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-**CHAPTER 15**
+## Chapter 15: Engineering Foundations
+- CAD Computer-Aided Design
+- CMMI Capability Maturity Model Integration
+- pdf Probability Density Function
+- pmf Probability Mass Function
+- RCA Root Cause Analysis
+- SDLC Software Development Life Cycle
-CAD Computer-Aided Design
-CMMI Capability Maturity Model Integration
-pdf Probability Density Function
-pmf Probability Mass Function
-RCA Root Cause Analysis
-SDLC Software Development Life Cycle
-IEEE defines engineering as “the application of
-a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach
-to structures, machines, products, systems or
-processes” [1]. This chapter outlines some of the
-engineering foundational skills and techniques
-that are useful for a software engineer. The focus
-is on topics that support other KAs while mini-
-mizing duplication of subjects covered elsewhere
+IEEE defines engineering as “the application of a systematic, disciplined,
+quantifiable approach to structures, machines, products, systems or processes”
+[1]. This chapter outlines some of the engineering foundational skills and
+techniques that are useful for a software engineer. The focus is on topics that
+support other KAs while minimizing duplication of subjects covered elsewhere
 in this document.
-As the theory and practice of software engi-
-neering matures, it is increasingly apparent that
-software engineering is an engineering disci-
-pline that is based on knowledge and skills com-
-mon to all engineering disciplines. This Engi-
-neering Foundations knowledge area (KA) is
-concerned with the engineering foundations that
-apply to software engineering and other engi-
-neering disciplines. Topics in this KA include
-empirical methods and experimental techniques;
-statistical analysis; measurement; engineering
-design; modeling, prototyping, and simulation;
-standards; and root cause analysis. Application
-of this knowledge, as appropriate, will allow
-software engineers to develop and maintain
-software more efficiently and effectively. Com-
-pleting their engineering work efficiently and
+As the theory and practice of software engineering matures, it is
+increasingly apparent that software engineering is an engineering discipline
+that is based on knowledge and skills common to all engineering disciplines.
+This Engineering Foundations knowledge area (KA) is concerned with the
+engineering foundations that apply to software engineering and other engi-
+neering disciplines. Topics in this KA include empirical methods and
+experimental techniques; statistical analysis; measurement; engineering design;
+modeling, prototyping, and simulation; standards; and root cause analysis.
+Application of this knowledge, as appropriate, will allow software engineers to
+develop and maintain software more efficiently and effectively. Completing
+their engineering work efficiently and effectively is a goal of all engineers
+in all engineering disciplines.
-effectively is a goal of all engineers in all engi-
-neering disciplines.
+**Breakdown Of Topics For Engineering Foundations**
+The breakdown of topics for the Engineering Foundations KA is shown in Figure
+### 1. Empirical Methods and Experimental Techniques
+<!-- [2*, c1] -->
-The breakdown of topics for the Engineering
-Foundations KA is shown in Figure 15.1.
+An engineering method for problem solving involves proposing solutions or
+models of solutions and then conducting experiments or tests to study the
+proposed solutions or models. Thus, engineers must understand how to create an
+experiment and then analyze the results of the experiment in order to
+evaluate the proposed solution. Empirical methods and experimental techniques
+help the engineer to describe and understand variability in their
+observations, to identify the sources of variability, and to make decisions.
-**1. Empirical Methods and Experimental
-    [2*, c1]
+Three different types of empirical studies commonly used in engineering
+efforts are designed experiments, observational studies, and retrospective
+studies. Brief descriptions of the commonly used methods are given below.
+#### 1.1. Designed Experiment
-An engineering method for problem solving
-involves proposing solutions or models of solu-
-tions and then conducting experiments or tests
-to study the proposed solutions or models. Thus,
-engineers must understand how to create an exper-
-iment and then analyze the results of the experi-
-ment in order to evaluate the proposed solution.
-Empirical methods and experimental techniques
-help the engineer to describe and understand vari-
-ability in their observations, to identify the sources
-of variability, and to make decisions.
-Three different types of empirical studies com-
-monly used in engineering efforts are designed
-experiments, observational studies, and retro-
-spective studies. Brief descriptions of the com-
-monly used methods are given below.
+A designed or controlled experiment is an investigation of a testable
+hypothesis where one or more independent variables are manipulated to measure
+their effect on one or more dependent variables. A precondition for conducting
+an experiment is the existence of a clear hypothesis. It is important for an
+engineer to understand how to formulate clear hypotheses.
+Designed experiments allow engineers to determine in precise terms how the
+variables are related and, specifically, whether a cause-effect relationship
+exists between them. Each combination of values of the independent variables
+is a _treatment_. The simplest experiments have just two treatments
+representing two levels of a single independent variable (e.g., using a tool
+vs. not using a tool). More complex experimental designs arise when more than
+two levels, more than one independent variable, or any dependent variables are
-1.1. Designed Experiment
+#### 1.2. Observational Study
+An observational or case study is an empirical inquiry that makes observations
+of processes or phenomena within a real-life context. While an experiment
+deliberately ignores context, an observational or case study includes context
+as part of the observation. A case study is most useful when the focus of the
+study is on _how_ and _why_ questions, when the behavior of those involved in
+the study cannot be manipulated, and when contextual conditions are relevant
+and the boundaries between the phenomena and context are not clear.
-A designed or controlled experiment is an inves-
-tigation of a testable hypothesis where one or
-more independent variables are manipulated to
-measure their effect on one or more dependent
-variables. A precondition for conducting an
-experiment is the existence of a clear hypothesis.
-It is important for an engineer to understand how
-to formulate clear hypotheses.
+#### 1.3. Retrospective Study
+A retrospective study involves the analysis of historical data. Retrospective
+studies are also known as historical studies. This type of study uses data
+(regarding some phenomenon) that has been archived over time. This archived
+data is then analyzed in an attempt to find a relationship between variables,
+to predict future events, or to identify trends. The quality of the analysis
+results will depend on the quality of the information contained in the archived
+data. Historical data may be incomplete, inconsistently measured, or
-Designed experiments allow engineers to
-determine in precise terms how the variables are
-related and, specifically, whether a cause-effect
-relationship exists between them. Each combi-
-nation of values of the independent variables is
-a _treatment_. The simplest experiments have just
-two treatments representing two levels of a sin-
-gle independent variable (e.g., using a tool vs.
-not using a tool). More complex experimental
-designs arise when more than two levels, more
-than one independent variable, or any dependent
-variables are used.
+### 2. Statistical Analysis
-_1.2. Observational Study_
+<!-- [2*, c9s1, c2s1] [3*, c10s3] -->
-An observational or case study is an empirical
-inquiry that makes observations of processes
-or phenomena within a real-life context. While
-an experiment deliberately ignores context, an
-observational or case study includes context as
-part of the observation. A case study is most use-
-ful when the focus of the study is on _how_ and _why_
-questions, when the behavior of those involved in
-the study cannot be manipulated, and when con-
-textual conditions are relevant and the boundaries
-between the phenomena and context are not clear.
+In order to carry out their responsibilities, engineers must understand how
+different product and process characteristics vary. Engineers often come across
+situations where the relationship between different variables needs to be
+studied. An important point to note is that most of the studies are carried out
+on the basis of samples and so the observed results need to be understood with
+respect to the full population. Engineers must, therefore, develop an adequate
+understanding of statistical techniques for collecting reliable data in terms
+of sampling and analysis to arrive at results that can be generalized. These
+techniques are discussed below.
-_1.3. Retrospective Study_
+#### 2.1. Unit of Analysis (Sampling Units), Population, and Sample
-A retrospective study involves the analysis of his-
-torical data. Retrospective studies are also known
-as historical studies. This type of study uses data
-(regarding some phenomenon) that has been
-archived over time. This archived data is then ana-
-lyzed in an attempt to find a relationship between
-variables, to predict future events, or to identify
-trends. The quality of the analysis results will
-depend on the quality of the information contained
-in the archived data. Historical data may be incom-
-plete, inconsistently measured, or incorrect.
+Unit of analysis. While carrying out any empirical study, observations need
+to be made on chosen units called the units of analysis or sampling units.
+The unit of analysis must be identified and must be appropriate for the
+analysis. For example, when a software product company wants to find the
+perceived usability of a software product, the user or the software function
+may be the unit of analysis.
-**2. Statistical Analysis**
-    [2*, c9s1, c2s1] [3*, c10s3]
+Population. The set of all respondents or items (possible sampling units) to be
+studied forms the population. As an example, consider the case of studying the
+perceived usability of a software product. In this case, the set of all
+possible users forms the population.
+While defining the population, care must be exercised to understand the study
+and target population. There are cases when the population studied and the
+population for which the
-In order to carry out their responsibilities, engi-
-neers must understand how different product
-and process characteristics vary. Engineers often
-come across situations where the relationship
-between different variables needs to be studied.
-An important point to note is that most of the
-studies are carried out on the basis of samples
-and so the observed results need to be understood
-with respect to the full population. Engineers
-must, therefore, develop an adequate understand-
-ing of statistical techniques for collecting reliable
-data in terms of sampling and analysis to arrive at
-results that can be generalized. These techniques
-are discussed below.
+![Figure 15.1. Breakdown of Topics for the Engineering Foundations KA](images/Figure-15.1.png)
+results are being generalized may be different. For example, when the study
+population consists of only past observations and generalizations are required
+for the future, the study population and the target population may not be the
-2.1. Unit of Analysis (Sampling Units),
-Population, and Sample
+_Sample_ A sample is a subset of the population. The most crucial issue
+towards the selection of a sample is its representativeness, including size.
+The samples must be drawn in a manner so as to ensure that the draws are
+independent, and the rules of drawing the samples must be predefined so that
+the probability of selecting a particular sampling unit is known beforehand.
+This method of selecting samples is called _probability sampling_.
+_Random variable_ In statistical terminology, the process of making
+observations or measurements on the sampling units being studied is referred
+to as conducting the experiment. For example, if the experiment is to toss a
+coin 10 times and then count the number of times the coin lands on heads, each
+10 tosses of the coin is a sampling unit and the number of heads for a given
+sample is the observation or outcome for the experiment. The outcome of an
+experiment is obtained in terms of real numbers and defines the random variable
+being studied. Thus, the attribute of the items being measured at the outcome
+of the experiment represents the random variable being studied; the observation
+obtained from a particular sampling unit is a particular realization of the
+random variable. In the example of the coin toss, the random variable is the
+number of heads observed for each experiment. In statistical studies,
+attempts are made to understand population characteristics on the basis of
+samples. The set of possible values of a random variable may be finite or
+infinite but countable (e.g., the set of all integers or the set of all odd
+numbers). In such a case, the random variable is called a _discrete random
+variable._ In other cases, the random variable under consideration may take
+values on a continuous scale and is called a _continuous random variable.
-Unit of analysis. While carrying out any empiri-
-cal study, observations need to be made on cho-
-sen units called the units of analysis or sampling
-units. The unit of analysis must be identified and
-must be appropriate for the analysis. For exam-
-ple, when a software product company wants to
-find the perceived usability of a software product,
-the user or the software function may be the unit
-of analysis.
-Population. The set of all respondents or items
-(possible sampling units) to be studied forms the
-population. As an example, consider the case of
-studying the perceived usability of a software
-product. In this case, the set of all possible users
-forms the population.
