Commit Diff

commit - 5b6557bd7186778022cf48ac75add2fdadf235e5
commit + 200fc9329fe4fc06ec674185dc9eda0bba2675ba
blob - 605c5c386a23d872020a8760e213307edfaaade4 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- geo/gpsprune/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# $OpenBSD $
-COMMENT=	GpsPrune is application for working with GPS data
-V=		13.2
-DISTNAME=	gpsprune_${V}
-PKGNAME= 	gpsprune-${V}
-MAINTAINER= Sergey Bronnikov <>
-# GPL
-MODULES=	java
-MAKE_ENV+=              JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME}
-RUN_DEPENDS=            java/javaPathHelper
-INSTALL_DIR =           gpsprune
-	${INSTALL_DATA} ${DISTDIR}/${DISTNAME}.jar	${PREFIX}/share/${INSTALL_DIR}/gpsprune.jar
-	${INSTALL_DATA} ${FILESDIR}/gpsprune 	${PREFIX}/bin/
-	chown ${BINOWN}:${BINGRP} $(PREFIX)/bin/gpsprune
-	chmod +x $(PREFIX)/bin/gpsprune
-.include <>
blob - d1ea3e996156ce8c8853319817e9a7204aa34968 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- geo/gpsprune/UPDATE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Needs testing
blob - 725490816916a6d4cde5d6604b26e9169a97fc6d (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- geo/gpsprune/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-MD5 (gpsprune_13.2.jar) = so+VbILJfqLk8NVVxic9bw==
-RMD160 (gpsprune_13.2.jar) = ZPNtED3KFNyvJGkkzq6XUpjXx/Y=
-SHA1 (gpsprune_13.2.jar) = wG70npvQbBfaufFJ+gtpiK+eXgw=
-SHA256 (gpsprune_13.2.jar) = uWLeCPJ33qEZ2p4HhRKN0dT4mwc8yFFPni/0SqDqenI=
-SIZE (gpsprune_13.2.jar) = 790716
blob - f5ca0db9ec116e47087bd358bd263bf0a0ab8d52 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- geo/gpsprune/files/gpsprune
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-java -jar ${DIR}/gpsprune.jar --lang=EN
blob - b990247c677ffc7c8373a8098091a3e82554a2fa (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- geo/gpsprune/pkg/DESCR
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-GpsPrune is an application for viewing, editing 
-and converting coordinate data from GPS systems. 
-Basically it's a tool to let you play with your 
-GPS data after you get home from your trip.
blob - ed4e32f08f874af9a225ff1106a1eaa0ea4207e6 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- geo/gpsprune/pkg/PLIST
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-@comment $OpenBSD:  $
blob - ddeac49e10fae3ae1409f25f0f5bef2b187237cd (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- geo/mtkbabel/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.58 2011/03/30 12:27:41 edd Exp $
-COMMENT =	commandline tool for MediaTek MTK-based GPS devices
-DISTNAME =	mtkbabel-${VERSION}
-MAINTAINER =	Sergey Bronnikov <>
-# GPLv2+
-MODULES =		perl
-NO_BUILD =		Yes
-NO_TEST =		Yes
-PKG_ARCH =		*
-RUN_DEPENDS =	comms/p5-Device-SerialPort
-	${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/doc/mtkbabel/
-	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/{README,changelog,copyright,MtkExtensionsv1.xsd} ${PREFIX}/share/doc/mtkbabel/
-	${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/mtkbabel ${PREFIX}/bin
-	${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/man/man1
-	${INSTALL_MAN} $(WRKSRC)/mtkbabel.1 $(PREFIX)/man/man1/mtkbabel.1
-.include <>
blob - f71cfe90d1d244d8b42335455e1f44507a4d4137 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- geo/mtkbabel/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-SHA256 (mtkbabel- = wFTzKsayrfCBW0hWlbUOI/JLsUfQNXxd8Qx2CY+e3a0=
-SIZE (mtkbabel- = 28472
blob - dc4b8a68e901540c03e51ba5dc8e54247ab9d38e (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- geo/mtkbabel/pkg/DESCR
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-MTKBabel is a Perl program to operate the i-Blue 747 GPS data logger.
-It should work also with other GPS devices based on the MediaTek MTK
-chipset.  Starting with version 0.7 it offers also support for the Holux
-M-241 data logger.
