Commit Diff

commit - 3c9d167b0b78fdbe0b3e20b8242362742ffdec06
commit + 30a7bbfc2be349f9b26e6f42bdd35a76436ad3a7
blob - 82118ee5b345baf74eddf513538b4bd61b463ece
blob + adb94675968554a084950ab614a4cc4fe09ce426
--- mutator/afl_mutator.c
+++ mutator/afl_mutator.c
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-* Copyright (C) 2022 Sergey Bronnikov
+* Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Sergey Bronnikov
 * Copyright (C) 2020 Steven Johnstone
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
@@ -34,16 +34,16 @@ static const char *mutator_env = "AFL_CUSTOM_MUTATOR_L
 static const char *mutator_script_default = "./afl_mutator.lua";
 static const int default_havoc_mutation_probability = 6;
-#define METHODS                                                                \
-  X(init)                                                                      \
-  X(fuzz)                                                                      \
-  X(post_process)                                                              \
-  X(init_trim)                                                                 \
-  X(trim)                                                                      \
-  X(post_trim)                                                                 \
-  X(havoc_mutation)                                                            \
-  X(havoc_mutation_probability)                                                \
-  X(queue_get)                                                                 \
+#define METHODS                                             \
+  X(init)                                                   \
+  X(fuzz)                                                   \
+  X(post_process)                                           \
+  X(init_trim)                                              \
+  X(trim)                                                   \
+  X(post_trim)                                              \
+  X(havoc_mutation)                                         \
+  X(havoc_mutation_probability)                             \
+  X(queue_get)                                              \
 #define xstr(s) str(s)
@@ -52,220 +52,220 @@ static const int default_havoc_mutation_probability = 
 #define LUA_OK 0
 struct state {
-  lua_State *L;
-  void *trim_buf;
-#define X(name)                                                                \
-  int afl_custom_##name##_enabled;                                             \
-  const char *afl_custom_##name##_method;
+	lua_State *L;
+	void *trim_buf;
+#define X(name)												\
+	int afl_custom_##name##_enabled;						\
+	const char *afl_custom_##name##_method;
 #undef X
 static struct state *new_state() {
-  const char *mutator_script = getenv(mutator_env) ?: mutator_script_default;
-  struct state *s = calloc(1, sizeof(struct state));
-  assert(s);
-  s->L = luaL_newstate();
-  assert(s->L);
-  luaL_openlibs(s->L);
-  int rc = luaL_dofile(s->L, mutator_script);
-  assert(rc == LUA_OK);
-#define X(name)                                                                \
-  {                                                                            \
-    lua_getglobal(s->L, str(name));                                            \
-    if (lua_isfunction(s->L, -1)) {                                            \
-      s->afl_custom_##name##_enabled = 1;                                      \
-      s->afl_custom_##name##_method = str(name);                               \
-    }                                                                          \
-    lua_settop(s->L, 0);                                                       \
-  }
+	const char *mutator_script = getenv(mutator_env) ?: mutator_script_default;