-While defining the population, care must be
-exercised to understand the study and target
-population. There are cases when the popula-
-tion studied and the population for which the
+Event._ A subset of possible values of a random variable is called an event.
+Suppose X denotes some random variable; then, for example, we may define
+different events such as X³ x or X < x and so on.
-Figure 15.1. Breakdown of Topics for the Engineering Foundations KA
+Distribution of a random variable. The range and pattern of variation of a
+random variable is given by its distribution. When the distribution of a random
+variable is known, it is possible to compute the chance of any event. Some
+distributions are found to occur commonly and are used to model many random
+variables occurring in practice in the context of engineering. A few of the
+more commonly occurring distributions are given below.
+- Binomial distribution: used to model random variables that count the number
+  of successes in _n_ trials carried out independently of each other, where
+  each trial results in success or failure. We make an assumption that the
+  chance of obtaining a success remains constant [2*, c3s6].
+- Poisson distribution: used to model the count of occurrence of some event
+  over time or space [2*, c3s9].
+- Normal distribution: used to model continuous random variables or discrete
+  random variables by taking a very large number of values [2*, c4s6].
+Concept of parameters. A statistical distribution is characterized by some
+parameters. For example, the proportion of success in any given trial is the
+only parameter characterizing a binomial distribution. Similarly, the Poisson
+distribution is characterized by a rate of occurrence. A normal distribution is
+characterized by two parameters: namely, its mean and standard deviation.
-Engineering Foundations 15-3
+Once the values of the parameters are known, the distribution of the random
+variable is completely known and the chance (probability) of any event can be
+computed. The probabilities for a discrete random variable can be computed
+through the probability mass function, called the pmf. The pmf is defined at
+discrete points and gives the point mass—i.e., the probability that the random
+variable will take that particular value. Likewise, for a continuous random
+variable, we have the probability density function, called the pdf. The pdf
+is very much like density and needs to be integrated over a range to obtain the
+probability that the continuous random variable lies between certain values.
+Thus, if the pdf or pmf is known, the chances of the random variable taking
+certain set of values may be computed theoretically.
-results are being generalized may be different.
-For example, when the study population consists
-of only past observations and generalizations are
-required for the future, the study population and
-the target population may not be the same.
-_Sample._ A sample is a subset of the population.
-The most crucial issue towards the selection of
-a sample is its representativeness, including size.
-The samples must be drawn in a manner so as
-to ensure that the draws are independent, and
-the rules of drawing the samples must be pre-
-defined so that the probability of selecting a par-
-ticular sampling unit is known beforehand. This
-method of selecting samples is called _probability
-Random variable._ In statistical terminology,
-the process of making observations or measure-
-ments on the sampling units being studied is
-referred to as conducting the experiment. For
-example, if the experiment is to toss a coin 10
-times and then count the number of times the
-coin lands on heads, each 10 tosses of the coin
-is a sampling unit and the number of heads for a
-given sample is the observation or outcome for
-the experiment. The outcome of an experiment is
-obtained in terms of real numbers and defines the
-random variable being studied. Thus, the attribute
-of the items being measured at the outcome of
-the experiment represents the random variable
-being studied; the observation obtained from a
-particular sampling unit is a particular realization
-of the random variable. In the example of the coin
-toss, the random variable is the number of heads
-observed for each experiment. In statistical stud-
-ies, attempts are made to understand population
-characteristics on the basis of samples.
-The set of possible values of a random variable
-may be finite or infinite but countable (e.g., the
-set of all integers or the set of all odd numbers).
-In such a case, the random variable is called a _dis-
-crete random variable._ In other cases, the random
-variable under consideration may take values on
-a continuous scale and is called a _continuous ran-
-dom variable.
-Event._ A subset of possible values of a random
-variable is called an event_._ Suppose X denotes
-some random variable; then, for example, we
-may define different events such as X ³ x or X <
-x and so on.
+_Concept of estimation_ [2*, c6s2, c7s1, c7s3]. The true values of the
+parameters of a distribution are usually unknown and need to be estimated from
+the sample observations. The estimates are functions of the sample values and
+are called statistics. For example, the sample mean is a statistic and may be
+used to estimate the population mean. Similarly, the rate of occurrence of
+defects estimated from the sample (rate of defects per line of code) is a
+statistic and serves as the estimate of the population rate of rate of defects
+per line of code. The statistic used to estimate some population parameter is
+often referred to as the _estimator_ of the parameter.
+A very important point to note is that the results of the estimators themselves
+are random. If we take a different sample, we are likely to get a different
+estimate of the population parameter. In the theory of estimation, we need to
+understand different properties of estimators—particularly, how much the
+estimates can vary across samples and how to choose between different
+alternative ways to obtain the estimates. For example, if we wish to estimate
+the mean of a population, we might use as our estimator a sample mean, a sample
+median, a sample mode, or the midrange of the sample. Each of these estimators
+has different statistical properties that may impact the standard error of the
-Distribution of a random variable. The range
-and pattern of variation of a random variable is
-given by its distribution. When the distribution
-of a random variable is known, it is possible to
-compute the chance of any event. Some distribu-
-tions are found to occur commonly and are used
-to model many random variables occurring in
-practice in the context of engineering. A few of
-the more commonly occurring distributions are
-given below.
+_Types of estimates_ [2*, c7s3, c8s1].There are two types of estimates: namely,
+point estimates and interval estimates. When we use the value of a statistic to
+estimate a population parameter, we get a point estimate. As the name
+indicates, a point estimate gives a point value of the parameter being
-- Binomial distribution: used to model random
-    variables that count the number of successes
-    in _n_ trials carried out independently of each
-    other, where each trial results in success or
-    failure. We make an assumption that the
-    chance of obtaining a success remains con-
-    stant [2*, c3s6].
-- Poisson distribution: used to model the count
-    of occurrence of some event over time or
-    space [2*, c3s9].
-- Normal distribution: used to model continu-
-    ous random variables or discrete random
-    variables by taking a very large number of
-    values [2*, c4s6].
+Although point estimates are often used, they leave room for many questions.
+For instance, we are not told anything about the possible size of error or
+statistical properties of the point estimate. Thus, we might need to
+supplement a point estimate with the sample size as well as the variance of
+the estimate. Alternately, we might use an interval estimate. An interval
+estimate is a random interval with the lower and upper limits of the interval
+being functions of the sample observations as well as the sample size. The lim-
+its are computed on the basis of some assumptions regarding the sampling
+distribution of the point estimate on which the limits are based. Properties of
+estimators. Various statistical properties of estimators are used to decide
+about the appropriateness of an estimator in a given situation. The most
+important properties are that an estimator is unbiased, efficient, and
+consistent with respect to the population.
-Concept of parameters. A statistical distribution
-is characterized by some parameters. For exam-
-ple, the proportion of success in any given trial
-is the only parameter characterizing a binomial
-distribution. Similarly, the Poisson distribution is
-characterized by a rate of occurrence. A normal
-distribution is characterized by two parameters:
-namely, its mean and standard deviation.
-Once the values of the parameters are known,
-the distribution of the random variable is com-
-pletely known and the chance (probability) of
-any event can be computed. The probabilities
-for a discrete random variable can be computed
-through the probability mass function, called
-the pmf. The pmf is defined at discrete points
-and gives the point mass—i.e., the probability
-that the random variable will take that particular
-value. Likewise, for a continuous random vari-
-able, we have the probability density function,
-called the pdf. The pdf is very much like density
-and needs to be integrated over a range to obtain
-the probability that the continuous random vari-
-able lies between certain values. Thus, if the pdf
-or pmf is known, the chances of the random vari-
-able taking certain set of values may be computed
-_Concept of estimation_ [2*, c6s2, c7s1, c7s3].
-The true values of the parameters of a distribution
-are usually unknown and need to be estimated
-from the sample observations. The estimates are
-functions of the sample values and are called sta-
-tistics. For example, the sample mean is a statistic
-and may be used to estimate the population mean.
-Similarly, the rate of occurrence of defects esti-
-mated from the sample (rate of defects per line of
-code) is a statistic and serves as the estimate of
-the population rate of rate of defects per line of
-code. The statistic used to estimate some popula-
-tion parameter is often referred to as the _estimator_
-of the parameter.
-A very important point to note is that the results
-of the estimators themselves are random. If we
-take a different sample, we are likely to get a dif-
-ferent estimate of the population parameter. In the
-theory of estimation, we need to understand dif-
-ferent properties of estimators—particularly, how
-much the estimates can vary across samples and
-how to choose between different alternative ways
-to obtain the estimates. For example, if we wish
-to estimate the mean of a population, we might
-use as our estimator a sample mean, a sample
-median, a sample mode, or the midrange of the
-sample. Each of these estimators has different
-statistical properties that may impact the standard
-error of the estimate.
-_Types of estimates_ [2*, c7s3, c8s1].There are
-two types of estimates: namely, point estimates
-and interval estimates. When we use the value
-of a statistic to estimate a population parameter,
-we get a point estimate. As the name indicates, a
-point estimate gives a point value of the param-
-eter being estimated.
-Although point estimates are often used, they
-leave room for many questions. For instance, we
-are not told anything about the possible size of
-error or statistical properties of the point esti-
-mate. Thus, we might need to supplement a point
-estimate with the sample size as well as the vari-
-ance of the estimate. Alternately, we might use
-an interval estimate. An interval estimate is a
-random interval with the lower and upper lim-
-its of the interval being functions of the sample
-observations as well as the sample size. The lim-
-its are computed on the basis of some assump-
-tions regarding the sampling distribution of the
-point estimate on which the limits are based.
-Properties of estimators. Various statistical
-properties of estimators are used to decide about
-the appropriateness of an estimator in a given
-situation. The most important properties are that
-an estimator is unbiased, efficient, and consistent
-with respect to the population.
-Tests of hypotheses [2*, c9s1].A hypothesis is
-a statement about the possible values of a param-
-eter. For example, suppose it is claimed that a
-new method of software development reduces the
-occurrence of defects. In this case, the hypoth-
-esis is that the rate of occurrence of defects has
-reduced. In tests of hypotheses, we decide—on
-the basis of sample observations—whether a pro-
-posed hypothesis should be accepted or rejected.
-For testing hypotheses, the null and alternative
-hypotheses are formed. The null hypothesis is the
-hypothesis of no change and is denoted as H 0. The
-alternative hypothesis is written as H 1. It is impor-
-tant to note that the alternative hypothesis may be
-one-sided or two-sided. For example, if we have
-the null hypothesis that the population mean is not
-less than some given value, the alternative hypoth-
-esis would be that it is less than that value and we
-would have a one-sided test. However, if we have
-the null hypothesis that the population mean is
-equal to some given value, the alternative hypoth-
-esis would be that it is not equal and we would
-have a two-sided test (because the true value could
-be either less than or greater than the given value).
-In order to test some hypothesis, we first com-
-pute some statistic. Along with the computation
-of the statistic, a region is defined such that in
-case the computed value of the statistic falls in
-that region, the null hypothesis is rejected. This
-region is called the critical region (also known as
-the confidence interval). In tests of hypotheses,
-we need to accept or reject the null hypothesis
-on the basis of the evidence obtained. We note
-that, in general, the alternative hypothesis is the
-hypothesis of interest. If the computed value of
-the statistic does not fall inside the critical region,
-then we cannot reject the null hypothesis. This
-indicates that there is not enough evidence to
-believe that the alternative hypothesis is true.
