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-**CHAPTER 14**
+## Chapter 14: Mathematical Foundations
+Software professionals live with programs. In a very simple language, one can
+program only for something that follows a well-understood, non-ambiguous
+logic. The Mathematical Foundations knowledge area (KA) helps software
+engineers comprehend this logic, which in turn is translated into programming
+language code. The mathematics that is the primary focus in this KA is quite
+different from typical arithmetic, where numbers are dealt with and discussed.
+Logic and reasoning are the essence of mathematics that a software engineer
+must address.
-Software professionals live with programs. In a
-very simple language, one can program only for
-something that follows a well-understood, non-
-ambiguous logic. The Mathematical Foundations
-knowledge area (KA) helps software engineers
-comprehend this logic, which in turn is translated
-into programming language code. The mathemat-
-ics that is the primary focus in this KA is quite
-different from typical arithmetic, where numbers
-are dealt with and discussed. Logic and reason-
-ing are the essence of mathematics that a software
-engineer must address.
-Mathematics, in a sense, is the study of formal
-systems. The word “formal” is associated with
-preciseness, so there cannot be any ambiguous or
-erroneous interpretation of the fact. Mathemat-
-ics is therefore the study of any and all certain
-truths about any concept. This concept can be
-about numbers as well as about symbols, images,
-sounds, video—almost anything. In short, not
-only numbers and numeric equations are sub-
-ject to preciseness. On the contrary, a software
-engineer needs to have a precise abstraction on a
-diverse application domain.
-The _SWEBOK Guide_ ’s Mathematical Founda-
-tions KA covers basic techniques to identify a set
-of rules for reasoning in the context of the system
-under study. Anything that one can deduce fol-
-lowing these rules is an absolute certainty within
-the context of that system. In this KA, techniques
-that can represent and take forward the reasoning
-and judgment of a software engineer in a precise
-(and therefore mathematical) manner are defined
-and discussed. The language and methods of logic
-that are discussed here allow us to describe math-
-ematical proofs to infer conclusively the absolute
-truth of certain concepts beyond the numbers. In
+Mathematics, in a sense, is the study of formal systems. The word “formal” is
+associated with preciseness, so there cannot be any ambiguous or erroneous
+interpretation of the fact. Mathematics is therefore the study of any and all
+certain truths about any concept. This concept can be about numbers as well as
+about symbols, images, sounds, video—almost anything. In short, not only
+numbers and numeric equations are subject to preciseness. On the contrary, a
+software engineer needs to have a precise abstraction on a diverse application
+The _SWEBOK Guide_ ’s Mathematical Foundations KA covers basic techniques to
+identify a set of rules for reasoning in the context of the system under study.
+Anything that one can deduce following these rules is an absolute certainty
+within the context of that system. In this KA, techniques that can represent
+and take forward the reasoning and judgment of a software engineer in a precise
+(and therefore mathematical) manner are defined and discussed. The language and
+methods of logic that are discussed here allow us to describe mathematical
+proofs to infer conclusively the absolute truth of certain concepts beyond the
+numbers. In short, you can write a program for a problem only if it follows
+some logic. The objective of this KA is to help you develop the skill to
+identify and describe such logic. The emphasis is on helping you understand the
+basic concepts rather than on challenging your arithmetic abilities.
-short, you can write a program for a problem only
-if it follows some logic. The objective of this KA
-is to help you develop the skill to identify and
-describe such logic. The emphasis is on helping
-you understand the basic concepts rather than on
-challenging your arithmetic abilities.
+**Breakdown Of Topics For Mathematical Foundations**
+The breakdown of topics for the Mathematical Foundations KA is shown in Figure
+### 1. Set, Relations, Functions
+<!-- [1*, c2] -->
-The breakdown of topics for the Mathematical
-Foundations KA is shown in Figure 14.1.
+Set. A set is a collection of objects, called elements of the set. A set can be
+represented by listing its elements between braces, e.g., S = {1, 2, 3}. The
+symbol ∈ is used to express that an element belongs to a set, or—in other
+words—is a member of the set. Its negation is represented by ∉, e.g., 1 ∈ S,
+but 4 ∉ S.
-**1. Set, Relations, Functions**
-    [1*, c2]
+In a more compact representation of set using set builder notation, {x | P(x)}
+is the set of all x such that P(x) for any proposition P(x) over any universe
+of discourse. Examples for some important sets include the following:
-Set. A set is a collection of objects, called elements
-of the set. A set can be represented by listing its
-elements between braces, e.g., S = {1, 2, 3}.
-The symbol ∈ is used to express that an ele-
-ment belongs to a set, or—in other words—is a
-member of the set. Its negation is represented by
-∉, e.g., 1 ∈ S, but 4 ∉ S.
-In a more compact representation of set using
-set builder notation, {x | P(x)} is the set of all x
-such that P(x) for any proposition P(x) over any
-universe of discourse. Examples for some impor-
-tant sets include the following:
 N = {0, 1, 2, 3, ...} = the set of nonnegative
 Z = {..., −3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...} = the set of
+Finite and Infinite Set. A set with a finite number of elements is called a
+finite set. Conversely, any set that does not have a finite number of ele-
+ments in it is an infinite set. The set of all natural numbers, for example, is
+an infinite set.
-Finite and Infinite Set. A set with a finite num-
-ber of elements is called a finite set. Conversely,
-any set that does not have a finite number of ele-
-ments in it is an infinite set. The set of all natural
-numbers, for example, is an infinite set.
+_Cardinality._ The cardinality of a finite set S is the number of elements in
+S. This is represented |S|, e.g., if S = {1, 2, 3}, then |S| = 3.
+_Universal Set._ In general S = {x ∈ U | p(x)}, where U is the universe of
+discourse in which the predicate P(x) must be interpreted. The “universe of
+discourse” for a given predicate is often referred to as the universal set.
+Alternately, one may define universal set as the set of all elements.
+_Set Equality._ Two sets are equal if and only if they have the same elements,
+X = Y ≡ ∀p (p ∈ X ↔ p ∈ Y).
-_Cardinality._ The cardinality of a finite set S is
-the number of elements in S. This is represented
-|S|, e.g., if S = {1, 2, 3}, then |S| = 3.
-_Universal Set._ In general S = {x ∈ U | p(x)},
-where U is the universe of discourse in which
-the predicate P(x) must be interpreted. The “uni-
-verse of discourse” for a given predicate is often
-referred to as the universal set. Alternately, one
-may define universal set as the set of all elements.
-_Set Equality._ Two sets are equal if and only if
-they have the same elements, i.e.:
+_Subset._ X is a subset of set Y, or X is contained in Y, if all elements of X
+are included in Y. This is denoted by X ⊆ Y. In other words, X ⊆ Y if and only
+if ∀p (p ∈ X → p ∈ Y).
+For example, if X = {1, 2, 3} and Y = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, then X ⊆ Y.
-X = Y ≡ ∀p (p ∈ X ↔ p ∈ Y).
-_Subset._ X is a subset of set Y, or X is contained
-in Y, if all elements of X are included in Y. This is
-denoted by X ⊆ Y. In other words, X ⊆ Y if and
-only if ∀p (p ∈ X → p ∈ Y).
-For example, if X = {1, 2, 3} and Y = {1, 2, 3,
-4, 5}, then X ⊆ Y.
 If X is not a subset of Y, it is denoted as X Y.
-_Proper Subset._ X is a proper subset of Y (denoted
-by X ⊂ Y) if X is a subset of Y but not equal to Y,
-i.e., there is some element in Y that is not in X.
-In other words, X ⊂ Y if (X ⊆ Y) ∧ (X ≠ Y).
+_Proper Subset._ X is a proper subset of Y (denoted by X ⊂ Y) if X is a subset
+of Y but not equal to Y, i.e., there is some element in Y that is not in X. In
+other words, X ⊂ Y if (X ⊆ Y) ∧ (X ≠ Y).
 For example, if X = {1, 2, 3}, Y = {1, 2, 3,
 4}, and Z = {1, 2, 3}, then X ⊂ Y, but X is not a
 proper subset of Z. Sets X and Z are equal sets.
@@ -127,123 +97,104 @@ a _superset_ of X. This is denoted by Y ⊇ X, i.e., Y
 For example, if X = {1, 2, 3} and Y = {1, 2, 3,
 4, 5}, then Y ⊇ X.
+Empty Set. A set with no elements is called an empty set. An empty set, denoted
+by ∅, is also referred to as a null or void set. Power Set. The set of all
+subsets of a set X is called the power set of X. It is represented as ℘(X).
-Empty Set. A set with no elements is called an
-empty set. An empty set, denoted by ∅, is also
-referred to as a null or void set.
-Power Set. The set of all subsets of a set X is
-called the power set of X. It is represented as
-For example, if X = {a, b, c}, then ℘(X) = {∅,
-{a}, {b}, {c}, {a, b}, {a, c}, {b, c}, {a, b, c}}. If
-|X| = n, then |℘(X)| = 2n.
-Venn Diagrams. Venn diagrams are graphic rep-
-resentations of sets as enclosed areas in the plane.
-For example, in Figure 14.2, the rectangle rep-
-resents the universal set and the shaded region
-represents a set X.
