Commit Diff

commit - 3d7d27be517901f17b5d0e4a3eea60baf75c839c
commit + 26eeb4cc6cccfdd2844baa718ff0f81c7fd1bf1e
blob - /dev/null
blob + a5c3cd43ffdd735bd126fa65a8a6991593c34e45 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ .gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
blob - e9e5bdc0977f46e45cad1f9a541042ef16b90323
blob + 59555e53913d6f873827f6e299d55dd8e293b986
@@ -21,13 +21,28 @@ Running Packer
     $ git clone
-    $ cd openvz-packer-templates
-    $ packer build template.json
+    $ packer build virtuozzo-7.0.json
 If you want to build only VirtualBox:
-    $ packer build -only=virtualbox-iso template.json
+    $ packer build -only=virtualbox-iso virtuozzo-7.0.json
+The result box will be available in `builds/` directory.
+### Virtuozzo 7.0 Beta 2
+By default the box `virtuozzo-7.0` will be built using the ISO from the latest
+released milestone of Virtuozzo 7.0. At this moment it is _7.0-beta1_
+If you want to build the box `virtuozzo-7.0` from the current factory ISO build, you
+should override `iso_url` and `iso_checksum` variables, for example:
+$ export VZ_FACTOY_URL= && \
+  export VZ_FACTOY_CHECKSUM=`curl --silent | grep DVD | awk '{print $1}'`
+$ packer build -var "iso_url=${VZ_FACTOY_URL}" -var "iso_checksum=${VZ_FACTOY_CHECKSUM}" centos-6.7-x86_64.json
 Using Vagrant box
blob - 8b9f3e15f70a4b7a16ad7354aedd39a8974f6200 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- openvz-centos/http/ks.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-lang en_US.UTF-8
-keyboard us
-network --onboot yes --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp --noipv6
-rootpw --plaintext vagrant
-firewall --enabled --service=ssh
-authconfig --enableshadow --passalgo=sha512
-selinux --disabled
-timezone Russia/Moscow
-bootloader --location=mbr --driveorder=sda --append="crashkernel=auto rhgb quiet"
-clearpart --all --initlabel
-auth  --useshadow  --enablemd5
-firstboot --disabled
-user --name=vagrant --plaintext --password vagrant
-%packages --ignoremissing
-# Install OpenVZ kernel
-curl > /etc/yum.repos.d/OpenVZ.repo
-rpm --import
-/usr/bin/yum install -y vzkernel vzctl vzquota ploop
-# Enable conntrack to make ssh work with default iptables configuration
-sed -i "s/ip_conntrack_disable_ve0=1/ip_conntrack_disable_ve0=0/" /etc/modprobe.d/openvz.conf
-# sudo
-echo "%vagrant ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers.d/vagrant
-sed -i "s/^[^#].*requiretty/#Defaults requiretty/" /etc/sudoers
blob - 1186cbc4dd971665facf685fdf091e66fbfc22da (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- openvz-centos/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -eux
-# Remove development and kernel source packages
-yum -y remove gcc cpp kernel-devel kernel-headers perl
-yum -y clean all
-# Clean up network interface persistence
-rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules;
-for ndev in `ls -1 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*`; do
-    if [ "`basename $ndev`" != "ifcfg-lo" ]; then
-        sed -i '/^HWADDR/d' "$ndev"
-        sed -i '/^UUID/d' "$ndev"
-    fi
blob - 54f1cf169153c9390631be5363a0516e446ce588 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- openvz-centos/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -eux
-set +e
-swapuuid="`/sbin/blkid -o value -l -s UUID -t TYPE=swap`";
-case "$?" in
-	2|0) ;;
-	*) exit 1 ;;
-set -e
-if [ "x${swapuuid}" != "x" ]; then
-    # Whiteout the swap partition to reduce box size
-    # Swap is disabled till reboot
-    swappart="`readlink -f /dev/disk/by-uuid/$swapuuid`";
-    /sbin/swapoff "$swappart";
-    dd if=/dev/zero of="$swappart" bs=1M || echo "dd exit code $? is suppressed";
-    /sbin/mkswap -U "$swapuuid" "$swappart";
-dd if=/dev/zero of=/EMPTY bs=1M || echo "dd exit code $? is suppressed";
-rm -f /EMPTY;
-# Block until the empty file has been removed, otherwise, Packer
-# will try to kill the box while the disk is still full and that's bad
blob - 610d99482e75d47beecc645e40b04fb8c111147f (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- openvz-centos/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-date > /etc/vagrant_box_build_time
-mkdir -pm 700 $HOME_DIR/.ssh
-curl -L -o $HOME_DIR/.ssh/authorized_keys
-chmod 0600 $HOME_DIR/.ssh/authorized_keys
-chown -R openvz:openvz $HOME_DIR/.ssh
blob - db57cba1c1808322d2b9cf3304cc736aa92ee8a1 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- openvz-centos/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -eux
-# set a default HOME_DIR environment variable if not set
-    mkdir -p /tmp/vbox;
-    ver="`cat $HOME_DIR/.vbox_version`";
-    mount -o loop $HOME_DIR/VBoxGuestAdditions_${ver}.iso /tmp/vbox;
-    sh /tmp/vbox/ \
-        || echo " exited $? and is suppressed." \
-            "For more read";
-    umount /tmp/vbox;
-    rm -rf /tmp/vbox;
-    rm -f $HOME_DIR/*.iso;
-    ;;
-    mkdir -p /tmp/vmfusion;
-    mkdir -p /tmp/vmfusion-archive;
-    mount -o loop $HOME_DIR/linux.iso /tmp/vmfusion;
-    tar xzf /tmp/vmfusion/VMwareTools-*.tar.gz -C /tmp/vmfusion-archive;
-    /tmp/vmfusion-archive/vmware-tools-distrib/ --force-install;
-    umount /tmp/vmfusion;
-    rm -rf  /tmp/vmfusion;
-    rm -rf  /tmp/vmfusion-archive;
-    rm -f $HOME_DIR/*.iso;
-    ;;
-    mkdir -p /tmp/parallels;
-    mount -o loop $HOME_DIR/prl-tools-lin.iso /tmp/parallels;
-    /tmp/parallels/install --install-unattended-with-deps \
-      || (code="$?"; \
-          echo "Parallels tools installation exited $code, attempting" \
-          "to output /var/log/parallels-tools-install.log"; \
-          cat /var/log/parallels-tools-install.log; \
-          exit $code);
-    umount /tmp/parallels;
-    rm -rf /tmp/parallels;
-    rm -f $HOME_DIR/*.iso;
-    ;;
-    echo "Unknown Packer Builder Type >>$PACKER_BUILDER_TYPE<< selected.";