+Tests of hypotheses [2*, c9s1].A hypothesis is a statement about the possible
+values of a parameter. For example, suppose it is claimed that a new method
+of software development reduces the occurrence of defects. In this case, the
+hypothesis is that the rate of occurrence of defects has reduced. In tests of
+hypotheses, we decide —  on the basis of sample observations—whether a proposed
+hypothesis should be accepted or rejected. For testing hypotheses, the null and
+alternative hypotheses are formed. The null hypothesis is the hypothesis of no
+change and is denoted as H 0. The alternative hypothesis is written as H 1. It
+is important to note that the alternative hypothesis may be one-sided or
+two-sided. For example, if we have the null hypothesis that the population mean
+is not less than some given value, the alternative hypothesis would be that
+it is less than that value and we would have a one-sided test. However, if we
+have the null hypothesis that the population mean is equal to some given value,
+the alternative hypothesis would be that it is not equal and we would have a
+two-sided test (because the true value could be either less than or greater
+than the given value). In order to test some hypothesis, we first compute
+some statistic. Along with the computation of the statistic, a region is
+defined such that in case the computed value of the statistic falls in that
+region, the null hypothesis is rejected. This region is called the critical
+region (also known as the confidence interval). In tests of hypotheses, we need
+to accept or reject the null hypothesis on the basis of the evidence obtained.
+We note that, in general, the alternative hypothesis is the hypothesis of
+interest. If the computed value of the statistic does not fall inside the
+critical region, then we cannot reject the null hypothesis. This indicates that
+there is not enough evidence to believe that the alternative hypothesis is
+As the decision is being taken on the basis of sample observations, errors are
+possible; the types of such errors are summarized in the following table.
-Engineering Foundations 15-5
+<!-- FIXME: table -->
-As the decision is being taken on the basis
-of sample observations, errors are possible; the
-types of such errors are summarized in the fol-
-lowing table.
 Statistical Decision
 Accept H 0 Reject H 0
 H 0 is
@@ -405,1247 +275,781 @@ true
 ##### OK
+Type I error (probability = a) H 0 is false
+Type II error (probability = b)
-Type I error
-(probability = a)
-H 0 is
+##### OK
+In test of hypotheses, we aim at maximizing the power of the test (the value of
+1−b) while ensuring that the probability of a type I error (the value of a)
+is maintained within a particular value— typically 5 percent.
-Type II error
-(probability = b)
+It is to be noted that construction of a test of hypothesis includes
+identifying statistic(s) to estimate the parameter(s) and defining a critical
+region such that if the computed value of the statistic falls in the critical
+region, the null hypothesis is rejected.
-##### OK
+#### 2.2. Concepts of Correlation and Regression
-In test of hypotheses, we aim at maximizing the
-power of the test (the value of 1−b) while ensur-
-ing that the probability of a type I error (the value
-of a) is maintained within a particular value—
-typically 5 percent.
-It is to be noted that construction of a test of
-hypothesis includes identifying statistic(s) to
-estimate the parameter(s) and defining a critical
-region such that if the computed value of the sta-
-tistic falls in the critical region, the null hypoth-
-esis is rejected.
+<!-- [2*, c11s2, c11s8] -->
-_2.2. Concepts of Correlation and Regression_
-[2*, c11s2, c11s8]
+A major objective of many statistical investigations is to establish
+relationships that make it possible to predict one or more variables in terms
+of others. Although it is desirable to predict a quantity exactly in terms of
+another quantity, it is seldom possible and, in many cases, we have to be
+satisfied with estimating the average or expected values.
-A major objective of many statistical investiga-
-tions is to establish relationships that make it pos-
-sible to predict one or more variables in terms of
-others. Although it is desirable to predict a quan-
-tity exactly in terms of another quantity, it is sel-
-dom possible and, in many cases, we have to be
-satisfied with estimating the average or expected
-The relationship between two variables is stud-
-ied using the methods of correlation and regres-
-sion. Both these concepts are explained briefly in
-the following paragraphs.
-_Correlation._ The strength of linear relation-
-ship between two variables is measured using
-the correlation coefficient_._ While computing the
-correlation coefficient between two variables, we
-assume that these variables measure two differ-
-ent attributes of the same entity. The correlation
-coefficient takes a value between –1 to +1. The
-values –1 and +1 indicate a situation when the
-association between the variables is perfect—i.e.,
+The relationship between two variables is studied using the methods of
+correlation and regression. Both these concepts are explained briefly in the
+following paragraphs.
+_Correlation_ The strength of linear relationship between two variables is
+measured using the correlation coefficient. While computing the correlation
+coefficient between two variables, we assume that these variables measure two
+different attributes of the same entity. The correlation coefficient takes a
+value between –1 to +1. The values –1 and +1 indicate a situation when the
+association between the variables is perfect—i.e., given the value of one
+variable, the other can be estimated with no error. A positive correlation
+coefficient indicates a positive relationship—that is, if one variable
+increases, so does the other. On the other hand, when the variables are
+negatively correlated, an increase of one leads to a decrease of the other.
-given the value of one variable, the other can be
-estimated with no error. A positive correlation
-coefficient indicates a positive relationship—that
-is, if one variable increases, so does the other. On
-the other hand, when the variables are negatively
-correlated, an increase of one leads to a decrease
-of the other.
-It is important to remember that correlation
-does not imply causation. Thus, if two variables
-are correlated, we cannot conclude that one
-causes the other.
-Regression. The correlation analysis only
-measures the degree of relationship between
-two variables. The analysis to find the relation-
-ship between two variables is called regression
-analysis. The strength of the relationship between
-two variables is measured using the coefficient of
-determination. This is a value between 0 and 1.
-The closer the coefficient is to 1, the stronger the
-relationship between the variables. A value of 1
-indicates a perfect relationship.
+It is important to remember that correlation does not imply causation. Thus, if
+two variables are correlated, we cannot conclude that one causes the other.
-**3. Measurement**
-    [4*, c3s1, c3s2] [5*, c4s4] [6*, c7s5]
-       [7*, p442–447]
+Regression. The correlation analysis only measures the degree of relationship
+between two variables. The analysis to find the relationship between two
+variables is called regression analysis. The strength of the relationship
+between two variables is measured using the coefficient of determination. This
+is a value between 0 and 1. The closer the coefficient is to 1, the stronger
+the relationship between the variables. A value of 1 indicates a perfect
+### 3. Measurement
-Knowing what to measure and which measure-
-ment method to use is critical in engineering
-endeavors. It is important that everyone involved
-in an engineering project understand the mea-
-surement methods and the measurement results
-that will be used.
-Measurements can be physical, environmen-
-tal, economic, operational, or some other sort of
-measurement that is meaningful for the particular
-project. This section explores the theory of mea-
-surement and how it is fundamental to engineer-
-ing. Measurement starts as a conceptualization
-then moves from abstract concepts to definitions
-of the measurement method to the actual appli-
-cation of that method to obtain a measurement
-result. Each of these steps must be understood,
-communicated, and properly employed in order
-to generate usable data. In traditional engineer-
-ing, direct measures are often used. In software
-engineering, a combination of both direct and
-derived measures is necessary [6*, p273].
-The theory of measurement states that mea-
-surement is an attempt to describe an underlying
+<!-- [4*, c3s1, c3s2] [5*, c4s4] [6*, c7s5] [7*, p442–447] -->
+Knowing what to measure and which measurement method to use is critical in
+engineering endeavors. It is important that everyone involved in an engineering
+project understand the measurement methods and the measurement results that
+will be used.
-real empirical system. Measurement methods
-define activities that allocate a value or a symbol
-to an attribute of an entity.
-Attributes must then be defined in terms of
-the operations used to identify and measure
-them— that is, the measurement methods. In this
-approach, a measurement method is defined to be
-a precisely specified operation that yields a num-
-ber (called the _measurement result)_ when mea-
-suring an attribute. It follows that, to be useful,
-the measurement method has to be well defined.
-Arbitrariness in the method will reflect itself in
-ambiguity in the measurement results.
-In some cases—particularly in the physical
-world—the attributes that we wish to measure are
-easy to grasp; however, in an artificial world like
-software engineering, defining the attributes may
-not be that simple. For example, the attributes of
-height, weight, distance, etc. are easily and uni-
-formly understood (though they may not be very
-easy to measure in all circumstances), whereas
-attributes such as software size or complexity
-require clear definitions.
-_Operational definitions._ The definition of attri-
-butes, to start with, is often rather abstract. Such
-definitions do not facilitate measurements. For
-example, we may define a circle as _a line forming
-a closed loop such that the distance between any
-point on this line and a fixed interior point called
-the center is constant._ We may further say that the
-fixed distance from the center to any point on the
-closed loop gives the radius of the circle. It may be
-noted that though the concept has been defined, no
-means of measuring the radius has been proposed.
-The operational definition specifies the exact steps
-or method used to carry out a specific measure-
-ment. This can also be called the _measurement
-method_ ; sometimes a _measurement procedure_ may
-be required to be even more precise.
-The importance of operational definitions
-can hardly be overstated. Take the case of the
-apparently simple measurement of height of
-individuals. Unless we specify various factors
-like the time when the height will be measured
-(it is known that the height of individuals vary
-across various time points of the day), how the
-variability due to hair would be taken care of,
-whether the measurement will be with or without
-shoes, what kind of accuracy is expected (correct
-up to an inch, 1/2 inch, centimeter, etc.)—even
+Measurements can be physical, environmental, economic, operational, or some
+other sort of measurement that is meaningful for the particular project. This
+section explores the theory of measurement and how it is fundamental to
+engineering. Measurement starts as a conceptualization then moves from
+abstract concepts to definitions of the measurement method to the actual appli-
+cation of that method to obtain a measurement result. Each of these steps must
+be understood, communicated, and properly employed in order to generate usable
+data. In traditional engineering, direct measures are often used. In software
+engineering, a combination of both direct and derived measures is necessary
+[6*, p273]. The theory of measurement states that measurement is an attempt
+to describe an underlying real empirical system. Measurement methods define
+activities that allocate a value or a symbol to an attribute of an entity.
+Attributes must then be defined in terms of the operations used to identify and
+measure them— that is, the measurement methods. In this approach, a measurement
+method is defined to be a precisely specified operation that yields a number
+(called the _measurement result)_ when measuring an attribute. It follows
+that, to be useful, the measurement method has to be well defined.
+Arbitrariness in the method will reflect itself in ambiguity in the measurement
-this simple measurement will lead to substantial
-variation. Engineers must appreciate the need to
-define measures from an operational perspective.