+For example, if X = {a, b, c}, then ℘(X) = {∅, {a}, {b}, {c}, {a, b}, {a, c},
+{b, c}, {a, b, c}}. If |X| = n, then |℘(X)| = 2n.
+Venn Diagrams. Venn diagrams are graphic representations of sets as enclosed
+areas in the plane. For example, in Figure 14.2, the rectangle represents the
+universal set and the shaded region represents a set X.
-Figure 14.2. Venn Diagram for Set X
+![Figure 14.2. Venn Diagram for Set X](images/Figure-14.2.png)
+#### 1.1. Set Operations
-1.1. Set Operations
+Intersection. The intersection of two sets X and Y, denoted by X ∩ Y, is the
+set of common elements in both X and Y.
+In other words, X ∩ Y = {p | (p ∈ X) ∧ (p ∈ Y)}. As, for example, {1, 2, 3} ∩
+{3, 4, 6} = {3} If X ∩ Y = f, then the two sets X and Y are said to be a
+disjoint pair of sets.
-Intersection. The intersection of two sets X and
-Y, denoted by X ∩ Y, is the set of common ele-
-ments in both X and Y.
-In other words, X ∩ Y = {p | (p ∈ X) ∧ (p ∈ Y)}.
-As, for example, {1, 2, 3} ∩ {3, 4, 6} = {3}
-If X ∩ Y = f, then the two sets X and Y are said
-to be a disjoint pair of sets.
+![Figure 14.1. Breakdown of Topics for the Mathematical Foundations KA](images/Figure-14.1.png)
+A Venn diagram for set intersection is shown in Figure 14.3. The common portion
+of the two sets represents the set intersection.
-Figure 14.1. Breakdown of Topics for the Mathematical Foundations KA
+![Figure 14.3. Intersection of Sets X and Y](images/Figure-14.3.png)
+_Union._ The union of two sets X and Y, denoted by X ∪ Y, is the set of all
+elements either in X, or in Y, or in both.
+In other words, X ∪ Y = {p | (p ∈ X) ∨ (p ∈ Y)}. As, for example, {1, 2, 3} ∪
+{3, 4, 6} = {1, 2, 3, 4, 6}.
-Mathematical Foundations 14-3
+![Figure 14.4. Union of Sets X and Y](images/Figure-14.4.png)
-A Venn diagram for set intersection is shown in
-Figure 14.3. The common portion of the two sets
-represents the set intersection.
+It may be noted that |X ∪ Y| = |X| + |Y| − |X ∩ Y|.
+A Venn diagram illustrating the union of two sets is represented by the shaded
+region in Figure 14.4.
-Figure 14.3. Intersection of Sets X and Y
+_Complement._ The set of elements in the universal set that do not belong to
+a given set X is called its complement set X'.
-_Union._ The union of two sets X and Y, denoted
-by X ∪ Y, is the set of all elements either in X, or
-in Y, or in both.
-In other words, X ∪ Y = {p | (p ∈ X) ∨ (p ∈ Y)}.
-As, for example, {1, 2, 3} ∪ {3, 4, 6} = {1, 2,
-3, 4, 6}.
-Figure 14.4. Union of Sets X and Y
-It may be noted that |X ∪ Y| = |X| + |Y| − |X
-∩ Y|.
-A Venn diagram illustrating the union of two
-sets is represented by the shaded region in Figure
-_Complement._ The set of elements in the univer-
-sal set that do not belong to a given set X is called
-its complement set X'.
 In other words, X' ={p | (p ∈ U) ∧ (p ∉ X)}.
+![Figure 14.5. Venn Diagram for Complement Set of X](images/Figure-14.5.png)
-Figure 14.5. Venn Diagram for Complement Set of X
+The shaded portion of the Venn diagram in Figure 14.5 represents the
+complement set of X. Set Difference or Relative Complement. The set of elements
+that belong to set X but not to set Y builds the set difference of Y from X.
+This is represented by X − Y.
+In other words, X − Y = {p | (p ∈ X) ∧ (p ∉ Y)}. As, for example, {1, 2, 3} −
+{3, 4, 6} = {1, 2}. It may be proved that X − Y = X ∩ Y’.
-The shaded portion of the Venn diagram in Fig-
-ure 14.5 represents the complement set of X.
-Set Difference or Relative Complement. The set
-of elements that belong to set X but not to set Y
-builds the set difference of Y from X. This is rep-
-resented by X − Y.
-In other words, X − Y = {p | (p ∈ X) ∧ (p ∉ Y)}.
-As, for example, {1, 2, 3} − {3, 4, 6} = {1, 2}.
-It may be proved that X − Y = X ∩ Y’.
-Set difference X – Y is illustrated by the shaded
-region in Figure 14.6 using a Venn diagram.
+Set difference X – Y is illustrated by the shaded region in Figure 14.6 using a
+Venn diagram.
+![Figure 14.6. Venn Diagram for X − Y](images/Figure-14.6.png)
-Figure 14.6. Venn Diagram for X − Y
+Cartesian Product. An ordinary pair {p, q} is a set with two elements. In a
+set, the order of the elements is irrelevant, so {p, q} = {q, p}. In an ordered
+pair (p, q), the order of occurrences of the elements is relevant. Thus, (p,
+q) ≠ (q, p) unless p = q. In general (p, q) = (s, t) if and only if p = s and q
+= t.
+Given two sets X and Y, their Cartesian product X × Y is the set of all ordered
+pairs (p, q) such that p ∈ X and q ∈ Y.
-Cartesian Product. An ordinary pair {p, q} is
-a set with two elements. In a set, the order of the
-elements is irrelevant, so {p, q} = {q, p}.
-In an ordered pair (p, q), the order of occur-
-rences of the elements is relevant. Thus, (p, q) ≠
-(q, p) unless p = q. In general (p, q) = (s, t) if and
-only if p = s and q = t.
-Given two sets X and Y, their Cartesian product
-X × Y is the set of all ordered pairs (p, q) such that
-p ∈ X and q ∈ Y.
-In other words, X × Y = {(p, q) | (p ∈ X) ∧ (q
-∈ Y)}.
-As for example, {a, b} × {1, 2} = {(a, 1), (a, 2),
-(b, 1), (b, 2)}
+In other words, X × Y = {(p, q) | (p ∈ X) ∧ (q ∈ Y)}.
+As for example, {a, b} × {1, 2} = {(a, 1), (a, 2), (b, 1), (b, 2)}
-1.2. Properties of Set
+#### 1.2. Properties of Set
+Some of the important properties and laws of sets are mentioned below.
-Some of the important properties and laws of sets
-are mentioned below.
 1. Associative Laws:
     X ∪ (Y ∪ Z) = (X ∪ Y) ∪ Z
     X ∩ (Y ∩ Z) = (X ∩ Y) ∩ Z
 2. Commutative Laws:
     X ∪ Y = Y ∪ X X ∩ Y = Y ∩ X
 3. Distributive Laws:
     X ∪ (Y ∩ Z) = (X ∪ Y) ∩ (X ∪ Z)
     X ∩ (Y ∪ Z) = (X ∩ Y) ∪ (X ∩ Z)
 4. Identity Laws:
     X ∪ ∅ = X X ∩ U = X
 5. Complement Laws:
@@ -257,970 +208,744 @@ are mentioned below.
 9. De Morgan’s Laws:
     (X ∪ Y)' = X' ∩ Y' (X ∩ Y)' = X' ∪ Y'
-_1.3. Relation and Function_
+#### 1.3. Relation and Function
-A relation is an association between two sets of
-information. For example, let’s consider a set
-of residents of a city and their phone numbers.
-The pairing of names with corresponding phone
-numbers is a relation. This pairing is _ordered_ for
-the entire relation. In the example being consid-
-ered, for each pair, either the name comes first
-followed by the phone number or the reverse.
-The set from which the first element is drawn is
-called the _domain set_ and the other set is called
-the _range set_. The domain is what you start with
-and the range is what you end up with.
-A function is a _well-behaved_ relation. A rela-
-tion R(X, Y) is well behaved if the function maps
-every element of the domain set X to a single ele-
-ment of the range set Y. Let’s consider domain set
-X as a set of persons and let range set Y store their
-phone numbers. Assuming that a person may have
-more than one phone number, the relation being
-considered is not a function. However, if we draw
-a relation between names of residents and their
-date of births with the name set as domain, then
+A relation is an association between two sets of information. For example,
+let’s consider a set of residents of a city and their phone numbers. The
+pairing of names with corresponding phone numbers is a relation. This pairing
+is _ordered_ for the entire relation. In the example being considered, for
+each pair, either the name comes first followed by the phone number or the
+The set from which the first element is drawn is called the _domain set_ and
+the other set is called the _range set_. The domain is what you start with and
+the range is what you end up with.
-this becomes a well-behaved relation and hence a
-function. This means that, while all functions are
-relations, not all relations are functions. In case
-of a function given an x, one gets one and exactly
-one y for each ordered pair ( x , y ).
-For example, let’s consider the following two
+A function is a _well-behaved_ relation. A relation R(X, Y) is well behaved
+if the function maps every element of the domain set X to a single element of
+the range set Y. Let’s consider domain set X as a set of persons and let
+range set Y store their phone numbers. Assuming that a person may have more
+than one phone number, the relation being considered is not a function.
