Commit Diff

commit - 9634617d93b0c181cadd16365dd897a59591035b
commit + 5c44d841cfc7bb013d6255865fa3f9f4deb188ed
blob - c06ce480c4ac308dbd3bc6fa8dc9ac0dcea513a9
blob + 7e1ac26a8ef7748c2ad4df8d5f1b9a27833437f6
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http
 - Typo in `lua_gethookcount(3)`.
 - Description in `lua_close(3)`.
 - Description in `luaL_newmetatable(3)`.
+- Broken source code formatting in `lua_getinfo(3)`.
blob - 76f1888072e4f2b3e21799480258da92dde62545
blob + 0cff79b5d045f33a721ea645bfa67354420ac807
--- man3/lua_getinfo.3
+++ man3/lua_getinfo.3
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ was defined, you can write the following code:
 lua_Debug ar;
 lua_getfield(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, "f");  /* get global 'f' */
 lua_getinfo(L, ">S", &ar);
-printf("%d\n", ar.linedefined);
+printf("%d\&\\n", ar.linedefined);
 Each character in the string what selects some fields of the structure ar to be