+In some cases—particularly in the physical world—the attributes that we wish to
+measure are easy to grasp; however, in an artificial world like software
+engineering, defining the attributes may not be that simple. For example, the
+attributes of height, weight, distance, etc. are easily and uniformly
+understood (though they may not be very easy to measure in all circumstances),
+whereas attributes such as software size or complexity require clear
-3.1. Levels (Scales) of Measurement
-[4*, c3s2] [6*, c7s5]
+_Operational definitions._ The definition of attributes, to start with, is
+often rather abstract. Such definitions do not facilitate measurements. For
+example, we may define a circle as _a line forming a closed loop such that the
+distance between any point on this line and a fixed interior point called the
+center is constant._ We may further say that the fixed distance from the center
+to any point on the closed loop gives the radius of the circle. It may be noted
+that though the concept has been defined, no means of measuring the radius has
+been proposed. The operational definition specifies the exact steps or method
+used to carry out a specific measurement. This can also be called the
+_measurement method_ ; sometimes a _measurement procedure_ may be required to
+be even more precise. The importance of operational definitions can hardly be
+overstated. Take the case of the apparently simple measurement of height of
+individuals. Unless we specify various factors like the time when the height
+will be measured (it is known that the height of individuals vary across
+various time points of the day), how the variability due to hair would be taken
+care of, whether the measurement will be with or without shoes, what kind of
+accuracy is expected (correct up to an inch, 1/2 inch, centimeter, etc.)—even
+this simple measurement will lead to substantial variation. Engineers must
+appreciate the need to define measures from an operational perspective.
+#### 3.1. Levels (Scales) of Measurement
-Once the operational definitions are determined,
-the actual measurements need to be undertaken.
-It is to be noted that measurement may be car-
-ried out in four different scales: namely, nominal,
-ordinal, interval, and ratio. Brief descriptions of
-each are given below.
-Nominal scale: This is the lowest level of mea-
-surement and represents the most unrestricted
-assignment of numerals. The numerals serve only
-as labels, and words or letters would serve as well.
-The nominal scale of measurement involves only
-classification and the observed sampling units
-are put into any one of the mutually exclusive
-and collectively exhaustive categories (classes).
+<!-- [4*, c3s2] [6*, c7s5] -->
+Once the operational definitions are determined, the actual measurements need
+to be undertaken. It is to be noted that measurement may be carried out in
+four different scales: namely, nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio. Brief
+descriptions of each are given below.
+Nominal scale: This is the lowest level of measurement and represents the
+most unrestricted assignment of numerals. The numerals serve only as labels,
+and words or letters would serve as well. The nominal scale of measurement
+involves only classification and the observed sampling units are put into any
+one of the mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive categories (classes).
 Some examples of nominal scales are:
 - Job titles in a company
-- The software development life cycle (SDLC)
-    model (like waterfall, iterative, agile, etc.)
-    followed by different software projects
+- The software development life cycle (SDLC) model (like waterfall, iterative,
+  agile, etc.) followed by different software projects
+In nominal scale, the names of the different categories are just labels and
+no relationship between them is assumed. The only operations that can be
+carried out on nominal scale is that of counting the number of occurrences in
+the different classes and determining if two occurrences have the same nominal
+value. However, statistical analyses may be carried out to understand how
+entities belonging to different classes perform with respect to some other
+response variable.
-In nominal scale, the names of the different cat-
-egories are just labels and no relationship between
-them is assumed. The only operations that can be
-carried out on nominal scale is that of counting
-the number of occurrences in the different classes
-and determining if two occurrences have the same
-nominal value. However, statistical analyses may
-be carried out to understand how entities belong-
-ing to different classes perform with respect to
-some other response variable.
-Ordinal scale: Refers to the measurement scale
-where the different values obtained through the
-process of measurement have an implicit order-
-ing. The intervals between values are not speci-
-fied and there is no objectively defined zero
-element. Typical examples of measurements in
-ordinal scales are:
+Ordinal scale: Refers to the measurement scale where the different values
+obtained through the process of measurement have an implicit ordering. The
+intervals between values are not specified and there is no objectively
+defined zero element. Typical examples of measurements in ordinal scales are:
 - Skill levels (low, medium, high)
-- Capability Maturity Model Integration
-    (CMMI) maturity levels of software devel-
-    opment organizations
+- Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) maturity levels of software
+  development organizations
+- Level of adherence to process as measured in a 5-point scale of excellent,
+  above average, average, below average, and poor, indicating the range from
+  total adherence to no adherence at all
-Engineering Foundations 15-7
-- Level of adherence to process as measured in
-    a 5-point scale of excellent, above average,
-    average, below average, and poor, indicating
-    the range from total adherence to no adher-
-    ence at all
-Measurement in ordinal scale satisfies the tran-
-sitivity property in the sense that if A > B and B
+Measurement in ordinal scale satisfies the transitivity property in the sense
+that if A > B and B
 > C, then A > C. However, arithmetic operations
-cannot be carried out on variables measured in
-ordinal scales. Thus, if we measure customer sat-
-isfaction on a 5-point ordinal scale of 5 implying
-a very high level of satisfaction and 1 implying a
-very high level of dissatisfaction, we cannot say
-that a score of four is twice as good as a score
-of two. So, it is better to use terminology such
-as excellent, above average, average, below aver-
-age, and poor than ordinal numbers in order to
-avoid the error of treating an ordinal scale as a
-ratio scale. It is important to note that ordinal
-scale measures are commonly misused and such
-misuse can lead to erroneous conclusions [6*,
-p274]. A common misuse of ordinal scale mea-
-sures is to present a mean and standard deviation
-for the data set, both of which are meaningless.
-However, we can find the median, as computation
-of the median involves counting only.
-_Interval scales:_ With the interval scale, we
-come to a form that is quantitative in the ordi-
-nary sense of the word. Almost all the usual sta-
-tistical measures are applicable here, unless they
-require knowledge of a _true_ zero point. The zero
-point on an interval scale is a matter of conven-
-tion. Ratios do not make sense, but the difference
-between levels of attributes can be computed and
-is meaningful. Some examples of interval scale of
-measurement follow:
+cannot be carried out on variables measured in ordinal scales. Thus, if we
+measure customer satisfaction on a 5-point ordinal scale of 5 implying a very
+high level of satisfaction and 1 implying a very high level of dissatisfaction,
+we cannot say that a score of four is twice as good as a score of two. So, it
+is better to use terminology such as excellent, above average, average, below
+average, and poor than ordinal numbers in order to avoid the error of
+treating an ordinal scale as a ratio scale. It is important to note that
+ordinal scale measures are commonly misused and such misuse can lead to
+erroneous conclusions [6*, p274]. A common misuse of ordinal scale measures
+is to present a mean and standard deviation for the data set, both of which are
+meaningless. However, we can find the median, as computation of the median
+involves counting only. _Interval scales:_ With the interval scale, we come to
+a form that is quantitative in the ordinary sense of the word. Almost all the
+usual statistical measures are applicable here, unless they require knowledge
+of a _true_ zero point. The zero point on an interval scale is a matter of
+convention. Ratios do not make sense, but the difference between levels of
+attributes can be computed and is meaningful. Some examples of interval scale
+of measurement follow:
-- Measurement of temperature in different
-    scales, such as Celsius and Fahrenheit. Sup-
-    pose T 1 and T 2 are temperatures measured
-    in some scale. We note that the fact that T 1
-    is twice T 2 does not mean that one object is
-    twice as hot as another. We also note that the
-    zero points are arbitrary.
-- Calendar dates. While the difference between
-    dates to measure the time elapsed is a mean-
-    ingful concept, the ratio does not make sense.
-- Many psychological measurements aspire to
-    create interval scales. Intelligence is often
+- Measurement of temperature in different scales, such as Celsius and
+  Fahrenheit. Suppose T 1 and T 2 are temperatures measured in some scale. We
+  note that the fact that T 1 is twice T 2 does not mean that one object is
+  twice as hot as another. We also note that the zero points are arbitrary.
+- Calendar dates. While the difference between dates to measure the time
+  elapsed is a meaningful concept, the ratio does not make sense.
+- Many psychological measurements aspire to create interval scales.
+  Intelligence is often measured in interval scale, as it is not necessary to
+  define what zero intelligence would mean.
+If a variable is measured in interval scale, most of the usual statistical
+analyses like mean, standard deviation, correlation, and regression may be
+carried out on the measured values. Ratio scale: These are quite commonly
+encountered in physical science. These scales of measures are characterized
+by the fact that operations exist for determining all 4 relations: equality,
+rank order, equality of intervals, and equality of ratios. Once such a scale is
+available, its numerical values can be transformed from one unit to another
+by just multiplying by a constant, e.g., conversion of inches to feet or
+centimeters. When measurements are being made in ratio scale, existence of a
+nonarbitrary zero is mandatory. All statistical measures are applicable to
+ratio scale; logarithm usage is valid only when these scales are used, as in
+the case of decibels. Some examples of ratio measures are
-measured in interval scale, as it is not neces-
-sary to define what zero intelligence would
+- the number of statements in a software program
+- temperature measured in the Kelvin (K) scale or in Fahrenheit (F).
+An additional measurement scale, the absolute scale, is a ratio scale with
+uniqueness of the measure; i.e., a measure for which no transformation is
+possible (for example, the number of programmers working on a project).
-If a variable is measured in interval scale, most
-of the usual statistical analyses like mean, stan-
-dard deviation, correlation, and regression may
-be carried out on the measured values.
-Ratio scale: These are quite commonly encoun-
-tered in physical science. These scales of mea-
-sures are characterized by the fact that operations
-exist for determining all 4 relations: equality, rank
-order, equality of intervals, and equality of ratios.
-Once such a scale is available, its numerical val-
-ues can be transformed from one unit to another
-by just multiplying by a constant, e.g., conversion
-of inches to feet or centimeters. When measure-
-ments are being made in ratio scale, existence of
-a nonarbitrary zero is mandatory. All statistical
-measures are applicable to ratio scale; logarithm
-usage is valid only when these scales are used, as
-in the case of decibels. Some examples of ratio
-measures are
+#### 3.2. Direct and Derived Measures
-- the number of statements in a software
-    program
-- temperature measured in the Kelvin (K) scale
-    or in Fahrenheit (F).
+<!-- [6*, c7s5] -->
+Measures may be either direct or derived (sometimes called indirect
+measures). An example of a direct measure would be a count of how many times an
+event occurred, such as the number of defects found in a software product. A
+derived measure is one that combines direct measures in some way that is
+consistent with the measurement method. An example of a derived measure would
+be calculating the productivity of a team as the number of lines of code
+developed per developer-month. In both cases, the measurement method
+determines how to make the measurement.
-An additional measurement scale, the absolute
-scale, is a ratio scale with uniqueness of the mea-
-sure; i.e., a measure for which no transformation
-is possible (for example, the number of program-
-mers working on a project).
+#### 3.3. Reliability and Validity
+<!-- [4*, c3s4, c3s5] -->
-3.2. Direct and Derived Measures
-[6*, c7s5]
-Measures may be either direct or derived (some-
-times called indirect measures). An example of
-a direct measure would be a count of how many
-times an event occurred, such as the number of
-defects found in a software product. A derived
-measure is one that combines direct measures in
-some way that is consistent with the measurement
-method. An example of a derived measure would
-be calculating the productivity of a team as the
-number of lines of code developed per developer-
-month. In both cases, the measurement method
-determines how to make the measurement.
+A basic question to be asked for any measurement method is whether the
+proposed measurement method is truly measuring the concept with good quality.
+Reliability and validity are the two most important criteria to address this
+question. The reliability of a measurement method is the extent to which the
+application of the measurement method yields consistent measurement results.