+However, if we draw a relation between names of residents and their date of
+births with the name set as domain, then this becomes a well-behaved
+relation and hence a function. This means that, while all functions are
+relations, not all relations are functions. In case of a function given an
+x, one gets one and exactly one y for each ordered pair ( x , y ).
+For example, let’s consider the following two relations.
 A: {(3, –9), (5, 8), (7, –6), (3, 9), (6, 3)}.
 B: {(5, 8), (7, 8), (3, 8), (6, 8)}.
+Are these functions as well? In case of relation A, the domain is all the
+x-values, i.e., {3, 5, 6, 7}, and the range is all the y-values, i.e., {–9, –6,
+3, 8, 9}.
-Are these functions as well?
-In case of relation A, the domain is all the
-x-values, i.e., {3, 5, 6, 7}, and the range is all the
-y-values, i.e., {–9, –6, 3, 8, 9}.
-Relation A is not a function, as there are two
-different range values, –9 and 9, for the same
-x-value of 3.
-In case of relation B, the domain is same as that
-for A, i.e., {3, 5, 6, 7}. However, the range is a
-single element {8}. This qualifies as an example
-of a function even if all the x-values are mapped
-to the same y-value. Here, each x-value is distinct
-and hence the function is well behaved. Relation
-B may be represented by the equation y = 8.
-The characteristic of a function may be verified
-using a vertical line test, which is stated below:
-Given the graph of a relation, if one can draw
-a vertical line that crosses the graph in more than
+Relation A is not a function, as there are two different range values, –9 and
+9, for the same x-value of 3.
+In case of relation B, the domain is same as that for A, i.e., {3, 5, 6, 7}.
+However, the range is a single element {8}. This qualifies as an example of a
+function even if all the x-values are mapped to the same y-value. Here, each
+x-value is distinct and hence the function is well behaved. Relation B may be
+represented by the equation y = 8. The characteristic of a function may be
+verified using a vertical line test, which is stated below: Given the graph of
+a relation, if one can draw a vertical line that crosses the graph in more than
 one place, then the relation is not a function.
+![Figure 14.7. Vertical Line Test for Function](images/Figure-14.7.png)
-Figure 14.7. Vertical Line Test for Function
+In this example, both lines L1 and L2 cut the graph for the relation thrice.
+This signifies that for the same x-value, there are three different y-values
+for each of case. Thus, the relation is not a function.
+### 2. Basic Logic
-In this example, both lines L1 and L2 cut the
-graph for the relation thrice. This signifies that
-for the same x-value, there are three different
-y-values for each of case. Thus, the relation is not
-a function.
+<!-- [1*, c1] -->
+#### 2.1. Propositional Logic
+A proposition is a statement that is either true or false, but not both. Let’s
+consider declarative sentences for which it is meaningful to assign either of
+the two status values: _true_ or _false_. Some examples of propositions are
+given below.
-Mathematical Foundations 14-5
+1. The sun is a star
+2. Elephants are mammals.
+3. 2 + 3 = 5.
-**2. Basic Logic**
-    [1*, c1]
+However, a + 3 = b is not a proposition, as it is neither true nor false. It
+depends on the values of the variables _a_ and _b_.
-_2.1. Propositional Logic_
+_The Law of Excluded Middle:_ For every proposition p, either p is true or p
+is false.
+_The Law of Contradiction:_ For every proposition p, it is not the case that
+p is both true and false.
-A proposition is a statement that is either true
-or false, but not both. Let’s consider declarative
-sentences for which it is meaningful to assign
-either of the two status values: _true_ or _false_. Some
-examples of propositions are given below.
+Propositional logic is the area of logic that deals with propositions. A truth
+table displays the relationships between the truth values of propositions.
-1. The sun is a star
-2. Elephants are mammals.
-3. 2 + 3 = 5.
+A Boolean variable is one whose value is either true or false. Computer bit
+operations correspond to logical operations of Boolean variables.
-However, a + 3 = b is not a proposition, as it is
-neither true nor false. It depends on the values of
-the variables _a_ and _b_.
-_The Law of Excluded Middle:_ For every propo-
-sition p, either p is true or p is false.
-_The Law of Contradiction:_ For every proposi-
-tion p, it is not the case that p is both true and false.
-Propositional logic is the area of logic that
-deals with propositions. A truth table displays
-the relationships between the truth values of
-A Boolean variable is one whose value is either
-true or false. Computer bit operations correspond
-to logical operations of Boolean variables.
-The basic logical operators including negation
-(¬ p), conjunction (p ∧ q), disjunction (p ∨ q),
-exclusive or (p ⊕ q), and implication (p → q) are
-to be studied. Compound propositions may be
-formed using various logical operators.
-A compound proposition that is always true is a
-tautology. A compound proposition that is always
-false is a contradiction. A compound proposition
-that is neither a tautology nor a contradiction is a
-Compound propositions that always have the
-same truth value are called logically equivalent
-(denoted by ≡). Some of the common equiva-
-lences are:
+The basic logical operators including negation (¬ p), conjunction (p ∧ q),
+disjunction (p ∨ q), exclusive or (p ⊕ q), and implication (p → q) are to be
+studied. Compound propositions may be formed using various logical operators.
+A compound proposition that is always true is a tautology. A compound
+proposition that is always false is a contradiction. A compound proposition
+that is neither a tautology nor a contradiction is a contingency.
+Compound propositions that always have the same truth value are called
+logically equivalent (denoted by ≡). Some of the common equivalences are:
 Identity laws:
 p ∧ T ≡ p p ∨ F ≡ p
 Domination laws:
 p ∨ T ≡ T p ∧ F ≡ F
 Idempotent laws:
 p ∨ p ≡ p p ∧ p ≡ p
 Double negation law:
 ¬ (¬ p) ≡ p
 Commutative laws:
 p ∨ q ≡ q ∨ p p ∧ q ≡ q ∧ p
 Associative laws:
 (p ∨ q) ∨ r ≡ p ∨ (q ∨ r)
 (p ∧ q) ∧ r ≡ p ∧ (q ∧ r)
 Distributive laws:
 p ∨ (q ∧ r) ≡ (p ∨ q) ∧ (p ∨ r)
 p ∧ (q ∨ r) ≡ (p ∧ q) ∨ (p ∧ r)
 De Morgan’s laws:
 ¬ (p ∧ q) ≡ ¬ p ∨ ¬ q ¬ (p ∨ q) ≡ ¬ p ∧ ¬ q
+#### 2.2. Predicate Logic
-2.2. Predicate Logic
+A predicate is a verb phrase template that describes a property of objects or a
+relationship among objects represented by the variables. For example, in the
+sentence, The flower is red, the template is red is a predicate. It describes
+the property of a flower. The same predicate may be used in other sentences
+Predicates are often given a name, e.g., “Red” or simply “R” can be used to
+represent the predicate is red. Assuming R as the name for the predicate is
+red , sentences that assert an object is of the color red can be represented as
+R(x) , where x represents an arbitrary object. R(x) reads as x is red.
+Quantifiers allow statements about entire collections of objects rather than
+having to enumerate the objects by name.
-A predicate is a verb phrase template that
-describes a property of objects or a relationship
-among objects represented by the variables. For
-example, in the sentence, The flower is red, the
-template is red is a predicate. It describes the
-property of a flower. The same predicate may be
-used in other sentences too.
-Predicates are often given a name, e.g., “Red”
-or simply “R” can be used to represent the predi-
-cate is red. Assuming R as the name for the predi-
-cate is red , sentences that assert an object is of the
-color red can be represented as R(x) , where x rep-
-resents an arbitrary object. R(x) reads as x is red.
-Quantifiers allow statements about entire col-
-lections of objects rather than having to enumer-
-ate the objects by name.
-The Universal quantifier ∀x asserts that a sen-
-tence is true for all values of variable x.
-For example, ∀x Tiger(x) → Mammal(x)
-means all tigers are mammals.
-The Existential quantifier ∃x asserts that a sen-
-tence is true for at least one value of variable x.
-For example, ∃x Tiger(x) → Man-eater(x) means
-there exists at least one tiger that is a man-eater.
-Thus, while universal quantification uses
-implication, the existential quantification natu-
-rally uses conjunction.
+The Universal quantifier ∀x asserts that a sentence is true for all values of
+variable x. For example, ∀x Tiger(x) → Mammal(x) means all tigers are mammals.
-A variable _x_ that is introduced into a logical
-expression by a quantifier is bound to the closest
-enclosing quantifier.
-A variable is said to be a free variable if it is not
-bound to a quantifier.
-Similarly, in a block-structured programming
-language, a variable in a logical expression refers
-to the closest quantifier within whose scope it
-For example, in ∃x (Cat(x) ∧ ∀x (Black(x))), x
-in Black(x) is universally quantified. The expres-
-sion implies that cats exist and everything is
-Propositional logic falls short in representing
-many assertions that are used in computer sci-
-ence and mathematics. It also fails to compare
-equivalence and some other types of relationship
-between propositions.