-The main capabilities are:
-* Command line interface
-* Save data log in GPX and raw binary format
-* If required retrieve all the data, also the old one being overlapped
-* Change logging criteria: time, distance, speed
-* Change log format
-* START/STOP logging
-* Set OVERLAP or STOP method on memory full
-* Erase the internal memory
blob - 13a893d529d9121c1fdf7a6aab8e3b99cd952044 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- geo/mtkbabel/pkg/PLIST
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-@comment $OpenBSD$
-@man man/man1/mtkbabel.1
blob - a8d820e46fe1b7f0ec197b5ca11560ee4a2593a2 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- security/paperkey/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# $OpenBSD$
-COMMENT =	an OpenPGP key archiver
-DISTNAME =	paperkey-1.4
-CATEGORIES =	security
-MAINTAINER =	Sergey Bronnikov <>
-# GPL
-NO_TEST =	Yes
-.include <>
blob - 4f2b2492974de39ade3fb641396d8e41e81294a9 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- security/paperkey/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-SHA256 (paperkey-1.4.tar.gz) = 4Suw7INRJ9EqkiqNYLPf2zyo7mC7W00VrkzqhbvPM28=
-SIZE (paperkey-1.4.tar.gz) = 259446
blob - fdd25efc734e8a69d421fe4f33df7e1630d9b37f (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- security/paperkey/pkg/DESCR
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-A reasonable way to achieve a long term backup of OpenPGP 
-(GnuPG, PGP, etc) keys is to print them out on paper. 
-Paper and ink have amazingly long retention qualities - 
-far longer than the magnetic or optical means that are 
-generally used to back up computer data.
blob - 06c88646642b2c4719bd8a033abc95946e628d61 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- security/paperkey/pkg/PLIST
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-@comment $OpenBSD: PLIST,v 1.3 2011/06/07 17:06:15  Exp $
-@bin bin/paperkey
-@man man/man1/paperkey.1
blob - d7b8421e86c219b667432b49b6bf94f206ae461f (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- textproc/goldendict/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# $OpenBSD$
-# Qt4's Webkit
-COMMENT =		feature-rich dictionary lookup program
-DISTNAME =		goldendict-1.0.1-src
-PKGNAME = 		${DISTNAME:S/-src//}
-CATEGORIES =		textproc
-MAINTAINER =		Sergey Bronnikov <>
-# GPLv3
-EXTRACT_SUFX =		.tar.bz2
-WANTLIB =  ICE SM X11 Xext Xi Xinerama Xrender Xtst fontconfig freetype
-WANTLIB += QtDBus QtGui QtNetwork QtWebKit QtXml phonon
-WANTLIB += c iconv execinfo  m ogg pthread vorbis vorbisfile z
-WANTLIB += hunspell-1.6 ${COMPILER_LIBCXX}
-MODULES =		x11/qt4 devel/qmake
-RUN_DEPENDS =		devel/desktop-file-utils
-LIB_DEPENDS =		devel/libexecinfo \
-			textproc/hunspell
-NO_TEST =		Yes
-			LIBS+="-L${LOCALBASE}/lib -lexecinfo"
-ICONDIR =		${TRUEPREFIX}/share/goldendict
-	${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKBUILD}/goldendict ${PREFIX}/bin/
-	${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${WRKINST}${ICONDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/applications/
-	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKDIST}/redist/icons/goldendict.png \
-	sed -e 's,^Icon=.*,Icon=${ICONDIR}/goldendict.png,' \
-	    -e 's,^Exec=.*,Exec=${TRUEPREFIX}/bin/goldendict,' \
-	    <${WRKSRC}/redist/goldendict.desktop \
-	    >${PREFIX}/share/applications/goldendict.desktop
-.include <>
blob - e6406f340f03ef8a1fb3f33bf8a548d199605a19 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- textproc/goldendict/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-SHA256 (goldendict-1.0.1-src.tar.bz2) = s/sEBaXts48C74gbSMNuRuLqz2QbDK+NmUA/WVpL6aY=
-SIZE (goldendict-1.0.1-src.tar.bz2) = 2705932
blob - 2922f058952eb4e1e0877dcf75096645be7c2e58 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- textproc/goldendict/patches/patch-greektranslit_cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
----	Thu Jul 11 23:53:50 2013
-+++	Thu Jul 11 23:57:41 2013
-@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
--/* This file is (c) 2010 Jennie Petoumenou <>
-+/* This file is (c) 2010 Jennie Petoumenou <>
-  * Part of GoldenDict. Licensed under GPLv3 or later, see the LICENSE file */
- #include "greektranslit.hh"
blob - 36063c8e2b01418b56b20413ab8f410747c2d6a8 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- textproc/goldendict/pkg/DESCR
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-The project aims to create a feature-rich dictionary lookup program.