+Essentially, _reliability_ refers to the consistency of the values obtained
+when the same item is measured a number of times. When the results agree with
+each other, the measurement method is said to be reliable. Reliability usually
+depends on the operational definition. It can be quantified by using the index
+of variation, which is computed as the ratio between the standard deviation
+and the mean. The smaller the index, the more reliable the measurement results.
+_Validity_ refers to whether the measurement method really measures what we
+intend to measure. Validity of a measurement method may be looked at from
+three different perspectives: namely, construct validity, criteria validity,
+and content validity.
-_3.3. Reliability and Validity_
-[4*, c3s4, c3s5]
+#### 3.4. Assessing Reliability
-A basic question to be asked for any measure-
-ment method is whether the proposed measure-
-ment method is truly measuring the concept with
-good quality. Reliability and validity are the two
-most important criteria to address this question.
-The reliability of a measurement method is
-the extent to which the application of the mea-
-surement method yields consistent measurement
-results. Essentially, _reliability_ refers to the consis-
-tency of the values obtained when the same item
-is measured a number of times. When the results
-agree with each other, the measurement method
-is said to be reliable. Reliability usually depends
-on the operational definition. It can be quantified
-by using the index of variation, which is com-
-puted as the ratio between the standard deviation
-and the mean. The smaller the index, the more
-reliable the measurement results.
-_Validity_ refers to whether the measurement
-method really measures what we intend to mea-
-sure. Validity of a measurement method may
-be looked at from three different perspectives:
-namely, construct validity, criteria validity, and
-content validity.
+<!-- [4*, c3s5] -->
-_3.4. Assessing Reliability_
-[4*, c3s5]
+There are several methods for assessing reliability; these include the
+test-retest method, the alternative form method, the split-halves method, and
+the internal consistency method. The easiest of these is the test-retest
+method. In the test-retest method, we simply apply the measurement method to
+the same subjects twice. The correlation coefficient between the first and
+second set of measurement results gives the reliability of the measurement
-There are several methods for assessing reli-
-ability; these include the test-retest method, the
-alternative form method, the split-halves method,
-and the internal consistency method. The easi-
-est of these is the test-retest method. In the test-
-retest method, we simply apply the measurement
-method to the same subjects twice. The correla-
-tion coefficient between the first and second set
-of measurement results gives the reliability of the
-measurement method.
+### 4. Engineering Design
-**4. Engineering Design**
-    [5*, c1s2, c1s3, c1s4]
+<!-- [5*, c1s2, c1s3, c1s4] -->
-A product’s life cycle costs are largely influenced
-by the design of the product. This is true for manu-
-factured products as well as for software products.
+A product’s life cycle costs are largely influenced by the design of the
+product. This is true for manufactured products as well as for software
+The design of a software product is guided by the features to be included and
+the quality attributes to be provided. It is important to note that software
+engineers use the term “design” within their own context; while there are some
+commonalities, there are also many differences between engineering design as
+discussed in this section and software engineering design as discussed in the
+Software Design KA. The scope of engineering design is generally viewed as
+much broader than that of software design. The primary aim of this section is
+to identify the concepts needed to develop a clear understanding regarding the
+process of engineering design.
-The design of a software product is guided by
-the features to be included and the quality attri-
-butes to be provided. It is important to note that
-software engineers use the term “design” within
-their own context; while there are some common-
-alities, there are also many differences between
-engineering design as discussed in this section
-and software engineering design as discussed in
-the Software Design KA. The scope of engineer-
-ing design is generally viewed as much broader
-than that of software design. The primary aim of
-this section is to identify the concepts needed to
-develop a clear understanding regarding the pro-
-cess of engineering design.
-Many disciplines engage in problem solving
-activities where there is a single correct solu-
-tion. In engineering, most problems have many
-solutions and the focus is on finding a feasible
-solution (among the many alternatives) that
-best meets the needs presented. The set of pos-
-sible solutions is often constrained by explic-
-itly imposed limitations such as cost, available
-resources, and the state of discipline or domain
-knowledge. In engineering problems, sometimes
-there are also implicit constraints (such as the
-physical properties of materials or laws of phys-
-ics) that also restrict the set of feasible solutions
-for a given problem.
+Many disciplines engage in problem solving activities where there is a single
+correct solution. In engineering, most problems have many solutions and the
+focus is on finding a feasible solution (among the many alternatives) that best
+meets the needs presented. The set of possible solutions is often constrained
+by explicitly imposed limitations such as cost, available resources, and the
+state of discipline or domain knowledge. In engineering problems, sometimes
+there are also implicit constraints (such as the physical properties of
+materials or laws of physics) that also restrict the set of feasible
+solutions for a given problem.
+#### 4.1. Engineering Design in Engineering Education
-4.1. Engineering Design in Engineering
+The importance of engineering design in engineering education can be clearly
+seen by the high expectations held by various accreditation bodies for
+engineering education. Both the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board and
+the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) note the
+importance of including engineering design in education programs.
+The Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board includes requirements for the
+amount of engineering design experience/coursework that is necessary for
+engineering students as well as qualifications for the faculty members who
+teach such coursework or supervise design projects. Their accreditation
+criteria states:
+Design: An ability to design solutions for complex, open-ended engineering
+problems and to design systems, components or processes that meet specified
+needs with appropriate attention to health and safety risks, applicable
+standards, and economic, environmental, cultural and societal considerations.
-The importance of engineering design in engi-
-neering education can be clearly seen by the high
-expectations held by various accreditation bod-
-ies for engineering education. Both the Cana-
-dian Engineering Accreditation Board and the
-Accreditation Board for Engineering and Tech-
-nology (ABET) note the importance of including
-engineering design in education programs.
-The Canadian Engineering Accreditation
-Board includes requirements for the amount of
-engineering design experience/coursework that
-is necessary for engineering students as well as
-qualifications for the faculty members who teach
-such coursework or supervise design projects.
-Their accreditation criteria states:
+[8, p12]
+In a similar manner, ABET defines engineering design as the process of devising
+a system, component, or process to meet desired needs. It is a
+decision-making process (often iterative), in which the basic sciences, math-
+ematics, and the engineering sciences are applied to convert resources
+optimally to meet these stated needs. [9, p4]
+Thus, it is clear that engineering design is a vital component in the training
+and education for all engineers. The remainder of this section will focus on
+various aspects of engineering design.
-Engineering Foundations 15-9
+#### 4.2. Design as a Problem Solving Activity
+<!-- [5*, c1s4, c2s1, c3s3] -->
-Design: An ability to design solutions for
-complex, open-ended engineering prob-
-lems and to design systems, components
-or processes that meet specified needs with
-appropriate attention to health and safety
-risks, applicable standards, and economic,
-environmental, cultural and societal con-
-siderations. [8, p12]
+It is to be noted that engineering design is primarily a problem solving
+activity. Design problems are open ended and more vaguely defined. There are
+usually several alternative ways to solve the same problem. Design is generally
+considered to be a _wicked problem_ —a term first coined by Horst Rittel in the
+1960s when design methods were a subject of intense interest. Rittel sought an
+alternative to the linear, step-by-step model of the design process being
+explored by many designers and design theorists and argued that most of the
+problems addressed by the designers are wicked problems. As explained by
+Steve McConnell, a wicked problem is one that could be clearly defined only by
+solving it or by solving part of it. This paradox implies, essentially, that a
+wicked problem has to be solved once in order to define it clearly and then
+solved again to create a solution that works. This has been an important
+insight for software designers for several decades [10*, c5s1].
-In a similar manner, ABET defines engineering
-design as
+#### 4.3. Steps Involved in Engineering Design
+<!-- [7*, c4] -->
-the process of devising a system, compo-
-nent, or process to meet desired needs. It
-is a decision-making process (often itera-
-tive), in which the basic sciences, math-
-ematics, and the engineering sciences are
-applied to convert resources optimally to
-meet these stated needs. [9, p4]
+Engineering problem solving begins when a need is recognized and no existing
+solution will meet that need. As part of this problem solving, the design goals
+to be achieved by the solution should be identified. Additionally, a set of
+acceptance criteria must be defined and used to determine how well a
+proposed solution will satisfy the need. Once a need for a solution to a
+problem has been identified, the process of engineering design has the
+following generic steps:
-Thus, it is clear that engineering design is a
-vital component in the training and education for
-all engineers. The remainder of this section will
-focus on various aspects of engineering design.
-_4.2. Design as a Problem Solving Activity_
-[5*, c1s4, c2s1, c3s3]
-It is to be noted that engineering design is primar-
-ily a problem solving activity. Design problems
-are open ended and more vaguely defined. There
-are usually several alternative ways to solve the
-same problem. Design is generally considered to
-be a _wicked problem_ —a term first coined by Horst
-Rittel in the 1960s when design methods were a
-subject of intense interest. Rittel sought an alterna-
-tive to the linear, step-by-step model of the design
-process being explored by many designers and
-design theorists and argued that most of the prob-
-lems addressed by the designers are wicked prob-
-lems. As explained by Steve McConnell, a wicked
-problem is one that could be clearly defined only
-by solving it or by solving part of it. This paradox
-implies, essentially, that a wicked problem has to
-be solved once in order to define it clearly and then
-solved again to create a solution that works. This
-has been an important insight for software design-
-ers for several decades [10*, c5s1].
-4.3. Steps Involved in Engineering Design
-[7*, c4]
-Engineering problem solving begins when a
-need is recognized and no existing solution will
-meet that need. As part of this problem solving,
-the design goals to be achieved by the solution
-should be identified. Additionally, a set of accep-
-tance criteria must be defined and used to deter-
-mine how well a proposed solution will satisfy
-the need. Once a need for a solution to a problem
-has been identified, the process of engineering
-design has the following generic steps:
 a) define the problem
 b) gather pertinent information
 c) generate multiple solutions
 d) analyze and select a solution
 e) implement the solution
+All of the engineering design steps are iterative, and knowledge gained at
+any step in the process may be used to inform earlier tasks and trigger an
+iteration in the process. These steps are expanded in the subsequent sections.
-All of the engineering design steps are itera-
-tive, and knowledge gained at any step in the
-process may be used to inform earlier tasks and
-trigger an iteration in the process. These steps are
-expanded in the subsequent sections.
+a. Define the problem. At this stage, the customer’s requirements are
+gathered. Specific information about product functions and features are also
+closely examined. This step includes refining the problem statement to identify
+the real problem to be solved and setting the design goals and criteria for
+The problem definition is a crucial stage in engineering design. A point to
+note is that this step is deceptively simple. Thus, enough care must be taken
+to carry out this step judiciously. It is important to identify needs and link
+the success criteria with the required product characteristics. It is also an
+engineering task to limit the scope of a problem and its solution through
+negotiation among the stakeholders.
-a. Define the problem. At this stage, the custom-
-er’s requirements are gathered. Specific informa-
-tion about product functions and features are also
-closely examined. This step includes refining the
-problem statement to identify the real problem to
-be solved and setting the design goals and criteria
-for success.
-The problem definition is a crucial stage in
-engineering design. A point to note is that this
-step is deceptively simple. Thus, enough care
-must be taken to carry out this step judiciously. It
-is important to identify needs and link the success
-criteria with the required product characteristics.
-It is also an engineering task to limit the scope
-of a problem and its solution through negotiation
-among the stakeholders.