-For example, the assertion _a is greater than
-1_ is not a proposition because one cannot infer
-whether it is true or false without knowing the
-value of _a_. Thus, propositional logic cannot deal
-with such sentences. However, such assertions
-appear quite often in mathematics and we want
-to infer on those assertions. Also, the pattern
-involved in the following two logical equiva-
-lences cannot be captured by propositional
-logic: “ _Not all men are smokers_ ” and “ _Some men
-don’t smoke._ ” Each of these two propositions
-is treated independently in propositional logic.
-There is no mechanism in propositional logic to
-find out whether or not the two are equivalent to
-one another. Hence, in propositional logic, each
-equivalent proposition is treated individually
-rather than dealing with a general formula that
-covers all equivalences collectively.
-Predicate logic is supposed to be a more pow-
-erful logic that addresses these issues. In a sense,
-predicate logic (also known as first-order logic
-or predicate calculus) is an extension of propo-
-sitional logic to formulas involving terms and
-**3. Proof Techniques**
-    [1*, c1]
-A proof is an argument that rigorously establishes
-the truth of a statement. Proofs can themselves be
-represented formally as discrete structures.
+The Existential quantifier ∃x asserts that a sentence is true for at least
+one value of variable x. For example, ∃x Tiger(x) → Man-eater(x) means there
+exists at least one tiger that is a man-eater. Thus, while universal
+quantification uses implication, the existential quantification naturally
+uses conjunction.
+A variable _x_ that is introduced into a logical expression by a quantifier is
+bound to the closest enclosing quantifier.
-Statements used in a proof include axioms
-and postulates that are essentially the underlying
-assumptions about mathematical structures, the
-hypotheses of the theorem to be proved, and pre-
-viously proved theorems.
-A theorem is a statement that can be shown to
-be true.
-A lemma is a simple theorem used in the proof
-of other theorems.
-A corollary is a proposition that can be estab-
-lished directly from a theorem that has been
-A conjecture is a statement whose truth value
-is unknown.
-When a conjecture’s proof is found, the conjec-
-ture becomes a theorem. Many times conjectures
-are shown to be false and, hence, are not theorems.
+A variable is said to be a free variable if it is not bound to a quantifier.
+Similarly, in a block-structured programming language, a variable in a logical
+expression refers to the closest quantifier within whose scope it appears.
-3.1. Methods of Proving Theorems
+For example, in ∃x (Cat(x) ∧ ∀x (Black(x))), x in Black(x) is universally
+quantified. The expression implies that cats exist and everything is black.
+Propositional logic falls short in representing many assertions that are used
+in computer science and mathematics. It also fails to compare equivalence and
+some other types of relationship between propositions.
-Direct Proof. Direct proof is a technique to estab-
-lish that the implication p → q is true by showing
-that q must be true when p is true.
-For example, to show that if n is odd then n^2 −1
-is even, suppose n is odd, i.e., n = 2k + 1 for some
-integer k:
+For example, the assertion _a is greater than 1_ is not a proposition because
+one cannot infer whether it is true or false without knowing the value of _a_.
+Thus, propositional logic cannot deal with such sentences. However, such
+assertions appear quite often in mathematics and we want to infer on those
+assertions. Also, the pattern involved in the following two logical equiva-
+lences cannot be captured by propositional logic: “ _Not all men are smokers_ ”
+and “ _Some men don’t smoke._ ” Each of these two propositions is treated
+independently in propositional logic. There is no mechanism in propositional
+logic to find out whether or not the two are equivalent to one another. Hence,
+in propositional logic, each equivalent proposition is treated individually
+rather than dealing with a general formula that covers all equivalences
+Predicate logic is supposed to be a more powerful logic that addresses these
+issues. In a sense, predicate logic (also known as first-order logic or
+predicate calculus) is an extension of propositional logic to formulas
+involving terms and predicates.
-∴ n^2 = (2k + 1)^2 = 4k^2 + 4k + 1.
+### 3. Proof Techniques
+<!-- [1*, c1] -->
-As the first two terms of the Right Hand Side
-(RHS) are even numbers irrespective of the value
-of k, the Left Hand Side (LHS) (i.e., n^2 ) is an odd
-number. Therefore, n^2 −1 is even.
-Proof by Contradiction. A proposition p is true
-by contradiction if proved based on the truth of
-the implication ¬ p → q where q is a contradiction.
-For example, to show that the sum of 2x + 1
-and 2y − 1 is even, assume that the sum of 2x + 1
-and 2y − 1is odd. In other words, 2(x + y), which
-is a multiple of 2, is odd. This is a contradiction.
-Hence, the sum of 2x + 1 and 2y − 1 is even.
-An inference rule is a pattern establishing that
-if a set of premises are all true, then it can be
-deduced that a certain conclusion statement is
-true. The reference rules of addition, simplifica-
-tion, and conjunction need to be studied.
-Proof by Induction. Proof by induction is done
-in two phases. First, the proposition is estab-
-lished to be true for a base case—typically for the
+A proof is an argument that rigorously establishes the truth of a statement.
+Proofs can themselves be represented formally as discrete structures.
+Statements used in a proof include axioms and postulates that are essentially
+the underlying assumptions about mathematical structures, the hypotheses of the
+theorem to be proved, and previously proved theorems.
+A theorem is a statement that can be shown to be true.
-Mathematical Foundations 14-7
+A lemma is a simple theorem used in the proof of other theorems.
-positive integer 1. In the second phase, it is estab-
-lished that if the proposition holds for an arbitrary
-positive integer _k,_ then it must also hold for the
-next greater integer, _k + 1_. In other words, proof
-by induction is based on the rule of inference that
-tells us that the truth of an infinite sequence of
-propositions P(n), ∀n ∈ [1 ... ∞] is established
-if P(1) is true, and secondly, ∀k ∈ [2 ... n] if P(k)
-→ P(k + 1).
-It may be noted here that, for a proof by math-
-ematical induction, it is not assumed that P(k) is
-true for all positive integers k. Proving a theo-
-rem or proposition only requires us to establish
-that if it is assumed P(k) is true for any arbitrary
-positive integer k, then P(k + 1) is also true. The
-correctness of mathematical induction as a valid
-proof technique is beyond discussion of the cur-
-rent text. Let us prove the following proposition
+A corollary is a proposition that can be established directly from a theorem
+that has been proved.
+A conjecture is a statement whose truth value is unknown.
+When a conjecture’s proof is found, the conjecture becomes a theorem. Many
+times conjectures are shown to be false and, hence, are not theorems.
+#### 3.1. Methods of Proving Theorems
+Direct Proof. Direct proof is a technique to establish that the implication p
+→ q is true by showing that q must be true when p is true.
+For example, to show that if n is odd then n^2 −1 is even, suppose n is odd,
+i.e., n = 2k + 1 for some integer k:
+∴ n^2 = (2k + 1)^2 = 4k^2 + 4k + 1.
+As the first two terms of the Right Hand Side (RHS) are even numbers
+irrespective of the value of k, the Left Hand Side (LHS) (i.e., n^2 ) is an odd
+number. Therefore, n^2 −1 is even.
+Proof by Contradiction. A proposition p is true by contradiction if proved
+based on the truth of the implication ¬ p → q where q is a contradiction. For
+example, to show that the sum of 2x + 1 and 2y − 1 is even, assume that the sum
+of 2x + 1 and 2y − 1is odd. In other words, 2(x + y), which is a multiple of 2,
+is odd. This is a contradiction. Hence, the sum of 2x + 1 and 2y − 1 is even.
+An inference rule is a pattern establishing that if a set of premises are all
+true, then it can be deduced that a certain conclusion statement is true. The
+reference rules of addition, simplification, and conjunction need to be
+Proof by Induction. Proof by induction is done in two phases. First, the
+proposition is established to be true for a base case—typically for the
+positive integer 1. In the second phase, it is established that if the
+proposition holds for an arbitrary positive integer _k,_ then it must also hold
+for the next greater integer, _k + 1_. In other words, proof by induction is
+based on the rule of inference that tells us that the truth of an infinite
+sequence of propositions P(n), ∀n ∈ [1 ... ∞] is established if P(1) is
+true, and secondly, ∀k ∈ [2 ... n] if P(k) → P(k + 1).
+It may be noted here that, for a proof by mathematical induction, it is not
+assumed that P(k) is true for all positive integers k. Proving a theorem or
+proposition only requires us to establish that if it is assumed P(k) is true
+for any arbitrary positive integer k, then P(k + 1) is also true. The
+correctness of mathematical induction as a valid proof technique is beyond
+discussion of the current text. Let us prove the following proposition
 using induction.
-Proposition: _The sum of the first n positive odd
-integers P(n) is n_^2_._
-Basis Step: The proposition is true for n = 1 as
-P(1) = 1^2 = 1. The basis step is complete.
-Inductive Step: The induction hypothesis (IH)
-is that the proposition is true for n = k, k being an
-arbitrary positive integer k.
+Proposition: _The sum of the first n positive odd integers P(n) is n_^2_._
+Basis Step: The proposition is true for n = 1 as P(1) = 1^2 = 1. The basis step
+is complete. Inductive Step: The induction hypothesis (IH) is that the
+proposition is true for n = k, k being an arbitrary positive integer k.
