Commit Diff

commit - dfc5337dcdee440d56c2c53264f56fe29b02d8f5
commit + 190212ab3579321481115e04bb40758ae2c5ab5d
blob - bf09f1c67359f86dbee6e30cb8f9394ca4d96c7b
blob + d826f58cb794884874c554c6bb6a28f47f555fc3
--- rules/python/flakiness/
+++ rules/python/flakiness/
@@ -2,13 +2,31 @@ m = 5
 n = 0.000001
 # rule-id: cmp_float_numbers
-assert(1.0000 == 1.000000)
+assert(n == 1.000000)
 # rule-id: cmp_float_numbers
-assert(1.0000 == m)
+assert(6.0001 == m)
 # rule-id: cmp_float_numbers
-assert(m == 1.0000)
+assert(m == n)
 # rule-id: cmp_float_numbers
-assert(m == n)
+assert(3. == n)
+# rule-id: cmp_float_numbers
+assert(3.3 == n)
+# rule-id: cmp_float_numbers
+assert(3.3e2 == n)
+# rule-id: cmp_float_numbers
+assert(3.3e-1 == n)
+# rule-id: cmp_float_numbers
+assert(.1e1 == n)
+# rule-id: cmp_float_numbers
+assert(1.11e12 == n)
+# rule-id: cmp_float_numbers
+assert(1.3e-1 == n)
+# rule-id: cmp_float_numbers
+assert(.1e1 == n)
+# rule-id: cmp_float_numbers
+assert(.2e-14 == n)
+# rule-id: cmp_float_numbers
+assert(5E6 == n)
blob - 1d75f60c8704f3d6235342a897fcccc0f0e64041
blob + d0896fa39812530da4edb918e888f2ef9d8c7620
--- rules/python/flakiness/cmp_float_number.yaml
+++ rules/python/flakiness/cmp_float_number.yaml
@@ -1,18 +1,21 @@
-# TODO: floating point additions are not associative. (X + Y) + Z is not the same as X + (Y + Z).
-- id: cmp_float_numbers
-  patterns:
-    - pattern-either: 
-      - pattern: |
-              1.0000 == 1.0000
-  message: |
-    PEP-485, using math.isclose and cmath.isclose functions is recommended
-  languages:
-  - python
-  metadata:
-    references:
-    -
-    -
-  severity: WARNING
+  - id: cmp_float_numbers
+    patterns:
+      - pattern-either:
+          - pattern-inside: ... <> ...
+          - pattern-inside: ... > ...
+          - pattern-inside: ... < ...
+          - pattern-inside: ... >= ...
+          - pattern-inside: ... <= ...
+          - pattern-inside: ... == ...
+      - pattern-regex: ([1-9][0-9]*[eE][1-9][0-9]*|(([1-9][0-9]*\.)|(\.[0-9]+))([0-9]*)?([eE][\-\+]?[1-9][0-9]*)?)
+    message: |
+        PEP-485, using math.isclose() and cmath.isclose() functions is
+        recommended.
+    languages:
+      - python
+    metadata:
+      references:
+        -
+        -
+    severity: WARNING