-    echo "Known are virtualbox-iso|virtualbox-ovf|vmware-iso|vmware-vmx|parallels-iso|parallels-pvm.";
-    ;;
blob - 4fe4ef0f80cf6b8c2851f75cdb1b7fcfc5e8f59f (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- openvz-centos/template.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-  "provisioners": [
-    {
-      "type": "shell",
-      "execute_command": "echo 'vagrant' | {{.Vars}} sudo -E -S bash '{{.Path}}'",
-      "environment_vars": [
-        "HOME_DIR=/home/vagrant"
-      ],
-      "scripts": [
-        "scripts/",
-        "scripts/",
-        "scripts/",
-        "scripts/"
-      ]
-    }
-  ],
-  "post-processors": [
-    {
-      "type": "vagrant",
-      "output": "openvz-centos-6.7-x64-{{.Provider}}.box"
-    }
-  ],
-  "builders": [
-    {
-      "type": "virtualbox-iso",
-      "boot_command": [
-        "<tab> text ks=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/ks.cfg<enter><wait>"
-      ],
-      "boot_wait": "10s",
-      "disk_size": 40520,
-      "guest_os_type": "RedHat_64",
-      "http_directory": "http",
-      "iso_checksum": "9d3fec5897be6b3fed4d3dda80b8fa7bb62c616bbfd4bdcd27295ca9b764f498",
-      "iso_checksum_type": "sha256",
-      "iso_url": "",
-      "ssh_username": "vagrant",
-      "ssh_password": "vagrant",
-      "ssh_port": 22,
-      "ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s",
-      "shutdown_command": "echo '/sbin/halt -h -p' > /tmp/; echo 'vagrant'|sudo -S sh '/tmp/'",
-      "guest_additions_path": "VBoxGuestAdditions_{{.Version}}.iso",
-      "virtualbox_version_file": ".vbox_version",
-      "vboxmanage": [
-        [ "modifyvm", "{{.Name}}", "--memory", "512" ],
-        [ "modifyvm", "{{.Name}}", "--cpus", "1" ]
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "type": "vmware-iso",
-      "boot_command": [
-        "<tab> text ks=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/ks.cfg<enter><wait>"
-      ],
-      "boot_wait": "10s",
-      "disk_size": 40520,
-      "guest_os_type": "RedHat_64",
-      "http_directory": "http",
-      "iso_checksum": "9d3fec5897be6b3fed4d3dda80b8fa7bb62c616bbfd4bdcd27295ca9b764f498",
-      "iso_checksum_type": "sha256",
-      "iso_url": "",
-      "ssh_username": "vagrant",
-      "ssh_password": "vagrant",
-      "ssh_port": 22,
-      "ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s",
-      "shutdown_command": "echo '/sbin/halt -h -p' > /tmp/; echo 'vagrant'|sudo -S sh '/tmp/'",
-      "tools_upload_flavor": "linux",
-      "vmx_data": {
-        "memsize": "512",
-        "numvcpus": "1",
-        "cpuid.coresPerSocket": "1"
-      }
-    },
-    {
-      "type": "parallels-iso",
-      "boot_command": [
-        "<tab> text ks=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/ks.cfg<enter><wait>"
-      ],
-      "boot_wait": "10s",
-      "disk_size": 40520,
-      "guest_os_type": "rhel",
-      "http_directory": "http",
-      "iso_checksum": "9d3fec5897be6b3fed4d3dda80b8fa7bb62c616bbfd4bdcd27295ca9b764f498",
-      "iso_checksum_type": "sha256",
-      "iso_url": "",
-      "ssh_username": "vagrant",
-      "ssh_password": "vagrant",
-      "ssh_port": 22,
-      "ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s",
-      "shutdown_command": "echo '/sbin/halt -h -p' > /tmp/; echo 'vagrant'|sudo -S sh '/tmp/'",
-      "parallels_tools_flavor": "lin",
-      "prlctl": [
-        [ "set", "{{.Name}}", "--memsize", "512" ],
-        [ "set", "{{.Name}}", "--cpus", "1" ]
-      ],
-      "vm_name": "openvz-centos-6.7-x64"
-    }
-  ]
blob - 2067b84933f36833c8dcecd60107236a7b630957 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- virtuozzo-6.0/http/ks.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-lang en_US.UTF-8
-keyboard us
-network --onboot yes --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp --noipv6
-rootpw --plaintext vagrant
-firewall --enabled --service=ssh
-authconfig --enableshadow --passalgo=sha512
-selinux --disabled
-timezone Russia/Moscow
-bootloader --location=mbr --driveorder=sda --append="crashkernel=auto rhgb quiet"
-clearpart --all --initlabel
-auth  --useshadow  --enablemd5
-firstboot --disabled
-user --name=vagrant --plaintext --password vagrant
-%packages --ignoremissing
-# Install Virtuozzo packages
-#sed -i "s/^Defaults    requiretty/Defaults \!requiretty/" /etc/sudoers
-#/usr/bin/yum -y group install "Odin Containers"
-#/usr/bin/yum -y group install "Odin Hypervisor"
-# Enable conntrack to make ssh work with default iptables configuration
-sed -i "s/ip_conntrack_disable_ve0=1/ip_conntrack_disable_ve0=0/" /etc/modprobe.d/parallels.conf
-# sudo
-echo "%vagrant ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers.d/vagrant
-sed -i "s/^[^#].*requiretty/#Defaults requiretty/" /etc/sudoers
-echo "ulimit -c unlimited" >> /etc/bashrc
blob - b90ce1faf23ae93696013970985e5549dc3a85c5 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- virtuozzo-6.0/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -eux
-# Remove development and kernel source packages
-yum -y remove gcc cpp kernel-devel kernel-headers perl libX11 avahi freetype
-yum -y clean all
-# Clean up network interface persistence
-rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules;
-for ndev in `ls -1 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*`; do
-    if [ "`basename $ndev`" != "ifcfg-lo" ]; then
-        sed -i '/^HWADDR/d' "$ndev"
-        sed -i '/^UUID/d' "$ndev"
-    fi
blob - 54f1cf169153c9390631be5363a0516e446ce588 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- virtuozzo-6.0/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -eux
-set +e
-swapuuid="`/sbin/blkid -o value -l -s UUID -t TYPE=swap`";
-case "$?" in
-	2|0) ;;
-	*) exit 1 ;;
-set -e
-if [ "x${swapuuid}" != "x" ]; then
