction need to be studied.
-Proof by Induction. Proof by induction is done
-in two phases. First, the proposition is estab-
-lished to be true for a base case—typically for the
-Mathematical Foundations 14-7
-positive integer 1. In the second phase, it is estab-
-lished that if the proposition holds for an arbitrary
-positive integer _k,_ then it must also hold for the
-next greater integer, _k + 1_. In other words, proof
-by induction is based on the rule of inference that
-tells us that the truth of an infinite sequence of
-propositions P(n), ∀n ∈ [1 ... ∞] is established
-if P(1) is true, and secondly, ∀k ∈ [2 ... n] if P(k)
-→ P(k + 1).
-It may be noted here that, for a proof by math-
-ematical induction, it is not assumed that P(k) is
-true for all positive integers k. Proving a theo-
-rem or proposition only requires us to establish
-that if it is assumed P(k) is true for any arbitrary
-positive integer k, then P(k + 1) is also true. The
-correctness of mathematical induction as a valid
-proof technique is beyond discussion of the cur-
-rent text. Let us prove the following proposition
-using induction.
-Proposition: _The sum of the first n positive odd
-integers P(n) is n_^2_._
-Basis Step: The proposition is true for n = 1 as
-P(1) = 1^2 = 1. The basis step is complete.
-Inductive Step: The induction hypothesis (IH)
-is that the proposition is true for n = k, k being an
-arbitrary positive integer k.
-∴ 1 + 3 + 5+ ... + (2k − 1) = k^2
-Now, it’s to be shown that P(k) → P(k + 1).
-P(k + 1) = 1 + 3 + 5+ ... +(2k − 1) + (2k + 1)
-= P(k) + (2k + 1)
-= k^2 + (2k + 1) [using IH]
-= k^2 + 2k + 1
-= (k + 1)^2
-Thus, it is shown that if the proposition is true
-for n = k, then it is also true for n = k + 1.
-The basis step together with the inductive step of
-the proof show that P(1) is true and the conditional
-statement P(k) → P(k + 1) is true for all positive
-integers k. Hence, the proposition is proved.
-**4. Basics of Counting**
-    [1*c6]
-The sum rule states that if a task t 1 can be done
-in n 1 ways and a second task t 2 can be done in
-n 2 ways, and if these tasks cannot be done at the
-same time, then there are n 1 + n 2 ways to do either
-- If A and B are disjoint sets, then |A ∪ B|=|A|
-    + |B|.
-- In general if A1, A2, .... , An are disjoint
-    sets, then |A1 ∪ A2 ∪ ... ∪ An| = |A1| + |A2|
-    + ... + |An|.
-For example, if there are 200 athletes doing
-sprint events and 30 athletes who participate in
-the long jump event, then how many ways are
-there to pick one athlete who is either a sprinter
-or a long jumper?
-Using the sum rule, the answer would be 200
-+ 30 = 230.
-The product rule states that if a task t 1 can be
-done in n 1 ways and a second task t 2 can be done
-in n 2 ways after the first task has been done, then
-there are n 1 * n 2 ways to do the procedure.
-- If A and B are disjoint sets, then |A × B| =
-    |A| * |B|.
-- In general if A1, A2, ..., An are disjoint sets,
-    then |A1 × A2 × ... × An| = |A1| * |A2| * ....
-    * |An|.
-For example, if there are 200 athletes doing
-sprint events and 30 athletes who participate in
-the long jump event, then how many ways are
-there to pick two athletes so that one is a sprinter
-and the other is a long jumper?
-Using the product rule, the answer would be
-200 * 30 = 6000.
-The principle of inclusion-exclusion states that
-if a task t 1 can be done in n 1 ways and a second
-task t 2 can be done in n 2 ways at the same time
-with t 1 , then to find the total number of ways the
-two tasks can be done, subtract the number of
-ways to do both tasks from n 1 + n 2.
-- If A and B are not disjoint, |A ∪ B| = |A| +
-    |B| − |A ∩ B|.
-In other words, the principle of inclusion-
-exclusion aims to ensure that the objects in the
-intersection of two sets are not counted more than
-**14-8** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-_Recursion_ is the general term for the practice
-of defining an object in terms of itself. There are
-recursive algorithms, recursively defined func-
-tions, relations, sets, etc.
-A recursive function is a function that calls
-itself. For example, we define f(n) = 3 * f(n − 1)
-for all n ∈ N and n ≠ 0 and f(0) = 5.
-An algorithm is recursive if it solves a problem
-by reducing it to an instance of the same problem
-with a smaller input.
-A phenomenon is said to be random if individ-
-ual outcomes are uncertain but the long-term pat-
-tern of many individual outcomes is predictable.
-The probability of any outcome for a ran-
-dom phenomenon is the proportion of times the
-outcome would occur in a very long series of
-The probability P(A) of any event A satisfies 0
-≤ P(A) ≤ 1. Any probability is a number between
-0 and 1. If S is the sample space in a probabil-
-ity model, the P(S) = 1. All possible outcomes
-together must have probability of 1.
-Two events A and B are disjoint if they have
-no outcomes in common and so can never occur
-together. If A and B are two disjoint events, P(A
-or B) = P(A) + P(B). This is known as the addi-
-tion rule for disjoint events.
-If two events have no outcomes in common,
-the probability that one or the other occurs is the
-sum of their individual probabilities.
-Permutation is an arrangement of objects in
-which the order matters without repetition. One
-can choose r objects in a particular order from a
-total of n objects by using nPr ways, where, npr =
-n! / (n − r)!. Various notations like nPr and P(n, r)
-are used to represent the number of permutations
-of a set of n objects taken r at a time.
-Combination is a selection of objects in which
-the order does not matter without repetition. This
-is different from a permutation because the order
-does not matter. If the order is only changed (and
-not the members) then no new combination is
-formed. One can choose r objects in any order
-from a total of n objects by using nCr ways, where,
-r = n! / [r! * (n − r)!].
-**5. Graphs and Trees**
-    [1*, c10, c11]
-5.1. Graphs
-A graph G = (V, E) where V is the set of vertices
-(nodes) and E is the set of edges. Edges are also
-referred to as arcs or links.
-Figure 14.8. Example of a Graph
-F is a function that maps the set of edges E to
-a set of ordered or unordered pairs of elements V.
-For example, in Figure 14.8, G = (V, E) where V
-= {A, B, C}, E = {e1, e2, e3}, and F = {(e1, (A,
-C)), (e2, (C, B)), (e3, (B, A))}.
-The graph in Figure 14.8 is a simple graph that
-consists of a set of vertices or nodes and a set of
-edges connecting unordered pairs.
-The edges in simple graphs are undirected.
-Such graphs are also referred to as undirected
-For example, in Figure 14.8, (e1, (A, C)) may
-be replaced by (e1, (C, A)) as the pair between
-vertices A and C is unordered. This holds good
-for the other two edges too.
-In a multigraph, more than one edge may con-
-nect the same two vertices. Two or more connect-
-ing edges between the same pair of vertices may
-reflect multiple associations between the same
-two vertices. Such edges are called parallel or
-multiple edges.
-For example, in Figure 14.9, the edges e3 and
-e4 are both between A and B. Figure 14.9 is a
-multigraph where edges e3 and e4 are multiple
-Mathematical Foundations 14-9
-Figure 14.9. Example of a Multigraph
-In a _pseudograph_ , edges connecting a node to
-itself are allowed. Such edges are called loops.
-Figure 14.10. Example of a Pseudograph
-For example, in Figure 14.10, the edge e4 both
-starts and ends at B. Figure 14.10 is a pseudo-
-graph in which e4 is a loop.
-Figure 14.11. Example of a Directed Graph
-A directed graph G = (V, E) consists of a set of
-vertices V and a set of edges E that are ordered
-pairs of elements of V. A directed graph may con-
-tain loops.
-For example, in Figure 14.11, G = (V, E) where
-V = {A, B, C}, E = {e1, e2, e3}, and F = {(e1, (A,
-C)), (e2, (B, C)), (e3, (B, A))}.
-Figure 14.12. Example of a Weighted Graph
-In a weighted graph G = (V, E), each edge has a
-weight associated with it. The weight of an edge
-typically represents the numeric value associated
-with the relationship between the corresponding
-two vertices.
-For example, in Figure 14.12, the weights for
-the edges e1, e2, and e3 are taken to be 76, 93,
-and 15 respectively. If the vertices A, B, and C
-represent three cities in a state, the weights, for
-example, could be the distances in miles between
-these cities.
-Let G = (V, E) be an undirected graph with
-edge set E. Then, for an edge e ∈ E where e = {u,
-v}, the following terminologies are often used:
-- u, v are said to be _adjacent_ or _neighbors_ or
-    _connected_.
-- edge e is _incident_ with vertices u and v.
-- edge e _connects_ u and v.
-- vertices u and v are _endpoints_ for edge e.
-If vertex v ∈ V, the set of vertices in the undi-
-rected graph G(V, E), then:
-- the _degree_ of v, deg(v), is its number of inci-
-    dent edges, except that any self-loops are
-    counted twice.
-**14-10** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-- a vertex with degree 0 is called an _isolated_
-    _vertex_.
-- a vertex of degree 1 is called a _pendant_
-    _vertex_.
-Let G(V, E) be a directed graph. If e(u, v) is an
-edge of G, then the following terminologies are
-often used:
-- u is _adjacent to_ v, and v is _adjacent from_ u.
-- e _comes from_ u and _goes to_ v.
-- e _connects_ u to v, or e _goes from_ u to v.
-- the _initial vertex_ of e is u.
-- the _terminal vertex_ of e is v.
-If vertex v is in the set of vertices for the
-directed graph G(V, E), then
-- _in-degree_ of v, deg−(v), is the number of
-    edges going to v, i.e., for which v is the ter-
-    minal vertex.
-- _out-degree_ of v, deg+(v), is the number of
-    edges coming from v, i.e., for which v is the
-    initial vertex.
-- _degree_ of v, deg(v) = deg−(v) + deg+(v), is the
-    sum of vs in-degree and out-degree.
-- a loop at a vertex contributes 1 to both in-
-    degree and out-degree of this vertex.
-It may be noted that, following the definitions
-above, the degree of a node is unchanged whether
-we consider its edges to be directed or undirected.
-In an undirected graph, a path of length n from
-u to v is a sequence of n adjacent edges from ver-
-tex u to vertex v.
-- A path is a _circuit_ if u=v.
-- A path _traverses_ the vertices along it.
-- A path is _simple_ if it contains no edge more
-    than once.
-A cycle on n vertices Cn for any n ≥ 3 is a sim-
-ple graph where V = {v 1 , v 2 , ..., vn} and E = {{v 1 ,
-v 2 }, {v 2 , v 3 }, ... , {vn−1, vn}, {vn, v 1 }}.
-For example, Figure 14.13 illustrates two
-cycles of length 3 and 4.
-Figure 14.13. Example of Cycles C 3 and C 4
-An adjacency list is a table with one row per
-vertex, listing its adjacent vertices. The adjacency
-listing for a directed graph maintains a listing of
-the terminal nodes for each of the vertex in the
-Ve r t ex
-A B, C
-B A, B, C
-C A, B
-Figure 14.14. Adjacency Lists for Graphs in Figures 14.10
-and 14.11
-For example, Figure 14.14 illustrates the adja-
-cency lists for the pseudograph in Figure 14.10
-and the directed graph in Figure 14.11. As the
-out-degree of vertex C in Figure 14.11 is zero,
-there is no entry against C in the adjacency list.
-Different representations for a graph—like
-adjacency matrix, incidence matrix, and adja-
-cency lists—need to be studied.
-5.2. Trees
-A tree T(N, E) is a hierarchical data structure of n
-= |N| nodes with a specially designated root node
-R while the remaining n − 1 nodes form subtrees
-under the root node R. The number of edges |E| in
-a tree would always be equal to |N| − 1.
-The subtree at node X is the subgraph of the
-tree consisting of node X and its descendants and
-all edges incident to those descendants. As an
-alternate to this recursive definition, a tree may
-be defined as a connected undirected graph with
-no simple circuits.
-Mathematical Foundations 14-11
-Figure 14.15. Example of a Tree
-However, one should remember that a tree is
-strictly hierarchical in nature as compared to a
-graph, which is flat. In case of a tree, an ordered
-pair is built between two nodes as parent and
-child. Each child node in a tree is associated
-with only one parent node, whereas this restric-
-tion becomes meaningless for a graph where no
-parent-child association exists.
-An undirected graph is a tree if and only if
-there is a unique simple path between any two of
-its vertices.
-Figure 14.15 presents a tree T(N, E) where the
-set of nodes N = {A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K}.
-The edge set E is {(A, B), (A, C), (A, D), (B, E),
-(B, F), (B, G), (C, H), (C, I), (D, J), (D, K)}.
-The parent of a nonroot node v is the unique
-node u with a directed edge from u to v. Each
-node in the tree has a unique parent node except
-the root of the tree.
-For example, in Figure 14.15, root node A is
-the parent node for nodes B, C, and D. Similarly,
-B is the parent of E, F, G, and so on. The root
-node A does not have any parent.
-A node that has children is called an internal
-For example, in Figure 14.15, node A or node B
-are examples of internal nodes.
-The degree of a node in a tree is the same as its
-number of children.
-For example, in Figure 14.15, root node A and
-its child B are both of degree 3. Nodes C and D
-have degree 2.
-The distance of a node from the root node in
-terms of number of hops is called its _level_. Nodes
-in a tree are at different levels. The root node is
-at level 0. Alternately, the level of a node X is the
-length of the unique path from the root of the tree
-to node X.
-For example, root node A is at level 0 in Fig-
-ure 14.15. Nodes B, C, and D are at level 1. The
-remaining nodes in Figure 14.15 are all at level 2.
-The height of a tree is the maximum of the lev-
-els of nodes in the tree.
-For example, in Figure 14.15, the height of the
-tree is 2.
-A node is called a leaf if it has no children. The
-degree of a leaf node is 0.
-For example, in Figure 14.15, nodes E through
-K are all leaf nodes with degree 0.
-The ancestors or predecessors of a nonroot
-node X are all the nodes in the path from root to
-node X.
-For example, in Figure 14.15, nodes A and D
-form the set of ancestors for J.
-The successors or descendents of a node X are
-all the nodes that have X as its ancestor. For a tree
-with n nodes, all the remaining n − 1 nodes are
-successors of the root node.
-For example, in Figure 14.15, node B has suc-
-cessors in E, F, and G.
-If node X is an ancestor of node Y, then node Y
-is a successor of X.
-Two or more nodes sharing the same parent
-node are called sibling nodes.
-For example, in Figure 14.15, nodes E and G
-are siblings. However, nodes E and J, though
-from the same level, are not sibling nodes.
-Two sibling nodes are of the same level, but
-two nodes in the same level are not necessarily
-A tree is called an ordered tree if the rela-
-tive position of occurrences of children nodes is
-For example, a family tree is an ordered tree
-if, as a rule, the name of an elder sibling appears
-always before (i.e., on the left of) the younger
-In an unordered tree, the relative position of
-occurrences between the siblings does not bear
-any significance and may be altered arbitrarily.
-A binary tree is formed with zero or more nodes
-where there is a root node R and all the remaining
-nodes form a pair of ordered subtrees under the
-root node.
-**14-12** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-In a binary tree, no internal node can have more
-than two children. However, one must consider
-that besides this criterion in terms of the degree
-of internal nodes, a binary tree is always ordered.
-If the positions of the left and right subtrees for
-any node in the tree are swapped, then a new tree
-is derived.
-Figure 14.16. Examples of Binary Trees
-For example, in Figure 14.16, the two binary
-trees are different as the positions of occurrences
-of the children of A are different in the two trees.
-Figure 14.17. Example of a Full Binary Tree
-According to [1*], a binary tree is called a full
-binary tree if every internal node has exactly two
-For example, the binary tree in Figure 14.17
-is a full binary tree, as both of the two internal
-nodes A and B are of degree 2.
-A full binary tree following the definition
-above is also referred to as a _strictly binary tree_.
-For example, both binary trees in Figure 14.18
-are complete binary trees. The tree in Figure
-14.18(a) is a complete as well as a full binary
-tree. A complete binary tree has all its levels,
-except possibly the last one, filled up to capacity.
-In case the last level of a complete binary tree is
-not full, nodes occur from the leftmost positions
-Figure 14.18. Example of Complete Binary Trees
-Interestingly, following the definitions above,
-the tree in Figure 14.18(b) is a complete but not
-full binary tree as node B has only one child in D.
-On the contrary, the tree in Figure 14.17 is a full
-—but not complete—binary tree, as the children
-of B occur in the tree while the children of C do
-not appear in the last level.
-A binary tree of height H is balanced if all its
-leaf nodes occur at levels H or H − 1.
-For example, all three binary trees in Figures
-14.17 and 14.18 are balanced binary trees.
-There are at most 2H leaves in a binary tree of
-height H. In other words, if a binary tree with L
-leaves is full and balanced, then its height is H =
-⎡log 2 L⎤.
-For example, this statement is true for the
-two trees in Figures 14.17 and 14.18(a) as both
-trees are full and balanced. However, the expres-
-sion above does not match for the tree in Figure
-14.18(b) as it is not a full binary tree.
-A binary search tree (BST) is a special kind of
-binary tree in which each node contains a distinct
-key value, and the key value of each node in the
-tree is less than every key value in its right subtree
-and greater than every key value in its left subtree.
-A traversal algorithm is a procedure for sys-
-tematically visiting every node of a binary tree.
-Tree traversals may be defined recursively.
-If T is binary tree with root R and the remain-
-ing nodes form an ordered pair of nonnull left
-subtree TL and nonnull right subtree TR below R,
-then the preorder traversal function PreOrder(T)
-is defined as:
-PreOrder(T) = R, PreOrder(TL), PreOrder(TR)
-... eqn. 1
-Mathematical Foundations 14-13
-The recursive process of finding the preorder
-traversal of the subtrees continues till the sub-
-trees are found to be Null. Here, commas have
-been used as delimiters for the sake of improved
-The postorder and in-order may be similarly
-defined using eqn. 2 and eqn. 3 respectively.
-PostOrder(T) = PostOrder(TL), PostOrder(TR),
-R ... eqn 2
-InOrder(T) = InOrder(TL), R, InOrder(TR) ...
-eqn 3
-Figure 14.19. A Binary Search Tree
-For example, the tree in Figure 14.19 is a binary
-search tree (BST). The preorder, postorder, and
-in-order traversal outputs for the BST are given
-below in their respective order.
-Preorder output: 9, 5, 2, 1, 4, 7, 6, 8, 13, 11,
-10, 15
-Postorder output: 1, 4, 2, 6, 8, 7, 5, 10, 11, 15,
-13, 9
-In-order output: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
-13, 15
-Further discussion on trees and their usage has
-been included in section 6, Data Structure and Rep-
-resentation, of the Computing Foundations KA.
-**6. Discrete Probability**
-    [1*, c7]
-Probability is the mathematical description of
-randomness. Basic definition of probability and
-randomness has been defined in section 4 of this
-KA. Here, let us start with the concepts behind
-probability distribution and discrete probability.
-A probability model is a mathematical descrip-
-tion of a random phenomenon consisting of two
-parts: a sample space S and a way of assigning
-probabilities to events. The sample space defines
-the set of all possible outcomes, whereas an event
-is a subset of a sample space representing a pos-
-sible outcome or a set of outcomes.
-A random variable is a function or rule that
-assigns a number to each outcome. Basically, it
-is just a symbol that represents the outcome of an
-For example, let X be the number of heads
-when the experiment is flipping a coin n times.
-Similarly, let S be the speed of a car as registered
-on a radar detector.
-The values for a random variable could be dis-
-crete or continuous depending on the experiment.
-A discrete random variable can hold all pos-
-sible outcomes without missing any, although it
-might take an infinite amount of time.
-A continuous random variable is used to mea-
-sure an uncountable number of values even if an
-infinite amount of time is given.
-For example, if a random variable X represents
-an outcome that is a real number between 1 and
-100, then X may have an infinite number of val-
-ues. One can never list all possible outcomes for
-X even if an infinite amount of time is allowed.
-Here, X is a continuous random variable. On
-the contrary, for the same interval of 1 to 100,
-another random variable Y can be used to list all
-the integer values in the range. Here, Y is a dis-
-crete random variable.
-An upper-case letter, say X, will represent
-the name of the random variable. Its lower-case
-counterpart, x, will represent the value of the ran-
-dom variable.
-The probability that the random variable X will
-equal x is:
-P(X = x) or, more simply, P(x).
-A probability distribution (density) function is
-a table, formula, or graph that describes the val-
-ues of a random variable and the probability asso-
-ciated with these values.
-**14-14** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-Probabilities associated with discrete random
-variables have the following properties:
-i. 0 ≤ P(x) ≤ 1 for all x
-ii. ΣP(x) = 1
-A discrete probability distribution can be repre-
-sented as a discrete random variable.
-##### X 1 2 3 4 5 6
-P(x) 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6
-**Figure 14.20.** A Discrete Probability Function for a Rolling
-The mean μ of a probability distribution model
-is the sum of the product terms for individual
-events and its outcome probability. In other
-words, for the possible outcomes x 1 , x 2 , ... , xn
-in a sample space S if pk is the probability of out-
-come xk, the mean of this probability would be μ
-= x 1 p 1 + x 2 p 2 + ... + xnpn.
-For example, the mean of the probability den-
-sity for the distribution in Figure 14.20 would be
-1 * (1/6) + 2 * (1/6) + 3 * (1/6) + 4 * (1/6) + 5
-* (1/6) + 6 * (1/6)
-= 21 * (1/6) = 3.5
-Here, the sample space refers to the set of all
-possible outcomes.
-The variance s^2 of a discrete probability model
-is: s^2 = (x 1 – μ)^2 p 1 + (x 2 – μ)^2 p 2 + ... + (xk – μ)^2 pk.
-The _standard deviation_ s is the square root of the
-For example, for the probability distribution in
-Figure 14.20, the variation σ^2 would be
-s^2 = [(1 – 3.5)^2 * (1/6) + (2 – 3.5)^2 * (1/6) +
-(3 – 3.5)^2 * (1/6) + (4 – 3.5)^2 * (1/6) + (5 –
-3.5)^2 * (1/6) + (6 – 3.5)^2 * (1/6)]
-= (6.25 + 2.25 + 0.25 + 0.5 + 2.25 + 6.25) *
-= 17.5 * (1/6)
-= 2.90
-∴ standard deviation s =
-These numbers indeed aim to derive the aver-
-age value from repeated experiments. This is
-based on the single most important phenom-
-enon of probability, i.e., the average value from
-repeated experiments is likely to be close to the
-expected value of one experiment. Moreover,
-the average value is more likely to be closer to
-the expected value of any one experiment as the
-number of experiments increases.
-**7. Finite State Machines**
-    [1*, c13]
-A computer system may be abstracted as a map-
-ping from state to state driven by inputs. In other
-words, a system may be considered as a transition
-function T: S × I → S × O, where S is the set of
-states and I, O are the input and output functions.
-If the state set S is finite (not infinite), the sys-
-tem is called a finite state machine (FSM).
-Alternately, a finite state machine (FSM) is a
-mathematical abstraction composed of a finite
-number of states and transitions between those
-states. If the domain S × I is reasonably small,
-then one can specify T explicitly using diagrams
-similar to a flow graph to illustrate the way logic
-flows for different inputs. However, this is prac-
-tical only for machines that have a very small
-information capacity.
-An FSM has a finite internal memory, an input
-feature that reads symbols in a sequence and one
-at a time, and an output feature.
-The operation of an FSM begins from a start
-state, goes through transitions depending on input
-to different states, and can end in any valid state.
-However, only a few of all the states mark a suc-
-cessful flow of operation. These are called accept
-The information capacity of an FSM is
-C = log |S|. Thus, if we represent a machine having
-an information capacity of C bits as an FSM, then
-its state transition graph will have |S| = 2C nodes.
-A finite state machine is formally defined as M
-= ( S , I , O , f , g , s 0 ).
-S is the state set;
-I is the set of input symbols;
-O is the set of output symbols;
-f is the state transition function;
-Mathematical Foundations 14-15
-g is the output function;
-and s 0 is the initial state.
-Given an input x ∈ I on state Sk, the FSM
-makes a transition to state Sh following state tran-
-sition function f and produces an output y ∈ O
-using the output function g.
-Figure 14.21. Example of an FSM
-For example, Figure 14.21 illustrates an FSM
-with S 0 as the start state and S 1 as the final state.
-Here, S = {S 0 , S 1 , S 2 }; I = {0, 1}; O = {2, 3}; f(S 0 ,
-0) = S 2 , f(S 0 , 1) = S 1 , f(S 1 , 0) = S 2 , f(S 1 , 1) = S 2 , f(S 2 ,
-0) = S 2 , f(S 2 , 1) = S 0 ; g(S 0 , 0) = 3, g(S 0 , 1) = 2, g(S 1 ,
-0) = 3, g(S 1 , 1) = 2, g(S 2 , 0) = 2, g(S 2 , 1) = 3.
-0 1
-S 0 S 2 S 1
-S 1 S 2 S 2
-S 2 S 2 S 0
-Output State
-Input Input
-0 1 0 1
-S 0 3 2 S 2 S 1
-S 1 3 2 S 2 S 2
-S 2 2 3 S 2 S 0
-Figure 14.22. Tabular Representation of an FSM
-The state transition and output values for differ-
-ent inputs on different states may be represented
-using a state table. The state table for the FSM in
-Figure 14.21 is shown in Figure 14.22. Each pair
-against an input symbol represents the new state
-and the output symbol.
-For example, Figures 14.22(a) and 14.22(b) are
-two alternate representations of the FSM in Fig-
-ure 14.21.
-**8. Grammars**
-    [1*, c13]
-The grammar of a natural language tells us
-whether a combination of words makes a valid
-sentence. Unlike natural languages, a formal lan-
-guage is specified by a well-defined set of rules for
-syntaxes. The valid sentences of a formal language
-can be described by a grammar with the help of
-these rules, referred to as production rules.
-A formal language is a set of finite-length
-words or strings over some finite alphabet, and
-a grammar specifies the rules for formation of
-these words or strings. The entire set of words
-that are valid for a grammar constitutes the lan-
-guage for the grammar. Thus, the grammar G is
-any compact, precise mathematical definition of a
-language L as opposed to just a raw listing of all
-of the language’s legal sentences or examples of
-those sentences.
-A grammar implies an algorithm that would
-generate all legal sentences of the language.
-There are different types of grammars.
-A phrase-structure or Type-0 grammar G = (V,
-T, S, P) is a 4-tuple in which:
-- V is the vocabulary, i.e., set of words.
-- T ⊆ V is a set of words called terminals.
-- S ∈ N is a special word called the start
-    symbol.
-- P is the set of productions rules for substitut-
-    ing one sentence fragment for another.
-There exists another set N = V − T of words
-called nonterminals. The nonterminals represent
-concepts like noun. Production rules are applied
-on strings containing nonterminals until no more
-nonterminal symbols are present in the string.
-The start symbol S is a nonterminal.
-**14-16** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-The language generated by a formal grammar
-G, denoted by L(G), is the set of all strings over
-the set of alphabets V that can be generated, start-
-ing with the start symbol, by applying produc-
-tion rules until all the nonterminal symbols are
-replaced in the string.
-For example, let G = ({S, A, a, b}, {a, b}, S, {S
-→ aA, S → b, A → aa}). Here, the set of termi-
-nals are N = {S, A}, where S is the start symbol.
-The three production rules for the grammar are
-given as P1: S → aA; P2: S → b; P3: A → aa.
-Applying the production rules in all possible
-ways, the following words may be generated
-from the start symbol.
-S → aA (using P1 on start symbol)
-→ aaa (using P3)
-S → b (using P2 on start symbol)
-Nothing else can be derived for G. Thus, the
-language of the grammar G consists of only two
-words: L(G) = {aaa, b}.
-_8.1. Language Recognition_
-Formal grammars can be classified according to the
-types of productions that are allowed. The Chom-
-sky hierarchy (introduced by Noam Chomsky in
-1956) describes such a classification scheme.
-Figure 14.23. Chomsky Hierarchy of Grammars
-As illustrated in Figure 14.23, we infer the fol-
-lowing on different types of grammars:
-1. Every regular grammar is a context-free
-    grammar (CFG).
-2. Every CFG is a context-sensitive grammar
-    (CSG).
-       3. Every CSG is a phrase-structure grammar
-          (PSG).
-Context-Sensitive Grammar: All fragments in
-the RHS are either longer than the corresponding
-fragments in the LHS or empty, i.e., if b → a, then
-|b| < |a| or a = ∅.
-A formal language is context-sensitive if a con-
-text-sensitive grammar generates it.
-Context-Free Grammar: All fragments in the
-LHS are of length 1, i.e., if A → a, then |A| = 1
-for all A ∈ N.
-The term context-free derives from the fact that
-A can always be replaced by a, regardless of the
-context in which it occurs.
-A formal language is context-free if a context-
-free grammar generates it. Context-free lan-
-guages are the theoretical basis for the syntax of
-most programming languages.
-Regular Grammar. All fragments in the RHS
-are either single terminals or a pair built by a
-terminal and a nonterminal; i.e., if A → a, then
-either a ∈ T, or a = cD, or a = Dc for c ∈ T, D ∈ N.
-If a = cD, then the grammar is called a right
-linear grammar. On the other hand, if a = Dc, then
-the grammar is called a left linear grammar. Both
-the right linear and left linear grammars are regu-
-lar or Type-3 grammar.
-The language L(G) generated by a regular
-grammar G is called a regular language.
-A regular expression A is a string (or pattern)
-formed from the following six pieces of infor-
-mation: a ∈ S, the set of alphabets, e, 0 and the
-operations, OR (+), PRODUCT (.), CONCATE-
-NATION (*). The language of G, L(G) is equal to
-all those strings that match G, L(G) = {x ∈ S*|x
-matches G}.
-For any a ∈ S, L(a) = a; L(e) = {ε}; L(0) = 0.
-+ functions as an or, L(A + B) = L(A) ∪ L(B).
-. creates a product structure, L(AB) = L(A).
-    L(B).
-* denotes concatenation, L(A*) = {x 1 x 2 ...xn |
-    xi ∈ L(A) and n ³ 0}
-For example, the regular expression (ab)*
-matches the set of strings: {e, ab, abab, ababab,
-abababab, ...}.
-Mathematical Foundations 14-17
-For example, the regular expression (aa)*
-matches the set of strings on one letter _a_ that have
-even length.
-For example, the regular expression (aaa)* +
-(aaaaa)* matches the set of strings of length equal
-to a multiple of 3 or 5.
-**9. Numerical Precision, Accuracy, and Errors**
-    [2*, c2]
-The main goal of numerical analysis is to
-develop efficient algorithms for computing pre-
-cise numerical values of functions, solutions of
-algebraic and differential equations, optimization
-problems, etc.
-A matter of fact is that all digital computers can
-only store finite numbers. In other words, there
-is no way that a computer can represent an infi-
-nitely large number—be it an integer, rational
-number, or any real or all complex numbers (see
-section 10, Number Theory). So the mathematics
-of approximation becomes very critical to handle
-all the numbers in the finite range that a computer
-can handle.
-Each number in a computer is assigned a loca-
-tion or word, consisting of a specified number of
-binary digits or bits. A k bit word can store a total
-of N = 2k different numbers.
-For example, a computer that uses 32 bit arith-
-metic can store a total of N = 2^32 ≈ 4.3 × 10^9 dif-
-ferent numbers, while another one that uses 64
-bits can handle N’ = 2^64 ≈ 1.84 × 10^19 different
-numbers. The question is how to distribute these
-N numbers over the real line for maximum effi-
-ciency and accuracy in practical computations.
-One evident choice is to distribute them evenly,
-leading to fixed-point arithmetic. In this system,
-the first bit in a word is used to represent a sign
-and the remaining bits are treated for integer val-
-ues. This allows representation of the integers
-from 1 − ½N, i.e., = 1 − 2k−1 to 1. As an approxi-
-mating method, this is not good for noninteger
-Another option is to space the numbers closely
-together—say with a uniform gap of 2−n—and so
-distribute the total N numbers uniformly over the
-interval −2−n−1N < x ≤ 2−n−1N. Real numbers lying
-between the gaps are represented by either _round-
-ing_ (meaning the closest exact representative)
-or chopping (meaning the exact representative
-immediately below —or above, if negative—the
-Numbers lying beyond the range must be repre-
-sented by the largest (or largest negative) number
-that can be represented. This becomes a symbol
-for overflow. Overflow occurs when a computa-
-tion produces a value larger than the maximum
-value in the range.
-When processing speed is a significant bottle-
-neck, the use of the fixed-point representations
-is an attractive and faster alternative to the more
-cumbersome floating-point arithmetic most com-
-monly used in practice.
-Let’s define a couple of very important terms:
-accuracy and precision as associated with numer-
-ical analysis.
-Accuracy is the closeness with which a mea-
-sured or computed value agrees with the true value.
-Precision, on the other hand, is the closeness
-with which two or more measured or computed
-values for the same physical substance agree with
-each other. In other words, precision is the close-
-ness with which a number represents an exact
-Let x be a real number and let x* be an approxi-
-mation. The absolute error in the approximation
-x* ≈ x is defined as | x* − x |. The relative error
-is defined as the ratio of the absolute error to the
-size of x, i.e., |x* − x| / | x |, which assumes x ¹ 0;
-otherwise, relative error is not defined.
-For example, 1000000 is an approximation to
-1000001 with an absolute error of 1 and a relative
-error of 10−6, while 10 is an approximation of 11
-with an absolute error of 1 and a relative error of
-0.1. Typically, relative error is more intuitive and
-the preferred determiner of the size of the error.
-The present convention is that errors are always
-≥ 0, and are = 0 if and only if the approximation
-is exact.
-An approximation x* has k significant deci-
-mal digits if its relative error is < 5 × 10−k−1. This
-means that the first k digits of x* following its
-first nonzero digit are the same as those of x.
-Significant digits are the digits of a number that
-are known to be correct. In a measurement, one
-uncertain digit is included.
-For example, measurement of length with
-a ruler of 15.5 mm with ±0.5 mm maximum
-**14-18** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-allowable error has 2 significant digits, whereas
-a measurement of the same length using a caliper
-and recorded as 15.47 mm with ±0.01 mm maxi-
-mum allowable error has 3 significant digits.
-**10. Number Theory**
-    [1*, c4]
-Number theory is one of the oldest branches
-of pure mathematics and one of the largest. Of
-course, it concerns questions about numbers,
-usually meaning whole numbers and fractional or
-rational numbers. The different types of numbers
-include integer, real number, natural number,
-complex number, rational number, etc.
-_10.1. Divisibility_
-Let’s start this section with a brief description of
-each of the above types of numbers, starting with
-the natural numbers.
-_Natural Numbers._ This group of numbers starts
-at 1 and continues: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and so on. Zero
-is not in this group. There are no negative or frac-
-tional numbers in the group of natural numbers.
-The common mathematical symbol for the set of
-all natural numbers is N.
-_Whole Numbers._ This group has all of the natu-
-ral numbers in it plus the number 0.
-Unfortunately, not everyone accepts the above
-definitions of natural and whole numbers. There
-seems to be no general agreement about whether
-to include 0 in the set of natural numbers.
-Many mathematicians consider that, in Europe,
-the sequence of natural numbers traditionally
-started with 1 (0 was not even considered to be
-a number by the Greeks). In the 19th century, set
-theoreticians and other mathematicians started
-the convention of including 0 in the set of natural
-_Integers._ This group has all the whole numbers
-in it and their negatives. The common mathemati-
-cal symbol for the set of all integers is Z, i.e., Z =
-{..., −3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...}.
-_Rational Numbers._ These are any numbers that
-can be expressed as a ratio of two integers. The
-common symbol for the set of all rational num-
-bers is Q.
-Rational numbers may be classified into
-three types, based on how the decimals act. The
-decimals either do not exist, e.g., 15, or, when
-decimals do exist, they may terminate, as in 15.6,
-or they may repeat with a pattern, as in 1.666...,
-(which is 5/3).
-Irrational Numbers. These are numbers that
-cannot be expressed as an integer divided by an
-integer. These numbers have decimals that never
-terminate and never repeat with a pattern, e.g., PI
-or √2.
-Real Numbers. This group is made up of all the
-rational and irrational numbers. The numbers that
-are encountered when studying algebra are real
-numbers. The common mathematical symbol for
-the set of all real numbers is R.
-Imaginary Numbers. These are all based on the
-imaginary number i. This imaginary number is
-equal to the square root of −1. Any real number
-multiple of i is an imaginary number, e.g., i , 5 i ,
-3.2 i , −2.6 i, etc.
-Complex Numbers. A complex number is a
-combination of a real number and an imaginary
-number in the form a + b i. The real part is a, and
-b is called the imaginary part. The common math-
-ematical symbol for the set of all complex num-
-bers is C.
-For example, 2 + 3 i , 3−5 i , 7.3 + 0 i , and 0 + 5 i.
-Consider the last two examples:
-7.3 + 0 i is the same as the real number 7.3.
-Thus, all real numbers are complex numbers with
-zero for the imaginary part.
-Similarly, 0 + 5 i is just the imaginary number
-5 i. Thus, all imaginary numbers are complex
-numbers with zero for the real part.
-Elementary number theory involves divisibility
-among integers. Let a, b ∈ Z with a ≠ 0.The expres-
-sion a|b, i.e., a divides b if ∃c ∈ Z: b = ac, i.e., there
-is an integer c such that c times a equals b.
-For example, 3|−12 is true, but 3|7 is false.
-If a divides b , then we say that a is a factor of
-b or a is a divisor of b , and b is a multiple of a.
-b is even if and only if 2| b.
-Let a, d ∈ Z with d > 1. Then a mod d denotes
-that the remainder r from the division algorithm
-with dividend a and divisor d , i.e., the remainder
-when a is divided by d. We can compute (a mod
-d) by: a − d * ⎣ a/d ⎦ , where ⎣ a/d ⎦ represents the
-floor of the real number.
-Let Z+ = {n ∈ Z | n > 0} and a, b ∈ Z, m ∈ Z+,
-then a is congruent to b modulo m , written as a ≡
-b (mod m) , if and only if m | a−b.
-Mathematical Foundations 14-19
-Alternately, _a_ is congruent to _b modulo m_ if and
-only if _(a−b) mod m = 0_.
-_10.2. Prime Number, GCD_
-An integer p > 1 is prime if and only if it is not
-the product of any two integers greater than 1,
-i.e., p is prime if p > 1 ∧ ∃ ¬ a, b ∈ N: a > 1, b >
-1, a * b = p.
-The only positive factors of a prime p are 1
-and p itself. For example, the numbers 2, 13, 29,
-61, etc. are prime numbers. Nonprime integers
-greater than 1 are called composite numbers. A
-composite number may be composed by multi-
-plying two integers greater than 1.
-There are many interesting applications of
-prime numbers; among them are the public-
-key cryptography scheme, which involves the
-exchange of public keys containing the product
-_p*q_ of two random large primes _p_ and _q_ (a private
-key) that must be kept secret by a given party.
-The greatest common divisor gcd(a, b) of inte-
-gers a, b is the greatest integer d that is a divisor
-both of a and of b, i.e.,
-d = gcd(a, b) for max(d: d|a ∧ d|b)
-For example, gcd(24, 36) = 12.
-Integers _a_ and _b_ are called relatively prime or
-coprime if and only if their GCD is 1.
-For example, neither 35 nor 6 are prime, but
-they are coprime as these two numbers have no
-common factors greater than 1, so their GCD is 1.
-A set of integers X = {i 1 , i 2 , ...} is relatively
-prime if all possible pairs ih, ik, h ≠ k drawn from
-the set X are relatively prime.
-**11. Algebraic Structures**
-This section introduces a few representations
-used in higher algebra. An algebraic structure
-consists of one or two sets closed under some
-operations and satisfying a number of axioms,
-including none.
-For example, group, monoid, ring, and lattice
-are examples of algebraic structures. Each of
-these is defined in this section.
-11.1. Group
-A set S closed under a binary operation • forms a
-group if the binary operation satisfies the follow-
-ing four criteria:
-- Associative: ∀a, b, c ∈ S, the equation (a • b)
-    - c = a • (b • c) holds.
-- Identity: There exists an identity element I ∈
-    S such that for all a ∈ S, I • a = a • I = a.
-- Inverse: Every element a ∈ S, has an inverse
-    a' ∈ S with respect to the binary operation,
-    i.e., a • a' = I; for example, the set of integers
-    Z with respect to the addition operation is a
-    group. The identity element of the set is 0 for
-    the addition operation. ∀x ∈ Z, the inverse
-    of x would be –x, which is also included in Z.
-- Closure property: ∀a, b ∈ S, the result of the
-    operation a • b ∈ S.
-- A group that is commutative, i.e., a • b = b • a,
-    is known as a commutative or Abelian group.
-The set of natural numbers N (with the opera-
-tion of addition) is not a group, since there is no
-inverse for any x > 0 in the set of natural numbers.
-Thus, the third rule (of inverse) for our operation
-is violated. However, the set of natural number
-has some structure.
-Sets with an associative operation (the first
-condition above) are called semigroups; if they
-also have an identity element (the second condi-
-tion), then they are called monoids.
-Our set of natural numbers under addition is
-then an example of a monoid, a structure that
-is not quite a group because it is missing the
-requirement that every element have an inverse
-under the operation.
-A monoid is a set S that is closed under a single
-associative binary operation • and has an identity
-element I ∈ S such that for all a ∈ S, I • a = a • I
-= a. A monoid must contain at least one element.
-For example, the set of natural numbers N
-forms a commutative monoid under addition with
-identity element 0. The same set of natural num-
-bers N also forms a monoid under multiplication
-with identity element 1. The set of positive inte-
-gers P forms a commutative monoid under multi-
-plication with identity element 1.
-It may be noted that, unlike those in a group,
-elements of a monoid need not have inverses. A
-**14-20** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-monoid can also be thought of as a semigroup
-with an identity element.
-A _subgroup_ is a group _H_ contained within a
-bigger one, _G,_ such that the identity element of
-_G_ is contained in _H_ , and whenever _h_ 1 and _h_ 2 are
-in _H_ , then so are _h_ 1 • _h_ 2 and _h_ 1 −1. Thus, the ele-
-ments of _H_ , equipped with the group operation on
-_G_ restricted to _H_ , indeed form a group.
-Given any subset _S_ of a group _G_ , the subgroup
-generated by _S_ consists of products of elements
-of _S_ and their inverses. It is the smallest subgroup
-of _G_ containing _S_.
-For example, let _G_ be the Abelian group whose
-elements are _G_ = {0, 2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5, 7} and whose
-group operation is addition modulo 8. This group
-has a pair of nontrivial subgroups: _J_ = {0, 4} and
-_H_ = {0, 2, 4, 6}, where _J_ is also a subgroup of _H_.
-In group theory, a cyclic group is a group that
-can be generated by a single element, in the
-sense that the group has an element _a_ (called the
-_generator_ of the group) such that, when written
-multiplicatively, every element of the group is a
-power of _a_.
-A group G is cyclic if G = {an for any integer n}.
-Since any group generated by an element in a
-group is a subgroup of that group, showing that
-the only subgroup of a group G that contains _a_ is
-G itself suffices to show that G is cyclic.
-For example, the group _G_ = {0, 2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5,
-7}, with respect to addition modulo 8 operation,
-is cyclic. The subgroups _J_ = {0, 4} and _H_ = {0, 2,
-4, 6} are also cyclic.
-11.2. Rings
-If we take an Abelian group and define a second
-operation on it, a new structure is found that is
-different from just a group. If this second opera-
-tion is associative and is distributive over the
-first, then we have a ring.
-A ring is a triple of the form (S, +, •), where (S,
-+) is an Abelian group, (S, •) is a semigroup, and
-- is distributive over +; i.e., “ a, b, c ∈ S, the equa-
-tion _a_ • ( _b_ + _c_ ) = ( _a_ • _b_ ) + ( _a_ • _c_ ) holds. Further, if
-- is commutative, then the ring is said to be com-
-mutative. If there is an identity element for the •
-operation, then the ring is said to have an identity.
-    For example, (Z, +, *), i.e., the set of integers Z,
-with the usual addition and multiplication opera-
-tions, is a ring. As (Z, *) is commutative, this ring
-is a commutative or Abelian ring. The ring has 1
-as its identity element.
-    Let’s note that the second operation may not
-have an identity element, nor do we need to find
-an inverse for every element with respect to this
-second operation. As for what distributive means,
-intuitively it is what we do in elementary math-
-ematics when performing the following change: a
-* (b + c) = (a * b) + (a * c).
-    A field is a ring for which the elements of the
-set, excluding 0, form an Abelian group with the
-second operation.
-    A simple example of a field is the field of ratio-
-nal numbers (R, +, *) with the usual addition
-and multiplication operations. The numbers of
-the format _a_ / _b_ ∈ R, where _a, b_ are integers and
-_b_ ≠ 0. The additive inverse of such a fraction is
-simply − _a_ / _b_ , and the multiplicative inverse is _b/a_
-provided that _a_ ≠ 0.
-Mathematical Foundations 14-21
-Rosen 2011
-##### [1*]
-Cheney and Kincaid 2007
-##### [2*]
-**1. Sets, Relations, Functions** c2
-**2. Basic Logic** c1
-**3. Proof Techniques** c1
-**4. Basic Counting** c6
-**5. Graphs and Trees** c10, c11
-**6. Discrete Probability** c7
-**7. Finite State Machines** c13
-**8. Grammars** c13
-**9. Numerical Precision, Accuracy, and Errors** c2
-**10. Number Theory** c4
-**11. Algebraic Structures**
-**14-22** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-[1*] K. Rosen, _Discrete Mathematics and Its
-Applications_ , 7th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2011.
-[2*] E.W. Cheney and D.R. Kincaid, _Numerical
-Mathematics and Computing_ , 6th ed.,
-Brooks/Cole, 2007.
-The author thankfully acknowledges the contri-
-bution of Prof. Arun Kumar Chatterjee, Ex-Head,
-Department of Mathematics, Manipur Univer-
-sity, India, and Prof. Devadatta Sinha, Ex-Head,
-Department of Computer Science and Engineer-
-ing, University of Calcutta, India, in preparing
-this chapter on Mathematical Foundations.
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-**CHAPTER 15**
-CAD Computer-Aided Design
-Capability Maturity Model
-pdf Probability Density Function
-pmf Probability Mass Function
-RCA Root Cause Analysis
-SDLC Software Development Life Cycle
-IEEE defines engineering as “the application of
-a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach
-to structures, machines, products, systems or
-processes” [1]. This chapter outlines some of the
-engineering foundational skills and techniques
-that are useful for a software engineer. The focus
-is on topics that support other KAs while mini-
-mizing duplication of subjects covered elsewhere
-in this document.
-As the theory and practice of software engi-
-neering matures, it is increasingly apparent that
-software engineering is an engineering disci-
-pline that is based on knowledge and skills com-
-mon to all engineering disciplines. This Engi-
-neering Foundations knowledge area (KA) is
-concerned with the engineering foundations that
-apply to software engineering and other engi-
-neering disciplines. Topics in this KA include
-empirical methods and experimental techniques;
-statistical analysis; measurement; engineering
-design; modeling, prototyping, and simulation;
-standards; and root cause analysis. Application
-of this knowledge, as appropriate, will allow
-software engineers to develop and maintain
-software more efficiently and effectively. Com-
-pleting their engineering work efficiently and
-effectively is a goal of all engineers in all engi-
-neering disciplines.
-The breakdown of topics for the Engineering
-Foundations KA is shown in Figure 15.1.
-**1. Empirical Methods and Experimental
-    [2*, c1]
-An engineering method for problem solving
-involves proposing solutions or models of solu-
-tions and then conducting experiments or tests
-to study the proposed solutions or models. Thus,
-engineers must understand how to create an exper-
-iment and then analyze the results of the experi-
-ment in order to evaluate the proposed solution.
-Empirical methods and experimental techniques
-help the engineer to describe and understand vari-
-ability in their observations, to identify the sources
-of variability, and to make decisions.
-Three different types of empirical studies com-
-monly used in engineering efforts are designed
-experiments, observational studies, and retro-
-spective studies. Brief descriptions of the com-
-monly used methods are given below.
-1.1. Designed Experiment
-A designed or controlled experiment is an inves-
-tigation of a testable hypothesis where one or
-more independent variables are manipulated to
-measure their effect on one or more dependent
-variables. A precondition for conducting an
-experiment is the existence of a clear hypothesis.
-It is important for an engineer to understand how
-to formulate clear hypotheses.
-**15-2** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-Designed experiments allow engineers to
-determine in precise terms how the variables are
-related and, specifically, whether a cause-effect
-relationship exists between them. Each combi-
-nation of values of the independent variables is
-a _treatment_. The simplest experiments have just
-two treatments representing two levels of a sin-
-gle independent variable (e.g., using a tool vs.
-not using a tool). More complex experimental
-designs arise when more than two levels, more
-than one independent variable, or any dependent
-variables are used.
-_1.2. Observational Study_
-An observational or case study is an empirical
-inquiry that makes observations of processes
-or phenomena within a real-life context. While
-an experiment deliberately ignores context, an
-observational or case study includes context as
-part of the observation. A case study is most use-
-ful when the focus of the study is on _how_ and _why_
-questions, when the behavior of those involved in
-the study cannot be manipulated, and when con-
-textual conditions are relevant and the boundaries
-between the phenomena and context are not clear.
-_1.3. Retrospective Study_
-A retrospective study involves the analysis of his-
-torical data. Retrospective studies are also known
-as historical studies. This type of study uses data
-(regarding some phenomenon) that has been
-archived over time. This archived data is then ana-
-lyzed in an attempt to find a relationship between
-variables, to predict future events, or to identify
-trends. The quality of the analysis results will
-depend on the quality of the information contained
-in the archived data. Historical data may be incom-
-plete, inconsistently measured, or incorrect.
-**2. Statistical Analysis**
-    [2*, c9s1, c2s1] [3*, c10s3]
-In order to carry out their responsibilities, engi-
-neers must understand how different product
-and process characteristics vary. Engineers often
-come across situations where the relationship
-between different variables needs to be studied.
-An important point to note is that most of the
-studies are carried out on the basis of samples
-and so the observed results need to be understood
-with respect to the full population. Engineers
-must, therefore, develop an adequate understand-
-ing of statistical techniques for collecting reliable
-data in terms of sampling and analysis to arrive at
-results that can be generalized. These techniques
-are discussed below.
-2.1. Unit of Analysis (Sampling Units),
-Population, and Sample
-Unit of analysis. While carrying out any empiri-
-cal study, observations need to be made on cho-
-sen units called the units of analysis or sampling
-units. The unit of analysis must be identified and
-must be appropriate for the analysis. For exam-
-ple, when a software product company wants to
-find the perceived usability of a software product,
-the user or the software function may be the unit
-of analysis.
-Population. The set of all respondents or items
-(possible sampling units) to be studied forms the
-population. As an example, consider the case of
-studying the perceived usability of a software
-product. In this case, the set of all possible users
-forms the population.
-While defining the population, care must be
-exercised to understand the study and target
-population. There are cases when the popula-
-tion studied and the population for which the
-Figure 15.1. Breakdown of Topics for the Engineering Foundations KA
-Engineering Foundations 15-3
-results are being generalized may be different.
-For example, when the study population consists
-of only past observations and generalizations are
-required for the future, the study population and
-the target population may not be the same.
-_Sample._ A sample is a subset of the population.
-The most crucial issue towards the selection of
-a sample is its representativeness, including size.
-The samples must be drawn in a manner so as
-to ensure that the draws are independent, and
-the rules of drawing the samples must be pre-
-defined so that the probability of selecting a par-
-ticular sampling unit is known beforehand. This
-method of selecting samples is called _probability
-Random variable._ In statistical terminology,
-the process of making observations or measure-
-ments on the sampling units being studied is
-referred to as conducting the experiment. For
-example, if the experiment is to toss a coin 10
-times and then count the number of times the
-coin lands on heads, each 10 tosses of the coin
-is a sampling unit and the number of heads for a
-given sample is the observation or outcome for
-the experiment. The outcome of an experiment is
-obtained in terms of real numbers and defines the
-random variable being studied. Thus, the attribute
-of the items being measured at the outcome of
-the experiment represents the random variable
-being studied; the observation obtained from a
-particular sampling unit is a particular realization
-of the random variable. In the example of the coin
-toss, the random variable is the number of heads
-observed for each experiment. In statistical stud-
-ies, attempts are made to understand population
-characteristics on the basis of samples.
-The set of possible values of a random variable
-may be finite or infinite but countable (e.g., the
-set of all integers or the set of all odd numbers).
-In such a case, the random variable is called a _dis-
-crete random variable._ In other cases, the random
-variable under consideration may take values on
-a continuous scale and is called a _continuous ran-
-dom variable.
-Event._ A subset of possible values of a random
-variable is called an event_._ Suppose X denotes
-some random variable; then, for example, we
-may define different events such as X ³ x or X <
-x and so on.
-Distribution of a random variable. The range
-and pattern of variation of a random variable is
-given by its distribution. When the distribution
-of a random variable is known, it is possible to
-compute the chance of any event. Some distribu-
-tions are found to occur commonly and are used
-to model many random variables occurring in
-practice in the context of engineering. A few of
-the more commonly occurring distributions are
-given below.
-- Binomial distribution: used to model random
-    variables that count the number of successes
-    in _n_ trials carried out independently of each
-    other, where each trial results in success or
-    failure. We make an assumption that the
-    chance of obtaining a success remains con-
-    stant [2*, c3s6].
-- Poisson distribution: used to model the count
-    of occurrence of some event over time or
-    space [2*, c3s9].
-- Normal distribution: used to model continu-
-    ous random variables or discrete random
-    variables by taking a very large number of
-    values [2*, c4s6].
-Concept of parameters. A statistical distribution
-is characterized by some parameters. For exam-
-ple, the proportion of success in any given trial
-is the only parameter characterizing a binomial
-distribution. Similarly, the Poisson distribution is
-characterized by a rate of occurrence. A normal
-distribution is characterized by two parameters:
-namely, its mean and standard deviation.
-Once the values of the parameters are known,
-the distribution of the random variable is com-
-pletely known and the chance (probability) of
-any event can be computed. The probabilities
-for a discrete random variable can be computed
-through the probability mass function, called
-the pmf. The pmf is defined at discrete points
-and gives the point mass—i.e., the probability
-that the random variable will take that particular
-value. Likewise, for a continuous random vari-
-able, we have the probability density function,
-called the pdf. The pdf is very much like density
-and needs to be integrated over a range to obtain
-the probability that the continuous random vari-
-able lies between certain values. Thus, if the pdf
-**15-4** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-or pmf is known, the chances of the random vari-
-able taking certain set of values may be computed
-_Concept of estimation_ [2*, c6s2, c7s1, c7s3].
-The true values of the parameters of a distribution
-are usually unknown and need to be estimated
-from the sample observations. The estimates are
-functions of the sample values and are called sta-
-tistics. For example, the sample mean is a statistic
-and may be used to estimate the population mean.
-Similarly, the rate of occurrence of defects esti-
-mated from the sample (rate of defects per line of
-code) is a statistic and serves as the estimate of
-the population rate of rate of defects per line of
-code. The statistic used to estimate some popula-
-tion parameter is often referred to as the _estimator_
-of the parameter.
-A very important point to note is that the results
-of the estimators themselves are random. If we
-take a different sample, we are likely to get a dif-
-ferent estimate of the population parameter. In the
-theory of estimation, we need to understand dif-
-ferent properties of estimators—particularly, how
-much the estimates can vary across samples and
-how to choose between different alternative ways
-to obtain the estimates. For example, if we wish
-to estimate the mean of a population, we might
-use as our estimator a sample mean, a sample
-median, a sample mode, or the midrange of the
-sample. Each of these estimators has different
-statistical properties that may impact the standard
-error of the estimate.
-_Types of estimates_ [2*, c7s3, c8s1].There are
-two types of estimates: namely, point estimates
-and interval estimates. When we use the value
-of a statistic to estimate a population parameter,
-we get a point estimate. As the name indicates, a
-point estimate gives a point value of the param-
-eter being estimated.
-Although point estimates are often used, they
-leave room for many questions. For instance, we
-are not told anything about the possible size of
-error or statistical properties of the point esti-
-mate. Thus, we might need to supplement a point
-estimate with the sample size as well as the vari-
-ance of the estimate. Alternately, we might use
-an interval estimate. An interval estimate is a
-random interval with the lower and upper lim-
-its of the interval being functions of the sample
-observations as well as the sample size. The lim-
-its are computed on the basis of some assump-
-tions regarding the sampling distribution of the
-point estimate on which the limits are based.
-Properties of estimators. Various statistical
-properties of estimators are used to decide about
-the appropriateness of an estimator in a given
-situation. The most important properties are that
-an estimator is unbiased, efficient, and consistent
-with respect to the population.
-Tests of hypotheses [2*, c9s1].A hypothesis is
-a statement about the possible values of a param-
-eter. For example, suppose it is claimed that a
-new method of software development reduces the
-occurrence of defects. In this case, the hypoth-
-esis is that the rate of occurrence of defects has
-reduced. In tests of hypotheses, we decide—on
-the basis of sample observations—whether a pro-
-posed hypothesis should be accepted or rejected.
-For testing hypotheses, the null and alternative
-hypotheses are formed. The null hypothesis is the
-hypothesis of no change and is denoted as H 0. The
-alternative hypothesis is written as H 1. It is impor-
-tant to note that the alternative hypothesis may be
-one-sided or two-sided. For example, if we have
-the null hypothesis that the population mean is not
-less than some given value, the alternative hypoth-
-esis would be that it is less than that value and we
-would have a one-sided test. However, if we have
-the null hypothesis that the population mean is
-equal to some given value, the alternative hypoth-
-esis would be that it is not equal and we would
-have a two-sided test (because the true value could
-be either less than or greater than the given value).
-In order to test some hypothesis, we first com-
-pute some statistic. Along with the computation
-of the statistic, a region is defined such that in
-case the computed value of the statistic falls in
-that region, the null hypothesis is rejected. This
-region is called the critical region (also known as
-the confidence interval). In tests of hypotheses,
-we need to accept or reject the null hypothesis
-on the basis of the evidence obtained. We note
-that, in general, the alternative hypothesis is the
-hypothesis of interest. If the computed value of
-the statistic does not fall inside the critical region,
-then we cannot reject the null hypothesis. This
-indicates that there is not enough evidence to
-believe that the alternative hypothesis is true.
-Engineering Foundations 15-5
-As the decision is being taken on the basis
-of sample observations, errors are possible; the
-types of such errors are summarized in the fol-
-lowing table.
-Statistical Decision
-Accept H 0 Reject H 0
-H 0 is
-##### OK
-Type I error
-(probability = a)
-H 0 is
-Type II error
-(probability = b)
-##### OK
-In test of hypotheses, we aim at maximizing the
-power of the test (the value of 1−b) while ensur-
-ing that the probability of a type I error (the value
-of a) is maintained within a particular value—
-typically 5 percent.
-It is to be noted that construction of a test of
-hypothesis includes identifying statistic(s) to
-estimate the parameter(s) and defining a critical
-region such that if the computed value of the sta-
-tistic falls in the critical region, the null hypoth-
-esis is rejected.
-_2.2. Concepts of Correlation and Regression_
-[2*, c11s2, c11s8]
-A major objective of many statistical investiga-
-tions is to establish relationships that make it pos-
-sible to predict one or more variables in terms of
-others. Although it is desirable to predict a quan-
-tity exactly in terms of another quantity, it is sel-
-dom possible and, in many cases, we have to be
-satisfied with estimating the average or expected
-The relationship between two variables is stud-
-ied using the methods of correlation and regres-
-sion. Both these concepts are explained briefly in
-the following paragraphs.
-_Correlation._ The strength of linear relation-
-ship between two variables is measured using
-the correlation coefficient_._ While computing the
-correlation coefficient between two variables, we
-assume that these variables measure two differ-
-ent attributes of the same entity. The correlation
-coefficient takes a value between –1 to +1. The
-values –1 and +1 indicate a situation when the
-association between the variables is perfect—i.e.,
-given the value of one variable, the other can be
-estimated with no error. A positive correlation
-coefficient indicates a positive relationship—that
-is, if one variable increases, so does the other. On
-the other hand, when the variables are negatively
-correlated, an increase of one leads to a decrease
-of the other.
-It is important to remember that correlation
-does not imply causation. Thus, if two variables
-are correlated, we cannot conclude that one
-causes the other.
-Regression. The correlation analysis only
-measures the degree of relationship between
-two variables. The analysis to find the relation-
-ship between two variables is called regression
-analysis. The strength of the relationship between
-two variables is measured using the coefficient of
-determination. This is a value between 0 and 1.
-The closer the coefficient is to 1, the stronger the
-relationship between the variables. A value of 1
-indicates a perfect relationship.
-**3. Measurement**
-    [4*, c3s1, c3s2] [5*, c4s4] [6*, c7s5]
-       [7*, p442–447]
-Knowing what to measure and which measure-
-ment method to use is critical in engineering
-endeavors. It is important that everyone involved
-in an engineering project understand the mea-
-surement methods and the measurement results
-that will be used.
-Measurements can be physical, environmen-
-tal, economic, operational, or some other sort of
-measurement that is meaningful for the particular
-project. This section explores the theory of mea-
-surement and how it is fundamental to engineer-
-ing. Measurement starts as a conceptualization
-then moves from abstract concepts to definitions
-of the measurement method to the actual appli-
-cation of that method to obtain a measurement
-result. Each of these steps must be understood,
-communicated, and properly employed in order
-to generate usable data. In traditional engineer-
-ing, direct measures are often used. In software
-engineering, a combination of both direct and
-derived measures is necessary [6*, p273].
-The theory of measurement states that mea-
-surement is an attempt to describe an underlying
-**15-6** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-real empirical system. Measurement methods
-define activities that allocate a value or a symbol
-to an attribute of an entity.
-Attributes must then be defined in terms of
-the operations used to identify and measure
-them— that is, the measurement methods. In this
-approach, a measurement method is defined to be
-a precisely specified operation that yields a num-
-ber (called the _measurement result)_ when mea-
-suring an attribute. It follows that, to be useful,
-the measurement method has to be well defined.
-Arbitrariness in the method will reflect itself in
-ambiguity in the measurement results.
-In some cases—particularly in the physical
-world—the attributes that we wish to measure are
-easy to grasp; however, in an artificial world like
-software engineering, defining the attributes may
-not be that simple. For example, the attributes of
-height, weight, distance, etc. are easily and uni-
-formly understood (though they may not be very
-easy to measure in all circumstances), whereas
-attributes such as software size or complexity
-require clear definitions.
-_Operational definitions._ The definition of attri-
-butes, to start with, is often rather abstract. Such
-definitions do not facilitate measurements. For
-example, we may define a circle as _a line forming
-a closed loop such that the distance between any
-point on this line and a fixed interior point called
-the center is constant._ We may further say that the
-fixed distance from the center to any point on the
-closed loop gives the radius of the circle. It may be
-noted that though the concept has been defined, no
-means of measuring the radius has been proposed.
-The operational definition specifies the exact steps
-or method used to carry out a specific measure-
-ment. This can also be called the _measurement
-method_ ; sometimes a _measurement procedure_ may
-be required to be even more precise.
-The importance of operational definitions
-can hardly be overstated. Take the case of the
-apparently simple measurement of height of
-individuals. Unless we specify various factors
-like the time when the height will be measured
-(it is known that the height of individuals vary
-across various time points of the day), how the
-variability due to hair would be taken care of,
-whether the measurement will be with or without
-shoes, what kind of accuracy is expected (correct
-up to an inch, 1/2 inch, centimeter, etc.)—even
-this simple measurement will lead to substantial
-variation. Engineers must appreciate the need to
-define measures from an operational perspective.
-3.1. Levels (Scales) of Measurement
-[4*, c3s2] [6*, c7s5]
-Once the operational definitions are determined,
-the actual measurements need to be undertaken.
-It is to be noted that measurement may be car-
-ried out in four different scales: namely, nominal,
-ordinal, interval, and ratio. Brief descriptions of
-each are given below.
-Nominal scale: This is the lowest level of mea-
-surement and represents the most unrestricted
-assignment of numerals. The numerals serve only
-as labels, and words or letters would serve as well.
-The nominal scale of measurement involves only
-classification and the observed sampling units
-are put into any one of the mutually exclusive
-and collectively exhaustive categories (classes).
-Some examples of nominal scales are:
-- Job titles in a company
-- The software development life cycle (SDLC)
-    model (like waterfall, iterative, agile, etc.)
-    followed by different software projects
-In nominal scale, the names of the different cat-
-egories are just labels and no relationship between
-them is assumed. The only operations that can be
-carried out on nominal scale is that of counting
-the number of occurrences in the different classes
-and determining if two occurrences have the same
-nominal value. However, statistical analyses may
-be carried out to understand how entities belong-
-ing to different classes perform with respect to
-some other response variable.
-Ordinal scale: Refers to the measurement scale
-where the different values obtained through the
-process of measurement have an implicit order-
-ing. The intervals between values are not speci-
-fied and there is no objectively defined zero
-element. Typical examples of measurements in
-ordinal scales are:
-- Skill levels (low, medium, high)
-- Capability Maturity Model Integration
-    (CMMI) maturity levels of software devel-
-    opment organizations
-Engineering Foundations 15-7
-- Level of adherence to process as measured in
-    a 5-point scale of excellent, above average,
-    average, below average, and poor, indicating
-    the range from total adherence to no adher-
-    ence at all
-Measurement in ordinal scale satisfies the tran-
-sitivity property in the sense that if A > B and B
-> C, then A > C. However, arithmetic operations
-cannot be carried out on variables measured in
-ordinal scales. Thus, if we measure customer sat-
-isfaction on a 5-point ordinal scale of 5 implying
-a very high level of satisfaction and 1 implying a
-very high level of dissatisfaction, we cannot say
-that a score of four is twice as good as a score
-of two. So, it is better to use terminology such
-as excellent, above average, average, below aver-
-age, and poor than ordinal numbers in order to
-avoid the error of treating an ordinal scale as a
-ratio scale. It is important to note that ordinal
-scale measures are commonly misused and such
-misuse can lead to erroneous conclusions [6*,
-p274]. A common misuse of ordinal scale mea-
-sures is to present a mean and standard deviation
-for the data set, both of which are meaningless.
-However, we can find the median, as computation
-of the median involves counting only.
-_Interval scales:_ With the interval scale, we
-come to a form that is quantitative in the ordi-
-nary sense of the word. Almost all the usual sta-
-tistical measures are applicable here, unless they
-require knowledge of a _true_ zero point. The zero
-point on an interval scale is a matter of conven-
-tion. Ratios do not make sense, but the difference
-between levels of attributes can be computed and
-is meaningful. Some examples of interval scale of
-measurement follow:
-- Measurement of temperature in different
-    scales, such as Celsius and Fahrenheit. Sup-
-    pose T 1 and T 2 are temperatures measured
-    in some scale. We note that the fact that T 1
-    is twice T 2 does not mean that one object is
-    twice as hot as another. We also note that the
-    zero points are arbitrary.
-- Calendar dates. While the difference between
-    dates to measure the time elapsed is a mean-
-    ingful concept, the ratio does not make sense.
-- Many psychological measurements aspire to
-    create interval scales. Intelligence is often
-measured in interval scale, as it is not neces-
-sary to define what zero intelligence would
-If a variable is measured in interval scale, most
-of the usual statistical analyses like mean, stan-
-dard deviation, correlation, and regression may
-be carried out on the measured values.
-Ratio scale: These are quite commonly encoun-
-tered in physical science. These scales of mea-
-sures are characterized by the fact that operations
-exist for determining all 4 relations: equality, rank
-order, equality of intervals, and equality of ratios.
-Once such a scale is available, its numerical val-
-ues can be transformed from one unit to another
-by just multiplying by a constant, e.g., conversion
-of inches to feet or centimeters. When measure-
-ments are being made in ratio scale, existence of
-a nonarbitrary zero is mandatory. All statistical
-measures are applicable to ratio scale; logarithm
-usage is valid only when these scales are used, as
-in the case of decibels. Some examples of ratio
-measures are
-- the number of statements in a software
-    program
-- temperature measured in the Kelvin (K) scale
-    or in Fahrenheit (F).
-An additional measurement scale, the absolute
-scale, is a ratio scale with uniqueness of the mea-
-sure; i.e., a measure for which no transformation
-is possible (for example, the number of program-
-mers working on a project).
-3.2. Direct and Derived Measures
-[6*, c7s5]
-Measures may be either direct or derived (some-
-times called indirect measures). An example of
-a direct measure would be a count of how many
-times an event occurred, such as the number of
-defects found in a software product. A derived
-measure is one that combines direct measures in
-some way that is consistent with the measurement
-method. An example of a derived measure would
-be calculating the productivity of a team as the
-number of lines of code developed per developer-
-month. In both cases, the measurement method
-determines how to make the measurement.
-**15-8** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-_3.3. Reliability and Validity_
-[4*, c3s4, c3s5]
-A basic question to be asked for any measure-
-ment method is whether the proposed measure-
-ment method is truly measuring the concept with
-good quality. Reliability and validity are the two
-most important criteria to address this question.
-The reliability of a measurement method is
-the extent to which the application of the mea-
-surement method yields consistent measurement
-results. Essentially, _reliability_ refers to the consis-
-tency of the values obtained when the same item
-is measured a number of times. When the results
-agree with each other, the measurement method
-is said to be reliable. Reliability usually depends
-on the operational definition. It can be quantified
-by using the index of variation, which is com-
-puted as the ratio between the standard deviation
-and the mean. The smaller the index, the more
-reliable the measurement results.
-_Validity_ refers to whether the measurement
-method really measures what we intend to mea-
-sure. Validity of a measurement method may
-be looked at from three different perspectives:
-namely, construct validity, criteria validity, and
-content validity.
-_3.4. Assessing Reliability_
-[4*, c3s5]
-There are several methods for assessing reli-
-ability; these include the test-retest method, the
-alternative form method, the split-halves method,
-and the internal consistency method. The easi-
-est of these is the test-retest method. In the test-
-retest method, we simply apply the measurement
-method to the same subjects twice. The correla-
-tion coefficient between the first and second set
-of measurement results gives the reliability of the
-measurement method.