+b. Gather pertinent information. At this stage, the designer attempts to expand
+his/her knowledge about the problem. This is a vital, yet often neglected,
+stage. Gathering pertinent information can reveal facts leading to a
+redefinition of the problem—in particular, mistakes and false starts may be
+identified. This step may also involve the decomposition of the problem into
+smaller, more easily solved subproblems.
+While gathering pertinent information, care must be taken to identify how a
+product may be used as well as misused. It is also important to understand the
+perceived value of the product/ service being offered. Included in the
+pertinent information is a list of constraints that must be satisfied by the
+solution or that may limit the set of feasible solutions.
-b. Gather pertinent information. At this stage,
-the designer attempts to expand his/her knowl-
-edge about the problem. This is a vital, yet often
-neglected, stage. Gathering pertinent information
-can reveal facts leading to a redefinition of the
+_c. Generate multiple solutions._ During this stage, different solutions to the
+same problem are developed. It has already been stated that design problems
+have multiple solutions. The goal of this step is to conceptualize multiple
+possible solutions and refine them to a sufficient level of detail that a
+comparison can be done among them.
-problem—in particular, mistakes and false starts
-may be identified. This step may also involve the
-decomposition of the problem into smaller, more
-easily solved subproblems.
-While gathering pertinent information, care
-must be taken to identify how a product may be
-used as well as misused. It is also important to
-understand the perceived value of the product/
-service being offered. Included in the pertinent
-information is a list of constraints that must be
-satisfied by the solution or that may limit the set
-of feasible solutions.
-_c. Generate multiple solutions._ During this stage,
-different solutions to the same problem are devel-
-oped. It has already been stated that design prob-
-lems have multiple solutions. The goal of this
-step is to conceptualize multiple possible solu-
-tions and refine them to a sufficient level of detail
-that a comparison can be done among them.
-_d. Analyze and select a solution._ Once alternative
-solutions have been identified, they need to be ana-
-lyzed to identify the solution that best suits the cur-
-rent situation. The analysis includes a functional
-analysis to assess whether the proposed design
-would meet the functional requirements. Physical
-solutions that involve human users often include
-analysis of the ergonomics or user friendliness of
-the proposed solution. Other aspects of the solu-
-tion—such as product safety and liability, an eco-
-nomic or market analysis to ensure a return (profit)
-on the solution, performance predictions and anal-
-ysis to meet quality characteristics, opportunities
-for incorrect data input or hardware malfunctions,
-and so on—may be studied. The types and amount
-of analysis used on a proposed solution are depen-
-dent on the type of problem and the needs that the
-solution must address as well as the constraints
-imposed on the design.
-_e. Implement the solution._ The final phase of the
-design process is implementation. Implemen-
-tation refers to development and testing of the
-proposed solution. Sometimes a preliminary,
-partial solution called a _prototyp_ e may be devel-
-oped initially to test the proposed design solu-
-tion under certain conditions. Feedback resulting
-from testing a prototype may be used either to
+_d. Analyze and select a solution._ Once alternative solutions have been
+identified, they need to be analyzed to identify the solution that best suits
+the current situation. The analysis includes a functional analysis to assess
+whether the proposed design would meet the functional requirements. Physical
+solutions that involve human users often include analysis of the ergonomics or
+user friendliness of the proposed solution. Other aspects of the solu-
+tion—such as product safety and liability, an economic or market analysis to
+ensure a return (profit) on the solution, performance predictions and anal-
+ysis to meet quality characteristics, opportunities for incorrect data input or
+hardware malfunctions, and so on—may be studied. The types and amount of
+analysis used on a proposed solution are dependent on the type of problem and
+the needs that the solution must address as well as the constraints imposed on
+the design.
+_e. Implement the solution._ The final phase of the design process is
+implementation. Implementation refers to development and testing of the
+proposed solution. Sometimes a preliminary, partial solution called a
+_prototyp_ e may be developed initially to test the proposed design solu-
+tion under certain conditions. Feedback resulting from testing a prototype may
+be used either to refine the design or drive the selection of an alternative
+design solution. One of the most important activities in design is
+documentation of the design solution as well as of the tradeoffs for the
+choices made in the design of the solution. This work should be carried out in
+a manner such that the solution to the design problem can be communicated
+clearly to others.
-refine the design or drive the selection of an alter-
-native design solution. One of the most impor-
-tant activities in design is documentation of the
-design solution as well as of the tradeoffs for the
-choices made in the design of the solution. This
-work should be carried out in a manner such that
-the solution to the design problem can be com-
-municated clearly to others.
-The testing and verification take us back to the
-success criteria. The engineer needs to devise
-tests such that the ability of the design to meet the
-success criteria is demonstrated. While design-
-ing the tests, the engineer must think through
-different possible failure modes and then design
-tests based on those failure modes. The engineer
-may choose to carry out designed experiments to
+The testing and verification take us back to the success criteria. The engineer
+needs to devise tests such that the ability of the design to meet the success
+criteria is demonstrated. While designing the tests, the engineer must think
+through different possible failure modes and then design tests based on those
+failure modes. The engineer may choose to carry out designed experiments to
 assess the validity of the design.
-**5. Modeling, Simulation, and Prototyping**
-    [5*, c6] [11*, c13s3] [12*, c2s3.1]
+### 5. Modeling, Simulation, and Prototyping
+<!-- [5*, c6] [11*, c13s3] [12*, c2s3.1] -->
-Modeling is part of the abstraction process used
-to represent some aspects of a system. Simula-
-tion uses a model of the system and provides a
-means of conducting designed experiments with
-that model to better understand the system, its
-behavior, and relationships between subsystems,
-as well as to analyze aspects of the design. Mod-
-eling and simulation are techniques that can be
-used to construct theories or hypotheses about the
-behavior of the system; engineers then use those
-theories to make predictions about the system.
-Prototyping is another abstraction process where
-a partial representation (that captures aspects of
-interest) of the product or system is built. A pro-
-totype may be an initial version of the system but
-lacks the full functionality of the final version.
+Modeling is part of the abstraction process used to represent some aspects of a
+system. Simulation uses a model of the system and provides a means of
+conducting designed experiments with that model to better understand the
+system, its behavior, and relationships between subsystems, as well as to
+analyze aspects of the design. Modeling and simulation are techniques that
+can be used to construct theories or hypotheses about the behavior of the
+system; engineers then use those theories to make predictions about the system.
+Prototyping is another abstraction process where a partial representation (that
+captures aspects of interest) of the product or system is built. A prototype
+may be an initial version of the system but lacks the full functionality of the
+final version.
+#### 5.1. Modeling
-5.1. Modeling
+A model is always an abstraction of some real or imagined artifact. Engineers
+use models in many ways as part of their problem solving activities. Some
+models are physical, such as a made-to-scale miniature construction of a bridge
+or building. Other models may be nonphysical representations, such as a CAD
+drawing of a cog or a mathematical model for a process. Models help engineers
+reason and understand aspects of a problem. They can also help engineers under-
+stand what they do know and what they don’t know about the problem at hand.
+There are three types of models: iconic, analogic, and symbolic. An iconic
+model is a visu- ally equivalent but incomplete 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional
+representation—for example, maps, globes, or built-to-scale models of
+structures such as bridges or highways. An iconic model actually resembles the
+artifact modeled. In contrast, an analogic model is a functionally equivalent
+but incomplete representation. That is, the model behaves like the physical
+artifact even though it may not physically resemble it. Examples of analogic
+models include a miniature airplane for wind tunnel testing or a computer
+simulation of a manufacturing process.
-A model is always an abstraction of some real
-or imagined artifact. Engineers use models in
-many ways as part of their problem solving
-activities. Some models are physical, such as a
-made-to-scale miniature construction of a bridge
-or building. Other models may be nonphysical
-representations, such as a CAD drawing of a cog
-or a mathematical model for a process. Models
-help engineers reason and understand aspects of
+Finally, a symbolic model is a higher level of abstraction, where the model is
+represented using symbols such as equations. The model captures the relevant
+aspects of the process or system in symbolic form. The symbols can then be used
+to increase the engineer’s understanding of the final system. An example is an
+equation such as _F = Ma_. Such mathematical models can be used to describe and
+predict properties or behavior of the final system or product.
+#### 5.2. Simulation
+All simulation models are a specification of reality. A central issue in
+simulation is to abstract and specify an appropriate simplification of reality.
+Developing this abstraction is of vital importance, as misspecification of the
+abstraction would invalidate the results of the simulation exercise.
+Simulation can be used for a variety of testing purposes.
-Engineering Foundations 15-11
+Simulation is classified based on the type of system under study. Thus,
+simulation can be either continuous or discrete. In the context of software
+engineering, the emphasis will be primarily on discrete simulation. Discrete
+simulations may model event scheduling or process interaction. The main
+components in such a model include entities, activities and events, resources,
+the state of the system, a simulation clock, and a random number generator.
+Output is generated by the simulation and must be analyzed.
-a problem. They can also help engineers under-
-stand what they do know and what they don’t
-know about the problem at hand.
-There are three types of models: iconic, ana-
-logic, and symbolic. An iconic model is a visu-
-ally equivalent but incomplete 2-dimensional
-or 3-dimensional representation—for example,
-maps, globes, or built-to-scale models of struc-
-tures such as bridges or highways. An iconic
-model actually resembles the artifact modeled.
-In contrast, an analogic model is a functionally
-equivalent but incomplete representation. That
-is, the model behaves like the physical artifact
-even though it may not physically resemble it.
-Examples of analogic models include a miniature
-airplane for wind tunnel testing or a computer
-simulation of a manufacturing process.
-Finally, a symbolic model is a higher level of
-abstraction, where the model is represented using
-symbols such as equations. The model captures
-the relevant aspects of the process or system in
-symbolic form. The symbols can then be used to
-increase the engineer’s understanding of the final
-system. An example is an equation such as _F =
-Ma_. Such mathematical models can be used to
-describe and predict properties or behavior of the
-final system or product.
+An important problem in the development of a discrete simulation is that of
+initialization. Before a simulation can be run, the initial values of all the
+state variables must be provided. As the simulation designer may not know
+what initial values are appropriate for the state variables, these values
+might be chosen somewhat arbitrarily. For instance, it might be decided that a
+queue should be initialized as empty and idle. Such a choice of initial
+condition can have a significant but unrecognized impact on the outcome of
+the simulation.
-_5.2. Simulation_
+#### 5.3. Prototyping
-All simulation models are a specification of real-
-ity. A central issue in simulation is to abstract
-and specify an appropriate simplification of
-reality. Developing this abstraction is of vital
-importance, as misspecification of the abstrac-
-tion would invalidate the results of the simulation
-exercise. Simulation can be used for a variety of
-testing purposes.
-Simulation is classified based on the type of
-system under study. Thus, simulation can be either
-continuous or discrete. In the context of software
-engineering, the emphasis will be primarily on
-discrete simulation. Discrete simulations may
-model event scheduling or process interaction.
-The main components in such a model include
-entities, activities and events, resources, the state
-of the system, a simulation clock, and a random
-number generator. Output is generated by the
-simulation and must be analyzed.
+Constructing a prototype of a system is another abstraction process. In this
+case, an initial version of the system is constructed, often while the system
+is being designed. This helps the designers determine the feasibility of their
+design. There are many uses for a prototype, including the elicitation of
+requirements, the design and refinement of a user interface to the system,
+validation of functional requirements, and so on. The objectives and purposes
+for building the prototype will determine its construction and the level of
+abstraction used.