-    # Whiteout the swap partition to reduce box size
-    # Swap is disabled till reboot
-    swappart="`readlink -f /dev/disk/by-uuid/$swapuuid`";
-    /sbin/swapoff "$swappart";
-    dd if=/dev/zero of="$swappart" bs=1M || echo "dd exit code $? is suppressed";
-    /sbin/mkswap -U "$swapuuid" "$swappart";
-dd if=/dev/zero of=/EMPTY bs=1M || echo "dd exit code $? is suppressed";
-rm -f /EMPTY;
-# Block until the empty file has been removed, otherwise, Packer
-# will try to kill the box while the disk is still full and that's bad
blob - 9595ed72ca242dba26b0abf517c382b926a1c4a6 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- virtuozzo-6.0/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-date > /etc/vagrant_box_build_time
-mkdir -pm 700 $HOME_DIR/.ssh
-curl -L -o $HOME_DIR/.ssh/authorized_keys
-chmod 0600 $HOME_DIR/.ssh/authorized_keys
-chown -R vagrant:vagrant $HOME_DIR/.ssh
blob - db57cba1c1808322d2b9cf3304cc736aa92ee8a1 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- virtuozzo-6.0/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -eux
-# set a default HOME_DIR environment variable if not set
-    mkdir -p /tmp/vbox;
-    ver="`cat $HOME_DIR/.vbox_version`";
-    mount -o loop $HOME_DIR/VBoxGuestAdditions_${ver}.iso /tmp/vbox;
-    sh /tmp/vbox/ \
-        || echo " exited $? and is suppressed." \
-            "For more read";
-    umount /tmp/vbox;
-    rm -rf /tmp/vbox;
-    rm -f $HOME_DIR/*.iso;
-    ;;
-    mkdir -p /tmp/vmfusion;
-    mkdir -p /tmp/vmfusion-archive;
-    mount -o loop $HOME_DIR/linux.iso /tmp/vmfusion;
-    tar xzf /tmp/vmfusion/VMwareTools-*.tar.gz -C /tmp/vmfusion-archive;
-    /tmp/vmfusion-archive/vmware-tools-distrib/ --force-install;
-    umount /tmp/vmfusion;
-    rm -rf  /tmp/vmfusion;
-    rm -rf  /tmp/vmfusion-archive;
-    rm -f $HOME_DIR/*.iso;
-    ;;
-    mkdir -p /tmp/parallels;
-    mount -o loop $HOME_DIR/prl-tools-lin.iso /tmp/parallels;
-    /tmp/parallels/install --install-unattended-with-deps \
-      || (code="$?"; \
-          echo "Parallels tools installation exited $code, attempting" \
-          "to output /var/log/parallels-tools-install.log"; \
-          cat /var/log/parallels-tools-install.log; \
-          exit $code);
-    umount /tmp/parallels;
-    rm -rf /tmp/parallels;
-    rm -f $HOME_DIR/*.iso;
-    ;;
-    echo "Unknown Packer Builder Type >>$PACKER_BUILDER_TYPE<< selected.";
-    echo "Known are virtualbox-iso|virtualbox-ovf|vmware-iso|vmware-vmx|parallels-iso|parallels-pvm.";
-    ;;
blob - eac25473f4182d212ce2cbca5b4bd1cc3841ec36 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- virtuozzo-6.0/template.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-  "provisioners": [
-    {
-      "type": "shell",
-      "execute_command": "echo 'vagrant' | {{.Vars}} sudo -E -S bash '{{.Path}}'",
-      "environment_vars": [
-        "HOME_DIR=/home/vagrant"
-      ],
-      "scripts": [
-        "scripts/",
-        "scripts/",
-        "scripts/",
-        "scripts/"
-      ]
-    }
-  ],
-  "post-processors": [
-    {
-      "type": "vagrant",
-      "output": "virtuozzo-6-0-x64-{{.Provider}}.box"
-    }
-  ],
-  "builders": [
-    {
-      "type": "virtualbox-iso",
-      "boot_command": [
-        "<tab> text ks=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/ks.cfg<enter><wait>"
-      ],
-      "boot_wait": "10s",
-      "disk_size": 40520,
-      "guest_os_type": "RedHat_64",
-      "http_directory": "http",
-      "iso_checksum": "c1b6a97c18a7dec57cfba87043435a36",
-      "iso_checksum_type": "md5",
-      "iso_url": "",
-      "ssh_username": "vagrant",
-      "ssh_password": "vagrant",
-      "ssh_port": 22,
-      "ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s",
-      "shutdown_command": "echo '/sbin/halt -h -p' > /tmp/; echo 'vagrant'|sudo -S sh '/tmp/'",
-      "guest_additions_path": "VBoxGuestAdditions_{{.Version}}.iso",
-      "virtualbox_version_file": ".vbox_version",
-      "vboxmanage": [
-        [ "modifyvm", "{{.Name}}", "--memory", "1024" ],
-        [ "modifyvm", "{{.Name}}", "--cpus", "1" ]
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "type": "vmware-iso",
-      "boot_command": [
-        "<tab> text ks=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/ks.cfg<enter><wait>"
-      ],
-      "boot_wait": "10s",
-      "disk_size": 40520,
-      "guest_os_type": "centos-64",
-      "http_directory": "http",
-      "iso_checksum": "c1b6a97c18a7dec57cfba87043435a36",
-      "iso_checksum_type": "md5",
-      "iso_url": "",
-      "ssh_username": "vagrant",
-      "ssh_password": "vagrant",
-      "ssh_port": 22,
-      "ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s",
-      "shutdown_command": "echo '/sbin/halt -h -p' > /tmp/; echo 'vagrant'|sudo -S sh '/tmp/'",
-      "tools_upload_flavor": "linux",
-      "vmx_data": {
-        "memsize": "1024",
-        "numvcpus": "1",
-        "cpuid.coresPerSocket": "1"
-      }
-    },
-    {
-      "type": "parallels-iso",
-      "boot_command": [
-        "<tab> text ks=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/ks.cfg<enter><wait>"
-      ],
-      "boot_wait": "10s",
-      "disk_size": 40520,
-      "guest_os_type": "psbm",
-      "http_directory": "http",
-      "iso_checksum": "c1b6a97c18a7dec57cfba87043435a36",
-      "iso_checksum_type": "md5",
-      "iso_url": "",
-      "ssh_username": "vagrant",
-      "ssh_password": "vagrant",
-      "ssh_port": 22,
-      "ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s",
-      "shutdown_command": "echo '/sbin/halt -h -p' > /tmp/; echo 'vagrant'|sudo -S sh '/tmp/'",
-      "parallels_tools_flavor": "lin",
-      "prlctl": [
-        [ "set", "{{.Name}}", "--memsize", "1024" ],
-        [ "set", "{{.Name}}", "--cpus", "1" ]