-**4. Engineering Design**
-    [5*, c1s2, c1s3, c1s4]
-A product’s life cycle costs are largely influenced
-by the design of the product. This is true for manu-
-factured products as well as for software products.
-The design of a software product is guided by
-the features to be included and the quality attri-
-butes to be provided. It is important to note that
-software engineers use the term “design” within
-their own context; while there are some common-
-alities, there are also many differences between
-engineering design as discussed in this section
-and software engineering design as discussed in
-the Software Design KA. The scope of engineer-
-ing design is generally viewed as much broader
-than that of software design. The primary aim of
-this section is to identify the concepts needed to
-develop a clear understanding regarding the pro-
-cess of engineering design.
-Many disciplines engage in problem solving
-activities where there is a single correct solu-
-tion. In engineering, most problems have many
-solutions and the focus is on finding a feasible
-solution (among the many alternatives) that
-best meets the needs presented. The set of pos-
-sible solutions is often constrained by explic-
-itly imposed limitations such as cost, available
-resources, and the state of discipline or domain
-knowledge. In engineering problems, sometimes
-there are also implicit constraints (such as the
-physical properties of materials or laws of phys-
-ics) that also restrict the set of feasible solutions
-for a given problem.
-4.1. Engineering Design in Engineering
-The importance of engineering design in engi-
-neering education can be clearly seen by the high
-expectations held by various accreditation bod-
-ies for engineering education. Both the Cana-
-dian Engineering Accreditation Board and the
-Accreditation Board for Engineering and Tech-
-nology (ABET) note the importance of including
-engineering design in education programs.
-The Canadian Engineering Accreditation
-Board includes requirements for the amount of
-engineering design experience/coursework that
-is necessary for engineering students as well as
-qualifications for the faculty members who teach
-such coursework or supervise design projects.
-Their accreditation criteria states:
-Engineering Foundations 15-9
-Design: An ability to design solutions for
-complex, open-ended engineering prob-
-lems and to design systems, components
-or processes that meet specified needs with
-appropriate attention to health and safety
-risks, applicable standards, and economic,
-environmental, cultural and societal con-
-siderations. [8, p12]
-In a similar manner, ABET defines engineering
-design as
-the process of devising a system, compo-
-nent, or process to meet desired needs. It
-is a decision-making process (often itera-
-tive), in which the basic sciences, math-
-ematics, and the engineering sciences are
-applied to convert resources optimally to
-meet these stated needs. [9, p4]
-Thus, it is clear that engineering design is a
-vital component in the training and education for
-all engineers. The remainder of this section will
-focus on various aspects of engineering design.
-_4.2. Design as a Problem Solving Activity_
-[5*, c1s4, c2s1, c3s3]
-It is to be noted that engineering design is primar-
-ily a problem solving activity. Design problems
-are open ended and more vaguely defined. There
-are usually several alternative ways to solve the
-same problem. Design is generally considered to
-be a _wicked problem_ —a term first coined by Horst
-Rittel in the 1960s when design methods were a
-subject of intense interest. Rittel sought an alterna-
-tive to the linear, step-by-step model of the design
-process being explored by many designers and
-design theorists and argued that most of the prob-
-lems addressed by the designers are wicked prob-
-lems. As explained by Steve McConnell, a wicked
-problem is one that could be clearly defined only
-by solving it or by solving part of it. This paradox
-implies, essentially, that a wicked problem has to
-be solved once in order to define it clearly and then
-solved again to create a solution that works. This
-has been an important insight for software design-
-ers for several decades [10*, c5s1].
-4.3. Steps Involved in Engineering Design
-[7*, c4]
-Engineering problem solving begins when a
-need is recognized and no existing solution will
-meet that need. As part of this problem solving,
-the design goals to be achieved by the solution
-should be identified. Additionally, a set of accep-
-tance criteria must be defined and used to deter-
-mine how well a proposed solution will satisfy
-the need. Once a need for a solution to a problem
-has been identified, the process of engineering
-design has the following generic steps:
-a) define the problem
-b) gather pertinent information
-c) generate multiple solutions
-d) analyze and select a solution
-e) implement the solution
-All of the engineering design steps are itera-
-tive, and knowledge gained at any step in the
-process may be used to inform earlier tasks and
-trigger an iteration in the process. These steps are
-expanded in the subsequent sections.
-a. Define the problem. At this stage, the custom-
-er’s requirements are gathered. Specific informa-
-tion about product functions and features are also
-closely examined. This step includes refining the
-problem statement to identify the real problem to
-be solved and setting the design goals and criteria
-for success.
-The problem definition is a crucial stage in
-engineering design. A point to note is that this
-step is deceptively simple. Thus, enough care
-must be taken to carry out this step judiciously. It
-is important to identify needs and link the success
-criteria with the required product characteristics.
-It is also an engineering task to limit the scope
-of a problem and its solution through negotiation
-among the stakeholders.
-b. Gather pertinent information. At this stage,
-the designer attempts to expand his/her knowl-
-edge about the problem. This is a vital, yet often
-neglected, stage. Gathering pertinent information
-can reveal facts leading to a redefinition of the
-**15-10** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-problem—in particular, mistakes and false starts
-may be identified. This step may also involve the
-decomposition of the problem into smaller, more
-easily solved subproblems.
-While gathering pertinent information, care
-must be taken to identify how a product may be
-used as well as misused. It is also important to
-understand the perceived value of the product/
-service being offered. Included in the pertinent
-information is a list of constraints that must be
-satisfied by the solution or that may limit the set
-of feasible solutions.
-_c. Generate multiple solutions._ During this stage,
-different solutions to the same problem are devel-
-oped. It has already been stated that design prob-
-lems have multiple solutions. The goal of this
-step is to conceptualize multiple possible solu-
-tions and refine them to a sufficient level of detail
-that a comparison can be done among them.
-_d. Analyze and select a solution._ Once alternative
-solutions have been identified, they need to be ana-
-lyzed to identify the solution that best suits the cur-
-rent situation. The analysis includes a functional
-analysis to assess whether the proposed design
-would meet the functional requirements. Physical
-solutions that involve human users often include
-analysis of the ergonomics or user friendliness of
-the proposed solution. Other aspects of the solu-
-tion—such as product safety and liability, an eco-
-nomic or market analysis to ensure a return (profit)
-on the solution, performance predictions and anal-
-ysis to meet quality characteristics, opportunities
-for incorrect data input or hardware malfunctions,
-and so on—may be studied. The types and amount
-of analysis used on a proposed solution are depen-
-dent on the type of problem and the needs that the
-solution must address as well as the constraints
-imposed on the design.
-_e. Implement the solution._ The final phase of the
-design process is implementation. Implemen-
-tation refers to development and testing of the
-proposed solution. Sometimes a preliminary,
-partial solution called a _prototyp_ e may be devel-
-oped initially to test the proposed design solu-
-tion under certain conditions. Feedback resulting
-from testing a prototype may be used either to
-refine the design or drive the selection of an alter-
-native design solution. One of the most impor-
-tant activities in design is documentation of the
-design solution as well as of the tradeoffs for the
-choices made in the design of the solution. This
-work should be carried out in a manner such that
-the solution to the design problem can be com-
-municated clearly to others.
-The testing and verification take us back to the
-success criteria. The engineer needs to devise
-tests such that the ability of the design to meet the
-success criteria is demonstrated. While design-
-ing the tests, the engineer must think through
-different possible failure modes and then design
-tests based on those failure modes. The engineer
-may choose to carry out designed experiments to
-assess the validity of the design.
-**5. Modeling, Simulation, and Prototyping**
-    [5*, c6] [11*, c13s3] [12*, c2s3.1]
-Modeling is part of the abstraction process used
-to represent some aspects of a system. Simula-
-tion uses a model of the system and provides a
-means of conducting designed experiments with
-that model to better understand the system, its
-behavior, and relationships between subsystems,
-as well as to analyze aspects of the design. Mod-
-eling and simulation are techniques that can be
-used to construct theories or hypotheses about the
-behavior of the system; engineers then use those
-theories to make predictions about the system.
-Prototyping is another abstraction process where
-a partial representation (that captures aspects of
-interest) of the product or system is built. A pro-
-totype may be an initial version of the system but
-lacks the full functionality of the final version.
-5.1. Modeling
-A model is always an abstraction of some real
-or imagined artifact. Engineers use models in
-many ways as part of their problem solving
-activities. Some models are physical, such as a
-made-to-scale miniature construction of a bridge
-or building. Other models may be nonphysical
-representations, such as a CAD drawing of a cog
-or a mathematical model for a process. Models
-help engineers reason and understand aspects of
-Engineering Foundations 15-11
-a problem. They can also help engineers under-
-stand what they do know and what they don’t
-know about the problem at hand.
-There are three types of models: iconic, ana-
-logic, and symbolic. An iconic model is a visu-
-ally equivalent but incomplete 2-dimensional
-or 3-dimensional representation—for example,
-maps, globes, or built-to-scale models of struc-
-tures such as bridges or highways. An iconic
-model actually resembles the artifact modeled.
-In contrast, an analogic model is a functionally
-equivalent but incomplete representation. That
-is, the model behaves like the physical artifact
-even though it may not physically resemble it.
-Examples of analogic models include a miniature
-airplane for wind tunnel testing or a computer
-simulation of a manufacturing process.
-Finally, a symbolic model is a higher level of
-abstraction, where the model is represented using
-symbols such as equations. The model captures
-the relevant aspects of the process or system in
-symbolic form. The symbols can then be used to
-increase the engineer’s understanding of the final
-system. An example is an equation such as _F =
-Ma_. Such mathematical models can be used to
-describe and predict properties or behavior of the
-final system or product.
-_5.2. Simulation_
-All simulation models are a specification of real-
-ity. A central issue in simulation is to abstract
-and specify an appropriate simplification of
-reality. Developing this abstraction is of vital
-importance, as misspecification of the abstrac-
-tion would invalidate the results of the simulation
-exercise. Simulation can be used for a variety of
-testing purposes.
-Simulation is classified based on the type of
-system under study. Thus, simulation can be either
-continuous or discrete. In the context of software
-engineering, the emphasis will be primarily on
-discrete simulation. Discrete simulations may
-model event scheduling or process interaction.
-The main components in such a model include
-entities, activities and events, resources, the state
-of the system, a simulation clock, and a random
-number generator. Output is generated by the
-simulation and must be analyzed.
-An important problem in the development of a
-discrete simulation is that of initialization. Before
-a simulation can be run, the initial values of all
-the state variables must be provided. As the simu-
-lation designer may not know what initial values
-are appropriate for the state variables, these val-
-ues might be chosen somewhat arbitrarily. For
-instance, it might be decided that a queue should
-be initialized as empty and idle. Such a choice of
-initial condition can have a significant but unrec-
-ognized impact on the outcome of the simulation.
-5.3. Prototyping
-Constructing a prototype of a system is another
-abstraction process. In this case, an initial version
-of the system is constructed, often while the sys-
-tem is being designed. This helps the designers
-determine the feasibility of their design.
-There are many uses for a prototype, includ-
-ing the elicitation of requirements, the design and
-refinement of a user interface to the system, vali-
-dation of functional requirements, and so on. The
-objectives and purposes for building the proto-
-type will determine its construction and the level
-of abstraction used.
-The role of prototyping is somewhat different
-between physical systems and software. With
-physical systems, the prototype may actually
-be the first fully functional version of a system
-or it may be a model of the system. In software
-engineering, prototypes are also an abstract
-model of part of the software but are usually not
-constructed with all of the architectural, perfor-
-mance, and other quality characteristics expected
-in the finished product. In either case, prototype
-construction must have a clear purpose and be
-planned, monitored, and controlled—it is a tech-
-nique to study a specific problem within a limited
-context [6*, c2s8].
-In conclusion, modeling, simulation, and pro-
-totyping are powerful techniques for studying the
-behavior of a system from a given perspective.
-All can be used to perform designed experiments
-to study various aspects of the system. How-
-ever, these are abstractions and, as such, may not
-model all attributes of interest.
-**15-12** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-**6. Standards**
-    [5*, c9s3.2] [13*, c1s2]
-Moore states that a
-standard can be; (a) an object or measure
-of comparison that defines or represents
-the magnitude of a unit; (b) a characteriza-
-tion that establishes allowable tolerances
-for categories of items; and (c) a degree or
-level of required excellence or attainment.
-Standards are definitional in nature, estab-
-lished either to further understanding and
-interaction or to acknowledge observed (or
-desired) norms of exhibited characteristics
-or behavior. [13*, p8]
-Standards provide requirements, specifica-
-tions, guidelines, or characteristics that must be
-observed by engineers so that the products, pro-
-cesses, and materials have acceptable levels of
-quality. The qualities that various standards pro-
-vide may be those of safety, reliability, or other
-product characteristics. Standards are considered
-critical to engineers and engineers are expected to
-be familiar with and to use the appropriate stan-
-dards in their discipline.
-Compliance or conformance to a standard lets
-an organization say to the public that they (or
-their products) meet the requirements stated in
-that standard. Thus, standards divide organiza-
-tions or their products into those that conform to
-the standard and those that do not. For a standard
-to be useful, conformance with the standard must
-add value—real or perceived—to the product,
-process, or effort.
-Apart from the organizational goals, standards
-are used for a number of other purposes such
-as protecting the buyer, protecting the business,
-and better defining the methods and procedures
-to be followed by the practice. Standards also
-provide users with a common terminology and
-There are many internationally recognized
-standards-making organizations including the
-International Telecommunications Union (ITU),
-the International Electrotechnical Commission
-(IEC), IEEE, and the International Organization
-for Standardization (ISO). In addition, there are
-regional and governmentally recognized organi-
-zations that generate standards for that region or
-country. For example, in the United States, there
-are over 300 organizations that develop stan-
-dards. These include organizations such as the
-American National Standards Institute (ANSI),
-the American Society for Testing and Materials
-(ASTM), the Society of Automotive Engineers
-(SAE), and Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL),
-as well as the US government. For more detail
-on standards used in software engineering, see
-Appendix B on standards.
-There is a set of commonly used principles
-behind standards. Standards makers attempt to
-have consensus around their decisions. There is
-usually an openness within the community of
-interest so that once a standard has been set, there
-is a good chance that it will be widely accepted.
-Most standards organizations have well-defined
-processes for their efforts and adhere to those
-processes carefully. Engineers must be aware of
-the existing standards but must also update their
-understanding of the standards as those standards
-change over time.
-In many engineering endeavors, knowing and
-understanding the applicable standards is critical
-and the law may even require use of particular
-standards. In these cases, the standards often rep-
-resent minimal requirements that must be met by
-the endeavor and thus are an element in the con-
-straints imposed on any design effort. The engi-
-neer must review all current standards related to
-a given endeavor and determine which must be
-met. Their designs must then incorporate any and
-all constraints imposed by the applicable stan-
-dard. Standards important to software engineers
-are discussed in more detail in an appendix spe-
-cifically on this subject.
-**7. Root Cause Analysis**
-    [4*, c5, c3s7, c9s8] [5*, c9s3, c9s4, c9s5]
-       [13*, c13s3.4.5]
-Root cause analysis (RCA) is a process designed
-to investigate and identify why and how an
-undesirable event has happened. Root causes
-are underlying causes. The investigator should
-attempt to identify specific underlying causes of
-the event that has occurred. The primary objective
-Engineering Foundations 15-13
-of RCA is to prevent recurrence of the undesir-
-able event. Thus, the more specific the investiga-
-tor can be about why an event occurred, the easier
-it will be to prevent recurrence. A common way
-to identify specific underlying cause(s) is to ask a
-series of _why_ questions.
-_7.1. Techniques for Conducting Root Cause
-[4*, c5] [5*, c3]
-There are many approaches used for both quality
-control and root cause analysis. The first step in
-any root cause analysis effort is to identify the real
-problem. Techniques such as statement-restate-
-ment, why-why diagrams, the revision method,
-present state and desired state diagrams, and the
-fresh-eye approach are used to identify and refine
-the real problem that needs to be addressed.
-Once the real problem has been identified, then
-work can begin to determine the cause of the
-problem. Ishikawa is known for the seven tools
-for quality control that he promoted. Some of
-those tools are helpful in identifying the causes
-for a given problem. Those tools are check sheets
-or checklists, Pareto diagrams, histograms, run
-charts, scatter diagrams, control charts, and
-fishbone or cause-and-effect diagrams. More
-recently, other approaches for quality improve-
-ment and root cause analysis have emerged. Some
-examples of these newer methods are affinity dia-
-grams, relations diagrams, tree diagrams, matrix
-charts, matrix data analysis charts, process deci-
-sion program charts, and arrow diagrams. A few
-of these techniques are briefly described below.
-A fishbone or cause-and-effect diagram is a
-way to visualize the various factors that affect
-some characteristic. The main line in the diagram
-represents the problem and the connecting lines
-represent the factors that led to or influenced the
-problem. Those factors are broken down into sub-
-factors and sub-subfactors until root causes can
-be identified.
-A very simple approach that is useful in quality
-control is the use of a checklist. Checklists are
-a list of key points in a process with tasks that
-must be completed. As each task is completed,
-it is checked off the list. If a problem occurs,
-then sometimes the checklist can quickly identify
-tasks that may have been skipped or only par-
-tially completed.
-Finally, relations diagrams are a means for dis-
-playing complex relationships. They give visual
-support to cause-and-effect thinking. The dia-
-gram relates the specific to the general, revealing
-key causes and key effects.
-Root cause analysis aims at preventing the
-recurrence of undesirable events. Reduction of
-variation due to common causes requires utili-
-zation of a number of techniques. An important
-point to note is that these techniques should be
-used offline and not necessarily in direct response
-to the occurrence of some undesirable event.
-Some of the techniques that may be used to
-reduce variation due to common causes are given
-1. Cause-and-effect diagrams may be used to
-    identify the sub and sub-sub causes.
-2. Fault tree analysis is a technique that may be
-    used to understand the sources of failures.
-3. Designed experiments may be used to under-
-    stand the impact of various causes on the
-    occurrence of undesirable events (see Empir-
-    ical Methods and Experimental Techniques
-    in this KA).
-4. Various kinds of correlation analyses may be
-    used to understand the relationship between
-    various causes and their impact. These tech-
-    niques may be used in cases when conduct-
-    ing controlled experiments is difficult but
-    data may be gathered (see Statistical Analy-
-    sis in this KA).
-**15-14** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-Montgomery and Runger 2007
-##### [2*]
-Null and Lobur 2006
-##### [3*]
-Kan 2002
-##### [4*]
-Voland 2003
-##### [5*]
-Fairley 2009
-##### [6*]
-Tockey 2004
-##### [7*]
-McConnell 2004
-##### [10*]
-Cheney and Kincaid 2007
-##### [11*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [12*]
-Moore 2006
-##### [13*]
-**1. Empirical
-Methods and
-Te c h n i que s**
-1.1. Designed
-**2. Statistical
-2.1. Concept of
-Unit of Analysis
-Units), Sample,
-and Population
-2.2. Concepts of
-Correlation and
-c11s 8
-**3. Measurement**
-    c3s1,
-    c3s2
-       c4s4 c7s5
-3.1. Levels
-(Scales) of
-c3s2 c7s5
-3.2. Direct
-and Derived
-Engineering Foundations 15-15
-Montgomery and Runger 2007
-##### [2*]
-Null and Lobur 2006
-##### [3*]
-Kan 2002
-##### [4*]
-Voland 2003
-##### [5*]
-Fairley 2009
-##### [6*]
-Tockey 2004
-##### [7*]
-McConnell 2004
-##### [10*]
-Cheney and Kincaid 2007
-##### [11*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [12*]
-Moore 2006
-##### [13*]
-3.3. Reliability
-a nd Va l id it y
-3.4. Assessing
-**4. Engineering
-4.1. Design in
-4.2. Design
-as a Problem
-Solving Activity
-4.3. Steps
-Involved in
-**5. Modeling,
-Prototyping, and
-c6 c13s3
-5.1. Modeling
-5.2. Simulation
-5.3. Prototyping
-**6. Standards**
-    c9
-**7. Root Cause
-7.1. Te c h n i q u e s
-for Conducting
-Root Cause
-c5 c3
-**15-16** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-A. Abran, _Software Metrics and Software
-Metrology_. [14]
-This book provides very good information on the
-proper use of the terms measure, measurement
-method and measurement outcome. It provides
-strong support material for the entire section on
-W.G. Vincenti, What Engineers Know and How
-They Know It. [15]
-This book provides an interesting introduc-
-tion to engineering foundations through a series
-of case studies that show many of the founda-
-tional concepts as used in real world engineering
-Engineering Foundations 15-17
-[1] _ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2010 Systems and
-Software Engineering—Vocabulary_ , ISO/
-IEC/IEEE, 2010.
-[2*] D.C. Montgomery and G.C. Runger,
-_Applied Statistics and Probability for
-Engineers_ , 4th ed., Wiley, 2007.
-[3*] L. Null and J. Lobur, _The Essentials of
-Computer Organization and Architecture_ ,
-2nd ed., Jones and Bartlett Publishers,
-[4*] S.H. Kan, _Metrics and Models in Software
-Quality Engineering_ , 2nd ed., Addison-
-Wesley, 2002.
-[5*] G. Voland, _Engineering by Design_ , 2nd ed.,
-Prentice Hall, 2003.
-[6*] R.E. Fairley, _Managing and Leading
-Software Projects_ , Wiley-IEEE Computer
-Society Press, 2009.
-[7*] S. Tockey, _Return on Software: Maximizing
-the Return on Your Software Investment_ ,
-Addison-Wesley, 2004.
-[8] Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board,
-Engineers Canada, “Accreditation Criteria
-and Procedures,” Canadian Council of
-Professional Engineers, 2011; [http://www.](http://www.)
-[9] ABET Engineering Accreditation
-Commission, “Criteria for Accrediting
-Engineering Programs, 2012-2013,”
-ABET, 2011;
-[10*] S. McConnell, Code Complete , 2nd ed.,
-Microsoft Press, 2004.
-[11*] E.W. Cheney and D.R. Kincaid, Numerical
-Mathematics and Computing , 6th ed.,
-Brooks/Cole, 2007.
-[12*] I. Sommerville, Software Engineering , 9th
-ed., Addison-Wesley, 2011.
-[13*] J.W. Moore, The Road Map to Software
-Engineering: A Standards-Based Guide ,
-Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press, 2006.
-[14] A. Abran, Software Metrics and Software
-Metrology , Wiley-IEEE Computer Society
-Press, 2010.
-[15] W.G. Vincenti, What Engineers Know
-and How They Know It , John Hopkins
-University Press, 1990.
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-**CHAPTER 1**
-##### CIA
-Confidentiality, Integrity, and
-DAG Directed Acyclic Graph
-FSM Functional Size Measurement
-International Council on Systems
-UML Unified Modeling Language
-SysML Systems Modeling Language
-The Software Requirements knowledge area (KA)
-is concerned with the elicitation, analysis, speci-
-fication, and validation of software requirements
-as well as the management of requirements dur-
-ing the whole life cycle of the software product.
-It is widely acknowledged amongst researchers
-and industry practitioners that software projects
-are critically vulnerable when the requirements-
-related activities are poorly performed.
-Software requirements express the needs and
-constraints placed on a software product that
-contribute to the solution of some real-world
-The term “requirements engineering” is widely
-used in the field to denote the systematic handling
-of requirements. For reasons of consistency, the
-term “engineering” will not be used in this KA
-other than for software engineering per se.
-For the same reason, “requirements engineer,”
-a term which appears in some of the literature,
-will not be used either. Instead, the term “software
-engineer” or, in some specific cases, “require-
-ments specialist” will be used, the latter where
-the role in question is usually performed by an
-individual other than a software engineer. This
-does not imply, however, that a software engineer
-could not perform the function.
-A risk inherent in the proposed breakdown is
-that a waterfall-like process may be inferred. To
-guard against this, topic 2, Requirements Process,
-is designed to provide a high-level overview of the
-requirements process by setting out the resources
-and constraints under which the process operates
-and which act to configure it.
-An alternate decomposition could use a prod-
-uct-based structure (system requirements, soft-
-ware requirements, prototypes, use cases, and
-so on). The process-based breakdown reflects
-the fact that the requirements process, if it is to
-be successful, must be considered as a process
-involving complex, tightly coupled activities
-(both sequential and concurrent), rather than as a
-discrete, one-off activity performed at the outset
-of a software development project.
-The Software Requirements KA is related
-closely to the Software Design, Software Testing,
-Software Maintenance, Software Configuration
-Management, Software Engineering Manage-
-ment, Software Engineering Process, Software
-Engineering Models and Methods, and Software
-Quality KAs.
-The breakdown of topics for the Software
-Requirements KA is shown in Figure 1.1.
-**1. Software Requirements Fundamentals**
-    [1*, c4, c4s1, c10s1, c10s4] [2*, c1, c6, c12]
-1.1. Definition of a Software Requirement
-At its most basic, a software requirement is a
-property that must be exhibited by something in
-**1-2** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-order to solve some problem in the real world. It
-may aim to automate part of a task for someone
-to support the business processes of an organiza-
-tion, to correct shortcomings of existing software,
-or to control a device—to name just a few of the
-many problems for which software solutions are
-possible. The ways in which users, business pro-
-cesses, and devices function are typically complex.
-By extension, therefore, the requirements on par-
-ticular software are typically a complex combina-
-tion from various people at different levels of an
-organization, and who are in one way or another
-involved or connected with this feature from the
-environment in which the software will operate.
-An essential property of all software require-
-ments is that they be verifiable as an individual
-feature as a functional requirement or at the
-system level as a nonfunctional requirement. It
-may be difficult or costly to verify certain soft-
-ware requirements. For example, verification
-of the throughput requirement on a call center
-may necessitate the development of simulation
-software. Software requirements, software test-
-ing, and quality personnel must ensure that the
-requirements can be verified within available
-resource constraints.
-Requirements have other attributes in addi-
-tion to behavioral properties. Common examples
-include a priority rating to enable tradeoffs in
-the face of finite resources and a status value to
-enable project progress to be monitored. Typi-
-cally, software requirements are uniquely identi-
-fied so that they can be subjected to software con-
-figuration management over the entire life cycle
-of the feature and of the software.
-1.2. Product and Process Requirements
-A product requirement is a need or constraint on
-the software to be developed (for example, “The
-software shall verify that a student meets all pre-
-requisites before he or she registers for a course”).
-A process requirement is essentially a con-
-straint on the development of the software (for
-example, “The software shall be developed using
-a RUP process”).
-Some software requirements generate implicit
-process requirements. The choice of verification
-Figure 1.1. Breakdown of Topics for the Software Requirements KA
-Software Requirements 1-3
-technique is one example. Another might be the
-use of particularly rigorous analysis techniques
-(such as formal specification methods) to reduce
-faults that can lead to inadequate reliability. Pro-
-cess requirements may also be imposed directly
-by the development organization, their customer,
-or a third party such as a safety regulator.
-_1.3. Functional and Nonfunctional Requirements_
-_Functional_ requirements describe the functions
-that the software is to execute; for example, for-
-matting some text or modulating a signal. They
-are sometimes known as capabilities or features.
-A functional requirement can also be described
-as one for which a finite set of test steps can be
-written to validate its behavior.
-_Nonfunctional_ requirements are the ones that
-act to constrain the solution. Nonfunctional
-requirements are sometimes known as constraints
-or quality requirements. They can be further clas-
-sified according to whether they are performance
-requirements, maintainability requirements,
-safety requirements, reliability requirements,
-security requirements, interoperability require-
-ments or one of many other types of software
-requirements (see Models and Quality Character-
-istics in the Software Quality KA).
-_1.4. Emergent Properties_
-Some requirements represent emergent proper-
-ties of software—that is, requirements that can-
-not be addressed by a single component but that
-depend on how all the software components
-interoperate. The throughput requirement for a
-call center would, for example, depend on how
-the telephone system, information system, and
-the operators all interacted under actual operat-
-ing conditions. Emergent properties are crucially
-dependent on the system architecture.
-_1.5. Quantifiable Requirements_
-Software requirements should be stated as clearly
-and as unambiguously as possible, and, where
-appropriate, quantitatively. It is important to
-avoid vague and unverifiable requirements that
-depend for their interpretation on subjective
-judgment (“the software shall be reliable”; “the
-software shall be user-friendly”). This is par-
-ticularly important for nonfunctional require-
-ments. Two examples of quantified requirements
-are the following: a call center’s software must
-increase the center’s throughput by 20%; and a
-system shall have a probability of generating a
-fatal error during any hour of operation of less
-than 1 * 10−^8. The throughput requirement is at a
-very high level and will need to be used to derive
-a number of detailed requirements. The reliabil-
-ity requirement will tightly constrain the system
-1.6. System Requirements and Software
-In this topic, “system” means
-an interacting combination of elements
-to accomplish a defined objective. These
-include hardware, software, firmware,
-people, information, techniques, facilities,
-services, and other support elements,
-as defined by the International Council on Soft-
-ware and Systems Engineering (INCOSE) [3].
-System requirements are the requirements for
-the system as a whole. In a system containing
-software components, software requirements are
-derived from system requirements.
-This KA defines “user requirements” in a
-restricted way, as the requirements of the sys-
-tem’s customers or end users. System require-
-ments, by contrast, encompass user requirements,
-requirements of other stakeholders (such as regu-
-latory authorities), and requirements without an
-identifiable human source.
-**2. Requirements Process**
-    [1*, c4s4] [2*, c1–4, c6, c22, c23]
-This section introduces the software requirements
-process, orienting the remaining five topics and
-showing how the requirements process dovetails
-with the overall software engineering process.
-**1-4** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-_2.1. Process Models_
-The objective of this topic is to provide an under-
-standing that the requirements process
-- is not a discrete front-end activity of the soft-
-    ware life cycle, but rather a process initiated
-    at the beginning of a project that continues to
-    be refined throughout the life cycle;
-- identifies software requirements as configu-
-    ration items and manages them using the
-    same software configuration management
-    practices as other products of the software
-    life cycle processes;
-- needs to be adapted to the organization and
-    project context.
-In particular, the topic is concerned with how
-the activities of elicitation, analysis, specifica-
-tion, and validation are configured for different
-types of projects and constraints. The topic also
-includes activities that provide input into the
-requirements process, such as marketing and fea-
-sibility studies.
-_2.2. Process Actors_
-This topic introduces the roles of the people who
-participate in the requirements process. This pro-
-cess is fundamentally interdisciplinary, and the
-requirements specialist needs to mediate between
-the domain of the stakeholder and that of soft-
-ware engineering. There are often many people
-involved besides the requirements specialist, each
-of whom has a stake in the software. The stake-
-holders will vary across projects, but will always
-include users/operators and customers (who need
-not be the same).
-Typical examples of software stakeholders
-include (but are not restricted to) the following:
-- Users: This group comprises those who will
-    operate the software. It is often a heteroge-
-    neous group involving people with different
-    roles and requirements.
-- Customers: This group comprises those who
-    have commissioned the software or who rep-
-    resent the software’s target market.
-- Market analysts: A mass-market product
-    will not have a commissioning customer, so
-marketing people are often needed to estab-
-lish what the market needs and to act as
-proxy customers.
-- Regulators: Many application domains, such
-    as banking and public transport, are regu-
-    lated. Software in these domains must com-
-    ply with the requirements of the regulatory
-    authorities.
-- Software engineers: These individuals have
-    a legitimate interest in profiting from devel-
-    oping the software by, for example, reusing
-    components in or from other products. If,
-    in this scenario, a customer of a particu-
-    lar product has specific requirements that
-    compromise the potential for component
-    reuse, the software engineers must carefully
-    weigh their own stake against those of the
-    customer. Specific requirements, particu-
-    larly constraints, may have major impact on
-    project cost or delivery because they either
-    fit well or poorly with the skill set of the
-    engineers. Important tradeoffs among such
-    requirements should be identified.
-It will not be possible to perfectly satisfy the
-requirements of every stakeholder, and it is the
-software engineer’s job to negotiate tradeoffs that
-are both acceptable to the principal stakeholders
-and within budgetary, technical, regulatory, and
-other constraints. A prerequisite for this is that all
-the stakeholders be identified, the nature of their
-“stake” analyzed, and their requirements elicited.
-2.3. Process Support and Management
-This section introduces the project management
-resources required and consumed by the require-
-ments process. It establishes the context for the
-first topic (Initiation and Scope Definition) of the
-Software Engineering Management KA. Its prin-
-cipal purpose is to make the link between the pro-
-cess activities identified in 2.1 and the issues of
-cost, human resources, training, and tools.
-2.4. Process Quality and Improvement
-This topic is concerned with the assessment of
-the quality and improvement of the requirements
-process. Its purpose is to emphasize the key role
-the requirements process plays in terms of the
-Software Requirements 1-5
-cost and timeliness of a software product and of
-the customer’s satisfaction with it. It will help to
-orient the requirements process with quality stan-
-dards and process improvement models for soft-
-ware and systems. Process quality and improve-
-ment is closely related to both the Software
-Quality KA and Software Engineering Process
-KA, comprising
-- requirements process coverage by process
-    improvement standards and models;
-- requirements process measures and
-    benchmarking;
-- improvement planning and implementation;
-- security/CIA improvement/planning and
-    implementation.
-**3. Requirements Elicitation**
-[1*, c4s5] [2*, c5, c6, c9]
-Requirements elicitation is concerned with the
-origins of software requirements and how the
-software engineer can collect them. It is the first
-stage in building an understanding of the problem
-the software is required to solve. It is fundamen-
-tally a human activity and is where the stakehold-
-ers are identified and relationships established
-between the development team and the customer.
-It is variously termed “requirements capture,”
-“requirements discovery,” and “requirements
-One of the fundamental principles of a good
-requirements elicitation process is that of effec-
-tive communication between the various stake-
-holders. This communication continues through
-the entire Software Development Life Cycle
-(SDLC) process with different stakeholders at
-different points in time. Before development
-begins, requirements specialists may form the
-conduit for this communication. They must medi-
-ate between the domain of the software users (and
-other stakeholders) and the technical world of the
-software engineer. A set of internally consistent
-models at different levels of abstraction facilitate
-communications between software users/stake-
-holders and software engineers.
-A critical element of requirements elicitation is
-informing the project scope. This involves provid-
-ing a description of the software being specified
-and its purpose and prioritizing the deliverables
-to ensure the customer’s most important business
-needs are satisfied first. This minimizes the risk
-of requirements specialists spending time elicit-
-ing requirements that are of low importance, or
-those that turn out to be no longer relevant when
-the software is delivered. On the other hand, the
-description must be scalable and extensible to
-accept further requirements not expressed in the
-first formal lists and compatible with the previous
-ones as contemplated in recursive methods.
-3.1. Requirements Sources
-Requirements have many sources in typical soft-
-ware, and it is essential that all potential sources
-be identified and evaluated. This topic is designed
-to promote awareness of the various sources of
-software requirements and of the frameworks for
-managing them. The main points covered are as
-- Goals. The term “goal” (sometimes called
-    “business concern” or “critical success fac-
-    tor”) refers to the overall, high-level objec-
-    tives of the software. Goals provide the moti-
-    vation for the software but are often vaguely
-    formulated. Software engineers need to pay
-    particular attention to assessing the value
-    (relative to priority) and cost of goals. A fea-
-    sibility study is a relatively low-cost way of
-    doing this.
-- Domain knowledge. The software engineer
-    needs to acquire or have available knowl-
-    edge about the application domain. Domain
-    knowledge provides the background against
-    which all elicited requirements knowledge
-    must be set in order to understand it. It’s
-    a good practice to emulate an ontological
-    approach in the knowledge domain. Rela-
-    tions between relevant concepts within the
-    application domain should be identified.
-- Stakeholders (see section 2.2, Process
-    Actors). Much software has proved unsat-
-    isfactory because it has stressed the require-
-    ments of one group of stakeholders at the
-    expense of others. Hence, the delivered
-    software is difficult to use, or subverts the
-    cultural or political structures of the cus-
-    tomer organization. The software engineer
-    needs to identify, represent, and manage
-**1-6** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-the “viewpoints” of many different types of
-- Business rules. These are statements that
-    define or constrain some aspect of the struc-
-    ture or the behavior of the business itself. “A
-    student cannot register in next semester’s
-    courses if there remain some unpaid tuition
-    fees” would be an example of a business rule
-    that would be a requirement source for a uni-
-    versity’s course-registration software.
-- The operational environment. Requirements
-    will be derived from the environment in
-    which the software will be executed. These
-    may be, for example, timing constraints
-    in real-time software or performance con-
-    straints in a business environment. These
-    must be sought out actively because they can
-    greatly affect software feasibility and cost as
-    well as restrict design choices.
-- The organizational environment. Software
-    is often required to support a business pro-
-    cess, the selection of which may be condi-
-    tioned by the structure, culture, and internal
-    politics of the organization. The software
-    engineer needs to be sensitive to these since,
-    in general, new software should not force
-    unplanned change on the business process.
-_3.2. Elicitation Techniques_
-Once the requirements sources have been iden-
-tified, the software engineer can start eliciting
-requirements information from them. Note that
-requirements are seldom elicited ready-made.
-Rather, the software engineer elicits information
-from which he or she formulates requirements.
-This topic concentrates on techniques for getting
-human stakeholders to articulate requirements-
-relevant information. It is a very difficult task and
-the software engineer needs to be sensitized to the
-fact that (for example) users may have difficulty
-describing their tasks, may leave important infor-
-mation unstated, or may be unwilling or unable to
-cooperate. It is particularly important to understand
-that elicitation is not a passive activity and that,
-even if cooperative and articulate stakeholders are
-available, the software engineer has to work hard
-to elicit the right information. Many business or
-technical requirements are tacit or in feedback that
-has yet to be obtained from end users. The impor-
-tance of planning, verification, and validation in
-requirements elicitation cannot be overstated. A
-number of techniques exist for requirements elici-
-tation; the principal ones are these:
-- Interviews. Interviewing stakeholders is a
-    “traditional” means of eliciting requirements.
-    It is important to understand the advantages
-    and limitations of interviews and how they
-    should be conducted.
-- Scenarios. Scenarios provide a valuable
-    means for providing context to the elicita-
-    tion of user requirements. They allow the
-    software engineer to provide a framework
-    for questions about user tasks by permitting
-    “what if” and “how is this done” questions
-    to be asked. The most common type of sce-
-    nario is the use case description. There is a
-    link here to topic 4.2 (Conceptual Modeling)
-    because scenario notations such as use case
-    diagrams are common in modeling software.
-- Prototypes. This technique is a valuable tool
-    for clarifying ambiguous requirements. They
-    can act in a similar way to scenarios by pro-
-    viding users with a context within which they
-    can better understand what information they
-    need to provide. There is a wide range of
-    prototyping techniques—from paper mock-
-    ups of screen designs to beta-test versions of
-    software products—and a strong overlap of
-    their separate uses for requirements elicita-
-    tion and for requirements validation (see
-    section 6.2, Prototyping). Low fidelity proto-
-    types are often preferred to avoid stakeholder
-    “anchoring” on minor, incidental character-
-    istics of a higher quality prototype that can
-    limit design flexibility in unintended ways.
-- Facilitated meetings. The purpose of these
-    meetings is to try to achieve a summative
-    effect, whereby a group of people can bring
-    more insight into their software require-
-    ments than by working individually. They
-    can brainstorm and refine ideas that may be
-    difficult to bring to the surface using inter-
-    views. Another advantage is that conflicting
-    requirements surface early on in a way that
-    lets the stakeholders recognize where these
-    occur. When it works well, this technique
-Software Requirements 1-7
-may result in a richer and more consistent
-set of requirements than might otherwise
-be achievable. However, meetings need to
-be handled carefully (hence the need for a
-facilitator) to prevent a situation in which
-the critical abilities of the team are eroded
-by group loyalty, or in which requirements
-reflecting the concerns of a few outspoken
-(and perhaps senior) people that are favored
-to the detriment of others.
-- Observation. The importance of software
-    context within the organizational environ-
-    ment has led to the adaptation of observa-
-    tional techniques such as ethnography for
-    requirements elicitation. Software engineers
-    learn about user tasks by immersing them-
-    selves in the environment and observing how
-    users perform their tasks by interacting with
-    each other and with software tools and other
-    resources. These techniques are relatively
-    expensive but also instructive because they
-    illustrate that many user tasks and business
-    processes are too subtle and complex for
-    their actors to describe easily.
-- User stories. This technique is commonly
-    used in adaptive methods (see Agile Meth-
-    ods in the Software Engineering Models
-    and Methods KA) and refers to short, high-
-    level descriptions of required functionality
-    expressed in customer terms. A typical user
-    story has the form: _“As a <role>, I want_
-    _<goal/desire> so that <benefit>.”_ A user
-    story is intended to contain just enough infor-
-    mation so that the developers can produce a
-    reasonable estimate of the effort to imple-
-    ment it. The aim is to avoid some of the waste
-    that often happens in projects where detailed
-    requirements are gathered early but become
-    invalid before the work begins. Before a user
-    story is implemented, an appropriate accep-
-    tance procedure must be written by the cus-
-    tomer to determine whether the goals of the
-    user story have been fulfilled.
-- Other techniques. A range of other techniques
-    for supporting the elicitation of requirements
-    information exist and range from analyzing
-    competitors’ products to applying data min-
-    ing techniques to using sources of domain
-    knowledge or customer request databases.
-       **4. Requirements Analysis**
-          [1*, c4s1, c4s5, c10s4, c12s5]
-             [2*, c7, c11, c12, c17]
-This topic is concerned with the process of ana-
-lyzing requirements to
-- detect and resolve conflicts between
-    requirements;
-- discover the bounds of the software and how
-    it must interact with its organizational and
-    operational environment;
-- elaborate system requirements to derive soft-
-    ware requirements.
-The traditional view of requirements analysis
-has been that it be reduced to conceptual model-
-ing using one of a number of analysis methods,
-such as the structured analysis method. While
-conceptual modeling is important, we include the
-classification of requirements to help inform trad-
-eoffs between requirements (requirements clas-
-sification) and the process of establishing these
-tradeoffs (requirements negotiation).
-Care must be taken to describe requirements
-precisely enough to enable the requirements to
-be validated, their implementation to be verified,
-and their costs to be estimated.
-4.1. Requirements Classification
-Requirements can be classified on a number of
-dimensions. Examples include the following:
-- Whether the requirement is functional or
-    nonfunctional (see section 1.3, Functional
-    and Nonfunctional Requirements).
-- Whether the requirement is derived from one
-    or more high-level requirements or an emer-
-    gent property (see section 1.4, Emergent
-    Properties), or is being imposed directly on
-    the software by a stakeholder or some other
-    source.
-- Whether the requirement is on the product
-    or the process (see section 1.2, Product and
-    Process Requirements). Requirements on the
-    process can constrain the choice of contrac-
-    tor, the software engineering process to be
-    adopted, or the standards to be adhered to.
-**1-8** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-- The requirement priority. The higher the pri-
-    ority, the more essential the requirement is
-    for meeting the overall goals of the software.
-    Often classified on a fixed-point scale such
-    as mandatory, highly desirable, desirable,
-    or optional, the priority often has to be bal-
-    anced against the cost of development and
-    implementation.
-- The scope of the requirement. Scope refers
-    to the extent to which a requirement affects
-    the software and software components.
-    Some requirements, particularly certain
-    nonfunctional ones, have a global scope in
-    that their satisfaction cannot be allocated to
-    a discrete component. Hence, a requirement
-    with global scope may strongly affect the
-    software architecture and the design of many
-    components, whereas one with a narrow
-    scope may offer a number of design choices
-    and have little impact on the satisfaction of
-    other requirements.
-- Volatility/stability. Some requirements will
-    change during the life cycle of the soft-
-    ware—and even during the development
-    process itself. It is useful if some estimate
-    of the likelihood that a requirement will
-    change can be made. For example, in a bank-
-    ing application, requirements for functions
-    to calculate and credit interest to customers’
-    accounts are likely to be more stable than a
-    requirement to support a particular kind of
-    tax-free account. The former reflects a fun-
-    damental feature of the banking domain (that
-    accounts can earn interest), while the latter
-    may be rendered obsolete by a change to
-    government legislation. Flagging potentially
-    volatile requirements can help the software
-    engineer establish a design that is more toler-
-    ant of change.
-Other classifications may be appropriate,
-depending upon the organization’s normal prac-
-tice and the application itself.
-There is a strong overlap between requirements
-classification and requirements attributes (see
-section 7.3, Requirements Attributes).
-4.2. Conceptual Modeling
-The development of models of a real-world
-problem is key to software requirements analy-
-sis. Their purpose is to aid in understanding the
-situation in which the problem occurs, as well as
-depicting a solution. Hence, conceptual models
-comprise models of entities from the problem
-domain, configured to reflect their real-world
-relationships and dependencies. This topic is
-closely related to the Software Engineering Mod-
-els and Methods KA.
-Several kinds of models can be developed.
-These include use case diagrams, data flow mod-
-els, state models, goal-based models, user inter-
-actions, object models, data models, and many
-others. Many of these modeling notations are part
-of the Unified Modeling Language (UML). Use
-case diagrams, for example, are routinely used
-to depict scenarios where the boundary separates
-the actors (users or systems in the external envi-
-ronment) from the internal behavior where each
-use case depicts a functionality of the system.
-The factors that influence the choice of model-
-ing notation include these:
-- The nature of the problem. Some types of
-    software demand that certain aspects be ana-
-    lyzed particularly rigorously. For example,
-    state and parametric models, which are part
-    of SysML [4], are likely to be more impor-
-    tant for real-time software than for informa-
-    tion systems, while it would usually be the
-    opposite for object and activity models.
-- The expertise of the software engineer. It is
-    often more productive to adopt a modeling
-    notation or method with which the software
-    engineer has experience.
-- The process requirements of the customer
-    (see section 1.2, Product and Process
-    Requirements). Customers may impose their
-    favored notation or method or prohibit any
-    with which they are unfamiliar. This factor
-    can conflict with the previous factor.
-Note that, in almost all cases, it is useful to start
-by building a model of the software context. The
-software context provides a connection between
-the intended software and its external environment.
-Software Requirements 1-9
-This is crucial to understanding the software’s con-
-text in its operational environment and to identify-
-ing its interfaces with the environment.
-This subtopic does not seek to “teach” a particu-
-lar modeling style or notation but rather provides
-guidance on the purpose and intent of modeling.
-_4.3. Architectural Design and Requirements
-At some point, the solution architecture must
-be derived. Architectural design is the point at
-which the requirements process overlaps with
-software or systems design and illustrates how
-impossible it is to cleanly decouple the two tasks.
-This topic is closely related to Software Structure
-and Architecture in the Software Design KA. In
-many cases, the software engineer acts as soft-
-ware architect because the process of analyzing
-and elaborating the requirements demands that
-the architecture/design components that will be
-responsible for satisfying the requirements be
-identified. This is requirements allocation–the
-assignment to architecture components respon-
-sible for satisfying the requirements.
-Allocation is important to permit detailed anal-
-ysis of requirements. Hence, for example, once a
-set of requirements has been allocated to a com-
-ponent, the individual requirements can be further
-analyzed to discover further requirements on how
-the component needs to interact with other com-
-ponents in order to satisfy the allocated require-
-ments. In large projects, allocation stimulates a
-new round of analysis for each subsystem. As an
-example, requirements for a particular braking
-performance for a car (braking distance, safety in
-poor driving conditions, smoothness of applica-
-tion, pedal pressure required, and so on) may be
-allocated to the braking hardware (mechanical
-and hydraulic assemblies) and an antilock braking
-system (ABS). Only when a requirement for an
-antilock braking system has been identified, and
-the requirements allocated to it, can the capabili-
-ties of the ABS, the braking hardware, and emer-
-gent properties (such as car weight) be used to
-identify the detailed ABS software requirements.
-Architectural design is closely identified with
-conceptual modeling (see section 4.2, Conceptual
-4.4. Requirements Negotiation
-Another term commonly used for this subtopic
-is “conflict resolution.” This concerns resolv-
-ing problems with requirements where conflicts
-occur between two stakeholders requiring mutu-
-ally incompatible features, between requirements
-and resources, or between functional and non-
-functional requirements, for example. In most
-cases, it is unwise for the software engineer to
-make a unilateral decision, so it becomes neces-
-sary to consult with the stakeholder(s) to reach a
-consensus on an appropriate tradeoff. It is often
-important, for contractual reasons, that such deci-
-sions be traceable back to the customer. We have
-classified this as a software requirements analy-
-sis topic because problems emerge as the result
-of analysis. However, a strong case can also be
-made for considering it a requirements validation
-topic (see topic 6, Requirements Validation).
-Requirements prioritization is necessary, not
-only as a means to filter important requirements,
-but also in order to resolve conflicts and plan for
-staged deliveries, which means making complex
-decisions that require detailed domain knowledge
-and good estimation skills. However, it is often
-difficult to get real information that can act as
-a basis for such decisions. In addition, require-
-ments often depend on each other, and priori-
-ties are relative. In practice, software engineers
-perform requirements prioritization frequently
-without knowing about all the requirements.
-Requirements prioritization may follow a cost-
-value approach that involves an analysis from
-the stakeholders defining in a scale the benefits
-or the aggregated value that the implementa-
-tion of the requirement brings them, versus the
-penalties of not having implemented a particular
-requirement. It also involves an analysis from
-the software engineers estimating in a scale the
-cost of implementing each requirement, relative
-to other requirements. Another requirements pri-
-oritization approach called the analytic hierarchy
-process involves comparing all unique pairs of
-requirements to determine which of the two is of
-higher priority, and to what extent.
-**1-10** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-_4.5. Formal Analysis_
-Formal analysis concerns not only topic 4, but
-also sections 5.3 and 6.3. This topic is also related
-to Formal Methods in the Software Engineering
-Models and Methods Knowledge Area.
-Formal analysis has made an impact on some
-application domains, particularly those of high-
-integrity systems. The formal expression of
-requirements requires a language with formally
-defined semantics. The use of a formal analysis
-for requirements expression has two benefits.
-First, it enables requirements expressed in the
-language to be specified precisely and unambigu-
-ously, thus (in principle) avoiding the potential
-for misinterpretation. Secondly, requirements can
-be reasoned over, permitting desired properties
-of the specified software to be proven. Formal
-reasoning requires tool support to be practicable
-for anything other than trivial systems, and tools
-generally fall into two types: theorem provers or
-model checkers. In neither case can proof be fully
-automated, and the level of competence in formal
-reasoning needed in order to use the tools restricts
-the wider application of formal analysis.
-Most formal analysis is focused on relatively
-late stages of requirements analysis. It is gener-
-ally counterproductive to apply formalization
-until the business goals and user requirements
-have come into sharp focus through means such
-as those described elsewhere in section 4. How-
-ever, once the requirements have stabilized and
-have been elaborated to specify concrete proper-
-ties of the software, it may be beneficial to for-
-malize at least the critical requirements. This per-
-mits static validation that the software specified
-by the requirements does indeed have the proper-
-ties (for example, absence of deadlock) that the
-customer, users, and software engineer expect it
-to have.
-**5. Requirements Specification**
-    [1*, c4s2, c4s3, c12s2–5] [2*, c10]
-For most engineering professions, the term “spec-
-ification” refers to the assignment of numerical
-values or limits to a product’s design goals. In
-software engineering, “software requirements
-specification” typically refers to the production of
-a document that can be systematically reviewed,
-evaluated, and approved. For complex systems,
-particularly those involving substantial nonsoft-
-ware components, as many as three different
-types of documents are produced: system defini-
-tion, system requirements, and software require-
-ments. For simple software products, only the
-third of these is required. All three documents are
-described here, with the understanding that they
-may be combined as appropriate. A description of
-systems engineering can be found in the Related
-Disciplines of Software Engineering chapter of
-this Guide.
-5.1. System Definition Document
-This document (sometimes known as the user
-requirements document or concept of operations
-document) records the system requirements. It
-defines the high-level system requirements from
-the domain perspective. Its readership includes
-representatives of the system users/customers
-(marketing may play these roles for market-
-driven software), so its content must be couched
-in terms of the domain. The document lists the
-system requirements along with background
-information about the overall objectives for the
-system, its target environment, and a statement of
-the constraints, assumptions, and nonfunctional
-requirements. It may include conceptual models
-designed to illustrate the system context, usage
-scenarios, and the principal domain entities, as
-well as workflows.
-5.2. System Requirements Specification
-Developers of systems with substantial software
-and nonsoftware components—a modern air-
-liner, for example—often separate the descrip-
-tion of system requirements from the description
-of software requirements. In this view, system
-requirements are specified, the software require-
-ments are derived from the system requirements,
-and then the requirements for the software com-
-ponents are specified. Strictly speaking, system
-requirements specification is a systems engineer-
-ing activity and falls outside the scope of this
-Software Requirements 1-11
-_5.3. Software Requirements Specification_
-Software requirements specification establishes
-the basis for agreement between customers and
-contractors or suppliers (in market-driven proj-
-ects, these roles may be played by the marketing
-and development divisions) on what the software
-product is to do as well as what it is not expected
-to do.
-Software requirements specification permits
-a rigorous assessment of requirements before
-design can begin and reduces later redesign. It
-should also provide a realistic basis for estimat-
-ing product costs, risks, and schedules.
-Organizations can also use a software require-
-ments specification document as the basis for
-developing effective verification and validation
-Software requirements specification provides
-an informed basis for transferring a software prod-
-uct to new users or software platforms. Finally, it
-can provide a basis for software enhancement.
-Software requirements are often written in
-natural language, but, in software requirements
-specification, this may be supplemented by for-
-mal or semiformal descriptions. Selection of
-appropriate notations permits particular require-
-ments and aspects of the software architecture to
-be described more precisely and concisely than
-natural language. The general rule is that nota-
-tions should be used that allow the requirements
-to be described as precisely as possible. This is
-particularly crucial for safety-critical, regulatory,
-and certain other types of dependable software.
-However, the choice of notation is often con-
-strained by the training, skills, and preferences of
-the document’s authors and readers.
-A number of quality indicators have been
-developed that can be used to relate the quality
-of software requirements specification to other
-project variables such as cost, acceptance, per-
-formance, schedule, and reproducibility. Quality
-indicators for individual software requirements
-specification statements include imperatives,
-directives, weak phrases, options, and continu-
-ances. Indicators for the entire software require-
-ments specification document include size, read-
-ability, specification, depth, and text structure.
-**6. Requirements Validation**
-    [1*, c4s6] [2*, c13, c15]
-The requirements documents may be subject to val-
-idation and verification procedures. The require-
-ments may be validated to ensure that the software
-engineer has understood the requirements; it is
-also important to verify that a requirements docu-
-ment conforms to company standards and that it
-is understandable, consistent, and complete. In
-cases where documented company standards or
-terminology are inconsistent with widely accepted
-standards, a mapping between the two should be
-agreed on and appended to the document.
-Formal notations offer the important advantage
-of permitting the last two properties to be proven
-(in a restricted sense, at least). Different stake-
-holders, including representatives of the customer
-and developer, should review the document(s).
-Requirements documents are subject to the same
-configuration management practices as the other
-deliverables of the software life cycle processes.
-When practical, the individual requirements are
-also subject to configuration management, gener-
-ally using a requirements management tool (see
-topic 8, Software Requirements Tools).
-It is normal to explicitly schedule one or more
-points in the requirements process where the
-requirements are validated. The aim is to pick up
-any problems before resources are committed to
-addressing the requirements. Requirements vali-
-dation is concerned with the process of examin-
-ing the requirements document to ensure that it
-defines the right software (that is, the software
-that the users expect).
-6.1. Requirements Reviews
-Perhaps the most common means of validation
-is by inspection or reviews of the requirements
-document(s). A group of reviewers is assigned
-a brief to look for errors, mistaken assumptions,
-lack of clarity, and deviation from standard prac-
-tice. The composition of the group that conducts
-the review is important (at least one represen-
-tative of the customer should be included for a
-customer-driven project, for example), and it may
-help to provide guidance on what to look for in
-the form of checklists.
-**1-12** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-Reviews may be constituted on completion of
-the system definition document, the system spec-
-ification document, the software requirements
-specification document, the baseline specifica-
-tion for a new release, or at any other step in the
-_6.2. Prototyping_
-Prototyping is commonly a means for validating
-the software engineer’s interpretation of the soft-
-ware requirements, as well as for eliciting new
-requirements. As with elicitation, there is a range
-of prototyping techniques and a number of points
-in the process where prototype validation may
-be appropriate. The advantage of prototypes is
-that they can make it easier to interpret the soft-
-ware engineer’s assumptions and, where needed,
-give useful feedback on why they are wrong. For
-example, the dynamic behavior of a user inter-
-face can be better understood through an ani-
-mated prototype than through textual description
-or graphical models. The volatility of a require-
-ment that is defined after prototyping has been
-done is extremely low because there is agreement
-between the stakeholder and the software engi-
-neer—therefore, for safety-critical and crucial
-features prototyping would really help. There are
-also disadvantages, however. These include the
-danger of users’ attention being distracted from
-the core underlying functionality by cosmetic
-issues or quality problems with the prototype. For
-this reason, some advocate prototypes that avoid
-software, such as flip-chart-based mockups. Pro-
-totypes may be costly to develop. However, if
-they avoid the wastage of resources caused by
-trying to satisfy erroneous requirements, their
-cost can be more easily justified. Early proto-
-types may contain aspects of the final solution.
-Prototypes may be evolutionary as opposed to
-_6.3. Model Validation_
-It is typically necessary to validate the quality of
-the models developed during analysis. For exam-
-ple, in object models, it is useful to perform a
-static analysis to verify that communication paths
-exist between objects that, in the stakeholders’
-domain, exchange data. If formal analysis nota-
-tions are used, it is possible to use formal reason-
-ing to prove specification properties. This topic is
-closely related to the Software Engineering Mod-
-els and Methods KA.
-6.4. Acceptance Tests
-An essential property of a software requirement
-is that it should be possible to validate that the
-finished product satisfies it. Requirements that
-cannot be validated are really just “wishes.” An
-important task is therefore planning how to ver-
-ify each requirement. In most cases, designing
-acceptance tests does this for how end-users typi-
-cally conduct business using the system.
-Identifying and designing acceptance tests
-may be difficult for nonfunctional requirements
-(see section 1.3, Functional and Nonfunctional
-Requirements). To be validated, they must first
-be analyzed and decomposed to the point where
-they can be expressed quantitatively.
-Additional information can be found in Accep-
-tance/Qualification/Conformance Testing in the
-Software Testing KA.
-**7. Practical Considerations**
-    [1*, c4s1, c4s4, c4s6, c4s7]
-[2*, c3, c12, c14, c16, c18–21]
-The first level of topic decomposition pre-
-sented in this KA may seem to describe a linear
-sequence of activities. This is a simplified view
-of the process.
-The requirements process spans the whole
-software life cycle. Change management and the
-maintenance of the requirements in a state that
-accurately mirrors the software to be built, or that
-has been built, are key to the success of the soft-
-ware engineering process.
-Not every organization has a culture of docu-
-menting and managing requirements. It is com-
-mon in dynamic start-up companies, driven by a
-strong “product vision” and limited resources, to
-view requirements documentation as unnecessary
-overhead. Most often, however, as these compa-
-nies expand, as their customer base grows, and
-as their product starts to evolve, they discover
-that they need to recover the requirements that
-Software Requirements 1-13
-motivated product features in order to assess the
-impact of proposed changes. Hence, requirements
-documentation and change management are key
-to the success of any requirements process.
-_7.1. Iterative Nature of the Requirements
-There is general pressure in the software indus-
-try for ever shorter development cycles, and this
-is particularly pronounced in highly competitive,
-market-driven sectors. Moreover, most projects
-are constrained in some way by their environment,
-and many are upgrades to, or revisions of, exist-
-ing software where the architecture is a given. In
-practice, therefore, it is almost always impractical
-to implement the requirements process as a linear,
-deterministic process in which software require-
-ments are elicited from the stakeholders, base-
-lined, allocated, and handed over to the software
-development team. It is certainly a myth that the
-requirements for large software projects are ever
-perfectly understood or perfectly specified.
-Instead, requirements typically iterate towards
-a level of quality and detail that is sufficient to
-permit design and procurement decisions to be
-made. In some projects, this may result in the
-requirements being baselined before all their
-properties are fully understood. This risks expen-
-sive rework if problems emerge late in the soft-
-ware engineering process. However, software
-engineers are necessarily constrained by project
-management plans and must therefore take steps
-to ensure that the “quality” of the requirements is
-as high as possible given the available resources.
-They should, for example, make explicit any
-assumptions that underpin the requirements as
-well as any known problems.
-For software products that are developed iter-
-atively, a project team may baseline only those
-requirements needed for the current iteration. The
-requirements specialist can continue to develop
-requirements for future iterations, while develop-
-ers proceed with design and construction of the
-current iteration. This approach provides custom-
-ers with business value quickly, while minimiz-
-ing the cost of rework.
-In almost all cases, requirements understanding
-continues to evolve as design and development
-proceeds. This often leads to the revision of
-requirements late in the life cycle. Perhaps the
-most crucial point in understanding software
-requirements is that a significant proportion of
-the requirements will change. This is sometimes
-due to errors in the analysis, but it is frequently an
-inevitable consequence of change in the “environ-
-ment”—for example, the customer’s operating
-or business environment, regulatory processes
-imposed by the authorities, or the market into
-which software must sell. Whatever the cause, it is
-important to recognize the inevitability of change
-and take steps to mitigate its effects. Change has
-to be managed by ensuring that proposed changes
-go through a defined review and approval pro-
-cess and by applying careful requirements trac-
-ing, impact analysis, and software configuration
-management (see the Software Configuration
-Management KA). Hence, the requirements pro-
-cess is not merely a front-end task in software
-development, but spans the whole software life
-cycle. In a typical project, the software require-
-ments activities evolve over time from elicitation
-to change management. A combination of top-
-down analysis and design methods and bottom-
-up implementation and refactoring methods that
-meet in the middle could provide the best of both
-worlds. However, this is difficult to achieve in
-practice, as it depends heavily upon the maturity
-and expertise of the software engineers.
-7.2. Change Management
-Change management is central to the management
-of requirements. This topic describes the role of
-change management, the procedures that need to
-be in place, and the analysis that should be applied
-to proposed changes. It has strong links to the Soft-
-ware Configuration Management KA.
-7.3. Requirements Attributes
-Requirements should consist not only of a speci-
-fication of what is required, but also of ancillary
-information, which helps manage and interpret
-the requirements. Requirements attributes must
-be defined, recorded, and updated as the soft-
-ware under development or maintenance evolves.
-This should include the various classification
-**1-14** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-dimensions of the requirement (see section 4.1,
-Requirements Classification) and the verification
-method or relevant acceptance test plan section.
-It may also include additional information, such
-as a summary rationale for each requirement, the
-source of each requirement, and a change history.
-The most important requirements attribute, how-
-ever, is an identifier that allows the requirements
-to be uniquely and unambiguously identified.
-_7.4. Requirements Tracing_
-Requirements tracing is concerned with recover-
-ing the source of requirements and predicting the
-effects of requirements. Tracing is fundamental
-to performing impact analysis when requirements
-change. A requirement should be traceable back-
-ward to the requirements and stakeholders that
-motivated it (from a software requirement back
-to the system requirement(s) that it helps satisfy,
-for example). Conversely, a requirement should
-be traceable forward into the requirements and
-design entities that satisfy it (for example, from
-a system requirement into the software require-
-ments that have been elaborated from it, and on
-into the code modules that implement it, or the
-test cases related to that code and even a given
-section on the user manual which describes the
-actual functionality) and into the test case that
-verifies it.
-The requirements tracing for a typical proj-
-ect will form a complex directed acyclic graph
-(DAG) (see Graphs in the Computing Founda-
-tions KA) of requirements. Maintaining an up-to-
-date graph or traceability matrix is an activity that
-must be considered during the whole life cycle
-of a product. If the traceability information is not
-updated as changes in the requirements continue
-to happen, the traceability information becomes
-unreliable for impact analysis.
-7.5. Measuring Requirements
-As a practical matter, it is typically useful to have
-some concept of the “volume” of the require-
-ments for a particular software product. This
-number is useful in evaluating the “size” of a
-change in requirements, in estimating the cost of
-a development or maintenance task, or simply for
-use as the denominator in other measurements.
-Functional size measurement (FSM) is a tech-
-nique for evaluating the size of a body of func-
-tional requirements.
-Additional information on size measurement
-and standards will be found in the Software Engi-
-neering Process KA.
-**8. Software Requirements Tools**
-Tools for dealing with software requirements fall
-broadly into two categories: tools for modeling
-and tools for managing requirements.
-Requirements management tools typically sup-
-port a range of activities—including documenta-
-tion, tracing, and change management—and have
-had a significant impact on practice. Indeed, trac-
-ing and change management are really only prac-
-ticable if supported by a tool. Since requirements
-management is fundamental to good require-
-ments practice, many organizations have invested
-in requirements management tools, although
-many more manage their requirements in more
-ad hoc and generally less satisfactory ways (e.g.,
-using spreadsheets).
-Software Requirements 1-15
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [1*]
-Wiegers 2003
-##### [2*]
-**1. Software Requirements Fundamentals**
-    1.1. Definition of a Software Requirement c4 c1
-    1.2. Product and Process Requirements c4s1 c1, c6
-    1.3. Functional and Nonfunctional Requirements c4s1 c12
-    1.4. Emergent Properties c10 s1
-    1.5. Quantifiable Requirements c1
-    1.6. System Requirements and Software Requirements c10s4 c1
-**2. Requirements Process**
-    2.1. Process Models c4s4 c3
-    2.2. Process Actors c1, c2, c4, c6
-    2.3. Process Support and Management c3
-    2.4. Process Quality and Improvement c22, c23
-**3. Requirements Elicitation**
-    3.1. Requirements Sources c4s5 c5, c6,c9
-    3.2. Elicitation Techniques c4s5 c6
-**4. Requirements Analysis**
-    4.1. Requirements Classification c4s1 c12
-    4.2. Conceptual Modeling c4s5 c11
-    4.3. Architectural Design and Requirements Allocation c10s4 c17
-    4.4. Requirements Negotiation c4s5 c7
-    4.5. Formal Analysis c12s5
-**5. Requirements Specification**
-    5.1. System Definition Document c4s2 c10
-5.2. System Requirements Specification
-c4s2, c12s2,
-c12s3, c12s4,
-5.3. Software Requirements Specification c4s3 c10
-**6. Requirements Validation**
-    6.1. Requirements Reviews c4s6 c15
-    6.2. Prototyping c4s6 c13
-    6.3. Model Validation c4s6 c15
-    6.4. Acceptance Tests c4s6 c15
-**1-16** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [1*]
-Wiegers 2003
-##### [2*]
-**7. Practical Considerations**
-    7.1. Iterative Nature of the Requirements Process c4s4 c3, c16
-    7.2. Change Management c4s7 c18, c19
-    7.3. Requirements Attributes c4s1 c12, c14
-    7.4. Requirements Tracing c20
-    7.5. Measuring Requirements c4s6 c18
-**8. Software Requirements Tools** c21
-Software Requirements 1-17
-I. Alexander and L. Beus-Dukic, _Discovering
-Requirements_ [5].
-An easily digestible and practically oriented
-book on software requirements, this is perhaps
-the best of current textbooks on how the various
-elements of software requirements fit together. It
-is full of practical advice on (for example) how
-to identify the various system stakeholders and
-how to evaluate alternative solutions. Its cover-
-age is exemplary and serves as a useful reference
-for key techniques such as use case modeling and
-requirements prioritization.
-C. Potts, K. Takahashi, and A. Antón, “Inquiry-
-Based Requirements Analysis” [6].
-This paper is an easily digested account of work
-that has proven to be very influential in the devel-
-opment of requirements handling. It describes
-how and why the elaboration of requirements
-cannot be a linear process by which the analyst
-simply transcribes and reformulates requirements
-elicited from the customer. The role of scenarios
-is described in a way that helps to define their use
-in discovering and describing requirements.
-A. van Lamsweerde, Requirements
-Engineering: From System Goals to UML
-Models to Software Specifications [7].
-Serves as a good introduction to requirements
-engineering but its unique value is as a reference
-book for the KAOS goal-oriented requirements
-modelling language. Explains why goal model-
-ling is useful and shows how it can integrate with
-mainstream modelling techniques using UML.
-O. Gotel and A. Finkelstein, “An Analysis of the
-Requirements Traceability Problem” [8].
-This paper is a classic reference work on a key
-element of requirements management. Based on
-empirical studies, it sets out the reasons for and
-the barriers to the effective tracing of require-
-ments. It is essential reading for an understanding
-of why requirements tracing is an essential ele-
-ment of an effective software process.
-N. Maiden and C. Ncube, “Acquiring COTS
-Software Selection Requirements” [9].
-This paper is significant because it recognises
-explicitly that software products often integrate
-third-party components. It offers insights into the
-problems of selecting off-the-shelf software to
-satisfy requirements: there is usually a mismatch.
-This challenges some of the assumptions under-
-pinning much of traditional requirements han-
-dling, which tends to assume custom software.
-**1-18** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-[1*] I. Sommerville, _Software Engineering_ , 9th
-ed., Addison-Wesley, 2011.
-[2*] K.E. Wiegers, _Software Requirements_ , 2nd
-ed., Microsoft Press, 2003.
-[3] INCOSE, _Systems Engineering Handbook:
-A Guide for System Life Cycle Processes
-and Activities_ , version 3.2.2, International
-Council on Systems Engineering, 2012.
-[4] S. Friedenthal, A. Moore, and R. Steiner, _A
-Practical Guide to SysML: The Systems
-Modeling Language_ , 2nd ed., Morgan
-Kaufmann, 2012.
-[5] I. Alexander and L. Beus-Deukic,
-_Discovering Requirements: How to Specify
-Products and Services_ , Wiley, 2009.
-[6] C. Potts, K. Takahashi, and A.I. Antón,
-“Inquiry-Based Requirements Analysis,”
-IEEE Software, vol. 11, no. 2, Mar. 1994,
-pp. 21–32.
-[7] A. van Lamsweerde, Requirements
-Engineering: From System Goals to UML
-Models to Software Specifications , Wiley,
-[8] O. Gotel and C.W. Finkelstein, “An Analysis
-of the Requirements Traceability Problem,”
-Proc. 1st Int’l Conf. Requirements Eng. ,
-IEEE, 1994.
