Last Change
[Public archive] AFL (American Fuzzy Lop) driver for Lua programming language.
The list of continuous integration services and tools
The curated list of awesome OpenBSD resources
Unix ASCII games
This is version 1.85 of the Berkeley DB code.
[Public archive] My blog
Book about Clojure written by Kyle Kingsbury, formatting and conversion to Markdown, EPUB and HTML by Sergey Bronnikov.
The command-line frontend to transactional consistency checkers for black-box databases
Genealogy tools
Run automated tests against a range of Git commits and keep track of the results
[Public archive] Cobertura XML format parser for the Go programming language
[Public archive] A draft implementation of contracts for Golang ("require no more, promise no less")
[Public archive] EBNF grammar fuzzer
[Public archive] my own homebrew tap
Tool for generating regression tests
Grammars suitable for lark parser and Hypothesis
A set of fuzzing tests intended for testing standard C library
A clock made with using time quotes from literature
Lua C API tests
Lua 5.1 C API manual pages
A coverage-guided, native Lua fuzzing engine.
Molly tests are tests based on Molly library.
Framework for distributed system's verification, with fault injection.
Поиск людей из прошлого
[Public archive] Setup environment in OpenBSD using Ansible playbook
[Public archive] Unofficial OpenBSD regression tests
[Public archive] OpenBSD testing wiki
OpenBSD work-in-progress ports
[Public archive] Vagrant boxes for Virtuozzo and OpenVZ
[Public archive] Ansible playbooks/files/etc repository for OpenVZ infrastructure
[Public archive] packetdrill testcases for network regression testing
[Public archive] Dockefile for Parallels Plesk Panel
Mirror of
PostgreSQL Feedback Plugin
[Public archive] Planet OpenBSD
[Public archive] PostgreSQL Performance Monitoring Tools
A gently curated list of companies using verification formal methods in industry
Generator of HTML reports with mutation testing results
[Public archive] Machine learning model to detect race numbers
[Public archive] Samples of testing and code coverage reports
Беговые дорожки Москвы 🏃
semgrep rules for flakiness, missed error handling and antipatterns.
My experiments and snippets
Formal specifications
My own notes (drafts mostly) about software quality
Основы программной инженерии (SWEBOK 2004 на русском) в EPUB и HTML
Guide to the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge Version 3 (SWEBOK)
Fuzzing Tarantool Lua API
[Mirror] Middleware for data
is a tool to import test results into SQLite database
A hyperfast web frontend for software testing results written in C.
[Public archive] OpenVZ tweets
A FUSE-based fault injection filesystem
Board engine written in C++
[Public archive] Zabbix template for Virtuozzo