-      ],
-      "vm_name": "virtuozzo-7.0-x64"
-    }
-  ]
blob - /dev/null
blob + 8b9f3e15f70a4b7a16ad7354aedd39a8974f6200 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ http/openvz-centos-6.7/ks.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+lang en_US.UTF-8
+keyboard us
+network --onboot yes --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp --noipv6
+rootpw --plaintext vagrant
+firewall --enabled --service=ssh
+authconfig --enableshadow --passalgo=sha512
+selinux --disabled
+timezone Russia/Moscow
+bootloader --location=mbr --driveorder=sda --append="crashkernel=auto rhgb quiet"
+clearpart --all --initlabel
+auth  --useshadow  --enablemd5
+firstboot --disabled
+user --name=vagrant --plaintext --password vagrant
+%packages --ignoremissing
+# Install OpenVZ kernel
+curl > /etc/yum.repos.d/OpenVZ.repo
+rpm --import
+/usr/bin/yum install -y vzkernel vzctl vzquota ploop
+# Enable conntrack to make ssh work with default iptables configuration
+sed -i "s/ip_conntrack_disable_ve0=1/ip_conntrack_disable_ve0=0/" /etc/modprobe.d/openvz.conf
+# sudo
+echo "%vagrant ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers.d/vagrant
+sed -i "s/^[^#].*requiretty/#Defaults requiretty/" /etc/sudoers
blob - /dev/null
blob + f8f3bee7e61aae88301ace73b8e77803828e85fa (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ http/virtuozzo-6.0/ks.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+lang en_US.UTF-8
+keyboard us
+network --onboot yes --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp --noipv6
+rootpw --plaintext vagrant
+firewall --enabled --service=ssh
+authconfig --enableshadow --passalgo=sha512
+selinux --disabled
+timezone Russia/Moscow
+bootloader --location=mbr --driveorder=sda --append="crashkernel=auto rhgb quiet"
+clearpart --all --initlabel
+auth  --useshadow  --enablemd5
+firstboot --disabled
+user --name=vagrant --plaintext --password vagrant
+%packages --ignoremissing
+# Enable conntrack to make ssh work with default iptables configuration
+sed -i "s/ip_conntrack_disable_ve0=1/ip_conntrack_disable_ve0=0/" /etc/modprobe.d/parallels.conf
+# sudo
+echo "%vagrant ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers.d/vagrant
+sed -i "s/^[^#].*requiretty/#Defaults requiretty/" /etc/sudoers
+echo "ulimit -c unlimited" >> /etc/bashrc
blob - /dev/null
blob + 3f5c05fd5ee51d431702905662df7642a2d102d4 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ http/virtuozzo-7.0/ks.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+lang en_US.UTF-8
+keyboard us
+network --onboot yes --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp --noipv6
+rootpw --plaintext vagrant
+firewall --enabled --service=ssh
+authconfig --enableshadow --passalgo=sha512
+selinux --disabled
+timezone Russia/Moscow
+bootloader --location=mbr --driveorder=sda --append="crashkernel=auto rhgb quiet"
+clearpart --all --initlabel
+auth  --useshadow  --enablemd5
+firstboot --disabled
+user --name=vagrant --plaintext --password vagrant
+%packages --ignoremissing
+# Install Virtuozzo packages
+sed -i "s/^Defaults    requiretty/Defaults \!requiretty/" /etc/sudoers
+/usr/bin/yum -y group install "Odin Containers"
+/usr/bin/yum -y group install "Odin Hypervisor"
+# Enable conntrack to make ssh work with default iptables configuration
+sed -i "s/ip_conntrack_disable_ve0=1/ip_conntrack_disable_ve0=0/" /etc/modprobe.d/parallels.conf
+# sudo
+echo "%vagrant ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers.d/vagrant
+sed -i "s/^[^#].*requiretty/#Defaults requiretty/" /etc/sudoers
+echo "ulimit -c unlimited" >> /etc/bashrc
blob - 3f5c05fd5ee51d431702905662df7642a2d102d4 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- virtuozzo-7.0/http/ks.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-lang en_US.UTF-8
-keyboard us
-network --onboot yes --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp --noipv6
-rootpw --plaintext vagrant
-firewall --enabled --service=ssh
-authconfig --enableshadow --passalgo=sha512
-selinux --disabled
-timezone Russia/Moscow
-bootloader --location=mbr --driveorder=sda --append="crashkernel=auto rhgb quiet"
-clearpart --all --initlabel
-auth  --useshadow  --enablemd5
-firstboot --disabled
-user --name=vagrant --plaintext --password vagrant
-%packages --ignoremissing
-# Install Virtuozzo packages
-sed -i "s/^Defaults    requiretty/Defaults \!requiretty/" /etc/sudoers
-/usr/bin/yum -y group install "Odin Containers"
-/usr/bin/yum -y group install "Odin Hypervisor"
-# Enable conntrack to make ssh work with default iptables configuration
-sed -i "s/ip_conntrack_disable_ve0=1/ip_conntrack_disable_ve0=0/" /etc/modprobe.d/parallels.conf
-# sudo
-echo "%vagrant ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers.d/vagrant
-sed -i "s/^[^#].*requiretty/#Defaults requiretty/" /etc/sudoers
-echo "ulimit -c unlimited" >> /etc/bashrc
blob - b90ce1faf23ae93696013970985e5549dc3a85c5 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- virtuozzo-7.0/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -eux
-# Remove development and kernel source packages
-yum -y remove gcc cpp kernel-devel kernel-headers perl libX11 avahi freetype
-yum -y clean all
-# Clean up network interface persistence
-rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules;
-for ndev in `ls -1 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*`; do
-    if [ "`basename $ndev`" != "ifcfg-lo" ]; then
-        sed -i '/^HWADDR/d' "$ndev"
-        sed -i '/^UUID/d' "$ndev"
-    fi
blob - 54f1cf169153c9390631be5363a0516e446ce588 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- virtuozzo-7.0/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -eux
-set +e
-swapuuid="`/sbin/blkid -o value -l -s UUID -t TYPE=swap`";
-case "$?" in
-	2|0) ;;
-	*) exit 1 ;;
-set -e
-if [ "x${swapuuid}" != "x" ]; then