 ∴ 1 + 3 + 5+ ... + (2k − 1) = k^2
 Now, it’s to be shown that P(k) → P(k + 1).
 P(k + 1) = 1 + 3 + 5+ ... +(2k − 1) + (2k + 1)
 = P(k) + (2k + 1)
 = k^2 + (2k + 1) [using IH]
 = k^2 + 2k + 1
 = (k + 1)^2
-Thus, it is shown that if the proposition is true
-for n = k, then it is also true for n = k + 1.
-The basis step together with the inductive step of
-the proof show that P(1) is true and the conditional
-statement P(k) → P(k + 1) is true for all positive
-integers k. Hence, the proposition is proved.
+Thus, it is shown that if the proposition is true for n = k, then it is also
+true for n = k + 1. The basis step together with the inductive step of the
+proof show that P(1) is true and the conditional statement P(k) → P(k + 1) is
+true for all positive integers k. Hence, the proposition is proved.
-**4. Basics of Counting**
-    [1*c6]
+### 4. Basics of Counting
-The sum rule states that if a task t 1 can be done
-in n 1 ways and a second task t 2 can be done in
+<!-- [1*c6] -->
+The sum rule states that if a task t 1 can be done in n 1 ways and a second
+task t 2 can be done in n 2 ways, and if these tasks cannot be done at the same
+time, then there are n 1 + n 2 ways to do either task.
-n 2 ways, and if these tasks cannot be done at the
-same time, then there are n 1 + n 2 ways to do either
 - If A and B are disjoint sets, then |A ∪ B|=|A|
     + |B|.
 - In general if A1, A2, .... , An are disjoint
     sets, then |A1 ∪ A2 ∪ ... ∪ An| = |A1| + |A2|
     + ... + |An|.
+For example, if there are 200 athletes doing sprint events and 30 athletes who
+participate in the long jump event, then how many ways are there to pick one
+athlete who is either a sprinter or a long jumper?
-For example, if there are 200 athletes doing
-sprint events and 30 athletes who participate in
-the long jump event, then how many ways are
-there to pick one athlete who is either a sprinter
-or a long jumper?
 Using the sum rule, the answer would be 200
 + 30 = 230.
-The product rule states that if a task t 1 can be
-done in n 1 ways and a second task t 2 can be done
-in n 2 ways after the first task has been done, then
-there are n 1 * n 2 ways to do the procedure.
+The product rule states that if a task t 1 can be done in n 1 ways and a second
+task t 2 can be done in n 2 ways after the first task has been done, then there
+are n 1 * n 2 ways to do the procedure.
 - If A and B are disjoint sets, then |A × B| =
     |A| * |B|.
 - In general if A1, A2, ..., An are disjoint sets,
     then |A1 × A2 × ... × An| = |A1| * |A2| * ....
     * |An|.
+For example, if there are 200 athletes doing sprint events and 30 athletes who
+participate in the long jump event, then how many ways are there to pick two
+athletes so that one is a sprinter and the other is a long jumper?
-For example, if there are 200 athletes doing
-sprint events and 30 athletes who participate in
-the long jump event, then how many ways are
-there to pick two athletes so that one is a sprinter
-and the other is a long jumper?
-Using the product rule, the answer would be
-200 * 30 = 6000.
-The principle of inclusion-exclusion states that
-if a task t 1 can be done in n 1 ways and a second
-task t 2 can be done in n 2 ways at the same time
-with t 1 , then to find the total number of ways the
-two tasks can be done, subtract the number of
-ways to do both tasks from n 1 + n 2.
+Using the product rule, the answer would be 200 * 30 = 6000.
+The principle of inclusion-exclusion states that if a task t 1 can be done in n
+1 ways and a second task t 2 can be done in n 2 ways at the same time with t 1
+, then to find the total number of ways the two tasks can be done, subtract the
+number of ways to do both tasks from n 1 + n 2.
 - If A and B are not disjoint, |A ∪ B| = |A| +
     |B| − |A ∩ B|.
+In other words, the principle of inclusion-exclusion aims to ensure that the
+objects in the intersection of two sets are not counted more than once.
-In other words, the principle of inclusion-
-exclusion aims to ensure that the objects in the
-intersection of two sets are not counted more than
+_Recursion_ is the general term for the practice of defining an object in terms
+of itself. There are recursive algorithms, recursively defined functions,
+relations, sets, etc.
+A recursive function is a function that calls itself. For example, we define
+f(n) = 3 * f(n − 1) for all n ∈ N and n ≠ 0 and f(0) = 5.
-_Recursion_ is the general term for the practice
-of defining an object in terms of itself. There are
-recursive algorithms, recursively defined func-
-tions, relations, sets, etc.
-A recursive function is a function that calls
-itself. For example, we define f(n) = 3 * f(n − 1)
-for all n ∈ N and n ≠ 0 and f(0) = 5.
-An algorithm is recursive if it solves a problem
-by reducing it to an instance of the same problem
-with a smaller input.
-A phenomenon is said to be random if individ-
-ual outcomes are uncertain but the long-term pat-
-tern of many individual outcomes is predictable.
-The probability of any outcome for a ran-
-dom phenomenon is the proportion of times the
-outcome would occur in a very long series of
-The probability P(A) of any event A satisfies 0
-≤ P(A) ≤ 1. Any probability is a number between
-0 and 1. If S is the sample space in a probabil-
-ity model, the P(S) = 1. All possible outcomes
-together must have probability of 1.
-Two events A and B are disjoint if they have
-no outcomes in common and so can never occur
-together. If A and B are two disjoint events, P(A
-or B) = P(A) + P(B). This is known as the addi-
-tion rule for disjoint events.
-If two events have no outcomes in common,
-the probability that one or the other occurs is the
-sum of their individual probabilities.
-Permutation is an arrangement of objects in
-which the order matters without repetition. One
-can choose r objects in a particular order from a
-total of n objects by using nPr ways, where, npr =
-n! / (n − r)!. Various notations like nPr and P(n, r)
-are used to represent the number of permutations
-of a set of n objects taken r at a time.
-Combination is a selection of objects in which
-the order does not matter without repetition. This
-is different from a permutation because the order
-does not matter. If the order is only changed (and
-not the members) then no new combination is
-formed. One can choose r objects in any order
-from a total of n objects by using nCr ways, where,
-r = n! / [r! * (n − r)!].
+An algorithm is recursive if it solves a problem by reducing it to an instance
+of the same problem with a smaller input.
-**5. Graphs and Trees**
-    [1*, c10, c11]
+A phenomenon is said to be random if individual outcomes are uncertain but
+the long-term pattern of many individual outcomes is predictable. The
+probability of any outcome for a random phenomenon is the proportion of times
+the outcome would occur in a very long series of repetitions.
+The probability P(A) of any event A satisfies 0 ≤ P(A) ≤ 1. Any probability is
+a number between 0 and 1. If S is the sample space in a probability model,
+the P(S) = 1. All possible outcomes together must have probability of 1.
-5.1. Graphs
+Two events A and B are disjoint if they have no outcomes in common and so can
+never occur together. If A and B are two disjoint events, P(A or B) = P(A) +
+P(B). This is known as the addition rule for disjoint events.
+If two events have no outcomes in common, the probability that one or the other
+occurs is the sum of their individual probabilities.
-A graph G = (V, E) where V is the set of vertices
-(nodes) and E is the set of edges. Edges are also
-referred to as arcs or links.
+Permutation is an arrangement of objects in which the order matters without
+repetition. One can choose r objects in a particular order from a total of n
+objects by using nPr ways, where, npr = n! / (n − r)!. Various notations like
+nPr and P(n, r) are used to represent the number of permutations of a set of n
+objects taken r at a time.
+Combination is a selection of objects in which the order does not matter
+without repetition. This is different from a permutation because the order does
+not matter. If the order is only changed (and not the members) then no new
+combination is formed. One can choose r objects in any order from a total of n
+objects by using nCr ways, where, nC
-Figure 14.8. Example of a Graph
+r = n! / [r! * (n − r)!].
+### 5. Graphs and Trees
-F is a function that maps the set of edges E to
-a set of ordered or unordered pairs of elements V.
-For example, in Figure 14.8, G = (V, E) where V
-= {A, B, C}, E = {e1, e2, e3}, and F = {(e1, (A,
-C)), (e2, (C, B)), (e3, (B, A))}.
-The graph in Figure 14.8 is a simple graph that
-consists of a set of vertices or nodes and a set of
-edges connecting unordered pairs.
-The edges in simple graphs are undirected.
-Such graphs are also referred to as undirected
-For example, in Figure 14.8, (e1, (A, C)) may
-be replaced by (e1, (C, A)) as the pair between
-vertices A and C is unordered. This holds good
-for the other two edges too.
-In a multigraph, more than one edge may con-
-nect the same two vertices. Two or more connect-
-ing edges between the same pair of vertices may
-reflect multiple associations between the same
-two vertices. Such edges are called parallel or
-multiple edges.