-[9] N.A. Maiden and C. Ncube, “Acquiring
-COTS Software Selection Requirements,”
-IEEE Software, vol. 15, no. 2, Mar.–Apr.
-1998, pp. 46–56.
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-**CHAPTER 2**
-##### ADL
-Architecture Description
-CBD Component-Based Design
-CRC Class Responsibility Collaborator
-DFD Data Flow Diagram
-ERD Entity Relationship Diagram
-IDL Interface Description Language
-MVC Model View Controller
-OO Object-Oriented
-PDL Program Design Language
-Design is defined as both “the process of defin-
-ing the architecture, components, interfaces, and
-other characteristics of a system or component”
-and “the result of [that] process” [1]. Viewed as a
-process, software design is the software engineer-
-ing life cycle activity in which software require-
-ments are analyzed in order to produce a descrip-
-tion of the software’s internal structure that will
-serve as the basis for its construction. A software
-design (the result) describes the software archi-
-tecture—that is, how software is decomposed
-and organized into components—and the inter-
-faces between those components. It should also
-describe the components at a level of detail that
-enables their construction.
-Software design plays an important role in
-developing software: during software design,
-software engineers produce various models
-that form a kind of blueprint of the solution to
-be implemented. We can analyze and evaluate
-these models to determine whether or not they
-will allow us to fulfill the various requirements.
-We can also examine and evaluate alternative
-solutions and tradeoffs. Finally, we can use the
-resulting models to plan subsequent development
-activities, such as system verification and valida-
-tion, in addition to using them as inputs and as the
-starting point of construction and testing.
-In a standard list of software life cycle pro-
-cesses, such as that in ISO/IEC/IEEE Std. 12207,
-Software Life Cycle Processes [2], software design
-consists of two activities that fit between software
-requirements analysis and software construction:
-- Software architectural design (sometimes
-    called high-level design): develops top-level
-    structure and organization of the software
-    and identifies the various components.
-- Software detailed design: specifies each
-    component in sufficient detail to facilitate its
-    construction.
-This Software Design knowledge area (KA)
-does not discuss every topic that includes the
-word “design.” In Tom DeMarco’s terminology
-[3], the topics discussed in this KA deal mainly
-with D-design (decomposition design), the goal
-of which is to map software into component
-pieces. However, because of its importance in
-the field of software architecture, we will also
-address FP-design (family pattern design), the
-goal of which is to establish exploitable com-
-monalities in a family of software products. This
-KA does not address I-design (invention design),
-which is usually performed during the software
-requirements process with the goal of conceptu-
-alizing and specifying software to satisfy discov-
-ered needs and requirements, since this topic is
-considered to be part of the requirements process
-(see the Software Requirements KA).
-This Software Design KA is related specifi-
-cally to the Software Requirements, Software
-**2-2** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-Construction, Software Engineering Manage-
-ment, Software Engineering Models and Meth-
-ods, Software Quality, and Computing Founda-
-tions KAs.
-The breakdown of topics for the Software Design
-KA is shown in Figure 2.1.
-**1. Software Design Fundamentals**
-The concepts, notions, and terminology intro-
-duced here form an underlying basis for under-
-standing the role and scope of software design.
-_1.1. General Design Concepts_
-[4*, c1]
-In the general sense, design can be viewed as a
-form of problem solving. For example, the con-
-cept of a wicked problem—a problem with no
-definitive solution—is interesting in terms of
-understanding the limits of design. A number of
-other notions and concepts are also of interest in
-understanding design in its general sense: goals,
-constraints, alternatives, representations, and
-solutions (see Problem Solving Techniques in the
-Computing Foundations KA).
-1.2. Context of Software Design
-[4*, c3]
-Software design is an important part of the soft-
-ware development process. To understand the
-role of software design, we must see how it fits
-in the software development life cycle. Thus, it
-is important to understand the major characteris-
-tics of software requirements analysis, software
-design, software construction, software testing,
-and software maintenance.
-1.3. Software Design Process
-[4*, c2]
-Software design is generally considered a two-
-step process:
-Figure 2.1. Breakdown of Topics for the Software Design KA
-Software Design 2-3
-- Architectural design (also referred to as high-
-    level design and top-level design) describes
-    how software is organized into components.
-- Detailed design describes the desired behav-
-    ior of these components.
-The output of these two processes is a set of
-models and artifacts that record the major deci-
-sions that have been taken, along with an explana-
-tion of the rationale for each nontrivial decision.
-By recording the rationale, long-term maintain-
-ability of the software product is enhanced.
-_1.4. Software Design Principles_
-[4*] [5*, c6, c7, c21] [6*, c1, c8, c9]
-A _principle_ is “a comprehensive and fundamen-
-tal law, doctrine, or assumption” [7]. Software
-design principles are key notions that provide
-the basis for many different software design
-approaches and concepts. Software design princi-
-ples include abstraction; coupling and cohesion;
-decomposition and modularization; encapsula-
-tion/information hiding; separation of interface
-and implementation; sufficiency, completeness,
-and primitiveness; and separation of concerns.
-- _Abstraction_ is “a view of an object that
-    focuses on the information relevant to a
-    particular purpose and ignores the remain-
-    der of the information” [1] (see Abstraction
-    in the Computing Foundations KA). In the
-    context of software design, two key abstrac-
-    tion mechanisms are parameterization and
-    specification. Abstraction by parameteriza-
-    tion abstracts from the details of data repre-
-    sentations by representing the data as named
-    parameters. Abstraction by specification
-    leads to three major kinds of abstraction:
-    procedural abstraction, data abstraction, and
-    control (iteration) abstraction.
-- _Coupling and Cohesion._ Coupling is defined
-    as “a measure of the interdependence among
-    modules in a computer program,” whereas
-    cohesion is defined as “a measure of the
-    strength of association of the elements within
-    a module” [1].
-- _Decomposition and modularization._ Decom-
-    posing and modularizing means that large
-software is divided into a number of smaller
-named components having well-defined
-interfaces that describe component interac-
-tions. Usually the goal is to place different
-functionalities and responsibilities in differ-
-ent components.
-- _Encapsulation and information hiding_ means
-    grouping and packaging the internal details
-    of an abstraction and making those details
-    inaccessible to external entities.
-- _Separation of interface and implementation._
-    Separating interface and implementation
-    involves defining a component by specify-
-    ing a public interface (known to the clients)
-    that is separate from the details of how the
-    component is realized (see encapsulation and
-    information hiding above).
-- _Sufficiency, completeness, and primitiveness._
-    Achieving sufficiency and completeness
-    means ensuring that a software component
-    captures all the important characteristics of
-    an abstraction and nothing more. Primitive-
-    ness means the design should be based on
-    patterns that are easy to implement.
-- _Separation of concerns._ A concern is an
-    “area of interest with respect to a software
-    design” [8]. A design concern is an area of
-    design that is relevant to one or more of its
-    stakeholders. Each architecture view frames
-    one or more concerns. Separating concerns
-    by views allows interested stakeholders to
-    focus on a few things at a time and offers a
-    means of managing complexity [9].
-**2. Key Issues in Software Design**
-A number of key issues must be dealt with when
-designing software. Some are quality concerns
-that all software must address—for example,
-performance, security, reliability, usability, etc.
-Another important issue is how to decompose,
-organize, and package software components.
-This is so fundamental that all design approaches
-address it in one way or another (see section 1.4,
-Software Design Principles, and topic 7, Soft-
-ware Design Strategies and Methods). In contrast,
-other issues “deal with some aspect of software’s
-behavior that is not in the application domain,
-but which addresses some of the supporting
-**2-4** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-domains” [10]. Such issues, which often crosscut
-the system’s functionality, have been referred to
-as _aspects_ , which “tend not to be units of soft-
-ware’s functional decomposition, but rather to be
-properties that affect the performance or seman-
-tics of the components in systemic ways” [11].
-A number of these key, crosscutting issues are
-discussed in the following sections (presented in
-alphabetical order).
-_2.1. Concurrency_
-[5*, c18]
-Design for concurrency is concerned with decom-
-posing software into processes, tasks, and threads
-and dealing with related issues of efficiency,
-atomicity, synchronization, and scheduling.
-_2.2. Control and Handling of Events_
-[5*, c21]
-This design issue is concerned with how to
-organize data and control flow as well as how
-to handle reactive and temporal events through
-various mechanisms such as implicit invocation
-and call-backs.
-_2.3. Data Persistence_
-[12*, c9]
-This design issue is concerned with how to han-
-dle long-lived data.
-_2.4. Distribution of Components_
-[5*, c18]
-This design issue is concerned with how to dis-
-tribute the software across the hardware (includ-
-ing computer hardware and network hardware),
-how the components communicate, and how
-middleware can be used to deal with heteroge-
-neous software.
-_2.5. Error and Exception Handling and Fault
-[5*, c18]
-This design issue is concerned with how to pre-
-vent, tolerate, and process errors and deal with
-exceptional conditions.
-2.6. Interaction and Presentation
-[5*, c16]
-This design issue is concerned with how to struc-
-ture and organize interactions with users as well
-as the presentation of information (for example,
-separation of presentation and business logic
-using the Model-View-Controller approach).
-Note that this topic does not specify user interface
-details, which is the task of user interface design
-(see topic 4, User Interface Design).
-2.7. Security
-[5*, c12, c18] [13*, c4]
-Design for security is concerned with how to pre-
-vent unauthorized disclosure, creation, change,
-deletion, or denial of access to information and
-other resources. It is also concerned with how to
-tolerate security-related attacks or violations by
-limiting damage, continuing service, speeding
-repair and recovery, and failing and recovering
-securely. Access control is a fundamental con-
-cept of security, and one should also ensure the
-proper use of cryptology.
-**3. Software Structure and Architecture**
-In its strict sense, a software architecture is
-“the set of structures needed to reason about
-the system, which comprise software elements,
-relations among them, and properties of both”
-[14*]. During the mid-1990s, however, soft-
-ware architecture started to emerge as a broader
-discipline that involved the study of software
-structures and architectures in a more generic
-way. This gave rise to a number of interesting
-concepts about software design at different lev-
-els of abstraction. Some of these concepts can
-be useful during the architectural design (for
-example, architectural styles) as well as during
-the detailed design (for example, design pat-
-terns). These design concepts can also be used
-to design families of programs (also known as
-product lines). Interestingly, most of these con-
-cepts can be seen as attempts to describe, and
-thus reuse, design knowledge.
-Software Design 2-5
-_3.1. Architectural Structures and Viewpoints_
-[14*, c1]
-Different high-level facets of a software design
-can be described and documented. These facets
-are often called views: “A view represents a partial
-aspect of a software architecture that shows spe-
-cific properties of a software system” [14*]. Views
-pertain to distinct issues associated with software
-design—for example, the logical view (satisfying
-the functional requirements) vs. the process view
-(concurrency issues) vs. the physical view (distri-
-bution issues) vs. the development view (how the
-design is broken down into implementation units
-with explicit representation of the dependencies
-among the units). Various authors use different
-terminologies—like behavioral vs. functional vs.
-structural vs. data modeling views. In summary, a
-software design is a multifaceted artifact produced
-by the design process and generally composed of
-relatively independent and orthogonal views.
-_3.2. Architectural Styles_
-[14*, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5]
-An architectural style is “a specialization of ele-
-ment and relation types, together with a set of
-constraints on how they can be used” [14*]. An
-architectural style can thus be seen as providing
-the software’s high-level organization. Various
-authors have identified a number of major archi-
-tectural styles:
-- General structures (for example, layers, pipes
-    and filters, blackboard)
-- Distributed systems (for example, client-
-    server, three-tiers, broker)
-- Interactive systems (for example, Model-View-
-    Controller, Presentation-Abstraction-Control)
-- Adaptable systems (for example, microker-
-    nel, reflection)
-- Others (for example, batch, interpreters, pro-
-    cess control, rule-based).
-_3.3. Design Patterns_
-[15*, c3, c4, c5]
-Succinctly described, a pattern is “a common
-solution to a common problem in a given context”
-[16]. While architectural styles can be viewed as
-patterns describing the high-level organization
-of software, other design patterns can be used
-to describe details at a lower level. These lower
-level design patterns include the following:
-- Creational patterns (for example, builder,
-    factory, prototype, singleton)
-- Structural patterns (for example, adapter,
-    bridge, composite, decorator, façade, fly-
-    weight, proxy)
-- Behavioral patterns (for example, command,
-    interpreter, iterator, mediator, memento,
-    observer, state, strategy, template, visitor).
-3.4. Architecture Design Decisions
-[5*, c6]
-Architectural design is a creative process. Dur-
-ing the design process, software designers have
-to make a number of fundamental decisions that
-profoundly affect the software and the develop-
-ment process. It is useful to think of the archi-
-tectural design process from a decision-making
-perspective rather than from an activity perspec-
-tive. Often, the impact on quality attributes and
-tradeoffs among competing quality attributes are
-the basis for design decisions.
-3.5. Families of Programs and Frameworks
-[5*, c6, c7, c16]
-One approach to providing for reuse of software
-designs and components is to design families of
-programs, also known as software product lines.
-This can be done by identifying the commonalities
-among members of such families and by designing
-reusable and customizable components to account
-for the variability among family members.
-In object-oriented (OO) programming, a key
-related notion is that of a framework : a partially
-completed software system that can be extended
-by appropriately instantiating specific extensions
-(such as plug-ins).
-**4. User Interface Design**
-User interface design is an essential part of the
-software design process. User interface design
-should ensure that interaction between the human
-and the machine provides for effective operation
-**2-6** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-and control of the machine. For software to
-achieve its full potential, the user interface should
-be designed to match the skills, experience, and
-expectations of its anticipated users.
-_4.1. General User Interface Design Principles_
-[5*, c29-web] [17*, c2]^1
-- _Learnability_. The software should be easy to
-    learn so that the user can rapidly start work-
-    ing with the software.
-- _User familiarity_. The interface should use
-    terms and concepts drawn from the experi-
-    ences of the people who will use the software.
-- _Consistency_. The interface should be consis-
-    tent so that comparable operations are acti-
-    vated in the same way.
-- _Minimal surprise._ The behavior of software
-    should not surprise users.
-- _Recoverability._ The interface should provide
-    mechanisms allowing users to recover from
-    errors.
-- _User guidance._ The interface should give
-    meaningful feedback when errors occur and
-    provide context-related help to users.
-- _User diversity_. The interface should pro-
-    vide appropriate interaction mechanisms
-    for diverse types of users and for users with
-    different capabilities (blind, poor eyesight,
-    deaf, colorblind, etc.).
-_4.2. User Interface Design Issues_
-[5*, c29-web] [17*, c2]
-User interface design should solve two key issues:
-- How should the user interact with the
-    software?
-- How should information from the software
-    be presented to the user?
-User interface design must integrate user
-interaction and information presentation. User
-interface design should consider a compromise
-between the most appropriate styles of interaction
-1 Chapter 29 is a web-based chapter available
-at [](
-and presentation for the software, the background
-and experience of the software users, and the
-available devices.
-4.3. The Design of User Interaction Modalities
-[5*, c29-web] [17*, c2]
-User interaction involves issuing commands and
-providing associated data to the software. User
-interaction styles can be classified into the fol-
-lowing primary styles:
-- _Question-answer._ The interaction is essen-
-    tially restricted to a single question-answer
-    exchange between the user and the software.
-    The user issues a question to the software,
-    and the software returns the answer to the
-    question.
-- _Direct manipulation_. Users interact with
-    objects on the computer screen. Direct
-    manipulation often includes a pointing
-    device (such as a mouse, trackball, or a fin-
-    ger on touch screens) that manipulates an
-    object and invokes actions that specify what
-    is to be done with that object.
-- _Menu selection_. The user selects a command
-    from a menu list of commands.
-- _Form fill-in_. The user fills in the fields of a
-    form. Sometimes fields include menus, in
-    which case the form has action buttons for
-    the user to initiate action.
-- _Command language_. The user issues a com-
-    mand and provides related parameters to
-    direct the software what to do.
-- _Natural language_. The user issues a com-
-    mand in natural language. That is, the natural
-    language is a front end to a command lan-
-    guage and is parsed and translated into soft-
-    ware commands.
-4.4. The Design of Information Presentation
-[5*, c29-web] [17*, c2]
-Information presentation may be textual or graphi-
-cal in nature. A good design keeps the information
-presentation separate from the information itself.
-The MVC (Model-View-Controller) approach is
-an effective way to keep information presentation
-separating from the information being presented.
-Software Design 2-7
-Software engineers also consider software
-response time and feedback in the design of infor-
-mation presentation. Response time is generally
-measured from the point at which a user executes
-a certain control action until the software responds
-with a response. An indication of progress is desir-
-able while the software is preparing the response.
-Feedback can be provided by restating the user’s
-input while processing is being completed.
-Abstract visualizations can be used when large
-amounts of information are to be presented.
-According to the style of information presenta-
-tion, designers can also use color to enhance the
-interface. There are several important guidelines:
-- Limit the number of colors used.
-- Use color change to show the change of soft-
-    ware status.
-- Use color-coding to support the user’s task.
-- Use color-coding in a thoughtful and consis-
-    tent way.
-- Use colors to facilitate access for people
-    with color blindness or color deficiency
-    (e.g., use the change of color saturation and
-    color brightness, try to avoid blue and red
-    combinations).
-- Don’t depend on color alone to convey
-    important information to users with different
-    capabilities (blindness, poor eyesight, color-
-    blindness, etc.).
-_4.5. User Interface Design Process_
-[5*, c29-web] [17*, c2]
-User interface design is an iterative process;
-interface prototypes are often used to determine
-the features, organization, and look of the soft-
-ware user interface. This process includes three
-core activities:
-- _User analysis._ In this phase, the designer ana-
-    lyzes the users’ tasks, the working environ-
-    ment, other software, and how users interact
-    with other people.
-- _Software prototyping._ Developing prototype
-    software help users to guide the evolution of
-    the interface.
-- _Interface evaluation._ Designers can observe
-    users’ experiences with the evolving interface.
-4.6. Localization and Internationalization
-[17*, c8, c9]
-User interface design often needs to consider inter-
-nationalization and localization, which are means
-of adapting software to the different languages,
-regional differences, and the technical require-
-ments of a target market. Internationalization is the
-process of designing a software application so that
-it can be adapted to various languages and regions
-without major engineering changes. Localization
-is the process of adapting internationalized soft-
-ware for a specific region or language by adding
-locale-specific components and translating the
-text. Localization and internationalization should
-consider factors such as symbols, numbers, cur-
-rency, time, and measurement units.
-4.7. Metaphors and Conceptual Models
-[17*, c5]
-User interface designers can use metaphors and
-conceptual models to set up mappings between the
-software and some reference system known to the
-users in the real world, which can help the users to
-more readily learn and use the interface. For exam-
-ple, the operation “delete file” can be made into a
-metaphor using the icon of a trash can.
-When designing a user interface, software engi-
-neers should be careful to not use more than one
-metaphor for each concept. Metaphors also pres-
-ent potential problems with respect to internation-
-alization, since not all metaphors are meaningful
-or are applied in the same way within all cultures.
-**5. Software Design Quality Analysis and
-This section includes a number of quality anal-
-ysis and evaluation topics that are specifically
-related to software design. (See also the Software
-Quality KA.)
-5.1. Quality Attributes
-[4*, c4]
-Various attributes contribute to the quality of
-a software design, including various “-ilities”
-(maintainability, portability, testability, usability)
-**2-8** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-and “-nesses” (correctness, robustness). There is
-an interesting distinction between quality attri-
-butes discernible at runtime (for example, per-
-formance, security, availability, functionality,
-usability), those not discernible at runtime (for
-example, modifiability, portability, reusability,
-testability), and those related to the architecture’s
-intrinsic qualities (for example, conceptual integ-
-rity, correctness, completeness). (See also the
-Software Quality KA.)
-_5.2. Quality Analysis and Evaluation Techniques_
-[4*, c4] [5*, c24]
-Various tools and techniques can help in analyz-
-ing and evaluating software design quality.
-- Software design reviews: informal and for-
-    malized techniques to determine the quality
-    of design artifacts (for example, architecture
-    reviews, design reviews, and inspections;
-    scenario-based techniques; requirements
-    tracing). Software design reviews can also
-    evaluate security. Aids for installation, oper-
-    ation, and usage (for example, manuals and
-    help files) can be reviewed.
-- Static analysis: formal or semiformal static
-    (nonexecutable) analysis that can be used
-    to evaluate a design (for example, fault-
-    tree analysis or automated cross-checking).
-    Design vulnerability analysis (for example,
-    static analysis for security weaknesses) can
-    be performed if security is a concern. Formal
-    design analysis uses mathematical models
-    that allow designers to predicate the behavior
-    and validate the performance of the software
-    instead of having to rely entirely on testing.
-    Formal design analysis can be used to detect
-    residual specification and design errors (per-
-    haps caused by imprecision, ambiguity, and
-    sometimes other kinds of mistakes). (See
-    also the Software Engineering Models and
-    Methods KA.)
-- Simulation and prototyping: dynamic tech-
-    niques to evaluate a design (for example,
-    performance simulation or feasibility
-    prototypes).
-5.3. Measures
-[4*, c4] [5*, c24]
-Measures can be used to assess or to quanti-
-tatively estimate various aspects of a software
-design; for example, size, structure, or quality.
-Most measures that have been proposed depend
-on the approach used for producing the design.
-These measures are classified in two broad
-- Function-based (structured) design mea-
-    sures: measures obtained by analyzing func-
-    tional decomposition; generally represented
-    using a structure chart (sometimes called a
-    hierarchical diagram) on which various mea-
-    sures can be computed.
-- Object-oriented design measures: the design
-    structure is typically represented as a class
-    diagram, on which various measures can be
-    computed. Measures on the properties of the
-    internal content of each class can also be
-    computed.
-**6. Software Design Notations**
-Many notations exist to represent software design
-artifacts. Some are used to describe the structural
-organization of a design, others to represent soft-
-ware behavior. Certain notations are used mostly
-during architectural design and others mainly
-during detailed design, although some nota-
-tions can be used for both purposes. In addition,
-some notations are used mostly in the context of
-specific design methods (see topic 7, Software
-Design Strategies and Methods). Please note that
-software design is often accomplished using mul-
-tiple notations. Here, they are categorized into
-notations for describing the structural (static)
-view vs. the behavioral (dynamic) view.
-6.1. Structural Descriptions (Static View)
-[4*, c7] [5*, c6, c7] [6*, c4, c5, c6, c7]
-[12*, c7] [14*, c7]
-The following notations, mostly but not always
-graphical, describe and represent the structural
-aspects of a software design—that is, they are
-Software Design 2-9
-used to describe the major components and how
-they are interconnected (static view):
-- Architecture description languages (ADLs):
-    textual, often formal, languages used to
-    describe software architecture in terms of
-    components and connectors.
-- Class and object diagrams: used to repre-
-    sent a set of classes (and objects) and their
-    interrelationships.
-- Component diagrams: used to represent a
-    set of components (“physical and replace-
-    able part[s] of a system that [conform] to
-    and [provide] the realization of a set of inter-
-    faces” [18]) and their interrelationships.
-- Class responsibility collaborator cards
-    (CRCs): used to denote the names of compo-
-    nents (class), their responsibilities, and their
-    collaborating components’ names.
-- Deployment diagrams: used to represent a
-    set of (physical) nodes and their interrela-
-    tionships, and, thus, to model the physical
-    aspects of software.
-- Entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs): used
-    to represent conceptual models of data stored
-    in information repositories.
-- Interface description languages (IDLs):
-    programming-like languages used to define
-    the interfaces (names and types of exported
-    operations) of software components.
-- Structure charts: used to describe the calling
-    structure of programs (which modules call,
-    and are called by, which other modules).
-_6.2. Behavioral Descriptions (Dynamic View)_
-[4*, c7, c13] [5*, c6, c7] [6*, c4, c5, c6, c7]
-[14*, c8]
-The following notations and languages, some
-graphical and some textual, are used to describe
-the dynamic behavior of software systems and
-components. Many of these notations are use-
-ful mostly, but not exclusively, during detailed
-design. Moreover, behavioral descriptions can
-include a rationale for design decision such as
-how a design will meet security requirements.
-- Activity diagrams: used to show control flow
-    from activity to activity. Can be used to rep-
-    resent concurrent activities.
-- Communication diagrams: used to show
-    the interactions that occur among a group
-    of objects; emphasis is on the objects, their
-    links, and the messages they exchange on
-    those links.
-- Data flow diagrams (DFDs): used to show
-    data flow among elements. A data flow dia-
-    gram provides “a description based on model-
-    ing the flow of information around a network
-    of operational elements, with each element
-    making use of or modifying the information
-    flowing into that element” [4*]. Data flows
-    (and therefore data flow diagrams) can be
-    used for security analysis, as they offer iden-
-    tification of possible paths for attack and dis-
-    closure of confidential information.
-- Decision tables and diagrams: used to rep-
-    resent complex combinations of conditions
-    and actions.
-- Flowcharts: used to represent the flow of
-    control and the associated actions to be
-    performed.
-- Sequence diagrams: used to show the inter-
-    actions among a group of objects, with
-    emphasis on the time ordering of messages
-    passed between objects.
-- State transition and state chart diagrams:
-    used to show the control flow from state to
-    state and how the behavior of a component
-    changes based on its current state in a state
-    machine.
-- Formal specification languages: textual lan-
-    guages that use basic notions from math-
-    ematics (for example, logic, set, sequence)
-    to rigorously and abstractly define software
-    component interfaces and behavior, often in
-    terms of pre- and postconditions. (See also
-    the Software Engineering Models and Meth-
-    ods KA.)
-- Pseudo code and program design languages
-    (PDLs): structured programming-like lan-
-    guages used to describe, generally at the
-    detailed design stage, the behavior of a pro-
-    cedure or method.
-**2-10** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-**7. Software Design Strategies and Methods**
-There exist various general strategies to help
-guide the design process. In contrast with general
-strategies, methods are more specific in that they
-generally provide a set of notations to be used
-with the method, a description of the process to
-be used when following the method, and a set of
-guidelines for using the method. Such methods
-are useful as a common framework for teams of
-software engineers. (See also the Software Engi-
-neering Models and Methods KA).
-_7.1. General Strategies_
-[4*, c8, c9, c10] [12*, c7]
-Some often-cited examples of general strategies
-useful in the design process include the divide-
-and-conquer and stepwise refinement strategies,
-top-down vs. bottom-up strategies, and strategies
-making use of heuristics, use of patterns and pat-
-tern languages, and use of an iterative and incre-
-mental approach.
-_7.2. Function-Oriented (Structured) Design_
-[4*, c13]
-This is one of the classical methods of software
-design, where decomposition centers on identify-
-ing the major software functions and then elab-
-orating and refining them in a hierarchical top-
-down manner. Structured design is generally used
-after structured analysis, thus producing (among
-other things) data flow diagrams and associated
-process descriptions. Researchers have proposed
-various strategies (for example, transformation
-analysis, transaction analysis) and heuristics (for
-example, fan-in/fan-out, scope of effect vs. scope
-of control) to transform a DFD into a software
-architecture generally represented as a structure
-_7.3. Object-Oriented Design_
-[4*, c16]
-Numerous software design methods based
-on objects have been proposed. The field has
-evolved from the early object-oriented (OO)
-design of the mid-1980s (noun = object; verb
-= method; adjective = attribute), where inheri-
-tance and polymorphism play a key role, to the
-field of component-based design, where metain-
-formation can be defined and accessed (through
-reflection, for example). Although OO design’s
-roots stem from the concept of data abstraction,
-responsibility-driven design has been proposed
-as an alternative approach to OO design.
-7.4. Data Structure-Centered Design
-[4*, c14, c15]
-Data structure-centered design starts from the data
-structures a program manipulates rather than from
-the function it performs. The software engineer
-first describes the input and output data structures
-and then develops the program’s control structure
-based on these data structure diagrams. Various
-heuristics have been proposed to deal with special
-cases—for example, when there is a mismatch
-between the input and output structures.
-7.5. Component-Based Design (CBD)
-[4*, c17]
-A software component is an independent unit,
-having well-defined interfaces and dependen-
-cies that can be composed and deployed inde-
-pendently. Component-based design addresses
-issues related to providing, developing, and
-integrating such components in order to improve
-reuse. Reused and off-the-shelf software com-
-ponents should meet the same security require-
-ments as new software. Trust management is
-a design concern; components treated as hav-
-ing a certain degree of trustworthiness should
-not depend on less trustworthy components or
-7.6. Other Methods
-[5*, c19, c21]
-Other interesting approaches also exist (see the
-Software Engineering Models and Methods
-KA). Iterative and adaptive methods imple-
-ment software increments and reduce emphasis
-on rigorous software requirement and design.
-Software Design 2-11
-Aspect-oriented design is a method by which
-software is constructed using aspects to imple-
-ment the crosscutting concerns and extensions
-that are identified during the software require-
-ments process. Service-oriented architecture is
-a way to build distributed software using web
-services executed on distributed computers. Soft-
-ware systems are often constructed by using ser-
-vices from different providers because standard
-protocols (such as HTTP, HTTPS, SOAP) have
-been designed to support service communication
-and service information exchange.
-**8. Software Design Tools**
-    [14*, c10, Appendix A]
-Software design tools can be used to support the
-creation of the software design artifacts during
-the software development process. They can sup-
-port part or whole of the following activities:
-- to translate the requirements model into a
-    design representation;
-- to provide support for representing func-
-    tional components and their interface(s);
-- to implement heuristics refinement and
-    partitioning;
-- to provide guidelines for quality assessment.
-**2-12** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-Budgen 2003
-##### [4*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [5*]
-Page-Jones 1999
-##### [6*]
-Brookshear 2008
-##### [12*]
-Allen 2008
-##### [13*]
-Clements et al. 2010
-##### [14*]
-Gamma et al. 1994
-##### [15*]
-Nielsen 1993
-##### [17*]
-**1. Software Design
-    1.1. General Design
-    Concepts
-       c1
-1.2. The Context of
-Software Design
-1.3. The Software
-Design Process
-1.4. Software Design
-c6, c7,
-c1, c8,
-**2. Key Issues in
-Software Design**
-    2.1. Concurrency c18
-    2.2. Control and
-    Handling of Events
-       c21
-2.3. Data Persistence c9
-2.4. Distribution of
-2.5. Error and
-Exception Handling
-and Fault Tolerance
-2.6. Interaction and
-2.7. Security
-c12 ,
-**3. Software Structure
-and Architecture**
-    3.1. Architectural
-    Structures and
-    Viewpoints
-3.2. Architectural
-c1, c2,
-c3, c4,
-3.3. Design Patterns
-c3, c4,
-Software Design 2-13
-Budgen 2003
-##### [4*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [5*]
-Page-Jones 1999
-##### [6*]
-Brookshear 2008
-##### [12*]
-Allen 2008
-##### [13*]
-Clements et al. 2010
-##### [14*]
-Gamma et al. 1994
-##### [15*]
-Nielsen 1993
-##### [17*]
-3.4. Architecture
-Design Decisions
-3.5. Families of
-Programs and
-c6, c7,
-**4. User Interface
-4.1. General User
-Interface Design
-4.2. User Interface
-Design Issues
-4.3. The Design of
-User Interaction
-4.4. The Design
-of Information
-4.5. User Interface
-Design Process
-4.6. Localization and
-c8, c9
-4.7. Metaphors and
-Conceptual Models
-**5. Software Design
-Quality Analysis and
-5.1. Quality
-5.2. Quality
-Analysis and
-Te c h n i q u e s
-c4 c24
-5.3. Measures c4 c24
-**2-14** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-Budgen 2003
-##### [4*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [5*]
-Page-Jones 1999
-##### [6*]
-Brookshear 2008
-##### [12*]
-Allen 2008
-##### [13*]
-Clements et al. 2010
-##### [14*]
-Gamma et al. 1994
-##### [15*]
-Nielsen 1993
-##### [17*]
-**6. Software Design
-    6.1. Structural
-    Descriptions (Static
-    View)
-c7 c6, c7
-c4, c5,
-c6, c7
-c7 c7
-6.2. Behavioral
-(Dynamic View)
-c7, c13,
-c6, c7
-c4, c5,
-c6, c7
-**7. Software Design
-Strategies and
-    7.1. General
-    Strategies
-c8, c9,
-7.2. Function-
-(Structured) Design
-7.3. Object-Oriented
-7.4. Data Structure-
-Centered Design
-7.5. Component-
-Based Design (CBD)
-7.6. Other Methods
-**8. Software Design
-To o l s**
-App. A
-Software Design 2-15
-Roger Pressman, _Software Engineering: A
-Practitioner’s Approach (Seventh Edition)_
-For roughly three decades, Roger Pressman’s
-_Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach_
-has been one of the world’s leading textbooks in
-software engineering. Notably, this complemen-
-tary textbook to [5*] comprehensively presents
-software design—including design concepts,
-architectural design, component-level design,
-user interface design, pattern-based design, and
-web application design.
-“The 4+1 View Model of Architecture” [20].
-The seminal paper “The 4+1 View Model” orga-
-nizes a description of a software architecture
-using five concurrent views. The four views of
-the model are the logical view, the development
-view, the process view, and the physical view.
-In addition, selected use cases or scenarios are
-utilized to illustrate the architecture. Hence, the
-model contains 4+1 views. The views are used to
-describe the software as envisioned by different
-stakeholders—such as end-users, developers, and
-project managers.
-Len Bass, Paul Clements, and Rick Kazman,
-_Software Architecture in Practice_ [21].
-This book introduces the concepts and best prac-
-tices of software architecture, meaning how soft-
-ware is structured and how the software’s compo-
-nents interact. Drawing on their own experience,
-the authors cover the essential technical topics
-for designing, specifying, and validating software
-architectures. They also emphasize the impor-
-tance of the business context in which large soft-
-ware is designed. Their aim is to present software
-architecture in a real-world setting, reflecting
-both the opportunities and constraints that orga-
-nizations encounter. This is one of the best books
-currently available on software architecture.
-[1] ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2010 Systems and
-Software Engineering—Vocabulary , ISO/
-IEC/IEEE, 2010.
-[2] IEEE Std. 12207-2008 (a.k.a. ISO/IEC
-12207:2008) Standard for Systems and
-Software Engineering—Software Life Cycle
-Processes , IEEE, 2008.
-[3] T. DeMarco, “The Paradox of Software
-Architecture and Design,” Stevens Prize
-Lecture, 1999.
-[4*] D. Budgen, Software Design , 2nd ed.,
-Addison-Wesley, 2003.
-[5*] I. Sommerville, Software Engineering , 9th
-ed., Addison-Wesley, 2011.
-[6*] M. Page-Jones, Fundamentals of Object-
-Oriented Design in UML , 1st ed., Addison-
-Wesley, 1999.
-[7] Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary ,
-11th ed., 2003.
-[8] IEEE Std. 1069-2009 Standard for
-Information Technology—Systems
-Design—Software Design Descriptions ,
-IEEE, 2009.
-[9] ISO/IEC 42010:2011 Systems and Software
-Engineering—Recommended Practice for
-Architectural Description of Software-
-Intensive Systems , ISO/IEC, 2011.
-[10] J. Bosch, Design and Use of Software
-Architectures: Adopting and Evolving a
-Product-Line Approach , ACM Press, 2000.
-[11] G. Kiczales et al., “Aspect-Oriented
-Programming,” Proc. 11th European Conf.
-Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP
-97), Springer, 1997.
-**2-16** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-[12*] J.G. Brookshear, _Computer Science: An
-Overview_ , 10th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2008.
-[13*] J.H. Allen et al., _Software Security
-Engineering: A Guide for Project
-Managers_ , Addison-Wesley, 2008.
-[14*] P. Clements et al., _Documenting Software
-Architectures: Views and Beyond_ , 2nd ed.,
-Pearson Education, 2010.
-[15*] E. Gamma et al., _Design Patterns:
-Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented
-Software_ , 1st ed., Addison-Wesley
-Professional, 1994.
-[16] I. Jacobson, G. Booch, and J. Rumbaugh,
-_The Unified Software Development
-Process_ , Addison-Wesley Professional,
-[17*] J. Nielsen, Usability Engineering , Morgan
-Kaufmann, 1993.
-[18] G. Booch, J. Rumbaugh, and I. Jacobson,
-The Unified Modeling Language User
-Guide, Addison-Wesley, 1999.
-[19] R.S. Pressman, Software Engineering: A
-Practitioner’s Approach , 7th ed., McGraw-
-Hill, 2010.
-[20] P.B. Kruchten, “The 4+1 View Model of
-Architecture,” IEEE Software, vol. 12, no.
-6, 1995, pp. 42–55.
-[21] L. Bass, P. Clements, and R. Kazman,
-Software Architecture in Practice , 3rd ed.,
-Addison-Wesley Professional, 2013.
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-**CHAPTER 3**
-##### API
-Application Programming
-COTS Commercial Off-the-Shelf
-GUI Graphical User Interface
-Integrated Development
-OMG Object Management Group
-Portable Operating System
-TDD Test-Driven Development
-UML Unified Modeling Language
-The term software construction refers to the
-detailed creation of working software through a
-combination of coding, verification, unit testing,
-integration testing, and debugging.
-The Software Construction knowledge area
-(KA) is linked to all the other KAs, but it is most
-strongly linked to Software Design and Software
-Testing because the software construction process
-involves significant software design and testing.
-The process uses the design output and provides an
-input to testing (“design” and “testing” in this case
-referring to the activities, not the KAs). Boundar-
-ies between design, construction, and testing (if
-any) will vary depending on the software life cycle
-processes that are used in a project.
-Although some detailed design may be per-
-formed prior to construction, much design work
-is performed during the construction activity.
-Thus, the Software Construction KA is closely
-linked to the Software Design KA.
-Throughout construction, software engineers
-both unit test and integration test their work.
-Thus, the Software Construction KA is closely
-linked to the Software Testing KA as well.
-Software construction typically produces the
-highest number of configuration items that need
-to be managed in a software project (source files,
-documentation, test cases, and so on). Thus, the
-Software Construction KA is also closely linked
-to the Software Configuration Management KA.
-While software quality is important in all the
-KAs, code is the ultimate deliverable of a soft-
-ware project, and thus the Software Quality KA is
-closely linked to the Software Construction KA.
-Since software construction requires knowledge
-of algorithms and of coding practices, it is closely
-related to the Computing Foundations KA, which
-is concerned with the computer science founda-
-tions that support the design and construction of
-software products. It is also related to project man-
-agement, insofar as the management of construc-
-tion can present considerable challenges.
-Figure 3.1 gives a graphical representation of the
-top-level decomposition of the breakdown for the
-Software Construction KA.
-**1. Software Construction Fundamentals**
-Software construction fundamentals include
-- minimizing complexity
-- anticipating change
-- constructing for verification
-- reuse
-- standards in construction.
-The first four concepts apply to design as well
-as to construction. The following sections define
-**3-2** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-Figure 3.1. Breakdown of Topics for the Software Construction KA
-Software Construction 3-3
-these concepts and describe how they apply to
-_1.1. Minimizing Complexity_
-Most people are limited in their ability to hold
-complex structures and information in their
-working memories, especially over long peri-
-ods of time. This proves to be a major factor
-influencing how people convey intent to com-
-puters and leads to one of the strongest drives
-in software construction: _minimizing_ complex-
-ity. The need to reduce complexity applies to
-essentially every aspect of software construction
-and is particularly critical to testing of software
-In software construction, reduced complexity
-is achieved through emphasizing code creation
-that is simple and readable rather than clever. It
-is accomplished through making use of standards
-(see section 1.5, Standards in Construction),
-modular design (see section 3.1, Construction
-Design), and numerous other specific techniques
-(see section 3.3, Coding). It is also supported by
-construction-focused quality techniques (see sec-
-tion 3.7, Construction Quality).
-_1.2. Anticipating Change_
-Most software will change over time, and the
-anticipation of _change_ drives many aspects of
-software construction; changes in the environ-
-ments in which software operates also affect soft-
-ware in diverse ways.
-Anticipating change helps software engineers
-build extensible software, which means they can
-enhance a software product without disrupting
-the underlying structure.
-Anticipating change is supported by many spe-
-cific techniques (see section 3.3, Coding).
-_1.3. Constructing for Verification_
-Constructing for verification means building
-software in such a way that faults can be read-
-ily found by the software engineers writing the
-software as well as by the testers and users during
-independent testing and operational activities.
-Specific techniques that support constructing for
-verification include following coding standards to
-support code reviews and unit testing, organizing
-code to support automated testing, and restrict-
-ing the use of complex or hard-to-understand lan-
-guage structures, among others.
-1.4. Reuse
-Reuse refers to using existing assets in solving
-different problems. In software construction, typ-
-ical assets that are reused include libraries, mod-
-ules, components, source code, and commercial
-off-the-shelf (COTS) assets. Reuse is best prac-
-ticed systematically, according to a well-defined,
-repeatable process. Systematic reuse can enable
-significant software productivity, quality, and
-cost improvements.
-Reuse has two closely related facets: “construc-
-tion for reuse” and “construction with reuse.” The
-former means to create reusable software assets,
-while the latter means to reuse software assets in
-the construction of a new solution. Reuse often
-transcends the boundary of projects, which means
-reused assets can be constructed in other projects
-or organizations.
-1.5. Standards in Construction
-Applying external or internal development stan-
-dards during construction helps achieve a proj-
-ect’s objectives for efficiency, quality, and cost.
-Specifically, the choices of allowable program-
-ming language subsets and usage standards are
-important aids in achieving higher security.
-Standards that directly affect construction
-issues include
-- communication methods (for example, stan-
-    dards for document formats and contents)
-- programming languages (for example, lan-
-    guage standards for languages like Java and
-    C++)
-- coding standards (for example, standards for
-    naming conventions, layout, and indentation)
-- platforms (for example, interface standards
-    for operating system calls)
-**3-4** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-- tools (for example, diagrammatic standards
-    for notations like UML (Unified Modeling
-    Language)).
-_Use of external standards._ Construction
-depends on the use of external standards for con-
-struction languages, construction tools, technical
-interfaces, and interactions between the Software
-Construction KA and other KAs. Standards come
-from numerous sources, including hardware and
-software interface specifications (such as the
-Object Management Group (OMG)) and interna-
-tional organizations (such as the IEEE or ISO).
-_Use of internal standards._ Standards may also
-be created on an organizational basis at the cor-
-porate level or for use on specific projects. These
-standards support coordination of group activi-
-ties, minimizing complexity, anticipating change,
-and constructing for verification.
-**2. Managing Construction**
-_2.1. Construction in Life Cycle Models_
-Numerous models have been created to develop
-software; some emphasize construction more
-than others.
-Some models are more linear from the con-
-struction point of view—such as the waterfall and
-staged-delivery life cycle models. These models
-treat construction as an activity that occurs only
-after significant prerequisite work has been com-
-pleted—including detailed requirements work,
-extensive design work, and detailed planning.
-The more linear approaches tend to emphasize
-the activities that precede construction (require-
-ments and design) and to create more distinct sep-
-arations between activities. In these models, the
-main emphasis of construction may be coding.
-Other models are more iterative—such as
-evolutionary prototyping and agile develop-
-ment. These approaches tend to treat construc-
-tion as an activity that occurs concurrently with
-other software development activities (including
-requirements, design, and planning) or that over-
-laps them. These approaches tend to mix design,
-coding, and testing activities, and they often treat
-the combination of activities as construction (see
-the Software Management and Software Process
-Consequently, what is considered to be “con-
-struction” depends to some degree on the life
-cycle model used. In general, software con-
-struction is mostly coding and debugging, but
-it also involves construction planning, detailed
-design, unit testing, integration testing, and other
-2.2. Construction Planning
-The choice of construction method is a key aspect
-of the construction-planning activity. The choice
-of construction method affects the extent to
-which construction prerequisites are performed,
-the order in which they are performed, and the
-degree to which they should be completed before
-construction work begins.
-The approach to construction affects the proj-
-ect team’s ability to reduce complexity, anticipate
-change, and construct for verification. Each of
-these objectives may also be addressed at the pro-
-cess, requirements, and design levels—but they
-will be influenced by the choice of construction
-Construction planning also defines the order
-in which components are created and integrated,
-the integration strategy (for example, phased or
-incremental integration), the software quality
-management processes, the allocation of task
-assignments to specific software engineers, and
-other tasks, according to the chosen method.
-2.3. Construction Measurement
-Numerous construction activities and artifacts can
-be measured—including code developed, code
-modified, code reused, code destroyed, code com-
-plexity, code inspection statistics, fault-fix and
-fault-find rates, effort, and scheduling. These mea-
-surements can be useful for purposes of managing
-construction, ensuring quality during construction,
-and improving the construction process, among
-other uses (see the Software Engineering Process
-KA for more on measurement).
-Software Construction 3-5
-**3. Practical Considerations**
-Construction is an activity in which the software
-engineer has to deal with sometimes chaotic and
-changing real-world constraints, and he or she
-must do so precisely. Due to the influence of real-
-world constraints, construction is more driven by
-practical considerations than some other KAs,
-and software engineering is perhaps most craft-
-like in the construction activities.
-_3.1. Construction Design_
-Some projects allocate considerable design activ-
-ity to construction, while others allocate design
-to a phase explicitly focused on design. Regard-
-less of the exact allocation, some detailed design
-work will occur at the construction level, and that
-design work tends to be dictated by constraints
-imposed by the real-world problem that is being
-addressed by the software.
-Just as construction workers building a physi-
-cal structure must make small-scale modifica-
-tions to account for unanticipated gaps in the
-builder’s plans, software construction workers
-must make modifications on a smaller or larger
-scale to flesh out details of the software design
-during construction.
-The details of the design activity at the construc-
-tion level are essentially the same as described in
-the Software Design KA, but they are applied on
-a smaller scale of algorithms, data structures, and
-_3.2. Construction Languages_
-Construction languages include all forms of
-communication by which a human can specify an
-executable problem solution to a problem. Con-
-struction languages and their implementations
-(for example, compilers) can affect software
-quality attributes of performance, reliability, por-
-tability, and so forth. They can be serious con-
-tributors to security vulnerabilities.
-The simplest type of construction language
-is a _configuration language,_ in which software
-engineers choose from a limited set of pre-
-defined options to create new or custom software
-installations. The text-based configuration files
-used in both the Windows and Unix operating
-systems are examples of this, and the menu-style
-selection lists of some program generators consti-
-tute another example of a configuration language.
-Toolkit languages are used to build applica-
-tions out of elements in toolkits (integrated sets
-of application-specific reusable parts); they are
-more complex than configuration languages.
-Toolkit languages may be explicitly defined as
-application programming languages, or the appli-
-cations may simply be implied by a toolkit’s set
-of interfaces.
-Scripting languages are commonly used kinds
-of application programming languages. In some
-scripting languages, scripts are called batch files
-or macros.
-Programming languages are the most flexible
-type of construction languages. They also contain
-the least amount of information about specific
-application areas and development processes—
-therefore, they require the most training and skill
-to use effectively. The choice of programming lan-
-guage can have a large effect on the likelihood of
-vulnerabilities being introduced during coding—
-for example, uncritical usage of C and C++ are
-questionable choices from a security viewpoint.
-There are three general kinds of notation used
-for programming languages, namely
-- linguistic (e.g., C/C++, Java)
-- formal (e.g., Event-B)
-- visual (e.g., MatLab).
-Linguistic notations are distinguished in par-
-ticular by the use of textual strings to represent
-complex software constructions. The combina-
-tion of textual strings into patterns may have a
-sentence-like syntax. Properly used, each such
-string should have a strong semantic connotation
-providing an immediate intuitive understanding
-of what will happen when the software construc-
-tion is executed.
-Formal notations rely less on intuitive, every-
-day meanings of words and text strings and more
-on definitions backed up by precise, unambigu-
-ous, and formal (or mathematical) definitions.
-Formal construction notations and formal meth-
-ods are at the semantic base of most forms of
-**3-6** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-system programming notations, where accuracy,
-time behavior, and testability are more important
-than ease of mapping into natural language. For-
-mal constructions also use precisely defined ways
-of combining symbols that avoid the ambiguity
-of many natural language constructions.
-_Visual notations_ rely much less on the textual
-notations of linguistic and formal construction
-and instead rely on direct visual interpretation
-and placement of visual entities that represent the
-underlying software. Visual construction tends to
-be somewhat limited by the difficulty of making
-“complex” statements using only the arrange-
-ment of icons on a display. However, these icons
-can be powerful tools in cases where the primary
-programming task is simply to build and “adjust”
-a visual interface to a program, the detailed
-behavior of which has an underlying definition.
-_3.3. Coding_
-The following considerations apply to the soft-
-ware construction coding activity:
-- Techniques for creating understandable
-    source code, including naming conventions
-    and source code layout;
-- Use of classes, enumerated types, variables,
-    named constants, and other similar entities;
-- Use of control structures;
-- Handling of error conditions—both antici-
-    pated and exceptional (input of bad data, for
-    example);
-- Prevention of code-level security breaches
-    (buffer overflows or array index bounds, for
-    example);
-- Resource usage via use of exclusion mecha-
-    nisms and discipline in accessing serially
-    reusable resources (including threads and
-    database locks);
-- Source code organization (into state-
-    ments, routines, classes, packages, or other
-    structures);
-- Code documentation;
-- Code tuning,
-3.4. Construction Testing
-Construction involves two forms of testing,
-which are often performed by the software engi-
-neer who wrote the code:
-- Unit testing
-- Integration testing.
-The purpose of construction testing is to reduce
-the gap between the time when faults are inserted
-into the code and the time when those faults are
-detected, thereby reducing the cost incurred to
-fix them. In some instances, test cases are writ-
-ten after code has been written. In other instances,
-test cases may be created before code is written.
-Construction testing typically involves a
-subset of the various types of testing, which
-are described in the Software Testing KA. For
-instance, construction testing does not typically
-include system testing, alpha testing, beta testing,
-stress testing, configuration testing, usability test-
-ing, or other more specialized kinds of testing.
-Two standards have been published on the topic
-of construction testing: IEEE Standard 829-1998 ,
-IEEE Standard for Software Test Documentation,
-and IEEE Standard 1008-1987, IEEE Standard
-for Software Unit Testing.
-(See sections 2.1.1., Unit Testing, and 2.1.2.,
-Integration Testing, in the Software Testing KA
-for more specialized reference material.)
-3.5. Construction for Reuse
-Construction for reuse creates software that has
-the potential to be reused in the future for the
-present project or other projects taking a broad-
-based, multisystem perspective. Construction for
-reuse is usually based on variability analysis and
-design. To avoid the problem of code clones, it
-is desired to encapsulate reusable code fragments
-into well-structured libraries or components.
-The tasks related to software construction for
-reuse during coding and testing are as follows:
-Software Construction 3-7
-- Variability implementation with mecha-
-    nisms such as parameterization, conditional
-    compilation, design patterns, and so forth.
-- Variability encapsulation to make the soft-
-    ware assets easy to configure and customize.
-- Testing the variability provided by the reus-
-    able software assets.
-- Description and publication of reusable soft-
-    ware assets.
-_3.6. Construction with Reuse_
-Construction with reuse means to create new
-software with the reuse of existing software
-assets. The most popular method of reuse is to
-reuse code from the libraries provided by the lan-
-guage, platform, tools being used, or an organiza-
-tional repository. Asides from these, the applica-
-tions developed today widely make use of many
-open-source libraries. Reused and off-the-shelf
-software often have the same—or better—quality
-requirements as newly developed software (for
-example, security level).
-The tasks related to software construction with
-reuse during coding and testing are as follows:
-- The selection of the reusable units, data-
-    bases, test procedures, or test data.
-- The evaluation of code or test reusability.
-- The integration of reusable software assets
-    into the current software.
-- The reporting of reuse information on new
-    code, test procedures, or test data.
-_3.7. Construction Quality_
-In addition to faults resulting from requirements
-and design, faults introduced during construction
-can result in serious quality problems—for exam-
-ple, security vulnerabilities. This includes not
-only faults in security functionality but also faults
-elsewhere that allow bypassing of this functional-
-ity and other security weaknesses or violations.
-Numerous techniques exist to ensure the qual-
-ity of code as it is constructed. The primary tech-
-niques used for construction quality include
-- unit testing and integration testing (see sec-
-    tion 3.4, Construction Testing)
-- test-first development (see section 2.2 in the
-    Software Testing KA)
-- use of assertions and defensive programming
-- debugging
-- inspections
-- technical reviews, including security-ori-
-    ented reviews (see section 2.3.2 in the Soft-
-    ware Quality KA)
-- static analysis (see section 2.3 of the Soft-
-    ware Quality KA)
-The specific technique or techniques selected
-depend on the nature of the software being con-
-structed as well as on the skillset of the software
-engineers performing the construction activi-
-ties. Programmers should know good practices
-and common vulnerabilities—for example, from
-widely recognized lists about common vulner-
-abilities. Automated static analysis of code for
-security weaknesses is available for several com-
-mon programming languages and can be used in
-security-critical projects.
-Construction quality activities are differenti-
-ated from other quality activities by their focus.
-Construction quality activities focus on code and
-artifacts that are closely related to code—such
-as detailed design—as opposed to other artifacts
-that are less directly connected to the code, such
-as requirements, high-level designs, and plans.
-3.8. Integration
-A key activity during construction is the integra-
-tion of individually constructed routines, classes,
-components, and subsystems into a single sys-
-tem. In addition, a particular software system
-may need to be integrated with other software or
-hardware systems.
-Concerns related to construction integration
-include planning the sequence in which compo-
-nents will be integrated, identifying what hard-
-ware is needed, creating scaffolding to support
-interim versions of the software, determining
-the degree of testing and quality work performed
-on components before they are integrated, and
-**3-8** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-determining points in the project at which interim
-versions of the software are tested.
-Programs can be integrated by means of either
-the phased or the incremental approach. Phased
-integration, also called “big bang” integration,
-entails delaying the integration of component
-software parts until all parts intended for release
-in a version are complete. Incremental integration
-is thought to offer many advantages over the tra-
-ditional phased integration—for example, easier
-error location, improved progress monitoring,
-earlier product delivery, and improved customer
-relations. In incremental integration, the develop-
-ers write and test a program in small pieces and
-then combine the pieces one at a time. Additional
-test infrastructure, such as stubs, drivers, and
-mock objects, are usually needed to enable incre-
-mental integration. By building and integrating
-one unit at a time (for example, a class or compo-
-nent), the construction process can provide early
-feedback to developers and customers. Other
-advantages of incremental integration include
-easier error location, improved progress monitor-
-ing, more fully tested units, and so forth.
-**4. Construction Technologies**
-_4.1. API Design and Use_
-An application programming interface (API) is the
-set of signatures that are exported and available to
-the users of a library or a framework to write their
-applications. Besides signatures, an API should
-always include statements about the program’s
-effects and/or behaviors (i.e., its semantics).
-API design should try to make the API easy
-to learn and memorize, lead to readable code, be
-hard to misuse, be easy to extend, be complete,
-and maintain backward compatibility. As the
-APIs usually outlast their implementations for
-a widely used library or framework, it is desired
-that the API be straightforward and kept stable to
-facilitate the development and maintenance of the
-client applications.
-API use involves the processes of select-
-ing, learning, testing, integrating, and possibly
-extending APIs provided by a library or frame-
-work (see section 3.6, Construction with Reuse).
-4.2. Object-Oriented Runtime Issues
-Object-oriented languages support a series of
-runtime mechanisms including polymorphism
-and reflection. These runtime mechanisms
-increase the flexibility and adaptability of object-
-oriented programs. Polymorphism is the ability
-of a language to support general operations with-
-out knowing until runtime what kind of concrete
-objects the software will include. Because the
-program does not know the exact types of the
-objects in advance, the exact behaviour is deter-
-mined at runtime (called dynamic binding).
-Reflection is the ability of a program to observe
-and modify its own structure and behavior at run-
-time. Reflection allows inspection of classes,
-interfaces, fields, and methods at runtime with-
-out knowing their names at compile time. It also
-allows instantiation at runtime of new objects and
-invocation of methods using parameterized class
-and method names.
-4.3. Parameterization and Generics
-Parameterized types , also known as generics
-(Ada, Eiffel) and templates (C++), enable the
-definition of a type or class without specifying all
-the other types it uses. The unspecified types are
-supplied as parameters at the point of use. Param-
-eterized types provide a third way (in addition to
-class inheritance and object composition) to com-
-pose behaviors in object-oriented software.
-4.4. Assertions, Design by Contract, and Defensive
-An assertion is an executable predicate that’s
-placed in a program—usually a routine or macro—
-that allows runtime checks of the program. Asser-
-tions are especially useful in high-reliability pro-
-grams. They enable programmers to more quickly
-flush out mismatched interface assumptions, errors
-that creep in when code is modified, and so on.
-Assertions are normally compiled into the code at
-development time and are later compiled out of the
-code so that they don’t degrade the performance.
-Software Construction 3-9
-Design by contract is a development approach
-in which preconditions and postconditions are
-included for each routine. When preconditions
-and postconditions are used, each routine or
-class is said to form a contract with the rest of
-the program. Furthermore, a contract provides a
-precise specification of the semantics of a routine,
-and thus helps the understanding of its behavior.
-Design by contract is thought to improve the
-quality of software construction.
-_Defensive programming_ means to protect a
-routine from being broken by invalid inputs.
-Common ways to handle invalid inputs include
-checking the values of all the input parameters
-and deciding how to handle bad inputs. Asser-
-tions are often used in defensive programming to
-check input values.
-_4.5. Error Handling, Exception Handling, and
-Fault Tolerance_
-The way that errors are handled affects software’s
-ability to meet requirements related to correct-
-ness, robustness, and other nonfunctional attri-
-butes. Assertions are sometimes used to check
-for errors. Other error handling techniques—such
-as returning a neutral value, substituting the next
-piece of valid data, logging a warning message,
-returning an error code, or shutting down the soft-
-ware—are also used.
-Exceptions are used to detect and process
-errors or exceptional events. The basic structure
-of an exception is that a routine uses _throw_ to
-throw a detected exception and an exception han-
-dling block will _catch_ the exception in a _try-catch_
-block. The try-catch block may process the erro-
-neous condition in the routine or it may return
-control to the calling routine. Exception handling
-policies should be carefully designed follow-
-ing common principles such as including in the
-exception message all information that led to the
-exception, avoiding empty catch blocks, knowing
-the exceptions the library code throws, perhaps
-building a centralized exception reporter, and
-standardizing the program’s use of exceptions.
-Fault tolerance is a collection of techniques
-that increase software reliability by detecting
-errors and then recovering from them if possible
-or containing their effects if recovery is not pos-
-sible. The most common fault tolerance strategies
-include backing up and retrying, using auxiliary
-code, using voting algorithms, and replacing an
-erroneous value with a phony value that will have
-a benign effect.
-4.6. Executable Models
-Executable models abstract away the details of
-specific programming languages and decisions
-about the organization of the software. Different
-from traditional software models, a specification
-built in an executable modeling language like
-xUML (executable UML) can be deployed in
-various software environments without change.
-An executable-model compiler (transformer) can
-turn an executable model into an implementation
-using a set of decisions about the target hardware
-and software environment. Thus, constructing
-executable models can be regarded as a way of
-constructing executable software.
-Executable models are one foundation support-
-ing the Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) initia-
-tive of the Object Management Group (OMG). An
-executable model is a way to completely specify
-a Platform Independent Model (PIM); a PIM is
-a model of a solution to a problem that does not
-rely on any implementation technologies. Then
-a Platform Specific Model (PSM), which is a
-model that contains the details of the implemen-
-tation, can be produced by weaving together the
-PIM and the platform on which it relies.
-4.7. State-Based and Table-Driven Construction
-State-based programming, or automata-based
-programming, is a programming technology
-using finite state machines to describe program
-behaviours. The transition graphs of a state
-machine are used in all stages of software devel-
-opment (specification, implementation, debug-
-ging, and documentation). The main idea is to
-construct computer programs the same way the
-automation of technological processes is done.
-State-based programming is usually combined
-**3-10** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-with object-oriented programming, forming a
-new composite approach called _state-based,
-object-oriented programming._
-A table-driven method is a schema that uses
-tables to look up information rather than using
-logic statements (such as _if_ and _case_ ). Used in
-appropriate circumstances, table-driven code
-is simpler than complicated logic and easier to
-modify. When using table-driven methods, the
-programmer addresses two issues: what informa-
-tion to store in the table or tables, and how to effi-
-ciently access information in the table.
-_4.8. Runtime Configuration and
-To achieve more flexibility, a program is often
-constructed to support late binding time of its vari-
-ables. Runtime configuration is a technique that
-binds variable values and program settings when
-the program is running, usually by updating and
-reading configuration files in a just-in-time mode.
-Internationalization is the technical activ-
-ity of preparing a program, usually interactive
-software, to support multiple locales. The corre-
-sponding activity, _localization,_ is the activity of
-modifying a program to support a specific local
-language. Interactive software may contain doz-
-ens or hundreds of prompts, status displays, help
-messages, error messages, and so on. The design
-and construction processes should accommodate
-string and character-set issues including which
-character set is to be used, what kinds of strings
-are used, how to maintain the strings without
-changing the code, and translating the strings into
-different languages with minimal impact on the
-processing code and the user interface.
-_4.9. Grammar-Based Input Processing_
-[1*] [6*]
-Grammar-based input processing involves syntax
-analysis, or _parsing_ , of the input token stream. It
-involves the creation of a data structure (called a
-_parse tree_ or _syntax tree_ ) representing the input
-data. The inorder traversal of the parse tree usu-
-ally gives the expression just parsed. The parser
-checks the symbol table for the presence of
-programmer-defined variables that populate the
-tree. After building the parse tree, the program
-uses it as input to the computational processes.
-4.10. Concurrency Primitives
-A synchronization primitive is a programming
-abstraction provided by a programming language
-or the operating system that facilitates concur-
-rency and synchronization. Well-known concur-
-rency primitives include semaphores, monitors,
-and mutexes.
-A semaphore is a protected variable or abstract
-data type that provides a simple but useful abstrac-
-tion for controlling access to a common resource
-by multiple processes or threads in a concurrent
-programming environment.
-A monitor is an abstract data type that presents
-a set of programmer-defined operations that are
-executed with mutual exclusion. A monitor con-
-tains the declaration of shared variables and pro-
-cedures or functions that operate on those vari-
-ables. The monitor construct ensures that only
-one process at a time is active within the monitor.
-A mutex (mutual exclusion) is a synchroniza-
-tion primitive that grants exclusive access to a
-shared resource by only one process or thread at
-a time.
-4.11. Middleware
-[3*] [6*]
-Middleware is a broad classification for soft-
-ware that provides services above the operating
-system layer yet below the application program
-layer. Middleware can provide runtime contain-
-ers for software components to provide message
-passing, persistence, and a transparent location
-across a network. Middleware can be viewed as
-a connector between the components that use the
-middleware. Modern message-oriented middle-
-ware usually provides an Enterprise Service Bus
-(ESB), which supports service-oriented interac-
-tion and communication between multiple soft-
-ware applications.
-Software Construction 3-11
-_4.12. Construction Methods for Distributed
-A distributed system is a collection of physically
-separate, possibly heterogeneous computer sys-
-tems that are networked to provide the users with
-access to the various resources that the system
-maintains. Construction of distributed software is
-distinguished from traditional software construc-
-tion by issues such as parallelism, communica-
-tion, and fault tolerance.
-Distributed programming typically falls into one
-of several basic architectural categories: client-
-server, 3-tier architecture, n-tier architecture, dis-
-tributed objects, loose coupling, or tight coupling
-(see section 14.3 of the Computing Foundations
-KA and section 3.2 of the Software Design KA).
-_4.13. Constructing Heterogeneous Systems_
-Heterogeneous systems consist of a variety of
-specialized computational units of different types,
-such as Digital Signal Processors (DSPs), micro-
-controllers, and peripheral processors. These
-computational units are independently controlled
-and communicate with one another. Embedded
-systems are typically heterogeneous systems.
-The design of heterogeneous systems may
-require the combination of several specification
-languages in order to design different parts of
-the system—in other words, hardware/software
-codesign. The key issues include multilanguage
-validation, cosimulation, and interfacing.
-During the hardware/software codesign, soft-
-ware development and virtual hardware devel-
-opment proceed concurrently through stepwise
-decomposition. The hardware part is usually
-simulated in field programmable gate arrays
-(FPGAs) or application-specific integrated cir-
-cuits (ASICs). The software part is translated into
-a low-level programming language.
-_4.14. Performance Analysis and Tuning_
-Code efficiency—determined by architecture,
-detailed design decisions, and data-structure and
-algorithm selection—influences an execution
-speed and size. Performance analysis is the inves-
-tigation of a program’s behavior using informa-
-tion gathered as the program executes, with the
-goal of identifying possible hot spots in the pro-
-gram to be improved.
-Code tuning, which improves performance at
-the code level, is the practice of modifying correct
-code in ways that make it run more efficiently.
-Code tuning usually involves only small-scale
-changes that affect a single class, a single routine,
-or, more commonly, a few lines of code. A rich
-set of code tuning techniques is available, includ-
-ing those for tuning logic expressions, loops, data
-transformations, expressions, and routines. Using
-a low-level language is another common tech-
-nique for improving some hot spots in a program.
-4.15. Platform Standards
-[6*] [7*]
-Platform standards enable programmers to
-develop portable applications that can be exe-
-cuted in compatible environments without
-changes. Platform standards usually involve a
-set of standard services and APIs that compat-
-ible platform implementations must implement.
-Typical examples of platform standards are Java
-2 Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) and the
-POSIX standard for operating systems (Portable
-Operating System Interface), which represents
-a set of standards implemented primarily for
-UNIX-based operating systems.
-4.16. Test-First Programming
-Test-first programming (also known as Test-
-Driven Development—TDD) is a popular devel-
-opment style in which test cases are written prior
-to writing any code. Test-first programming can
-usually detect defects earlier and correct them
-more easily than traditional programming styles.
-Furthermore, writing test cases first forces pro-
-grammers to think about requirements and design
-before coding, thus exposing requirements and
-design problems sooner.
-**3-12** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-**5. Software Construction Tools**
-5.1. Development Environments
-A development environment, or integrated devel-
-opment environment (IDE), provides compre-
-hensive facilities to programmers for software
-construction by integrating a set of development
-tools. The choices of development environments
-can affect the efficiency and quality of software
-In additional to basic code editing functions,
-modern IDEs often offer other features like com-
-pilation and error detection from within the edi-
-tor, integration with source code control, build/
-test/debugging tools, compressed or outline
-views of programs, automated code transforms,
-and support for refactoring.
-5.2. GUI Builders
-A GUI (Graphical User Interface) builder is a
-software development tool that enables the devel-
-oper to create and maintain GUIs in a WYSI-
-WYG (what you see is what you get) mode. A
-GUI builder usually includes a visual editor
-for the developer to design forms and windows
-and manage the layout of the widgets by drag-
-ging, dropping, and parameter setting. Some GUI
-builders can automatically generate the source
-code corresponding to the visual GUI design.
-Because current GUI applications usually fol-
-low the event-driven style (in which the flow of
-the program is determined by events and event
-handling), GUI builder tools usually provide
-code generation assistants, which automate the
-most repetitive tasks required for event handling.
-The supporting code connects widgets with the
-outgoing and incoming events that trigger the
-functions providing the application logic.
-Some modern IDEs provide integrated GUI
-builders or GUI builder plug-ins. There are also
-many standalone GUI builders.
-5.3. Unit Testing Tools
-[1*] [2*]
-Unit testing verifies the functioning of software
-modules in isolation from other software elements
-that are separately testable (for example, classes,
-routines, components). Unit testing is often auto-
-mated. Developers can use unit testing tools
-and frameworks to extend and create automated
-testing environment. With unit testing tools and
-frameworks, the developer can code criteria into
-the test to verify the unit’s correctness under vari-
-ous data sets. Each individual test is implemented
-as an object, and a test runner runs all of the tests.
-During the test execution, those failed test cases
-will be automatically flagged and reported.
-5.4. Profiling, Performance Analysis, and
-Slicing Tools
-Performance analysis tools are usually used to
-support code tuning. The most common per-
-formance analysis tools are profiling tools. An
-execution profiling tool monitors the code while
-it runs and records how many times each state-
-ment is executed or how much time the program
-spends on each statement or execution path. Pro-
-filing the code while it is running gives insight
-into how the program works, where the hot spots
-are, and where the developers should focus the
-code tuning efforts.
-Program slicing involves computation of the
-set of program statements (i.e., the program slice)
-that may affect the values of specified variables
-at some point of interest, which is referred to as
-a slicing criterion. Program slicing can be used
-for locating the source of errors, program under-
-standing, and optimization analysis. Program
-slicing tools compute program slices for various
-programming languages using static or dynamic
-analysis methods.
-Software Construction 3-13
-McConnell 2004
-##### [1*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [2*]
-Clements et al. 2010
-##### [3*]
-Gamma et al. 1994
-##### [4*]
-Mellor and Balcer 2002
-##### [5*]
-Null and Lobur 2006
-##### [6*]
-Silberschatz et al. 2008
-##### [7*]
-**1. Software
-1.1. Minimizing
-c2, c3,
-c24, c27,
-c28, c31,
-c32, c34
-1.2. Anticipating
-c24, c31,
-c32, c34
-1.3. Constructing for
-c23, c31,
-1.4. Reuse c16
-1.5. Standards in
-**2. Managing
-    2.1. Construction in
-    Life Cycle Models
-c2, c3,
-c27, c29
-2.2. Construction
-c3, c4,
-2.3. Construction
-c25, c28
-**3. Practical
-    3.1. Construction
-    Design
-c3, c5,
-3.2. Construction
-3.3. Coding
-**3-14** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-McConnell 2004
-##### [1*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [2*]
-Clements et al. 2010
-##### [3*]
-Gamma et al. 1994
-##### [4*]
-Mellor and Balcer 2002
-##### [5*]
-Null and Lobur 2006
-##### [6*]
-Silberschatz et al. 2008
-##### [7*]
-3.4. Construction
-Te s t i n g
-c22, c23
-3.5. Construction for
-3.6. Construction
-with Reuse
-3.7. Construction
-3.8. Integration c29
-**4. Construction
-Te c h no l o g i e s**
-    4.1. API Design and
-    Use
-       c7
-4.2. Object-Oriented
-Runtime Issues
-c6, c7
-and Generics
-4.4. Assertions,
-Design by Contract,
-and Defensive
-c8, c9
-4.5. Error Handling,
-Exception Handling,
-and Fault Tolerance
-c3, c8
-4.6. Executable
-4.7. State-Based
-and Table-Driven
-Te c h n i q u e s
-4.8. Runtime
-Configuration and
-c3, c10
-4.9. Grammar-Based
-Input Processing
-c5 c8
-Software Construction 3-15
-McConnell 2004
-##### [1*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [2*]
-Clements et al. 2010
-##### [3*]
-Gamma et al. 1994
-##### [4*]
-Mellor and Balcer 2002
-##### [5*]
-Null and Lobur 2006
-##### [6*]
-Silberschatz et al. 2008
-##### [7*]
-4.10. Concurrency
-4.11. Middleware c1 c8
-4.12. Construction
-Methods for
-Distributed Software
-4.13. Constructing
-4.14. Performance
-Analysis and Tuning
-c25, c26
-4.15. Platform
-c10 c1
-4.16. Test-First
-**5. Construction Tools**
-5.1. Development
-5.2. GUI Builders c30
-5.3. Unit Testing
-To ol s
-c22 c8
-5.4. Profiling,
-Analysis, and
-Sl i c i n g To ol s
-c25, c26
-**3-16** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-_IEEE Std. 1517-2010 Standard for Information
-Technology—System and Software Life
-Cycle Processes—Reuse Processes_ , IEEE,
-2010 [8].