-    # Whiteout the swap partition to reduce box size
-    # Swap is disabled till reboot
-    swappart="`readlink -f /dev/disk/by-uuid/$swapuuid`";
-    /sbin/swapoff "$swappart";
-    dd if=/dev/zero of="$swappart" bs=1M || echo "dd exit code $? is suppressed";
-    /sbin/mkswap -U "$swapuuid" "$swappart";
-dd if=/dev/zero of=/EMPTY bs=1M || echo "dd exit code $? is suppressed";
-rm -f /EMPTY;
-# Block until the empty file has been removed, otherwise, Packer
-# will try to kill the box while the disk is still full and that's bad
blob - 9595ed72ca242dba26b0abf517c382b926a1c4a6 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- virtuozzo-7.0/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-date > /etc/vagrant_box_build_time
-mkdir -pm 700 $HOME_DIR/.ssh
-curl -L -o $HOME_DIR/.ssh/authorized_keys
-chmod 0600 $HOME_DIR/.ssh/authorized_keys
-chown -R vagrant:vagrant $HOME_DIR/.ssh
blob - db57cba1c1808322d2b9cf3304cc736aa92ee8a1 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- virtuozzo-7.0/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/sh -eux
-# set a default HOME_DIR environment variable if not set
-    mkdir -p /tmp/vbox;
-    ver="`cat $HOME_DIR/.vbox_version`";
-    mount -o loop $HOME_DIR/VBoxGuestAdditions_${ver}.iso /tmp/vbox;
-    sh /tmp/vbox/ \
-        || echo " exited $? and is suppressed." \
-            "For more read";
-    umount /tmp/vbox;
-    rm -rf /tmp/vbox;
-    rm -f $HOME_DIR/*.iso;
-    ;;
-    mkdir -p /tmp/vmfusion;
-    mkdir -p /tmp/vmfusion-archive;
-    mount -o loop $HOME_DIR/linux.iso /tmp/vmfusion;
-    tar xzf /tmp/vmfusion/VMwareTools-*.tar.gz -C /tmp/vmfusion-archive;
-    /tmp/vmfusion-archive/vmware-tools-distrib/ --force-install;
-    umount /tmp/vmfusion;
-    rm -rf  /tmp/vmfusion;
-    rm -rf  /tmp/vmfusion-archive;
-    rm -f $HOME_DIR/*.iso;
-    ;;
-    mkdir -p /tmp/parallels;
-    mount -o loop $HOME_DIR/prl-tools-lin.iso /tmp/parallels;
-    /tmp/parallels/install --install-unattended-with-deps \
-      || (code="$?"; \
-          echo "Parallels tools installation exited $code, attempting" \
-          "to output /var/log/parallels-tools-install.log"; \
-          cat /var/log/parallels-tools-install.log; \
-          exit $code);
-    umount /tmp/parallels;
-    rm -rf /tmp/parallels;
-    rm -f $HOME_DIR/*.iso;
-    ;;
-    echo "Unknown Packer Builder Type >>$PACKER_BUILDER_TYPE<< selected.";
-    echo "Known are virtualbox-iso|virtualbox-ovf|vmware-iso|vmware-vmx|parallels-iso|parallels-pvm.";
-    ;;
blob - a81b9ef2a26928e5af4f51f2101573e7d1c77834 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- virtuozzo-7.0/template.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-  "provisioners": [
-    {
-      "type": "shell",
-      "execute_command": "echo 'vagrant' | {{.Vars}} sudo -E -S bash '{{.Path}}'",
-      "environment_vars": [
-        "HOME_DIR=/home/vagrant"
-      ],
-      "scripts": [
-        "scripts/",
-        "scripts/",
-        "scripts/",
-        "scripts/"
-      ]
-    }
-  ],
-  "post-processors": [
-    {
-      "type": "vagrant",
-      "output": "virtuozzo-7-0-x64-{{.Provider}}.box"
-    }
-  ],
-  "builders": [
-    {
-      "type": "virtualbox-iso",
-      "boot_command": [
-        "<tab> text ks=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/ks.cfg<enter><wait>"
-      ],
-      "boot_wait": "10s",
-      "disk_size": 40520,
-      "guest_os_type": "RedHat_64",
-      "http_directory": "http",
-      "iso_checksum": "a1c3501cd751177f1c0a96f68ca8c128a89d420ab8cf0ee4f69490de9892ccb7",
-      "iso_checksum_type": "sha256",
-      "iso_url": "",
-      "ssh_username": "vagrant",
-      "ssh_password": "vagrant",
-      "ssh_port": 22,
-      "ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s",
-      "shutdown_command": "echo '/sbin/halt -h -p' > /tmp/; echo 'vagrant'|sudo -S sh '/tmp/'",
-      "guest_additions_path": "VBoxGuestAdditions_{{.Version}}.iso",
-      "virtualbox_version_file": ".vbox_version",
-      "vboxmanage": [
-        [ "modifyvm", "{{.Name}}", "--memory", "512" ],
-        [ "modifyvm", "{{.Name}}", "--cpus", "1" ]
-      ]
-    },
-    {
-      "type": "vmware-iso",
-      "boot_command": [
-        "<tab> text ks=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/ks.cfg<enter><wait>"
-      ],
-      "boot_wait": "10s",
-      "disk_size": 40520,
-      "guest_os_type": "centos-64",
-      "http_directory": "http",
-      "iso_checksum": "a1c3501cd751177f1c0a96f68ca8c128a89d420ab8cf0ee4f69490de9892ccb7",
-      "iso_checksum_type": "sha256",
-      "iso_url": "",
-      "ssh_username": "vagrant",
-      "ssh_password": "vagrant",
-      "ssh_port": 22,
-      "ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s",
-      "shutdown_command": "echo '/sbin/halt -h -p' > /tmp/; echo 'vagrant'|sudo -S sh '/tmp/'",
-      "tools_upload_flavor": "linux",
-      "vmx_data": {
-        "memsize": "512",
-        "numvcpus": "1",
-        "cpuid.coresPerSocket": "1"
-      }
-    },
-    {
-      "type": "parallels-iso",
-      "boot_command": [
-        "<tab> text ks=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/ks.cfg<enter><wait>"
-      ],
-      "boot_wait": "10s",
-      "disk_size": 40520,
-      "guest_os_type": "psbm",
-      "http_directory": "http",
-      "iso_checksum": "a1c3501cd751177f1c0a96f68ca8c128a89d420ab8cf0ee4f69490de9892ccb7",
-      "iso_checksum_type": "sha256",
-      "iso_url": "",
-      "ssh_username": "vagrant",
-      "ssh_password": "vagrant",
-      "ssh_port": 22,
-      "ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s",
-      "shutdown_command": "echo '/sbin/halt -h -p' > /tmp/; echo 'vagrant'|sudo -S sh '/tmp/'",
-      "parallels_tools_flavor": "lin",
-      "prlctl": [