-For example, in Figure 14.9, the edges e3 and
-e4 are both between A and B. Figure 14.9 is a
-multigraph where edges e3 and e4 are multiple
+<!-- [1*, c10, c11] -->
+#### 5.1. Graphs
+A graph G = (V, E) where V is the set of vertices (nodes) and E is the set of
+edges. Edges are also referred to as arcs or links.
-Mathematical Foundations 14-9
+![Figure 14.8. Example of a Graph](images/Figure-14.8.png)
+F is a function that maps the set of edges E to a set of ordered or unordered
+pairs of elements V. For example, in Figure 14.8, G = (V, E) where V = {A, B,
+C}, E = {e1, e2, e3}, and F = {(e1, (A, C)), (e2, (C, B)), (e3, (B, A))}.
-Figure 14.9. Example of a Multigraph
+The graph in Figure 14.8 is a simple graph that consists of a set of vertices
+or nodes and a set of edges connecting unordered pairs.
-In a _pseudograph_ , edges connecting a node to
-itself are allowed. Such edges are called loops.
+The edges in simple graphs are undirected. Such graphs are also referred to as
+undirected graphs.
+For example, in Figure 14.8, (e1, (A, C)) may be replaced by (e1, (C, A)) as
+the pair between vertices A and C is unordered. This holds good for the other
+two edges too.
-Figure 14.10. Example of a Pseudograph
+In a multigraph, more than one edge may connect the same two vertices. Two or
+more connecting edges between the same pair of vertices may reflect multiple
+associations between the same two vertices. Such edges are called parallel or
+multiple edges.
-For example, in Figure 14.10, the edge e4 both
-starts and ends at B. Figure 14.10 is a pseudo-
-graph in which e4 is a loop.
+For example, in Figure 14.9, the edges e3 and e4 are both between A and B.
+Figure 14.9 is a multigraph where edges e3 and e4 are multiple edges.
+![Figure 14.9. Example of a Multigraph](images/Figure-14.9.png)
-Figure 14.11. Example of a Directed Graph
+In a _pseudograph_ , edges connecting a node to itself are allowed. Such edges
+are called loops.
+![Figure 14.10. Example of a Pseudograph](images/Figure-14.10.png)
-A directed graph G = (V, E) consists of a set of
-vertices V and a set of edges E that are ordered
-pairs of elements of V. A directed graph may con-
-tain loops.
-For example, in Figure 14.11, G = (V, E) where
-V = {A, B, C}, E = {e1, e2, e3}, and F = {(e1, (A,
-C)), (e2, (B, C)), (e3, (B, A))}.
+For example, in Figure 14.10, the edge e4 both starts and ends at B. Figure
+14.10 is a pseudo-graph in which e4 is a loop.
+![Figure 14.11. Example of a Directed Graph](images/Figure-14.11.png)
-Figure 14.12. Example of a Weighted Graph
+A directed graph G = (V, E) consists of a set of vertices V and a set of edges
+E that are ordered pairs of elements of V. A directed graph may contain
+For example, in Figure 14.11, G = (V, E) where V = {A, B, C}, E = {e1, e2, e3},
+and F = {(e1, (A, C)), (e2, (B, C)), (e3, (B, A))}.
-In a weighted graph G = (V, E), each edge has a
-weight associated with it. The weight of an edge
-typically represents the numeric value associated
-with the relationship between the corresponding
-two vertices.
-For example, in Figure 14.12, the weights for
-the edges e1, e2, and e3 are taken to be 76, 93,
-and 15 respectively. If the vertices A, B, and C
-represent three cities in a state, the weights, for
-example, could be the distances in miles between
-these cities.
-Let G = (V, E) be an undirected graph with
-edge set E. Then, for an edge e ∈ E where e = {u,
-v}, the following terminologies are often used:
+<!-- FIXME: ![Figure 14.12. Example of a Weighted Graph](images/Figure-14.12.png) -->
-- u, v are said to be _adjacent_ or _neighbors_ or
-    _connected_.
+In a weighted graph G = (V, E), each edge has a weight associated with it. The
+weight of an edge typically represents the numeric value associated with the
+relationship between the corresponding two vertices.
+For example, in Figure 14.12, the weights for the edges e1, e2, and e3 are
+taken to be 76, 93, and 15 respectively. If the vertices A, B, and C represent
+three cities in a state, the weights, for example, could be the distances in
+miles between these cities.
+Let G = (V, E) be an undirected graph with edge set E. Then, for an edge e ∈ E
+where e = {u, v}, the following terminologies are often used:
+- u, v are said to be _adjacent_ or _neighbors_ or _connected_.
 - edge e is _incident_ with vertices u and v.
 - edge e _connects_ u and v.
 - vertices u and v are _endpoints_ for edge e.
+If vertex v ∈ V, the set of vertices in the undirected graph G(V, E), then:
-If vertex v ∈ V, the set of vertices in the undi-
-rected graph G(V, E), then:
+- the _degree_ of v, deg(v), is its number of incident edges, except that any
+  self-loops are counted twice.
+- a vertex with degree 0 is called an _isolated_ _vertex_.
+- a vertex of degree 1 is called a _pendant_ _vertex_.
-- the _degree_ of v, deg(v), is its number of inci-
-    dent edges, except that any self-loops are
-    counted twice.
+Let G(V, E) be a directed graph. If e(u, v) is an edge of G, then the following
+terminologies are often used:
-- a vertex with degree 0 is called an _isolated_
-    _vertex_.
-- a vertex of degree 1 is called a _pendant_
-    _vertex_.
-Let G(V, E) be a directed graph. If e(u, v) is an
-edge of G, then the following terminologies are
-often used:
 - u is _adjacent to_ v, and v is _adjacent from_ u.
 - e _comes from_ u and _goes to_ v.
 - e _connects_ u to v, or e _goes from_ u to v.
 - the _initial vertex_ of e is u.
 - the _terminal vertex_ of e is v.
-If vertex v is in the set of vertices for the
-directed graph G(V, E), then
+If vertex v is in the set of vertices for the directed graph G(V, E), then
-- _in-degree_ of v, deg−(v), is the number of
-    edges going to v, i.e., for which v is the ter-
-    minal vertex.
-- _out-degree_ of v, deg+(v), is the number of
-    edges coming from v, i.e., for which v is the
-    initial vertex.
-- _degree_ of v, deg(v) = deg−(v) + deg+(v), is the
-    sum of vs in-degree and out-degree.
-- a loop at a vertex contributes 1 to both in-
-    degree and out-degree of this vertex.
+- _in-degree_ of v, deg−(v), is the number of edges going to v, i.e., for which
+  v is the terminal vertex.
+- _out-degree_ of v, deg+(v), is the number of edges coming from v, i.e., for
+  which v is the initial vertex.
+- _degree_ of v, deg(v) = deg−(v) + deg+(v), is the sum of vs in-degree and
+  out-degree.
+- a loop at a vertex contributes 1 to both in-degree and out-degree of this
+  vertex.
-It may be noted that, following the definitions
-above, the degree of a node is unchanged whether
-we consider its edges to be directed or undirected.
-In an undirected graph, a path of length n from
-u to v is a sequence of n adjacent edges from ver-
-tex u to vertex v.
+It may be noted that, following the definitions above, the degree of a node is
+unchanged whether we consider its edges to be directed or undirected. In an
+undirected graph, a path of length n from u to v is a sequence of n adjacent
+edges from vertex u to vertex v.
 - A path is a _circuit_ if u=v.
 - A path _traverses_ the vertices along it.
-- A path is _simple_ if it contains no edge more
-    than once.
+- A path is _simple_ if it contains no edge more than once.
-A cycle on n vertices Cn for any n ≥ 3 is a sim-
-ple graph where V = {v 1 , v 2 , ..., vn} and E = {{v 1 ,
-v 2 }, {v 2 , v 3 }, ... , {vn−1, vn}, {vn, v 1 }}.
-For example, Figure 14.13 illustrates two
-cycles of length 3 and 4.
+A cycle on n vertices Cn for any n ≥ 3 is a simple graph where V = {v 1 , v 2
+, ..., vn} and E = {{v 1 , v 2 }, {v 2 , v 3 }, ... , {vn−1, vn}, {vn, v 1 }}.
+For example, Figure 14.13 illustrates two cycles of length 3 and 4.
+![Figure 14.13. Example of Cycles C 3 and C 4](images/Figure-14.13.png)
-Figure 14.13. Example of Cycles C 3 and C 4
+An adjacency list is a table with one row per vertex, listing its adjacent
+vertices. The adjacency listing for a directed graph maintains a listing of the
+terminal nodes for each of the vertex in the graph.
-An adjacency list is a table with one row per
-vertex, listing its adjacent vertices. The adjacency
-listing for a directed graph maintains a listing of
-the terminal nodes for each of the vertex in the
 Ve r t ex
 A B, C
 B A, B, C
 C A, B
+<!--![Figure 14.14. Adjacency Lists for Graphs in Figures 14.10 and 14.11](images/Figure-14.14.png) -->
-Figure 14.14. Adjacency Lists for Graphs in Figures 14.10
-and 14.11
+For example, Figure 14.14 illustrates the adjacency lists for the pseudograph
+in Figure 14.10 and the directed graph in Figure 14.11. As the out-degree of
+vertex C in Figure 14.11 is zero, there is no entry against C in the adjacency
+list. Different representations for a graph—like adjacency matrix, incidence
+matrix, and adjacency lists—need to be studied.