-This standard specifies the processes, activities,
-and tasks to be applied during each phase of the
-software life cycle to enable a software product
-to be constructed from reusable assets. It covers
-the concept of reuse-based development and the
-processes of construction for reuse and construc-
-tion with reuse.
-_IEEE Std. 12207-2008 (a.k.a. ISO/IEC
-12207:2008) Standard for Systems and
-Software Engineering—Software Life Cycle
-Processes_ , IEEE, 2008 [9].
-This standard defines a series of software devel-
-opment processes, including software construc-
-tion process, software integration process, and
-software reuse process.
-[1*] S. McConnell, Code Complete , 2nd ed.,
-Microsoft Press, 2004.
-[2*] I. Sommerville, Software Engineering , 9th
-ed., Addison-Wesley, 2011.
-[3*] P. Clements et al., Documenting Software
-Architectures: Views and Beyond , 2nd ed.,
-Pearson Education, 2010.
-[4*] E. Gamma et al., Design Patterns: Elements
-of Reusable Object-Oriented Software , 1st
-ed., Addison-Wesley Professional, 1994.
-[5*] S.J. Mellor and M.J. Balcer, Executable
-UML: A Foundation for Model-Driven
-Architecture , 1st ed., Addison-Wesley,
-[6*] L. Null and J. Lobur, The Essentials of
-Computer Organization and Architecture ,
-2nd ed., Jones and Bartlett Publishers,
-[7*] A. Silberschatz, P.B. Galvin, and G. Gagne,
-Operating System Concepts , 8th ed., Wiley,
-[8] IEEE Std. 1517-2010 Standard for
-Information Technology—System and
-Software Life Cycle Processes—Reuse
-Processes , IEEE, 2010.
-[9] IEEE Std. 12207-2008 (a.k.a. ISO/IEC
-12207:2008) Standard for Systems and
-Software Engineering—Software Life Cycle
-Processes , IEEE, 2008.
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-**CHAPTER 4**
-API Application Program Interface
-TDD Test-Driven Development
-Testing and Test Control Notation
-Version 3
-XP Extreme Programming
-Software testing consists of the _dynamic_ verifica-
-tion that a program provides _expected_ behaviors
-on a _finite_ set of test cases, suitably _selected_ from
-the usually infinite execution domain.
-In the above definition, italicized words cor-
-respond to key issues in describing the Software
-Testing knowledge area (KA):
-- _Dynamic:_ This term means that testing
-    always implies executing the program on
-    selected inputs. To be precise, the input
-    value alone is not always sufficient to spec-
-    ify a test, since a complex, nondeterministic
-    system might react to the same input with
-    different behaviors, depending on the system
-    state. In this KA, however, the term “input”
-    will be maintained, with the implied conven-
-    tion that its meaning also includes a speci-
-    fied input state in those cases for which it
-    is important. Static techniques are different
-    from and complementary to dynamic testing.
-    Static techniques are covered in the Software
-    Quality KA. It is worth noting that terminol-
-    ogy is not uniform among different commu-
-    nities and some use the term “testing” also in
-    reference to static techniques.
-- _Finite:_ Even in simple programs, so many test
-    cases are theoretically possible that exhaus-
-    tive testing could require months or years to
-execute. This is why, in practice, a complete
-set of tests can generally be considered infi-
-nite, and testing is conducted on a subset of
-all possible tests, which is determined by risk
-and prioritization criteria. Testing always
-implies a tradeoff between limited resources
-and schedules on the one hand and inherently
-unlimited test requirements on the other.
-- _Selected:_ The many proposed test tech-
-    niques differ essentially in how the test set
-    is selected, and software engineers must be
-    aware that different selection criteria may
-    yield vastly different degrees of effective-
-    ness. How to identify the most suitable
-    selection criterion under given conditions is
-    a complex problem; in practice, risk analysis
-    techniques and software engineering exper-
-    tise are applied.
-- _Expected:_ It must be possible, although not
-    always easy, to decide whether the observed
-    outcomes of program testing are acceptable
-    or not; otherwise, the testing effort is use-
-    less. The observed behavior may be checked
-    against user needs (commonly referred to
-    as testing for validation), against a speci-
-    fication (testing for verification), or, per-
-    haps, against the anticipated behavior from
-    implicit requirements or expectations (see
-    Acceptance Tests in the Software Require-
-    ments KA).
-In recent years, the view of software testing
-has matured into a constructive one. Testing is
-no longer seen as an activity that starts only after
-the coding phase is complete with the limited
-purpose of detecting failures. Software testing
-is, or should be, pervasive throughout the entire
-development and maintenance life cycle. Indeed,
-planning for software testing should start with the
-early stages of the software requirements process,
-**4-2** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-and test plans and procedures should be system-
-atically and continuously developed—and possi-
-bly refined—as software development proceeds.
-These test planning and test designing activities
-provide useful input for software designers and
-help to highlight potential weaknesses, such as
-design oversights/contradictions, or omissions/
-ambiguities in the documentation.
-For many organizations, the approach to soft-
-ware quality is one of prevention: it is obviously
-much better to prevent problems than to correct
-them. Testing can be seen, then, as a means for
-providing information about the functionality
-and quality attributes of the software and also
-for identifying faults in those cases where error
-prevention has not been effective. It is perhaps
-obvious but worth recognizing that software can
-still contain faults, even after completion of an
-extensive testing activity. Software failures expe-
-rienced after delivery are addressed by corrective
-maintenance. Software maintenance topics are
-covered in the Software Maintenance KA.
-In the Software Quality KA (see Software Qual-
-ity Management Techniques), software quality
-management techniques are notably categorized
-into static techniques (no code execution) and
-Figure 4.1. Breakdown of Topics for the Software Testing KA
-Software Testing 4-3
-dynamic techniques (code execution). Both cat-
-egories are useful. This KA focuses on dynamic
-Software testing is also related to software
-construction (see Construction Testing in the
-Software Construction KA). In particular, unit
-and integration testing are intimately related to
-software construction, if not part of it.
-The breakdown of topics for the Software Test-
-ing KA is shown in Figure 4.1. A more detailed
-breakdown is provided in the Matrix of Topics
-vs. Reference Material at the end of this KA.
-The first topic describes Software Testing Fun-
-damentals. It covers the basic definitions in the
-field of software testing, the basic terminology
-and key issues, and software testing’s relation-
-ship with other activities.
-The second topic, Test Levels, consists of two
-(orthogonal) subtopics: the first subtopic lists the
-levels in which the testing of large software is
-traditionally subdivided, and the second subtopic
-considers testing for specific conditions or prop-
-erties and is referred to as Objectives of Testing.
-Not all types of testing apply to every software
-product, nor has every possible type been listed.
-The test target and test objective together
-determine how the test set is identified, both with
-regard to its consistency— _how much testing is
-enough for achieving the stated objective_ —and
-to its composition— _which test cases should
-be selected for achieving the stated objective_
-(although usually “for achieving the stated objec-
-tive” remains implicit and only the first part of the
-two italicized questions above is posed). Criteria
-for addressing the first question are referred to as
-_test adequacy criteria_ , while those addressing the
-second question are the test _selection criteria_.
-Several Test Techniques have been developed
-in the past few decades, and new ones are still
-being proposed. Generally accepted techniques
-are covered in the third topic.
-Test-Related Measures are dealt with in the
-fourth topic, while the issues relative to Test Pro-
-cess are covered in the fifth. Finally, Software
-Testing Tools are presented in topic six.
-**1. Software Testing Fundamentals**
-1.1. Testing-Related Terminology
-1.1.1. Definitions of Testing and Related
-[1*, c1, c2] [2*, c8]
-Definitions of testing and testing-related termi-
-nology are provided in the cited references and
-summarized as follows.
-1.1.2. Faults vs. Failures
-[1*, c1s5] [2*, c11]
-Many terms are used in the software engineering
-literature to describe a malfunction: notably fault ,
-failure , and error, among others. This terminol-
-ogy is precisely defined in [3, c2]. It is essential
-to clearly distinguish between the cause of a mal-
-function (for which the term fault will be used
-here) and an undesired effect observed in the sys-
-tem’s delivered service (which will be called a
-failure). Indeed there may well be faults in the
-software that never manifest themselves as fail-
-ures (see Theoretical and Practical Limitations
-of Testing in section 1.2, Key Issues). Thus test-
-ing can reveal failures, but it is the faults that can
-and must be removed [3]. The more generic term
-defect can be used to refer to either a fault or a
-failure, when the distinction is not important [3].
-However, it should be recognized that the cause
-of a failure cannot always be unequivocally iden-
-tified. No theoretical criteria exist to definitively
-determine, in general, the fault that caused an
-observed failure. It might be said that it was the
-fault that had to be modified to remove the failure,
-but other modifications might have worked just
-as well. To avoid ambiguity, one could refer to
-failure-causing inputs instead of faults—that is,
-those sets of inputs that cause a failure to appear.
-1.2. Key Issues
-1.2.1. Test Selection Criteria / Test Adequacy
-Criteria (Stopping Rules)
-[1*, c1s14, c6s6, c12s7]
-A test selection criterion is a means of selecting
-test cases or determining that a set of test cases
-**4-4** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-is sufficient for a specified purpose. Test ade-
-quacy criteria can be used to decide when suf-
-ficient testing will be, or has been accomplished
-[4] (see Termination in section 5.1, Practical
-1.2.2. Testing Effectiveness / Objectives for
-[1*, c11s4, c13s11]
-Testing effectiveness is determined by analyzing
-a set of program executions. Selection of tests to
-be executed can be guided by different objectives:
-it is only in light of the objective pursued that the
-effectiveness of the test set can be evaluated.
-1.2.3. Testing for Defect Discovery
-[1*, c1s14]
-In testing for defect discovery, a successful test
-is one that causes the system to fail. This is quite
-different from testing to demonstrate that the
-software meets its specifications or other desired
-properties, in which case testing is successful if
-no failures are observed under realistic test cases
-and test environments.
-1.2.4. The Oracle Problem
-[1*, c1s9, c9s7]
-An oracle is any human or mechanical agent that
-decides whether a program behaved correctly
-in a given test and accordingly results in a ver-
-dict of “pass” or “fail.” There exist many differ-
-ent kinds of oracles; for example, unambiguous
-requirements specifications, behavioral models,
-and code annotations. Automation of mechanized
-oracles can be difficult and expensive.
-1.2.5. Theoretical and Practical Limitations of
-[1*, c2s7]
-Testing theory warns against ascribing an unjusti-
-fied level of confidence to a series of successful
-tests. Unfortunately, most established results of
-testing theory are negative ones, in that they state
-what testing can never achieve as opposed to what
-is actually achieved. The most famous quotation
-in this regard is the Dijkstra aphorism that “pro-
-gram testing can be used to show the presence of
-bugs, but never to show their absence” [5]. The
-obvious reason for this is that complete testing is
-not feasible in realistic software. Because of this,
-testing must be driven based on risk [6, part 1]
-and can be seen as a risk management strategy.
-1.2.6. The Problem of Infeasible Paths
-[1*, c4s7]
-Infeasible paths are control flow paths that cannot
-be exercised by any input data. They are a signifi-
-cant problem in path-based testing, particularly
-in automated derivation of test inputs to exercise
-control flow paths.
-1.2.7. Testability
-[1*, c17s2]
-The term “software testability” has two related
-but different meanings: on the one hand, it refers
-to the ease with which a given test coverage
-criterion can be satisfied; on the other hand, it
-is defined as the likelihood, possibly measured
-statistically, that a set of test cases will expose
-a failure if the software is faulty. Both meanings
-are important.
-1.3. Relationship of Testing to Other Activities
-Software testing is related to, but different from,
-static software quality management techniques,
-proofs of correctness, debugging, and program
-construction. However, it is informative to con-
-sider testing from the point of view of software
-quality analysts and of certifiers.
-- Testing vs. Static Software Quality Man-
-    agement Techniques (see Software Quality
-    Management Techniques in the Software
-    Quality KA [1*, c12]).
-- Testing vs. Correctness Proofs and Formal
-    Verification (see the Software Engineering
-    Models and Methods KA [1*, c17s2]).
-- Testing vs. Debugging (see Construction
-    Testing in the Software Construction KA
-    and Debugging Tools and Techniques in the
-    Computing Foundations KA [1*, c3s6]).
-Software Testing 4-5
-- Testing vs. Program Construction (see Con-
-    struction Testing in the Software Construc-
-    tion KA [1*, c3s2]).
-**2. Test Levels**
-Software testing is usually performed at differ-
-ent _levels_ throughout the development and main-
-tenance processes. Levels can be distinguished
-based on the object of testing, which is called
-the _target_ , or on the purpose, which is called the
-_objective_ (of the test level).
-_2.1. The Target of the Test_
-[1*, c1s13] [2*, c8s1]
-The target of the test can vary: a single module, a
-group of such modules (related by purpose, use,
-behavior, or structure), or an entire system. Three
-test stages can be distinguished: unit, integra-
-tion, and system. These three test stages do not
-imply any process model, nor is any one of them
-assumed to be more important than the other two.
-2.1.1. Unit Testing
-[1*, c3] [2*, c8]
-Unit testing verifies the functioning in isolation
-of software elements that are separately testable.
-Depending on the context, these could be the
-individual subprograms or a larger component
-made of highly cohesive units. Typically, unit
-testing occurs with access to the code being tested
-and with the support of debugging tools. The pro-
-grammers who wrote the code typically, but not
-always, conduct unit testing.
-2.1.2. Integration Testing
-[1*, c7] [2*, c8]
-Integration testing is the process of verifying the
-interactions among software components. Clas-
-sical integration testing strategies, such as top-
-down and bottom-up, are often used with hierar-
-chically structured software.
-Modern, systematic integration strategies are
-typically architecture-driven, which involves
-incrementally integrating the software com-
-ponents or subsystems based on identified
-functional threads. Integration testing is often an
-ongoing activity at each stage of development
-during which software engineers abstract away
-lower-level perspectives and concentrate on the
-perspectives of the level at which they are inte-
-grating. For other than small, simple software,
-incremental integration testing strategies are usu-
-ally preferred to putting all of the components
-together at once—which is often called “big
-bang” testing.
-2.1.3. System Testing
-[1*, c8] [2*, c8]
-System testing is concerned with testing the
-behavior of an entire system. Effective unit and
-integration testing will have identified many of
-the software defects. System testing is usually
-considered appropriate for assessing the non-
-functional system requirements—such as secu-
-rity, speed, accuracy, and reliability (see Func-
-tional and Non-Functional Requirements in the
-Software Requirements KA and Software Qual-
-ity Requirements in the Software Quality KA).
-External interfaces to other applications, utilities,
-hardware devices, or the operating environments
-are also usually evaluated at this level.
-2.2. Objectives of Testing
-[1*, c1s7]
-Testing is conducted in view of specific objec-
-tives, which are stated more or less explicitly
-and with varying degrees of precision. Stating
-the objectives of testing in precise, quantitative
-terms supports measurement and control of the
-test process.
-Testing can be aimed at verifying different prop-
-erties. Test cases can be designed to check that
-the functional specifications are correctly imple-
-mented, which is variously referred to in the lit-
-erature as conformance testing, correctness test-
-ing, or functional testing. However, several other
-nonfunctional properties may be tested as well—
-including performance, reliability, and usabil-
-ity, among many others (see Models and Quality
-Characteristics in the Software Quality KA).
-Other important objectives for testing include
-but are not limited to reliability measurement,
-**4-6** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-identification of security vulnerabilities, usability
-evaluation, and software acceptance, for which
-different approaches would be taken. Note that,
-in general, the test objectives vary with the test
-target; different purposes are addressed at differ-
-ent levels of testing.
-The subtopics listed below are those most
-often cited in the literature. Note that some kinds
-of testing are more appropriate for custom-made
-software packages—installation testing, for
-example—and others for consumer products, like
-beta testing.
-2.2.1. Acceptance / Qualification Testing
-[1*, c1s7] [2*, c8s4]
-Acceptance / qualification testing determines
-whether a system satisfies its acceptance criteria,
-usually by checking desired system behaviors
-against the customer’s requirements. The cus-
-tomer or a customer’s representative thus speci-
-fies or directly undertakes activities to check
-that their requirements have been met, or in the
-case of a consumer product, that the organization
-has satisfied the stated requirements for the tar-
-get market. This testing activity may or may not
-involve the developers of the system.
-2.2.2. Installation Testing
-[1*, c12s2]
-Often, after completion of system and acceptance
-testing, the software is verified upon installation
-in the target environment. Installation testing can
-be viewed as system testing conducted in the
-operational environment of hardware configura-
-tions and other operational constraints. Installa-
-tion procedures may also be verified.
-2.2.3. Alpha and Beta Testing
-[1*, c13s7, c16s6] [2*, c8s4]
-Before software is released, it is sometimes given
-to a small, selected group of potential users for
-trial use ( _alpha_ testing) and/or to a larger set of
-representative users ( _beta_ testing). These users
-report problems with the product. Alpha and beta
-testing are often uncontrolled and are not always
-referred to in a test plan.
-2.2.4. Reliability Achievement and Evaluation
-[1*, c15] [2*, c15s2]
-Testing improves reliability by identifying and
-correcting faults. In addition, statistical measures
-of reliability can be derived by randomly generat-
-ing test cases according to the operational profile of
-the software (see Operational Profile in section 3.5,
-Usage-Based Techniques). The latter approach is
-called operational testing. Using reliability growth
-models, both objectives can be pursued together
-[3] (see L ife Test, Reliability Evaluation in section
-4.1, Evaluation of the Program under Test).
-2.2.5. Regression Testing
-[1*, c8s11, c13s3]
-According to [7], regression testing is the “selec-
-tive retesting of a system or component to verify
-that modifications have not caused unintended
-effects and that the system or component still
-complies with its specified requirements.” In
-practice, the approach is to show that software
-still passes previously passed tests in a test suite
-(in fact, it is also sometimes referred to as nonre-
-gression testing). For incremental development,
-the purpose of regression testing is to show that
-software behavior is unchanged by incremen-
-tal changes to the software, except insofar as it
-should. In some cases, a tradeoff must be made
-between the assurance given by regression testing
-every time a change is made and the resources
-required to perform the regression tests, which
-can be quite time consuming due to the large
-number of tests that may be executed. Regression
-testing involves selecting, minimizing, and/or
-prioritizing a subset of the test cases in an exist-
-ing test suite [8]. Regression testing can be con-
-ducted at each of the test levels described in sec-
-tion 2.1, The Target of the Test, and may apply to
-functional and nonfunctional testing.
-2.2.6. Performance Testing
-[1*, c8s6]
-Performance testing verifies that the software
-meets the specified performance requirements
-and assesses performance characteristics—for
-instance, capacity and response time.
-Software Testing 4-7
-2.2.7. Security Testing
-[1*, c8s3] [2*, c11s4]
-Security testing is focused on the verification that
-the software is protected from external attacks. In
-particular, security testing verifies the confiden-
-tiality, integrity, and availability of the systems
-and its data. Usually, security testing includes
-verification against misuse and abuse of the soft-
-ware or system (negative testing).
-2.2.8. Stress Testing
-[1*, c8s8]
-Stress testing exercises software at the maximum
-design load, as well as beyond it, with the goal
-of determining the behavioral limits, and to test
-defense mechanisms in critical systems.
-2.2.9. Back-to-Back Testing
-IEEE/ISO/IEC Standard 24765 defines back-to-
-back testing as “testing in which two or more
-variants of a program are executed with the same
-inputs, the outputs are compared, and errors are
-analyzed in case of discrepancies.”
-2.2.10. Recovery Testing
-[1*, c14s2]
-Recovery testing is aimed at verifying software
-restart capabilities after a system crash or other
-2.2.11. Interface Testing
-[2*, c8s1.3] [9*, c4s4.5]
-Interface defects are common in complex sys-
-tems. Interface testing aims at verifying whether
-the components interface correctly to provide the
-correct exchange of data and control informa-
-tion. Usually the test cases are generated from
-the interface specification. A specific objective of
-interface testing is to simulate the use of APIs by
-end-user applications. This involves the genera-
-tion of parameters of the API calls, the setting of
-external environment conditions, and the defini-
-tion of internal data that affect the API.
-2.2.12. Configuration Testing
-[1*, c8s5]
-In cases where software is built to serve different
-users, configuration testing verifies the software
-under different specified configurations.
-2.2.13. Usability and Human Computer Inter-
-action Testing
-[10*, c6]
-The main task of usability and human computer
-interaction testing is to evaluate how easy it is
-for end users to learn and to use the software. In
-general, it may involve testing the software func-
-tions that supports user tasks, documentation that
-aids users, and the ability of the system to recover
-from user errors (see User Interface Design in the
-Software Design KA).
-**3. Test Techniques**
-One of the aims of testing is to detect as many
-failures as possible. Many techniques have been
-developed to do this [6, part 4]. These techniques
-attempt to “break” a program by being as sys-
-tematic as possible in identifying inputs that will
-produce representative program behaviors; for
-instance, by considering subclasses of the input
-domain, scenarios, states, and data flows.
-The classification of testing techniques pre-
-sented here is based on how tests are generated:
-from the software engineer’s intuition and expe-
-rience, the specifications, the code structure, the
-real or imagined faults to be discovered, predicted
-usage, models, or the nature of the application.
-One category deals with the combined use of two
-or more techniques.
-Sometimes these techniques are classified as
-white-box (also called glass-box ), if the tests are
-based on information about how the software has
-been designed or coded, or as black-box if the test
-cases rely only on the input/output behavior of
-the software. The following list includes those
-testing techniques that are commonly used, but
-some practitioners rely on some of the techniques
-more than others.
-**4-8** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-_3.1. Based on the Software Engineer’s Intuition
-and Experience_
-3.1.1. Ad Hoc
-Perhaps the most widely practiced technique is
-ad hoc testing: tests are derived relying on the
-software engineer’s skill, intuition, and experi-
-ence with similar programs. Ad hoc testing can
-be useful for identifying tests cases that not easily
-generated by more formalized techniques.
-3.1.2. Exploratory Testing
-Exploratory testing is defined as simultaneous
-learning, test design, and test execution [6, part
-1]; that is, the tests are not defined in advance
-in an established test plan, but are dynamically
-designed, executed, and modified. The effective-
-ness of exploratory testing relies on the software
-engineer’s knowledge, which can be derived
-from various sources: observed product behavior
-during testing, familiarity with the application,
-the platform, the failure process, the type of pos-
-sible faults and failures, the risk associated with a
-particular product, and so on.
-_3.2. Input Domain-Based Techniques_
-3.2.1. Equivalence Partitioning
-[1*, c9s4]
-Equivalence partitioning involves partitioning the
-input domain into a collection of subsets (or equiv-
-alent classes) based on a specified criterion or rela-
-tion. This criterion or relation may be different
-computational results, a relation based on control
-flow or data flow, or a distinction made between
-valid inputs that are accepted and processed by the
-system and invalid inputs, such as out of range val-
-ues, that are not accepted and should generate an
-error message or initiate error processing. A repre-
-sentative set of tests (sometimes only one) is usu-
-ally taken from each equivalency class.
-3.2.2. Pairwise Testing
-[1*, c9s3]
-Test cases are derived by combining interesting
-values for every pair of a set of input variables
-instead of considering all possible combinations.
-Pairwise testing belongs to combinatorial testing ,
-which in general also includes higher-level com-
-binations than pairs: these techniques are referred
-to as t-wise , whereby every possible combination
-of t input variables is considered.
-3.2.3. Boundary-Value Analysis
-[1*, c9s5]
-Test cases are chosen on or near the boundaries of
-the input domain of variables, with the underly-
-ing rationale that many faults tend to concentrate
-near the extreme values of inputs. An extension of
-this technique is robustness testing, wherein test
-cases are also chosen outside the input domain of
-variables to test program robustness in processing
-unexpected or erroneous inputs.
-3.2.4. Random Testing
-[1*, c9s7]
-Tests are generated purely at random (not to be
-confused with statistical testing from the opera-
-tional profile, as described in Operational Profile
-in section 3.5). This form of testing falls under the
-heading of input domain testing since the input
-domain must be known in order to be able to pick
-random points within it. Random testing provides
-a relatively simple approach for test automation;
-recently, enhanced forms of random testing have
-been proposed in which the random input sam-
-pling is directed by other input selection criteria
-[11]. Fuzz testing or fuzzing is a special form of
-random testing aimed at breaking the software; it
-is most often used for security testing.
-3.3. Code-Based Techniques
-3.3.1. Control Flow-Based Criteria
-[1*, c4]
-Control flow-based coverage criteria are aimed
-at covering all the statements, blocks of state-
-ments, or specified combinations of statements
-in a program. The strongest of the control flow-
-based criteria is path testing, which aims to
-execute all entry-to-exit control flow paths in a
-program’s control flow graph. Since exhaustive
-path testing is generally not feasible because of
-Software Testing 4-9
-loops, other less stringent criteria focus on cov-
-erage of paths that limit loop iterations such as
-statement coverage, branch coverage, and con-
-dition/decision testing. The adequacy of such
-tests is measured in percentages; for example,
-when all branches have been executed at least
-once by the tests, 100% branch coverage has
-been achieved.
-3.3.2. Data Flow-Based Criteria
-[1*, c5]
-In data flow-based testing, the control flow graph
-is annotated with information about how the
-program variables are defined, used, and killed
-(undefined). The strongest criterion, all defini-
-tion-use paths, requires that, for each variable,
-every control flow path segment from a defini-
-tion of that variable to a use of that definition is
-executed. In order to reduce the number of paths
-required, weaker strategies such as all-definitions
-and all-uses are employed.
-3.3.3. Reference Models for Code-Based
-[1*, c4]
-Although not a technique in itself, the control
-structure of a program can be graphically rep-
-resented using a flow graph to visualize code-
-based testing techniques. A flow graph is a
-directed graph, the nodes and arcs of which cor-
-respond to program elements (see Graphs and
-Trees in the Mathematical Foundations KA).
-For instance, nodes may represent statements or
-uninterrupted sequences of statements, and arcs
-may represent the transfer of control between
-_3.4. Fault-Based Techniques_
-[1*, c1s14]
-With different degrees of formalization, fault-
-based testing techniques devise test cases spe-
-cifically aimed at revealing categories of likely
-or predefined faults. To better focus the test case
-generation or selection, a _fault model_ can be
-introduced that classifies the different types of
-3.4.1. Error Guessing
-[1*, c9s8]
-In error guessing, test cases are specifically
-designed by software engineers who try to antici-
-pate the most plausible faults in a given program.
-A good source of information is the history of
-faults discovered in earlier projects, as well as the
-software engineer’s expertise.
-3.4.2. Mutation Testing
-[1*, c3s5]
-A mutant is a slightly modified version of the
-program under test, differing from it by a small
-syntactic change. Every test case exercises both
-the original program and all generated mutants:
-if a test case is successful in identifying the dif-
-ference between the program and a mutant, the
-latter is said to be “killed.” Originally conceived
-as a technique to evaluate test sets (see section
-4.2. Evaluation of the Tests Performed), muta-
-tion testing is also a testing criterion in itself:
-either tests are randomly generated until enough
-mutants have been killed, or tests are specifically
-designed to kill surviving mutants. In the latter
-case, mutation testing can also be categorized as
-a code-based technique. The underlying assump-
-tion of mutation testing, the coupling effect,
-is that by looking for simple syntactic faults,
-more complex but real faults will be found. For
-the technique to be effective, a large number of
-mutants must be automatically generated and
-executed in a systematic way [12].
-3.5. Usage-Based Techniques
-3.5.1. Operational Profile
-[1*, c15s5]
-In testing for reliability evaluation (also called
-operational testing), the test environment repro-
-duces the operational environment of the soft-
-ware, or the operational profile , as closely as
-possible. The goal is to infer from the observed
-test results the future reliability of the software
-when in actual use. To do this, inputs are assigned
-probabilities, or profiles, according to their fre-
-quency of occurrence in actual operation. Opera-
-tional profiles can be used during system testing
-**4-10** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-to guide derivation of test cases that will assess
-the achievement of reliability objectives and
-exercise relative usage and criticality of different
-functions similar to what will be encountered in
-the operational environment [3].
-3.5.2. User Observation Heuristics
-[10*, c5, c7]
-Usability principles can provide guidelines for dis-
-covering problems in the design of the user inter-
-face [10*, c1s4] (see User Interface Design in the
-Software Design KA). Specialized heuristics, also
-called usability inspection methods, are applied
-for the systematic observation of system usage
-under controlled conditions in order to deter-
-mine how well people can use the system and its
-interfaces. Usability heuristics include cognitive
-walkthroughs, claims analysis, field observations,
-thinking aloud, and even indirect approaches such
-as user questionnaires and interviews.
-_3.6. Model-Based Testing Techniques_
-A model in this context is an abstract (formal)
-representation of the software under test or of
-its software requirements (see Modeling in the
-Software Engineering Models and Methods KA).
-Model-based testing is used to validate require-
-ments, check their consistency, and generate test
-cases focused on the behavioral aspects of the
-software. The key components of model-based
-testing are [13]: the notation used to represent the
-model of the software or its requirements; work-
-flow models or similar models; the test strategy
-or algorithm used for test case generation; the
-supporting infrastructure for the test execution;
-and the evaluation of test results compared to
-expected results. Due to the complexity of the
-techniques, model-based testing approaches
-are often used in conjunction with test automa-
-tion harnesses. Model-based testing techniques
-include the following.
-3.6.1. Decision Tables
-[1*, c9s6]
-Decision tables represent logical relationships
-between conditions (roughly, inputs) and actions
-(roughly, outputs). Test cases are systematically
-derived by considering every possible combina-
-tion of conditions and their corresponding resul-
-tant actions. A related technique is cause-effect
-graphing [1*, c13s6].
-3.6.2. Finite-State Machines
-[1*, c10]
-By modeling a program as a finite state machine,
-tests can be selected in order to cover the states
-and transitions.
-3.6.3. Formal Specifications
-[1*, c10s11] [2*, c15]
-Stating the specifications in a formal language
-(see Formal Methods in the Software Engineer-
-ing Models and Methods KA) permits automatic
-derivation of functional test cases, and, at the
-same time, provides an oracle for checking test
-TTCN3 (Testing and Test Control Notation
-version 3) is a language developed for writing test
-cases. The notation was conceived for the specific
-needs of testing telecommunication systems, so it
-is particularly suitable for testing complex com-
-munication protocols.
-3.6.4. Workflow Models
-[2*, c8s3.2, c19s3.1]
-Workflow models specify a sequence of activi-
-ties performed by humans and/or software appli-
-cations, usually represented through graphical
-notations. Each sequence of actions constitutes
-one workflow (also called a scenario). Both typi-
-cal and alternate workflows should be tested [6,
-part 4]. A special focus on the roles in a work-
-flow specification is targeted in business process
-3.7. Techniques Based on the Nature of the
-The above techniques apply to all kinds of soft-
-ware. Additional techniques for test derivation
-and execution are based on the nature of the soft-
-ware being tested; for example,
-Software Testing 4-11
-- object-oriented software
-- component-based software
-- web-based software
-- concurrent programs
-- protocol-based software
-- real-time systems
-- safety-critical systems
-- service-oriented software
-- open-source software
-- embedded software
-_3.8. Selecting and Combining Techniques_
-3.8.1. Combining Functional and Structural
-[1*, c9]
-Model-based and code-based test techniques
-are often contrasted as functional vs. structural
-testing. These two approaches to test selection
-are not to be seen as alternatives but rather as
-complements; in fact, they use different sources
-of information and have been shown to high-
-light different kinds of problems. They could be
-used in combination, depending on budgetary
-3.8.2. Deterministic vs. Random
-[1*, c9s6]
-Test cases can be selected in a deterministic way,
-according to one of many techniques, or ran-
-domly drawn from some distribution of inputs,
-such as is usually done in reliability testing. Sev-
-eral analytical and empirical comparisons have
-been conducted to analyze the conditions that
-make one approach more effective than the other.
-**4. Test-Related Measures**
-Sometimes testing techniques are confused with
-testing objectives. Testing techniques can be
-viewed as aids that help to ensure the achieve-
-ment of test objectives [6, part 4]. For instance,
-branch coverage is a popular testing technique.
-Achieving a specified branch coverage measure
-(e.g., 95% branch coverage) should not be the
-objective of testing per se: it is a way of improv-
-ing the chances of finding failures by attempting
-to systematically exercise every program branch
-at every decision point. To avoid such misun-
-derstandings, a clear distinction should be made
-between test-related measures that provide an
-evaluation of the program under test, based on
-the observed test outputs, and the measures that
-evaluate the thoroughness of the test set. (See
-Software Engineering Measurement in the Soft-
-ware Engineering Management KA for informa-
-tion on measurement programs. See Software
-Process and Product Measurement in the Soft-
-ware Engineering Process KA for information on
-Measurement is usually considered fundamen-
-tal to quality analysis. Measurement may also be
-used to optimize the planning and execution of
-the tests. Test management can use several differ-
-ent process measures to monitor progress. (See
-section 5.1, Practical Considerations, for a dis-
-cussion of measures of the testing process useful
-for management purposes.)
-4.1. Evaluation of the Program Under Test
-4.1.1. Program Measurements That Aid in
-Planning and Designing Tests
-[9*, c11]
-Measures based on software size (for example,
-source lines of code or functional size; see Mea-
-suring Requirements in the Software Require-
-ments KA) or on program structure can be used
-to guide testing. Structural measures also include
-measurements that determine the frequency with
-which modules call one another.
-4.1.2. Fault Types, Classification, and
-[9*, c4]
-The testing literature is rich in classifications and
-taxonomies of faults. To make testing more effec-
-tive, it is important to know which types of faults
-may be found in the software under test and the
-relative frequency with which these faults have
-occurred in the past. This information can be use-
-ful in making quality predictions as well as in
-process improvement (see Defect Characteriza-
-tion in the Software Quality KA).
-**4-12** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-4.1.3. Fault Density
-[1*, c13s4] [9*, c4]
-A program under test can be evaluated by counting
-discovered faults as the ratio between the number
-of faults found and the size of the program.
-4.1.4. Life Test, Reliability Evaluation
-[1*, c15] [9*, c3]
-A statistical estimate of software reliability,
-which can be obtained by observing reliabil-
-ity achieved, can be used to evaluate a software
-product and decide whether or not testing can be
-stopped (see section 2.2, Reliability Achievement
-and Evaluation).
-4.1.5. Reliability Growth Models
-[1*, c15] [9*, c8]
-Reliability growth models provide a prediction of
-reliability based on failures. They assume, in gen-
-eral, that when the faults that caused the observed
-failures have been fixed (although some models
-also accept imperfect fixes), the estimated prod-
-uct’s reliability exhibits, on average, an increasing
-trend. There are many published reliability growth
-models. Notably, these models are divided into
-_failure-count_ and _time-between-failure_ models.
-_4.2. Evaluation of the Tests Performed_
-4.2.1. Coverage / Thoroughness Measures
-[9*, c11]
-Several test adequacy criteria require that the test
-cases systematically exercise a set of elements
-identified in the program or in the specifications
-(see topic 3, Test Techniques). To evaluate the
-thoroughness of the executed tests, software engi-
-neers can monitor the elements covered so that
-they can dynamically measure the ratio between
-covered elements and the total number. For exam-
-ple, it is possible to measure the percentage of
-branches covered in the program flow graph or the
-percentage of functional requirements exercised
-among those listed in the specifications document.
-Code-based adequacy criteria require appropriate
-instrumentation of the program under test.
-4.2.2. Fault Seeding
-[1*, c2s5] [9*, c6]
-In fault seeding, some faults are artificially intro-
-duced into a program before testing. When the
-tests are executed, some of these seeded faults will
-be revealed as well as, possibly, some faults that
-were already there. In theory, depending on which
-and how many of the artificial faults are discov-
-ered, testing effectiveness can be evaluated and the
-remaining number of genuine faults can be esti-
-mated. In practice, statisticians question the dis-
-tribution and representativeness of seeded faults
-relative to genuine faults and the small sample size
-on which any extrapolations are based. Some also
-argue that this technique should be used with great
-care since inserting faults into software involves
-the obvious risk of leaving them there.
-4.2.3. Mutation Score
-[1*, c3s5]
-In mutation testing (see Mutation Testing in sec-
-tion 3.4, Fault-Based Techniques), the ratio of
-killed mutants to the total number of generated
-mutants can be a measure of the effectiveness of
-the executed test set.
-4.2.4. Comparison and Relative Effectiveness
-of Different Techniques
-Several studies have been conducted to com-
-pare the relative effectiveness of different testing
-techniques. It is important to be precise as to the
-property against which the techniques are being
-assessed; what, for instance, is the exact meaning
-given to the term “effectiveness”? Possible inter-
-pretations include the number of tests needed to
-find the first failure, the ratio of the number of
-faults found through testing to all the faults found
-during and after testing, and how much reliabil-
-ity was improved. Analytical and empirical com-
-parisons between different techniques have been
-conducted according to each of the notions of
-effectiveness specified above.
-**5. Test Process**
-Testing concepts, strategies, techniques, and mea-
-sures need to be integrated into a defined and
-Software Testing 4-13
-controlled process. The test process supports test-
-ing activities and provides guidance to testers and
-testing teams, from test planning to test output
-evaluation, in such a way as to provide assurance
-that the test objectives will be met in a cost-effec-
-tive way.
-_5.1. Practical Considerations_
-5.1.1. Attitudes / Egoless Programming
-[1*c16] [9*, c15]
-An important element of successful testing is a
-collaborative attitude towards testing and quality
-assurance activities. Managers have a key role in
-fostering a generally favorable reception towards
-failure discovery and correction during software
-development and maintenance; for instance, by
-overcoming the mindset of individual code own-
-ership among programmers and by promoting a
-collaborative environment with team responsibil-
-ity for anomalies in the code.
-5.1.2. Test Guides
-[1*, c12s1] [9*, c15s1]
-The testing phases can be guided by various
-aims—for example, risk-based testing uses the
-product risks to prioritize and focus the test strat-
-egy, and scenario-based testing defines test cases
-based on specified software scenarios.
-5.1.3. Test Process Management
-[1*, c12] [9*, c15]
-Test activities conducted at different levels (see
-topic 2, Test Levels) must be organized—together
-with people, tools, policies, and measures—into a
-well-defined process that is an integral part of the
-life cycle.
-5.1.4. Test Documentation and Work Products
-[1*, c8s12] [9*, c4s5]
-Documentation is an integral part of the formaliza-
-tion of the test process [6, part 3]. Test documents
-may include, among others, the test plan, test
-design specification, test procedure specification,
-test case specification, test log, and test incident
-report. The software under test is documented as
-the test item. Test documentation should be pro-
-duced and continually updated to the same level
-of quality as other types of documentation in
-software engineering. Test documentation should
-also be under the control of software configura-
-tion management (see the Software Configuration
-Management KA). Moreover, test documentation
-includes work products that can provide material
-for user manuals and user training.
-5.1.5. Test-Driven Development
-[1*, c1s16]
-Test-driven development (TDD) originated as one
-of the core XP (extreme programming) practices
-and consists of writing unit tests prior to writing
-the code to be tested (see Agile Methods in the
-Software Engineering Models and Method KA).
-In this way, TDD develops the test cases as a sur-
-rogate for a software requirements specification
-document rather than as an independent check
-that the software has correctly implemented the
-requirements. Rather than a testing strategy, TDD
-is a practice that requires software developers to
-define and maintain unit tests; it thus can also
-have a positive impact on elaborating user needs
-and software requirements specifications.
-5.1.6. Internal vs. Independent Test Team
-[1*, c16]
-Formalizing the testing process may also involve
-formalizing the organization of the testing team.
-The testing team can be composed of internal
-members (that is, on the project team, involved or
-not in software construction), of external members
-(in the hope of bringing an unbiased, independent
-perspective), or of both internal and external mem-
-bers. Considerations of cost, schedule, maturity
-levels of the involved organizations, and criticality
-of the application can guide the decision.
-5.1.7. Cost/Effort Estimation and Test Process
-[1*, c18s3] [9*, c5s7]
-Several measures related to the resources spent
-on testing, as well as to the relative fault-finding
-effectiveness of the various test phases, are used
-by managers to control and improve the testing
-**4-14** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-process. These test measures may cover such
-aspects as number of test cases specified, num-
-ber of test cases executed, number of test cases
-passed, and number of test cases failed, among
-Evaluation of test phase reports can be com-
-bined with root-cause analysis to evaluate test-
-process effectiveness in finding faults as early as
-possible. Such an evaluation can be associated
-with the analysis of risks. Moreover, the resources
-that are worth spending on testing should be com-
-mensurate with the use/criticality of the applica-
-tion: different techniques have different costs and
-yield different levels of confidence in product
-5.1.8. Termination
-[9*, c10s4]
-A decision must be made as to how much test-
-ing is enough and when a test stage can be termi-
-nated. Thoroughness measures, such as achieved
-code coverage or functional coverage, as well as
-estimates of fault density or of operational reli-
-ability, provide useful support but are not suffi-
-cient in themselves. The decision also involves
-considerations about the costs and risks incurred
-by possible remaining failures, as opposed to
-the costs incurred by continuing to test (see Test
-Selection Criteria / Test Adequacy Criteria in
-section 1.2, Key Issues).
-5.1.9. Test Reuse and Test Patterns
-[9*, c2s5]
-To carry out testing or maintenance in an orga-
-nized and cost-effective way, the means used to
-test each part of the software should be reused
-systematically. A repository of test materials
-should be under the control of software con-
-figuration management so that changes to soft-
-ware requirements or design can be reflected in
-changes to the tests conducted.
-The test solutions adopted for testing some
-application types under certain circumstances,
-with the motivations behind the decisions taken,
-form a test pattern that can itself be documented
-for later reuse in similar projects.
-5.2. Test Activities
-As shown in the following description, successful
-management of test activities strongly depends
-on the software configuration management pro-
-cess (see the Software Configuration Manage-
-ment KA).
-5.2.1. Planning
-[1*, c12s1, c12s8]
-Like all other aspects of project management,
-testing activities must be planned. Key aspects
-of test planning include coordination of person-
-nel, availability of test facilities and equipment,
-creation and maintenance of all test-related docu-
-mentation, and planning for possible undesir-
-able outcomes. If more than one baseline of the
-software is being maintained, then a major plan-
-ning consideration is the time and effort needed
-to ensure that the test environment is set to the
-proper configuration.
-5.2.2. Test-Case Generation
-[1*, c12s1, c12s3]
-Generation of test cases is based on the level of
-testing to be performed and the particular testing
-techniques. Test cases should be under the con-
-trol of software configuration management and
-include the expected results for each test.
-5.2.3. Test Environment Development
-[1*, c12s6]
-The environment used for testing should be com-
-patible with the other adopted software engi-
-neering tools. It should facilitate development
-and control of test cases, as well as logging and
-recovery of expected results, scripts, and other
-testing materials.
-5.2.4. Execution
-[1*, c12s7]
-Execution of tests should embody a basic prin-
-ciple of scientific experimentation: everything
-done during testing should be performed and
-documented clearly enough that another person
-Software Testing 4-15
-could replicate the results. Hence, testing should
-be performed in accordance with documented
-procedures using a clearly defined version of the
-software under test.
-5.2.5. Test Results Evaluation
-[9*, c15]
-The results of testing should be evaluated to
-determine whether or not the testing has been
-successful. In most cases, “successful” means
-that the software performed as expected and did
-not have any major unexpected outcomes. Not
-all unexpected outcomes are necessarily faults
-but are sometime determined to be simply noise.
-Before a fault can be removed, an analysis and
-debugging effort is needed to isolate, identify,
-and describe it. When test results are particularly
-important, a formal review board may be con-
-vened to evaluate them.
-5.2.6. Problem Reporting / Test Log
-[1*, c13s9]
-Testing activities can be entered into a testing
-log to identify when a test was conducted, who
-performed the test, what software configuration
-was used, and other relevant identification infor-
-mation. Unexpected or incorrect test results can
-be recorded in a problem reporting system, the
-data for which forms the basis for later debug-
-ging and fixing the problems that were observed
-as failures during testing. Also, anomalies not
-classified as faults could be documented in case
-they later turn out to be more serious than first
-thought. Test reports are also inputs to the change
-management request process (see Software Con-
-figuration Control in the Software Configuration
-Management KA).
-5.2.7. Defect Tracking
-[9*, c9]
-Defects can be tracked and analyzed to determine
-when they were introduced into the software,
-why they were created (for example, poorly
-defined requirements, incorrect variable declara-
-tion, memory leak, programming syntax error),
-and when they could have been first observed in
-the software. Defect tracking information is used
-to determine what aspects of software testing
-and other processes need improvement and how
-effective previous approaches have been.
-**6. Software Testing Tools**
-6.1. Testing Tool Support
-[1*, c12s11] [9*, c5]
-Testing requires many labor-intensive tasks, run-
-ning numerous program executions, and handling
-a great amount of information. Appropriate tools
-can alleviate the burden of clerical, tedious opera-
-tions and make them less error-prone. Sophisti-
-cated tools can support test design and test case
-generation, making it more effective.
-6.1.1. Selecting Tools
-[1*, c12s11]
-Guidance to managers and testers on how to select
-testing tools that will be most useful to their orga-
-nization and processes is a very important topic,
-as tool selection greatly affects testing efficiency
-and effectiveness. Tool selection depends on
-diverse evidence, such as development choices,
-evaluation objectives, execution facilities, and so
-on. In general, there may not be a unique tool that
-will satisfy particular needs, so a suite of tools
-could be an appropriate choice.
-6.2. Categories of Tools
-We categorize the available tools according to
-their functionality:
-- _Test harnesses_ (drivers, stubs) [1*, c3s9]
-    provide a controlled environment in which
-    tests can be launched and the test outputs can
-    be logged. In order to execute parts of a pro-
-    gram, drivers and stubs are provided to simu-
-    late calling and called modules, respectively.
-- _Test generators_ [1*, c12s11] provide assis-
-    tance in the generation test cases. The gen-
-    eration can be random, path-based, model-
-    based, or a mix thereof.
-- _Capture/replay tools_ [1*, c12s11] auto-
-    matically reexecute, or replay, previously
-**4-16** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-executed tests which have recorded inputs
-and outputs (e.g., screens).
-- _Oracle/file comparators/assertion checking_
-    _tools_ [1*, c9s7] assist in deciding whether a
-    test outcome is successful or not.
-- _Coverage analyzers and instrumenters_ [1*,
-    c4] work together. Coverage analyzers assess
-    which and how many entities of the program
-    flow graph have been exercised amongst all
-    those required by the selected test coverage
-    criterion. The analysis can be done thanks to
-    program instrumenters that insert recording
-    probes into the code.
-       - _Tracers_ [1*, c1s7] record the history of a
-          program’s execution paths.
-       - _Regression testing tools_ [1*, c12s16] support
-          the reexecution of a test suite after a section
-          of software has been modified. They can also
-          help to select a test subset according to the
-          change made.
-       - _Reliability evaluation tools_ [9*, c8] support
-          test results analysis and graphical visualiza-
-          tion in order to assess reliability-related mea-
-          sures according to selected models.
-Software Testing 4-17
-Naik and Tripathy 2008
-##### [1*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [2*]
-Kan 2003
-##### [9*]
-Nielsen 1993
-##### [10*]
-**1. Software Testing Fundamentals**
-    1.1. Testing-Related Terminology
-       1.1.1. Definitions of Testing and
-       Related Terminology
-          c1,c2 c8
-1.1.2. Faults vs. Failures c1s5 c11
-1.2. Key Issues
-1.2.1. Test Selection Criteria /
-Test Adequacy Criteria
-(Stopping Rules)
-c1s14, c6s6,
-1.2.2. Testing Effectiveness /
-Objectives for Testing
-c13s11, c11s4
-1.2.3. Testing for Defect
-1.2.4. The Oracle Problem
-1.2.5. Theoretical and Practical
-Limitations of Testing
-1.2.6. The Problem of Infeasible
-1.2.7. Te s t a b i l i t y c17s2
-1.3. Relationship of Testing to
-Other Activities
-1.3.1. Testing vs. Static
-Software Quality Management
-Te c h n i q u e s
-1.3.2. Testing vs. Correctness
-Proofs and Formal Verification
-1.3.3. Testing vs. Debugging c3s6
-1.3.4. Testing vs. Programming c3s2
-**2. Te s t L e ve l s**
-    2.1. The Target of the Test c1s13 c8s1
-       2.1.1. Unit Testing c3 c8
-       2.1.2. Integration Testing c7 c8
-       2.1.3. System Testing c8 c8
-**4-18** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-Naik and Tripathy 2008
-##### [1*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [2*]
-Kan 2003
-##### [9*]
-Nielsen 1993
-##### [10*]
-2.2. Objectives of Testing c1s7
-2.2.1. Acceptance / Qualification c1s7 c8s4
-2.2.2. Installation Testing c12s2
-2.2.3. Alpha and Beta Testing
-2.2.4. Reliability Achievement
-and Evaluation
-c15 c15s2
-2.2.5. Regression Testing
-2.2.6. Pe r fo r m a n c e Te s t i n g c8s6
-2.2.7. Security Testing c8s3 c11s4
-2.2.8. Stress Testing c8s8
-2.2.9. Back-to-Back Testing
-2.2.10. R e c ove r y Te s t i n g c14s2
-2.2.11. Interface Testing c8s1.3 c4s4.5
-2.2.12. Configuration Testing c8s5
-2.2.13. Usability and Human
-Computer Interaction Testing
-**3. Te s t Te ch n i que s**
-    3.1. Based on the Software
-    Engineer’s Intuition and
-    Experience
-       3.1.1. Ad Hoc
-       3.1.2. Exploratory Testing
-    3.2. Input Domain-Based
-    Te c h n i q u e s
-       3.2.1. Equivalence Partitioning c9s4
-       3.2.2. Pairwise Testing c9s3
-       3.2.3. Boundary-Value Analysis c9s5
-       3.2.4. Random Testing c9s7
-    3.3. Code-Based Techniques
-       3.3.1. Control Flow-Based
-       Criteria
-          c4
-Software Testing 4-19
-Naik and Tripathy 2008
-##### [1*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [2*]
-Kan 2003
-##### [9*]
-Nielsen 1993
-##### [10*]
-3.3.2. Data Flow-Based Criteria c5
-3.3.3. Reference Models for
-Code-Based Testing
-3.4. Fault-Based Techniques c1s14
-3.4.1. Error Guessing c9s8
-3.4.2. Mutation Testing c3s5
-3.5. Usage-Based Techniques
-3.5.1. Operational Profile c15s5
-3.5.2. User Observation
-c5, c7
-3.6. Model-Based Testing
-Te c h n i q u e s
-3.6.1. Decision Table c9s6
-3.6.2. Finite-State Machines c10
-3.6.3. Testing from Formal
-c10 s11 c15
-3.7. Techniques Based on the
-Nature of the Application
-3.8. Selecting and Combining
-Te c h n i q u e s
-3.8.1. Functional and Structural c9
-3.8.2. Deterministic vs. Random c9s6
-**4. Test-Related Measures**
-4.1. Evaluation of the Program
-Under Test
-4.1.1. Program Measurements
-That Aid in Planning and
-Designing Testing
-4.1.2. Fault Types, Classification,
-and Statistics
-4.1.3. Fault Density c13s4 c4
-4.1.4. Life Test, Reliability
-c15 c3
-4.1.5. Reliability Growth Models c15 c8
-**4-20** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-Naik and Tripathy 2008
-##### [1*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [2*]
-Kan 2003
-##### [9*]
-Nielsen 1993
-##### [10*]
-4.2. Evaluation of the Tests
-4.2.1. Coverage / Thoroughness
-4.2.2. Fault Seeding c2s5 c6
-4.2.3. Mutation Score c3s5
-4.2.4. Comparison and Relative
-Effectiveness of Different
-Te c h n i q u e s
-**5. Test Process**
-    5.1. Practical Considerations
-       5.1.1. Attitudes / Egoless
-       Programming
-          c16 c15
-5.1.2. Test Guides c12s1 c15s1
-5.1.3. Test Process Management c12 c15
-5.1.4. Test Documentation and
-Work Products
-c8s12 c4s5
-5.1.5. Test-Driven Development c1s16
-5.1.6. Internal vs. Independent
-Te s t Te a m
-5.1.7. Cost/Effort Estimation and
-Other Process Measures
-c18s3 c5s7
-5.1.8. Termination c10s4
-5.1.9. Test Reuse and Patterns c2s5
-5.2. Test Activities
-5.2.1. Planning
-5.2.2. Test-Case Generation
-5.2.3. Test Environment
-5.2.4. Execution c12s7
-5.2.5. Test Results Evaluation c15
-Software Testing 4-21
-Naik and Tripathy 2008
-##### [1*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [2*]
-Kan 2003
-##### [9*]
-Nielsen 1993
-##### [10*]
-5.2.6. Problem Reporting / Test
-5.2.7. Defect Tracking c9
-**6. Software Testing Tools**
-6.1. Testing Tool Support c12 s11 c5
-6.1.1. Selecting Tools c12 s11
-6.2. Categories of Tools
-c1s7, c3s9,
-c4, c9s7,
-c12 s11,
-**4-22** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-[1*] S. Naik and P. Tripathy, _Software Testing
-and Quality Assurance: Theory and
-Practice_ , Wiley-Spektrum, 2008.
-[2*] I. Sommerville, _Software Engineering_ , 9th
-ed., Addison-Wesley, 2011.
-[3] M.R. Lyu, ed., _Handbook of Software
-Reliability Engineering_ , McGraw-Hill and
-IEEE Computer Society Press, 1996.
-[4] H. Zhu, P.A.V. Hall, and J.H.R. May,
-“Software Unit Test Coverage and
-Adequacy,” _ACM Computing Surveys,_ vol.
-29, no. 4, Dec. 1997, pp. 366–427.
-[5] E.W. Dijkstra, “Notes on Structured
-Programming,” T.H.-Report 70-WSE-03,
-Technological University, Eindhoven, 1970;
-[6] _ISO/IEC/IEEE P29119-1/DIS Draft Standard
-for Software and Systems Engineering—
-Software Testing—Part 1: Concepts and
-Definitions_ , ISO/IEC/IEEE, 2012.
-[7] _ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2010 Systems and
-Software Engineering—Vocabulary_ , ISO/
-IEC/IEEE, 2010.
-[8] S. Yoo and M. Harman, “Regression Testing
-Minimization, Selection and Prioritization:
-A Survey,” Software Testing Verification
-and Reliability, vol. 22, no. 2, Mar. 2012,
-pp. 67–120.
-[9*] S.H. Kan, Metrics and Models in Software
-Quality Engineering , 2nd ed., Addison-
-Wesley, 2002.
-[10*] J. Nielsen, Usability Engineering , Morgan
-Kaufmann, 1993.
-[11] T.Y. Chen et al., “Adaptive Random Testing:
-The ART of Test Case Diversity,” Journal
-of Systems and Software, vol. 83, no. 1, Jan.
-2010, pp. 60–66.
-[12] Y. Jia and M. Harman, “An Analysis
-and Survey of the Development of
-Mutation Testing,” IEEE Trans. Software
-Engineering, vol. 37, no. 5, Sep.–Oct. 2011,
-pp. 649–678.
-[13] M. Utting and B. Legeard, Practical
-Model-Based Testing: A Tools Approach ,
-Morgan Kaufmann, 2007.
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-**CHAPTER 5**
-MR Modification Request
-PR Problem Report
-Software Configuration
-SLA Service-Level Agreement
-SQA Software Quality Assurance
-V&V Verification and Validation
-Software development efforts result in the deliv-
-ery of a software product that satisfies user
-requirements. Accordingly, the software product
-must change or evolve. Once in operation, defects
-are uncovered, operating environments change,
-and new user requirements surface. The mainte-
-nance phase of the life cycle begins following a
-warranty period or postimplementation support
-delivery, but maintenance activities occur much
-Software maintenance is an integral part of a
-software life cycle. However, it has not received
-the same degree of attention that the other phases
-have. Historically, software development has had
-a much higher profile than software maintenance
-in most organizations. This is now changing, as
-organizations strive to squeeze the most out of
-their software development investment by keep-
-ing software operating as long as possible. The
-open source paradigm has brought further atten-
-tion to the issue of maintaining software artifacts
-developed by others.
-In this _Guide_ , software maintenance is defined
-as the totality of activities required to provide
-cost-effective support to software. Activities are
-performed during the predelivery stage as well as
-during the postdelivery stage. Predelivery activi-
-ties include planning for postdelivery operations,
-maintainability, and logistics determination for
-transition activities [1*, c6s9]. Postdelivery
-activities include software modification, training,
-and operating or interfacing to a help desk.
-The Software Maintenance knowledge area
-(KA) is related to all other aspects of software
-engineering. Therefore, this KA description is
-linked to all other software engineering KAs of
-the Guide.
-The breakdown of topics for the Software Main-
-tenance KA is shown in Figure 5.1.
-**1. Software Maintenance Fundamentals**
-This first section introduces the concepts and
-terminology that form an underlying basis to
-understanding the role and scope of software
-maintenance. The topics provide definitions and
-emphasize why there is a need for maintenance.
-Categories of software maintenance are critical to
-understanding its underlying meaning.
-1.1. Definitions and Terminology
-[1*, c3] [2*, c1s2, c2s2]
-The purpose of software maintenance is defined
-in the international standard for software mainte-
-nance: ISO/IEC/IEEE 14764 [1*].^1 In the context
-of software engineering, software maintenance is
-essentially one of the many technical processes.
-1 For the purpose of conciseness and ease of read-
-ing, this standard is referred to simply as IEEE 14764
-in the subsequent text of this KA.
-**5-2** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-The objective of software maintenance is to
-modify existing software while preserving its
-integrity. The international standard also states
-the importance of having some maintenance
-activities prior to the final delivery of software
-(predelivery activities). Notably, IEEE 14764
-emphasizes the importance of the predelivery
-aspects of maintenance—planning, for example.
-_1.2. Nature of Maintenance_
-[2*, c1s3]
-Software maintenance sustains the software prod-
-uct throughout its life cycle (from development
-to operations). Modification requests are logged
-and tracked, the impact of proposed changes is
-determined, code and other software artifacts are
-modified, testing is conducted, and a new version
-of the software product is released. Also, train-
-ing and daily support are provided to users. The
-term maintainer is defined as an organization that
-performs maintenance activities. In this KA, the
-term will sometimes refer to individuals who per-
-form those activities, contrasting them with the
-IEEE 14764 identifies the primary activities of
-software maintenance as process implementation,
-problem and modification analysis, modification
-implementation, maintenance review/acceptance,
-migration, and retirement. These activities are
-discussed in section 3.2, Maintenance Activities.
-Maintainers can learn from the develop-
-ers’ knowledge of the software. Contact with
-the developers and early involvement by the
-Figure 5.1. Breakdown of Topics for the Software Maintenance KA
-Software Maintenance 5-3
-maintainer helps reduce the overall maintenance
-effort. In some instances, the initial developer
-cannot be reached or has moved on to other tasks,
-which creates an additional challenge for main-
-tainers. Maintenance must take software artifacts
-from development (for example, code or docu-
-mentation) and support them immediately, then
-progressively evolve/maintain them over a soft-
-ware life cycle.
-_1.3. Need for Maintenance_
-[2*, c1s5]
-Maintenance is needed to ensure that the software
-continues to satisfy user requirements. Mainte-
-nance is applicable to software that is developed
-using any software life cycle model (for example,
-spiral or linear). Software products change due
-to corrective and noncorrective software actions.
-Maintenance must be performed in order to
-- correct faults;
-- improve the design;
-- implement enhancements;
-- interface with other software;
-- adapt programs so that different hardware,
-    software, system features, and telecommuni-
-    cations facilities can be used;
-- migrate legacy software; and
-- retire software.
-Five key characteristics comprise the maintain-
-er’s activities:
-- maintaining control over the software’s day-
-    to-day functions;
-- maintaining control over software
-    modification;
-- perfecting existing functions;
-- identifying security threats and fixing secu-
-    rity vulnerabilities; and
-- preventing software performance from
-    degrading to unacceptable levels.
-_1.4. Majority of Maintenance Costs_
-[2*, c4s3, c5s5.2]
-Maintenance consumes a major share of the finan-
-cial resources in a software life cycle. A common
-perception of software maintenance is that it
-merely fixes faults. However, studies and sur-
-veys over the years have indicated that the major-
-ity, over 80 percent, of software maintenance is
-used for noncorrective actions [2*, figure 4.1].
-Grouping enhancements and corrections together
-in management reports contributes to some mis-
-conceptions regarding the high cost of correc-
-tions. Understanding the categories of software
-maintenance helps to understand the structure of
-software maintenance costs. Also, understanding
-the factors that influence the maintainability of
-software can help to contain costs. Some environ-
-mental factors and their relationship to software
-maintenance costs include the following:
-- Operating environment refers to hardware
-    and software.
-- Organizational environment refers to poli-
-    cies, competition, process, product, and
-    personnel.
-1.5. Evolution of Software
-[2*, c3s5]
-Software maintenance in terms of evolution was
-first addressed in the late 1960s. Over a period of
-twenty years, research led to the formulation of
-eight “Laws of Evolution.” Key findings include a
-proposal that maintenance is evolutionary devel-
-opment and that maintenance decisions are aided
-by understanding what happens to software over
-time. Some state that maintenance is continued
-development, except that there is an extra input
-(or constraint)–in other words, existing large soft-
-ware is never complete and continues to evolve;
-as it evolves, it grows more complex unless some
-action is taken to reduce this complexity.
-1.6. Categories of Maintenance
-[1*, c3, c6s2] [2*, c3s3.1]
-Three categories (types) of maintenance have
-been defined: corrective, adaptive, and perfec-
-tive [2*, c4s3]. IEEE 14764 includes a fourth
-- Corrective maintenance: reactive modifi-
-    cation (or repairs) of a software product
-**5-4** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-performed after delivery to correct discov-
-ered problems. Included in this category
-is emergency maintenance, which is an
-unscheduled modification performed to tem-
-porarily keep a software product operational
-pending corrective maintenance.
-- Adaptive maintenance: modification of a
-    software product performed after delivery to
-    keep a software product usable in a changed
-    or changing environment. For example,
-    the operating system might be upgraded
-    and some changes to the software may be
-    necessary.
-- Perfective maintenance: modification of a
-    software product after delivery to provide
-    enhancements for users, improvement of
-    program documentation, and recoding to
-    improve software performance, maintain-
-    ability, or other software attributes.
-- Preventive maintenance: modification of a
-    software product after delivery to detect and
-    correct latent faults in the software product
-    before they become operational faults.
-IEEE 14764 classifies adaptive and perfective
-maintenance as maintenance enhancements. It
-also groups together the corrective and preven-
-tive maintenance categories into a correction cat-
-egory, as shown in Table 5.1.
-Table 5.1. Software Maintenance Categories
-Correction Enhancement
-Proactive Preventive Perfective
-Reactive Corrective Adaptive
-**2. Key Issues in Software Maintenance**
-A number of key issues must be dealt with to
-ensure the effective maintenance of software.
-Software maintenance provides unique techni-
-cal and management challenges for software
-engineers—for example, trying to find a fault in
-software containing a large number of lines of
-code that another software engineer developed.
-Similarly, competing with software developers
-for resources is a constant battle. Planning for a
-future release, which often includes coding the
-next release while sending out emergency patches
-for the current release, also creates a challenge.
-The following section presents some of the tech-
-nical and management issues related to software
-maintenance. They have been grouped under the
-following topic headings:
-- technical issues,
-- management issues,
-- cost estimation, and
-- measurement.
-2.1. Technical Issues
-2.1.1. Limited Understanding
-[2*, c6]
-Limited understanding refers to how quickly a
-software engineer can understand where to make
-a change or correction in software that he or she
-did not develop. Research indicates that about half
-of the total maintenance effort is devoted to under-
-standing the software to be modified. Thus, the
-topic of software comprehension is of great inter-
-est to software engineers. Comprehension is more
-difficult in text-oriented representation—in source
-code, for example—where it is often difficult to
-trace the evolution of software through its releases/
-versions if changes are not documented and if the
-developers are not available to explain it, which is
-often the case. Thus, software engineers may ini-
-tially have a limited understanding of the software;
-much has to be done to remedy this.
-2.1.2. Testing
-[1*, c6s2.2.2] [2*, c9]
-The cost of repeating full testing on a major
-piece of software is significant in terms of time
-and money. In order to ensure that the requested
-problem reports are valid, the maintainer should
-replicate or verify problems by running the
-appropriate tests. Regression testing (the selec-
-tive retesting of software or a component to ver-
-ify that the modifications have not caused unin-
-tended effects) is an important testing concept in
-maintenance. Additionally, finding time to test is
-often difficult. Coordinating tests when different
-members of the maintenance team are working
-Software Maintenance 5-5
-on different problems at the same time remains a
-challenge. When software performs critical func-
-tions, it may be difficult to bring it offline to test.
-Tests cannot be executed in the most meaning-
-ful place–the production system. The Software
-Testing KA provides additional information and
-references on this matter in its subtopic on regres-
-sion testing.
-2.1.3. Impact Analysis
-[1*, c5s2.5] [2*, c13s3]
-Impact analysis describes how to conduct, cost-
-effectively, a complete analysis of the impact of
-a change in existing software. Maintainers must
-possess an intimate knowledge of the software’s
-structure and content. They use that knowledge
-to perform impact analysis, which identifies all
-systems and software products affected by a soft-
-ware change request and develops an estimate of
-the resources needed to accomplish the change.
-Additionally, the risk of making the change is
-determined. The change request, sometimes called
-a modification request (MR) and often called a
-problem report (PR), must first be analyzed and
-translated into software terms. Impact analysis is
-performed after a change request enters the soft-
-ware configuration management process. IEEE
-14764 states the impact analysis tasks:
-- analyze MRs/PRs;
-- replicate or verify the problem;
-- develop options for implementing the
-    modification;
-- document the MR/PR, the results, and the
-    execution options;
-- obtain approval for the selected modification
-    option.
-The severity of a problem is often used to
-decide how and when it will be fixed. The soft-
-ware engineer then identifies the affected com-
-ponents. Several potential solutions are provided,
-followed by a recommendation as to the best
-course of action.
-Software designed with maintainability in mind
-greatly facilitates impact analysis. More informa-
-tion can be found in the Software Configuration
-Management KA.
-2.1.4. Maintainability
-[1*, c6s8] [2*, c12s5.5]
-IEEE 14764 [1*, c3s4] defines maintainability
-as the capability of the software product to be
-modified. Modifications may include corrections,
-improvements, or adaptation of the software to
-changes in environment as well as changes in
-requirements and functional specifications.
-As a primary software quality characteristic,
-maintainability should be specified, reviewed, and
-controlled during software development activi-
-ties in order to reduce maintenance costs. When
-done successfully, the software’s maintainability
-will improve. Maintainability is often difficult to
-achieve because the subcharacteristics are often
-not an important focus during the process of soft-
-ware development. The developers are, typically,
-more preoccupied with many other activities and
-frequently prone to disregard the maintainer’s
-requirements. This in turn can, and often does,
-result in a lack of software documentation and test
-environments, which is a leading cause of difficul-
-ties in program comprehension and subsequent
-impact analysis. The presence of systematic and
-mature processes, techniques, and tools helps to
-enhance the maintainability of software.
-2.2. Management Issues
-2.2.1. Alignment with Organizational
-[2*, c4]
-Organizational objectives describe how to demon-
-strate the return on investment of software main-
-tenance activities. Initial software development is
-usually project-based, with a defined time scale and
-budget. The main emphasis is to deliver a product
-that meets user needs on time and within budget.
-In contrast, software maintenance often has the
-objective of extending the life of software for as
-long as possible. In addition, it may be driven by
-the need to meet user demand for software updates
-and enhancements. In both cases, the return on
-investment is much less clear, so that the view at
-the senior management level is often that of a major
-activity consuming significant resources with no
-clear quantifiable benefit for the organization.
-**5-6** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-2.2.2. Staffing
-[2*, c4s5, c10s4]
-Staffing refers to how to attract and keep soft-
-ware maintenance staff. Maintenance is not often
-viewed as glamorous work. As a result, software
-maintenance personnel are frequently viewed
-as “second-class citizens,” and morale therefore
-2.2.3. Process
-[1*, c5] [2*, c5]
-The software life cycle process is a set of activities,
-methods, practices, and transformations that peo-
-ple use to develop and maintain software and its
-associated products. At the process level, software
-maintenance activities share much in common
-with software development (for example, software
-configuration management is a crucial activity in
-both). Maintenance also requires several activities
-that are not found in software development (see
-section 3.2 on unique activities for details). These
-activities present challenges to management.
-2.2.4. Organizational Aspects of Maintenance
-[1*, c7s2.3] [2*, c10]
-Organizational aspects describe how to iden-
-tify which organization and/or function will be
-responsible for the maintenance of software. The
-team that develops the software is not necessar-
-ily assigned to maintain the software once it is
-In deciding where the software maintenance
-function will be located, software engineering
-organizations may, for example, stay with the
-original developer or go to a permanent main-
-tenance-specific team (or maintainer). Having a
-permanent maintenance team has many benefits:
-- allows for specialization;
-- creates communication channels;
-- promotes an egoless, collegiate atmosphere;
-- reduces dependency on individuals;
-- allows for periodic audit checks.