+The role of prototyping is somewhat different between physical systems and
+software. With physical systems, the prototype may actually be the first fully
+functional version of a system or it may be a model of the system. In software
+engineering, prototypes are also an abstract model of part of the software but
+are usually not constructed with all of the architectural, performance, and
+other quality characteristics expected in the finished product. In either case,
+prototype construction must have a clear purpose and be planned, monitored, and
+controlled—it is a technique to study a specific problem within a limited
+context [6*, c2s8].
-An important problem in the development of a
-discrete simulation is that of initialization. Before
-a simulation can be run, the initial values of all
-the state variables must be provided. As the simu-
-lation designer may not know what initial values
-are appropriate for the state variables, these val-
-ues might be chosen somewhat arbitrarily. For
-instance, it might be decided that a queue should
-be initialized as empty and idle. Such a choice of
-initial condition can have a significant but unrec-
-ognized impact on the outcome of the simulation.
+In conclusion, modeling, simulation, and prototyping are powerful techniques
+for studying the behavior of a system from a given perspective. All can be used
+to perform designed experiments to study various aspects of the system.
+However, these are abstractions and, as such, may not model all
+attributes of interest.
+### 6. Standards
-5.3. Prototyping
+<!-- [5*, c9s3.2] [13*, c1s2] -->
+Moore states that a standard can be; (a) an object or measure of comparison
+that defines or represents the magnitude of a unit; (b) a characterization
+that establishes allowable tolerances for categories of items; and (c) a degree
+or level of required excellence or attainment. Standards are definitional in
+nature, established either to further understanding and interaction or to
+acknowledge observed (or desired) norms of exhibited characteristics or
+behavior. [13*, p8]
-Constructing a prototype of a system is another
-abstraction process. In this case, an initial version
-of the system is constructed, often while the sys-
-tem is being designed. This helps the designers
-determine the feasibility of their design.
-There are many uses for a prototype, includ-
-ing the elicitation of requirements, the design and
-refinement of a user interface to the system, vali-
-dation of functional requirements, and so on. The
-objectives and purposes for building the proto-
-type will determine its construction and the level
-of abstraction used.
-The role of prototyping is somewhat different
-between physical systems and software. With
-physical systems, the prototype may actually
-be the first fully functional version of a system
-or it may be a model of the system. In software
-engineering, prototypes are also an abstract
-model of part of the software but are usually not
-constructed with all of the architectural, perfor-
-mance, and other quality characteristics expected
-in the finished product. In either case, prototype
-construction must have a clear purpose and be
-planned, monitored, and controlled—it is a tech-
-nique to study a specific problem within a limited
-context [6*, c2s8].
-In conclusion, modeling, simulation, and pro-
-totyping are powerful techniques for studying the
-behavior of a system from a given perspective.
-All can be used to perform designed experiments
-to study various aspects of the system. How-
-ever, these are abstractions and, as such, may not
-model all attributes of interest.
+Standards provide requirements, specifications, guidelines, or
+characteristics that must be observed by engineers so that the products, pro-
+cesses, and materials have acceptable levels of quality. The qualities that
+various standards provide may be those of safety, reliability, or other
+product characteristics. Standards are considered critical to engineers and
+engineers are expected to be familiar with and to use the appropriate stan-
+dards in their discipline.
+Compliance or conformance to a standard lets an organization say to the public
+that they (or their products) meet the requirements stated in that standard.
+Thus, standards divide organizations or their products into those that
+conform to the standard and those that do not. For a standard to be useful,
+conformance with the standard must add value—real or perceived—to the product,
+process, or effort.
-**6. Standards**
-    [5*, c9s3.2] [13*, c1s2]
+Apart from the organizational goals, standards are used for a number of other
+purposes such as protecting the buyer, protecting the business, and better
+defining the methods and procedures to be followed by the practice. Standards
+also provide users with a common terminology and expectations.
-Moore states that a
+There are many internationally recognized standards-making organizations
+including the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the International
+Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), IEEE, and the International Organization for
+Standardization (ISO). In addition, there are regional and governmentally
+recognized organizations that generate standards for that region or country.
+For example, in the United States, there are over 300 organizations that
+develop standards. These include organizations such as the American National
+Standards Institute (ANSI), the American Society for Testing and Materials
+(ASTM), the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), and Underwriters
+Laboratories, Inc. (UL), as well as the US government. For more detail on
+standards used in software engineering, see Appendix B on standards.
+There is a set of commonly used principles behind standards. Standards makers
+attempt to have consensus around their decisions. There is usually an openness
+within the community of interest so that once a standard has been set, there is
+a good chance that it will be widely accepted. Most standards organizations
+have well-defined processes for their efforts and adhere to those processes
+carefully. Engineers must be aware of the existing standards but must also
+update their understanding of the standards as those standards change over
-standard can be; (a) an object or measure
-of comparison that defines or represents
-the magnitude of a unit; (b) a characteriza-
-tion that establishes allowable tolerances
-for categories of items; and (c) a degree or
-level of required excellence or attainment.
-Standards are definitional in nature, estab-
-lished either to further understanding and
-interaction or to acknowledge observed (or
-desired) norms of exhibited characteristics
-or behavior. [13*, p8]
+In many engineering endeavors, knowing and understanding the applicable
+standards is critical and the law may even require use of particular standards.
+In these cases, the standards often represent minimal requirements that must
+be met by the endeavor and thus are an element in the constraints imposed on
+any design effort. The engineer must review all current standards related to
+a given endeavor and determine which must be met. Their designs must then
+incorporate any and all constraints imposed by the applicable standard.
+Standards important to software engineers are discussed in more detail in an
+appendix specifically on this subject.
+### 7. Root Cause Analysis
+<!-- [4*, c5, c3s7, c9s8] [5*, c9s3, c9s4, c9s5] [13*, c13s3.4.5] -->
+Root cause analysis (RCA) is a process designed to investigate and identify why
+and how an undesirable event has happened. Root causes are underlying causes.
+The investigator should attempt to identify specific underlying causes of the
+event that has occurred. The primary objective of RCA is to prevent recurrence
+of the undesirable event. Thus, the more specific the investigator can be
+about why an event occurred, the easier it will be to prevent recurrence. A
+common way to identify specific underlying cause(s) is to ask a series of _why_
+#### 7.1. Techniques for Conducting Root Cause Analysis
-Standards provide requirements, specifica-
-tions, guidelines, or characteristics that must be
-observed by engineers so that the products, pro-
-cesses, and materials have acceptable levels of
-quality. The qualities that various standards pro-
-vide may be those of safety, reliability, or other
-product characteristics. Standards are considered
-critical to engineers and engineers are expected to
-be familiar with and to use the appropriate stan-
-dards in their discipline.
-Compliance or conformance to a standard lets
-an organization say to the public that they (or
-their products) meet the requirements stated in
-that standard. Thus, standards divide organiza-
-tions or their products into those that conform to
-the standard and those that do not. For a standard
-to be useful, conformance with the standard must
-add value—real or perceived—to the product,
-process, or effort.
-Apart from the organizational goals, standards
-are used for a number of other purposes such
-as protecting the buyer, protecting the business,
-and better defining the methods and procedures
-to be followed by the practice. Standards also
-provide users with a common terminology and
-There are many internationally recognized
-standards-making organizations including the
-International Telecommunications Union (ITU),
-the International Electrotechnical Commission
-(IEC), IEEE, and the International Organization
-for Standardization (ISO). In addition, there are
+<!-- [4*, c5] [5*, c3] -->
+There are many approaches used for both quality control and root cause
+analysis. The first step in any root cause analysis effort is to identify the
+real problem. Techniques such as statement-restatement, why-why diagrams, the
+revision method, present state and desired state diagrams, and the fresh-eye
+approach are used to identify and refine the real problem that needs to be
+addressed. Once the real problem has been identified, then work can begin to
+determine the cause of the problem. Ishikawa is known for the seven tools for
+quality control that he promoted. Some of those tools are helpful in
+identifying the causes for a given problem. Those tools are check sheets or
+checklists, Pareto diagrams, histograms, run charts, scatter diagrams, control
+charts, and fishbone or cause-and-effect diagrams. More recently, other
+approaches for quality improvement and root cause analysis have emerged. Some
+examples of these newer methods are affinity diagrams, relations diagrams,
+tree diagrams, matrix charts, matrix data analysis charts, process decision
+program charts, and arrow diagrams. A few of these techniques are briefly
+described below. A fishbone or cause-and-effect diagram is a way to visualize
+the various factors that affect some characteristic. The main line in the
+diagram represents the problem and the connecting lines represent the factors
+that led to or influenced the problem. Those factors are broken down into sub-
+factors and sub-subfactors until root causes can be identified.
-regional and governmentally recognized organi-
-zations that generate standards for that region or
-country. For example, in the United States, there
-are over 300 organizations that develop stan-
-dards. These include organizations such as the
-American National Standards Institute (ANSI),
-the American Society for Testing and Materials
-(ASTM), the Society of Automotive Engineers
-(SAE), and Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL),
-as well as the US government. For more detail
-on standards used in software engineering, see
-Appendix B on standards.
-There is a set of commonly used principles
-behind standards. Standards makers attempt to
-have consensus around their decisions. There is
-usually an openness within the community of
-interest so that once a standard has been set, there
-is a good chance that it will be widely accepted.
-Most standards organizations have well-defined
-processes for their efforts and adhere to those
-processes carefully. Engineers must be aware of
-the existing standards but must also update their
-understanding of the standards as those standards
-change over time.
-In many engineering endeavors, knowing and
-understanding the applicable standards is critical
-and the law may even require use of particular
-standards. In these cases, the standards often rep-
-resent minimal requirements that must be met by
-the endeavor and thus are an element in the con-
-straints imposed on any design effort. The engi-
-neer must review all current standards related to
-a given endeavor and determine which must be
-met. Their designs must then incorporate any and
-all constraints imposed by the applicable stan-
-dard. Standards important to software engineers
-are discussed in more detail in an appendix spe-
-cifically on this subject.
+A very simple approach that is useful in quality control is the use of a
+checklist. Checklists are a list of key points in a process with tasks that
+must be completed. As each task is completed, it is checked off the list. If a
+problem occurs, then sometimes the checklist can quickly identify tasks that
+may have been skipped or only partially completed.
-**7. Root Cause Analysis**
-    [4*, c5, c3s7, c9s8] [5*, c9s3, c9s4, c9s5]
-       [13*, c13s3.4.5]
+Finally, relations diagrams are a means for displaying complex relationships.
+They give visual support to cause-and-effect thinking. The diagram relates
+the specific to the general, revealing key causes and key effects.
+Root cause analysis aims at preventing the recurrence of undesirable events.
+Reduction of variation due to common causes requires utilization of a number
+of techniques. An important point to note is that these techniques should be
+used offline and not necessarily in direct response to the occurrence of some
+undesirable event. Some of the techniques that may be used to reduce variation
+due to common causes are given below.
-Root cause analysis (RCA) is a process designed
-to investigate and identify why and how an
-undesirable event has happened. Root causes
-are underlying causes. The investigator should
-attempt to identify specific underlying causes of
-the event that has occurred. The primary objective
+1. Cause-and-effect diagrams may be used to identify the sub and sub-sub
+   causes.