+#### 5.2. Trees
-For example, Figure 14.14 illustrates the adja-
-cency lists for the pseudograph in Figure 14.10
-and the directed graph in Figure 14.11. As the
-out-degree of vertex C in Figure 14.11 is zero,
-there is no entry against C in the adjacency list.
-Different representations for a graph—like
-adjacency matrix, incidence matrix, and adja-
-cency lists—need to be studied.
+A tree T(N, E) is a hierarchical data structure of n = |N| nodes with a
+specially designated root node R while the remaining n − 1 nodes form subtrees
+under the root node R. The number of edges |E| in a tree would always be equal
+to |N| − 1.
+The subtree at node X is the subgraph of the tree consisting of node X and its
+descendants and all edges incident to those descendants. As an alternate to
+this recursive definition, a tree may be defined as a connected undirected
+graph with no simple circuits.
-5.2. Trees
+![Figure 14.15. Example of a Tree](images/Figure-14.15.png)
+However, one should remember that a tree is strictly hierarchical in nature as
+compared to a graph, which is flat. In case of a tree, an ordered pair is built
+between two nodes as parent and child. Each child node in a tree is associated
+with only one parent node, whereas this restriction becomes meaningless for a
+graph where no parent-child association exists.
-A tree T(N, E) is a hierarchical data structure of n
-= |N| nodes with a specially designated root node
-R while the remaining n − 1 nodes form subtrees
-under the root node R. The number of edges |E| in
-a tree would always be equal to |N| − 1.
-The subtree at node X is the subgraph of the
-tree consisting of node X and its descendants and
-all edges incident to those descendants. As an
-alternate to this recursive definition, a tree may
-be defined as a connected undirected graph with
-no simple circuits.
+An undirected graph is a tree if and only if there is a unique simple path
+between any two of its vertices.
+Figure 14.15 presents a tree T(N, E) where the set of nodes N = {A, B, C, D, E,
+F, G, H, I, J, K}. The edge set E is {(A, B), (A, C), (A, D), (B, E), (B, F),
+(B, G), (C, H), (C, I), (D, J), (D, K)}. The parent of a nonroot node v is the
+unique node u with a directed edge from u to v. Each node in the tree has a
+unique parent node except the root of the tree.
+For example, in Figure 14.15, root node A is the parent node for nodes B, C,
+and D. Similarly, B is the parent of E, F, G, and so on. The root node A does
+not have any parent. A node that has children is called an internal node.
-Mathematical Foundations 14-11
+For example, in Figure 14.15, node A or node B are examples of internal nodes.
+The degree of a node in a tree is the same as its number of children.
-Figure 14.15. Example of a Tree
+For example, in Figure 14.15, root node A and its child B are both of degree 3.
+Nodes C and D have degree 2.
-However, one should remember that a tree is
-strictly hierarchical in nature as compared to a
-graph, which is flat. In case of a tree, an ordered
-pair is built between two nodes as parent and
-child. Each child node in a tree is associated
-with only one parent node, whereas this restric-
-tion becomes meaningless for a graph where no
-parent-child association exists.
-An undirected graph is a tree if and only if
-there is a unique simple path between any two of
-its vertices.
-Figure 14.15 presents a tree T(N, E) where the
-set of nodes N = {A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K}.
-The edge set E is {(A, B), (A, C), (A, D), (B, E),
-(B, F), (B, G), (C, H), (C, I), (D, J), (D, K)}.
-The parent of a nonroot node v is the unique
-node u with a directed edge from u to v. Each
-node in the tree has a unique parent node except
-the root of the tree.
-For example, in Figure 14.15, root node A is
-the parent node for nodes B, C, and D. Similarly,
-B is the parent of E, F, G, and so on. The root
-node A does not have any parent.
-A node that has children is called an internal
-For example, in Figure 14.15, node A or node B
-are examples of internal nodes.
-The degree of a node in a tree is the same as its
-number of children.
-For example, in Figure 14.15, root node A and
-its child B are both of degree 3. Nodes C and D
-have degree 2.
-The distance of a node from the root node in
-terms of number of hops is called its _level_. Nodes
-in a tree are at different levels. The root node is
+The distance of a node from the root node in terms of number of hops is called
+its _level_. Nodes in a tree are at different levels. The root node is at level
+0. Alternately, the level of a node X is the length of the unique path from the
+root of the tree to node X.
+For example, root node A is at level 0 in Figure 14.15. Nodes B, C, and D are
+at level 1. The remaining nodes in Figure 14.15 are all at level 2. The height
+of a tree is the maximum of the levels of nodes in the tree.
-at level 0. Alternately, the level of a node X is the
-length of the unique path from the root of the tree
-to node X.
-For example, root node A is at level 0 in Fig-
-ure 14.15. Nodes B, C, and D are at level 1. The
-remaining nodes in Figure 14.15 are all at level 2.
-The height of a tree is the maximum of the lev-
-els of nodes in the tree.
-For example, in Figure 14.15, the height of the
-tree is 2.
-A node is called a leaf if it has no children. The
-degree of a leaf node is 0.
-For example, in Figure 14.15, nodes E through
-K are all leaf nodes with degree 0.
-The ancestors or predecessors of a nonroot
-node X are all the nodes in the path from root to
-node X.
-For example, in Figure 14.15, nodes A and D
-form the set of ancestors for J.
-The successors or descendents of a node X are
-all the nodes that have X as its ancestor. For a tree
-with n nodes, all the remaining n − 1 nodes are
-successors of the root node.
-For example, in Figure 14.15, node B has suc-
-cessors in E, F, and G.
-If node X is an ancestor of node Y, then node Y
-is a successor of X.
-Two or more nodes sharing the same parent
-node are called sibling nodes.
-For example, in Figure 14.15, nodes E and G
-are siblings. However, nodes E and J, though
-from the same level, are not sibling nodes.
-Two sibling nodes are of the same level, but
-two nodes in the same level are not necessarily
-A tree is called an ordered tree if the rela-
-tive position of occurrences of children nodes is
-For example, a family tree is an ordered tree
-if, as a rule, the name of an elder sibling appears
-always before (i.e., on the left of) the younger
-In an unordered tree, the relative position of
-occurrences between the siblings does not bear
-any significance and may be altered arbitrarily.
-A binary tree is formed with zero or more nodes
-where there is a root node R and all the remaining
-nodes form a pair of ordered subtrees under the
-root node.
+For example, in Figure 14.15, the height of the tree is 2.
+A node is called a leaf if it has no children. The degree of a leaf node is 0.
-In a binary tree, no internal node can have more
-than two children. However, one must consider
-that besides this criterion in terms of the degree
-of internal nodes, a binary tree is always ordered.
-If the positions of the left and right subtrees for
-any node in the tree are swapped, then a new tree
-is derived.
+For example, in Figure 14.15, nodes E through K are all leaf nodes with degree
+0. The ancestors or predecessors of a nonroot node X are all the nodes in the
+path from root to node X.
+For example, in Figure 14.15, nodes A and D form the set of ancestors for J.
-Figure 14.16. Examples of Binary Trees
+The successors or descendents of a node X are all the nodes that have X as its
+ancestor. For a tree with n nodes, all the remaining n − 1 nodes are successors
+of the root node.
-For example, in Figure 14.16, the two binary
-trees are different as the positions of occurrences
-of the children of A are different in the two trees.
+For example, in Figure 14.15, node B has successors in E, F, and G.
+If node X is an ancestor of node Y, then node Y is a successor of X.
-Figure 14.17. Example of a Full Binary Tree
+Two or more nodes sharing the same parent node are called sibling nodes.
-According to [1], a binary tree is called a full
-binary tree if every internal node has exactly two
-For example, the binary tree in Figure 14.17
-is a full binary tree, as both of the two internal
-nodes A and B are of degree 2.
-A full binary tree following the definition
-above is also referred to as a _strictly binary tree_.
-For example, both binary trees in Figure 14.18
-are complete binary trees. The tree in Figure
-14.18(a) is a complete as well as a full binary
-tree. A complete binary tree has all its levels,
-except possibly the last one, filled up to capacity.
-In case the last level of a complete binary tree is
-not full, nodes occur from the leftmost positions
+For example, in Figure 14.15, nodes E and G are siblings. However, nodes E and
+J, though from the same level, are not sibling nodes. Two sibling nodes are of
+the same level, but two nodes in the same level are not necessarily siblings.
+A tree is called an ordered tree if the relative position of occurrences of
+children nodes is significant.
+For example, a family tree is an ordered tree if, as a rule, the name of an
+elder sibling appears always before (i.e., on the left of) the younger sibling.
-Figure 14.18. Example of Complete Binary Trees
+In an unordered tree, the relative position of occurrences between the siblings
+does not bear any significance and may be altered arbitrarily. A binary tree is
+formed with zero or more nodes where there is a root node R and all the
+remaining nodes form a pair of ordered subtrees under the root node.