-Since there are many pros and cons to each
-option, the decision should be made on a case-by-
-case basis. What is important is the delegation or
-assignment of the maintenance responsibility to a
-single group or person, regardless of the organi-
-zation’s structure.
-2.2.5. Outsourcing
-Outsourcing and offshoring software mainte-
-nance has become a major industry. Organiza-
-tions are outsourcing entire portfolios of soft-
-ware, including software maintenance. More
-often, the outsourcing option is selected for less
-mission-critical software, as organizations are
-unwilling to lose control of the software used in
-their core business. One of the major challenges
-for outsourcers is to determine the scope of the
-maintenance services required, the terms of a ser-
-vice-level agreement, and the contractual details.
-Outsourcers will need to invest in a maintenance
-infrastructure, and the help desk at the remote site
-should be staffed with native-language speakers.
-Outsourcing requires a significant initial invest-
-ment and the setup of a maintenance process that
-will require automation.
-2.3. Maintenance Cost Estimation
-Software engineers must understand the different
-categories of software maintenance, discussed
-above, in order to address the question of estimat-
-ing the cost of software maintenance. For plan-
-ning purposes, cost estimation is an important
-aspect of planning for software maintenance.
-2.3.1. Cost Estimation
-[2*, c7s2.4]
-Section 2.1.3 describes how impact analysis iden-
-tifies all systems and software products affected
-by a software change request and develops an
-estimate of the resources needed to accomplish
-that change.
-Maintenance cost estimates are affected
-by many technical and nontechnical factors.
-IEEE 14764 states that “the two most popular
-approaches to estimating resources for software
-maintenance are the use of parametric models
-and the use of experience” [1*, c7s4.1]. A combi-
-nation of these two can also be used.
-Software Maintenance 5-7
-2.3.2. Parametric Models
-[2*, c12s5.6]
-Parametric cost modeling (mathematical models)
-has been applied to software maintenance. Of sig-
-nificance is that historical data from past main-
-tenance are needed in order to use and calibrate
-the mathematical models. Cost driver attributes
-affect the estimates.
-2.3.3. Experience
-[2*, c12s5.5]
-Experience, in the form of expert judgment,
-is often used to estimate maintenance effort.
-Clearly, the best approach to maintenance esti-
-mation is to combine historical data and experi-
-ence. The cost to conduct a modification (in terms
-of number of people and amount of time) is then
-derived. Maintenance estimation historical data
-should be provided as a result of a measurement
-_2.4. Software Maintenance Measurement_
-[1*, c6s5] [2*, c12]
-Entities related to software maintenance, whose
-attributes can be subjected to measurement,
-include process, resource, and product [2*,
-There are several software measures that can
-be derived from the attributes of the software,
-the maintenance process, and personnel, includ-
-ing size, complexity, quality, understandability,
-maintainability, and effort. Complexity measures
-of software can also be obtained using available
-commercial tools. These measures constitute a
-good starting point for the maintainer’s measure-
-ment program. Discussion of software process
-and product measurement is also presented in the
-Software Engineering Process KA. The topic of
-a software measurement program is described in
-the Software Engineering Management KA.
-2.4.1. Specific Measures
-[2*, c12]
-The maintainer must determine which measures
-are appropriate for a specific organization based
-on that organization’s own context. The software
-quality model suggests measures that are specific
-for software maintenance. Measures for subchar-
-acteristics of maintainability include the follow-
-ing [4*, p. 60]:
-- Analyzability: measures of the maintainer’s
-    effort or resources expended in trying either
-    to diagnose deficiencies or causes of failure
-    or to identify parts to be modified.
-- Changeability: measures of the maintainer’s
-    effort associated with implementing a speci-
-    fied modification.
-- Stability: measures of the unexpected behav-
-    ior of software, including that encountered
-    during testing.
-- Testability: measures of the maintainer’s and
-    users’ effort in trying to test the modified
-    software.
-- Other measures that maintainers use include
-- size of the software,
-- complexity of the software ,
-- understandability, and
-- maintainability.
-Providing software maintenance effort, by
-categories, for different applications provides
-business information to users and their organiza-
-tions. It can also enable the comparison of soft-
-ware maintenance profiles internally within an
-**3. Maintenance Process**
-In addition to standard software engineering pro-
-cesses and activities described in IEEE 14764,
-there are a number of activities that are unique to
-3.1. Maintenance Processes
-[1*, c5] [2*, c5] [5, s5.5]
-Maintenance processes provide needed activities
-and detailed inputs/outputs to those activities as
-described in IEEE 14764. The maintenance pro-
-cess activities of IEEE 14764 are shown in Figure
-5.2. Software maintenance activities include
-- process implementation,
-- problem and modification analysis,
-- modification implementation,
-**5-8** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-- maintenance review/acceptance,
-- migration, and
-- software retirement.
-Figure 5.2. Software Maintenance Process
-Other maintenance process models include:
-- quick fix,
-- spiral,
-- Osborne’s,
-- iterative enhancement, and
-- reuse-oriented.
-Recently, agile methodologies, which promote
-light processes, have been also adapted to main-
-tenance. This requirement emerges from the ever-
-increasing demand for fast turnaround of main-
-tenance services. Improvement to the software
-maintenance process is supported by specialized
-software maintenance capability maturity models
-(see [6] and [7], which are briefly annotated in the
-Further Readings section).
-_3.2. Maintenance Activities_
-[1*, c5, c6s8.2, c7s3.3]
-The maintenance process contains the activities
-and tasks necessary to modify an existing soft-
-ware product while preserving its integrity. These
-activities and tasks are the responsibility of the
-maintainer. As already noted, many maintenance
-activities are similar to those of software develop-
-ment. Maintainers perform analysis, design, cod-
-ing, testing, and documentation. They must track
-requirements in their activities—just as is done
-in development—and update documentation as
-baselines change. IEEE 14764 recommends that
-when a maintainer uses a development process,
-it must be tailored to meet specific needs [1*,
-c5s3.2.2]. However, for software maintenance,
-some activities involve processes unique to soft-
-ware maintenance.
-3.2.1. Unique Activities
-[1*, c3s10, c6s9, c7s2, c7s3] [2*, c6, c7]
-There are a number of processes, activities, and
-practices that are unique to software maintenance:
-- Program understanding: activities needed to
-    obtain a general knowledge of what a software
-    product does and how the parts work together.
-- Transition: a controlled and coordinated
-    sequence of activities during which software
-    is transferred progressively from the devel-
-    oper to the maintainer.
-- Modification request acceptance/rejection:
-    modifications requesting work beyond a cer-
-    tain size/effort/complexity may be rejected
-    by maintainers and rerouted to a developer.
-- Maintenance help desk: an end-user and
-    maintenance coordinated support function
-    that triggers the assessment, prioritization,
-    and costing of modification requests.
-- Impact analysis: a technique to identify areas
-    impacted by a potential change;
-- Maintenance Service-Level Agreements
-    (SLAs) and maintenance licenses and con-
-    tracts: contractual agreements that describe
-    the services and quality objectives.
-3.2.2. Supporting Activities
-[1*, c4s1, c5, c6s7] [2*, c9]
-Maintainers may also perform support activities,
-such as documentation, software configuration
-management, verification and validation, problem
-resolution, software quality assurance, reviews,
-Software Maintenance 5-9
-and audits. Another important support activity
-consists of training the maintainers and users.
-3.2.3. Maintenance Planning Activities
-[1*, c7s3]
-An important activity for software maintenance is
-planning, and maintainers must address the issues
-associated with a number of planning perspec-
-tives, including
-- business planning (organizational level),
-- maintenance planning (transition level),
-- release/version planning (software level), and
-- individual software change request planning
-    (request level).
-At the individual request level, planning is
-carried out during the impact analysis (see sec-
-tion 2.1.3, Impact Analysis). The release/version
-planning activity requires that the maintainer:
-- collect the dates of availability of individual
-    requests,
-- agree with users on the content of subsequent
-    releases/versions,
-- identify potential conflicts and develop
-    alternatives,
-- assess the risk of a given release and develop
-    a back-out plan in case problems should
-    arise, and
-- inform all the stakeholders.
-Whereas software development projects can
-typically last from some months to a few years,
-the maintenance phase usually lasts for many
-years. Making estimates of resources is a key ele-
-ment of maintenance planning. Software main-
-tenance planning should begin with the decision
-to develop a new software product and should
-consider quality objectives. A concept document
-should be developed, followed by a maintenance
-plan. The maintenance concept for each software
-product needs to be documented in the plan [1*,
-c7s2] and should address the
-- scope of the software maintenance,
-- adaptation of the software maintenance
-    process,
-       - identification of the software maintenance
-          organization, and
-       - estimate of software maintenance costs.
-The next step is to develop a corresponding
-software maintenance plan. This plan should be
-prepared during software development and should
-specify how users will request software modifica-
-tions or report problems. Software maintenance
-planning is addressed in IEEE 14764. It provides
-guidelines for a maintenance plan. Finally, at
-the highest level, the maintenance organization
-will have to conduct business planning activities
-(budgetary, financial, and human resources) just
-like all the other divisions of the organization.
-Management is discussed in the chapter Related
-Disciplines of Software Engineering.
-3.2.4. Software Configuration Management
-[1*, c5s1.2.3] [2*, c11]
-IEEE 14764 describes software configuration
-management as a critical element of the mainte-
-nance process. Software configuration manage-
-ment procedures should provide for the verifica-
-tion, validation, and audit of each step required
-to identify, authorize, implement, and release the
-software product.
-It is not sufficient to simply track modifica-
-tion requests or problem reports. The software
-product and any changes made to it must be con-
-trolled. This control is established by implement-
-ing and enforcing an approved software configu-
-ration management (SCM) process. The Software
-Configuration Management KA provides details
-of SCM and discusses the process by which soft-
-ware change requests are submitted, evaluated,
-and approved. SCM for software maintenance is
-different from SCM for software development in
-the number of small changes that must be con-
-trolled on operational software. The SCM pro-
-cess is implemented by developing and following
-a software configuration management plan and
-operating procedures. Maintainers participate in
-Configuration Control Boards to determine the
-content of the next release/version.
-**5-10** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-3.2.5. Software Quality
-[1*, c6s5, c6s7, c6s8] [2*, c12s5.3]
-It is not sufficient to simply hope that increased
-quality will result from the maintenance of soft-
-ware. Maintainers should have a software qual-
-ity program. It must be planned and processes
-must be implemented to support the maintenance
-process. The activities and techniques for Soft-
-ware Quality Assurance (SQA), V&V, reviews,
-and audits must be selected in concert with all
-the other processes to achieve the desired level
-of quality. It is also recommended that the main-
-tainer adapt the software development processes,
-techniques and deliverables (for instance, testing
-documentation), and test results. More details can
-be found in the Software Quality KA.
-**4. Techniques for Maintenance**
-This topic introduces some of the generally
-accepted techniques used in software maintenance.
-_4.1. Program Comprehension_
-[2*, c6, c14s5]
-Programmers spend considerable time reading and
-understanding programs in order to implement
-changes. Code browsers are key tools for program
-comprehension and are used to organize and pres-
-ent source code. Clear and concise documentation
-can also aid in program comprehension.
-_4.2. Reengineering_
-[2*, c7]
-Reengineering is defined as the examination and
-alteration of software to reconstitute it in a new
-form, and includes the subsequent implementa-
-tion of the new form. It is often not undertaken to
-improve maintainability but to replace aging leg-
-acy software. Refactoring is a reengineering tech-
-nique that aims at reorganizing a program without
-changing its behavior. It seeks to improve a pro-
-gram structure and its maintainability. Refactor-
-ing techniques can be used during minor changes.
-4.3. Reverse Engineering
-[1*, c6s2] [2*, c7, c14s5]
-Reverse engineering is the process of analyzing
-software to identify the software’s components
-and their inter-relationships and to create repre-
-sentations of the software in another form or at
-higher levels of abstraction. Reverse engineer-
-ing is passive; it does not change the software
-or result in new software. Reverse engineer-
-ing efforts produce call graphs and control flow
-graphs from source code. One type of reverse
-engineering is redocumentation. Another type is
-design recovery. Finally, data reverse engineer-
-ing, where logical schemas are recovered from
-physical databases, has grown in importance over
-the last few years. Tools are key for reverse engi-
-neering and related tasks such as redocumenta-
-tion and design recovery.
-4.4. Migration
-[1*, c5s5]
-During software’s life, it may have to be modi-
-fied to run in different environments. In order to
-migrate it to a new environment, the maintainer
-needs to determine the actions needed to accom-
-plish the migration, and then develop and docu-
-ment the steps required to effect the migration in
-a migration plan that covers migration require-
-ments, migration tools, conversion of product
-and data, execution, verification, and support.
-Migrating software can also entail a number of
-additional activities such as
-- notification of intent: a statement of why
-    the old environment is no longer to be sup-
-    ported, followed by a description of the new
-    environment and its date of availability;
-- parallel operations: make available the
-    old and new environments so that the user
-    experiences a smooth transition to the new
-    environment;
-- notification of completion: when the sched-
-    uled migration is completed, a notification is
-    sent to all concerned;
-Software Maintenance 5-11
-- postoperation review: an assessment of par-
-    allel operation and the impact of changing to
-    the new environment;
-- data archival: storing the old software data.
-_4.5. Retirement_
-[1*, c5s6]
-Once software has reached the end of its use-
-ful life, it must be retired. An analysis should
-be performed to assist in making the retirement
-decision. This analysis should be included in the
-retirement plan, which covers retirement require-
-ments, impact, replacement, schedule, and effort.
-Accessibility of archive copies of data may also
-be included. Retiring software entails a number
-of activities similar to migration.
-**5. Software Maintenance Tools**
-    [1*, c6s4] [2*, c14]
-This topic encompasses tools that are particularly
-important in software maintenance where exist-
-ing software is being modified. Examples regard-
-ing program comprehension include
-- program slicers, which select only parts of a
-    program affected by a change;
-- static analyzers, which allow general view-
-    ing and summaries of a program content;
-- dynamic analyzers, which allow the main-
-    tainer to trace the execution path of a
-    program;
-- data flow analyzers, which allow the main-
-    tainer to track all possible data flows of a
-    program;
-- cross-referencers, which generate indices of
-    program components; and
-- dependency analyzers, which help maintain-
-    ers analyze and understand the interrelation-
-    ships between components of a program.
-Reverse engineering tools assist the process by
-working backwards from an existing product to
-create artifacts such as specification and design
-descriptions, which can then be transformed to
-generate a new product from an old one. Main-
-tainers also use software test, software configura-
-tion management, software documentation, and
-software measurement tools.
-**5-12** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-##### IEEE/ISO/IEC 14764 2006
-##### [1*]
-Grubb and Takang 2003
-##### [2*]
-Sneed 2008
-##### [3*]
-**1. Software Maintenance
-    1.1. Definitions and Terminology c3 c1s2, c2s2
-1.2. Nature of Maintenance c1s3
-1.3. Need for Maintenance c1s5
-1.4. Majority of Maintenance Costs c4s3, c5s5.2
-1.5. Evolution of Software c3s5
-1.6. Categories of Maintenance c3, c6s2 c3s3.1, c4s3
-**2. Key Issues in Software
-    2.1. Technical Issues
-2.1.1. Limited Understanding c6
-2.1.2. Te s t i n g c6s2.2.2 c9
-2.1.3. Impact Analysis c5s2.5 c13s3
-2.1.4. Maintainability c6s8, c3s4 c12s5.5
-2.2. Management Issues
-2.2.1. Alignment with
-Organizational objectives
-2.2.2. Staffing c4s5, c10s4
-2.2.3. Process c5 c5
-2.2.4. Organizational Aspects of
-c7s.2.3 c10
-2.2.5. Outsourcing/Offshoring all
-2.3. Maintenance Cost Estimation
-2.3.1. Cost Estimation c7s4.1 c7s2.4
-Software Maintenance 5-13
-##### IEEE/ISO/IEC 14764 2006
-##### [1*]
-Grubb and Takang 2003
-##### [2*]
-Sneed 2008
-##### [3*]
-2.3.2. Parametric Models c12s5.6
-2.3.3. Experience c12s5.5
-2.4. Software Maintenance
-c6s5 c12, c12s3.1
-2.4.1. Specific Measures c12
-**3. Maintenance Process**
-3.1. Maintenance Processes c5 c5
-3.2. Maintenance Activities
-c5, c5s3.2.2,
-c6s8.2, c7s3.3
-3.2.1. Unique Activities
-c3s10, c6s9, c7s2,
-3.2.2. Supporting Activities c4s1, c5, c6s7 c9
-3.2.3. Maintenance Planning
-c7s2, c7s.3
-3.2.4. Software Configuration
-c5s1.2.3 c11
-3.2.5. Software Quality c6s5, c6s7, c6s8 c12s5.3
-**4. Techniques for Maintenance**
-4.1. Program Comprehension c6,c14s5
-4.2. Reengineering c7
-4.3. Reverse Engineering c6s2 c7, c14s5
-4.4. Migration c5s5
-4.5. Retirement c5s6
-**5. Software Maintenance Tools** c6s4 c14
-**5-14** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-A. April and A. Abran, _Software Maintenance
-Management: Evaluation and Continuous
-Improvement_ [6].
-This book explores the domain of small software
-maintenance processes (S3M). It provides road-
-maps for improving software maintenance pro-
-cesses in organizations. It describes a software
-maintenance specific maturity model organized
-by levels which allow for benchmarking and con-
-tinuous improvement. Goals for each key prac-
-tice area are provided, and the process model pre-
-sented is fully aligned with the architecture and
-framework of international standards ISO12207,
-ISO14764 and ISO15504 and popular maturity
-models like ITIL, CoBIT, CMMI and CM3.
-M. Kajko-Mattsson, “Towards a Business
-Maintenance Model,” IEEE Int’l Conf.
-Software Maintenance [7].
-This paper presents an overview of the Correc-
-tive Maintenance Maturity Model (CM3). In
-contrast to other process models, CM3 is a spe-
-cialized model, entirely dedicated to corrective
-maintenance of software. It views maintenance in
-terms of the activities to be performed and their
-order, in terms of the information used by these
-activities, goals, rules and motivations for their
-execution, and organizational levels and roles
-involved at various stages of a typical corrective
-maintenance process.
-[1*] IEEE Std. 14764-2006 (a.k.a. ISO/IEC
-14764:2006) Standard for Software
-Engineering—Software Life Cycle
-Processes—Maintenance , IEEE, 2006.
-[2*] P. Grubb and A.A. Takang, Software
-Maintenance: Concepts and Practice , 2nd
-ed., World Scientific Publishing, 2003.
-[3*] H.M. Sneed, “Offering Software
-Maintenance as an Offshore Service,” Proc.
-IEEE Int’l Conf. Software Maintenance
-(ICSM 08), IEEE, 2008, pp. 1–5.
-[4*] J.W. Moore, The Road Map to Software
-Engineering: A Standards-Based Guide ,
-Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press, 2006.
-[5] ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2010 Systems and
-Software Engineering—Vocabulary , ISO/
-IEC/IEEE, 2010.
-[6] A. April and A. Abran, Software
-Maintenance Management: Evaluation
-and Continuous Improvement , Wiley-IEEE
-Computer Society Press, 2008.
-[7] M. Kajko-Mattsson, “Towards a Business
-Maintenance Model,” Proc. Int’l Conf.
-Software Maintenance , IEEE, 2001, pp.
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-**CHAPTER 6**
-CCB Configuration Control Board
-CM Configuration Management
-FCA Functional Configuration Audit
-PCA Physical Configuration Audit
-##### SCCB
-Software Configuration Control
-SCI Software Configuration Item
-Software Configuration
-Software Configuration
-Management Plan
-SCR Software Change Request
-Software Configuration Status
-SDD Software Design Document
-Software Engineering Institute’s
-Capability Maturity Model
-SQA Software Quality Assurance
-Software Requirement
-A system can be defined as the combination of
-interacting elements organized to achieve one or
-more stated purposes [1]. The configuration of a
-system is the functional and physical characteris-
-tics of hardware or software as set forth in techni-
-cal documentation or achieved in a product [1]; it
-can also be thought of as a collection of specific
-versions of hardware, firmware, or software items
-combined according to specific build procedures
-to serve a particular purpose. Configuration man-
-agement (CM), then, is the discipline of identify-
-ing the configuration of a system at distinct points
-in time for the purpose of systematically control-
-ling changes to the configuration and maintaining
-the integrity and traceability of the configuration
-throughout the system life cycle. It is formally
-defined as
-A discipline applying technical and admin-
-istrative direction and surveillance to: iden-
-tify and document the functional and physi-
-cal characteristics of a configuration item,
-control changes to those characteristics,
-record and report change processing and
-implementation status, and verify compli-
-ance with specified requirements. [1]
-Software configuration management (SCM)
-is a supporting-software life cycle process that
-benefits project management, development and
-maintenance activities, quality assurance activi-
-ties, as well as the customers and users of the end
-The concepts of configuration management
-apply to all items to be controlled, although there
-are some differences in implementation between
-hardware CM and software CM.
-SCM is closely related to the software qual-
-ity assurance (SQA) activity. As defined in the
-Software Quality knowledge area (KA), SQA
-processes provide assurance that the software
-products and processes in the project life cycle
-conform to their specified requirements by plan-
-ning, enacting, and performing a set of activities
-to provide adequate confidence that quality is
-being built into the software. SCM activities help
-in accomplishing these SQA goals. In some proj-
-ect contexts, specific SQA requirements prescribe
-certain SCM activities.
-**6-2** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-The SCM activities are management and plan-
-ning of the SCM process, software configuration
-identification, software configuration control,
-software configuration status accounting, soft-
-ware configuration auditing, and software release
-management and delivery.
-The Software Configuration Management KA
-is related to all the other KAs, since the object
-of configuration management is the artifact pro-
-duced and used throughout the software engi-
-neering process.
-The breakdown of topics for the Software Config-
-uration Management KA is shown in Figure 6.1.
-**1. Management of the SCM Process**
-SCM controls the evolution and integrity of a
-product by identifying its elements; managing and
-controlling change; and verifying, recording, and
-reporting on configuration information. From the
-software engineer’s perspective, SCM facilitates
-development and change implementation activi-
-ties. A successful SCM implementation requires
-careful planning and management. This, in turn,
-requires an understanding of the organizational
-context for, and the constraints placed on, the
-design and implementation of the SCM process.
-1.1. Organizational Context for SCM
-[2*, c6, ann. D] [3*, introduction] [4*, c29]
-To plan an SCM process for a project, it is neces-
-sary to understand the organizational context and
-the relationships among organizational elements.
-SCM interacts with several other activities or
-organizational elements.
-The organizational elements responsible for the
-software engineering supporting processes may be
-structured in various ways. Although the responsi-
-bility for performing certain SCM tasks might be
-assigned to other parts of the organization (such as
-the development organization), the overall respon-
-sibility for SCM often rests with a distinct organi-
-zational element or designated individual.
-Software is frequently developed as part of a
-larger system containing hardware and firmware
-elements. In this case, SCM activities take place
-Figure 6.1. Breakdown of Topics for the Software Configuration Management KA
-Software Configuration Management 6-3
-in parallel with hardware and firmware CM activ-
-ities and must be consistent with system-level
-CM. Note that firmware contains hardware and
-software; therefore, both hardware and software
-CM concepts are applicable.
-SCM might interface with an organization’s
-quality assurance activity on issues such as
-records management and nonconforming items.
-Regarding the former, some items under SCM
-control might also be project records subject to
-provisions of the organization’s quality assurance
-program. Managing nonconforming items is usu-
-ally the responsibility of the quality assurance
-activity; however, SCM might assist with track-
-ing and reporting on software configuration items
-falling into this category.
-Perhaps the closest relationship is with the
-software development and maintenance orga-
-nizations. It is within this context that many of
-the software configuration control tasks are con-
-ducted. Frequently, the same tools support devel-
-opment, maintenance, and SCM purposes.
-_1.2. Constraints and Guidance for the SCM
-[2*, c6, ann. D, ann. E] [3*, c2, c5]
-[5*, c19s2.2]
-Constraints affecting, and guidance for, the SCM
-process come from a number of sources. Poli-
-cies and procedures set forth at corporate or other
-organizational levels might influence or prescribe
-the design and implementation of the SCM pro-
-cess for a given project. In addition, the contract
-between the acquirer and the supplier might con-
-tain provisions affecting the SCM process. For
-example, certain configuration audits might be
-required, or it might be specified that certain items
-be placed under CM. When software products to
-be developed have the potential to affect public
-safety, external regulatory bodies may impose
-constraints. Finally, the particular software life
-cycle process chosen for a software project and
-the level of formalism selected to implement the
-software affect the design and implementation of
-the SCM process.
-Guidance for designing and implementing an
-SCM process can also be obtained from “best
-practice,” as reflected in the standards on software
-engineering issued by the various standards orga-
-nizations (see Appendix B on standards).
-1.3. Planning for SCM
-[2*, c6, ann. D, ann. E] [3*, c23] [4*, c29]
-The planning of an SCM process for a given
-project should be consistent with the organi-
-zational context, applicable constraints, com-
-monly accepted guidance, and the nature of the
-project (for example, size, safety criticality, and
-security). The major activities covered are soft-
-ware configuration identification, software con-
-figuration control, software configuration status
-accounting, software configuration auditing, and
-software release management and delivery. In
-addition, issues such as organization and respon-
-sibilities, resources and schedules, tool selection
-and implementation, vendor and subcontractor
-control, and interface control are typically con-
-sidered. The results of the planning activity are
-recorded in an SCM Plan (SCMP), which is typi-
-cally subject to SQA review and audit.
-Branching and merging strategies should be
-carefully planned and communicated, since they
-impact many SCM activities. From an SCM stand-
-point, a branch is defined as a set of evolving source
-file versions [1]. Merging consists in combining
-different changes to the same file [1]. This typi-
-cally occurs when more than one person changes a
-configuration item. There are many branching and
-merging strategies in common use (see the Further
-Readings section for additional discussion).
-The software development life cycle model
-(see Software Life Cycle Models in the Software
-Engineering Process KA) also impacts SCM
-activities, and SCM planning should take this
-into account. For instance, continuous integration
-is a common practice in many software develop-
-ment approaches. It is typically characterized by
-frequent build-test-deploy cycles. SCM activities
-must be planned accordingly.
-1.3.1. SCM Organization and Responsibilities
-[2*, ann. Ds5, ann. Ds6] [3*, c10-11]
-[4*, introduction, c29]
-To prevent confusion about who will perform
-given SCM activities or tasks, organizational
-**6-4** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-roles to be involved in the SCM process need
-to be clearly identified. Specific responsibilities
-for given SCM activities or tasks also need to be
-assigned to organizational entities, either by title
-or by organizational element. The overall author-
-ity and reporting channels for SCM should also be
-identified, although this might be accomplished
-at the project management or quality assurance
-planning stage.
-1.3.2. SCM Resources and Schedules
-[2*, ann. Ds8] [3*, c23]
-Planning for SCM identifies the staff and tools
-involved in carrying out SCM activities and tasks.
-It addresses scheduling questions by establishing
-necessary sequences of SCM tasks and identify-
-ing their relationships to the project schedules
-and milestones established at the project manage-
-ment planning stage. Any training requirements
-necessary for implementing the plans and train-
-ing new staff members are also specified.
-1.3.3. Tool Selection and Implementation
-[3*, c26s2, c26s6] [4*, c29s5]
-As for any area of software engineering, the
-selection and implementation of SCM tools
-should be carefully planned. The following ques-
-tions should be considered:
-- Organization: what motivates tool acquisi-
-    tion from an organizational perspective?
-- Tools: can we use commercial tools or
-    develop them ourselves?
-- Environment: what are the constraints
-    imposed by the organization and its techni-
-    cal context?
-- Legacy: how will projects use (or not) the
-    new tools?
-- Financing: who will pay for the tools’
-    acquisition, maintenance, training, and
-    customization?
-- Scope: how will the new tools be deployed—
-    for instance, through the entire organization
-    or only on specific projects?
-- Ownership: who is responsible for the intro-
-    duction of new tools?
-       - Future: what is the plan for the tools’ use in
-          the future?
-       - Change: how adaptable are the tools?
-       - Branching and merging: are the tools’ capa-
-          bilities compatible with the planned branch-
-          ing and merging strategies?
-       - Integration: do the various SCM tools inte-
-          grate among themselves? With other tools in
-          use in the organization?
-       - Migration: can the repository maintained by
-          the version control tool be ported to another
-          version control tool while maintaining com-
-          plete history of the configuration items it
-          contains?
-SCM typically requires a set of tools, as
-opposed to a single tool. Such tool sets are some-
-times referred to as workbenches. In such a con-
-text, another important consideration in plan-
-ning for tool selection is determining if the SCM
-workbench will be open (in other words, tools
-from different suppliers will be used in differ-
-ent activities of the SCM process) or integrated
-(where elements of the workbench are designed
-to work together).
-The size of the organization and the type of
-projects involved may also impact tool selection
-(see topic 7, Software Configuration Manage-
-ment Tools).
-1.3.4. Vendor/Subcontractor Control
-[2*, c13] [3*, c13s9, c14s2]
-A software project might acquire or make use of
-purchased software products, such as compilers
-or other tools. SCM planning considers if and
-how these items will be taken under configura-
-tion control (for example, integrated into the proj-
-ect libraries) and how changes or updates will be
-evaluated and managed.
-Similar considerations apply to subcontracted
-software. When using subcontracted software,
-both the SCM requirements to be imposed on
-the subcontractor’s SCM process as part of the
-subcontract and the means for monitoring com-
-pliance need to be established. The latter includes
-consideration of what SCM information must be
-available for effective compliance monitoring.
-Software Configuration Management 6-5
-1.3.5. Interface Control
-[2*, c12] [3*, c24s4]
-When a software item will interface with
-another software or hardware item, a change
-to either item can affect the other. Planning for
-the SCM process considers how the interfacing
-items will be identified and how changes to the
-items will be managed and communicated. The
-SCM role may be part of a larger, system-level
-process for interface specification and control;
-it may involve interface specifications, interface
-control plans, and interface control documents.
-In this case, SCM planning for interface control
-takes place within the context of the system-
-level process.
-_1.4. SCM Plan_
-[2*, ann. D] [3*, c23] [4*, c29s1]
-The results of SCM planning for a given project
-are recorded in a software configuration manage-
-ment plan (SCMP), a “living document” which
-serves as a reference for the SCM process. It is
-maintained (that is, updated and approved) as
-necessary during the software life cycle. In imple-
-menting the SCMP, it is typically necessary to
-develop a number of more detailed, subordinate
-procedures defining how specific requirements
-will be carried out during day-to-day activities—
-for example, which branching strategies will be
-used and how frequently builds occur and auto-
-mated tests of all kinds are run.
-Guidance on the creation and maintenance of
-an SCMP, based on the information produced by
-the planning activity, is available from a number
-of sources, such as [2*]. This reference provides
-requirements for the information to be contained
-in an SCMP; it also defines and describes six cat-
-egories of SCM information to be included in an
-- Introduction (purpose, scope, terms used)
-- SCM Management (organization, respon-
-    sibilities, authorities, applicable policies,
-    directives, and procedures)
-- SCM Activities (configuration identification,
-    configuration control, and so on)
-       - SCM Schedules (coordination with other
-          project activities)
-       - SCM Resources (tools, physical resources,
-          and human resources)
-       - SCMP Maintenance.
-1.5. Surveillance of Software Configuration
-[3*, c11s3]
-After the SCM process has been implemented,
-some degree of surveillance may be necessary
-to ensure that the provisions of the SCMP are
-properly carried out. There are likely to be spe-
-cific SQA requirements for ensuring compliance
-with specified SCM processes and procedures.
-The person responsible for SCM ensures that
-those with the assigned responsibility perform
-the defined SCM tasks correctly. The software
-quality assurance authority, as part of a compli-
-ance auditing activity, might also perform this
-The use of integrated SCM tools with process
-control capability can make the surveillance
-task easier. Some tools facilitate process com-
-pliance while providing flexibility for the soft-
-ware engineer to adapt procedures. Other tools
-enforce process, leaving the software engineer
-with less flexibility. Surveillance requirements
-and the level of flexibility to be provided to the
-software engineer are important considerations
-in tool selection.
-1.5.1. SCM Measures and Measurement
-[3*, c9s2, c25s2–s3]
-SCM measures can be designed to provide spe-
-cific information on the evolving product or to
-provide insight into the functioning of the SCM
-process. A related goal of monitoring the SCM
-process is to discover opportunities for process
-improvement. Measurements of SCM processes
-provide a good means for monitoring the effec-
-tiveness of SCM activities on an ongoing basis.
-These measurements are useful in characteriz-
-ing the current state of the process as well as in
-providing a basis for making comparisons over
-time. Analysis of the measurements may produce
-**6-6** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-insights leading to process changes and corre-
-sponding updates to the SCMP.
-Software libraries and the various SCM tool
-capabilities provide sources for extracting infor-
-mation about the characteristics of the SCM
-process (as well as providing project and man-
-agement information). For example, information
-about the time required to accomplish various
-types of changes would be useful in an evalua-
-tion of the criteria for determining what levels of
-authority are optimal for authorizing certain types
-of changes and for estimating future changes.
-Care must be taken to keep the focus of the
-surveillance on the insights that can be gained
-from the measurements, not on the measurements
-themselves. Discussion of software process and
-product measurement is presented in the Soft-
-ware Engineering Process KA. Software mea-
-surement programs are described in the Software
-Engineering Management KA.
-1.5.2. In-Process Audits of SCM
-[3*, c1s1]
-Audits can be carried out during the software
-engineering process to investigate the current sta-
-tus of specific elements of the configuration or to
-assess the implementation of the SCM process.
-In-process auditing of SCM provides a more for-
-mal mechanism for monitoring selected aspects
-of the process and may be coordinated with the
-SQA function (see topic 5, Software Configura-
-tion Auditing).
-**2. Software Configuration Identification**
-    [2*, c8] [4*, c29s1.1]
-Software configuration identification identifies
-items to be controlled, establishes identification
-schemes for the items and their versions, and
-establishes the tools and techniques to be used in
-acquiring and managing controlled items. These
-activities provide the basis for the other SCM
-_2.1. Identifying Items to Be Controlled_
-[2*, c8s2.2] [4*, c29s1.1]
-One of the first steps in controlling change is
-identifying the software items to be controlled.
-This involves understanding the software config-
-uration within the context of the system configu-
-ration, selecting software configuration items,
-developing a strategy for labeling software items
-and describing their relationships, and identifying
-both the baselines to be used and the procedure
-for a baseline’s acquisition of the items.
-2.1.1. Software Configuration
-[1, c3]
-Software configuration is the functional and phys-
-ical characteristics of hardware or software as set
-forth in technical documentation or achieved in
-a product. It can be viewed as part of an overall
-system configuration.
-2.1.2. Software Configuration Item
-[4*, c29s1.1]
-A configuration item (CI) is an item or aggre-
-gation of hardware or software or both that is
-designed to be managed as a single entity. A soft-
-ware configuration item (SCI) is a software entity
-that has been established as a configuration item
-[1]. The SCM typically controls a variety of items
-in addition to the code itself. Software items with
-potential to become SCIs include plans, specifi-
-cations and design documentation, testing mate-
-rials, software tools, source and executable code,
-code libraries, data and data dictionaries, and
-documentation for installation, maintenance,
-operations, and software use.
-Selecting SCIs is an important process in
-which a balance must be achieved between pro-
-viding adequate visibility for project control pur-
-poses and providing a manageable number of
-controlled items.
-2.1.3. Software Configuration Item
-[3*, c7s4]
-Structural relationships among the selected
-SCIs, and their constituent parts, affect other
-SCM activities or tasks, such as software
-building or analyzing the impact of proposed
-changes. Proper tracking of these relationships
-is also important for supporting traceability.
-The design of the identification scheme for SCIs
-Software Configuration Management 6-7
-should consider the need to map identified items
-to the software structure, as well as the need to
-support the evolution of the software items and
-their relationships.
-2.1.4. Software Version
-[1, c3] [4*, c29s3]
-Software items evolve as a software project pro-
-ceeds. A version of a software item is an identi-
-fied instance of an item. It can be thought of as a
-state of an evolving item. A variant is a version of
-a program resulting from the application of soft-
-ware diversity.
-2.1.5. Baseline
-[1, c3]
-A software baseline is a formally approved ver-
-sion of a configuration item (regardless of media)
-that is formally designated and fixed at a specific
-time during the configuration item’s life cycle.
-The term is also used to refer to a particular ver-
-sion of a software configuration item that has
-been agreed on. In either case, the baseline can
-only be changed through formal change con-
-trol procedures. A baseline, together with all
-approved changes to the baseline, represents the
-current approved configuration.
-Commonly used baselines include func-
-tional, allocated, developmental, and product
-baselines. The functional baseline corresponds
-to the reviewed system requirements. The allo-
-cated baseline corresponds to the reviewed
-software requirements specification and soft-
-ware interface requirements specification. The
-developmental baseline represents the evolving
-software configuration at selected times during
-the software life cycle. Change authority for
-this baseline typically rests primarily with the
-development organization but may be shared
-with other organizations (for example, SCM or
-Test). The product baseline corresponds to the
-completed software product delivered for sys-
-tem integration. The baselines to be used for a
-given project, along with the associated levels of
-authority needed for change approval, are typi-
-cally identified in the SCMP.
-2.1.6. Acquiring Software Configuration Items
-[3*, c18]
-Software configuration items are placed under
-SCM control at different times; that is, they are
-incorporated into a particular baseline at a particu-
-lar point in the software life cycle. The triggering
-event is the completion of some form of formal
-acceptance task, such as a formal review. Figure
-6.2 characterizes the growth of baselined items as
-the life cycle proceeds. This figure is based on the
-waterfall model for purposes of illustration only;
-the subscripts used in the figure indicate versions
-Figure 6.2. Acquisition of Items
-**6-8** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-of the evolving items. The software change request
-(SCR) is described in section 3.1.
-In acquiring an SCI, its origin and initial integ-
-rity must be established. Following the acquisi-
-tion of an SCI, changes to the item must be for-
-mally approved as appropriate for the SCI and
-the baseline involved, as defined in the SCMP.
-Following approval, the item is incorporated into
-the software baseline according to the appropriate
-_2.2. Software Library_
-[3*, c1s3] [4*, c29s1.2]
-A software library is a controlled collection of
-software and related documentation designed to
-aid in software development, use, or maintenance
-[1]. It is also instrumental in software release man-
-agement and delivery activities. Several types of
-libraries might be used, each corresponding to the
-software item’s particular level of maturity. For
-example, a working library could support coding
-and a project support library could support test-
-ing, while a master library could be used for fin-
-ished products. An appropriate level of SCM con-
-trol (associated baseline and level of authority for
-change) is associated with each library. Security,
-in terms of access control and the backup facili-
-ties, is a key aspect of library management.
-The tool(s) used for each library must support
-the SCM control needs for that library—both in
-terms of controlling SCIs and controlling access
-to the library. At the working library level, this is
-a code management capability serving develop-
-ers, maintainers, and SCM. It is focused on man-
-aging the versions of software items while sup-
-porting the activities of multiple developers. At
-higher levels of control, access is more restricted
-and SCM is the primary user.
-These libraries are also an important source
-of information for measurements of work and
-**3. Software Configuration Control**
-    [2*, c9] [4*, c29s2]
-Software configuration control is concerned
-with managing changes during the software
-life cycle. It covers the process for determining
-what changes to make, the authority for approv-
-ing certain changes, support for the implementa-
-tion of those changes, and the concept of formal
-deviations from project requirements as well as
-waivers of them. Information derived from these
-activities is useful in measuring change traffic
-and breakage as well as aspects of rework.
-3.1. Requesting, Evaluating, and Approving
-Software Changes
-[2*, c9s2.4] [4*, c29s2]
-The first step in managing changes to controlled
-items is determining what changes to make. The
-software change request process (see a typical
-flow of a change request process in Figure 6.3)
-provides formal procedures for submitting and
-recording change requests, evaluating the poten-
-tial cost and impact of a proposed change, and
-accepting, modifying, deferring, or rejecting
-the proposed change. A change request (CR) is
-a request to expand or reduce the project scope;
-modify policies, processes, plans, or procedures;
-modify costs or budgets; or revise schedules
-[1]. Requests for changes to software configura-
-tion items may be originated by anyone at any
-point in the software life cycle and may include
-a suggested solution and requested priority. One
-source of a CR is the initiation of corrective
-action in response to problem reports. Regardless
-of the source, the type of change (for example,
-defect or enhancement) is usually recorded on the
-Software CR (SCR).
-This provides an opportunity for tracking
-defects and collecting change activity measure-
-ments by change type. Once an SCR is received,
-a technical evaluation (also known as an impact
-analysis) is performed to determine the extent of
-the modifications that would be necessary should
-the change request be accepted. A good under-
-standing of the relationships among software
-(and, possibly, hardware) items is important for
-this task. Finally, an established authority—com-
-mensurate with the affected baseline, the SCI
-involved, and the nature of the change—will
-evaluate the technical and managerial aspects
-of the change request and either accept, modify,
-reject, or defer the proposed change.
-Software Configuration Management 6-9
-3.1.1. Software Configuration Control Board
-[2*, c9s2.2] [3*, c11s1] [4*, c29s2]
-The authority for accepting or rejecting proposed
-changes rests with an entity typically known as a
-Configuration Control Board (CCB). In smaller
-projects, this authority may actually reside with
-the leader or an assigned individual rather than a
-multiperson board. There can be multiple levels
-of change authority depending on a variety of cri-
-teria—such as the criticality of the item involved,
-the nature of the change (for example, impact on
-budget and schedule), or the project’s current
-point in the life cycle. The composition of the
-CCBs used for a given system varies depending
-on these criteria (an SCM representative would
-always be present). All stakeholders, appropriate
-to the level of the CCB, are represented. When
-the scope of authority of a CCB is strictly soft-
-ware, it is known as a Software Configuration
-Control Board (SCCB). The activities of the CCB
-are typically subject to software quality audit or
-3.1.2. Software Change Request Process
-[3*, c1s4, c8s4]
-An effective software change request (SCR) pro-
-cess requires the use of supporting tools and pro-
-cedures for originating change requests, enforc-
-ing the flow of the change process, capturing
-CCB decisions, and reporting change process
-information. A link between this tool capability
-and the problem-reporting system can facilitate
-the tracking of solutions for reported problems.
-3.2. Implementing Software Changes
-[4*, c29]
-Approved SCRs are implemented using the
-defined software procedures in accordance with
-the applicable schedule requirements. Since a
-number of approved SCRs might be implemented
-simultaneously, it is necessary to provide a means
-for tracking which SCRs are incorporated into
-particular software versions and baselines. As
-part of the closure of the change process, com-
-pleted changes may undergo configuration audits
-and software quality verification—this includes
-ensuring that only approved changes have been
-made. The software change request process
-described above will typically document the
-SCM (and other) approval information for the
-Changes may be supported by source code ver-
-sion control tools. These tools allow a team of
-software engineers, or a single software engineer,
-to track and document changes to the source code.
-These tools provide a single repository for storing
-the source code, can prevent more than one soft-
-ware engineer from editing the same module at
-the same time, and record all changes made to the
-Figure 6.3. Flow of a Change Control Process
-**6-10** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-source code. Software engineers check modules
-out of the repository, make changes, document
-the changes, and then save the edited modules
-in the repository. If needed, changes can also be
-discarded, restoring a previous baseline. More
-powerful tools can support parallel development
-and geographically distributed environments.
-These tools may be manifested as separate,
-specialized applications under the control of an
-independent SCM group. They may also appear
-as an integrated part of the software engineering
-environment. Finally, they may be as elementary
-as a rudimentary change control system provided
-with an operating system.
-_3.3. Deviations and Waivers_
-[1, c3]
-The constraints imposed on a software engineer-
-ing effort or the specifications produced during the
-development activities might contain provisions
-that cannot be satisfied at the designated point
-in the life cycle. A deviation is a written autho-
-rization, granted prior to the manufacture of an
-item, to depart from a particular performance or
-design requirement for a specific number of units
-or a specific period of time. A waiver is a writ-
-ten authorization to accept a configuration item or
-other designated item that is found, during produc-
-tion or after having been submitted for inspection,
-to depart from specified requirements but is nev-
-ertheless considered suitable for use as-is or after
-rework by an approved method. In these cases, a
-formal process is used for gaining approval for
-deviations from, or waivers of, the provisions.
-**4. Software Configuration Status Accounting**
-    [2*, c10]
-Software configuration status accounting (SCSA)
-is an element of configuration management con-
-sisting of the recording and reporting of informa-
-tion needed to manage a configuration effectively.
-_4.1. Software Configuration Status Information_
-[2*, c10s2.1]
-The SCSA activity designs and operates a sys-
-tem for the capture and reporting of necessary
-information as the life cycle proceeds. As in any
-information system, the configuration status infor-
-mation to be managed for the evolving configura-
-tions must be identified, collected, and maintained.
-Various information and measurements are needed
-to support the SCM process and to meet the con-
-figuration status reporting needs of management,
-software engineering, and other related activities.
-The types of information available include the
-approved configuration identification as well as
-the identification and current implementation sta-
-tus of changes, deviations, and waivers.
-Some form of automated tool support is neces-
-sary to accomplish the SCSA data collection and
-reporting tasks; this could be a database capabil-
-ity, a stand-alone tool, or a capability of a larger,
-integrated tool environment.
-4.2. Software Configuration Status Reporting
-[2*, c10s2.4] [3*, c1s5, c9s1, c17]
-Reported information can be used by various
-organizational and project elements—including
-the development team, the maintenance team,
-project management, and software quality activi-
-ties. Reporting can take the form of ad hoc que-
-ries to answer specific questions or the periodic
-production of predesigned reports. Some infor-
-mation produced by the status accounting activity
-during the course of the life cycle might become
-quality assurance records.
-In addition to reporting the current status of the
-configuration, the information obtained by the
-SCSA can serve as a basis of various measure-
-ments. Examples include the number of change
-requests per SCI and the average time needed to
-implement a change request.
-**5. Software Configuration Auditing**
-    [2*, c11]
-A software audit is an independent examina-
-tion of a work product or set of work products to
-assess compliance with specifications, standards,
-contractual agreements, or other criteria [1].
-Audits are conducted according to a well-defined
-process consisting of various auditor roles and
-responsibilities. Consequently, each audit must
-be carefully planned. An audit can require a num-
-ber of individuals to perform a variety of tasks
-over a fairly short period of time. Tools to support
-Software Configuration Management 6-11
-the planning and conduct of an audit can greatly
-facilitate the process.
-Software configuration auditing determines
-the extent to which an item satisfies the required
-functional and physical characteristics. Informal
-audits of this type can be conducted at key points
-in the life cycle. Two types of formal audits might
-be required by the governing contract (for exam-
-ple, in contracts covering critical software): the
-Functional Configuration Audit (FCA) and the
-Physical Configuration Audit (PCA). Successful
-completion of these audits can be a prerequisite
-for the establishment of the product baseline.
-_5.1. Software Functional Configuration Audit_
-[2*, c11s2.1]
-The purpose of the software FCA is to ensure that
-the audited software item is consistent with its
-governing specifications. The output of the soft-
-ware verification and validation activities (see
-Verification and Validation in the Software Qual-
-ity KA) is a key input to this audit.
-_5.2. Software Physical Configuration Audit_
-[2*, c11s2.2]
-The purpose of the software physical configura-
-tion audit (PCA) is to ensure that the design and
-reference documentation is consistent with the
-as-built software product.
-_5.3. In-Process Audits of a Software Baseline_
-[2*, c11s2.3]
-As mentioned above, audits can be carried out
-during the development process to investigate
-the current status of specific elements of the con-
-figuration. In this case, an audit could be applied
-to sampled baseline items to ensure that per-
-formance is consistent with specifications or to
-ensure that evolving documentation continues to
-be consistent with the developing baseline item.
-**6. Software Release Management and
-    [2*, c14] [3*, c8s2]
-In this context, _release_ refers to the distribu-
-tion of a software configuration item outside
-the development activity; this includes internal
-releases as well as distribution to customers. When
-different versions of a software item are available
-for delivery (such as versions for different plat-
-forms or versions with varying capabilities), it is
-frequently necessary to recreate specific versions
-and package the correct materials for delivery of
-the version. The software library is a key element
-in accomplishing release and delivery tasks.
-6.1. Software Building
-[4*, c29s4]
-Software building is the activity of combining the
-correct versions of software configuration items,
-using the appropriate configuration data, into an
-executable program for delivery to a customer or
-other recipient, such as the testing activity. For
-systems with hardware or firmware, the executable
-program is delivered to the system-building activ-
-ity. Build instructions ensure that the proper build
-steps are taken in the correct sequence. In addition
-to building software for new releases, it is usually
-also necessary for SCM to have the capability to
-reproduce previous releases for recovery, testing,
-maintenance, or additional release purposes.
-Software is built using particular versions of
-supporting tools, such as compilers (see Com-
-piler Basics in the Computing Foundations KA).
-It might be necessary to rebuild an exact copy of
-a previously built software configuration item. In
-this case, supporting tools and associated build
-instructions need to be under SCM control to
-ensure availability of the correct versions of the
-A tool capability is useful for selecting the cor-
-rect versions of software items for a given target
-environment and for automating the process of
-building the software from the selected versions
-and appropriate configuration data. For projects
-with parallel or distributed development envi-
-ronments, this tool capability is necessary. Most
-software engineering environments provide this
-capability. These tools vary in complexity from
-requiring the software engineer to learn a spe-
-cialized scripting language to graphics-oriented
-approaches that hide much of the complexity of
-an “intelligent” build facility.
-The build process and products are often sub-
-ject to software quality verification. Outputs of
-**6-12** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-the build process might be needed for future refer-
-ence and may become quality assurance records.
-_6.2. Software Release Management_
-[4*, c29s3.2]
-Software release management encompasses the
-identification, packaging, and delivery of the
-elements of a product—for example, an execut-
-able program, documentation, release notes, and
-configuration data. Given that product changes
-can occur on a continuing basis, one concern for
-release management is determining when to issue
-a release. The severity of the problems addressed
-by the release and measurements of the fault den-
-sities of prior releases affect this decision. The
-packaging task must identify which product items
-are to be delivered and then select the correct
-variants of those items, given the intended appli-
-cation of the product. The information document-
-ing the physical contents of a release is known
-as a version description document_._ The release
-notes typically describe new capabilities, known
-problems, and platform requirements necessary
-for proper product operation. The package to be
-released also contains installation or upgrading
-instructions. The latter can be complicated by the
-fact that some current users might have versions
-that are several releases old. In some cases, release
-management might be required in order to track
-distribution of the product to various customers
-or target systems—for example, in a case where
-the supplier was required to notify a customer of
-newly reported problems. Finally, a mechanism
-to ensure the integrity of the released item can be
-implemented—for example by releasing a digital
-signature with it.
-A tool capability is needed for supporting
-these release management functions. It is use-
-ful to have a connection with the tool capability
-supporting the change request process in order to
-map release contents to the SCRs that have been
-received. This tool capability might also maintain
-information on various target platforms and on
-various customer environments.
-**7. Software Configuration Management Tools**
-    [3*, c26s1] [4*, c8s2]
-When discussing software configuration manage-
-ment tools, it is helpful to classify them. SCM
-tools can be divided into three classes in terms
-of the scope at which they provide support: indi-
-vidual support, project-related support, and com-
-panywide-process support.
-Individual support tools are appropriate and
-typically sufficient for small organizations or
-development groups without variants of their
-software products or other complex SCM require-
-ments. They include:
-- Version control tools: track, document, and
-    store individual configuration items such as
-    source code and external documentation.
-- Build handling tools: in their simplest form,
-    such tools compile and link an executable
-    version of the software. More advanced
-    building tools extract the latest version from
-    the version control software, perform qual-
-    ity checks, run regression tests, and produce
-    various forms of reports, among other tasks.
-- Change control tools: mainly support the
-    control of change requests and events noti-
-    fication (for example, change request status
-    changes, milestones reached).
-Project-related support tools mainly support
-workspace management for development teams
-and integrators; they are typically able to sup-
-port distributed development environments. Such
-tools are appropriate for medium to large organi-
-zations with variants of their software products
-and parallel development but no certification
-Companywide-process support tools can typi-
-cally automate portions of a companywide pro-
-cess, providing support for workflow manage-
-ments, roles, and responsibilities. They are able
-to handle many items, data, and life cycles. Such
-tools add to project-related support by supporting
-a more formal development process, including
-certification requirements.
-Software Configuration Management 6-13
-##### IEEE 828-2012
-##### [2*]
-Hass 2003
-##### [3*]
-Moore 2006
-##### [5*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [4*]
-**1. Management of the SCM
-    1.1. Organizational Context for
-    SCM
-       c6, ann.D introduction c29
-1.2. Constraints and Guidance
-for the SCM Process
-c6, ann.D,
-c2 c19s2.2 c29 intro
-1.3. Planning for SCM
-c6, ann.D,
-c23 c29
-1.3.1. SCM Organization and
-ann.Ds5–6 c10–11 c29 intro
-1.3.2. SCM Resources and
-ann.Ds8 c23
-1.3.3. Tool Selection and
-c26s2; s6 c29s5
-1.3.4. Vendor/Subcontractor
-c13 c13s9–c14s2
-1.3.5. Interface Control c12 c24s4
-1.4. SCM Plan ann.D c23 c29s1
-1.5. Surveillance of Software
-Configuration Management
-1.5.1. SCM Measures and
-1.5.2. In-Process Audits of
-**2. Software Configuration
-    c29s1.1
-2.1. Identifying Items to Be
-c8s2.2 c29s1.1
-2.1.1. Software Configuration
-2.1.2. Software Configuration
-2.1.3. Software Configuration
-Item Relationships
-2.1.4. Software Version c29s3
-**6-14** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-##### IEEE 828-2012
-##### [2*]
-Hass 2003
-##### [3*]
-Moore 2006
-##### [5*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [4*]
-2.1.5. Baseline
-2.1.6. Acquiring Software
-Configuration Items
-2.2. Software Library c1s3 c29s1.2
-**3. Software Configuration
-    c9 c29s2
-3.1. Requesting, Evaluating, and
-Approving Software Changes
-c9s2.4 c29s2
-3.1.1. Software Configuration
-Control Board
-c9s2.2 c11s1 c29s2
-3.1.2. Software Change
-Request Process
-c1s4, c8s4
-3.2. Implementing Software
-3.3. Deviations and Waivers
-**4. Software Configuration
-Status Accounting**
-    c10
-4.1. Software Configuration
-Status Information
-c10 s2.1
-4.2. Software Configuration
-Status Reporting
-c1s5, c9s1,
-**5. Software Configuration
-    c11
-5.1. Software Functional
-Configuration Audit
-c11s 2 .1
-5.2. Software Physical
-Configuration Audit
-c11s 2. 2
-5.3. In-Process Audits of a
-Software Baseline
-**6. Software Release
-Management and Delivery** c14 c8s2 c29s3
-    6.1. Software Building c29s4
-    6.2. Software Release
-    Management
-       c29s3.2
-**7. Software Configuration
-Management Tools**
-    c26s1
-Software Configuration Management 6-15
-Stephen P. Berczuk and Brad Appleton,
-_Software Configuration Management
-Patterns: Effective Teamwork, Practical
-Integration_ [6].
-This book expresses useful SCM practices and
-strategies as patterns. The patterns can be imple-
-mented using various tools, but they are expressed
-in a tool-agnostic fashion.
-“CMMI for Development,” Version 1.3, pp.
-137–147 [7].
-This model presents a collection of best prac-
-tices to help software development organizations
-improve their processes. At maturity level 2, it
-suggests configuration management activities.
-[1] ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2010 Systems and
-Software Engineering—Vocabulary , ISO/
-IEC/IEEE, 2010.
-[2*] IEEE Std. 828-2012, Standard for
-Configuration Management in Systems and
-Software Engineering , IEEE, 2012.
-[3*] A.M.J. Hass, Configuration Management
-Principles and Practices , 1st ed., Addison-
-Wesley, 2003.
-[4*] I. Sommerville, Software Engineering , 9th
-ed., Addison-Wesley, 2011.
-[5*] J.W. Moore, The Road Map to Software
-Engineering: A Standards-Based Guide ,
-Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press, 2006.
-[6] S.P. Berczuk and B. Appleton, Software
-Configuration Management Patterns:
-Effective Teamwork, Practical Integration ,
-Addison-Wesley Professional, 2003.
-[7] CMMI Product Team, “CMMI for
-Development, Version 1.3,” Software
-Engineering Institute, 2010; http://
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-**CHAPTER 7**
-##### PMBOK ®
-Guide to the Project Management
-Body of Knowledge
-SDLC Software Development Life Cycle
-SEM Software Engineering Management
-SQA Software Quality Assurance
-Software Extension to the PMBOK ®
-WBS Work Breakdown Structure
-Software engineering management can be defined
-as the application of management activities—plan-
-ning, coordinating, measuring, monitoring, con-
-trolling, and reporting^1 —to ensure that software
-products and software engineering services are
-delivered efficiently, effectively, and to the benefit
-of stakeholders. The related discipline of manage-
-ment is an important element of all the knowledge
-areas (KAs), but it is of course more relevant to
-this KA than to other KAs. Measurement is also an
-important aspect of all KAs; the topic of measure-
-ment programs is presented in this KA.
-In one sense, it should be possible to manage
-a software engineering project in the same way
-other complex endeavors are managed. However,
-there are aspects specific to software projects
-and software life cycle processes that complicate
-effective management, including these:
-1 The terms Initiating, Planning, Executing,
-Monitoring and Controlling, and Closing are used to
-describe process groups in the _PMBOK_ ® _Guide_ and
-- Clients often don’t know what is needed or
-    what is feasible.
-- Clients often lack appreciation for the com-
-    plexities inherent in software engineering,
-    particularly regarding the impact of chang-
-    ing requirements.
-- It is likely that increased understanding and
-    changing conditions will generate new or
-    changed software requirements.
-- As a result of changing requirements, soft-
-    ware is often built using an iterative process
-    rather than as a sequence of closed tasks.
-- Software engineering necessarily incorpo-
-    rates creativity and discipline. Maintaining
-    an appropriate balance between the two is
-    sometimes difficult.
-- The degree of novelty and complexity is
-    often high.
-- There is often a rapid rate of change in the
-    underlying technology.
-Software engineering management activities
-occur at three levels: organizational and infra-
-structure management, project management,
-and management of the measurement program.
-The last two are covered in detail in this KA
-description. However, this is not to diminish the
-importance of organizational and infrastructure
-management issues. It is generally agreed that
-software organizational engineering managers
-should be conversant with the project manage-
-ment and software measurement knowledge
-described in this KA. They should also possess
-some target domain knowledge. Likewise, it is
-also helpful if managers of complex projects and
-programs in which software is a component of
-the system architecture are aware of the differ-
-ences that software processes introduce into proj-
-ect management and project measurement.
-**7-2** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-Other aspects of organizational management
-exert an impact on software engineering (for
-example, organizational policies and procedures
-that provide the framework in which software
-engineering projects are undertaken). These poli-
-cies and procedures may need to be adjusted by
-the requirements for effective software develop-
-ment and maintenance. In addition, a number of
-policies specific to software engineering may
-need to be in place or established for effective
-management of software engineering at the orga-
-nizational level. For example, policies are usually
-necessary to establish specific organization-wide
-processes or procedures for software engineering
-tasks such as software design, software construc-
-tion, estimating, monitoring, and reporting. Such
-policies are important for effective long-term
-management of software engineering projects
-across an organization (for example, establishing
-a consistent basis by which to analyze past proj-
-ect performance and implement improvements).
-Another important aspect of organizational
-management is personnel management policies
-and procedures for hiring, training, and mentor-
-ing personnel for career development, not only at
-the project level, but also to the longer-term suc-
-cess of an organization. Software engineering per-
-sonnel may present unique training or personnel
-management challenges (for example, maintaining
-currency in a context where the underlying tech-
-nology undergoes rapid and continuous change).
-Communication management is also often
-mentioned as an overlooked but important aspect
-of the performance of individuals in a field where
-precise understanding of user needs, software
-requirements, and software designs is necessary.
-Furthermore, portfolio management, which pro-
-vides an overall view, not only of software cur-
-rently under development in various projects and
-programs (integrated projects), but also of soft-
-ware planned and currently in use in an organiza-
-tion, is desirable. Also, software reuse is a key
-Figure 7.1. Breakdown of Topics for the Software Engineering Management KA
-Software Engineering Management 7-3
-factor in maintaining and improving productivity
-and competitiveness. Effective reuse requires a
-strategic vision that reflects the advantages and
-disadvantages of reuse.
-In addition to understanding the aspects of
-management that are uniquely influenced by soft-
-ware projects, software engineers should have
-some knowledge of the more general aspects of
-management that are discussed in this KA (even
-in the first few years after graduation).
-Attributes of organizational culture and behav-
-ior, plus management of other functional areas
-of the enterprise, have an influence, albeit indi-
-rectly, on an organization’s software engineering
-Extensive information concerning software
-project management can be found in the _Guide
-to the Project Management Body of Knowledge
-(PMBOK_ ® _Guide)_ and the _Software Extension to
-the PMBOK_ ® _Guide_ ( _SWX_ ) [1] [2]. Each of these
-guides includes ten project management KAs:
-project integration management, project scope
-management, project time management, project
-cost management, project quality management,
-project human resource management, project
-communications management, project risk man-
-agement, project procurement management, and
-project stakeholder management. Each KA has
-direct relevance to this Software Engineering
-Management KA.
-Additional information is also provided in the
-other references and further readings for this KA.
-This Software Engineering Management KA
-consists of the software project management pro-
-cesses in the first five topics in Figure 7.1 (Initia-
-tion and Scope Definition, Software Project Plan-
-ning, Software Project Enactment, Review and
-Evaluation, Closure), plus Software Engineering
-Measurement in the sixth topic and Software
-Engineering Management Tools in the seventh
-topic. While project management and measure-
-ment management are often regarded as being
-separate, and indeed each does possess many
-unique attributes, the close relationship has led to
-combined treatment in this KA.
-Unfortunately, a common perception of the soft-
-ware industry is that software products are deliv-
-ered late, over budget, of poor quality, and with
-incomplete functionality. Measurement-informed
-management—a basic principle of any true engi-
-neering discipline (see Measurement in the Engi-
-neering Foundations KA)—can help improve
-the perception and the reality. In essence, man-
-agement without measurement (qualitative and
-quantitative) suggests a lack of discipline, and
-measurement without management suggests a
-lack of purpose or context. Effective management
-requires a combination of both measurement and
-The following working definitions are adopted
-- _Management_ is a system of processes and
-    controls required to achieve the strategic
-    objectives set by the organization.
-- _Measurement_ refers to the assignment of val-
-    ues and labels to software engineering work
-    products, processes, and resources plus the
-    models that are derived from them, whether
-    these models are developed using statistical
-    or other techniques [3* , c7, c8].
-The software engineering project management
-sections in this KA make extensive use of the
-software engineering measurement section.
-This KA is closely related to others in the
-SWEBOK Guide , and reading the following KA
-descriptions in conjunction with this one will be
-particularly helpful:
-- The Engineering Foundations KA describes
-    some general concepts of measurement that
-    are directly applicable to the Software Engi-
-    neering Measurement section of this KA.
-    In addition, the concepts and techniques
-    presented in the Statistical Analysis section
-    of the Engineering Foundations KA apply
-    directly to many topics in this KA.
-- The Software Requirements KA describes
-    some of the activities that should be per-
-    formed during the Initiation and Scope defi-
-    nition phase of the project.
-- The Software Configuration Management
-    KA deals with identification, control, status
-    accounting, and auditing of software con-
-    figurations along with software release man-
-    agement and delivery and software configu-
-    ration management tools.
-**7-4** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-- The Software Engineering Process KA
-    describes software life cycle models and the
-    relationships between processes and work
-    products.
-- The Software Quality KA emphasizes qual-
-    ity as a goal of management and as an aim of
-    many software engineering activities.
-- The Software Engineering Economics KA
-    discusses how to make software-related
-    decisions in a business context.
-Because most software development life cycle
-models require similar activities that may be exe-
-cuted in different ways, the breakdown of topics
-is activity-based. That breakdown is shown in
-Figure 7.1. The elements of the top-level break-
-down shown in that figure are the activities that
-are usually performed when a software develop-
-ment project is being managed, independent of
-the software development life cycle model (see
-Software Life Cycle Models in the Software
-Engineering Process KA) that has been chosen for
-a specific project. There is no intent in this break-
-down to recommend a specific life cycle model.
-The breakdown implies only what happens and
-does not imply when, how, or how many times
-each activity occurs. The seven topics are:
-- Initiation and Scope Definition, which deal
-    with the decision to embark on a software
-    engineering project;
-- Software Project Planning, which addresses
-    the activities undertaken to prepare for a suc-
-    cessful software engineering project from
-    the management perspective;
-- Software Project Enactment, which deals
-    with generally accepted software engineering
-    management activities that occur during the
-    execution of a software engineering project;
-- Review and Evaluation, which deal with
-    ensuring that technical, schedule, cost, and
-    quality engineering activities are satisfactory;
-- Closure, which addresses the activities
-    accomplished to complete a project;
-- Software Engineering Measurement, which
-    deals with the effective development and
-implementation of measurement programs in
-software engineering organizations;
-- Software Engineering Management Tools,
-    which describes the selection and use of tools
-    for managing a software engineering project.
-**1. Initiation and Scope Definition**
-The focus of these activities is on effective deter-
-mination of software requirements using vari-
-ous elicitation methods and the assessment of
-project feasibility from a variety of standpoints.
-Once project feasibility has been established, the
-remaining tasks within this section are the speci-
-fication of requirements and selection of the pro-
-cesses for revision and review of requirements.
-1.1. Determination and Negotiation of
-[3*, c3]
-Determining and negotiating requirements set
-the visible boundaries for the set of tasks being
-undertaken (see the Software Requirements KA).
-Activities include requirements elicitation, analy-
-sis, specification, and validation. Methods and
-techniques should be selected and applied, taking
-into account the various stakeholder perspectives.
-This leads to the determination of project scope in
-order to meet objectives and satisfy constraints.
-1.2. Feasibility Analysis
-[4*, c4]
-The purpose of feasibility analysis is to develop a
-clear description of project objectives and evalu-
-ate alternative approaches in order to determine
-whether the proposed project is the best alterna-
-tive given the constraints of technology, resources,
-finances, and social/political considerations. An
-initial project and product scope statement, project
-deliverables, project duration constraints, and an
-estimate of resources needed should be prepared.
-Resources include a sufficient number of
-people who have the needed skills, facilities,
-infrastructure, and support (either internally or
-externally). Feasibility analysis often requires
-approximate estimations of effort and cost based
-on appropriate methods (see section 2.3, Effort,
-Schedule, and Cost Estimation).
-Software Engineering Management 7-5
-_1.3. Process for the Review and Revision of
-[3*, c3]
-Given the inevitability of change, stakeholders
-should agree on the means by which requirements
-and scope are to be reviewed and revised (for
-example, change management procedures, itera-
-tive cycle retrospectives). This clearly implies
-that scope and requirements will not be “set in
-stone” but can and should be revisited at predeter-
-mined points as the project unfolds (for example,
-at the time when backlog priorities are created or
-at milestone reviews). If changes are accepted,
-then some form of traceability analysis and risk
-analysis should be used to ascertain the impact
-of those changes (see section 2.5, Risk Manage-
-ment, and Software Configuration Control in the
-Software Configuration Management KA).
-A managed-change approach can also form the
-basis for evaluation of success during closure of
-an incremental cycle or an entire project, based
-on changes that have occurred along the way (see
-topic 5, Closure).
-**2. Software Project Planning**
-The first step in software project planning should
-be selection of an appropriate software develop-
-ment life cycle model and perhaps tailoring it
-based on project scope, software requirements,
-and a risk assessment. Other factors to be consid-
-ered include the nature of the application domain,
-functional and technical complexity, and soft-
-ware quality requirements (see Software Quality
-Requirements in the Software Quality KA).
-In all SDLCs, risk assessment should be an
-element of initial project planning, and the “risk
-profile” of the project should be discussed and
-accepted by all relevant stakeholders. Software
-quality management processes (see Software
-Quality Management Processes in the Software
-Quality KA) should be determined as part of the
-planning process and result in procedures and
-responsibilities for software quality assurance,
-verification and validation, reviews, and audits
-(see the Software Quality KA). Processes and
-responsibilities for ongoing review and revision
-of the project plan and related plans should also
-be clearly stated and agreed upon.
-2.1. Process Planning
-[3*, c3, c4, c5] [5*, c1]
-Software development life cycle (SDLC) mod-
-els span a continuum from predictive to adaptive
-(see Software Life Cycle Models in the Software
-Engineering Process KA). Predictive SDLCs are
-characterized by development of detailed soft-
-ware requirements, detailed project planning, and
-minimal planning for iteration among develop-
-ment phases. Adaptive SDLCs are designed to
-accommodate emergent software requirements
-and iterative adjustment of plans. A highly pre-
-dictive SDLC executes the first five processes
-listed in Figure 7.1 in a linear sequence with revi-
-sions to earlier phases only as necessary. Adap-
-tive SDLCs are characterized by iterative devel-
-opment cycles. SDLCs in the mid-range of the
-SDLC continuum produce increments of func-
-tionality on either a preplanned schedule (on the
-predictive side of the continuum) or as the prod-
-ucts of frequently updated development cycles
-(on the adaptive side of the continuum).
-Well-known SDLCs include the waterfall,
-incremental, and spiral models plus various forms
-of agile software development [2] [3*, c2].
-Relevant methods (see the Software Engineer-
-ing Models and Methods KA) and tools should be
-selected as part of planning. Automated tools that
-will be used throughout the project should also
-be planned for and acquired. Tools may include
-tools for project scheduling, software require-
-ments, software design, software construction,
-software maintenance, software configuration
-management, software engineering process, soft-
-ware quality, and others. While many of these
-tools should be selected based primarily on the
-technical considerations discussed in other KAs,
-some of them are closely related to the manage-
-ment considerations discussed in this chapter.