+	struct state *s = calloc(1, sizeof(struct state));
+	assert(s);
+	s->L = luaL_newstate();
+	assert(s->L);
+	luaL_openlibs(s->L);
+	int rc = luaL_dofile(s->L, mutator_script);
+	assert(rc == LUA_OK);
+#define X(name)                                             \
+	{                                                       \
+		lua_getglobal(s->L, str(name));                     \
+		if (lua_isfunction(s->L, -1)) {                     \
+			s->afl_custom_##name##_enabled = 1;             \
+			s->afl_custom_##name##_method = str(name);      \
+		}                                                   \
+	lua_settop(s->L, 0);                                    \
+	}
 #undef X
-  return s;
+	return s;
 void *afl_custom_init(void *afl, unsigned int seed) {
-  struct state *s = new_state();
-  if (!s->afl_custom_init_enabled) {
-    return s;
-  }
-  lua_getglobal(s->L, s->afl_custom_init_method);
-  lua_pushinteger(s->L, seed);
-  const int rc = lua_pcall(s->L, 1, 0, 0);
-  assert(rc == LUA_OK);
-  lua_settop(s->L, 0);
-  return (void *)s;
+	struct state *s = new_state();
+	if (!s->afl_custom_init_enabled) {
+		return s;
+	}
+	lua_getglobal(s->L, s->afl_custom_init_method);
+	lua_pushinteger(s->L, seed);
+	const int rc = lua_pcall(s->L, 1, 0, 0);
+	assert(rc == LUA_OK);
+	lua_settop(s->L, 0);
+	return (void *)s;
 size_t afl_custom_fuzz(void *data, char *buf, size_t buf_size, char **out_buf,
                        char *add_buf, size_t add_buf_size, size_t max_size) {
-  struct state *s = (struct state *)data;
-  if (!s->afl_custom_fuzz_enabled) {
-    *out_buf = buf;
-    return buf_size;
-  }
-  lua_getglobal(s->L, s->afl_custom_fuzz_method);
-  size_t args = 2;
-  lua_pushlstring(s->L, buf, buf_size);
-  lua_pushinteger(s->L, max_size);
-  if (add_buf) {
-    lua_pushlstring(s->L, add_buf, add_buf_size);
-    args++;
-  }
-  const int rc = lua_pcall(s->L, args, 1, 0);
-  assert(rc == LUA_OK);
-  size_t rstr_len;
-  const char *rstr = lua_tolstring(s->L, -1, &rstr_len);
-  assert(rstr);
-  lua_settop(s->L, 0);
-  rstr_len = rstr_len > max_size ? max_size : rstr_len;
-  *out_buf = malloc(rstr_len);
-  assert(*out_buf);
-  memcpy(*out_buf, rstr, rstr_len);
-  return rstr_len;
+	struct state *s = (struct state *)data;
+	if (!s->afl_custom_fuzz_enabled) {
+		*out_buf = buf;
+		return buf_size;
+	}
+	lua_getglobal(s->L, s->afl_custom_fuzz_method);
+	size_t args = 2;
+	lua_pushlstring(s->L, buf, buf_size);
+	lua_pushinteger(s->L, max_size);
+	if (add_buf) {
+		lua_pushlstring(s->L, add_buf, add_buf_size);
+		args++;
+	}
+	const int rc = lua_pcall(s->L, args, 1, 0);
+	assert(rc == LUA_OK);
+	size_t rstr_len;
+	const char *rstr = lua_tolstring(s->L, -1, &rstr_len);
+	assert(rstr);
+	lua_settop(s->L, 0);
+	rstr_len = rstr_len > max_size ? max_size : rstr_len;
+	*out_buf = malloc(rstr_len);
+	assert(*out_buf);
+	memcpy(*out_buf, rstr, rstr_len);
+	return rstr_len;
 size_t afl_custom_post_process(void *data, char *buf, size_t buf_size,
                                char **out_buf) {
-  struct state *s = (struct state *)data;
-  if (!s->afl_custom_post_process_enabled) {
-    *out_buf = buf;
-    return buf_size;
-  }
-  lua_getglobal(s->L, s->afl_custom_post_process_method);
-  lua_pushlstring(s->L, buf, buf_size);
-  const int rc = lua_pcall(s->L, 1, 1, 0);
-  assert(rc == LUA_OK);
-  size_t rstr_len;
-  const char *rstr = lua_tolstring(s->L, -1, &rstr_len);
-  assert(rstr);
-  lua_settop(s->L, 0);
-  *out_buf = malloc(rstr_len);
-  assert(*out_buf);
-  memcpy(*out_buf, rstr, rstr_len);
-  return rstr_len;
+	struct state *s = (struct state *)data;
+	if (!s->afl_custom_post_process_enabled) {
+		*out_buf = buf;
+		return buf_size;
+	}
+	lua_getglobal(s->L, s->afl_custom_post_process_method);