+2. Fault tree analysis is a technique that may be used to understand the
+   sources of failures.
+3. Designed experiments may be used to understand the impact of various
+   causes on the occurrence of undesirable events (see Empirical Methods and
+   Experimental Techniques in this KA).
+4. Various kinds of correlation analyses may be used to understand the
+   relationship between various causes and their impact. These techniques may
+   be used in cases when conducting controlled experiments is difficult but
+   data may be gathered (see Statistical Analysis in this KA).
+### Matrix Of Topics vs. Reference Material
+Montgomery and Runger 2007
-Engineering Foundations 15-13
-of RCA is to prevent recurrence of the undesir-
-able event. Thus, the more specific the investiga-
-tor can be about why an event occurred, the easier
-it will be to prevent recurrence. A common way
-to identify specific underlying cause(s) is to ask a
-series of _why_ questions.
+Null and Lobur 2006
-_7.1. Techniques for Conducting Root Cause
-[4*, c5] [5*, c3]
-There are many approaches used for both quality
-control and root cause analysis. The first step in
-any root cause analysis effort is to identify the real
-problem. Techniques such as statement-restate-
-ment, why-why diagrams, the revision method,
-present state and desired state diagrams, and the
-fresh-eye approach are used to identify and refine
-the real problem that needs to be addressed.
-Once the real problem has been identified, then
-work can begin to determine the cause of the
-problem. Ishikawa is known for the seven tools
-for quality control that he promoted. Some of
-those tools are helpful in identifying the causes
-for a given problem. Those tools are check sheets
-or checklists, Pareto diagrams, histograms, run
-charts, scatter diagrams, control charts, and
-fishbone or cause-and-effect diagrams. More
-recently, other approaches for quality improve-
-ment and root cause analysis have emerged. Some
-examples of these newer methods are affinity dia-
-grams, relations diagrams, tree diagrams, matrix
-charts, matrix data analysis charts, process deci-
-sion program charts, and arrow diagrams. A few
-of these techniques are briefly described below.
-A fishbone or cause-and-effect diagram is a
-way to visualize the various factors that affect
-some characteristic. The main line in the diagram
-represents the problem and the connecting lines
-represent the factors that led to or influenced the
-problem. Those factors are broken down into sub-
-factors and sub-subfactors until root causes can
-be identified.
+Kan 2002
-A very simple approach that is useful in quality
-control is the use of a checklist. Checklists are
-a list of key points in a process with tasks that
-must be completed. As each task is completed,
-it is checked off the list. If a problem occurs,
-then sometimes the checklist can quickly identify
-tasks that may have been skipped or only par-
-tially completed.
-Finally, relations diagrams are a means for dis-
-playing complex relationships. They give visual
-support to cause-and-effect thinking. The dia-
-gram relates the specific to the general, revealing
-key causes and key effects.
-Root cause analysis aims at preventing the
-recurrence of undesirable events. Reduction of
-variation due to common causes requires utili-
-zation of a number of techniques. An important
-point to note is that these techniques should be
-used offline and not necessarily in direct response
-to the occurrence of some undesirable event.
-Some of the techniques that may be used to
-reduce variation due to common causes are given
+Voland 2003
-1. Cause-and-effect diagrams may be used to
-    identify the sub and sub-sub causes.
-2. Fault tree analysis is a technique that may be
-    used to understand the sources of failures.
-3. Designed experiments may be used to under-
-    stand the impact of various causes on the
-    occurrence of undesirable events (see Empir-
-    ical Methods and Experimental Techniques
-    in this KA).
-4. Various kinds of correlation analyses may be
-    used to understand the relationship between
-    various causes and their impact. These tech-
-    niques may be used in cases when conduct-
-    ing controlled experiments is difficult but
-    data may be gathered (see Statistical Analy-
-    sis in this KA).
+Fairley 2009
+Tockey 2004
-Montgomery and Runger 2007
-##### [2]
+McConnell 2004
-Null and Lobur 2006
+Cheney and Kincaid 2007
-##### [3]
+Sommerville 2011
-Kan 2002
-##### [4]
+Moore 2006
-Voland 2003
+**1. Empirical Methods and Experimental Te c h n i que s** c1
+    1.1. Designed Experiment
+    1.2. Observational Study
+    1.3. Retrospective Study
+**2. Statistical Analysis** c9s1, c2s1 c10s3
+    2.1. Concept of Unit of Analysis (Sampling Units), Sample, and Population c3s6, c3s9, c4s6, c6s2, c7s1, c7s3, c8s1, c9s1
+    2.2. Concepts of Correlation and Regression c11s2, c11s 8
+**3. Measurement** c3s1, c3s2 c4s4 c7s5 
+    3.1. Levels (Scales) of Measurement c3s2 c7s5 p442 –447
+    3.2. Direct and Derived Measures 
-##### [5]
+Montgomery and Runger 2007
-Fairley 2009
+Null and Lobur 2006
-##### [6]
+Kan 2002
-Tockey 2004
-##### [7]
+Voland 2003
-McConnell 2004
+Fairley 2009
-##### [10]
+Tockey 2004
-Cheney and Kincaid 2007
-##### [11]
+McConnell 2004
-Sommerville 2011
+Cheney and Kincaid 2007
-##### [12]
+Sommerville 2011
 Moore 2006
-##### [13]
-**1. Empirical
-Methods and
-Te c h n i que s**
+    3.3. Reliability a nd Va l id it y c3s4, c3s5
+    3.4. Assessing Reliability c3s5
+**4. Engineering Design** c1s2, c1s3, c1s4
+    4.1. Design in Engineering Education 4.2. Design as a Problem Solving Activity c1s4, c2s1, c3s3 c5s1
+    4.3. Steps Involved in Engineering Design c4
+**5. Modeling, Prototyping, and Simulation** c6 c13s3 c2 s3.1
+    5.1. Modeling
+    5.2. Simulation
+    5.3. Prototyping
+**6. Standards** c9 s3.2 c1s2
+**7. Root Cause Analysis** c5, c3s7, c9s8 c9s3, c9s4, c9s5 c13 s3.4.5
+7.1. Te c h n i q u e s for Conducting Root Cause Analysis c5 c3 
+**Further Readings**
+A. Abran, _Software Metrics and Software Metrology_. [14]
+This book provides very good information on the proper use of the terms
+measure, measurement method and measurement outcome. It provides strong support
+material for the entire section on Measurement.
-1.1. Designed
+W.G. Vincenti, What Engineers Know and How They Know It. [15]
-**2. Statistical
+This book provides an interesting introduction to engineering foundations
+through a series of case studies that show many of the foundational concepts
+as used in real world engineering applications.
-2.1. Concept of
-Unit of Analysis
-Units), Sample,
-and Population
-2.2. Concepts of
-Correlation and
-c11s 8
-**3. Measurement**
-    c3s1,
-    c3s2
-       c4s4 c7s5
-3.1. Levels
-(Scales) of
-c3s2 c7s5
-3.2. Direct
-and Derived
-Engineering Foundations 15-15
-Montgomery and Runger 2007
-##### [2]
-Null and Lobur 2006
-##### [3]
-Kan 2002
-##### [4]
-Voland 2003
-##### [5]
-Fairley 2009
-##### [6]
-Tockey 2004
-##### [7]
-McConnell 2004
-##### [10]
-Cheney and Kincaid 2007
-##### [11]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [12]
-Moore 2006
-##### [13]
-3.3. Reliability
-a nd Va l id it y
-3.4. Assessing
-**4. Engineering
-4.1. Design in
-4.2. Design
-as a Problem
-Solving Activity
-4.3. Steps
-Involved in
-**5. Modeling,
-Prototyping, and
-c6 c13s3
-5.1. Modeling
-5.2. Simulation
-5.3. Prototyping
-**6. Standards**
-    c9
-**7. Root Cause
-7.1. Te c h n i q u e s
-for Conducting
-Root Cause
-c5 c3
-A. Abran, _Software Metrics and Software
-Metrology_. [14]
-This book provides very good information on the
-proper use of the terms measure, measurement
-method and measurement outcome. It provides
-strong support material for the entire section on
-W.G. Vincenti, What Engineers Know and How
-They Know It. [15]
-This book provides an interesting introduc-
-tion to engineering foundations through a series
-of case studies that show many of the founda-
-tional concepts as used in real world engineering
-[1] _ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2010 Systems and Software Engineering—Vocabulary_ ,
+[1] _ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2010 Systems and Software Engineering—Vocabulary_,
 ISO/ IEC/IEEE, 2010.
 [2] D.C. Montgomery and G.C. Runger, _Applied Statistics and Probability for
-Engineers_ , 4th ed., Wiley, 2007.
+Engineers_, 4th ed., Wiley, 2007.
 [3] L. Null and J. Lobur, _The Essentials of Computer Organization and
-Architecture_ , 2nd ed., Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2006.
+Architecture_, 2nd ed., Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2006.
-[4] S.H. Kan, _Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering_ , 2nd ed.,
-Addison- Wesley, 2002.
+[4] S.H. Kan, _Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering_, 2nd ed.,
+Addison-Wesley, 2002.
-[5] G. Voland, _Engineering by Design_ , 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, 2003.
+[5] G. Voland, _Engineering by Design_, 2nd ed., Prentice Hall, 2003.
-[6] R.E. Fairley, _Managing and Leading Software Projects_ , Wiley-IEEE
+[6] R.E. Fairley, _Managing and Leading Software Projects_, Wiley-IEEE
 Computer Society Press, 2009.
 [7] S. Tockey, _Return on Software: Maximizing the Return on Your Software
-Investment_ , Addison-Wesley, 2004.
+Investment_, Addison-Wesley, 2004.
 [8] Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board, Engineers Canada, “Accreditation
 Criteria and Procedures,” Canadian Council of Professional Engineers, 2011;
@@ -1655,20 +1059,20 @@ Criteria_Procedures_2011.pdf.
 [9] ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission, “Criteria for Accrediting
 Engineering Programs, 2012-2013,” ABET, 2011; Accreditation/Accreditation_Process/
-Accreditation_Documents/Current/eac- criteria-2012-2013.pdf.
-[10] S. McConnell, Code Complete , 2nd ed., Microsoft Press, 2004.
+[10] S. McConnell, Code Complete, 2nd ed., Microsoft Press, 2004.
-[11] E.W. Cheney and D.R. Kincaid, Numerical Mathematics and Computing , 6th
+[11] E.W. Cheney and D.R. Kincaid, Numerical Mathematics and Computing, 6th
 ed., Brooks/Cole, 2007.
-[12] I. Sommerville, Software Engineering , 9th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2011.
+[12] I. Sommerville, Software Engineering, 9th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2011.
 [13] J.W. Moore, The Road Map to Software Engineering: A Standards-Based Guide
 , Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press, 2006.
-[14] A. Abran, Software Metrics and Software Metrology , Wiley-IEEE Computer
+[14] A. Abran, Software Metrics and Software Metrology, Wiley-IEEE Computer
 Society Press, 2010.
-[15] W.G. Vincenti, What Engineers Know and How They Know It , John Hopkins
+[15] W.G. Vincenti, What Engineers Know and How They Know It, John Hopkins
 University Press, 1990.