-        [ "set", "{{.Name}}", "--memsize", "512" ],
-        [ "set", "{{.Name}}", "--cpus", "1" ]
-      ],
-      "vm_name": "virtuozzo-7.0-x64"
-    }
-  ]
blob - /dev/null
blob + a0030686b61f847cb37737e342776f74941d2be0 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ openvz-centos-6.7.json
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+  "provisioners": [
+    {
+      "type": "shell",
+      "execute_command": "echo 'vagrant' | {{.Vars}} sudo -E -S bash '{{.Path}}'",
+      "environment_vars": [
+        "HOME_DIR=/home/vagrant"
+      ],
+      "scripts": [
+        "scripts/",
+        "scripts/",
+        "scripts/",
+        "scripts/",
+        "scripts/",
+        "scripts/"
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
+  "post-processors": [
+    {
+      "type": "vagrant",
+      "output": "builds/openvz-centos-6.7-x64-{{.Provider}}.box"
+    }
+  ],
+  "builders": [
+    {
+      "type": "virtualbox-iso",
+      "boot_command": [
+        "<tab> text ks=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/{{user `ks_path`}}<enter><wait>"
+      ],
+      "boot_wait": "10s",
+      "disk_size": 40520,
+      "guest_os_type": "RedHat_64",
+      "http_directory": "http",
+      "iso_checksum": "{{user `iso_checksum`}}",
+      "iso_checksum_type": "{{user `iso_checksum_type`}}",
+      "iso_url": "{{user `iso_url`}}",
+      "output_directory": "packer-{{user `template`}}-{{.Provider}}",
+      "ssh_username": "vagrant",
+      "ssh_password": "vagrant",
+      "ssh_port": 22,
+      "ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s",
+      "shutdown_command": "echo '/sbin/halt -h -p' > /tmp/; echo 'vagrant'|sudo -S sh '/tmp/'",
+      "guest_additions_path": "VBoxGuestAdditions_{{.Version}}.iso",
+      "virtualbox_version_file": ".vbox_version",
+      "vboxmanage": [
+        [ "modifyvm", "{{.Name}}", "--memory", "512" ],
+        [ "modifyvm", "{{.Name}}", "--cpus", "1" ]
+      ],
+      "vm_name": "{{user `template`}}"
+    },
+    {
+      "type": "vmware-iso",
+      "boot_command": [
+        "<tab> text ks=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/{{user `ks_path`}}<enter><wait>"
+      ],
+      "boot_wait": "10s",
+      "disk_size": 40520,
+      "guest_os_type": "RedHat_64",
+      "http_directory": "http",
+      "iso_checksum": "{{user `iso_checksum`}}",
+      "iso_checksum_type": "{{user `iso_checksum_type`}}",
+      "iso_url": "{{user `iso_url`}}",
+      "output_directory": "packer-{{user `template`}}-{{.Provider}}",
+      "ssh_username": "vagrant",
+      "ssh_password": "vagrant",
+      "ssh_port": 22,
+      "ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s",
+      "shutdown_command": "echo '/sbin/halt -h -p' > /tmp/; echo 'vagrant'|sudo -S sh '/tmp/'",
+      "tools_upload_flavor": "linux",
+      "vm_name": "{{user `template`}}",
+      "vmx_data": {
+        "memsize": "512",
+        "numvcpus": "1",
+        "cpuid.coresPerSocket": "1"
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "type": "parallels-iso",
+      "boot_command": [
+        "<tab> text ks=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/{{user `ks_path`}}<enter><wait>"
+      ],
+      "boot_wait": "10s",
+      "disk_size": 40520,
+      "guest_os_type": "rhel",
+      "http_directory": "http",
+      "iso_checksum": "{{user `iso_checksum`}}",
+      "iso_checksum_type": "{{user `iso_checksum_type`}}",
+      "iso_url": "{{user `iso_url`}}",
+      "output_directory": "packer-{{user `template`}}-{{.Provider}}",
+      "ssh_username": "vagrant",
+      "ssh_password": "vagrant",
+      "ssh_port": 22,
+      "ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s",
+      "shutdown_command": "echo '/sbin/halt -h -p' > /tmp/; echo 'vagrant'|sudo -S sh '/tmp/'",
+      "parallels_tools_flavor": "lin",
+      "prlctl": [
+        [ "set", "{{.Name}}", "--memsize", "512" ],
+        [ "set", "{{.Name}}", "--cpus", "1" ]
+      ],
+      "vm_name": "{{user `template`}}"
+    }
+  ],
+  "variables": {
+    "iso_checksum": "9d3fec5897be6b3fed4d3dda80b8fa7bb62c616bbfd4bdcd27295ca9b764f498",
+    "iso_checksum_type": "sha256",
+    "iso_url": "",
+    "ks_path": "openvz-centos-6.7/ks.cfg",
+    "template": "openvz-centos-6.7-x64"
+  }
blob - /dev/null
blob + b90ce1faf23ae93696013970985e5549dc3a85c5 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#!/bin/sh -eux
+# Remove development and kernel source packages
+yum -y remove gcc cpp kernel-devel kernel-headers perl libX11 avahi freetype
+yum -y clean all
+# Clean up network interface persistence
+rm -f /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules;
+for ndev in `ls -1 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*`; do
+    if [ "`basename $ndev`" != "ifcfg-lo" ]; then
+        sed -i '/^HWADDR/d' "$ndev"
+        sed -i '/^UUID/d' "$ndev"
+    fi
blob - /dev/null
blob + 54f1cf169153c9390631be5363a0516e446ce588 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#!/bin/sh -eux
+set +e
+swapuuid="`/sbin/blkid -o value -l -s UUID -t TYPE=swap`";
+case "$?" in
+	2|0) ;;
+	*) exit 1 ;;
+set -e
+if [ "x${swapuuid}" != "x" ]; then
+    # Whiteout the swap partition to reduce box size
+    # Swap is disabled till reboot
+    swappart="`readlink -f /dev/disk/by-uuid/$swapuuid`";
+    /sbin/swapoff "$swappart";
+    dd if=/dev/zero of="$swappart" bs=1M || echo "dd exit code $? is suppressed";
+    /sbin/mkswap -U "$swapuuid" "$swappart";
+dd if=/dev/zero of=/EMPTY bs=1M || echo "dd exit code $? is suppressed";
+rm -f /EMPTY;
+# Block until the empty file has been removed, otherwise, Packer
+# will try to kill the box while the disk is still full and that's bad
blob - /dev/null
blob + e61cf35021c420f624427f1421f127381df422f7 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#!/bin/sh -eux