+	lua_pushlstring(s->L, buf, buf_size);
+	const int rc = lua_pcall(s->L, 1, 1, 0);
+	assert(rc == LUA_OK);
+	size_t rstr_len;
+	const char *rstr = lua_tolstring(s->L, -1, &rstr_len);
+	assert(rstr);
+	lua_settop(s->L, 0);
+	*out_buf = malloc(rstr_len);
+	assert(*out_buf);
+	memcpy(*out_buf, rstr, rstr_len);
+	return rstr_len;
 int32_t afl_custom_init_trim(void *data, char *buf, size_t buf_size) {
-  struct state *s = (struct state *)data;
-  if (!s->afl_custom_init_trim_enabled) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  lua_getglobal(s->L, s->afl_custom_init_trim_method);
-  lua_pushlstring(s->L, buf, buf_size);
-  const int rc = lua_pcall(s->L, 1, 1, 0);
-  assert(rc == LUA_OK);
-  const int rv = lua_tointeger(s->L, -1);
-  lua_settop(s->L, 0);
-  return (uint32_t)(0xffffffff & rv);
+	struct state *s = (struct state *)data;
+	if (!s->afl_custom_init_trim_enabled) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	lua_getglobal(s->L, s->afl_custom_init_trim_method);
+	lua_pushlstring(s->L, buf, buf_size);
+	const int rc = lua_pcall(s->L, 1, 1, 0);
+	assert(rc == LUA_OK);
+	const int rv = lua_tointeger(s->L, -1);
+	lua_settop(s->L, 0);
+	return (uint32_t)(0xffffffff & rv);
 size_t afl_custom_trim(void *data, char **out_buf) {
-  struct state *s = (struct state *)data;
-  if (!s->afl_custom_trim_enabled) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  lua_getglobal(s->L, s->afl_custom_trim_method);
-  const int rc = lua_pcall(s->L, 0, 1, 0);
-  assert(rc == LUA_OK);
-  size_t rstr_len;
-  const char *rstr = lua_tolstring(s->L, -1, &rstr_len);
-  assert(rstr);
-  if (s->trim_buf) {
-    free(s->trim_buf);
-  }
-  s->trim_buf = malloc(rstr_len);
-  assert(s->trim_buf);
-  memcpy(s->trim_buf, rstr, rstr_len);
-  lua_settop(s->L, 0);
-  *out_buf = s->trim_buf;
-  return rstr_len;
+	struct state *s = (struct state *)data;
+	if (!s->afl_custom_trim_enabled) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	lua_getglobal(s->L, s->afl_custom_trim_method);
+	const int rc = lua_pcall(s->L, 0, 1, 0);
+	assert(rc == LUA_OK);
+	size_t rstr_len;
+	const char *rstr = lua_tolstring(s->L, -1, &rstr_len);
+	assert(rstr);
+	if (s->trim_buf) {
+		free(s->trim_buf);
+	}
+	s->trim_buf = malloc(rstr_len);
+	assert(s->trim_buf);
+	memcpy(s->trim_buf, rstr, rstr_len);
+	lua_settop(s->L, 0);
+	*out_buf = s->trim_buf;
+	return rstr_len;
 int32_t afl_custom_post_trim(void *data, int success) {
-  struct state *s = (struct state *)data;
-  if (!s->afl_custom_post_trim_enabled) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  lua_getglobal(s->L, s->afl_custom_post_trim_method);
-  lua_pushboolean(s->L, !!success);
-  const int rc = lua_pcall(s->L, 1, 1, 0);
-  assert(rc == LUA_OK);
-  const int rv = lua_tointeger(s->L, -1);
-  lua_settop(s->L, 0);
-  return (uint32_t)(0xffffffff & rv);
+	struct state *s = (struct state *)data;
+	if (!s->afl_custom_post_trim_enabled) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	lua_getglobal(s->L, s->afl_custom_post_trim_method);
+	lua_pushboolean(s->L, !!success);
+	const int rc = lua_pcall(s->L, 1, 1, 0);
+	assert(rc == LUA_OK);
+	const int rv = lua_tointeger(s->L, -1);
+	lua_settop(s->L, 0);
+	return (uint32_t)(0xffffffff & rv);
 size_t afl_custom_havoc_mutation(void *data, char *buf, size_t buf_size,
                                  char **out_buf, size_t max_size) {
-  struct state *s = (struct state *)data;
-  if (!s->afl_custom_havoc_mutation_enabled) {
-    *out_buf = buf;
-    return buf_size;
-  }
-  lua_getglobal(s->L, s->afl_custom_havoc_mutation_method);
-  lua_pushlstring(s->L, buf, buf_size);
-  lua_pushinteger(s->L, max_size);
-  const int rc = lua_pcall(s->L, 2, 1, 0);
-  assert(rc == LUA_OK);
-  size_t rstr_len;
