Commit Diff

commit - 1cbd57169f4ba279ab21cc2ad55c5f53f03f68b1
commit + 250990a7df3159a84b488bb2a6ba6b5f888f2618
blob - a71c63da063644a19fa0b53b3485807c6d165773
blob + 9785ff4b77d9a64822eae1267d98d0cd9ba083ef
--- unreliablefs/unreliablefs_errinj.c
+++ unreliablefs/unreliablefs_errinj.c
@@ -223,12 +223,13 @@ int error_inject(const char* path, fuse_op operation)
         case ERRINJ_SLOWDOWN: ;
 	    struct timespec ts = {};
-	    ts.tv_nsec = err->duration;
-            fprintf(stdout, "start of '%s' slowdown for '%d' ns\n", op_name, err->duration);
+	    ts.tv_sec = err->duration / 1000000000;
+	    ts.tv_nsec = err->duration % 1000000000;
+            fprintf(stdout, "start of '%s' slowdown for '%llu' ns\n", op_name, err->duration);
             if (nanosleep(&ts, NULL) != 0) {
             } else {
-		fprintf(stdout, "end of '%s' slowdown with '%d' ns\n", op_name, err->duration);
+		fprintf(stdout, "end of '%s' slowdown with '%llu' ns\n", op_name, err->duration);
@@ -328,7 +329,7 @@ int conf_option_handler(void* cfg, const char* section
     } else if (strcmp(key, "probability") == 0) {
         err->probability = atoi(value);
     } else if (strcmp(key, "duration") == 0) {
-        err->duration = atoi(value);
+        err->duration = atoll(value);
     } else {
         fprintf(stderr, "unknown option '%s' in configuration file\n", key);
         return 0;
blob - 2dcc775ca5c9a010de8149d51d0bc8a92deee037
blob + 0197c155f5bfe601935ad57cdd4d78bb67deb23d
--- unreliablefs/unreliablefs_errinj.h
+++ unreliablefs/unreliablefs_errinj.h
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ struct errinj_conf {
     char *path_regexp;
     char *errno_regexp;
     unsigned int probability;
-    unsigned int duration;
+    unsigned long long duration;
     errinj_type type;
     TAILQ_ENTRY(errinj_conf) entries;