-2.2. Determine Deliverables
-[3*, c4, c5, c6]
-The work product(s) of each project activity (for
-example, software architecture design docu-
-ments, inspection reports, tested software) should
-be identified and characterized. Opportunities to
-reuse software components from previous proj-
-ects or to utilize off-the-shelf software products
-**7-6** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-should be evaluated. Procurement of software
-and use of third parties to develop deliverables
-should be planned and suppliers selected (see
-section 3.2, Software Acquisition and Supplier
-Contract Management).
-_2.3. Effort, Schedule, and Cost Estimation_
-[3*, c6]
-The estimated range of effort required for a proj-
-ect, or parts of a project, can be determined using
-a calibrated estimation model based on historical
-size and effort data (when available) and other
-relevant methods such as expert judgment and
-analogy. Task dependencies can be established
-and potential opportunities for completing tasks
-concurrently and sequentially can be identified
-and documented using a Gantt chart, for exam-
-ple. For predictive SDLC projects, the expected
-schedule of tasks with projected start times, dura-
-tions, and end times is typically produced during
-planning. For adaptive SDLC projects, an over-
-all estimate of effort and schedule is typically
-developed from the initial understanding of the
-requirements, or, alternatively, constraints on
-overall effort and schedule may be specified and
-used to determine an initial estimate of the num-
-ber of iterative cycles and estimates of effort and
-other resources allocated to each cycle.
-Resource requirements (for example, people
-and tools) can be translated into cost estimates.
-Initial estimation of effort, schedule, and cost is
-an iterative activity that should be negotiated and
-revised among affected stakeholders until con-
-sensus is reached on resources and time available
-for project completion.
-_2.4. Resource Allocation_
-[3*, c5, c10, c11]
-Equipment, facilities, and people should be allo-
-cated to the identified tasks, including the allo-
-cation of responsibilities for completion of vari-
-ous elements of a project and the overall project.
-A matrix that shows who is responsible for,
-accountable for, consulted about, and informed
-about each of the tasks can be used. Resource
-allocation is based on, and constrained by, the
-availability of resources and their optimal use, as
-well as by issues relating to personnel (for exam-
-ple, productivity of individuals and teams, team
-dynamics, and team structures).
-2.5. Risk Management
-[3*, c9] [5*, c5]
-Risk and uncertainty are related but distinct con-
-cepts. Uncertainty results from lack of informa-
-tion. Risk is characterized by the probability of an
-event that will result in a negative impact plus a
-characterization of the negative impact on a proj-
-ect. Risk is often the result of uncertainty. The
-converse of risk is opportunity, which is charac-
-terized by the probability that an event having a
-positive outcome might occur.
-Risk management entails identification of risk
-factors and analysis of the probability and poten-
-tial impact of each risk factor, prioritization of
-risk factors, and development of risk mitigation
-strategies to reduce the probability and minimize
-the negative impact if a risk factor becomes a
-problem. Risk assessment methods (for example,
-expert judgment, historical data, decision trees,
-and process simulations) can sometimes be used
-in order to identify and evaluate risk factors.
-Project abandonment conditions can also be
-determined at this point in discussion with all
-relevant stakeholders. Software-unique aspects
-of risk, such as software engineers’ tendency to
-add unneeded features, or the risks related to soft-
-ware’s intangible nature, can influence risk man-
-agement of a software project. Particular atten-
-tion should be paid to the management of risks
-related to software quality requirements such as
-safety or security (see the Software Quality KA).
-Risk management should be done not only at the
-beginning of a project, but also at periodic inter-
-vals throughout the project life cycle.
-2.6. Quality Management
-[3*, c4] [4*, c24]
-Software quality requirements should be identi-
-fied, perhaps in both quantitative and qualitative
-terms, for a software project and the associated
-work products. Thresholds for acceptable qual-
-ity measurements should be set for each software
-quality requirement based on stakeholder needs
-Software Engineering Management 7-7
-and expectations. Procedures concerned with
-ongoing Software Quality Assurance (SQA) and
-quality improvement throughout the development
-process, and for verification and validation of
-the deliverable software product, should also be
-specified during quality planning (for example,
-technical reviews and inspections or demonstra-
-tions of completed functionality; see the Software
-Quality KA).
-_2.7. Plan Management_
-[3*, c4]
-For software projects, where change is an expec-
-tation, plans should be managed. Managing the
-project plan should thus be planned. Plans and
-processes selected for software development
-should be systematically monitored, reviewed,
-reported, and, when appropriate, revised. Plans
-associated with supporting processes (for exam-
-ple, documentation, software configuration man-
-agement, and problem resolution) also should be
-managed. Reporting, monitoring, and controlling
-a project should fit within the selected SDLC and
-the realities of the project; plans should account
-for the various artifacts that will be used to man-
-age the project.
-**3. Software Project Enactment**
-During software project enactment (also known
-as project execution) plans are implemented and
-the processes embodied in the plans are enacted.
-Throughout, there should be a focus on adher-
-ence to the selected SDLC processes, with an
-overriding expectation that adherence will lead to
-the successful satisfaction of stakeholder require-
-ments and achievement of the project’s objec-
-tives. Fundamental to enactment are the ongoing
-management activities of monitoring, control-
-ling, and reporting.
-_3.1. Implementation of Plans_
-[4*, c2]
-Project activities should be undertaken in accor-
-dance with the project plan and supporting plans.
-Resources (for example, personnel, technology,
-and funding) are utilized and work products (for
-example, software design, software code, and
-software test cases) are generated.
-3.2. Software Acquisition and Supplier Contract
-[3*, c3, c4]
-Software acquisition and supplier contract man-
-agement is concerned with issues involved in
-contracting with customers of the software devel-
-opment organization who acquire the deliverable
-work products and with suppliers who supply
-products or services to the software engineering
-This may involve selection of appropriate kinds
-of contracts, such as fixed price, time and materi-
-als, cost plus fixed fee, or cost plus incentive fee.
-Agreements with customers and suppliers typi-
-cally specify the scope of work and the deliver-
-ables and include clauses such as penalties for late
-delivery or nondelivery and intellectual property
-agreements that specify what the supplier or sup-
-pliers are providing and what the acquirer is pay-
-ing for, plus what will be delivered to and owned
-by the acquirer. For software being developed by
-suppliers (both internal to or external to the soft-
-ware development organization), agreements com-
-monly indicate software quality requirements for
-acceptance of the delivered software.
-After the agreement has been put in place, exe-
-cution of the project in compliance with the terms
-of the agreement should be managed (see chapter
-12 of SWX, Software Procurement Management,
-for more information on this topic [2]).
-3.3. Implementation of Measurement Process
-[3*, c7]
-The measurement process should be enacted dur-
-ing the software project to ensure that relevant
-and useful data are collected (see sections 6.2,
-Plan the Measurement Process, and 6.3, Perform
-the Measurement Process).
-3.4. Monitor Process
-[3*, c8]
-Adherence to the project plan and related
-plans should be assessed continually and at
-**7-8** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-predetermined intervals. Also, outputs and com-
-pletion criteria for each task should be assessed.
-Deliverables should be evaluated in terms of their
-required characteristics (for example, via inspec-
-tions or by demonstrating working functionality).
-Effort expenditure, schedule adherence, and costs
-to date should be analyzed, and resource usage
-examined. The project risk profile (see section
-2.5, Risk Management) should be revisited, and
-adherence to software quality requirements eval-
-uated (see Software Quality Requirements in the
-Software Quality KA).
-Measurement data should be analyzed (see Sta-
-tistical Analysis in the Engineering Foundations
-KA). Variance analysis based on the deviation of
-actual from expected outcomes and values should
-be determined. This may include cost overruns,
-schedule slippage, or other similar measures.
-Outlier identification and analysis of quality and
-other measurement data should be performed (for
-example, defect analysis; see Software Quality
-Measurement in the Software Quality KA). Risk
-exposures should be recalculated (see section 2.5,
-Risk Management). These activities can enable
-problem detection and exception identification
-based on thresholds that have been exceeded.
-Outcomes should be reported when thresholds
-have been exceeded, or as necessary.
-_3.5. Control Process_
-[3*, c7, c8]
-The outcomes of project monitoring activities
-provide the basis on which decisions can be made.
-Where appropriate, and when the probability and
-impact of risk factors are understood, changes can
-be made to the project. This may take the form of
-corrective action (for example, retesting certain
-software components); it may involve incorpo-
-rating additional actions (for example, deciding
-to use prototyping to assist in software require-
-ments validation; see Prototyping in the Software
-Requirements KA); and/or it may entail revision
-of the project plan and other project documents
-(for example, the software requirements specifi-
-cation) to accommodate unanticipated events and
-their implications.
-In some instances, the control process may
-lead to abandonment of the project. In all cases,
-software configuration control and software con-
-figuration management procedures should be
-adhered to (see the Software Configuration Man-
-agement KA), decisions should be documented
-and communicated to all relevant parties, plans
-should be revisited and revised when necessary,
-and relevant data recorded (see section 6.3, Per-
-form the Measurement Process).
-3.6. Reporting
-[3*, c11]
-At specified and agreed-upon times, progress to
-date should be reported—both within the orga-
-nization (for example, to a project steering com-
-mittee) and to external stakeholders (for exam-
-ple, clients or users). Reports should focus on
-the information needs of the target audience as
-opposed to the detailed status reporting within the
-project team.
-**4. Review and Evaluation**
-At prespecified times and as needed, overall prog-
-ress towards achievement of the stated objectives
-and satisfaction of stakeholder (user and customer)
-requirements should be evaluated. Similarly,
-assessments of the effectiveness of the software
-process, the personnel involved, and the tools and
-methods employed should also be undertaken reg-
-ularly and as determined by circumstances.
-4.1. Determining Satisfaction of Requirements
-[4*, c8]
-Because achieving stakeholder satisfaction is
-a principal goal of the software engineering
-manager, progress towards this goal should
-be assessed periodically. Progress should be
-assessed on achievement of major project mile-
-stones (for example, completion of software
-design architecture or completion of a soft-
-ware technical review), or upon completion of
-an iterative development cycle that results in
-a product increment. Variances from software
-requirements should be identified and appropri-
-ate actions should be taken.
-As in the control process activity above (see sec-
-tion 3.5, Control Process), software configuration
-Software Engineering Management 7-9
-control and software configuration management
-procedures should be followed (see the Software
-Configuration Management KA), decisions docu-
-mented and communicated to all relevant parties,
-plans revisited and revised where necessary, and
-relevant data recorded (see section 6.3, Perform
-the Measurement Process).
-_4.2. Reviewing and Evaluating Performance_
-[3*, c8, c10]
-Periodic performance reviews for project per-
-sonnel can provide insights as to the likelihood
-of adherence to plans and processes as well as
-possible areas of difficulty (for example, team
-member conflicts). The various methods, tools,
-and techniques employed should be evaluated for
-their effectiveness and appropriateness, and the
-process being used by the project should also be
-systematically and periodically assessed for rel-
-evance, utility, and efficacy in the project context.
-Where appropriate, changes should be made and
-**5. Closure**
-An entire project, a major phase of a project,
-or an iterative development cycle reaches clo-
-sure when all the plans and processes have been
-enacted and completed. The criteria for project,
-phase, or iteration success should be evaluated.
-Once closure is established, archival, retrospec-
-tive, and process improvement activities can be
-_5.1. Determining Closure_
-[1, s3.7, s4.6]
-Closure occurs when the specified tasks for a
-project, a phase, or an iteration have been com-
-pleted and satisfactory achievement of the com-
-pletion criteria has been confirmed. Software
-requirements can be confirmed as satisfied or not,
-and the degree of achieving the objectives can
-be determined. Closure processes should involve
-relevant stakeholders and result in documentation
-of relevant stakeholders’ acceptance; any known
-problems should be documented.
-5.2. Closure Activities
-[2, s3.7, s4.8]
-After closure has been confirmed, archiving of
-project materials should be accomplished in
-accordance with stakeholder agreed-upon meth-
-ods, location, and duration—possibly including
-destruction of sensitive information, software,
-and the medium on which copies are resident.
-The organization’s measurement database should
-be updated with relevant project data. A project,
-phase, or iteration retrospective analysis should
-be undertaken so that issues, problems, risks,
-and opportunities encountered can be analyzed
-(see topic 4, Review and Evaluation). Lessons
-learned should be drawn from the project and fed
-into organizational learning and improvement
-**6. Software Engineering Measurement**
-The importance of measurement and its role in
-better management and engineering practices is
-widely acknowledged (see Measurement in the
-Engineering Foundations KA). Effective mea-
-surement has become one of the cornerstones
-of organizational maturity. Measurement can be
-applied to organizations, projects, processes, and
-work products. In this section the focus is on the
-application of measurement at the levels of proj-
-ects, processes, and work products.
-This section follows the IEEE 15939:2008
-standard [6], which describes a process to define
-the activities and tasks necessary to implement a
-software measurement process. The standard also
-includes a measurement information model.
-6.1. Establish and Sustain Measurement
-[7*, c1, c2]^2
-- Requirements for measurement. Each mea-
-    surement endeavor should be guided by
-    organizational objectives and driven by a set
-    of measurement requirements established by
-2 Please note that these two chapters can be
-downloaded free of charge from
-**7-10** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-the organization and the project (for exam-
-ple, an organizational objective might be
-“first-to-market with new products”).
-- Scope of measurement_._ The organizational
-    unit to which each measurement requirement
-    is to be applied should be established. This
-    may consist of a functional area, a single
-    project, a single site, or an entire enterprise.
-    The temporal scope of the measurement
-    effort should also be considered because
-    time series of some measurements may be
-    required; for example, to calibrate estima-
-    tion models (see section 2.3, Effort, Sched-
-    ule, and Cost Estimation).
-- Team commitment to measurement. The
-    commitment should be formally established,
-    communicated, and supported by resources
-    (see next item).
-- Resources for measurement. An organiza-
-    tion’s commitment to measurement is an
-    essential factor for success, as evidenced by
-    the assignment of resources for implement-
-    ing the measurement process. Assigning
-    resources includes allocation of responsibil-
-    ity for the various tasks of the measurement
-    process (such as analyst and librarian). Ade-
-    quate funding, training, tools, and support to
-    conduct the process should also be allocated.
-_6.2. Plan the Measurement Process_
-[7*, c1, c2]
-- Characterize the organizational unit. The
-    organizational unit provides the context for
-    measurement, so the organizational context
-    should be made explicit, including the con-
-    straints that the organization imposes on
-    the measurement process. The characteriza-
-    tion can be stated in terms of organizational
-    processes, application domains, technology,
-    organizational interfaces, and organizational
-    structure.
-- Identify information needs. Information
-    needs are based on the goals, constraints,
-    risks, and problems of the organizational
-    unit. They may be derived from business,
-    organizational, regulatory, and/or product
-    objectives. They should be identified and
-prioritized. Then a subset of objectives to be
-addressed can be selected, documented, com-
-municated, and reviewed by stakeholders.
-- Select measures. Candidate measures should
-    be selected, with clear links to the informa-
-    tion needs. Measures should be selected
-    based on the priorities of the information
-    needs and other criteria such as cost of col-
-    lection, degree of process disruption during
-    collection, ease of obtaining accurate, con-
-    sistent data, and ease of analysis and report-
-    ing. Because internal quality characteristics
-    (see Models and Quality Characteristics in
-    the Software Quality KA) are often not con-
-    tained in the contractually binding software
-    requirements, it is important to consider mea-
-    suring the internal quality of the software to
-    provide an early indicator of potential issues
-    that may impact external stakeholders.
-- Define data collection, analysis, and report-
-    ing procedures. This encompasses collection
-    procedures and schedules, storage, verifica-
-    tion, analysis, reporting, and configuration
-    management of data.
-- Select criteria for evaluating the information
-    products. Criteria for evaluation are influ-
-    enced by the technical and business objec-
-    tives of the organizational unit. Information
-    products include those associated with the
-    product being produced, as well as those
-    associated with the processes being used to
-    manage and measure the project.
-- Provide resources for measurement tasks. The
-    measurement plan should be reviewed and
-    approved by the appropriate stakeholders to
-    include all data collection procedures; storage,
-    analysis, and reporting procedures; evaluation
-    criteria; schedules; and responsibilities. Crite-
-    ria for reviewing these artifacts should have
-    been established at the organizational-unit
-    level or higher and should be used as the basis
-    for these reviews. Such criteria should take
-    into consideration previous experience, avail-
-    ability of resources, and potential disruptions
-    to projects when changes from current prac-
-    tices are proposed. Approval demonstrates
-    commitment to the measurement process.
-- Identify resources to be made available for
-    implementing the planned and approved
-Software Engineering Management 7-11
-measurement tasks. Resource availability
-may be staged in cases where changes are
-to be piloted before widespread deployment.
-Consideration should be paid to the resources
-necessary for successful deployment of new
-procedures or measures.
-- Acquire and deploy supporting technologies.
-    This includes evaluation of available supporting
-    technologies, selection of the most appropriate
-    technologies, acquisition of those technologies,
-    and deployment of those technologies.
-_6.3. Perform the Measurement Process_
-[7*, c1, c2]
-- Integrate measurement procedures with rel-
-    evant software processes. The measurement
-    procedures, such as data collection, should
-    be integrated into the software processes
-    they are measuring. This may involve chang-
-    ing current software processes to accommo-
-    date data collection or generation activities.
-    It may also involve analysis of current soft-
-    ware processes to minimize additional effort
-    and evaluation of the effect on employees to
-    ensure that the measurement procedures will
-    be accepted. Morale issues and other human
-    factors should be considered. In addition, the
-    measurement procedures should be commu-
-    nicated to those providing the data. Training
-    and support may also need to be provided.
-    Data analysis and reporting procedures are
-    typically integrated into organizational and/
-    or project processes in a similar manner.
-- Collect data. Data should be collected, veri-
-    fied, and stored. Collection can sometimes
-    be automated by using software engineer-
-    ing management tools (see topic 7, Soft-
-    ware Engineering Management Tools) to
-    analyze data and develop reports. Data may
-    be aggregated, transformed, or recoded as
-    part of the analysis process, using a degree
-    of rigor appropriate to the nature of the data
-    and the information needs. The results of
-    this analysis are typically indicators such as
-    graphs, numbers, or other indications that
-    will be interpreted, resulting in conclusions
-    and recommendations to be presented to
-    stakeholders (see Statistical Analysis in the
-Engineering Foundations KA). The results
-and conclusions are usually reviewed, using
-a process defined by the organization (which
-may be formal or informal). Data providers
-and measurement users should participate
-in reviewing the data to ensure that they are
-meaningful and accurate and that they can
-result in reasonable actions.
-- Communicate results. Information products
-    should be documented and communicated to
-    users and stakeholders.
-6.4. Evaluate Measurement
-[7*, c1, c2]
-- Evaluate information products and the mea-
-    surement process against specified evalu-
-    ation criteria and determine strengths and
-    weaknesses of the information products or
-    process, respectively. Evaluation may be
-    performed by an internal process or an exter-
-    nal audit; it should include feedback from
-    measurement users. Lessons learned should
-    be recorded in an appropriate database.
-- Identify potential improvements. Such
-    improvements may be changes in the format
-    of indicators, changes in units measured, or
-    reclassification of measurement categories.
-    The costs and benefits of potential improve-
-    ments should be determined and appropriate
-    improvement actions should be reported.
-- Communicate proposed improvements to the
-    measurement process owner and stakehold-
-    ers for review and approval. Also, lack of
-    potential improvements should be commu-
-    nicated if the analysis fails to identify any
-    improvements.
-**7. Software Engineering Management Tools**
-[3*, c5, c6, c7]
-Software engineering management tools are often
-used to provide visibility and control of software
-engineering management processes. Some tools
-are automated while others are manually imple-
-mented. There has been a recent trend towards
-the use of integrated suites of software engineer-
-ing tools that are used throughout a project to
-plan, collect and record, monitor and control, and
-**7-12** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-report project and product information. Tools can
-be divided into the following categories:
-_Project Planning and Tracking Tools._ Project
-planning and tracking tools can be used to esti-
-mate project effort and cost and to prepare project
-schedules. Some projects use automated estima-
-tion tools that accept as input the estimated size
-and other characteristics of a software product
-and produce estimates of the required total effort,
-schedule, and cost. Planning tools also include
-automated scheduling tools that analyze the tasks
-within a work breakdown structure, their esti-
-mated durations, their precedence relationships,
-and the resources assigned to each task to pro-
-duce a schedule in the form of a Gantt chart.
-Tracking tools can be used to track project
-milestones, regularly scheduled project status
-meetings, scheduled iteration cycles, product
-demonstrations, and/or action items.
-_Risk Management Tools._ Risk management
-tools (see section 2.5, Risk Management _)_ can
-be used to track risk identification, estimation,
-and monitoring. These tools include the use of
-approaches such as simulation or decision trees
-to analyze the effect of costs versus payoffs
-and subjective estimates of the probabilities of
-risk events. Monte Carlo simulation tools can
-be used to produce probability distributions of
-effort, schedule, and risk by combining multiple
-input probability distributions in an algorithmic
-Communications Tools. Communication tools
-can assist in providing timely and consistent
-information to relevant stakeholders involved in a
-project. These tools can include things like email
-notifications and broadcasts to team members
-and stakeholders. They also include communica-
-tion of minutes from regularly scheduled project
-meetings, daily stand-up meetings, plus charts
-showing progress, backlogs, and maintenance
-request resolutions.
-Measurement Tools. Measurement tools sup-
-port activities related to the software measure-
-ment program (see topic 6, Software Engineer-
-ing Measurement). There are few completely
-automated tools in this category. Measurement
-tools used to gather, analyze, and report project
-measurement data may be based on spreadsheets
-developed by project team members or organiza-
-tional employees.
-Software Engineering Management 7-13
-Fairley 2009
-##### [3*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [4*]
-Boehm and Turner 2003
-##### [5*]
-McGarry et al. 2001
-##### [7*]
-**1. Initiation and Scope
-    1.1. Determination and
-    Negotiation of Requirements
-       c3
-1.2. Feasibility Analysis c4
-1.3. Process for the Review and
-Revision of Requirements
-**2. Software Project Planning**
-    2.1. Process Planning c2, c3, c4, c5 c1
-    2.2. Determine Deliverables c4, c5, c6
-    2.3. Effort, Schedule, and Cost
-    Estimation
-       c6
-2.4. Resource Allocation c5, c10, c11
-2.5. Risk Management c9 c5
-2.6. Quality Management c4 c24
-2.7. Plan Management c4
-**3. Software Project Enactment**
-    3.1. Implementation of Plans c2
-    3.2. Software Acquisition and
-    Supplier Contract Management
-       c3, c4
-3.3. Implementation of
-Measurement Process
-3.4. Monitor Process c8
-3.5. Control Process c7, c8
-3.6. Reporting c11
-**4. Review and Evaluation**
-    4.1. Determining Satisfaction of
-    Requirements
-    4.2. Reviewing and Evaluating
-    Performance
-       c8, c10
-**7-14** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-Fairley 2009
-##### [3*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [4*]
-Boehm and Turner 2003
-##### [5*]
-McGarry et al. 2001
-##### [7*]
-**5. Closure**
-    5.1. Determining Closure
-    5.2. Closure Activities
-**6. Software Engineering
-    6.1. Establish and Sustain
-    Measurement Commitment
-       c1, c2
-6.2. Plan the Measurement
-c1, c2
-6.3. Perform the Measurement
-c1, c2
-6.4. Evaluate Measurement c1, c2
-**7. Software Engineering
-Management Tools**
-    c5, c6, c7
-Software Engineering Management 7-15
-_A Guide to the Project Management Body of
-Knowledge (PMBOK_ ® _Guide)_ [1].
-The _PMBOK_ ® _Guide_ provides guidelines for
-managing individual projects and defines project
-management-related concepts. It also describes
-the project management life cycle and its related
-processes, as well as the project life cycle. It is
-a globally recognized guide for the project man-
-agement profession.
-_Software Extension to the Guide to the
-Project Management Body of Knowledge
-(PMBOK® Guide)_ [2].
-SWX provides adaptations and extensions to
-the generic practices of project management
-documented in the _PMBOK® Guide_ for manag-
-ing software projects. The primary contribution
-of this extension to the _PMBOK® Guide_ is a
-description of processes that are applicable for
-managing adaptive life cycle software projects.
-_IEEE Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC 15939_ [6].
-This international standard identifies a process
-that supports defining a suitable set of measures
-to address specific information needs. It identi-
-fies the activities and tasks that are necessary to
-successfully identify, define, select, apply, and
-improve measurement within an overall project
-or organizational measurement structure.
-J. McDonald, _Managing the Development of
-Software Intensive Systems_ , Wiley, 2010 [8].
-This textbook provides an introduction to project
-management for beginning software and hard-
-ware developers plus unique advanced material
-for experienced project managers. Case studies
-are included for planning and managing verifica-
-tion and validation for large software projects,
-complex software, and hardware systems, as well
-as inspection results and testing metrics to moni-
-tor project status.
-[1] Project Management Institute, A Guide to the
-Project Management Body of Knowledge
-(PMBOK(R) Guide) , 5th ed., Project
-Management Institute, 2013.
-[2] Project Management Institute and IEEE
-Computer Society, Software Extension to
-the PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition , Project
-Management Institute, 2013.
-[3*] R.E. Fairley, Managing and Leading
-Software Projects , Wiley-IEEE Computer
-Society Press, 2009.
-[4*] I. Sommerville, Software Engineering , 9th
-ed., Addison-Wesley, 2011.
-[5*] B. Boehm and R. Turner, Balancing Agility
-and Discipline: A Guide for the Perplexed ,
-Addison-Wesley, 2003.
-[6] IEEE Std. 15939-2008 Standard Adoption of
-ISO/IEC 15939:2007 Systems and Software
-Engineering—Measurement Process ,
-IEEE, 2008.
-[7*] J. McGarry et al., Practical Software
-Measurement: Objective Information
-for Decision Makers , Addison-Wesley
-Professional, 2001.
-[8] J. McDonald, Managing the Development of
-Software Intensive Systems , John Wiley and
-Sons, Inc., 2010.
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-**CHAPTER 8**
-##### BPMN
-Business Process Modeling
-Computer-Assisted Software
-CM Configuration Management
-Capability Maturity Model
-GQM Goal-Question-Metric
-IDEF0 Integration Definition
-LOE Level of Effort
-ODC Orthogonal Defect Classification
-SDLC Software Development Life Cycle
-SPLC Software Product Life Cycle
-UML Unified Modeling Language
-An engineering process consists of a set of inter-
-related activities that transform one or more inputs
-into outputs while consuming resources to accom-
-plish the transformation. Many of the processes of
-traditional engineering disciplines (e.g., electrical,
-mechanical, civil, chemical) are concerned with
-transforming energy and physical entities from
-one form into another, as in a hydroelectric dam
-that transforms potential energy into electrical
-energy or a petroleum refinery that uses chemical
-processes to transform crude oil into gasoline.
-In this knowledge area (KA), software engineer-
-ing processes are concerned with work activities
-accomplished by software engineers to develop,
-maintain, and operate software, such as require-
-ments, design, construction, testing, configura-
-tion management, and other software engineering
-processes. For readability, “software engineering
-process” will be referred to as “software process”
-in this KA. In addition, please note that “software
-process” denotes work activities—not the execu-
-tion process for implemented software.
-Software processes are specified for a number
-of reasons: to facilitate human understanding,
-communication, and coordination; to aid man-
-agement of software projects; to measure and
-improve the quality of software products in an
-efficient manner; to support process improve-
-ment; and to provide a basis for automated sup-
-port of process execution.
-SWEBOK KAs closely related to this Soft-
-ware Engineering Process KA include Software
-Engineering Management, Software Engineer-
-ing Models and Methods, and Software Quality;
-the Measurement and Root Cause Analysis topic
-found in the Engineering Foundations KA is also
-closely related. Software Engineering Manage-
-ment is concerned with tailoring, adapting, and
-implementing software processes for a specific
-software project (see Process Planning in the
-Software Engineering Management KA). Mod-
-els and methods support a systematic approach to
-software development and modification.
-The Software Quality KA is concerned with
-the planning, assurance, and control processes
-for project and product quality. Measurement and
-measurement results in the Engineering Founda-
-tions KA are essential for evaluating and control-
-ling software processes.
-As illustrated in Figure 8.1, this KA is concerned
-with software process definition, software life
-cycles, software process assessment and improve-
-ment, software measurement, and software engi-
-neering process tools.
-**8-2** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-**1. Software Process Definition**
-    [1*, p177] [2*, p295] [3*, p28–29, p36, c5]
-This topic is concerned with a definition of soft-
-ware process, software process management, and
-software process infrastructure.
-As stated above, a software process is a set of
-interrelated activities and tasks that transform
-input work products into output work products.
-At minimum, the description of a software pro-
-cess includes required inputs, transforming work
-activities, and outputs generated. As illustrated in
-Figure 8.2, a software process may also include
-its entry and exit criteria and decomposition
-of the work activities into tasks, which are the
-smallest units of work subject to management
-accountability. A process input may be a trigger-
-ing event or the output of another process. Entry
-criteria should be satisfied before a process can
-commence. All specified conditions should be
-satisfied before a process can be successfully
-concluded, including the acceptance criteria for
-the output work product or work products.
-A software process may include subprocesses.
-For example, software requirements validation is
-a process used to determine whether the require-
-ments will provide an adequate basis for software
-development; it is a subprocess of the software
-requirements process. Inputs for requirements val-
-idation are typically a software requirements spec-
-ification and the resources needed to perform vali-
-dation (personnel, validation tools, sufficient time).
-The tasks of the requirements validation activity
-might include requirements reviews, prototyping,
-and model validation. These tasks involve work
-assignments for individuals and teams. The output
-of requirements validation is typically a validated
-software requirements specification that provides
-inputs to the software design and software test-
-ing processes. Requirements validation and other
-subprocesses of the software requirements process
-are often interleaved and iterated in various ways;
-Figure 8.1. Breakdown of Topics for the Software Engineering Process KA
-Software Engineering Process 8-3
-the software requirements process and its subpro-
-cesses may be entered and exited multiple times
-during software development or modification.
-Complete definition of a software process may
-also include the roles and competencies, IT sup-
-port, software engineering techniques and tools,
-and work environment needed to perform the
-process, as well as the approaches and measures
-(Key Performance Indicators) used to determine
-the efficiency and effectiveness of performing the
-In addition, a software process may include
-interleaved technical, collaborative, and adminis-
-trative activities.
-Notations for defining software processes
-include textual lists of constituent activities and
-tasks described in natural language; data-flow
-diagrams; state charts; BPMN; IDEF0; Petri nets;
-and UML activity diagrams. The transforming
-tasks within a process may be defined as proce-
-dures; a procedure may be specified as an ordered
-set of steps or, alternatively, as a checklist of the
-work to be accomplished in performing a task.
-It must be emphasized that there is no best soft-
-ware process or set of software processes. Soft-
-ware processes must be selected, adapted, and
-applied as appropriate for each project and each
-organizational context. No ideal process, or set of
-processes, exists.
-_1.1. Software Process Management_
-[3*, s26.1] [4*, p453–454]
-Two objectives of software process management
-are to realize the efficiency and effectiveness that
-result from a systematic approach to accomplish-
-ing software processes and producing work prod-
-ucts—be it at the individual, project, or organiza-
-tional level—and to introduce new or improved
-Processes are changed with the expectation that
-a new or modified process will improve the effi-
-ciency and/or effectiveness of the process and the
-quality of the resulting work products. Changing
-to a new process, improving an existing process,
-organizational change, and infrastructure change
-(technology insertion or changes in tools) are
-closely related, as all are usually initiated with the
-goal of improving the cost, development sched-
-ule, or quality of the software products. Process
-change has impacts not only for the software
-product; they often lead to organizational change.
-Changing a process or introducing a new process
-can have ripple effects throughout an organiza-
-tion. For example, changes in IT infrastruc-
-ture tools and technology often require process
-Existing processes may be modified when
-other new processes are deployed for the first
-time (for example, introducing an inspection
-activity within a software development project
-will likely impact the software testing process—
-see Reviews and Audits in the Software Quality
-KA and in the Software Testing KA). These situ-
-ations can also be termed “process evolution.”
-If the modifications are extensive, then changes
-in the organizational culture and business model
-will likely be necessary to accommodate the pro-
-cess changes.
-Figure 8.2. Elements of a Software Process
-**8-4** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-_1.2. Software Process Infrastructure_
-[2*, p183, p186] [4*, p437–438]
-Establishing, implementing, and managing soft-
-ware processes and software life cycle models
-often occurs at the level of individual software
-projects. However, systematic application of
-software processes and software life cycle mod-
-els across an organization can provide benefits
-to all software work within the organization,
-although it requires commitment at the organi-
-zational level. A software process infrastructure
-can provide process definitions, policies for inter-
-preting and applying the processes, and descrip-
-tions of the procedures to be used to implement
-the processes. Additionally, a software process
-infrastructure may provide funding, tools, train-
-ing, and staff members who have been assigned
-responsibilities for establishing and maintaining
-the software process infrastructure.
-Software process infrastructure varies, depend-
-ing on the size and complexity of the organization
-and the projects undertaken within the organiza-
-tion. Small, simple organizations and projects
-have small, simple infrastructure needs. Large,
-complex organizations and projects, by neces-
-sity, have larger and more complex software
-process infrastructures. In the latter case, various
-organizational units may be established (such as
-a software engineering process group or a steer-
-ing committee) to oversee implementation and
-improvement of the software processes.
-A common misperception is that establishing a
-software process infrastructure and implementing
-repeatable software processes will add time and
-cost to software development and maintenance.
-There is a cost associated with introducing or
-improving a software process; however, experi-
-ence has shown that implementing systematic
-improvement of software processes tends to result
-in lower cost through improved efficiency, avoid-
-ance of rework, and more reliable and affordable
-software. Process performance thus influences
-software product quality.
-**2. Software Life Cycles**
-    [1*, c2] [2*, p190]
-This topic addresses categories of software pro-
-cesses, software life cycle models, software
-process adaptation, and practical considerations.
-A software development life cycle (SDLC)
-includes the software processes used to specify
-and transform software requirements into a deliv-
-erable software product. A software product life
-cycle (SPLC) includes a software development
-life cycle plus additional software processes that
-provide for deployment, maintenance, support,
-evolution, retirement, and all other inception-
-to-retirement processes for a software product,
-including the software configuration management
-and software quality assurance processes that are
-applied throughout a software product life cycle.
-A software product life cycle may include multi-
-ple software development life cycles for evolving
-and enhancing the software.
-Individual software processes have no tempo-
-ral ordering among them. The temporal relation-
-ships among software processes are provided by
-a software life cycle model: either an SDLC or
-SPLC. Life cycle models typically emphasize
-the key software processes within the model
-and their temporal and logical interdependen-
-cies and relationships. Detailed definitions of
-the software processes in a life cycle model may
-be provided directly or by reference to other
-In addition to conveying the temporal and
-logical relationships among software processes,
-the software development life cycle model (or
-models used within an organization) includes the
-control mechanisms for applying entry and exit
-criteria (e.g., project reviews, customer approv-
-als, software testing, quality thresholds, dem-
-onstrations, team consensus). The output of one
-software process often provides the input for oth-
-ers (e.g., software requirements provide input for
-a software architectural design process and the
-software construction and software testing pro-
-cesses). Concurrent execution of several software
-process activities may produce a shared output
-(e.g., the interface specifications for interfaces
-among multiple software components developed
-by different teams). Some software processes
-may be regarded as less effective unless other
-software processes are being performed at the
-same time (e.g., software test planning during
-software requirements analysis can improve the
-software requirements).
-Software Engineering Process 8-5
-_2.1. Categories of Software Processes_
-[1*, Preface] [2* , p294–295] [3*, c22–c24]
-Many distinct software processes have been
-defined for use in the various parts of the soft-
-ware development and software maintenance life
-cycles. These processes can be categorized as
-1. _Primary processes_ include software pro-
-    cesses for development, operation, and
-    maintenance of software.
-2. _Supporting processes_ are applied intermit-
-    tently or continuously throughout a software
-    product life cycle to support primary pro-
-    cesses; they include software processes such
-    as configuration management, quality assur-
-    ance, and verification and validation.
-3. _Organizational processes_ provide sup-
-    port for software engineering; they include
-    training, process measurement analysis,
-    infrastructure management, portfolio and
-    reuse management, organizational process
-    improvement, and management of software
-    life cycle models.
-4. _Cross-project processes,_ such as reuse, soft-
-    ware product line, and domain engineering;
-    they involve more than a single software
-    project in an organization.
-Software processes in addition to those listed
-above include the following.
-Project management processes include pro-
-cesses for planning and estimating, resource
-management, measuring and controlling, leading,
-managing risk, managing stakeholders, and coor-
-dinating the primary, supporting, organizational,
-and cross-project processes of software develop-
-ment and maintenance projects.
-Software processes are also developed for
-particular needs, such as process activities that
-address software quality characteristics (see
-the Software Quality KA). For example, secu-
-rity concerns during software development may
-necessitate one or more software processes to
-protect the security of the development environ-
-ment and reduce the risk of malicious acts. Soft-
-ware processes may also be developed to provide
-adequate grounds for establishing confidence in
-the integrity of the software.
-2.2. Software Life Cycle Models
-[1*, c2] [2*, s3.2] [3*, s2.1] [5]
-The intangible and malleable nature of software
-permits a wide variety of software development
-life cycle models, ranging from linear models in
-which the phases of software development are
-accomplished sequentially with feedback and
-iteration as needed followed by integration, test-
-ing, and delivery of a single product; to iterative
-models in which software is developed in incre-
-ments of increasing functionality on iterative
-cycles; to agile models that typically involve
-frequent demonstrations of working software to
-a customer or user representative who directs
-development of the software in short iterative
-cycles that produce small increments of working,
-deliverable software. Incremental, iterative, and
-agile models can deliver early subsets of working
-software into the user environment, if desired.
-Linear SDLC models are sometimes referred
-to as predictive software development life cycle
-models, while iterative and agile SDLCs are
-referred to as adaptive software development
-life cycle models. It should be noted that vari-
-ous maintenance activities during an SPLC can
-be conducted using different SDLC models, as
-appropriate to the maintenance activities.
-A distinguishing feature of the various soft-
-ware development life cycle models is the way in
-which software requirements are managed. Lin-
-ear development models typically develop a com-
-plete set of software requirements, to the extent
-possible, during project initiation and planning.
-The software requirements are then rigorously
-controlled. Changes to the software requirements
-are based on change requests that are processed
-by a change control board (see Requesting,
-Evaluating and Approving Software Changes in
-the Change Control Board in the Software Con-
-figuration Management KA). An incremental
-model produces successive increments of work-
-ing, deliverable software based on partitioning
-of the software requirements to be implemented
-in each of the increments. The software require-
-ments may be rigorously controlled, as in a linear
-model, or there may be some flexibility in revising
-the software requirements as the software product
-evolves. Agile models may define product scope
-and high-level features initially; however, agile
-**8-6** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-models are designed to facilitate evolution of the
-software requirements during the project.
-It must be emphasized that the continuum of
-SDLCs from linear to agile is not a thin, straight
-line. Elements of different approaches may be
-incorporated into a specific model; for exam-
-ple, an incremental software development life
-cycle model may incorporate sequential soft-
-ware requirements and design phases but permit
-considerable flexibility in revising the software
-requirements and architecture during software
-_2.3. Software Process Adaptation_
-[1*, s2.7] [2*, p51]
-Predefined SDLCs, SPLCs, and individual soft-
-ware processes often need to be adapted (or
-“tailored”) to better serve local needs. Organiza-
-tional context, innovations in technology, project
-size, product criticality, regulatory requirements,
-industry practices, and corporate culture may
-determine needed adaptations. Adaptation of
-individual software processes and software life
-cycle models (development and product) may
-consist of adding more details to software pro-
-cesses, activities, tasks, and procedures to address
-critical concerns. It may consist of using an alter-
-nate set of activities that achieves the purpose and
-outcomes of the software process. Adaptation
-may also include omitting software processes
-or activities from a development or product life
-cycle model that are clearly inapplicable to the
-scope of work to be accomplished.
-_2.4. Practical Considerations_
-[2*, p188–190]
-In practice, software processes and activities are
-often interleaved, overlapped, and applied concur-
-rently. Software life cycle models that specify dis-
-crete software processes, with rigorously specified
-entry and exit criteria and prescribed boundaries
-and interfaces, should be recognized as idealiza-
-tions that must be adapted to reflect the realities of
-software development and maintenance within the
-organizational context and business environment.
-Another practical consideration: software
-processes (such as configuration management,
-construction, and testing) can be adapted to facili-
-tate operation, support, maintenance, migration,
-and retirement of the software.
-Additional factors to be considered when
-defining and tailoring a software life cycle model
-include required conformance to standards, direc-
-tives, and policies; customer demands; criticality
-of the software product; and organizational matu-
-rity and competencies. Other factors include the
-nature of the work (e.g., modification of exist-
-ing software versus new development) and the
-application domain (e.g., aerospace versus hotel
-**3. Software Process Assessment and
-    [2*, p188, p194] [3*, c26] [4*, p397, c15]
-This topic addresses software process assess-
-ment models, software process assessment meth-
-ods, software process improvement models, and
-continuous and staged process ratings. Software
-process assessments are used to evaluate the form
-and content of a software process, which may
-be specified by a standardized set of criteria. In
-some instances, the terms “process appraisal”
-and “capability evaluation” are used instead of
-process assessment. Capability evaluations are
-typically performed by an acquirer (or potential
-acquirer) or by an external agent on behalf of
-an acquirer (or potential acquirer). The results
-are used as an indicator of whether the software
-processes used by a supplier (or potential sup-
-plier) are acceptable to the acquirer. Performance
-appraisals are typically performed within an orga-
-nization to identify software processes in need of
-improvement or to determine whether a process
-(or processes) satisfies the criteria at a given level
-of process capability or maturity.
-Process assessments are performed at the lev-
-els of entire organizations, organizational units
-within organizations, and individual projects.
-Assessment may involve issues such as assess-
-ing whether software process entry and exit cri-
-teria are being met, to review risk factors and
-risk management, or to identify lessons learned.
-Process assessment is carried out using both an
-assessment model and an assessment method. The
-model can provide a norm for a benchmarking
-Software Engineering Process 8-7
-comparison among projects within an organiza-
-tion and among organizations.
-A process audit differs from a process assess-
-ment. Assessments are performed to determine
-levels of capability or maturity and to identify
-software processes to be improved. Audits are
-typically conducted to ascertain compliance with
-policies and standards. Audits provide manage-
-ment visibility into the actual operations being
-performed in the organization so that accurate
-and meaningful decisions can be made concern-
-ing issues that are impacting a development proj-
-ect, a maintenance activity, or a software-related
-Success factors for software process assess-
-ment and improvement within software engineer-
-ing organizations include management sponsor-
-ship, planning, training, experienced and capable
-leaders, team commitment, expectation manage-
-ment, the use of change agents, plus pilot projects
-and experimentation with tools. Additional fac-
-tors include independence of the assessor and the
-timeliness of the assessment.
-_3.1. Software Process Assessment Models_
-[2*, s4.5, s4.6] [3*, s26.5] [4*, p44–48]
-Software process assessment models typically
-include assessment criteria for software processes
-that are regarded as constituting good practices.
-These practices may address software develop-
-ment processes only, or they may also include
-topics such as software maintenance, software
-project management, systems engineering, or
-human resources management.
-_3.2. Software Process Assessment Methods_
-[1*, p322–331] [3*, s26.3]
-[4*, p44–48, s16.4] [6]
-A software process assessment method can be
-qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative assess-
-ments rely on the judgment of experts; quanti-
-tative assessments assign numerical scores to
-software processes based on analysis of objective
-evidence that indicates attainment of the goals
-and outcomes of a defined software process. For
-example, a quantitative assessment of the soft-
-ware inspection process might be performed by
-examining the procedural steps followed and
-results obtained plus data concerning defects
-found and time required to find and fix the defects
-as compared to software testing.
-A typical method of software process assess-
-ment includes planning, fact-finding (by collect-
-ing evidence through questionnaires, interviews,
-and observation of work practices), collection
-and validation of process data, and analysis and
-reporting. Process assessments may rely on the
-subjective, qualitative judgment of the assessor,
-or on the objective presence or absence of defined
-artifacts, records, and other evidence.
-The activities performed during a software pro-
-cess assessment and the distribution of effort for
-assessment activities are different depending on
-the purpose of the software process assessment.
-Software process assessments may be undertaken
-to develop capability ratings used to make recom-
-mendations for process improvements or may be
-undertaken to obtain a process maturity rating in
-order to qualify for a contract or award.
-The quality of assessment results depends on
-the software process assessment method, the
-integrity and quality of the obtained data, the
-assessment team’s capability and objectivity, and
-the evidence examined during the assessment.
-The goal of a software process assessment is to
-gain insight that will establish the current status
-of a process or processes and provide a basis for
-process improvement; performing a software
-process assessment by following a checklist for
-conformance without gaining insight adds little
-3.3. Software Process Improvement Models
-[2*, p187–188] [3*, s26.5] [4*, s2.7]
-Software process improvement models empha-
-size iterative cycles of continuous improvement.
-A software process improvement cycle typically
-involves the subprocesses of measuring, ana-
-lyzing, and changing. The Plan-Do-Check-Act
-model is a well-known iterative approach to
-software process improvement. Improvement
-activities include identifying and prioritizing
-desired improvements (planning); introducing
-an improvement, including change management
-and training (doing); evaluating the improvement
-**8-8** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-as compared to previous or exemplary process
-results and costs (checking); and making further
-modifications (acting). The Plan-Do-Check-Act
-process improvement model can be applied, for
-example, to improve software processes that
-enhance defect prevention.
-_3.4. Continuous and Staged Software Process
-[1*, p28–34] [3*, s26.5] [4*, p39–45]
-Software process capability and software process
-maturity are typically rated using five or six levels
-to characterize the capability or maturity of the
-software processes used within an organization.
-A _continuous_ rating system involves assign-
-ing a rating to each software process of interest;
-a _staged_ rating system is established by assign-
-ing the same maturity rating to all of the software
-processes within a specified process level. A rep-
-resentation of continuous and staged process lev-
-els is provided in Table 8.1. Continuous models
-typically use a level 0 rating; staged models typi-
-cally do not.
-Table 8.1. Software Process Rating Levels
-of Capability
-of Maturity
-0 Incomplete
-1 Performed Initial
-2 Managed Managed
-3 Defined Defined
-5 Optimizing
-In Table 8.1, level 0 indicates that a software
-process is incompletely performed or may not be
-performed. At level 1, a software process is being
-performed (capability rating), or the software
-processes in a maturity level 1 group are being
-performed but on an ad hoc, informal basis. At
-level 2, a software process (capability rating) or
-the processes in maturity level 2 are being per-
-formed in a manner that provides management
-visibility into intermediate work products and
-can exert some control over transitions between
-processes. At level 3, a single software process or
-the processes in a maturity level 3 group plus the
-process or processes in maturity level 2 are well
-defined (perhaps in organizational policies and
-procedures) and are being repeated across dif-
-ferent projects. Level 3 of process capability or
-maturity provides the basis for process improve-
-ment across an organization because the process
-is (or processes are) conducted in a similar man-
-ner. This allows collection of performance data
-in a uniform manner across multiple projects. At
-maturity level 4, quantitative measures can be
-applied and used for process assessment; statis-
-tical analysis may be used. At maturity level 5,
-the mechanisms for continuous process improve-
-ments are applied.
-Continuous and staged representations can be
-used to determine the order in which software
-processes are to be improved. In the continuous
-representation, the different capability levels for
-different software processes provide a guideline
-for determining the order in which software pro-
-cesses will be improved. In the staged representa-
-tion, satisfying the goals of a set of software pro-
-cesses within a maturity level is accomplished for
-that maturity level, which provides a foundation
-for improving all of the software processes at the
-next higher level.
-**4. Software Measurement**
-    [3*, s26.2] [4*, s18.1.1]
-This topic addresses software process and prod-
-uct measurement, quality of measurement results,
-software information models, and software pro-
-cess measurement techniques (see Measurement
-in the Engineering Foundations KA).
-Before a new process is implemented or a cur-
-rent process is modified, measurement results for
-the current situation should be obtained to pro-
-vide a baseline for comparison between the cur-
-rent situation and the new situation. For exam-
-ple, before introducing the software inspection
-process, effort required to fix defects discovered
-by testing should be measured. Following an ini-
-tial start-up period after the inspection process
-is introduced, the combined effort of inspection
-Software Engineering Process 8-9
-plus testing can be compared to the previous
-amount of effort required for testing alone. Simi-
-lar considerations apply if a process is changed.
-_4.1. Software Process and Product Measurement_
-[1*, s6.3, p273] [3*, s26.2, p638]
-Software process and product measurement are
-concerned with determining the efficiency and
-effectiveness of a software process, activity, or
-task. The _efficiency_ of a software process, activity,
-or task is the ratio of resources actually consumed
-to resources expected or desired to be consumed
-in accomplishing a software process, activity, or
-task (see Efficiency in the Software Engineering
-Economics KA). Effort (or equivalent cost) is the
-primary measure of resources for most software
-processes, activities, and tasks; it is measured in
-units such as person-hours, person-days, staff-
-weeks, or staff-months of effort or in equivalent
-monetary units—such as euros or dollars.
-_Effectiveness_ is the ratio of actual output to
-expected output produced by a software process,
-activity, or task; for example, actual number of
-defects detected and corrected during software
-testing to expected number of defects to be
-detected and corrected—perhaps based on his-
-torical data for similar projects (see Effectiveness
-in the Software Engineering Economics KA).
-Note that measurement of software process effec-
-tiveness requires measurement of the relevant
-product attributes; for example, measurement of
-software defects discovered and corrected during
-software testing.
-One must take care when measuring product
-attributes for the purpose of determining process
-effectiveness. For example, the number of defects
-detected and corrected by testing may not achieve
-the expected number of defects and thus provide
-a misleadingly low effectiveness measure, either
-because the software being tested is of better-
-than-usual quality or perhaps because introduc-
-tion of a newly introduced upstream inspection
-process has reduced the remaining number of
-defects in the software.
-Product measures that may be important in
-determining the effectiveness of software pro-
-cesses include product complexity, total defects,
-defect density, and the quality of requirements,
-design documentation, and other related work
-Also note that efficiency and effectiveness are
-independent concepts. An effective software pro-
-cess can be inefficient in achieving a desired soft-
-ware process result; for example, the amount of
-effort expended to find and fix software defects
-could be very high and result in low efficiency, as
-compared to expectations.
-An efficient process can be ineffective in accom-
-plishing the desired transformation of input work
-products into output work products; for example,
-failure to find and correct a sufficient number of
-software defects during the testing process.
-Causes of low efficiency and/or low effective-
-ness in the way a software process, activity, or
-task is executed might include one or more of the
-following problems: deficient input work prod-
-ucts, inexperienced personnel, lack of adequate
-tools and infrastructure, learning a new process,
-a complex product, or an unfamiliar product
-domain. The efficiency and effectiveness of soft-
-ware process execution are also affected (either
-positively or negatively) by factors such as turn-
-over in software personnel, schedule changes, a
-new customer representative, or a new organiza-
-tional policy.
-In software engineering, productivity in per-
-forming a process, activity, or task is the ratio of
-output produced divided by resources consumed;
-for example, the number of software defects dis-
-covered and corrected divided by person-hours of
-effort (see Productivity in the Software Engineer-
-ing Economics KA). Accurate measurement of
-productivity must include total effort used to sat-
-isfy the exit criteria of a software process, activ-
-ity, or task; for example, the effort required to
-correct defects discovered during software test-
-ing must be included in software development
-Calculation of productivity must account for
-the context in which the work is accomplished.
-For example, the effort to correct discovered
-defects will be included in the productivity cal-
-culation of a software team if team members
-correct the defects they find—as in unit testing
-by software developers or in a cross-functional
-agile team. Or the productivity calculation
-may include either the effort of the software
-**8-10** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-developers or the effort of an independent test-
-ing team, depending on who fixes the defects
-found by the independent testers. Note that this
-example refers to the effort of teams of devel-
-opers or teams of testers and not to individuals.
-Software productivity calculated at the level of
-individuals can be misleading because of the
-many factors that can affect the individual pro-
-ductivity of software engineers.
-Standardized definitions and counting rules
-for measurement of software processes and work
-products are necessary to provide standardized
-measurement results across projects within an
-organization, to populate a repository of histori-
-cal data that can be analyzed to identify software
-processes that need to be improved, and to build
-predictive models based on accumulated data. In
-the example above, definitions of software defects
-and staff-hours of testing effort plus counting
-rules for defects and effort would be necessary to
-obtain satisfactory measurement results.
-The extent to which the software process is
-institutionalized is important; failure to institu-
-tionalize a software process may explain why
-“good” software processes do not always pro-
-duce anticipated results. Software processes may
-be institutionalized by adoption within the local
-organizational unit or across larger units of an
-_4.2. Quality of Measurement Results_
-[4*, s3.4–3.7]
-The quality of process and product measurement
-results is primarily determined by the reliability
-and validity of the measured results. Measure-
-ments that do not satisfy these quality criteria
-can result in incorrect interpretations and faulty
-software process improvement initiatives. Other
-desirable properties of software measurements
-include ease of collection, analysis, and presenta-
-tion plus a strong correlation between cause and
-The Software Engineering Measurement topic
-in the Software Engineering Management KA
-describes a process for implementing a software
-measurement program.
-4.3. Software Information Models
-[1*, p310–311] [3*, p712–713] [4*, s19.2]
-Software information models allow modeling,
-analysis, and prediction of software process and
-software product attributes to provide answers to
-relevant questions and achieve process and product
-improvement goals. Needed data can be collected
-and retained in a repository; the data can be ana-
-lyzed and models can be constructed. Validation
-and refinement of software information models
-occur during software projects and after projects
-are completed to ensure that the level of accuracy
-is sufficient and that their limitations are known
-and understood. Software information models may
-also be developed for contexts other than software
-projects; for example, a software information
-model might be developed for processes that apply
-across an organization, such as software configu-
-ration management or software quality assurance
-processes at the organizational level.
-Analysis-driven software information model
-building involves the development, calibration,
-and evaluation of a model. A software infor-
-mation model is developed by establishing a
-hypothesized transformation of input variables
-into desired outputs; for example, product size
-and complexity might be transformed into esti-
-mated effort needed to develop a software prod-
-uct using a regression equation developed from
-observed data from past projects. A model is
-calibrated by adjusting parameters in the model
-to match observed results from past projects; for
-example, the exponent in a nonlinear regression
-model might be changed by applying the regres-
-sion equation to a different set of past projects
-other than the projects used to develop the model.
-A model is evaluated by comparing computed
-results to actual outcomes for a different set of
-similar data. There are three possible evaluation
-1. results computed for a different data set vary
-    widely from actual outcomes for that data
-    set, in which case the derived model is not
-    applicable for the new data set and should
-    not be applied to analyze or make predictions
-    for future projects;
-Software Engineering Process 8-11
-2. results computed for a new data set are
-    close to actual outcomes for that data set,
-    in which case minor adjustments are made
-    to the parameters of the model to improve
-    agreement;
-3. results computed for the new data set and
-    subsequent data sets are very close and no
-    adjustments to the model are needed.
-Continuous evaluation of the model may indi-
-cate a need for adjustments over time as the con-
-text in which the model is applied changes.
-The Goals/Questions/Metrics (GQM) method
-was originally intended for establishing measure-
-ment activities, but it can also be used to guide
-analysis and improvement of software processes.
-It can be used to guide analysis-driven software
-information model building; results obtained
-from the software information model can be used
-to guide process improvement.
-The following example illustrates application
-of the GQM method:
-- Goal: Reduce the average change request
-    processing time by 10% within six months.
-- Question 1-1: What is the baseline change
-    request processing time?
-- Metric 1-1-1: Average of change request
-    processing times on starting date
-- Metric 1-1-2: Standard deviation of change
-    request processing times on starting date
-- Question 1-2: What is the current change
-    request processing time?
-- Metric 1-2-1: Average of change request
-    processing times currently
-- Metric 1-2-2: Standard deviation of change
-    request processing times currently
-_4.4. Software Process Measurement Techniques_
-[1*, c8]
-Software process measurement techniques are
-used to collect process data and work product
-data, transform the data into useful information,
-and analyze the information to identify process
-activities that are candidates for improvement.
-In some cases, new software processes may be
-Process measurement techniques also provide
-the information needed to measure the effects of
-process improvement initiatives. Process mea-
-surement techniques can be used to collect both
-quantitative and qualitative data.
-4.4.1. Quantitative Process Measurement
-[4*, s5.1, s5.7, s9.8]
-The purpose of quantitative process measurement
-techniques is to collect, transform, and analyze
-quantitative process and work product data that
-can be used to indicate where process improve-
-ments are needed and to assess the results of
-process improvement initiatives. Quantitative
-process measurement techniques are used to col-
-lect and analyze data in numerical form to which
-mathematical and statistical techniques can be
-Quantitative process data can be collected as
-a byproduct of software processes. For example,
-the number of defects discovered during software
-testing and the staff-hours expended can be col-
-lected by direct measurement, and the productiv-
-ity of defect discovery can be derived by calculat-
-ing defects discovered per staff-hour.
-Basic tools for quality control can be used to
-analyze quantitative process measurement data
-(e.g., check sheets, Pareto diagrams, histograms,
-scatter diagrams, run charts, control charts, and
-cause-and-effect diagrams) (see Root Cause
-Analysis in the Engineering Foundations KA). In
-addition, various statistical techniques can be used
-that range from calculation of medians and means
-to multivariate analysis methods (see Statistical
-Analysis in the Engineering Foundations KA).
-Data collected using quantitative process mea-
-surement techniques can also be used as inputs
-to simulation models (see Modeling, Prototyp-
-ing, and Simulation in the Engineering Founda-
-tions KA); these models can be used to assess the
-impact of various approaches to software process
-Orthogonal Defect Classification (ODC) can
-be used to analyze quantitative process measure-
-ment data. ODC can be used to group detected
-defects into categories and link the defects in
-**8-12** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-each category to the software process or soft-
-ware processes where a group of defects origi-
-nated (see Defect Characterization in the Soft-
-ware Quality KA). Software interface defects,
-for example, may have originated during an inad-
-equate software design process; improving the
-software design process will reduce the number
-of software interface defects. ODC can provide
-quantitative data for applying root cause analysis.
-Statistical Process Control can be used to track
-process stability, or the lack of process stability,
-using control charts.
-4.4.2. Qualitative Process Measurement
-[1*, s6.4]
-Qualitative process measurement techniques—
-including interviews, questionnaires, and expert
-judgment—can be used to augment quantitative
-process measurement techniques. Group consen-
-sus techniques, including the Delphi technique,
-can be used to obtain consensus among groups of
-**5. Software Engineering Process Tools**
-    [1*, s8.7]
-Software process tools support many of the nota-
-tions used to define, implement, and manage
-individual software processes and software life
-cycle models. They include editors for notations
-such as data-flow diagrams, state charts, BPMN,
-IDEF0 diagrams, Petri nets, and UML activity
-diagrams. In some cases, software process tools
-allow different types of analyses and simula-
-tions (for example, discrete event simulation). In
-addition, general purpose business tools, such as
-a spreadsheet, may be useful.
-Computer-Assisted Software Engineering
-(CASE) tools can reinforce the use of integrated
-processes, support the execution of process defi-
-nitions, and provide guidance to humans in per-
-forming well-defined processes. Simple tools
-such as word processors and spreadsheets can
-be used to prepare textual descriptions of pro-
-cesses, activities, and tasks; these tools also sup-
-port traceability among the inputs and outputs of
-multiple software processes (such as stakeholder
-needs analysis, software requirements specifica-
-tion, software architecture, and software detailed
-design) as well as the results of software pro-
-cesses such as documentation, software compo-
-nents, test cases, and problem reports.
-Most of the knowledge areas in this Guide
-describe specialized tools that can be used to
-manage the processes within that KA. In particu-
-lar, see the Software Configuration Management
-KA for a discussion of software configuration
-management tools that can be used to manage the
-construction, integration, and release processes
-for software products. Other tools, such as those
-for requirements management and testing, are
-described in the appropriate KAs.
-Software process tools can support projects
-that involve geographically dispersed (virtual)
-teams. Increasingly, software process tools are
-available through cloud computing facilities as
-well as through dedicated infrastructures.
-A project control panel or dashboard can dis-
-play selected process and product attributes for
-software projects and indicate measurements that
-are within control limits and those needing cor-
-rective action.
-Software Engineering Process 8-13
-Fairley 2009
-##### [1*]
-Moore 2009
-##### [2*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [3*]
-Kan 2003
-##### [4*]
-**1. Software Process Definition** p177 p295
-1.1. Software Process Management s26.1 p453–454
-1.2. Software Process Infrastructure
-p183, p186
-**2. Software Life Cycles** c2 p190
-2.1. Categories of Software Processes preface p294–295
-c22, c23,
-2.2. Software Life Cycle Models c2 s3.2 s2.1
-2.3. Software Process Adaptation s2.7 p51
-2.4. Practical Considerations p188–190
-**3. Software Process Assessment and
-    p188, p194 c26 p397, c15
-3.1. Software Process Assessment Models
-s26.5 p44–48
-3.2. Software Process Assessment
-p322–331 s26.3
-3.3. Software Process Improvement
-p187–188 s26.5 s2.7
-3.4. Continuous and Staged Ratings p28–34 s26.5 p39–45
-**4. Software Measurement** s26.2 s18.1.1
-    4.1. Software Process and Product
-    Measurement
-4.2. Quality of Measurement Results
-4.3. Software Information Models p310–311 p. 712–713 s19.2
-4.4. Software Process Measurement
-Te c h n i q u e s
-**5. Software Engineering Process Tools** s8.7
-**8-14** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-_Software Extension to the Guide to the Project
-Management Body of Knowledge®_ (SWX)
-SWX provides adaptations and extensions to the
-generic practices of project management docu-
-mented in the _PMBOK® Guide_ for managing
-software projects. The primary contribution of
-this extension to the _PMBOK® Guide_ is descrip-
-tion of processes that are applicable for managing
-adaptive life cycle software projects.
-D. Gibson, D. Goldenson, and K. Kost,
-“Performance Results of CMMI-Based
-Process Improvement” [6].
-This technical report summarizes publicly avail-
-able empirical evidence about the performance
-results that can occur as a consequence of CMMI-
-based process improvement. The report contains
-a series of brief case descriptions that were cre-
-ated with collaboration from representatives
-from 10 organizations that have achieved notable
-quantitative performance results through their
-CMMI-based improvement efforts.
-_CMMI_ ® _for Development, Version 1.3_ [7].
-_CMMI_ ® _for Development, Version 1.3_ provides an
-integrated set of process guidelines for develop-
-ing and improving products and services. These
-guidelines include best practices for developing
-and improving products and services to meet the
-needs of customers and end users.
-_ISO/IEC 15504-1:2004 Information tech-
-nology—Process assessment—Part 1:
-Concepts and vocabulary_ [8].
-This standard, commonly known as SPICE
-(Software Process Improvement and Capability
-Determination), includes multiple parts. Part 1
-provides concepts and vocabulary for software
-development processes and related business-
-management functions. Other parts of 15504
-define the requirements and procedures for per-
-forming process assessments.
-[1*] R.E. Fairley, Managing and Leading
-Software Projects , Wiley-IEEE Computer
-Society Press, 2009.
-[2*] J.W. Moore, The Road Map to Software
-Engineering: A Standards-Based Guide ,
-Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press, 2006.
-[3*] I. Sommerville, Software Engineering , 9th
-ed., Addison-Wesley, 2011.
-[4*] S.H. Kan, Metrics and Models in Software
-Quality Engineering , 2nd ed., Addison-
-Wesley, 2002.
-[5] Project Management Institute and IEEE
-Computer Society, Software Extension
-to the PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition , ed:
-Project Management Institute, 2013.
-[6] D. Gibson, D. Goldenson, and K. Kost,
-“Performance Results of CMMI-Based
-Process Improvement,” Software
-Engineering Institute, 2006; http://
-[7] CMMI Product Team, “CMMI for
-Development, Version 1.3,” Software
-Engineering Institute, 2010; http://
-[8] ISO/IEC 15504-1:2004, Information
-Technology—Process Assessment—Part 1:
-Concepts and Vocabulary , ISO/IEC, 2004.
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-**CHAPTER 9**
-3GL 3rd Generation Language
-BNF Backus-Naur Form
-FDD Feature-Driven Development
-Integrated Development
-PBI Product Backlog Item
-RAD Rapid Application Development
-UML Unified Modeling Language
-XP eXtreme Programming
-Software engineering models and methods
-impose structure on software engineering with
-the goal of making that activity systematic,
-repeatable, and ultimately more success-oriented.
-Using models provides an approach to problem
-solving, a notation, and procedures for model
-construction and analysis. Methods provide an
-approach to the systematic specification, design,
-construction, test, and verification of the end-item
-software and associated work products.
-Software engineering models and methods
-vary widely in scope—from addressing a single
-software life cycle phase to covering the com-
-plete software life cycle. The emphasis in this
-knowledge area (KA) is on software engineer-
-ing models and methods that encompass multiple
-software life cycle phases, since methods specific
-for single life cycle phases are covered by other
-This chapter on software engineering models and
-methods is divided into four main topic areas:
-- _Modeling_ : discusses the general practice
-    of modeling and presents topics in model-
-    ing principles; properties and expression of
-    models; modeling syntax, semantics, and
-    pragmatics; and preconditions, postcondi-
-    tions, and invariants.
-- _Types of Models_ : briefly discusses models
-    and aggregation of submodels and provides
-    some general characteristics of model types
-    commonly found in the software engineering
-    practice.
-- _Analysis of Models_ : presents some of the
-    common analysis techniques used in model-
-    ing to verify completeness, consistency, cor-
-    rectness, traceability, and interaction.
-- _Software Engineering Methods_ : presents a
-    brief summary of commonly used software
-    engineering methods. The discussion guides
-    the reader through a summary of heuristic
-    methods, formal methods, prototyping, and
-    agile methods.
-The breakdown of topics for the Software
-Engineering Models and Methods KA is shown
-in Figure 9.1.
-**1. Modeling**
-Modeling of software is becoming a pervasive
-technique to help software engineers understand,
-**9-2** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-engineer, and communicate aspects of the soft-
-ware to appropriate stakeholders. Stakeholders
-are those persons or parties who have a stated
-or implied interest in the software (for example,
-user, buyer, supplier, architect, certifying author-
-ity, evaluator, developer, software engineer, and
-perhaps others).
-While there are many modeling languages,
-notations, techniques, and tools in the literature
-and in practice, there are unifying general con-
-cepts that apply in some form to them all. The
-following sections provide background on these
-general concepts.
-_1.1. Modeling Principles_
-[1*, c2s2, c5s1, c5s2] [2*, c2s2] [3*, c5s0]
-Modeling provides the software engineer with
-an organized and systematic approach for repre-
-senting significant aspects of the software under
-study, facilitating decision-making about the soft-
-ware or elements of it, and communicating those
-significant decisions to others in the stakeholder
-communities. There are three general principles
-guiding such modeling activities:
-- _Model the Essentials_ : good models do not
-    usually represent every aspect or feature of
-    the software under every possible condition.
-    Modeling typically involves developing only
-    those aspects or features of the software that
-    need specific answers, abstracting away any
-    nonessential information. This approach
-    keeps the models manageable and useful.
-- _Provide Perspective_ : modeling provides
-    views of the software under study using
-    a defined set of rules for expression of the
-    model within each view. This perspective-
-    driven approach provides dimensionality to
-    the model (for example, a structural view,
-    behavioral view, temporal view, organiza-
-    tional view, and other views as relevant).
-    Organizing information into views focuses
-    the software modeling efforts on specific
-Figure 9.1. Breakdown of Topics for the Software Engineering Models and Methods KA
-Software Engineering Models and Methods 9-3
-concerns relevant to that view using the
-appropriate notation, vocabulary, methods,
-and tools.
-- _Enable Effective Communications_ : modeling
-    employs the application domain vocabulary
-    of the software, a modeling language, and
-    semantic expression (in other words, mean-
-    ing within context). When used rigorously
-    and systematically, this modeling results in
-    a reporting approach that facilitates effective
-    communication of software information to
-    project stakeholders.
-A model is an _abstraction_ or simplification of
-a software component. A consequence of using
-abstraction is that no single abstraction com-
-pletely describes a software component. Rather,
-the model of the software is represented as an
-aggregation of abstractions, which—when taken
-together—describe only selected aspects, per-
-spectives, or views—only those that are needed
-to make informed decisions and respond to the
-reasons for creating the model in the first place.
-This simplification leads to a set of assumptions
-about the context within which the model is
-placed that should also be captured in the model.
-Then, when reusing the model, these assumptions
-can be validated first to establish the relevancy of
-the reused model within its new use and context.
-_1.2. Properties and Expression of Models_
-[1*, c5s2, c5s3] [3*, c4s1.1p7, c4s6p3,
-Properties of models are those distinguishing fea-
-tures of a particular model used to characterize
-its completeness, consistency, and correctness
-within the chosen modeling notation and tooling
-used. Properties of models include the following:
-- _Completeness_ : the degree to which all
-    requirements have been implemented and
-    verified within the model.
-- _Consistency_ : the degree to which the model
-    contains no conflicting requirements, asser-
-    tions, constraints, functions, or component
-    descriptions.
-- _Correctness_ : the degree to which the model
-    satisfies its requirements and design specifi-
-    cations and is free of defects.
-Models are constructed to represent real-world
-objects and their behaviors to answer specific
-questions about how the software is expected
-to operate. Interrogating the models—either
-through exploration, simulation, or review—may
-expose areas of uncertainty within the model and
-the software to which the model refers. These
-uncertainties or unanswered questions regarding
-the requirements, design, and/or implementation
-can then be handled appropriately.
-The primary expression element of a model is
-an entity. An entity may represent concrete arti-
-facts (for example, processors, sensors, or robots)
-or abstract artifacts (for example, software mod-
-ules or communication protocols). Model enti-
-ties are connected to other entities using rela-
-tions (in other words, lines or textual operators
-on target entities). Expression of model entities
-may be accomplished using textual or graphical
-modeling languages; both modeling language
-types connect model entities through specific lan-
-guage constructs. The meaning of an entity may
-be represented by its shape, textual attributes, or
-both. Generally, textual information adheres to
-language-specific syntactic structure. The pre-
-cise meanings related to the modeling of context,
-structure, or behavior using these entities and
-relations is dependent on the modeling language
-used, the design rigor applied to the modeling
-effort, the specific view being constructed, and
-the entity to which the specific notation element
-may be attached. Multiple views of the model
-may be required to capture the needed semantics
-of the software.