-It supports multiple dictionary file formats, namely:
-    * Babylon .BGL files, complete with images and resources
-    * StarDict .ifo/.dict./.idx/.syn dictionaries
-    * Dictd .index/.dict(.dz) dictionary files
-    * ABBYY Lingvo .dsl source files
-    * ABBYY Lingvo .lsa/.dat audio archives
-Support for Wikipedia, Wiktionary, or any other MediaWiki-based sites to
-perform lookups in.
blob - b0ce9d5afd9eb736889c443f8a0516ac854f6f2e (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- textproc/goldendict/pkg/PLIST
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-@comment $OpenBSD$
-@bin bin/goldendict
-@exec %D/bin/update-desktop-database
-@unexec-delete %D/bin/update-desktop-database
blob - 9c096be9e7d1bf8a18ad6ebdc32b7a8598966704 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- www/codespeed/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# $OpenBSD:  $
-COMMENT =	web app to monitor and analyze the performance of your code
-VERSION =	0.11.0
-PKGNAME =	codespeed-${VERSION}
-MAINTAINER =	Sergey Bronnikov <>	
-# GPLv2
-MODULES =	lang/python
-RUN_DEPENDS =	devel/py-south \
-		devel/py-isodate \
-		www/py-django
-	${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/doc/codespeed
-	${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/doc/codespeed/tools
-	${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/doc/codespeed/tools/pypy
-	${INSTALL_DATA_DIR} ${PREFIX}/share/doc/codespeed/documentation
-	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/documentation/* ${PREFIX}/share/doc/codespeed/documentation
-	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/tools/*.py ${PREFIX}/share/doc/codespeed/tools
-	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/tools/pypy/* ${PREFIX}/share/doc/codespeed/tools/pypy
-.include <>
blob - 3ee313e79ef6f8ea876b901cd4757ce92e03d624 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- www/codespeed/distinfo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-SHA256 (0.11.0.tar.gz) = kkYu/9K441II0mjO7Y/Fa0Ajc1soV3rORo49bVZcZVU=
-SIZE (0.11.0.tar.gz) = 342211
blob - 8b3c3da3891dec9bfa8fbd3bd73d463c0aab35c8 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- www/codespeed/pkg/DESCR
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-Codespeed is a web application to monitor and analyze the performance of
-your code.
blob - 2361c77b84d52097c8f8a82b1add61ec7e4c136d (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- www/codespeed/pkg/PLIST
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-@comment $OpenBSD$
blob - d4eaf0967cfb27f968ead7be3be044ec87f7f09d (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- www/codespeed/pkg/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-| Running ${FULLPKGNAME} on OpenBSD
-Codespeed has been installed into ${INSTDIR}
-You should create a vhost for Codespeed (must be on a subdomain or full domain) 
-Vhost example for nginx: 
-Restart nginx and browse to and follow the setup instructions provided. 
-* To get started, you can use the `sample_project` directory as a starting point 
-for your Django project, which can be normally configured by editing `sample_project/`.
-* For simplicity, you can use the default sqlite configuration, which will save
-  the data to a database named `data.db`
-* Create the DB by typing from the root directory:
-        python syncdb
-* Create an admin user in the process.
-* Migrate to the new DB Schema:
-        python migrate
-* For testing purposes, you can now start the development server:
-        python runserver 8000
-The codespeed installation can now be accessed by navigating to `http://localhost:8000/`.
-**Note**: for production, you should configure a real server like Apache or nginx 
-(refer to the [Django docs](
-You should also modify `sample_project/` and set `DEBUG = False`.
-# Codespeed configuration
-## Using the provided test data
-If you want to test drive Codespeed, you can use the testdata.json fixtures to have a working data set to browse.
-* From the root directory, type:
-        ./ loaddata codespeed/fixtures/testdata.json
-## Starting from scratch
-Before you can start saving (and displaying) data, you need to first create an
-environment and define a default project.
-* Go to `http://localhost:8000/admin/codespeed/environment/`
-  and create an environment.
-* Go to `http://localhost:8000/admin/codespeed/project/`
-  and create a project.
-Check the field "Track changes" and, in case you want version control
-integration, configure the relevant fields.
-**Note**: Only executables associated to projects with a checked "track changes"
-field will be shown in the Changes and Timeline views.
-# Saving data
-Data is saved POSTing to `http://localhost:8000/result/add/`.
-You can use the script `tools/` as a guide.
-When saving large quantities of data, it is recommended to use the JSON API instead:
-    `http://localhost:8000/result/add/json/`
-An example script is located at `tools/`
-**Note**: If the given executable, benchmark, project, or
-revision do not yet exist, they will be automatically created, together with the
-actual result entry. The only model which won't be created automatically is the
-environment. It must always exist or the data won't be saved (that is the reason
-it is described as a necessary step in the previous "Codespeed configuration"