+    major_version="`sed 's/^.\+ release \([.0-9]\+\).*/\1/' /etc/redhat-release | awk -F. '{print $1}'`";
+    if [ "$major_version" -ge 6 ]; then
+        # Fix slow DNS:
+        # Add 'single-request-reopen' so it is included when /etc/resolv.conf is
+        # generated
+        # (subscription required)
+        echo 'RES_OPTIONS="single-request-reopen"' >>/etc/sysconfig/network;
+        service network restart;
+        echo 'Slow DNS fix applied (single-request-reopen)';
+    fi
+    ;;
blob - /dev/null
blob + 1bb16f56e24be7499222ca975199f50d8e9e0fad (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#!/bin/sh -eux
+# ensure that there is a trailing newline before attempting to concatenate
+sed -i -e '$a\' "$SSHD_CONFIG"
+if grep -q -E "^[[:space:]]*UseDNS" "$SSHD_CONFIG"; then
+    sed -i "s/^\s*UseDNS.*/${USEDNS}/" "$SSHD_CONFIG"
+    echo "$USEDNS" >>"$SSHD_CONFIG"
+GSSAPI="GSSAPIAuthentication no"
+if grep -q -E "^[[:space:]]*GSSAPIAuthentication" "$SSHD_CONFIG"; then
+    sed -i "s/^\s*GSSAPIAuthentication.*/${GSSAPI}/" "$SSHD_CONFIG"
+    echo "$GSSAPI" >>"$SSHD_CONFIG"
blob - /dev/null
blob + 04b3aab268fa00f6f474362b68cc342f309c9a12 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#!/bin/sh -eux
+# set a default HOME_DIR environment variable if not set
+mkdir -p $HOME_DIR/.ssh;
+if command -v wget >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    wget --no-check-certificate "$pubkey_url" -O $HOME_DIR/.ssh/authorized_keys;
+elif command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    curl --insecure --location "$pubkey_url" > $HOME_DIR/.ssh/authorized_keys;
+elif command -v fetch >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    fetch -am -o $HOME_DIR/.ssh/authorized_keys "$pubkey_url";
+    echo "Cannot download vagrant public key";
+    exit 1;
+chown -R vagrant:vagrant $HOME_DIR/.ssh;
+chmod -R go-rwsx $HOME_DIR/.ssh;
blob - /dev/null
blob + db57cba1c1808322d2b9cf3304cc736aa92ee8a1 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#!/bin/sh -eux
+# set a default HOME_DIR environment variable if not set
+    mkdir -p /tmp/vbox;
+    ver="`cat $HOME_DIR/.vbox_version`";
+    mount -o loop $HOME_DIR/VBoxGuestAdditions_${ver}.iso /tmp/vbox;
+    sh /tmp/vbox/ \
+        || echo " exited $? and is suppressed." \
+            "For more read";
+    umount /tmp/vbox;
+    rm -rf /tmp/vbox;
+    rm -f $HOME_DIR/*.iso;
+    ;;
+    mkdir -p /tmp/vmfusion;
+    mkdir -p /tmp/vmfusion-archive;
+    mount -o loop $HOME_DIR/linux.iso /tmp/vmfusion;
+    tar xzf /tmp/vmfusion/VMwareTools-*.tar.gz -C /tmp/vmfusion-archive;
+    /tmp/vmfusion-archive/vmware-tools-distrib/ --force-install;
+    umount /tmp/vmfusion;
+    rm -rf  /tmp/vmfusion;
+    rm -rf  /tmp/vmfusion-archive;
+    rm -f $HOME_DIR/*.iso;
+    ;;
+    mkdir -p /tmp/parallels;
+    mount -o loop $HOME_DIR/prl-tools-lin.iso /tmp/parallels;
+    /tmp/parallels/install --install-unattended-with-deps \
+      || (code="$?"; \
+          echo "Parallels tools installation exited $code, attempting" \
+          "to output /var/log/parallels-tools-install.log"; \
+          cat /var/log/parallels-tools-install.log; \
+          exit $code);
+    umount /tmp/parallels;
+    rm -rf /tmp/parallels;
+    rm -f $HOME_DIR/*.iso;
+    ;;
+    echo "Unknown Packer Builder Type >>$PACKER_BUILDER_TYPE<< selected.";
+    echo "Known are virtualbox-iso|virtualbox-ovf|vmware-iso|vmware-vmx|parallels-iso|parallels-pvm.";
+    ;;
blob - /dev/null
blob + a4c301da4397c6addadfdabb81c7a96e7bce5708 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ virtuozzo-6.0.json
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+  "provisioners": [
+    {
+      "type": "shell",
+      "execute_command": "echo 'vagrant' | {{.Vars}} sudo -E -S bash '{{.Path}}'",
+      "environment_vars": [
+        "HOME_DIR=/home/vagrant"
+      ],
+      "scripts": [
+        "scripts/",
+        "scripts/",
+        "scripts/",
+        "scripts/",
+        "scripts/",
+        "scripts/"
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
+  "post-processors": [
+    {
+      "type": "vagrant",
+      "output": "builds/virtuozzo-6-0-x64-{{.Provider}}.box"
+    }
+  ],
+  "builders": [
+    {
+      "type": "virtualbox-iso",
+      "boot_command": [
+        "<tab> text ks=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/{{user `ks_path`}}<enter><wait>"
+      ],
+      "boot_wait": "10s",
+      "disk_size": 40520,
+      "guest_os_type": "RedHat_64",
+      "http_directory": "http",
+      "iso_checksum": "{{user `iso_checksum`}}",
+      "iso_checksum_type": "{{user `iso_checksum_type`}}",
+      "iso_url": "{{user `iso_url`}}",
+      "output_directory": "packer-{{user `template`}}-{{.Provider}}",
+      "ssh_username": "vagrant",
+      "ssh_password": "vagrant",
+      "ssh_port": 22,
+      "ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s",
+      "shutdown_command": "echo '/sbin/halt -h -p' > /tmp/; echo 'vagrant'|sudo -S sh '/tmp/'",
+      "guest_additions_path": "VBoxGuestAdditions_{{.Version}}.iso",
+      "virtualbox_version_file": ".vbox_version",
+      "vboxmanage": [
+        [ "modifyvm", "{{.Name}}", "--memory", "1024" ],
+        [ "modifyvm", "{{.Name}}", "--cpus", "1" ]
+      ],
+      "vm_name": "{{user `template`}}"
+    },
+    {
+      "type": "vmware-iso",
+      "boot_command": [
+        "<tab> text ks=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/{{user `ks_path`}}<enter><wait>"
+      ],
+      "boot_wait": "10s",
+      "disk_size": 40520,
+      "guest_os_type": "centos-64",
+      "http_directory": "http",
+      "iso_checksum": "{{user `iso_checksum`}}",
+      "iso_checksum_type": "{{user `iso_checksum_type`}}",
+      "iso_url": "{{user `iso_url`}}",