-When using models supported with automa-
-tion, models may be checked for completeness
-and consistency. The usefulness of these checks
-depends greatly on the level of semantic and syn-
-tactic rigor applied to the modeling effort in addi-
-tion to explicit tool support. Correctness is typi-
-cally checked through simulation and/or review.
-1.3. Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics
-[2* c2s2.2.2p6] [3*, c5s0]
-Models can be surprisingly deceptive. The fact
-that a model is an abstraction with missing infor-
-mation can lead one into a false sense of com-
-pletely understanding the software from a single
-model. A complete model (“complete” being
-**9-4** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-relative to the modeling effort) may be a union
-of multiple submodels and any special function
-models. Examination and decision-making rela-
-tive to a single model within this collection of
-submodels may be problematic.
-Understanding the precise meanings of mod-
-eling constructs can also be difficult. Modeling
-languages are defined by syntactic and semantic
-rules. For textual languages, syntax is defined
-using a notation grammar that defines valid lan-
-guage constructs (for example, Backus-Naur
-Form (BNF)). For graphical languages, syntax is
-defined using graphical models called metamod-
-els. As with BNF, metamodels define the valid
-syntactical constructs of a graphical modeling
-language; the metamodel defines how these con-
-structs can be composed to produce valid models.
-Semantics for modeling languages specify the
-meaning attached to the entities and relations
-captured within the model. For example, a simple
-diagram of two boxes connected by a line is open
-to a variety of interpretations. Knowing that the
-diagram on which the boxes are placed and con-
-nected is an object diagram or an activity diagram
-can assist in the interpretation of this model.
-As a practical matter, there is usually a good
-understanding of the semantics of a specific
-software model due to the modeling language
-selected, how that modeling language is used to
-express entities and relations within that model,
-the experience base of the modeler(s), and the
-context within which the modeling has been
-undertaken and so represented. Meaning is com-
-municated through the model even in the presence
-of incomplete information through abstraction;
-pragmatics explains how meaning is embodied
-in the model and its context and communicated
-effectively to other software engineers.
-There are still instances, however, where cau-
-tion is needed regarding modeling and semantics.
-For example, any model parts imported from
-another model or library must be examined for
-semantic assumptions that conflict in the new
-modeling environment; this may not be obvious.
-The model should be checked for documented
-assumptions. While modeling syntax may be
-identical, the model may mean something quite
-different in the new environment, which is a dif-
-ferent context. Also, consider that as software
-matures and changes are made, semantic discord
-can be introduced, leading to errors. With many
-software engineers working on a model part over
-time coupled with tool updates and perhaps new
-requirements, there are opportunities for portions
-of the model to represent something different
-from the original author’s intent and initial model
-1.4. Preconditions, Postconditions, and
-[2*, c4s4] [4*, c10s4p2, c10s5p2p4]
-When modeling functions or methods, the soft-
-ware engineer typically starts with a set of
-assumptions about the state of the software prior
-to, during, and after the function or method exe-
-cutes. These assumptions are essential to the cor-
-rect operation of the function or method and are
-grouped, for discussion, as a set of preconditions,
-postconditions, and invariants.
-- _Preconditions_ : a set of conditions that must
-    be satisfied prior to execution of the function
-    or method. If these preconditions do not hold
-    prior to execution of the function or method,
-    the function or method may produce errone-
-    ous results.
-- _Postconditions_ : a set of conditions that is
-    guaranteed to be true after the function or
-    method has executed successfully. Typically,
-    the postconditions represent how the state
-    of the software has changed, how param-
-    eters passed to the function or method have
-    changed, how data values have changed, or
-    how the return value has been affected.
-- _Invariants_ : a set of conditions within the
-    operational environment that persist (in
-    other words, do not change) before and after
-    execution of the function or method. These
-    invariants are relevant and necessary to the
-    software and the correct operation of the
-    function or method.
-**2. Types of Models**
-A typical model consists of an aggregation of
-submodels. Each submodel is a partial descrip-
-tion and is created for a specific purpose; it may
-be comprised of one or more diagrams. The
-collection of submodels may employ multiple
-Software Engineering Models and Methods 9-5
-modeling languages or a single modeling lan-
-guage. The Unified Modeling Language (UML)
-recognizes a rich collection of modeling dia-
-grams. Use of these diagrams, along with the
-modeling language constructs, brings about three
-broad model types commonly used: information
-models, behavioral models, and structure models
-(see section 1.1).
-_2.1. Information Modeling_
-[1*, c7s2.2] [3*, c8s1]
-Information models provide a central focus on
-data and information. An information model is an
-abstract representation that identifies and defines
-a set of concepts, properties, relations, and con-
-straints on data entities. The semantic or concep-
-tual information model is often used to provide
-some formalism and context to the software being
-modeled as viewed from the problem perspective,
-without concern for how this model is actually
-mapped to the implementation of the software.
-The semantic or conceptual information model
-is an abstraction and, as such, includes only the
-concepts, properties, relations, and constraints
-needed to conceptualize the real-world view of
-the information. Subsequent transformations of
-the semantic or conceptual information model
-lead to the elaboration of logical and then physi-
-cal data models as implemented in the software.
-_2.2. Behavioral Modeling_
-[1*, c7s2.1, c7s2.3, c7s2.4] [2*, c9s2]
-[3*, c5s4]
-Behavioral models identify and define the func-
-tions of the software being modeled. Behav-
-ioral models generally take three basic forms:
-state machines, control-flow models, and data-
-flow models. State machines provide a model
-of the software as a collection of defined states,
-events, and transitions. The software transitions
-from one state to the next by way of a guarded
-or unguarded triggering event that occurs in the
-modeled environment. Control-flow models
-depict how a sequence of events causes processes
-to be activated or deactivated. Data-flow behav-
-ior is typified as a sequence of steps where data
-moves through processes toward data stores or
-data sinks.
-2.3. Structure Modeling
-[1*, c7s2.5, c7s3.1, c7s3.2] [3*, c5s3] [4*, c4]
-Structure models illustrate the physical or logical
-composition of software from its various com-
-ponent parts. Structure modeling establishes the
-defined boundary between the software being
-implemented or modeled and the environment
-in which it is to operate. Some common struc-
-tural constructs used in structure modeling are
-composition, decomposition, generalization, and
-specialization of entities; identification of rel-
-evant relations and cardinality between entities;
-and the definition of process or functional inter-
-faces. Structure diagrams provided by the UML
-for structure modeling include class, component,
-object, deployment, and packaging diagrams.
-**3. Analysis of Models**
-The development of models affords the software
-engineer an opportunity to study, reason about,
-and understand the structure, function, opera-
-tional usage, and assembly considerations asso-
-ciated with software. Analysis of constructed
-models is needed to ensure that these models are
-complete, consistent, and correct enough to serve
-their intended purpose for the stakeholders.
-The sections that follow briefly describe the
-analysis techniques generally used with soft-
-ware models to ensure that the software engineer
-and other relevant stakeholders gain appropriate
-value from the development and use of models.
-3.1. Analyzing for Completeness
-[3*, c4s1.1p7, c4s6] [5*, p8–11]
-In order to have software that fully meets the needs
-of the stakeholders, completeness is critical—from
-the requirements elicitation process to code imple-
-mentation. Completeness is the degree to which
-all of the specified requirements have been imple-
-mented and verified. Models may be checked for
-completeness by a modeling tool that uses tech-
-niques such as structural analysis and state-space
-reachability analysis (which ensure that all paths in
-the state models are reached by some set of correct
-inputs); models may also be checked for complete-
-ness manually by using inspections or other review
-techniques (see the Software Quality KA). Errors
-**9-6** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-and warnings generated by these analysis tools and
-found by inspection or review indicate probable
-needed corrective actions to ensure completeness
-of the models.
-_3.2. Analyzing for Consistency_
-[3*, c4s1.1p7, c4s6] [5*, p8–11]
-Consistency is the degree to which models con-
-tain no conflicting requirements, assertions, con-
-straints, functions, or component descriptions.
-Typically, consistency checking is accomplished
-with the modeling tool using an automated analysis
-function; models may also be checked for consis-
-tency manually using inspections or other review
-techniques (see the Software Quality KA). As
-with completeness, errors and warnings generated
-by these analysis tools and found by inspection or
-review indicate the need for corrective action.
-_3.3. Analyzing for Correctness_
-[5*, p8–11]
-Correctness is the degree to which a model sat-
-isfies its software requirements and software
-design specifications, is free of defects, and ulti-
-mately meets the stakeholders’ needs. Analyzing
-for correctness includes verifying syntactic cor-
-rectness of the model (that is, correct use of the
-modeling language grammar and constructs) and
-verifying semantic correctness of the model (that
-is, use of the modeling language constructs to
-correctly represent the meaning of that which is
-being modeled). To analyze a model for syntactic
-and semantic correctness, one analyzes it—either
-automatically (for example, using the modeling
-tool to check for model syntactic correctness)
-or manually (using inspections or other review
-techniques)—searching for possible defects and
-then removing or repairing the confirmed defects
-before the software is released for use.
-_3.4. Traceability_
-[3*, c4s7.1, c4s7.2]
-Developing software typically involves the use,
-creation, and modification of many work products
-such as planning documents, process specifica-
-tions, software requirements, diagrams, designs
-and pseudo-code, handwritten and tool-generated
-code, manual and automated test cases and reports,
-and files and data. These work products may be
-related through various dependency relationships
-(for example, uses, implements, and tests). As soft-
-ware is being developed, managed, maintained, or
-extended, there is a need to map and control these
-traceability relationships to demonstrate soft-
-ware requirements consistency with the software
-model (see Requirements Tracing in the Software
-Requirements KA) and the many work products.
-Use of traceability typically improves the manage-
-ment of software work products and software pro-
-cess quality; it also provides assurances to stake-
-holders that all requirements have been satisfied.
-Traceability enables change analysis once the soft-
-ware is developed and released, since relationships
-to software work products can easily be traversed
-to assess change impact. Modeling tools typically
-provide some automated or manual means to spec-
-ify and manage traceability links between require-
-ments, design, code, and/or test entities as may be
-represented in the models and other software work
-products. (For more information on traceability,
-see the Software Configuration Management KA).
-3.5. Interaction Analysis
-[2*, c10, c11] [3*, c29s1.1, c29s5] [4*, c5]
-Interaction analysis focuses on the communica-
-tions or control flow relations between entities
-used to accomplish a specific task or function
-within the software model. This analysis exam-
-ines the dynamic behavior of the interactions
-between different portions of the software model,
-including other software layers (such as the oper-
-ating system, middleware, and applications). It
-may also be important for some software applica-
-tions to examine interactions between the com-
-puter software application and the user interface
-software. Some software modeling environments
-provide simulation facilities to study aspects of
-the dynamic behavior of modeled software. Step-
-ping through the simulation provides an analysis
-option for the software engineer to review the
-interaction design and verify that the different
-parts of the software work together to provide the
-intended functions.
-Software Engineering Models and Methods 9-7
-**4. Software Engineering Methods**
-Software engineering methods provide an orga-
-nized and systematic approach to developing soft-
-ware for a target computer. There are numerous
-methods from which to choose, and it is important
-for the software engineer to choose an appropriate
-method or methods for the software development
-task at hand; this choice can have a dramatic effect
-on the success of the software project. Use of these
-software engineering methods coupled with people
-of the right skill set and tools enable the software
-engineers to visualize the details of the software
-and ultimately transform the representation into a
-working set of code and data.
-Selected software engineering methods are dis-
-cussed below. The topic areas are organized into
-discussions of Heuristic Methods, Formal Meth-
-ods, Prototyping Methods, and Agile Methods.
-_4.1. Heuristic Methods_
-[1*, c13, c15, c16] [3*, c2s2.2, c5s4.1, c7s1,]
-Heuristic methods are those experience-based
-software engineering methods that have been and
-are fairly widely practiced in the software indus-
-try. This topic area contains three broad discus-
-sion categories: structured analysis and design
-methods, data modeling methods, and object-
-oriented analysis and design methods.
-- _Structured Analysis and Design Methods_ :
-    The software model is developed primarily
-    from a functional or behavioral viewpoint,
-    starting from a high-level view of the soft-
-    ware (including data and control elements)
-    and then progressively decomposing or refin-
-    ing the model components through increas-
-    ingly detailed designs. The detailed design
-    eventually converges to very specific details
-    or specifications of the software that must be
-    coded (by hand, automatically generated, or
-    both), built, tested, and verified.
-- _Data Modeling Methods_ : The data model is
-    constructed from the viewpoint of the data or
-    information used. Data tables and relation-
-    ships define the data models. This data mod-
-    eling method is used primarily for defining
-    and analyzing data requirements supporting
-database designs or data repositories typi-
-cally found in business software, where data
-is actively managed as a business systems
-resource or asset.
-- _Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Meth-_
-    _ods_ : The object-oriented model is represented
-    as a collection of objects that encapsulate
-    data and relationships and interact with other
-    objects through methods. Objects may be
-    real-world items or virtual items. The soft-
-    ware model is constructed using diagrams
-    to constitute selected views of the software.
-    Progressive refinement of the software mod-
-    els leads to a detailed design. The detailed
-    design is then either evolved through suc-
-    cessive iteration or transformed (using some
-    mechanism) into the implementation view
-    of the model, where the code and packag-
-    ing approach for eventual software product
-    release and deployment is expressed.
-4.2. Formal Methods
-[1*, c18] [3*, c27] [5*, p8–24]
-Formal methods are software engineering meth-
-ods used to specify, develop, and verify the soft-
-ware through application of a rigorous mathemat-
-ically based notation and language. Through use
-of a specification language, the software model
-can be checked for consistency (in other words,
-lack of ambiguity), completeness, and correctness
-in a systematic and automated or semi-automated
-fashion. This topic is related to the Formal Analy-
-sis section in the Software Requirements KA.
-This section addresses specification languages,
-program refinement and derivation, formal verifi-
-cation, and logical inference.
-- _Specification Languages_ : Specification
-    languages provide the mathematical basis
-    for a formal method; specification lan-
-    guages are formal, higher level computer
-    languages (in other words, not a classic
-    3rd Generation Language (3GL) program-
-    ming language) used during the software
-    specification, requirements analysis, and/
-    or design stages to describe specific input/
-    output behavior. Specification languages are
-    not directly executable languages; they are
-**9-8** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-typically comprised of a notation and syntax,
-semantics for use of the notation, and a set of
-allowed relations for objects.
-- _Program Refinement and Derivation_ : Pro-
-    gram refinement is the process of creating a
-    lower level (or more detailed) specification
-    using a series of transformations. It is through
-    successive transformations that the software
-    engineer derives an executable representation
-    of a program. Specifications may be refined,
-    adding details until the model can be formu-
-    lated in a 3GL programming language or in
-    an executable portion of the chosen specifica-
-    tion language. This specification refinement is
-    made possible by defining specifications with
-    precise semantic properties; the specifications
-    must set out not only the relationships between
-    entities but also the exact runtime meanings of
-    those relationships and operations.
-- _Formal Verification_ : Model checking is
-    a formal verification method; it typically
-    involves performing a state-space explora-
-    tion or reachability analysis to demonstrate
-    that the represented software design has or
-    preserves certain model properties of inter-
-    est. An example of model checking is an
-    analysis that verifies correct program behav-
-    ior under all possible interleaving of event or
-    message arrivals. The use of formal verifi-
-    cation requires a rigorously specified model
-    of the software and its operational environ-
-    ment; this model often takes the form of a
-    finite state machine or other formally defined
-    automaton.
-- _Logical Inference_ : Logical inference is a
-    method of designing software that involves
-    specifying preconditions and postconditions
-    around each significant block of the design,
-    and—using mathematical logic—developing
-    the proof that those preconditions and post-
-    conditions must hold under all inputs. This
-    provides a way for the software engineer to
-    predict software behavior without having
-    to execute the software. Some Integrated
-    Development Environments (IDEs) include
-    ways to represent these proofs along with the
-    design or code.
-4.3. Prototyping Methods
-[1*, c12s2] [3*, c2s3.1] [6*, c7s3p5]
-Software prototyping is an activity that generally
-creates incomplete or minimally functional ver-
-sions of a software application, usually for try-
-ing out specific new features, soliciting feedback
-on software requirements or user interfaces, fur-
-ther exploring software requirements, software
-design, or implementation options, and/or gaining
-some other useful insight into the software. The
-software engineer selects a prototyping method to
-understand the least understood aspects or com-
-ponents of the software first; this approach is in
-contrast with other software engineering methods
-that usually begin development with the most
-understood portions first. Typically, the proto-
-typed product does not become the final software
-product without extensive development rework
-or refactoring.
-This section discusses prototyping styles, tar-
-gets, and evaluation techniques in brief.
-- _Prototyping Style_ : This addresses the various
-    approaches to developing prototypes. Proto-
-    types can be developed as throwaway code
-    or paper products, as an evolution of a work-
-    ing design, or as an executable specification.
-    Different prototyping life cycle processes are
-    typically used for each style. The style cho-
-    sen is based on the type of results the project
-    needs, the quality of the results needed, and
-    the urgency of the results.
-- _Prototyping Target_ : The target of the pro-
-    totype activity is the specific product being
-    served by the prototyping effort. Examples
-    of prototyping targets include a requirements
-    specification, an architectural design element
-    or component, an algorithm, or a human-
-    machine user interface.
-- _Prototyping Evaluation Techniques_ : A pro-
-    totype may be used or evaluated in a num-
-    ber of ways by the software engineer or
-    other project stakeholders, driven primarily
-    by the underlying reasons that led to pro-
-    totype development in the first place. Pro-
-    totypes may be evaluated or tested against
-    the actual implemented software or against
-Software Engineering Models and Methods 9-9
-a target set of requirements (for example, a
-requirements prototype); the prototype may
-also serve as a model for a future software
-development effort (for example, as in a user
-interface specification).
-_4.4. Agile Methods_
-[3*, c3] [6*, c7s3p7] [7*, c6, App. A]
-Agile methods were born in the 1990s from the
-need to reduce the apparent large overhead associ-
-ated with heavyweight, plan-based methods used
-in large-scale software-development projects.
-Agile methods are considered lightweight meth-
-ods in that they are characterized by short, itera-
-tive development cycles, self-organizing teams,
-simpler designs, code refactoring, test-driven
-development, frequent customer involvement, and
-an emphasis on creating a demonstrable working
-product with each development cycle.
-Many agile methods are available in the lit-
-erature; some of the more popular approaches,
-which are discussed here in brief, include Rapid
-Application Development (RAD), eXtreme Pro-
-gramming (XP), Scrum, and Feature-Driven
-Development (FDD).
-- _RAD:_ Rapid software development methods
-    are used primarily in data-intensive, business-
-    systems application development. The RAD
-    method is enabled with special-purpose data-
-    base development tools used by software
-    engineers to quickly develop, test, and deploy
-    new or modified business applications.
-- _XP_ : This approach uses stories or scenarios
-    for requirements, develops tests first, has
-    direct customer involvement on the team
-    (typically defining acceptance tests), uses
-    pair programming, and provides for continu-
-    ous code refactoring and integration. Stories
-    are decomposed into tasks, prioritized, esti-
-    mated, developed, and tested. Each incre-
-    ment of software is tested with automated
-    and manual tests; an increment may be
-    released frequently, such as every couple of
-    weeks or so.
-       - _Scrum_ : This agile approach is more project
-          management-friendly than the others. The
-          scrum master manages the activities within
-          the project increment; each increment is
-          called a sprint and lasts no more than 30
-          days. A Product Backlog Item (PBI) list is
-          developed from which tasks are identified,
-          defined, prioritized, and estimated. A work-
-          ing version of the software is tested and
-          released in each increment. Daily scrum
-          meetings ensure work is managed to plan.
-       - _FDD:_ This is a model-driven, short, itera-
-          tive software development approach using
-          a five-phase process: (1) develop a product
-          model to scope the breadth of the domain, (2)
-          create the list of needs or features, (3) build
-          the feature development plan, (4) develop
-          designs for iteration-specific features, and
-          (5) code, test, and then integrate the features.
-          FDD is similar to an incremental software
-          development approach; it is also similar to
-          XP, except that code ownership is assigned
-          to individuals rather than the team. FDD
-          emphasizes an overall architectural approach
-          to the software, which promotes building the
-          feature correctly the first time rather than
-          emphasizing continual refactoring.
-There are many more variations of agile meth-
-ods in the literature and in practice. Note that
-there will always be a place for heavyweight,
-plan-based software engineering methods as well
-as places where agile methods shine. There are
-new methods arising from combinations of agile
-and plan-based methods where practitioners are
-defining new methods that balance the features
-needed in both heavyweight and lightweight
-methods based primarily on prevailing organi-
-zational business needs. These business needs,
-as typically represented by some of the project
-stakeholders, should and do drive the choice in
-using one software engineering method over
-another or in constructing a new method from the
-best features of a combination of software engi-
-neering methods.
-**9-10** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-Budgen 2003
-##### [1*]
-Mellor and Balcer 2002
-##### [2*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [3*]
-Page-Jones 1999
-##### [4*]
-Wing 1990
-##### [5*]
-Brookshear 2008
-##### [6*]
-Boehm and Turner 2003
-##### [7*]
-**1. Modeling**
-1.1. Modeling
-c2s2 c5s0
-1.2. Properties
-and Expression of
-1.3. Syntax,
-Semantics, and
-1.4. Preconditions,
-Postconditions, and
-**2. Types of Models**
-    2.1. Information
-    Modeling
-       c7s2.2 c8s1
-2.2. Behavioral
-c9s2 c5s4
-2.3. Structure
-c5s3 c4
-**3. Analysis of Models**
-    3.1. Analyzing for
-    Completeness
-3.2. Analyzing for
-3.3. Analyzing for
-3.4. Traceability
-3.5. Interaction
-c10, c11
-Software Engineering Models and Methods 9-11
-Budgen 2003
-##### [1*]
-Mellor and Balcer 2002
-##### [2*]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [3*]
-Page-Jones 1999
-##### [4*]
-Wing 1990
-##### [5*]
-Brookshear 2008
-##### [6*]
-Boehm and Turner 2003
-##### [7*]
-**4. Software
-Engineering Methods**
-4.1. Heuristic
-c13, c15,
-4.2. Formal Methods c18 c27 pp8–24
-4.3. Prototyping
-c12s2 c2s3.1 c7s3p5
-4.4. Agile Methods c3 c7s3p7
-c6, app.
-**9-12** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-[1*] D. Budgen, _Software Design_ , 2nd ed.,
-Addison-Wesley, 2003.
-[2*] S.J. Mellor and M.J. Balcer, _Executable
-UML: A Foundation for Model-Driven
-Architecture_ , 1st ed., Addison-Wesley,
-[3*] I. Sommerville, _Software Engineering_ , 9th
-ed., Addison-Wesley, 2011.
-[4*] M. Page-Jones, _Fundamentals of Object-
-Oriented Design in UML_ , 1st ed., Addison-
-Wesley, 1999.
-[5*] J.M. Wing, “A Specifier’s Introduction to
-Formal Methods,” Computer , vol. 23, no. 9,
-1990, pp. 8, 10–23.
-[6*] J.G. Brookshear, Computer Science: An
-Overview , 10th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2008.
-[7*] B. Boehm and R. Turner, Balancing Agility
-and Discipline: A Guide for the Perplexed ,
-Addison-Wesley, 2003.
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-This document presents the specifications pro-
-vided to the Knowledge Area Editors (KA Edi-
-tors) regarding the Knowledge Area Descriptions
-(KA Descriptions) of the Version 3 (V3) edition
-of the _Guide to the Software Engineering Body
-of Knowledge (SWEBOK Guide)_. This document
-will also enable readers, reviewers, and users to
-clearly understand what specifications were used
-when developing this version of the _SWEBOK
-This document begins by situating the _SWE-
-BOK Guide_ as a foundational document for the
-IEEE Computer Society suite of software engi-
-neering products and more widely within the
-software engineering community at large. The
-role of the baseline and the Change Control
-Board is then described. Criteria and require-
-ments are defined for the breakdowns of topics,
-for the rationale underlying these breakdowns
-and the succinct description of topics, and for ref-
-erence materials. Important input documents are
-also identified, and their role within the project is
-explained. Noncontent issues such as submission
-format and style guidelines are also discussed.
-The _SWEBOK Guide_ is an IEEE Computer Soci-
-ety flagship and structural document for the IEEE
-Computer Society suite of software engineer-
-ing products. The _SWEBOK Guide_ is also more
-widely recognized as a foundational document
-within the software engineering community at
-large notably through the official recognition of
-the 2004 Version as ISO/IEC Technical Report
-19759:2005. The list of knowledge areas (KAs)
-and the breakdown of topics within each KA is
-described and detailed in the introduction of this
-SWEBOK Guide.
-Consequently, the SWEBOK Guide is founda-
-tional to other initiatives within the IEEE Com-
-puter Society:
-a) The list of KAs and the breakdown of topics
-within each KA are also adopted by the soft-
-ware engineering certification and associated
-professional development products offered
-by the IEEE Computer Society (see http://www.
-b) The list of KAs and the breakdown of top-
-ics are also foundational to the software
-engineering curricula guidelines developed
-or endorsed by the IEEE Computer Society
-c) The Consolidated Reference List (see Appen-
-dix C), meaning the list of recommended
-reference materials (to the level of section
-number) that accompanies the breakdown of
-topics within each KA is also adopted by the
-software engineering certification and asso-
-ciated professional development products
-offered by the IEEE Computer Society.
-Due to the structural nature of the SWEBOK
-Guide and its adoption by other products, a base-
-line was developed at the outset of the project
-comprised of the list of KAs, the breakdown of
-**A-2** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-topics within each KA, and the Consolidated Ref-
-erence List.
-A Change Control Board (CCB) has been in
-place for the development of this version to han-
-dle all change requests to this baseline coming
-from the KA Editors, arising during the review
-process, or otherwise. Change requests must be
-approved both by the _SWEBOK Guide_ Editors
-and by the CCB before being implemented. This
-CCB is comprised of members of the initiatives
-listed above and acting under the authority of the
-Software and Systems Engineering Committee of
-the IEEE Computer Society Professional Activi-
-ties Board.
-a) KA Editors are instructed to adopt the base-
-line breakdown of topics.
-b) The breakdown of topics is expected to be
-“reasonable,” not “perfect.”
-c) The breakdown of topics within a KA must
-decompose the subset of the Software Engi-
-neering Body of Knowledge that is “gen-
-erally recognized.” See below for a more
-detailed discussion of this point.
-d) The breakdown of topics within a KA must
-not presume specific application domains,
-business needs, sizes of organizations, organi-
-zational structures, management philosophies,
-software life cycle models, software technolo-
-gies, or software development methods.
-e) The breakdown of topics must, as much
-as possible, be compatible with the vari-
-ous schools of thought within software
-f) The breakdown of topics within a KA must
-be compatible with the breakdown of soft-
-ware engineering generally found in indus-
-try and in the software engineering literature
-and standards.
-g) The breakdown of topics is expected to be as
-inclusive as possible.
-h) The SWEBOK Guide adopts the position
-that even though the following “themes” are
-common across all Knowledge Areas, they
-are also an integral part of all Knowledge
-Areas and therefore must be incorporated
-into the proposed breakdown of topics of
-each Knowledge Area. These common
-themes are measurement, quality (in gen-
-eral), and security.
-i) The breakdown of topics should be at most
-two or three levels deep. Even though no
-upper or lower limit is imposed on the num-
-ber of topics within each KA, a reasonable
-and manageable number of topics is expected
-to be included in each KA. Emphasis should
-also be put on the selection of the topics
-themselves rather than on their organization
-in an appropriate hierarchy.
-j) Topic names must be significant enough
-to be meaningful even when cited outside the
-SWEBOK Guide.
-k) The description of a KA will include a chart
-(in tree form) describing the knowledge
-Topics need only be sufficiently described so the
-reader can select the appropriate reference mate-
-rial according to his/her needs. Topic descrip-
-tions must not be prescriptive.
-a) KA Editors are instructed to use the refer-
-ences (to the level of section number) allo-
-cated to their KA by the Consolidated Refer-
-ence List as their Recommended References.
-b) There are three categories of reference
-» Recommended References. The set of
-Recommended References (to the level
-of section number) is collectively known
-as the Consolidated Reference List.
-» Further Readings.
-» Additional references cited in the KA
-Description (for example, the source
-of a quotation or reference material in
-support of a rationale behind a particular
-Appendix A A-3
-c) The _SWEBOK Guide_ is intended by defini-
-tion to be selective in its choice of topics
-and associated reference material. The list of
-reference material should be clearly viewed
-as an “informed and reasonable selection”
-rather than as a definitive list.
-d) Reference material can be book chapters,
-refereed journal papers, refereed confer-
-ence papers, refereed technical or industrial
-reports, or any other type of recognized arti-
-fact. References to another KA, subarea, or
-topic are also permitted.
-e) Reference material must be generally avail-
-able and must not be confidential in nature.
-f) Reference material must be in English.
-g) Criteria and requirements for recommended
-reference material or Consolidated Refer-
-ence List:
-» Collectively the list of Recommended
-References should be
-i. complete: covering the entire
-scope of the SWEBOK Guide
-ii. sufficient: providing enough
-information to describe “gener-
-ally accepted” knowledge
-iii. consistent: not providing contra-
-dictory knowledge nor conflict-
-ing practices
-iv. credible: recognized as providing
-expert treatment
-v. current: treating the subject in
-a manner that is commensurate
-with currently generally accepted
-vi. succinct: as short as possible
-(both in number of reference
-items and in total page count)
-without failing other objectives.
-» Recommended reference material must
-be identified for each topic. Each recom-
-mended reference item may of course
-cover multiple topics. Exceptionally, a
-topic may be self-descriptive and not cite
-a reference material item (for example, a
-topic that is a definition or a topic for
-which the description itself without any
-cited reference material is sufficient for
-the objectives of the SWEBOK Guide ).
-» Each reference to the recommended
-reference material should be as precise
-as possible by identifying what specific
-chapter or section is relevant.
-» A matrix of reference material (to the
-level of section number) versus topics
-must be provided.
-» A reasonable amount of recommended
-reference material must be identified
-for each KA. The following guidelines
-should be used in determining how
-much is reasonable:
-i. If the recommended reference
-material were written in a coher-
-ent manner that followed the pro-
-posed breakdown of topics and in
-a uniform style (for example, in a
-new book based on the proposed
-KA description), an average tar-
-get across all KAs for the number
-of pages would be 750. However,
-this target may not be attainable
-when selecting existing reference
-material due to differences in
-style and overlap and redundancy
-between the selected reference
-ii. In other words, the target for the
-number of pages for the entire
-collection of recommended refer-
-ences of the SWEBOK Guide is
-in the range of 10,000 to 15,000
-iii. Another way of viewing this is
-that the amount of recommended
-reference material would be
-reasonable if it consisted of the
-study material on this KA for a
-software engineering licensing
-exam that a graduate would pass
-after completing four years of
-work experience.
-h) Additional reference material can be
-included by the KA Editor in a “Further
-Readings” list:
-**A-4** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-» These further readings must be related to
-the topics in the breakdown rather than,
-for example, to more advanced topics.
-» The list must be annotated (within 1
-paragraph per reference) as to why this
-reference material was included in the
-list of further readings. Further readings
-could include: new versions of an exist-
-ing reference already included in the
-recommended references, alternative
-viewpoints on a KA, or a seminal treat-
-ment of a KA.
-» A general guideline to be followed is 10
-or fewer further readings per KA.
-» There is no matrix of the reference
-materials listed in further readings and
-the breakdown of topics.
-i) Criteria and requirements regarding addi-
-tional references cited in the KA Description:
-» The SWEBOK Guide is not a research
-document and its readership will be var-
-ied. Therefore, a delicate balance must
-be maintained between ensuring a high
-level of readability within the document
-while maintaining its technical excel-
-lence. Additional reference material
-should therefore only be brought in by
-the KA Editor if it is necessary to the
-discussion. Examples are to identify the
-source of a quotation or to cite reference
-item in support of a rationale behind a
-particular and important argument.
-KA descriptions should use the following structure:
-- Acronyms
-- Introduction
-- Breakdown of Topics of the KA (including a
-    figure describing the breakdown)
-- Matrix of Topics vs. Reference Material
-- List of Further Readings
-- References
-The Software Engineering Body of Knowledge
-is an all-inclusive term that describes the sum
-of knowledge within the profession of software
-engineering. However, the SWEBOK Guide seeks
-to identify and describe that subset of the body
-of knowledge that is generally recognized or, in
-other words, the core body of knowledge. To bet-
-ter illustrate what “generally recognized” knowl-
-edge is relative to other types of knowledge,
-Figure A.1 proposes a three-category schema for
-classifying knowledge.
-The Project Management Institute in its Guide
-to the Project Management Body of Knowledge
-defines “generally recognized” knowledge for
-project management as being:
-that subset of the project management
-body of knowledge generally recognized
-as good practice. “Generally recognized”
-means the knowledge and practices
-described are applicable to most projects
-most of the time, and there is consensus
-about their value and usefulness. “Good
-practice” means there is general agreement
-that the application of these skills, tools,
-and techniques can enhance the chances
-of success over a wide range of projects.
-“Good practice” does not mean that the
-knowledge described should always be
-applied uniformly to all projects; the orga-
-nization and/or project management team
-is responsible for determining what is
-appropriate for any given project. [1]
-“Generally accepted” knowledge could also be
-viewed as knowledge to be included in the study
-material of a software engineering licensing exam
-(in the USA) that a graduate would take after
-completing four years of work experience. These
-two definitions should be seen as complementary.
-KA Editors are also expected to be somewhat
-forward looking in their interpretation by tak-
-ing into consideration not only what is “gener-
-ally recognized” today and but what they expect
-will be “generally recognized” in a 3- to 5-year
-Appendix A A-5
-Practices Used Only for
-Certain Types of Software
-Generally Recognized
-Established traditional prac-
-tices recommended by many
-Advanced and Research
-Innovative practices tested
-and used only by some orga-
-nizations and concepts still
-being developed and tested in
-research organizations
-Figure A.1. Categories of Knowledge
-KA Descriptions are to be roughly 10 to 20 pages
-using the formatting template for papers pub-
-lished in conference proceedings of the IEEE
-Computer Society. This includes text, references,
-appendices, tables, etc. This, of course, does not
-include the reference materials themselves.
-1. _Graduate Software Engineering 2009_
-    _(GSwE2009): Curriculum Guidelines for_
-    _Graduate Degree Programs in Software_
-    _Engineering_ , 2009; []( [2]
-This document “provides guidelines and rec-
-ommendations” for defining the curricula of a
-professional master’s level program in software
-engineering. The _SWEBOK Guide_ is identified
-as a “primary reference” in developing the body
-of knowledge underlying these guidelines. This
-document has been officially endorsed by the
-IEEE Computer Society and sponsored by the
-Association for Computing Machinery.
-2. _IEEE Std. 12207-2008 (a.k.a. ISO/IEC_
-    _12207:2008) Standard for Systems and_
-    _Software Engineering—Software Life Cycle_
-    _Processes_ , IEEE, 2008 [3].
-This standard is considered the key standard
-regarding the definition of life cycle processes and
-has been adopted by the two main standardization
-bodies in software engineering: ISO/IEC JTC1/
-SC7 and the IEEE Computer Society Software
-and Systems Engineering Standards Committees.
-It also has been designated as a pivotal standard
-by the Software and System Engineering Stan-
-dards Committee (S2ESC) of the IEEE.
-Even though we do not intend that the Guide to
-the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge be
-fully 12207-conformant, this standard remains a
-key input to the SWEBOK Guide , and special care
-will be taken throughout the SWEBOK Guide
-regarding the compatibility of the Guide with the
-12207 standard.
-3. J.W. Moore, _The Road Map to Software_
-    _Engineering: A Standards-Based Guide_ ,
-    Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press, 2006.
-    [4*]
-This book describes the scope, roles, uses, and
-development trends of the most widely used soft-
-ware engineering standards. It concentrates on
-important software engineering activities—qual-
-ity and project management, system engineer-
-ing, dependability, and safety. The analysis and
-regrouping of the standard collections exposes
-the reader to key relationships between standards.
-Even though the SWEBOK Guide is not a soft-
-ware engineering standard per se, special care
-will be taken throughout the document regarding
-the compatibility of the Guide with the current
-IEEE and ISO/IEC Systems and Software Engi-
-neering Standards Collection.
-4. _Software Engineering 2004: Curriculum_
-    _Guidelines for Undergraduate Degree_
-    _Programs in Software Engineering_ , IEEE
-    Computer Society and Association for
-    Computing Machinery, 2004; [http://sites.](http://sites.)
- [5]
-This document describes curriculum guidelines
-for an undergraduate degree in software engineer-
-ing. The SWEBOK Guide is identified as being
-“one of the primary sources” in developing the
-body of knowledge underlying these guidelines.
-5. _ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2010 Systems and_
-    _Software Engineering—Vocabulary_ , ISO/
-    IEC/IEEE, 2010; [](
-    sevocab. [6]
-**A-6** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-The hierarchy of references for terminology is
-_Merriam Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary_ (11th
-ed.) [7], IEEE/ISO/IEC 24765 [6], and new pro-
-posed definitions if required.
-6. “Certification and Training for Software
-    Professionals,” IEEE Computer Society,
-    2013; []( [8]
-Information on the certification and associated
-professional development products developed
-and offered by the IEEE Computer Society for
-professionals in the field of software engineer-
-ing can be found on this website. The _SWEBOK
-Guide_ is foundational to these products.
-- KA Descriptions should conform to the
-    Word template available at [](
-    org/portal/web/cscps/formatting.
-- KA Descriptions are expected to follow the
-    IEEE Computer Society Style Guide (www.
-    styleguide).
-- Files are to be submitted in Microsoft Word
-    format.
-- All citations of reference material are to be
-    produced using EndNote Web as indicated
-    in the instructions provided to KA Editors in
-    this regard.
-When referencing the _Guide to the Software
-Engineering Body of Knowledge_ , use the title
-“ _SWEBOK Guide._ ”
-For the purpose of simplicity, avoid footnotes
-and try to include their content in the main text.
-Use explicit references to standards, as opposed
-to simply inserting numbers referencing items in
-the bibliography. We believe this approach allows
-the reader to be better exposed to the source and
-scope of a standard.
-The text accompanying figures and tables
-should be self-explanatory or have enough related
-text. This would ensure that the reader knows
-what the figures and tables mean.
-To make sure that some information in the
-SWEBOK Guide does not become rapidly obso-
-lete and due to its generic nature, please avoid
-directly naming tools and products. Instead, try
-to name their functions.
-Editors of the SWEBOK Guide as well as profes-
-sional copy editors will edit KA Descriptions.
-Editing includes copy editing (grammar, punc-
-tuation, and capitalization), style editing (confor-
-mance to the Computer Society style guide), and
-content editing (flow, meaning, clarity, direct-
-ness, and organization). The final editing will
-be a collaborative process in which the Editors
-of the SWEBOK Guide and the KA Editors work
-together to achieve a concise, well-worded, and
-useful KA Description.
-All intellectual property rights associated with
-the SWEBOK Guide will remain with the IEEE.
-KA Editors must sign a copyright release form.
-It is also understood that the SWEBOK Guide
-will continue to be available free of charge in the
-public domain in at least one format, provided by
-the IEEE Computer Society through web technol-
-ogy or by other means.
-For more information, see
-Appendix A A-7
-[1] Project Management Institute, _A Guide to the
-Project Management Body of Knowledge
-(PMBOK(R) Guide)_ , 5th ed., Project
-Management Institute, 2013.
-[2] Integrated Software and Systems
-Engineering Curriculum (iSSEc) Project,
-_Graduate Software Engineering 2009
-(GSwE2009): Curriculum Guidelines
-for Graduate Degree Programs in
-Software Engineering_ , Stevens Institute of
-Technology, 2009; [](
-[3] _IEEE Std. 12207-2008 (a.k.a. ISO/IEC
-12207:2008) Standard for Systems and
-Software Engineering—Software Life Cycle
-Processes, IEEE, 2008._
-[4*] J.W. Moore, _The Road Map to Software
-Engineering: A Standards-Based Guide_ ,
-Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press, 2006.
-[5] Joint Task Force on Computing Curricula,
-IEEE Computer Society and Association
-for Computing Machinery, Software
-Engineering 2004: Curriculum Guidelines
-for Undergraduate Degree Programs in
-Software Engineering , 2004; http://sites.
-[6] ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2010 Systems and
-Software Engineering—Vocabulary , ISO/
-IEC/IEEE, 2010.
-[7] Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary ,
-11th ed., 2003.
-[8] IEEE Computer Society, “Certification and
-Training for Software Professionals,” 2013;
-Some might say that the supply of software engi-
-neering standards far exceeds the demand. One
-seldom listens to a briefing on the subject without
-suffering some apparently obligatory joke that
-there are too many of them. However, the exis-
-tence of standards takes a very large (possibly
-infinite) trade space of alternatives and reduces
-that space to a smaller set of choices—a huge
-advantage for users. Nevertheless, it can still be
-difficult to choose from dozens of alternatives, so
-supplementary guidance, like this appendix, can
-be helpful. A summary list of the standards men-
-tioned in this appendix appears at the end.
-To reduce tedium in reading, a few simplifica-
-tions and abridgements are made in this appendix:
-- ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7 maintains nearly two
-    hundred standards on the subject. IEEE
-    maintains about fifty. The two organizations
-    are in the tenth year of a systematic program
-    to coordinate and integrate their collections.
-    In general, this article will focus on the stan-
-    dards that are recognized by both organiza-
-    tions, taking this condition as evidence that
-    wide agreement has been obtained. Other
-    standards will be mentioned briefly.
-- Standards tend to have long, taxonomical
-    titles. If there were a single standard for
-    building an automobile, the one for your
-    Camry probably would be titled something
-    like, “Vehicle, internal combustion, four-
-    wheel, passenger, sedan.” Also, modern stan-
-    dards organizations provide their standards
-    from databases. Like any database, these
-    sometimes contain errors, particularly for the
-    titles. So this article will often paraphrase the
-title of the standard or simply use its number.
-In obtaining a standard of interest, the reader
-should rely on the number, not the title, given
-in this article. For reasons of consistency, the
-article will use the IEEE’s convention for the
-capitalization of titles—nouns, pronouns,
-adjectives, verbs, adverbs, and first and last
-words have an initial capital letter—despite
-the fact that IEEE and ISO/IEC use differing
-- Because these standards are being continu-
-    ally revised to take account of new technolo-
-    gies and usage patterns, this article will be
-    obsolescent before it is published. Therefore,
-    it will occasionally discuss standards that
-    have not yet been published, if they are likely
-    to assume significant importance.
-- Explicit trademarks are omitted. Suffice it to
-    say that IEEE places a trademark on all of its
-    standards’ designations.
-There are some other conventions of interest:
-- In both IEEE and ISO/IEC, standards for
-    _systems_ engineering are maintained by the
-    same committee as those for _software_ engi-
-    neering. Many of the standards apply to both.
-    So, instead of making fine distinctions, this
-    article will deal with both.
-- On the other hand, both S2ESC and SC 7
-    (see below for descriptions of these orga-
-    nizations) are responsible for standards
-    that don’t qualify as “engineering.” In the
-    US and many other countries, the services
-    of a licensed engineer are required when a
-    product might affect public safety, health,
-**B-2** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-and welfare as opposed to affecting merely
-the pocketbook of the client. This appendix
-will respect that distinction and ignore stan-
-dards that appear to be merely economic in
-- User documentation is assumed to be devel-
-    oped similarly to software. For example,
-    a standard concerning the design of user
-    documentation is described in the Software
-    Design KA.
-- Some jointly developed standards are explic-
-    itly labeled as joint developments, e.g., ISO/
-    IEC/IEEE 24765. In other cases, the stan-
-    dards have different designations in the two
-    organizations. Examples include
-» IEEE Std. 12207:2008 (a.k.a. ISO/IEC
-12207:2008), where “a.k.a.” (“also
-known as”) is this appendix’s abbrevia-
-tion to note the designation in the other
-» IEEE Std. 15939:2008 Standard Adop-
-tion of ISO/IEC 15939:2007, an adop-
-tion by IEEE of a standard developed in
-» IEEE Std. 1220:2005 (a.k.a. ISO/IEC
-26702:2007), a “fast-track” by ISO/IEC
-of a standard developed in IEEE.
-In each of these cases, the standards are
-substantively identical in the two orga-
-nizations, differing only in front matter
-and, occasionally, added informational
-A summary list of all of the mentioned stan-
-dards is provided at the end of this appendix.
-ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7 is the major source of
-international standards on software and systems
-engineering. Its name is formed taxonomically.
-Joint Technical Committee 1 (JTC 1) is a child
-of the International Organization for Standardiza-
-tion (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical
-Commission (IEC); it has the scope of “informa-
-tion technology” and subdivides its work among
-a number of subcommittees; Subcommittee 7 (SC
-7) is the one responsible for software and sys-
-tems engineering. SC 7, and its working groups,
-meets twice a year, attracting delegations repre-
-senting the national standards bodies of partici-
-pating nations. Each nation follows its own pro-
-cedures for determining national positions and
-each nation has the responsibility of determining
-whether an ISO/IEC standard should be adopted
-as a national standard.
-SC 7 creates three types of documents:
-- International Standards: Documents contain-
-    ing requirements that must be satisfied in
-    order to claim conformance.
-- Technical Specifications (formerly called
-    Technical Reports, type 1 and type 2): Docu-
-    ments published in a preliminary manner
-    while work continues.
-- Technical Reports (formerly called Techni-
-    cal Reports, type 3): Documents inherently
-    unsuited to be standards, usually because
-    they are descriptive rather than prescriptive.
-The key thing to remember is that only the
-first category counts as a consensus standard.
-The reader can easily recognize the others by the
-suffix TS or TR prepended to the number of the
-IEEE is the world’s largest organization of tech-
-nical professionals, with about 400,000 members
-in more than 160 countries. The publication of
-standards is performed by the IEEE Standards
-Association (IEEE-SA), but the committees that
-draft and sponsor the standards are in the various
-IEEE societies; S2ESC is a part of the IEEE Com-
-puter Society. IEEE is a global standards maker
-because its standards are used in many differ-
-ent countries. Despite its international member-
-ship (about 50% non-US), though, the IEEE-SA
-routinely submits its standards to the American
-National Standards Institute (ANSI) for endorse-
-ment as “American National Standards.” Some
-S2ESC standards are developed within S2ESC,
-some are developed jointly with SC 7, and some
-are adopted after being developed by SC 7.
-Appendix B B-3
-IEEE-SA publishes three types of “standards”:
-- Standards, with a preponderance of the verb
-    “shall”
-- Recommended Practices, with a preponder-
-    ance of the verb “should”
-- Guides, with a preponderance of the verb
-    “may.”
-All three of these compare to ISO/IEC stan-
-dards. IEEE-SA does have the concept of a “Trial-
-Use” standard, which is roughly comparable to
-an ISO/IEC Technical Specification. However, it
-has nothing comparable to an ISO/IEC Techni-
-cal Report; one would look elsewhere in IEEE for
-documents of this ilk.
-The remainder of this article allocates the selected
-standards to relevant knowledge areas (KAs) of
-the _SWEBOK Guide_. There is a section for each
-KA. Within each section, the relevant standards
-are listed—the ones that principally apply to the
-KA as well as others that principally apply to
-other KAs but which are also related to the cur-
-rent one. Following each standard is a brief sum-
-mary. In most cases, the summary is a quotation
-or paraphrase of the abstract or other introductory
-material from the text of the standard.
-Most of the standards easily fit into one KA.
-Some fit into more than one; in such cases,
-a cross-reference is provided. Two standards
-apply to all KAs, so they are listed in a category
-called “General.” All of the standards related to
-computer-aided software engineering (CASE)
-tools and environments are listed in the Software
-Engineering Models and Methods KA section.
-The first two standards are so central that they
-could be slotted into all of the KAs. Two more are
-described in the Software Engineering Process
-KA, but are mentioned here because they provide
-a helpful framework and because the descriptions
-of several other standards refer to them.
-ISO/IEC TR 19759 is the _SWEBOK Guide_
-itself. It’s not an IEEE standard because, lacking
-prescriptive verbs, it doesn’t satisfy the criteria
-for any of the IEEE categories. In ISO/IEC, it is a
-“technical report”—defined as a document inher-
-ently unsuited to be a standard. The 2004 IEEE
-SWEBOK Guide was adopted by ISO/IEC with-
-out change. Presumably, ISO/IEC will adopt Ver-
-sion 3 of the SWEBOK Guide.
-ISO/IEC TR 19759:2005 Software Engineering—
-Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge
-Applies to all KAs
-ISO/IEC 19759:2005, a Guide to the Software
-Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) ,
-identifies and describes that subset of the body
-of knowledge that is generally accepted, even
-though software engineers must be knowledge-
-able not only in software engineering, but also,
-of course, in other related disciplines. SWEBOK
-is an all-inclusive term that describes the sum
-of knowledge within the profession of software
-The text of the SWEBOK Guide is freely avail-
-able at The ISO/IEC adoption
-of the Guide is freely available at http://standards.
-ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765 provides a shared vocab-
-ulary for the systems and software engineering
-standards of both SC 7 and S2ESC.
-ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2010 Systems and Software
-Applies to all KAs
-ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2010 provides a common
-vocabulary applicable to all systems and software
-engineering work. It was prepared to collect and
-support the standardization of terminology. ISO/
-IEC/IEEE 24765:2010 is intended to serve as a
-useful reference for those in the information tech-
-nology field and to encourage the use of systems
-and software engineering standards prepared by
-ISO and liaison organizations IEEE Computer
-Society and Project Management Institute. ISO/
-IEC/IEEE 24765:2010 includes references to the
-**B-4** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-active source standards for each definition so that
-the use of the term can be further explored.
-The vocabulary is descriptive, rather than pre-
-scriptive; it gathers up all of the definitions from
-all of the relevant standards, as well as a few
-other sources, rather than choosing among com-
-peting definitions.
-The content of the 24765 standard is freely
-accessible online at [](
-Two standards, 12207 and 15288, provide a
-complete set of processes for the entire life cycle
-of a system or a software product. The two stan-
-dards are aligned for concurrent use on a single
-project or in a single organization. They are
-mentioned here because they are often used as a
-framework for explaining or localizing the role of
-other standards in the life cycle.
-**IEEE Std. 12207-2008 (a.k.a. ISO/IEC 12207:2008)
-Standard for Systems and Software Engineering—
-Software Life Cycle Processes**
-See Software Engineering Process KA
-**IEEE Std. 15288-2008 (a.k.a. ISO/IEC 15288:2008)
-Standard for Systems and** **_S_** **oftware Engineering—
-System Life Cycle Processes**
-See Software Engineering Process KA
-The primary standard for software and systems
-requirements engineering is a new one that
-replaced several existing IEEE standards. It pro-
-vides a broad view of requirements engineering
-across the entire life cycle.
-**ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148:2011 Systems and Software
-Engineering—Life Cycle Processes—Requirements
-ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148:2011 contains provisions
-for the processes and products related to the engi-
-neering of requirements for systems and software
-products and services throughout the life cycle.
-It defines the construct of a good requirement,
-provides attributes and characteristics of require-
-ments, and discusses the iterative and recursive
-application of requirements processes through-
-out the life cycle. ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148:2011
-provides additional guidance in the application
-of requirements engineering and management
-processes for requirements-related activities in
-ISO/IEC 12207:2008 and ISO/IEC 15288:2008.
-Information items applicable to the engineering
-of requirements and their content are defined.
-The content of ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148:2011 can
-be added to the existing set of requirements-
-related life cycle processes defined by ISO/IEC
-12207:2008 or ISO/IEC 15288:2008, or it can be
-used independently.
-A multipart ISO/IEC standard provides princi-
-ples and methods for “sizing” software based on
-its requirements. The functional size is often use-
-ful in the denominator of measurements of qual-
-ity and productivity in software development. It
-may also play a role in contracting for service-
-level agreements.
-ISO/IEC 14143 [six parts] Information Technol-
-ogy—Software Measurement—Functional Size
-ISO/IEC 14143 describes FSM (functional size
-measurement). The concepts of functional size
-measurement (FSM) are designed to overcome the
-limitations of earlier methods of sizing software by
-shifting the focus away from measuring how the
-software is implemented to measuring size in terms
-of the functions required by the user.
-FSM is often known as “function point count-
-ing.” The four standards listed below are alter-
-native methods for function point counting—all
-meet the requirements of ISO/IEC 14143. The
-dominant method, in terms of market share, is
-the IFPUG method, described in ISO/IEC 20926.
-Other methods are variations intended to improve
-the validity of the count in various circumstances.
-For example, ISO/IEC 19761 — COSMIC is
-Appendix B B-5
-notably intended to be used on software with a
-real-time component.
-**ISO/IEC 19761:2011 Software Engineering—COS-
-MIC: A Functional Size Measurement Method**
-**ISO/IEC 20926:2009 Software and Systems Engi-
-neering—Software Measurement—IFPUG Func-
-tional Size Measurement Method**
-**ISO/IEC 20968:2002 Software Engineering—Mk
-II Function Point Analysis—Counting Practices
-**ISO/IEC 24570:2005 Software Engineering—
-NESMA Functional Size Measurement Method Ver-
-sion 2.1—Definitions and Counting Guidelines for
-the Application of Function Point Analysis**
-Sometimes requirements are described in natu-
-ral language, but sometimes they are described
-in formal or semiformal notations. The objective
-of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is to
-provide system architects, software engineers,
-and software developers with tools for analysis,
-design, and implementation of software-based
-systems as well as for modeling business and
-similar processes. The two parts of ISO/IEC
-19505 define UML, revision 2. The older ISO/
-IEC 19501 is an earlier version of UML. They
-are mentioned here because they are often used to
-model requirements.
-**ISO/IEC 19501:2005 Information Technology** **_—_**
-**Open Distributed Processing** **_—_** **Unified Modeling
-Language (UML) Version 1.4.2**
-See Software Engineering Models and
-Methods KA
-**ISO/IEC 19505:2012 [two parts] Information Tech-
-nology** **_—_** **Object Management Group Unified Model-
-ing Language (OMG UML)**
-See Software Engineering Models and
-Methods KA
-The software design KA includes both software
-architectural design (for determining the relation-
-ships among the items of the software and detailed
-design (for describing the individual items). ISO/
-IEC/IEEE 42010 concerns the description of
-architecture for systems and software.
-ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011 Systems and Software
-Engineering — Architecture Description
-ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011 addresses the cre-
-ation, analysis, and sustainment of architec-
-tures of systems through the use of architecture
-descriptions. A conceptual model of architecture
-description is established. The required contents
-of an architecture description are specified. Archi-
-tecture viewpoints, architecture frameworks and
-architecture description languages are introduced
-for codifying conventions and common practices
-of architecture description. The required content
-of architecture viewpoints, architecture frame-
-works and architecture description languages
-is specified. Annexes provide the motivation
-and background for key concepts and terminol-
-ogy and examples of applying ISO/IEC/IEEE
-Like ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010, the next stan-
-dard treats software “design” as an abstraction,
-independent of its representation in a document.
-Accordingly, the standard places provisions on
-the description of design, rather than on design
-IEEE Std. 1016-2009 Standard for Information
-Technology — Systems Design — Software Design
-This standard describes software designs and
-establishes the information content and organiza-
-tion of a software design description (SDD). An
-SDD is a representation of a software design to be
-used for recording design information and com-
-municating that design information to key design
-**B-6** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-stakeholders. This standard is intended for use in
-design situations in which an explicit software
-design description is to be prepared. These situ-
-ations include traditional software construction
-activities (when design leads to code) and reverse
-engineering situations (when a design description
-is recovered from an existing implementation).
-This standard can be applied to commercial, sci-
-entific, or military software that runs on digital
-computers. Applicability is not restricted by the
-size, complexity, or criticality of the software.
-This standard can be applied to the description
-of high-level and detailed designs. This stan-
-dard does not prescribe specific methodologies
-for design, configuration management, or qual-
-ity assurance. This standard does not require the
-use of any particular design languages, but estab-
-lishes requirements on the selection of design
-languages for use in an SDD. This standard can
-be applied to the preparation of SDDs captured as
-paper documents, automated databases, software
-development tools, or other media.
-By convention, this appendix treats user docu-
-mentation as a part of a software system. There-
-fore, the various aspects of user documentation—
-its design, its testing, and so forth—are allocated
-to different KAs. The next standard deals with the
-design of user documentation.
-**IEEE Std. 26514-2010 Standard Adoption of ISO/
-IEC 26514:2008 Systems and Software Engineer-
-ing** **_—_** **Requirements for Designers and Developers of
-User Documentation**
-This standard provides requirements for the
-design and development of software user docu-
-mentation as part of the life cycle processes. It
-defines the documentation process from the view-
-point of the documentation developer and also
-covers the documentation product. It specifies the
-structure, content, and format for user documen-
-tation and also provides informative guidance for
-user documentation style. It is independent of the
-software tools that may be used to produce docu-
-mentation and applies to both printed documenta-
-tion and onscreen documentation. Much of this
-standard is also applicable to user documentation
-for systems including hardware.
-The term “software construction” refers to the
-detailed creation of working, meaningful software
-through a combination of coding, verification,
-unit testing, integration testing, and debugging.
-There are few standards on the details of soft-
-ware coding. It has been found through (mostly
-bad) experience that coding conventions are not
-appropriate for standardization because, in most
-cases, the real benefit comes from the consis-
-tency of applying an arbitrary convention rather
-than the convention itself. So, although coding
-conventions are a good idea, it is generally left
-to the organization or the project to develop such
-a standard.
-Nevertheless, the subject of secure coding has
-attracted attention in recent years because some
-coding idioms are insecure in the face of attack.
-A Technical Report prepared by ISO/IEC JTC 1/
-SC 22 (programming languages) describes vul-
-nerabilities in programming languages and how
-they can be avoided.
-ISO/IEC TR 24772:2013 Information Technology —
-Programming Languages — Guidance to Avoiding
-Vulnerabilities in Programming Languages through
-Language Selection and Use
-ISO/IEC TR 24772:2013 specifies software pro-
-gramming language vulnerabilities to be avoided
-in the development of systems where assured
-behavior is required for security, safety, mis-
-sion-critical, and business-critical software. In
-general, this guidance is applicable to the soft-
-ware developed, reviewed, or maintained for any
-Vulnerabilities are described in a generic man-
-ner that is applicable to a broad range of pro-
-gramming languages. Annexes relate the generic
-guidance to a selection of specific programming
-Appendix B B-7
-The Technical Report is freely available at [http://](http://)
-Two standards are mentioned here because unit
-testing is often regarded as an activity of software
-construction. IEEE and ISO/IEC are cooperating
-in the development of a four-part joint standard,
-29119, that will provide a comprehensive treat-
-ment of testing and supplant IEEE Std. 1008.
-**IEEE Std. 1008-1987 Standard for Software Unit
-See Software Testing KA
-**ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 [four parts] (Draft) Software
-and Systems Engineering** **_—_** **Software Testing**
-See Software Testing KA
-The next standard provides for the development
-of user documentation during an agile devel-
-opment process. It is mentioned here because
-agile development is sometimes regarded as
-**ISO/IEC/IEEE 26515:2012 Systems and Software
-Engineering** **_—_** **Developing User Documentation in an
-Agile Environment**
-See Software Engineering Models and
-Methods KA
-Coding is not the only way to create a software
-product. Often code (as well as requirements and
-design) is reused from previous projects or engi-
-neered for reuse in future projects. IEEE Std. 1517
-is mentioned here because it provides a common
-framework for extending the system and software
-life cycle processes of IEEE Std. 12207:2008 to
-include the systematic practice of reuse.
-**IEEE Std. 1517-2010 Standard for Information
-Technology** **_—_** **System and Software Life Cycle Pro-
-cesses** **_—_** **Reuse Processes**
-See Software Engineering Process KA
-Oddly, there are few standards for testing. IEEE
-Std. 829 is the most comprehensive.
-IEEE Std. 829-2008 Standard for Software and Sys-
-tem Test Documentation
-Test processes determine whether the develop-
-ment products of a given activity conform to the
-requirements of that activity and whether the sys-
-tem and/or software satisfies its intended use and
-user needs. Testing process tasks are specified
-for different integrity levels. These process tasks
-determine the appropriate breadth and depth of
-test documentation. The documentation elements
-for each type of test documentation can then be
-selected. The scope of testing encompasses soft-
-ware-based systems, computer software, hard-
-ware, and their interfaces. This standard applies
-to software-based systems being developed,
-maintained, or reused (legacy, commercial off-
-the-shelf, nondevelopmental items). The term
-“software” also includes firmware, microcode,
-and documentation. Test processes can include
-inspection, analysis, demonstration, verification,
-and validation of software and software-based
-system products.
-IEEE Std. 1008 focuses on unit testing.
-IEEE Std. 1008 - 1987 Standard for Software Unit
-The primary objective is to specify a standard
-approach to software unit testing that can be
-used as a basis for sound software engineer-
-ing practice. A second objective is to describe
-the software engineering concepts and testing
-assumptions on which the standard approach is
-based. A third objective is to provide guidance
-and resource information to assist with the imple-
-mentation and usage of the standard unit testing
-**B-8** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-IEEE and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7 are cooperating
-in a project to develop a single comprehensive
-standard that covers all aspects of testing. One
-can hope for publication of the four-part standard
-by 2014. Portions of the content remain contro-
-versial. One taxonomical issue is whether “static
-methods”—such as inspection, review, and static
-analysis—should fall within the scope of “test-
-ing” or should be distinguished as “verification
-and validation.” Although the resolution of the
-issue is probably of little importance to users of
-the standard, it assumes great importance to the
-standards-writers who must manage an integrated
-suite of interoperating standards.
-**ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 [four parts] (Draft) Software
-and Systems Engineering** **_—_** **Software Testing**
-The purpose of ISO/IEC 29119 Software Testing
-is to define an internationally agreed standard for
-software testing that can be used by any orga-
-nization when performing any form of software
-Testing of user documentation is described in
-the next standard, providing requirements for the
-test and review of software user documentation
-as part of the life cycle processes. It defines the
-documentation process from the viewpoint of the
-documentation tester and reviewer. It is relevant
-to roles involved in testing and development of
-software and user documentation, including proj-
-ect managers, usability experts, and information
-developers in addition to testers and reviewers.
-**IEEE Std. 26513-2010 Standard Adoption of ISO/
-IEC 26513:2009 Systems and Software Engineer-
-ing** **_—_** **Requirements for Testers and Reviewers of
-ISO/IEC 26513 provides the minimum require-
-ments for the testing and reviewing of user docu-
-mentation, including both printed and onscreen
-documents used in the work environment by the
-users of systems software. It applies to printed
-user manuals, online help, tutorials, and user ref-
-erence documentation.
-It specifies processes for use in testing and
-reviewing of user documentation. It is not lim-
-ited to the test and review phase of the life cycle,
-but includes activities throughout the information
-management and documentation management
-Two standards are mentioned here because
-some sources consider software verification and
-validation to be taxonomically included in testing.
-IEEE Std. 1012-2012 Standard for System and Soft-
-ware Verification and Validation
-See Software Quality KA
-IEEE Std. 1044-2009 Standard for Classification for
-Software Anomalies
-See Software Quality KA
-This standard—the result of harmonizing distinct
-IEEE and ISO/IEC standards on the subject—
-describes a single comprehensive process for the
-management and execution of software mainte-
-nance. It expands on the provisions of the soft-
-ware maintenance process provided in ISO/IEC/
-IEEE 12207.
-IEEE Std. 14764-2006 (a.k.a. ISO/IEC 14764:2006)
-Standard for Software Engineering—Software Life
-Cycle Processes—Maintenance
-ISO/IEC 14764:2006 describes in greater
-detail management of the maintenance process
-described in ISO/IEC 12207, including amend-
-ments. It also establishes definitions for the vari-
-ous types of maintenance. ISO/IEC 14764:2006
-provides guidance that applies to planning, exe-
-cution and control, review and evaluation, and
-closure of the maintenance process. The scope of
-ISO/IEC 14764:2006 includes maintenance for
-multiple software products with the same main-
-tenance resources. “Maintenance” in ISO/IEC
-14764:2006 means software maintenance unless
-otherwise stated.
-Appendix B B-9
-ISO/IEC 14764:2006 provides the framework
-within which generic and specific software main-
-tenance plans may be executed, evaluated, and
-tailored to the maintenance scope and magni-
-tude of given software products. It provides the
-framework, precise terminology, and processes
-to allow the consistent application of technol-
-ogy (tools, techniques, and methods) to software
-It does not address the operation of software
-and the operational functions, e.g., backup,
-recovery, and system administration, which are
-normally performed by those who operate the
-ISO/IEC 14764:2006 is written primarily for
-maintainers of software and additionally for those
-responsible for development and quality assur-
-ance. It may also be used by acquirers and users
-of systems containing software, who may provide
-inputs to the maintenance plan.
-There is one standard for configuration
-**IEEE Std. 828-2012 Standard for Configuration
-Management in Systems and Software Engineering**
-This standard establishes the minimum require-
-ments for processes for configuration management
-(CM) in systems and software engineering. The
-application of this standard applies to any form,
-class, or type of software or system. This revision
-of the standard expands the previous version to
-explain CM, including identifying and acquiring
-configuration items, controlling changes, report-
-ing the status of configuration items, as well as
-software builds and release engineering. Its pre-
-decessor defined only the contents of a software
-configuration management plan. This standard
-addresses what CM activities are to be done, when
-they are to happen in the life cycle, and what plan-
-ning and resources are required. It also describes
-the content areas for a CM plan. The standard sup-
-ports ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207:2008 and ISO/IEC/
-IEEE 15288:2008 and adheres to the terminology
-in ISO/IEC/IEEE Std. 24765 and the information
-item requirements of IEEE Std. 15939.
-ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7 has not yet determined
-what action it should take regarding the new
-IEEE Std. 828. There are issues concerning the
-extent of compatibility with ISO/IEC/IEEE
-12207 and other standards in the SC 7 suite. It
-should be noted, though, that SC 7 does not have
-a competing standard.
-Most readers will interpret the phrase “software
-engineering management” to mean the manage-
-ment of a project that concerns software. There
-are at least two possible extensions to this gen-
-eralization, though. Some software activities are
-managed according to a service-level agreement
-(SLA). SLAs do not meet the criteria for “proj-
-ect” according to some definitions. Also, it has
-become generally agreed that some management
-of software should occur in the organization at a
-level above the project, so that all projects can
-benefit from a common investment. A commonly
-cited example is the provision of software pro-
-cesses and tooling by the organization.
-Software project management can be regarded
-as a specialization of “project management”—
-often regarded as a distinct discipline. The Proj-
-ect Management Institute’s Guide to the Project
-Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK ®
-Guide) is often regarded as the authoritative
-source for this knowledge. From time to time,
-IEEE adopts the most recent version of the
-PMBOK ® Guide as an IEEE standard.
-IEEE Std. 1490-2011 Guide—Adoption of the Proj-
-ect Management Institute (PMI®) Standard, A
-Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowl-
-edge (PMBOK® Guide)—Fourth Edition
-The PMBOK® Guide identifies that subset of
-the project management body of knowledge gen-
-erally recognized as good practice. “Generally
-recognized” means the knowledge and practices
-described are applicable to most projects most of
-**B-10** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-the time and there is consensus about their value and
-usefulness. “Good practice” means there is general
-agreement that the application of these skills, tools,
-and techniques can enhance the chances of success
-over a wide range of projects. Good practice does
-not mean the knowledge described should always
-be applied uniformly to all projects; the organiza-
-tion and/or project management team is respon-
-sible for determining what is appropriate for any
-given project. The _PMBOK® Guide_ also provides
-and promotes a common vocabulary within the
-project management profession for discussing,
-writing, and applying project management con-
-cepts. Such a standard vocabulary is an essential
-element of a professional discipline. The Project
-Management Institute (PMI) views this standard
-as a foundational project management reference
-for its professional development programs and
-The 2008 revisions of ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207
-and 15288 provide project management pro-
-cesses for software and systems and relate them
-to organization-level processes as well as tech-
-nical processes. The jointly developed 16326
-standard, replacing two older standards, expands
-those provisions with guidance for application.
-**ISO/IEC/IEEE 16326:2009 Systems and Soft-
-ware Engineering—Life Cycle Processes—Project
-ISO/IEC/IEEE 16326:2009 provides normative
-content specifications for project management
-plans covering software projects and software-
-intensive system projects. It also provides detailed
-discussion and advice on applying a set of proj-
-ect processes that are common to both the soft-
-ware and system life cycle as covered by ISO/IEC
-12207:2008 (IEEE Std. 12207-2008) and ISO/IEC
-15288:2008 (IEEE Std. 15288-2008), respectively.
-The discussion and advice are intended to aid in
-the preparation of the normative content of project
-management plans. ISO/IEC/IEEE 16326:2009
-is the result of the harmonization of ISO/IEC TR
-16326:1999 and IEEE Std. 1058-1998.
-Particularly in high-technology applications
-and high-consequence projects, the management
-of risk is an important aspect of the overall proj-
-ect management responsibilities. This standard
-deals with that subject.
-IEEE Std. 16085-2006 (a.k.a. ISO/IEC 16085:2006)
-Standard for Systems and Software Engineering—
-Software Life Cycle Processes—Risk Management
-ISO/IEC 16085:2006 defines a process for the
-management of risk in the life cycle. It can be
-added to the existing set of system and software
-life cycle processes defined by ISO/IEC 15288 and
-ISO/IEC 12207, or it can be used independently.
-ISO/IEC 16085:2006 can be applied equally to
-systems and software.
-The purpose of risk management is to iden-
-tify potential managerial and technical problems
-before they occur so that actions can be taken that
-reduce or eliminate the probability and/or impact
-of these problems should they occur. It is a criti-
-cal tool for continuously determining the feasi-
-bility of project plans, for improving the search
-for and identification of potential problems that
-can affect life cycle activities and the quality and
-performance of products, and for improving the
-active management of projects.
-The analysis of risk and risk mitigation depends
-crucially upon measurement. This international
-standard provides an elaboration of the measure-
-ment process from ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2008
-and ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207:2008.