-  const char *rstr = lua_tolstring(s->L, -1, &rstr_len);
-  assert(rstr);
-  lua_settop(s->L, 0);
-  rstr_len = rstr_len > max_size ? max_size : rstr_len;
-  *out_buf = malloc(rstr_len);
-  assert(*out_buf);
-  memcpy(*out_buf, rstr, rstr_len);
-  return rstr_len;
+	struct state *s = (struct state *)data;
+	if (!s->afl_custom_havoc_mutation_enabled) {
+		*out_buf = buf;
+		return buf_size;
+	}
+	lua_getglobal(s->L, s->afl_custom_havoc_mutation_method);
+	lua_pushlstring(s->L, buf, buf_size);
+	lua_pushinteger(s->L, max_size);
+	const int rc = lua_pcall(s->L, 2, 1, 0);
+	assert(rc == LUA_OK);
+	size_t rstr_len;
+	const char *rstr = lua_tolstring(s->L, -1, &rstr_len);
+	assert(rstr);
+	lua_settop(s->L, 0);
+	rstr_len = rstr_len > max_size ? max_size : rstr_len;
+	*out_buf = malloc(rstr_len);
+	assert(*out_buf);
+	memcpy(*out_buf, rstr, rstr_len);
+	return rstr_len;
 uint8_t afl_custom_havoc_mutation_probability(void *data) {
-  struct state *s = (struct state *)data;
-  if (!s->afl_custom_havoc_mutation_enabled) {
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if (!s->afl_custom_havoc_mutation_probability_enabled) {
-    return default_havoc_mutation_probability;
-  }
-  lua_getglobal(s->L, s->afl_custom_havoc_mutation_probability_method);
-  const int rc = lua_pcall(s->L, 0, 1, 0);
-  assert(rc == LUA_OK);
-  const int rv = lua_tointeger(s->L, -1);
-  lua_settop(s->L, 0);
-  return (uint8_t)(0xff & rv);
+	struct state *s = (struct state *)data;
+	if (!s->afl_custom_havoc_mutation_enabled) {
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if (!s->afl_custom_havoc_mutation_probability_enabled) {
+		return default_havoc_mutation_probability;
+	}
+	lua_getglobal(s->L, s->afl_custom_havoc_mutation_probability_method);
+	const int rc = lua_pcall(s->L, 0, 1, 0);
+	assert(rc == LUA_OK);
+	const int rv = lua_tointeger(s->L, -1);
+	lua_settop(s->L, 0);
+	return (uint8_t)(0xff & rv);
 uint8_t afl_custom_queue_get(void *data, const char *filename) {
-  struct state *s = (struct state *)data;
-  if (!s->afl_custom_queue_get_enabled) {
-    return 1;
-  }
-  lua_getglobal(s->L, s->afl_custom_queue_get_method);
-  lua_pushstring(s->L, filename);
-  const int rc = lua_pcall(s->L, 1, 1, 0);
-  assert(rc == LUA_OK);
-  const int rv = lua_toboolean(s->L, -1);
-  lua_settop(s->L, 0);
-  return (uint8_t)(0xff & rv);
+	struct state *s = (struct state *)data;
+	if (!s->afl_custom_queue_get_enabled) {
+		return 1;
+	}
+	lua_getglobal(s->L, s->afl_custom_queue_get_method);
+	lua_pushstring(s->L, filename);
+	const int rc = lua_pcall(s->L, 1, 1, 0);
+	assert(rc == LUA_OK);
+	const int rv = lua_toboolean(s->L, -1);
+	lua_settop(s->L, 0);
+	return (uint8_t)(0xff & rv);
 void afl_custom_queue_new_entry(void *data, const char *filename_new_queue,
                                 const char *filename_orig_queue) {
-  struct state *s = (struct state *)data;
-  if (!s->afl_custom_queue_new_entry_enabled) {
-    return;
-  }
-  lua_getglobal(s->L, s->afl_custom_queue_new_entry_method);
-  lua_pushstring(s->L, filename_new_queue);
-  lua_pushstring(s->L, filename_orig_queue);
-  const int rc = lua_pcall(s->L, 2, 0, 0);
-  assert(rc == LUA_OK);
-  lua_settop(s->L, 0);
-  return;
+	struct state *s = (struct state *)data;
+	if (!s->afl_custom_queue_new_entry_enabled) {
+		return;
+	}
+	lua_getglobal(s->L, s->afl_custom_queue_new_entry_method);
+	lua_pushstring(s->L, filename_new_queue);
+	lua_pushstring(s->L, filename_orig_queue);
+	const int rc = lua_pcall(s->L, 2, 0, 0);
+	assert(rc == LUA_OK);
+	lua_settop(s->L, 0);
+	return;
 void afl_custom_deinit(void *data) {
-  struct state *s = (struct state *)data;
-  lua_close(s->L);
-  free(s);
+	struct state *s = (struct state *)data;
+	lua_close(s->L);
+	free(s);