+      "output_directory": "packer-{{user `template`}}-{{.Provider}}",
+      "ssh_username": "vagrant",
+      "ssh_password": "vagrant",
+      "ssh_port": 22,
+      "ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s",
+      "shutdown_command": "echo '/sbin/halt -h -p' > /tmp/; echo 'vagrant'|sudo -S sh '/tmp/'",
+      "tools_upload_flavor": "linux",
+      "vm_name": "{{user `template`}}",
+      "vmx_data": {
+        "memsize": "1024",
+        "numvcpus": "1",
+        "cpuid.coresPerSocket": "1"
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "type": "parallels-iso",
+      "boot_command": [
+        "<tab> text ks=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/{{user `ks_path`}}<enter><wait>"
+      ],
+      "boot_wait": "10s",
+      "disk_size": 40520,
+      "guest_os_type": "psbm",
+      "http_directory": "http",
+      "iso_checksum": "{{user `iso_checksum`}}",
+      "iso_checksum_type": "{{user `iso_checksum_type`}}",
+      "iso_url": "{{user `iso_url`}}",
+      "output_directory": "packer-{{user `template`}}-{{.Provider}}",
+      "ssh_username": "vagrant",
+      "ssh_password": "vagrant",
+      "ssh_port": 22,
+      "ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s",
+      "shutdown_command": "echo '/sbin/halt -h -p' > /tmp/; echo 'vagrant'|sudo -S sh '/tmp/'",
+      "parallels_tools_flavor": "lin",
+      "prlctl": [
+        [ "set", "{{.Name}}", "--memsize", "1024" ],
+        [ "set", "{{.Name}}", "--cpus", "1" ]
+      ],
+      "vm_name": "{{user `template`}}"
+    }
+  ],
+  "variables": {
+    "iso_checksum": "c1b6a97c18a7dec57cfba87043435a36",
+    "iso_checksum_type": "md5",
+    "iso_url": "",
+    "ks_path": "virtuozzo-6.0/ks.cfg",
+    "template": "virtuozzo-6.0-x64"
+  }
blob - /dev/null
blob + 6204bbee48f7c9fce9f7d8f3dd623bd3d0efc71c (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ virtuozzo-7.0.json
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+  "provisioners": [
+    {
+      "type": "shell",
+      "execute_command": "echo 'vagrant' | {{.Vars}} sudo -E -S bash '{{.Path}}'",
+      "environment_vars": [
+        "HOME_DIR=/home/vagrant"
+      ],
+      "scripts": [
+        "scripts/",
+        "scripts/",
+        "scripts/",
+        "scripts/",
+        "scripts/",
+        "scripts/"
+      ]
+    }
+  ],
+  "post-processors": [
+    {
+      "type": "vagrant",
+      "output": "builds/virtuozzo-7-0-x64-{{.Provider}}.box"
+    }
+  ],
+  "builders": [
+    {
+      "type": "virtualbox-iso",
+      "boot_command": [
+        "<tab> text ks=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/{{user `ks_path`}}<enter><wait>"
+      ],
+      "boot_wait": "10s",
+      "disk_size": 40520,
+      "guest_os_type": "RedHat_64",
+      "http_directory": "http",
+      "iso_checksum": "{{user `iso_checksum`}}",
+      "iso_checksum_type": "{{user `iso_checksum_type`}}",
+      "iso_url": "{{user `iso_url`}}",
+      "output_directory": "packer-{{user `template`}}-{{.Provider}}",
+      "ssh_username": "vagrant",
+      "ssh_password": "vagrant",
+      "ssh_port": 22,
+      "ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s",
+      "shutdown_command": "echo '/sbin/halt -h -p' > /tmp/; echo 'vagrant'|sudo -S sh '/tmp/'",
+      "guest_additions_path": "VBoxGuestAdditions_{{.Version}}.iso",
+      "virtualbox_version_file": ".vbox_version",
+      "vboxmanage": [
+        [ "modifyvm", "{{.Name}}", "--memory", "512" ],
+        [ "modifyvm", "{{.Name}}", "--cpus", "1" ]
+      ],
+      "vm_name": "{{user `template`}}"
+    },
+    {
+      "type": "vmware-iso",
+      "boot_command": [
+        "<tab> text ks=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/{{user `ks_path`}}<enter><wait>"
+      ],
+      "boot_wait": "10s",
+      "disk_size": 40520,
+      "guest_os_type": "centos-64",
+      "http_directory": "http",
+      "iso_checksum": "{{user `iso_checksum`}}",
+      "iso_checksum_type": "{{user `iso_checksum_type`}}",
+      "iso_url": "{{user `iso_url`}}",
+      "output_directory": "packer-{{user `template`}}-{{.Provider}}",
+      "ssh_username": "vagrant",
+      "ssh_password": "vagrant",
+      "ssh_port": 22,
+      "ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s",
+      "shutdown_command": "echo '/sbin/halt -h -p' > /tmp/; echo 'vagrant'|sudo -S sh '/tmp/'",
+      "tools_upload_flavor": "linux",
+      "vm_name": "{{user `template`}}",
+      "vmx_data": {
+        "memsize": "512",
+        "numvcpus": "1",
+        "cpuid.coresPerSocket": "1"
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "type": "parallels-iso",
+      "boot_command": [
+        "<tab> text ks=http://{{ .HTTPIP }}:{{ .HTTPPort }}/{{user `ks_path`}}<enter><wait>"
+      ],
+      "boot_wait": "10s",
+      "disk_size": 40520,
+      "guest_os_type": "psbm",
+      "http_directory": "http",
+      "iso_checksum": "{{user `iso_checksum`}}",
+      "iso_checksum_type": "{{user `iso_checksum_type`}}",
+      "iso_url": "{{user `iso_url`}}",
+      "output_directory": "packer-{{user `template`}}-{{.Provider}}",
+      "ssh_username": "vagrant",
+      "ssh_password": "vagrant",
+      "ssh_port": 22,
+      "ssh_wait_timeout": "10000s",
+      "shutdown_command": "echo '/sbin/halt -h -p' > /tmp/; echo 'vagrant'|sudo -S sh '/tmp/'",
+      "parallels_tools_flavor": "lin",
+      "prlctl": [
+        [ "set", "{{.Name}}", "--memsize", "512" ],
+        [ "set", "{{.Name}}", "--cpus", "1" ]
+      ],
+      "vm_name": "{{user `template`}}"
+    }
+  ],
+  "variables": {
+    "iso_checksum": "4cfa5af65197e28178f2aa158a0b60fba93e4ad0d81ccecbe5ddf899ff5624a9",
+    "iso_checksum_type": "sha256",
+    "iso_url": "",
+    "ks_path": "virtuozzo-7.0/ks.cfg",
+    "template": "virtuozzo-7.0-x64"
+  }