-IEEE Std. 15939-2008 Standard Adoption of ISO/
-IEC 15939:2007 Systems and Software Engineer-
-ing—Measurement Process
-ISO/IEC 15939 defines a measurement process
-applicable to system and software engineer-
-ing and management disciplines. The process is
-described through a model that defines the activi-
-ties of the measurement process that are required
-to adequately specify what measurement infor-
-mation is required, how the measures and analy-
-sis results are to be applied, and how to determine
-Appendix B B-11
-if the analysis results are valid. The measurement
-process is flexible, tailorable, and adaptable to the
-needs of different users.
-ISO/IEC 15939:2007 identifies a process that
-supports defining a suitable set of measures that
-address specific information needs. It identifies the
-activities and tasks that are necessary to success-
-fully identify, define, select, apply, and improve
-measurement within an overall project or organi-
-zational measurement structure. It also provides
-definitions for measurement terms commonly used
-within the system and software industries.
-Software projects often require the develop-
-ment of user documentation. Management of the
-project, therefore, includes management of the
-documentation effort.
-**ISO/IEC/IEEE 26511:2012 Systems and Software
-Engineering—Requirements for Managers of User
-ISO/IEC/IEEE 26511:2012 specifies procedures
-for managing user documentation throughout the
-software life cycle. It applies to people or orga-
-nizations producing suites of documentation, to
-those undertaking a single documentation project,
-and to documentation produced internally, as well
-as to documentation contracted to outside service
-organizations. It provides an overview of the soft-
-ware documentation and information management
-processes, and also presents aspects of portfolio
-planning and content management that user docu-
-mentation managers apply. It covers management
-activities in starting a project, including setting
-up procedures and specifications, establishing
-infrastructure, and building a team. It includes
-examples of roles needed on a user documentation
-team. It addresses measurements and estimates
-needed for management control, and the use of
-supporting processes such as change management,
-schedule and cost control, resource management,
-and quality management and process improve-
-ment. It includes requirements for key documents
-produced for user documentation management,
-including documentation plans and documentation
-management plans. ISO/IEC/IEEE 26511:2012 is
-independent of the software tools that may be used
-to produce or manage documentation, and applies
-to both printed documentation and onscreen docu-
-mentation. Much of its guidance is applicable to
-user documentation for systems including hard-
-ware as well as software.
-Sometimes software or system components are
-acquired rather than developed.
-IEEE Std. 1062-1998 Recommended Practice for
-Software Acquisition
-A set of useful quality practices that can be
-selected and applied during one or more steps in
-a software acquisition process is described. This
-recommended practice can be applied to software
-that runs on any computer system regardless of
-the size, complexity, or criticality of the software,
-but is more suited for use on modified-off-the-
-shelf software and fully developed software.
-Sometimes user documentation is acquired
-regardless of whether the software it describes
-was acquired. The following standard deals with
-that subject.
-ISO/IEC/IEEE 26512:2011 Systems and Software
-Engineering—Requirements for Acquirers and Sup-
-pliers of User Documentation
-ISO/IEC/IEEE 26512:2011 was developed to
-assist users of ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2008 or ISO/
-IEC/IEEE 12207:2008 to acquire or supply soft-
-ware user documentation as part of the software
-life cycle processes. It defines the documentation
-process from the acquirer’s standpoint and the
-supplier’s standpoint. ISO/IEC/IEEE 26512:2011
-covers the requirements for information items used
-in the acquisition of user documentation products:
-the acquisition plan, document specification, state-
-ment of work, request for proposals, and proposal.
-It provides an overview of the software user docu-
-mentation and information management processes
-which may require acquisition and supply of soft-
-ware user documentation products and services.
-It addresses the preparation of requirements for
-**B-12** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-software user documentation. These requirements
-are central to the user documentation specification
-and statement of work. It includes requirements
-for primary document outputs of the acquisition
-and supply process: the request for proposal and
-the proposal for user documentation products and
-services. It also discusses the use of a documen-
-tation management plan and a document plan as
-they arise in the acquisition and supply processes.
-ISO/IEC/IEEE 26512:2011 is independent of the
-software tools that may be used to produce docu-
-mentation and applies to both printed documen-
-tation and onscreen documentation. Much of its
-guidance is applicable to user documentation for
-systems including hardware as well as software.
-The next two standards are mentioned here
-because they supply information used in manage-
-ment decision-making.
-**IEEE Std. 1028-2008 Standard for Software Reviews
-and Audits**
-See Software Quality KA
-**IEEE Std. 1061-1998 Standard for Software Quality
-Metrics Methodology**
-See Software Quality KA
-The next standard is mentioned because it
-includes the manager’s role in developing user
-documentation in an agile project.
-**ISO/IEC/IEEE 26515:2012 Systems and Software
-Engineering—Developing User Documentation in an
-Agile Environment**
-See Software Engineering Models and
-Methods KA
-Software and systems engineering processes
-are central to the standardization of those two
-disciplines—not just because many are inter-
-ested in process improvement, but also because
-processes are effective for the description of
-improved practices. For example, one might pro-
-pose an improved practice for software require-
-ments analysis. A naïve treatment might relate
-the description to an early stage of the life cycle
-model. A superior approach is to describe the
-practice in the context of a process that can be
-applied at any stage of the life cycle. The require-
-ments analysis process, for example, is neces-
-sary for the development stage, for maintenance,
-and often for retirement, so an improved practice
-described in terms of the requirements analysis
-process can be applied to any of those stages.
-The two key standards are ISO/IEC/IEEE
-12207, Software Life Cycle Processes , and ISO/
-IEC/IEEE 15288, System Life Cycle Processes.
-The two standards have distinct histories, but
-they were both revised in 2008 to align their pro-
-cesses, permitting their interoperable use across a
-wide spectrum of projects ranging from a stand-
-alone software component to a system with neg-
-ligible software content. Both are being revised
-again with the intent of containing an identical
-list of processes, but with provisions specialized
-for the respective disciplines.
-IEEE Std. 12207-2008 (a.k.a. ISO/IEC 12207:2008)
-Standard for Systems and Software Engineering—
-Software Life Cycle Processes
-ISO/IEC 12207:2008 establishes a common
-framework for software life cycle processes, with
-well-defined terminology that can be referenced
-by the software industry.
-ISO/IEC 12207:2008 applies to the acquisi-
-tion of systems and software products and ser-
-vices and to the supply, development, operation,
-maintenance, and disposal of software products
-and the software portion of a system, whether
-performed internally or externally to an organiza-
-tion. Those aspects of system definition needed
-to provide the context for software products and
-services are included.
-ISO/IEC 12207:2008 also provides a process
-that can be employed for defining, controlling,
-and improving software life cycle processes.
-The processes, activities and tasks of ISO/IEC
-12207:2008—either alone or in conjunction with
-ISO/IEC 15288—may also be applied during the
-acquisition of a system that contains software.
-Appendix B B-13
-**IEEE Std. 15288-2008 (a.k.a. ISO/IEC 15288:2008)
-Standard for Systems and Software Engineering—
-System Life Cycle Processes**
-ISO/IEC 15288:2008 establishes a common
-framework for describing the life cycle of sys-
-tems created by humans. It defines a set of
-processes and associated terminology. These
-processes can be applied at any level in the
-hierarchy of a system’s structure. Selected sets
-of these processes can be applied throughout
-the life cycle for managing and performing the
-stages of a system’s life cycle. This is accom-
-plished through the involvement of all interested
-parties, with the ultimate goal of achieving cus-
-tomer satisfaction.
-ISO/IEC 15288:2008 also provides processes
-that support the definition, control, and improve-
-ment of the life cycle processes used within an
-organization or a project. Organizations and
-projects can use these life cycle processes when
-acquiring and supplying systems.
-ISO/IEC 15288:2008 concerns those systems
-that are man-made and may be configured with
-one or more of the following: hardware, software,
-data, humans, processes (e.g., processes for pro-
-viding service to users), procedures (e.g., opera-
-tor instructions), facilities, materials, and natu-
-rally occurring entities. When a system element is
-software, the software life cycle processes docu-
-mented in ISO/IEC 12207:2008 may be used to
-implement that system element.
-ISO/IEC 15288:2008 and ISO/IEC 12207:2008
-are harmonized for concurrent use on a single
-project or in a single organization.
-Those two standards specify that processes
-may produce items of information but do not pre-
-scribe their content or format. The next standard
-provides help with that.
-**ISO/IEC/IEEE 15289:2011 Systems and Software
-Engineering—Content of Life-Cycle Information
-Products (Documentation)**
-ISO/IEC/IEEE 15289:2011 provides require-
-ments for identifying and planning the specific
-information items (information products, docu-
-mentation) to be developed and revised during
-systems and software life cycles and service
-management processes. It specifies the purpose
-and content of all identified systems and software
-data records and life cycle information items, as
-well as records and information items for infor-
-mation technology service management. The
-information item contents are defined according
-to generic document types (description, plan, pol-
-icy, procedure, report, request, and specification)
-and the specific purpose of the document. For
-simplicity of reference, each information item
-is described as if it were published as a separate
-document. However, information items may be
-unpublished but available in a repository for ref-
-erence, divided into separate documents or vol-
-umes, or combined with other information items
-into one document. ISO/IEC/IEEE 15289:2011
-is based on the life cycle processes specified in
-ISO/IEC 12207:2008 (IEEE Std. 12207 - 2008)
-and ISO/IEC 15288:2008 (IEEE Std. 15288-
-2008), and the service management processes
-specified in ISO/IEC 20000-1:2005 and ISO/IEC
-The next two guides provide supplementary
-information helpful in applying 12207 and 15288.
-IEEE Std. 24748.2-2012 Guide—Adoption of ISO/
-IEC TR 24748-2:2011 Systems and Software Engi-
-neering—Life Cycle Management—Part 2: Guide to
-the Application of ISO/IEC 15288 (System Life Cycle
-ISO/IEC TR 24748-2 is a guide for the applica-
-tion of ISO/IEC 15288:2008. It addresses sys-
-tem, life cycle, process, organizational, project,
-and adaptation concepts, principally through
-reference to ISO/IEC TR 24748-1 and ISO/IEC
-15288:2008. It then gives guidance on applying
-ISO/IEC 15288:2008 from the aspects of strat-
-egy, planning, application in organizations, and
-application on projects.
-IEEE Std. 24748.3-2012 Guide—Adoption of
-ISO/IEC TR 24748-3:2011 Systems and Software
-**B-14** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-**Engineering—Life Cycle Management—Part 3:
-Guide to the Application of ISO/IEC 12207 (Soft-
-ware Life Cycle Processes)**
-ISO/IEC TR 24748-3 is a guide for the applica-
-tion of ISO/IEC 12207:2008. It addresses sys-
-tem, life cycle, process, organizational, project,
-and adaptation concepts, principally through
-reference to ISO/IEC TR 24748-1 and ISO/IEC
-12207:2008. It gives guidance on applying ISO/
-IEC 12207:2008 from the aspects of strategy,
-planning, application in organizations, and appli-
-cation on projects.
-The 12207 and 15288 standards provide pro-
-cesses covering the life cycle, but they do not pro-
-vide a standard life cycle model (waterfall, incre-
-mental delivery, prototype-driven, etc). Selecting
-an appropriate life cycle model for a project is a
-major concern of ISO/IEC 24748-1.
-**IEEE Std. 24748.1-2011 Guide—Adoption of ISO/
-IEC TR 24748-1:2010 Systems and Software Engi-
-neering—Life Cycle Management—Part 1: Guide
-for Life Cycle Management**
-ISO/IEC TR 24748-1 provides information on
-life cycle concepts and descriptions of the pur-
-poses and outcomes of representative life cycle
-stages. It also illustrates the use of a life cycle
-model for systems in the context of ISO/IEC
-15288 and provides a corresponding illustration
-of the use of a life cycle model for software in the
-context of ISO/IEC 12207. ISO/IEC TR 24748-1
-additionally provides detailed discussion and
-advice on adapting a life cycle model for use in a
-specific project and organizational environment.
-It further provides guidance on life cycle model
-use by domains, disciplines and specialties. ISO/
-IEC TR 24748-1 gives a detailed comparison
-between prior and current versions of ISO/IEC
-12207 and ISO/IEC 15288 as well as advice on
-transitioning from prior to current versions and
-on using their application guides. The discus-
-sion and advice are intended to provide a refer-
-ence model for life cycle models, facilitate use of
-the updated ISO/IEC 15288 and ISO/IEC 12207,
-and provide a framework for the development of
-updated application guides for those International
-Standards. ISO/IEC TR 24748-1 is a result of the
-alignment stage of the harmonization of ISO/IEC
-12207 and ISO/IEC 15288.
-The next standard extends the provisions of
-ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207 to deal with systematic
-software reuse.
-IEEE Std. 1517-2010 Standard for Information
-Technology—System and Software Life Cycle Pro-
-cesses—Reuse Processes
-A common framework for extending the system
-and software life cycle processes of IEEE Std.
-12207:2008 to include the systematic practice
-of reuse is provided. The processes, activities,
-and tasks to be applied during each life cycle
-process to enable a system and/or product to be
-constructed from reusable assets are specified.
-The processes, activities, and tasks to enable
-the identification, construction, maintenance,
-and management of assets supplied are also
-IEEE Std. 1220 has been widely applied as a
-systems engineering process and was adopted by
-ISO/IEC with the number 26702. Unfortunately,
-the standard is not completely compatible with
-ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288 and is being revised to
-solve that problem. The result will be published
-as ISO/IEC/IEEE 24748-4.
-IEEE Std. 1220-2005 (a.k.a. ISO/IEC 26702:2007)
-Standard for Application and Management of the
-Systems Engineering Process
-ISO/IEC 26702 defines the interdisciplinary tasks
-which are required throughout a system’s life
-cycle to transform customer needs, requirements,
-and constraints into a system solution. In addi-
-tion, it specifies the requirements for the systems
-engineering process and its application through-
-out the product life cycle. ISO/IEC 26702:2007
-focuses on engineering activities necessary to
-guide product development, while ensuring
-Appendix B B-15
-that the product is properly designed to make it
-affordable to produce, own, operate, maintain,
-and eventually dispose of without undue risk to
-health or the environment.
-Since SC 7 and IEEE have written so many
-process standards, one may not be surprised to
-learn that their model for process description is
-recorded in a Technical Report.
-**IEEE Std. 24774-2012 Guide—Adoption of ISO/IEC
-TR 24474:2010 Systems and Software Engineer-
-ing—Life Cycle Management—Guidelines for Pro-
-cess Description**
-An increasing number of international, national,
-and industry standards describe process mod-
-els. These models are developed for a range of
-purposes including process implementation and
-assessment. The terms and descriptions used in
-such models vary in format, content, and level
-of prescription. ISO/IEC TR 24774:2010 pres-
-ents guidelines for the elements used most fre-
-quently in describing a process: the title, pur-
-pose, outcomes, activities, task, and information
-item. Whilst the primary purpose of ISO/IEC TR
-24774:2010 is to encourage consistency in stan-
-dard process reference models, the guidelines it
-provides can be applied to any process model
-developed for any purpose.
-A very small entity (VSE) is an enterprise, an
-organization, a department, or a project having
-up to 25 people. The ISO/IEC 29110 series “pro-
-files” large standards, such as ISO/IEC 12207 for
-software and ISO/IEC 15288 for systems, into
-smaller ones for VSEs. ISO 29110 is applicable to
-VSEs that do not develop critical systems or criti-
-cal software. Profiles provide a roadmap allowing
-a start-up to grow a step at a time using the ISO
-29110 management and engineering guides.
-ISO/IEC 29110 set of standards and technical
-reports are targeted by audience such as VSEs,
-customers, or auditors. ISO/IEC 29110 is not
-intended to preclude the use of different life
-cycles approaches such as waterfall, iterative,
-incremental, evolutionary, or agile.
-A VSE could obtain an ISO/IEC 29110 Certi-
-fication. The set of technical reports is available
-at no cost on the ISO website. Many ISO 29110
-documents are available in English, Spanish, Por-
-tuguese, Japanese, and French.
-ISO/IEC TR 29110-5-1-2:2011 Software Engineer-
-ing—Lifecycle Profiles for Very Small Entities
-(VSEs)—Part 5-1-2: Management and Engineering
-Guide: Generic Profile Group: Basic Profile
-ISO/IEC TR 29110-5-1-2:2011 is applicable to
-very small entities (VSEs). A VSE is defined as
-an enterprise, organization, department, or proj-
-ect having up to 25 people. A set of standards and
-guides has been developed according to a set of
-VSEs’ characteristics and needs. The guides are
-based on subsets of appropriate standards ele-
-ments, referred to as VSE profiles. The purpose
-of a VSE profile is to define a subset of ISO/IEC
-international standards relevant to the VSEs’
-ISO/IEC TR 29110-5-1-2:2011 provides the
-management and engineering guide to the basic
-VSE profile applicable to VSEs that do not
-develop critical software. The generic profile
-group does not imply any specific application
-The next standard may be viewed as an alterna-
-tive to 12207 for individual projects. The 1074
-standard explains how to define processes for
-use on a given project. The 12207 and 15288
-standards, however, focus on defining processes
-for organizational adoption and repeated use on
-many projects. The current 1074 is the update of
-a standard that was a predecessor of 12207.
-IEEE Std. 1074-2006 Standard for Developing a
-Software Project Life Cycle Process
-This standard provides a process for creating a
-software project life cycle process (SPLCP). It is
-primarily directed at the process architect for a
-given software project.
-**B-16** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-All of the standards described so far in this sec-
-tion provide a basis for _defining_ processes. Some
-users are interested in _assessing_ and improving
-their processes after implementation. The 15504
-series provides for process assessment; it is cur-
-rently being revised and renumbered 330xx.
-**ISO/IEC 15504 [ten parts] Information Technol-
-ogy—Process Assessment**
-ISO/IEC 15504-2:2003 defines the requirements
-for performing process assessment as a basis
-for use in process improvement and capability
-Process assessment is based on a two-dimen-
-sional model containing a process dimension and
-a capability dimension. The process dimension is
-provided by an external process reference model
-(such as 12207 or 15288), which defines a set of
-processes characterized by statements of process
-purpose and process outcomes. The capability
-dimension consists of a measurement framework
-comprising six process capability levels and their
-associated process attributes.
-The assessment output consists of a set of pro-
-cess attribute ratings for each process assessed,
-termed the process profile, and may also include
-the capability level achieved by that process.
-ISO/IEC 15504-2:2003 identifies the measure-
-ment framework for process capability and the
-requirements for
-- performing an assessment;
-- process reference models;
-- process assessment models;
-- verifying conformity of process assessment.
-The requirements for process assessment
-defined in ISO/IEC 15504-2:2003 form a struc-
-ture that
-- facilitates self-assessment;
-- provides a basis for use in process improve-
-    ment and capability determination;
-- takes into account the context in which the
-    assessed process is implemented;
-- produces a process rating;
-- addresses the ability of the process to achieve
-    its purpose;
-       - is applicable across all application domains
-          and sizes of organization; and
-       - may provide an objective benchmark
-          between organizations.
-The minimum set of requirements defined in
-ISO/IEC 15504-2:2003 ensures that assessment
-results are objective, impartial, consistent, repeat-
-able, and representative of the assessed processes.
-Results of conformant process assessments may
-be compared when the scopes of the assessments
-are considered to be similar; for guidance on this
-matter, refer to ISO/IEC 15504-4.
-Several other standards are mentioned here
-because they are written as elaborations of the
-processes of 12207 or 15288. They are allocated
-to other KAs because each one deals with topics
-described in those other KAs.
-IEEE Std. 828-2012 Standard for Configuration
-Management in Systems and Software Engineering
-See Software Configuration Management KA
-IEEE Std. 14764-2006 (a.k.a. ISO/IEC 14764:2006)
-Standard for Software Engineering—Software Life
-Cycle Processes—Maintenance
-See Software Maintenance KA
-ISO/IEC 15026-4:2012 Systems and Software Engi-
-neering—Systems and Software Assurance—Part 4:
-Assurance in the Life Cycle
-See Software Quality KA
-IEEE Std. 15939-2008 Standard Adoption of ISO/
-IEC 15939:2007 Systems and Software Engineer-
-ing—Measurement Process
-See Software Engineering Management KA
-ISO/IEC 15940:2006 Information Technology—
-Software Engineering Environment Services
-See Software Engineering Models and
-Methods KA
-IEEE Std. 16085-2006 (a.k.a. ISO/IEC 16085:2006)
-Standard for Systems and Software Engineering—
-Software Life Cycle Processes—Risk Management
-See Software Engineering Management KA
-Appendix B B-17
-**ISO/IEC/IEEE 16326:2009 Systems and Soft-
-ware Engineering—Life Cycle Processes—Project
-See Software Engineering Management KA
-**ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148:2011 Systems and Software
-Engineering—Life Cycle Processes—Requirements
-See Software Requirements KA
-Some users desire process standards usable
-for IT operations or IT service management.
-The ISO/IEC 20000 series describe IT service
-management. The processes are less rigorously
-defined than those of the aforementioned engi-
-neering standards, but may be preferable for situ-
-ations where the risks of failure involve money
-or customer satisfaction rather than public health,
-safety, and welfare. The ISO/IEC 20000 series
-now extend to many parts. The foundation of
-the series, ISO/IEC 20000-1, is briefly described
-**ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 Information Technology—
-Service Management—Part 1: Service Management
-System Requirements**
-ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 is a service management
-system (SMS) standard. It specifies requirements
-for the service provider to plan, establish, imple-
-ment, operate, monitor, review, maintain, and
-improve an SMS. The requirements include the
-design, transition, delivery and improvement of
-services to fulfill agreed service requirements.
-IEEE has adopted the first two parts of the ISO/
-IEC 20000 series.
-Some approaches to software engineering use
-methods that cut across large parts of the life
-cycle, rather than focusing on specific processes.
-“Chief Programmer” was one traditional exam-
-ple. “Agile development” (actually an example
-of traditional incremental delivery) is a current
-example. Neither S2ESC nor SC 7 has a standard
-for agile development, but there is a standard
-for developing user documentation in an agile
-ISO/IEC/IEEE 26515:2012 Systems and Software
-Engineering—Developing User Documentation in an
-Agile Environment
-ISO/IEC/IEEE 26515:2012 specifies the way in
-which user documentation can be developed in
-agile development projects. It is intended for use
-in all organizations that are using agile develop-
-ment or are considering implementing their proj-
-ects using these techniques. It applies to people
-or organizations producing suites of documen-
-tation, to those undertaking a single documen-
-tation project, and to documentation produced
-internally, as well as to documentation contracted
-to outside service organizations. ISO/IEC/IEEE
-26515:2012 addresses the relationship between
-the user documentation process and the life cycle
-documentation process in agile development. It
-describes how the information developer or proj-
-ect manager may plan and manage the user docu-
-mentation development in an agile environment.
-It is intended neither to encourage nor to discour-
-age the use of any particular agile development
-tools or methods.
-Many methodologies are based on semiformal
-descriptions of the software to be constructed.
-These range from simple descriptive notations
-to models that can be manipulated and tested
-and, in some cases, can generate code. Two rela-
-tively old techniques start the list; the first has
-been widely applied for modeling processes and
-IEEE Std. 1320.1-1998 Standard for Functional Mod-
-eling Language—Syntax and Semantics for IDEF0
-IDEF0 function modeling is designed to repre-
-sent the decisions, actions, and activities of an
-existing or prospective organization or system.
-IDEF0 graphics and accompanying texts are pre-
-sented in an organized and systematic way to gain
-**B-18** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-understanding, support analysis, provide logic for
-potential changes, specify requirements, and sup-
-port system-level design and integration activi-
-ties. IDEF0 may be used to model a wide variety
-of systems, composed of people, machines, mate-
-rials, computers, and information of all varieties,
-and structured by the relationships among them,
-both automated and nonautomated. For new sys-
-tems, IDEF0 may be used first to define require-
-ments and to specify the functions to be carried
-out by the future system. As the basis of this
-architecture, IDEF0 may then be used to design
-an implementation that meets these requirements
-and performs these functions. For existing sys-
-tems, IDEF0 can be used to analyze the functions
-that the system performs and to record the means
-by which these are done.
-**IEEE Std. 1320.2-1998 Standard for Conceptual
-Modeling Language—Syntax and Semantics for
-IDEF1X97 (IDEFobject)**
-IDEF1X 97 consists of two conceptual modeling
-languages. The key-style language supports data/
-information modeling and is downward compat-
-ible with the US government’s 1993 standard,
-FIPS PUB 184. The identity-style language is
-based on the object model with declarative rules
-and constraints. IDEF1X 97 identity style includes
-constructs for the distinct but related components
-of object abstraction: interface, requests, and
-realization; utilizes graphics to state the interface;
-and defines a declarative, directly executable rule
-and constraint language for requests and realiza-
-tions. IDEF1X 97 conceptual modeling supports
-implementation by relational databases, extended
-relational databases, object databases, and object
-programming languages. IDEF1X 97 is formally
-defined in terms of first order logic. A procedure
-is given whereby any valid IDEF1X 97 model
-can be transformed into an equivalent theory in
-first order logic. That procedure is then applied to
-a metamodel of IDEF1X 97 to define the valid set
-of IDEF1X 97 models.
-In recent years, the UML notation has become
-popular for modeling software-intensive systems.
-The next two standards provide two versions of
-the UML language.
-ISO/IEC 19501:2005 Information Technology—
-Open Distributed Processing—Unified Modeling
-Language (UML) Version 1.4.2
-ISO/IEC 19501 describes the Unified Model-
-ing Language (UML), a graphical language for
-visualizing, specifying, constructing, and docu-
-menting the artifacts of a software-intensive sys-
-tem. The UML offers a standard way to write a
-system’s blueprints, including conceptual things
-such as business processes and system functions
-as well as concrete things such as programming
-language statements, database schemas, and reus-
-able software components.
-ISO/IEC 19505:2012 [two parts] Information Tech-
-nology—Object Management Group Unified Model-
-ing Language (OMG UML)
-ISO/IEC 19505 defines the Unified Modeling
-Language (UML), revision 2. The objective of
-UML is to provide system architects, software
-engineers, and software developers with tools for
-analysis, design, and implementation of software-
-based systems as well as for modeling business
-and similar processes.
-Two more standards build on the base of UML
-to provide additional modeling capabilities:
-ISO/IEC 19506:2012 Information Technology—
-Object Management Group Architecture-Driven
-Modernization (ADM)—Knowledge Discovery
-Meta-Model (KDM)
-ISO/IEC 19506:2012 defines a metamodel for rep-
-resenting existing software assets, their associa-
-tions, and operational environments, referred to as
-the knowledge discovery metamodel (KDM). This
-is the first in the series of specifications related to
-software assurance (SwA) and architecture-driven
-modernization (ADM) activities. KDM facilitates
-Appendix B B-19
-projects that involve existing software systems
-by insuring interoperability and exchange of data
-between tools provided by different vendors.
-**ISO/IEC 19507:2012 Information Technology—
-Object Management Group Object Constraint Lan-
-guage (OCL)**
-ISO/IEC 19507:2012 defines the Object Con-
-straint Language (OCL), version 2.3.1. OCL ver-
-sion 2.3.1 is the version of OCL that is aligned
-with UML 2.3 and MOF 2.0.
-Some organizations invest in software engi-
-neering environments (SEE) to assist in the
-construction of software. An SEE, per se, is not
-a replacement for sound processes. However, a
-suitable SEE must support the processes that
-have been chosen by the organization.
-**ISO/IEC 15940:2006 Information Technology—
-Software Engineering Environment Services**
-ISO/IEC 15940:2006 defines software engineering
-environment (SEE) services conceptually in a refer-
-ence model that can be adapted to any SEEs to auto-
-mate one or more software engineering activities.
-It describes services that support the process defini-
-tions as in ISO/IEC 12207 so that the set of SEE
-services is compatible with ISO/IEC 12207. ISO/
-IEC 15940:2006 can be used either as a general ref-
-erence or to define an automated software process.
-The selection of tooling for a software engineering
-environment is itself a difficult task. Two standards
-provide some assistance. ISO/IEC 14102:2008
-defines both a set of processes and a structured set of
-computer-aided software engineering (CASE) tool
-characteristics for use in the technical evaluation
-and the ultimate selection of a CASE tool.
-**IEEE Std. 14102-2010 Standard Adoption of ISO/
-IEC 14102:2008 Information Technology—Guide-
-line for the Evaluation and Selection of CASE Tools**
-Within systems and software engineering, com-
-puter-aided software engineering (CASE) tools
-represent a major part of the supporting tech-
-nologies used to develop and maintain informa-
-tion technology systems. Their selection must be
-carried out with careful consideration of both the
-technical and management requirements.
-ISO/IEC 14102:2008 defines both a set of pro-
-cesses and a structured set of CASE tool char-
-acteristics for use in the technical evaluation and
-the ultimate selection of a CASE tool. It follows
-the software product evaluation model defined in
-ISO/IEC 14598-5:1998.
-ISO/IEC 14102:2008 adopts the general model
-of software product quality characteristics and
-subcharacteristics defined in ISO/IEC 9126-
-1:2001 and extends these when the software
-product is a CASE tool; it provides product char-
-acteristics unique to CASE tools.
-The next document provides guidance on how
-to adopt CASE tools, once selected.
-IEEE Std. 14471-2010 Guide—Adoption of ISO/IEC
-TR 14471:2007 Information Technology—Software
-Engineering—Guidelines for the Adoption of CASE
-The purpose of ISO/IEC TR 14471:2007 is to
-provide a recommended practice for CASE adop-
-tion. It provides guidance in establishing pro-
-cesses and activities that are to be applied for
-the successful adoption of CASE technology.
-The use of ISO/IEC TR 14471:2007 will help
-to maximize the return and minimize the risk of
-investing in CASE technology. However, ISO/
-IEC TR 14471:2007 does not establish compli-
-ance criteria.
-It is best used in conjunction with ISO/IEC
-14102 for CASE tool evaluation and selection. It
-neither dictates nor advocates particular develop-
-ment standards, software processes, design meth-
-ods, methodologies, techniques, programming
-languages, or life cycle paradigms.
-**B-20** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-Within a software engineering environment, it
-is important for the various tools to interoperate.
-The following standards provide a scheme for
-**IEEE Std. 1175.1-2002 Guide for CASE Tool Inter-
-connections—Classification and Description**
-**IEEE Std. 1175.2-2006 Recommended Practice for
-CASE Tool Interconnection—Characterization of
-**IEEE Std. 1175.3-2004 Standard for CASE Tool
-Interconnections—Reference Model for Specifying
-Software Behavior**
-**IEEE Std. 1175.4-2008 Standard for CASE Tool
-Interconnections—Reference Model for Specifying
-System Behavior**
-The purpose of this family of standards is to spec-
-ify a common set of modeling concepts based
-on those found in commercial CASE tools for
-describing the operational behavior of a software
-system. These standards establish a uniform,
-integrated model of software concepts related to
-software functionality. They also provide a tex-
-tual syntax for expressing the common properties
-(attributes and relationships) of those concepts as
-they have been used to model software behavior.
-One viewpoint of software quality starts with
-ISO 9001, _Quality Management Requirements_ ,
-dealing with quality policy throughout an orga-
-nization. The terminology of that standard may
-be unfamiliar to software professionals, and
-quality management auditors may be unfamiliar
-with software jargon. The following standard
-describes the relationship between ISO 9001 and
-ISO/IEC 12207. Unfortunately, the current ver-
-sion refers to obsolete editions of both; a replace-
-ment is in progress:
-**IEEE Std. 90003-2008 Guide—Adoption of ISO/
-IEC 90003:2004 Software Engineering—Guidelines**
-for the Application of ISO 9001:2000 to Computer
-ISO/IEC 90003 provides guidance for organiza-
-tions in the application of ISO 9001:2000 to the
-acquisition, supply, development, operation, and
-maintenance of computer software and related
-support services. ISO/IEC 90003:2004 does not
-add to or otherwise change the requirements of
-ISO 9001:2000.
-The guidelines provided in ISO/IEC
-90003:2004 are not intended to be used as assess-
-ment criteria in quality management system
-The application of ISO/IEC 90003:2004 is
-appropriate to software that is
-- part of a commercial contract with another
-    organization,
-- a product available for a market sector,
-- used to support the processes of an
-    organization,
-- embedded in a hardware product, or
-- related to software services.
-Some organizations may be involved in all
-the above activities; others may specialize in
-one area. Whatever the situation, the organiza-
-tion’s quality management system should cover
-all aspects (software related and nonsoftware
-related) of the business.
-ISO/IEC 90003:2004 identifies the issues
-which should be addressed and is independent
-of the technology, life cycle models, develop-
-ment processes, sequence of activities, and
-organizational structure used by an organiza-
-tion. Additional guidance and frequent ref-
-erences to the ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7 software
-engineering standards are provided to assist in
-the application of ISO 9001:2000: in particu-
-lar, ISO/IEC 12207, ISO/IEC TR 9126, ISO/
-IEC 14598, ISO/IEC 15939, and ISO/IEC TR
-The ISO 9001 approach posits an organiza-
-tion-level quality management process paired
-with project-level quality assurance planning
-to achieve the organizational goals. IEEE 730
-describes project-level quality planning. It is
-Appendix B B-21
-currently aligned with an obsolete edition of
-12207, but a revision is being prepared.
-**IEEE Std. 730-2002 Standard for Software Quality
-Assurance Plans**
-The standard specifies the format and content of
-software quality assurance plans.
-Another viewpoint of software quality begins
-with enumerating the desired characteristics of a
-software product and selecting measures or other
-evaluations to determine if the desired level of
-characteristics has been achieved. The so-called
-SQuaRE (software product quality requirements
-and evaluation) series of SC 7 standards covers
-this approach in great detail.
-**ISO/IEC 25000 through 25099 Software Engineer-
-ing—Software Product Quality Requirements and
-Evaluation (SQuaRE)**
-A few of the SQuaRE standards are selected
-below for particular attention. The first is the
-overall guide to the series.
-**ISO/IEC 25000:2005 Software Engineering—Soft-
-ware Product Quality Requirements and Evaluation
-(SQuaRE)—Guide to SQuaRE**
-ISO/IEC 25000:2005 provides guidance for the
-use of the new series of international standards
-named Software product Quality Requirements
-and Evaluation (SQuaRE). The purpose of this
-guide is to provide a general overview of SQuaRE
-contents, common reference models, and defini-
-tions, as well as the relationship among the docu-
-ments, allowing users of this guide a good under-
-standing of those international standards. This
-document contains an explanation of the transi-
-tion process between the old ISO/IEC 9126 and
-the 14598 series and SQuaRE, and also presents
-information on how to use the ISO/IEC 9126 and
-14598 series in their previous form.
-SQuaRE provides
-- terms and definitions,
-- reference models,
-- guides
-- standards for requirements specification,
-    planning and management, measurement,
-    and evaluation purposes.
-The next SQuaRE standard provides a taxon-
-omy of software quality characteristics that may
-be useful in selecting characteristics relevant to a
-specific project:
-ISO/IEC 25010:2011 Systems and Software Engi-
-neering—Systems and Software Quality Require-
-ments and Evaluation (SQuaRE)—System and Soft-
-ware Quality Models
-ISO/IEC 25010:2011 defines the following:
-1. A quality in-use model composed of five
-    characteristics (some of which are further
-    subdivided into subcharacteristics) that
-    relate to the outcome of interaction when a
-    product is used in a particular context of use.
-    This system model is applicable to the com-
-    plete human-computer system, including
-    both computer systems in use and software
-    products in use.
-2. A product quality model composed of eight
-    characteristics (which are further subdivided
-    into subcharacteristics) that relate to static
-    properties of software and dynamic proper-
-    ties of the computer system. The model is
-    applicable to both computer systems and
-    software products.
-The characteristics defined by both models
-are relevant to all software products and com-
-puter systems. The characteristics and subchar-
-acteristics provide consistent terminology for
-specifying, measuring, and evaluating system
-and software product quality. They also provide
-a set of quality characteristics against which
-stated quality requirements can be compared for
-**B-22** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-Although the scope of the product quality
-model is intended to be software and computer
-systems, many of the characteristics are also rel-
-evant to wider systems and services.
-ISO/IEC 25012 contains a model for data qual-
-ity that is complementary to this model.
-The scope of the models excludes purely func-
-tional properties, but it does include functional
-The scope of application of the quality models
-includes supporting specification and evaluation
-of software and software-intensive computer sys-
-tems from different perspectives by those who are
-associated with their acquisition, requirements,
-development, use, evaluation, support, mainte-
-nance, quality assurance and control, and audit.
-The models can, for example, be used by devel-
-opers, acquirers, quality assurance and control
-staff, and independent evaluators, particularly
-those responsible for specifying and evaluating
-software product quality. Activities during prod-
-uct development that can benefit from the use of
-the quality models include
-- identifying software and system requirements;
-- validating the comprehensiveness of a
-    requirements definition;
-- identifying software and system design
-    objectives;
-- identifying software and system testing
-    objectives;
-- identifying quality control criteria as part of
-    quality assurance;
-- identifying acceptance criteria for a software
-    product and/or software-intensive computer
-    system;
-- establishing measures of quality characteris-
-    tics in support of these activities.
-Some documents in the SQuaRE series deal spe-
-cifically with the characteristic of usability. The
-Common Industry Format (CIF) for usability report-
-ing began at the US National Institute for Standards
-and Technology (NIST) and was moved into ISO/
-IEC JTC 1/SC 7 for purposes of standardization.
-**ISO/IEC 25060 through 25064 Software Engineer-
-ing—Software Product Quality Requirements and**
-Evaluation (SQuaRE)—Common Industry Format
-(CIF) for Usability
-A family of international standards, named the
-Common Industry Formats (CIF), documents
-the specification and evaluation of the usability
-of interactive systems. It provides a general over-
-view of the CIF framework and contents, defini-
-tions, and the relationship of the framework ele-
-ments. The intended users of the framework are
-identified, as well as the situations in which the
-framework may be applied. The assumptions and
-constraints of the framework are also enumerated.
-The framework content includes the following:
-- consistent terminology and classification of
-    specification, evaluation, and reporting;
-- a definition of the type and scope of formats
-    and the high-level structure to be used for
-    documenting required information and the
-    results of evaluation.
-The CIF family of standards is applicable to
-software and hardware products used for pre-
-defined tasks. The information items are intended
-to be used as part of system-level documentation
-resulting from development processes such as
-those in ISO 9241-210 and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7
-process standards.
-The CIF family focuses on documenting those
-elements needed for design and development of
-usable systems, rather than prescribing a specific
-process. It is intended to be used in conjunction
-with existing international standards, includ-
-ing ISO 9241, ISO 20282, ISO/IEC 9126, and
-the SQuaRE series (ISO/IEC 25000 to ISO/IEC
-The CIF family of standards does not prescribe
-any kind of method, life cycle or process.
-Not everyone agrees with the taxonomy of
-quality characteristics in ISO/IEC 25010. That
-standard has a quality factor called “reliability”
-that has subfactors of maturity, availability, fault
-tolerance, and recoverability. IEC TC 65, which
-has responsibility for standards on “dependabil-
-ity,” defines that term as a nonquantitative com-
-posite of reliability, maintainability, and mainte-
-nance support. Others use the term “reliability”
-Appendix B B-23
-to denote a measure defined by a mathematical
-equation. The disagreement over the use of these
-words means that the standards on the subject are
-inherently unaligned. A few will be noted below,
-but the words like those noted above may mean
-different things in different standards.
-**IEEE Std. 982.1-2005 Standard for Dictionary of
-Measures of the Software Aspects of Dependability**
-A standard dictionary of measures of the soft-
-ware aspects of dependability for assessing and
-predicting the reliability, maintainability, and
-availability of any software system; in particular,
-it applies to mission critical software systems.
-**IEEE Std. 1633-2008 Recommended Practice for
-Software Reliability**
-The methods for assessing and predicting the reli-
-ability of software, based on a life cycle approach
-to software reliability engineering, are prescribed in
-this recommended practice. It provides information
-necessary for the application of software reliability
-(SR) measurement to a project, lays a foundation
-for building consistent methods, and establishes
-the basic principle for collecting the data needed to
-assess and predict the reliability of software. The
-recommended practice prescribes how any user can
-participate in SR assessments and predictions.
-IEEE has an overall standard for software
-product quality that has a scope similar to the
-ISO/IEC 250xx series described previously. Its
-terminology differs from the ISO/IEC series, but
-it is substantially more compact.
-**IEEE Std. 1061-1998 Standard for Software Quality
-Metrics Methodology**
-A methodology for establishing quality require-
-ments and identifying, implementing, analyzing,
-and validating the process and product software
-quality metrics is defined. The methodology
-spans the entire software life cycle.
-One approach to achieving software quality is
-to perform an extensive program of verification
-and validation. IEEE Std. 1012 is probably the
-world’s most widely applied standard on this sub-
-ject. A revision was recently published.
-IEEE Std. 1012-2012 Standard for System and Soft-
-ware Verification and Validation
-Verification and validation (V&V) processes are
-used to determine whether the development prod-
-ucts of a given activity conform to the require-
-ments of that activity and whether the product
-satisfies its intended use and user needs. V&V life
-cycle process requirements are specified for differ-
-ent integrity levels. The scope of V&V processes
-encompasses systems, software, and hardware, and
-it includes their interfaces. This standard applies to
-systems, software, and hardware being developed,
-maintained, or reused [legacy, commercial off-the-
-shelf (COTS), nondevelopmental items]. The term
-software also includes firmware and microcode,
-and each of the terms system, software, and hard-
-ware includes documentation. V&V processes
-include the analysis, evaluation, review, inspec-
-tion, assessment, and testing of products.
-There are other standards that support the veri-
-fication and validation processes. One describes
-techniques for performing reviews and audits
-during a software project.
-IEEE Std. 1028-2008 Standard for Software Reviews
-and Audits
-Five types of software reviews and audits,
-together with procedures required for the execu-
-tion of each type, are defined in this standard.
-This standard is concerned only with the reviews
-and audits; procedures for determining the neces-
-sity of a review or audit are not defined, and the
-disposition of the results of the review or audit
-is not specified. Types included are management
-reviews, technical reviews, inspections, walk-
-throughs, and audits.
-**B-24** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-In many cases, a database of software anoma-
-lies is used to support verification and validation
-activities. The following standard suggests how
-anomalies should be classified.
-**IEEE Std. 1044-2009 Standard for Classification for
-Software Anomalies**
-This standard provides a uniform approach to the
-classification of software anomalies, regardless
-of when they originate or when they are encoun-
-tered within the project, product, or system life
-cycle. Classification data can be used for a vari-
-ety of purposes, including defect causal analy-
-sis, project management, and software process
-improvement (e.g., to reduce the likelihood of
-defect insertion and/or increase the likelihood of
-early defect detection).
-In some systems, one particular property of the
-software is so important that it requires special
-treatment beyond that provided by a conven-
-tional verification and validation program. The
-emerging term for this sort of treatment is “sys-
-tems and software assurance.” Examples include
-safety, privacy, high security, and ultrareliability.
-The 15026 standard is under development to deal
-with such situations. The first part of the four-part
-standard provides terminology and concepts used
-in the remaining parts. It was first written before
-the other parts and is now being revised for com-
-plete agreement with the others.
-**IEEE Std. 15026.1-2011 Trial-Use Standard Adop-
-tion of ISO/IEC TR 15026-1:2010 Systems and Soft-
-ware Engineering—Systems and Software Assur-
-ance—Part 1: Concepts and Vocabulary**
-This trial-use standard adopts ISO/IEC TR
-15026-1:2010, which defines terms and estab-
-lishes an extensive and organized set of concepts
-and their relationships for software and systems
-assurance, thereby establishing a basis for shared
-understanding of the concepts and principles cen-
-tral to ISO/IEC 15026 across its user communi-
-ties. It provides information to users of the sub-
-sequent parts of ISO/IEC 15026, including the
-use of each part and the combined use of multiple
-parts. Coverage of assurance for a service being
-operated and managed on an ongoing basis is not
-covered in ISO/IEC 15026.
-The second part of the standard describes the
-structure of an “assurance case,” which is intended
-as a structured argument that the critical property
-has been achieved. It is a generalization of various
-domain-specific constructs like “safety cases.”
-IEEE Std. 15026.2-2011 Standard Adoption of ISO/
-IEC 15026-2:2011 Systems and Software Engineer-
-ing—Systems and Software Assurance—Part 2:
-Assurance Case
-ISO/IEC 15026-2:2011 is adopted by this stan-
-dard. ISO/IEC 15026-2:2011 specifies minimum
-requirements for the structure and contents of an
-assurance case to improve the consistency and
-comparability of assurance cases and to facili-
-tate stakeholder communications, engineering
-decisions, and other uses of assurance cases. An
-assurance case includes a top-level claim for a
-property of a system or product (or set of claims),
-systematic argumentation regarding this claim,
-and the evidence and explicit assumptions that
-underlie this argumentation. Arguing through
-multiple levels of subordinate claims, this struc-
-tured argumentation connects the top-level claim
-to the evidence and assumptions. Assurance
-cases are generally developed to support claims
-in areas such as safety, reliability, maintain-
-ability, human factors, operability, and security,
-although these assurance cases are often called
-by more specific names, e.g., safety case or reli-
-ability and maintainability (R&M) case. ISO/IEC
-15026-2:2011 does not place requirements on
-the quality of the contents of an assurance case
-and does not require the use of a particular termi-
-nology or graphical representation. Likewise, it
-places no requirements on the means of physical
-implementation of the data, including no require-
-ments for redundancy or colocation.
-In many systems, some portions are critical to
-achieving the desired property while others are only
-Appendix B B-25
-incidental. For example, the flight control system of
-an airliner is critical to safety, but the microwave
-oven is not. Conventionally, the various portions
-are assigned “criticality levels” to indicate their sig-
-nificance to the overall achievement of the property.
-The third part of ISO/IEC 15026 describes how that
-is done. This part will be revised for better fit with
-the remainder of the 15026 standard.
-**ISO/IEC 15026-3:2011 Systems and Software Engi-
-neering—Systems and Software Assurance—Part 3:
-System Integrity Levels**
-ISO/IEC 15026-3:2011 specifies the concept of
-integrity levels with corresponding integrity level
-requirements that are required to be met in order
-to show the achievement of the integrity level. It
-places requirements on and recommends meth-
-ods for defining and using integrity levels and
-their integrity level requirements, including the
-assignment of integrity levels to systems, soft-
-ware products, their elements, and relevant exter-
-nal dependences.
-ISO/IEC 15026-3:2011 is applicable to sys-
-tems and software and is intended for use by:
-- definers of integrity levels such as industry
-    and professional organizations, standards
-    organizations, and government agencies;
-- users of integrity levels such as developers
-    and maintainers, suppliers and acquirers,
-    users, and assessors of systems or software,
-    and for the administrative and technical sup-
-    port of systems and/or software products.
-One important use of integrity levels is by sup-
-pliers and acquirers in agreements; for example,
-to aid in assuring safety, economic, or security
-characteristics of a delivered system or product.
-ISO/IEC 15026-3:2011 does not prescribe a
-specific set of integrity levels or their integrity
-level requirements. In addition, it does not pre-
-scribe the way in which integrity level use is inte-
-grated with the overall system or software engi-
-neering life cycle processes.
-ISO/IEC 15026-3:2011 can be used alone or
-with other parts of ISO/IEC 15026. It can be used
-with a variety of technical and specialized risk
-analysis and development approaches. ISO/IEC
-TR 15026-1 provides additional information and
-references to aid users of ISO/IEC 15026-3:2011.
-ISO/IEC 15026-3:2011 does not require the
-use of the assurance cases described by ISO/IEC
-15026-2 but describes how integrity levels and
-assurance cases can work together, especially in
-the definition of specifications for integrity levels
-or by using integrity levels within a portion of an
-assurance case.
-The final part of 15026 provides additional
-guidance for executing the life cycle processes of
-12207 and 15288 when a system or software is
-required to achieve an important property.
-ISO/IEC 15026-4:2012 Systems and Software Engi-
-neering—Systems and Software Assurance—Part 4:
-Assurance in the Life Cycle
-This part of ISO/IEC 15026 gives guidance and
-recommendations for conducting selected pro-
-cesses, activities and tasks for systems and software
-products requiring assurance claims for properties
-selected for special attention, called critical proper-
-ties. This part of ISO/IEC 15026 specifies a prop-
-erty-independent list of processes, activities, and
-tasks to achieve the claim and show the achieve-
-ment of the claim. This part of ISO/IEC 15026
-establishes the processes, activities, tasks, guidance,
-and recommendations in the context of a defined
-life cycle model and set of life cycle processes for
-system and/or software life cycle management.
-The next standard deals with a property—
-safety—that is often identified as critical. It was
-originally developed in cooperation with the US
-nuclear power industry.
-IEEE Std. 1228-1994 Standard for Software Safety
-The minimum acceptable requirements for the
-content of a software safety plan are established.
-This standard applies to the software safety plan
-used for the development, procurement, mainte-
-nance, and retirement of safety-critical software.
-**B-26** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-This standard requires that the plan be prepared
-within the context of the system safety pro-
-gram. Only the safety aspects of the software are
-included. This standard does not contain special
-provisions required for software used in distrib-
-uted systems or in parallel processors.
-Classical treatments suggest that “verification”
-deals with static evaluation methods and that
-“testing” deals with dynamic evaluation meth-
-ods. Recent treatments, including ISO/IEC draft
-29119, are blurring this distinction, though, so
-testing standards are mentioned here.
-**IEEE Std. 829-2008 Standard for Software and Sys-
-tem Test Documentation**
-See Software Testing KA
-**IEEE Std. 1008-1987 Standard for Software Unit
-See Software Testing KA
-**IEEE Std. 26513-2010 Standard Adoption of ISO/
-IEC 26513:2009 Systems and Software Engineer-
-ing—Requirements for Testers and Reviewers of
-See Software Testing KA
-**ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 [four parts] (Draft) Software
-and Systems Engineering—Software Testing**
-See Software Testing KA
-IEEE is a provider of products related to the cer-
-tification of professional practitioners of software
-engineering. The first has already been described,
-the _Guide to the Software Engineering Body of
-Knowledge_. The _SWEBOK Guide_ has been adopted
-by ISO/IEC as an outline of the knowledge that pro-
-fessional software engineers should have.
-**ISO/IEC TR 19759:2005 Software Engineer-
-ing—Guide to the Software Engineering Body of**
-Knowledge (SWEBOK)
-See General
-An SC 7 standard provides a framework for
-comparisons among certifications of software
-engineering professionals. That standard states
-that the areas considered in certification must be
-mapped to the SWEBOK Guide.
-ISO/IEC 24773:2008 Software Engineering—Certi-
-fication of Software Engineering Professionals
-ISO/IEC 24773:2008 establishes a framework for
-comparison of schemes for certifying software
-engineering professionals. A certification scheme
-is a set of certification requirements for software
-engineering professionals. ISO/IEC 24773:2008
-specifies the items that a scheme is required to
-contain and indicates what should be defined for
-each item.
-ISO/IEC 24773:2008 will facilitate the porta-
-bility of software engineering professional cer-
-tifications between different countries or orga-
-nizations. At present, different countries and
-organizations have adopted different approaches
-on the topic, which are implemented by means
-of regulations and bylaws. The intention of ISO/
-IEC 24773:2008 is to be open to these individ-
-ual approaches by providing a framework for
-expressing them in a common scheme that can
-lead to understanding.
-SC 7 is currently drafting a guide that will sup-
-plement 24773.
-No standards are allocated to this KA.
-No standards are allocated to this KA.
-No standards are allocated to this KA.
-Appendix B B-27
-No standards are allocated to this KA.
-This article was obsolescent the moment it was
-drafted. Some readers will need to know how
-to get current designations and descriptions of
-standards. This section describes some helpful
-The list of standards published for ISO/IEC JTC
-1/SC 7 can be found at [](
-Because the URL might change, readers might
-have to navigate to the list. Begin at [](
-iso/store.htm, then click on “browse standards
-catalogue,” then “browse by TC,” then “JTC 1,”
-then “SC 7.”
-Finding the current list of standards for S2ESC
-is a bit more difficult. Begin at [http://standards.](http://standards.) In the search box under “Find Stan-
-dards,” type “S2ESC.” This should produce a
-list of published standards for which S2ESC is
-Keep in mind that the searchable databases
-are compilations. Like any such database, they
-can contain errors that lead to incomplete search
-Some readers will want to obtain standards
-described in this article. The first thing to
-know is that some international standards are
-available free for individual use. The current
-list of ISO/IEC standards available under these
-terms is located at [](
-One of the publicly available standards is the
-ISO/IEC adoption of the _SWEBOK Guide_ , ISO/
-IEC 19759.
-The definitions contained in ISO/IEC/IEEE
-24765, System and Software Vocabulary , are
-freely available at
-However, the vast majority of standards are not
-free. ISO/IEC standards are generally purchased
-from the national standards organization of the
-country in which one lives. For example, in the
-US, international standards can be purchased
-from the American National Standards Institute
-at Alternatively, stan-
-dards can be purchased directly from ISO/IEC
-at It should be noted
-that each individual nation is free to set its own
-prices, so it may be helpful to check both sources.
-IEEE standards may be available to you for
-free if your employer or library has a subscription
-to IEEE Xplore: Some
-subscriptions to Xplore provide access only to
-the abstracts of standards; the full text may then
-be purchased via Xplore. Alternatively, standards
-may be purchased via the IEEE standards store at
- It should be
-noted that IEEE-SA sometimes bundles standards
-into groups available at a substantial discount.
-Finally, the reader should note that standards
-that IEEE has adopted from ISO/IEC, standards
-that ISO/IEC has “fast-tracked” from IEEE, and
-standards that were jointly developed or revised
-are available from both sources. For all standards
-described in this article, the IEEE version and the
-ISO/IEC version are substantively identical. The
-respective versions may have different front and
-back matter but the bodies are identical.
-The SWEBOK Guide is published under an IEEE
-copyright. The current version of the SWEBOK
-Guide is available free to the public at http://www. The ISO/IEC adoption of the
-SWEBOK Guide , ISO/IEC TR 19759, is one of
-the freely available standards.
-**B-28** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-Number and Title (listed in order of number) Most Relevant KA
-IEEE Std. 730-2002 Standard for Software Quality Assurance Plans SW Quality
-IEEE Std. 828-2012 Standard for Configuration Management in
-Systems and Software Engineering
-SW Configuration
-IEEE Std. 829-2008 Standard for Software and System Test
-S W Te s t i n g
-IEEE Std. 982.1-2005 Standard for Dictionary of Measures of the
-Software Aspects of Dependability
-SW Quality
-IEEE Std. 1008-1987 Standard for Software Unit Testing S W Te s t i n g
-IEEE Std. 1012-2012 Standard for System and Software Verification and
-SW Quality
-IEEE Std. 1016-2009 Standard for Information Technology—Systems
-Design—Software Design Descriptions
-SW Design
-IEEE Std. 1028-2008 Standard for Software Reviews and Audits SW Quality
-IEEE Std. 1044-2009 Standard for Classification for Software
-SW Quality
-IEEE Std. 1061-1998 Standard for Software Quality Metrics
-SW Quality
-IEEE Std. 1062-1998 Recommended Practice for Software Acquisition
-SW Engineering
-IEEE Std. 1074-2006 Standard for Developing a Software Project Life
-Cycle Process
-SW Engineering
-IEEE Std. 1175.1-2002 Guide for CASE Tool Interconnections—
-Classification and Description
-SW Engineering
-Models and Methods
-IEEE Std. 1175.2-2006 Recommended Practice for CASE Tool
-Interconnection—Characterization of Interconnections
-SW Engineering
-Models and Methods
-IEEE Std. 1175.3-2004 Standard for CASE Tool Interconnections—
-Reference Model for Specifying Software Behavior
-SW Engineering
-Models and Methods
-IEEE Std. 1175.4-2008 Standard for CASE Tool Interconnections—
-Reference Model for Specifying System Behavior
-SW Engineering
-Models and Methods
-IEEE Std. 1220-2005 (a.k.a. ISO/IEC 26702:2007) Standard for
-Application and Management of the Systems Engineering Process
-SW Engineering
-IEEE Std. 1228-1994 Standard for Software Safety Plans SW Quality
-IEEE Std. 1320.1-1998 Standard for Functional Modeling Language—
-Syntax and Semantics for IDEF0
-SW Engineering
-Models and Methods
-IEEE Std. 1320.2-1998 Standard for Conceptual Modeling Language—
-Syntax and Semantics for IDEF1X97 (IDEFobject)
-SW Engineering
-Models and Methods
-IEEE Std. 1490-2011 Guide—Adoption of the Project Management
-Institute (PMI®) Standard, A Guide to the Project Management Body
-of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)—Fourth Edition
-SW Engineering
-IEEE Std. 1517-2010 Standard for Information Technology—System
-and Software Life Cycle Processes—Reuse Processes
-SW Engineering
-Appendix B B-29
-**Number and Title (listed in order of number) Most Relevant KA**
-IEEE Std. 1633-2008 Recommended Practice for Software Reliability SW Quality
-IEEE Std. 12207-2008 (a.k.a. ISO/IEC 12207:2008) Standard for
-Systems and Software Engineering—Software Life Cycle Processes
-SW Engineering
-IEEE Std. 14102-2010 Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC 14102:2008
-Information Technology—Guideline for the Evaluation and Selection of
-CA SE To ol s
-SW Engineering
-Models and Methods
-ISO/IEC 14143 [six parts] Information Technology—Software
-Measurement—Functional Size Measurement
-SW Requirements
-IEEE Std. 14471-2010 Guide—Adoption of ISO/IEC TR 14471:2007
-Information Technology—Software Engineering—Guidelines for the
-Adoption of CASE Tools
-SW Engineering
-Models and Methods
-IEEE Std. 14764-2006 (a.k.a. ISO/IEC 14764:2006) Standard for
-Software Engineering—Software Life Cycle Processes—Maintenance
-SW Maintenance
-IEEE Std. 15026.1-2011 Trial-Use Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC
-TR 15026-1:2010 Systems and Software Engineering—Systems and
-Software Assurance—Part 1: Concepts and Vocabulary
-SW Quality
-IEEE Std. 15026.2-2011 Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC 15026-
-2:2011 Systems and Software Engineering—Systems and Software
-Assurance—Part 2: Assurance Case
-SW Quality
-ISO/IEC 15026-3 Systems and Software Engineering—Systems and
-Software Assurance—Part 3: System Integrity Levels
-SW Quality
-ISO/IEC 15026-4:2012 Systems and Software Engineering—Systems
-and Software Assurance—Part 4: Assurance in the Life Cycle
-SW Quality
-IEEE Std. 15288-2008 (a.k.a. ISO/IEC 15288:2008) Standard for
-Systems and Software Engineering—System Life Cycle Processes
-SW Engineering
-ISO/IEC/IEEE 15289:2011 Systems and Software Engineering—
-Content of Life-Cycle Information Products (Documentation)
-SW Engineering
-ISO/IEC 15504 [ten parts] Information Technology—Process
-SW Engineering
-IEEE Std. 15939-2008 Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC 15939:2007
-Systems and Software Engineering—Measurement Process
-SW Engineering
-ISO/IEC 15940:2006 Information Technology—Software Engineering
-Environment Services
-SW Engineering
-Models and Methods
-IEEE Std. 16085-2006 (a.k.a. ISO/IEC 16085:2006) Standard for
-Systems and Software Engineering—Software Life Cycle Processes—
-Risk Management
-SW Engineering
-ISO/IEC/IEEE 16326:2009 Systems and Software Engineering—Life
-Cycle Processes—Project Management
-SW Engineering
-ISO/IEC 19501:2005 Information Technology—Open Distributed
-Processing—Unified Modeling Language (UML) Version 1.4.2
-SW Engineering
-Models and Methods
-**B-30** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-Number and Title (listed in order of number) Most Relevant KA
-ISO/IEC 19505:2012 [two parts] Information Technology—Object
-Management Group Unified Modeling Language (OMG UML)
-SW Engineering
-Models and Methods
-ISO/IEC 19506:2012 Information Technology—Object Management
-Group Architecture-Driven Modernization (ADM)—Knowledge
-Discovery Meta-Model (KDM)
-SW Engineering
-Models and Methods
-ISO/IEC 19507:2012 Information Technology—Object Management
-Group Object Constraint Language (OCL)
-SW Engineering
-Models and Methods
-ISO/IEC TR 19759:2005 Software Engineering—Guide to the Software
-Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK)
-ISO/IEC 19761:2011 Software Engineering—COSMIC: A Functional
-Size Measurement Method
-SW Requirements
-ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 Information Technology—Service
-Management—Part 1: Service management system requirements
-SW Engineering
-ISO/IEC 20926:2009 Software and Systems Engineering—Software
-Measurement—IFPUG Functional Size Measurement Method
-SW Requirements
-ISO/IEC 20968:2002 Software Engineering—Mk II Function Point
-Analysis—Counting Practices Manual
-SW Requirements
-ISO/IEC 24570:2005 Software Engineering—NESMA Functional
-Size Measurement Method Version 2.1—Definitions and Counting
-Guidelines for the Application of Function Point Analysis
-SW Requirements
-IEEE Std. 24748.1-2011 Guide—Adoption of ISO/IEC TR 24748-1:2010
-Systems and Software Engineering—Life Cycle Management—Part 1:
-Guide for Life Cycle Management
-SW Engineering
-IEEE Std. 24748.2-2012 Guide—Adoption of ISO/IEC TR 24748-2:2011
-Systems and Software Engineering—Life Cycle Management—Part
-2: Guide to the Application of ISO/IEC 15288 (System Life Cycle
-SW Engineering
-IEEE Std. 24748-3:2012 Guide—Adoption of ISO/IEC TR 24748-3:2011
-Systems and Software Engineering—Life Cycle Management—Part
-3: Guide to the Application of ISO/IEC 12207 (Software Life Cycle
-SW Engineering
-ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2010 Systems and Software
-ISO/IEC TR 24772:2013 Information technology—Programming
-Languages — Guidance to Avoiding Vulnerabilities in Programming
-Languages through Language Selection and Use
-SW Construction
-ISO/IEC 24773:2008 Software Engineering—Certification of Software
-Engineering Professionals
-SW Engineering
-Professional Practice
-IEEE Std. 24774:2012 Guide—Adoption of ISO/IEC TR 24474:2010
-Systems and Software Engineering—Life Cycle Management—
-Guidelines for Process Description
-SW Engineering
-ISO/IEC 25000:2005 Software Engineering—Software Product Quality
-Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE)—Guide to SQuaRE
-SW Quality
-Appendix B B-31
-**Number and Title (listed in order of number) Most Relevant KA**
-ISO/IEC 25000 through 25099 Software Engineering—Software
-Product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE)
-SW Quality
-ISO/IEC 25010:2011 Systems and Software Engineering—Systems and
-Software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE)—System
-and Software Quality Models
-SW Quality
-ISO/IEC 25060 through 25064 Software Engineering—Software
-Product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE)—Common
-Industry Format (CIF) for Usability
-SW Quality
-ISO/IEC/IEEE 26511:2012 Systems and Software Engineering—
-Requirements for Managers of User Documentation
-SW Engineering
-ISO/IEC/IEEE 26512:2011 Systems and Software Engineering—
-Requirements for Acquirers and Suppliers of User Documentation
-SW Engineering
-IEEE Std. 26513-2010 Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC 26513:2009
-Systems and Software Engineering—Requirements for Testers and
-Reviewers of Documentation
-S W Te s t i n g
-IEEE Std. 26514-2010 Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC 26514:2008
-Systems and Software Engineering—Requirements for Designers and
-Developers of User Documentation
-SW Design
-ISO/IEC/IEEE 26515:2012 Systems and Software Engineering—
-Developing User Documentation in an Agile Environment
-SW Engineering
-Models and Methods
-ISO/IEC 29110 [several parts] Software Engineering—Lifecycle
-Profiles for Very Small Entities (VSE)
-SW Engineering
-ISO/IEC/IEEE 29119 [four parts] (Draft) Software and Systems
-Engineering—Software Testing
-S W Te s t i n g
-ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148:2011 Systems and Software Engineering—Life
-Cycle Processes—Requirements Engineering
-SW Requirements
-ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011 Systems and Software Engineering—
-Architecture Description
-SW Design
-IEEE Std. 90003:2008 Guide—Adoption of ISO/IEC 90003:2004
-Software Engineering—Guidelines for the Application of ISO
-9001:2000 to Computer Software
-SW Quality
-The Consolidated Reference List identifies all
-recommended reference materials (to the level of
-section number) that accompany the breakdown
-of topics within each knowledge area (KA). This
-Consolidated Reference List is adopted by the
-software engineering certification and associated
-professional development products offered by the
-IEEE Computer Society. KA Editors used the ref-
-erences allocated to their KA by the Consolidated
-Reference List as their Recommended References.
-Collectively this Consolidated Reference List is
-- Complete: Covering the entire scope of the
-    _SWEBOK Guide_.
-- Sufficient: Providing enough information to
-    describe “generally accepted” knowledge.
-- Consistent: Not providing contradictory
-    knowledge nor conflicting practices.
-- Credible: Recognized as providing expert
-    treatment.
-- Current: Treating the subject in a manner that
-    is commensurate with currently generally
-    accepted knowledge.
-- Succinct: As short as possible (both in num-
-    ber of reference items and in total page
-    count) without failing other objectives.
-[1*] J.H. Allen et al., _Software Security
-Engineering: A Guide for Project
-Managers_ , Addison-Wesley, 2008.
-[2*] M. Bishop, _Computer Security: Art and
-Science_ , Addison-Wesley, 2002.
-[3*] B. Boehm and R. Turner, _Balancing Agility
-and Discipline: A Guide for the Perplexed_ ,
-Addison-Wesley, 2003.
-[4*] F. Bott et al., Professional Issues in
-Software Engineering , 3rd ed., Taylor &
-Francis, 2000.
-[5*] J.G. Brookshear, Computer Science: An
-Overview , 10th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2008.
-[6*] D. Budgen, Software Design , 2nd ed.,
-Addison-Wesley, 2003.
-[7*] E.W. Cheney and D.R. Kincaid, Numerical
-Mathematics and Computing , 6th ed.,
-Brooks/Cole, 2007.
-[8*] P. Clements et al., Documenting Software
-Architectures: Views and Beyond , 2nd ed.,
-Pearson Education, 2010.
-[9*] R.E. Fairley, Managing and Leading
-Software Projects , Wiley-IEEE Computer
-Society Press, 2009.
-[10*] D. Galin, Software Quality Assurance:
-From Theory to Implementation , Pearson
-Education Limited, 2004.
-[11*] E. Gamma et al., Design Patterns:
-Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented
-Software , 1st ed., Addison-Wesley
-Professional, 1994.
-[12*] P. Grubb and A.A. Takang, Software
-Maintenance: Concepts and Practice , 2nd
-ed., World Scientific Publishing, 2003.
-[13*] A.M.J. Hass, Configuration Management
-Principles and Practices , 1st ed., Addison-
-Wesley, 2003.
-**C-2** **_SWEBOK® Guide_** **V3.0**
-[14*] E. Horowitz et al., _Computer Algorithms_ ,
-2nd ed., Silicon Press, 2007.
-[15*] IEEE CS/ACM Joint Task Force on
-Software Engineering Ethics and
-Professional Practices, “Software
-Engineering Code of Ethics and
-Professional Practice (Version 5.2),” 1999;
-[16*] _IEEE Std. 828-2012, Standard for
-Configuration Management in Systems and
-Software Engineering_ , IEEE, 2012.
-[17*] _IEEE Std. 1028-2008, Software Reviews
-and Audits_ , IEEE, 2008.
-[18*] _ISO/IEC 14764 IEEE Std. 14764-2006,
-Software Engineering—Software Life Cycle
-Processes—Maintenance_ , IEEE, 2006.
-[19*] S.H. Kan, _Metrics and Models in Software
-Quality Engineering_ , 2nd ed., Addison-
-Wesley, 2002.
-[20*] S. McConnell, _Code Complete_ , 2nd ed.,
-Microsoft Press, 2004.
-[21*] J. McGarry et al., _Practical Software
-Measurement: Objective Information
-for Decision Makers_ , Addison-Wesley
-Professional, 2001.
-[22*] S.J. Mellor and M.J. Balcer, _Executable
-UML: A Foundation for Model-Driven
-Architecture_ , 1st ed., Addison-Wesley,
-[23*] D.C. Montgomery and G.C. Runger,
-_Applied Statistics and Probability for
-Engineers_ , 4th ed., Wiley, 2007.
-[24*] J.W. Moore, _The Road Map to Software
-Engineering: A Standards-Based Guide_ , 1st
-ed., Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press,
-[25*] S. Naik and P. Tripathy, Software Testing
-and Quality Assurance: Theory and
-Practice , Wiley-Spektrum, 2008.
-[26*] J. Nielsen, Usability Engineering, 1st ed.,
-Morgan Kaufmann, 1993.
-[27*] L. Null and J. Lobur, The Essentials of
-Computer Organization and Architecture ,
-2nd ed., Jones and Bartlett Publishers,
-[28*] M. Page-Jones, Fundamentals of Object-
-Oriented Design in UML , 1st ed., Addison-
-Wesley, 1999.
-[29*] K. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and Its
-Applications, 7th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2011.
-[30*] A. Silberschatz, P.B. Galvin, and G.
-Gagne, Operating System Concepts , 8th
-ed., Wiley, 2008.
-[31*] H.M. Sneed, “Offering Software
-Maintenance as an Offshore Service,” Proc.
-IEEE Int’l Conf. Software Maintenance
-(ICSM 08), IEEE, 2008, pp. 1–5.
-[32*] I. Sommerville, Software Engineering , 9th
-ed., Addison-Wesley, 2011.
-[33*] S. Tockey, Return on Software:
-Maximizing the Return on Your Software
-Investment , 1st ed., Addison-Wesley, 2004.
-[34*] G. Voland, Engineering by Design , 2nd
-ed., Prentice Hall, 2003.
-[35*] K.E. Wiegers, Software Requirements , 2nd
-ed., Microsoft Press, 2003.
-[36*] J.M. Wing, “A Specifier’s Introduction to
-Formal Methods,” Computer , vol. 23, no. 9,
-1990, pp. 8, 10–23.
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-title: Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge Version 3.
-rights: Copyright <C2><A9> 2014 IEEE. All rights reserved.
-language: en-US