+In a binary tree, no internal node can have more than two children. However,
+one must consider that besides this criterion in terms of the degree of
+internal nodes, a binary tree is always ordered. If the positions of the left
+and right subtrees for any node in the tree are swapped, then a new tree is
-Interestingly, following the definitions above,
-the tree in Figure 14.18(b) is a complete but not
-full binary tree as node B has only one child in D.
-On the contrary, the tree in Figure 14.17 is a full
-—but not complete—binary tree, as the children
-of B occur in the tree while the children of C do
-not appear in the last level.
-A binary tree of height H is balanced if all its
-leaf nodes occur at levels H or H − 1.
-For example, all three binary trees in Figures
-14.17 and 14.18 are balanced binary trees.
-There are at most 2H leaves in a binary tree of
-height H. In other words, if a binary tree with L
-leaves is full and balanced, then its height is H =
-⎡log 2 L⎤.
-For example, this statement is true for the
-two trees in Figures 14.17 and 14.18(a) as both
-trees are full and balanced. However, the expres-
-sion above does not match for the tree in Figure
-14.18(b) as it is not a full binary tree.
-A binary search tree (BST) is a special kind of
-binary tree in which each node contains a distinct
-key value, and the key value of each node in the
-tree is less than every key value in its right subtree
-and greater than every key value in its left subtree.
-A traversal algorithm is a procedure for sys-
-tematically visiting every node of a binary tree.
-Tree traversals may be defined recursively.
-If T is binary tree with root R and the remain-
-ing nodes form an ordered pair of nonnull left
-subtree TL and nonnull right subtree TR below R,
-then the preorder traversal function PreOrder(T)
-is defined as:
+![Figure 14.16. Examples of Binary Trees](images/Figure-14.16.png)
+For example, in Figure 14.16, the two binary trees are different as the
+positions of occurrences of the children of A are different in the two trees.
-PreOrder(T) = R, PreOrder(TL), PreOrder(TR)
-... eqn. 1
+![Figure 14.17. Example of a Full Binary Tree](images/Figure-14.17.png)
+According to [1], a binary tree is called a full binary tree if every internal
+node has exactly two children.
+For example, the binary tree in Figure 14.17 is a full binary tree, as both of
+the two internal nodes A and B are of degree 2.
-Mathematical Foundations 14-13
+A full binary tree following the definition above is also referred to as a
+_strictly binary tree_. For example, both binary trees in Figure 14.18 are
+complete binary trees. The tree in Figure 14.18(a) is a complete as well as a
+full binary tree. A complete binary tree has all its levels, except possibly
+the last one, filled up to capacity. In case the last level of a complete
+binary tree is not full, nodes occur from the leftmost positions available.
-The recursive process of finding the preorder
-traversal of the subtrees continues till the sub-
-trees are found to be Null. Here, commas have
-been used as delimiters for the sake of improved
-The postorder and in-order may be similarly
-defined using eqn. 2 and eqn. 3 respectively.
+![Figure 14.18. Example of Complete Binary Trees](images/Figure-14.18.png)
+Interestingly, following the definitions above, the tree in Figure 14.18(b) is
+a complete but not full binary tree as node B has only one child in D. On the
+contrary, the tree in Figure 14.17 is a full —but not complete—binary tree, as
+the children of B occur in the tree while the children of C do not appear in
+the last level.
+A binary tree of height H is balanced if all its leaf nodes occur at levels H
+or H − 1.
+For example, all three binary trees in Figures 14.17 and 14.18 are balanced
+binary trees. There are at most 2H leaves in a binary tree of height H. In
+other words, if a binary tree with L leaves is full and balanced, then its
+height is H = ⎡log 2 L⎤.
+For example, this statement is true for the two trees in Figures 14.17 and
+14.18(a) as both trees are full and balanced. However, the expression above
+does not match for the tree in Figure 14.18(b) as it is not a full binary tree.
+A binary search tree (BST) is a special kind of binary tree in which each node
+contains a distinct key value, and the key value of each node in the tree is
+less than every key value in its right subtree and greater than every key value
+in its left subtree. A traversal algorithm is a procedure for systematically
+visiting every node of a binary tree. Tree traversals may be defined
+recursively. If T is binary tree with root R and the remaining nodes form an
+ordered pair of nonnull left subtree TL and nonnull right subtree TR below R,
+then the preorder traversal function PreOrder(T) is defined as:
+PreOrder(T) = R, PreOrder(TL), PreOrder(TR)
+... eqn. 1
+The recursive process of finding the preorder traversal of the subtrees
+continues till the subtrees are found to be Null. Here, commas have been used
+as delimiters for the sake of improved readability.
+The postorder and in-order may be similarly defined using eqn. 2 and eqn. 3
 PostOrder(T) = PostOrder(TL), PostOrder(TR),
 R ... eqn 2
 InOrder(T) = InOrder(TL), R, InOrder(TR) ...
 eqn 3
+![Figure 14.19. A Binary Search Tree](images/Figure-14.19.png)
-Figure 14.19. A Binary Search Tree
+For example, the tree in Figure 14.19 is a binary search tree (BST). The
+preorder, postorder, and in-order traversal outputs for the BST are given below
+in their respective order.
-For example, the tree in Figure 14.19 is a binary
-search tree (BST). The preorder, postorder, and
-in-order traversal outputs for the BST are given
-below in their respective order.
 Preorder output: 9, 5, 2, 1, 4, 7, 6, 8, 13, 11,
 10, 15
 Postorder output: 1, 4, 2, 6, 8, 7, 5, 10, 11, 15,
 13, 9
 In-order output: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
 13, 15
-Further discussion on trees and their usage has
-been included in section 6, Data Structure and Rep-
-resentation, of the Computing Foundations KA.
+Further discussion on trees and their usage has been included in section 6,
+Data Structure and Representation, of the Computing Foundations KA.
-**6. Discrete Probability**
-    [1*, c7]
+### 6. Discrete Probability
-Probability is the mathematical description of
-randomness. Basic definition of probability and
+<!-- [1*, c7] -->
-randomness has been defined in section 4 of this
-KA. Here, let us start with the concepts behind
-probability distribution and discrete probability.
-A probability model is a mathematical descrip-
-tion of a random phenomenon consisting of two
-parts: a sample space S and a way of assigning
-probabilities to events. The sample space defines
-the set of all possible outcomes, whereas an event
-is a subset of a sample space representing a pos-
-sible outcome or a set of outcomes.
-A random variable is a function or rule that
-assigns a number to each outcome. Basically, it
-is just a symbol that represents the outcome of an
-For example, let X be the number of heads
-when the experiment is flipping a coin n times.
-Similarly, let S be the speed of a car as registered
-on a radar detector.
-The values for a random variable could be dis-
-crete or continuous depending on the experiment.
-A discrete random variable can hold all pos-
-sible outcomes without missing any, although it
-might take an infinite amount of time.
-A continuous random variable is used to mea-
-sure an uncountable number of values even if an
-infinite amount of time is given.
-For example, if a random variable X represents
-an outcome that is a real number between 1 and
-100, then X may have an infinite number of val-
-ues. One can never list all possible outcomes for
-X even if an infinite amount of time is allowed.
-Here, X is a continuous random variable. On
-the contrary, for the same interval of 1 to 100,
-another random variable Y can be used to list all
-the integer values in the range. Here, Y is a dis-
-crete random variable.
-An upper-case letter, say X, will represent
-the name of the random variable. Its lower-case
-counterpart, x, will represent the value of the ran-
-dom variable.
-The probability that the random variable X will
-equal x is:
+Probability is the mathematical description of randomness. Basic definition of
+probability and randomness has been defined in section 4 of this KA. Here, let
+us start with the concepts behind probability distribution and discrete
+probability. A probability model is a mathematical description of a random
+phenomenon consisting of two parts: a sample space S and a way of assigning
+probabilities to events. The sample space defines the set of all possible
+outcomes, whereas an event is a subset of a sample space representing a pos-
+sible outcome or a set of outcomes.
+A random variable is a function or rule that assigns a number to each outcome.
+Basically, it is just a symbol that represents the outcome of an experiment.
-P(X = x) or, more simply, P(x).
+For example, let X be the number of heads when the experiment is flipping a
+coin n times. Similarly, let S be the speed of a car as registered on a radar
+The values for a random variable could be discrete or continuous depending on
+the experiment. A discrete random variable can hold all possible outcomes
+without missing any, although it might take an infinite amount of time.
-A probability distribution (density) function is
-a table, formula, or graph that describes the val-
-ues of a random variable and the probability asso-
-ciated with these values.
+A continuous random variable is used to measure an uncountable number of
+values even if an infinite amount of time is given.
+For example, if a random variable X represents an outcome that is a real number
+between 1 and 100, then X may have an infinite number of values. One can
+never list all possible outcomes for X even if an infinite amount of time is
+allowed. Here, X is a continuous random variable. On the contrary, for the same
+interval of 1 to 100, another random variable Y can be used to list all the
+integer values in the range. Here, Y is a discrete random variable.
-Probabilities associated with discrete random
-variables have the following properties:
+An upper-case letter, say X, will represent the name of the random variable.
+Its lower-case counterpart, x, will represent the value of the random
+The probability that the random variable X will equal x is:
+P(X = x) or, more simply, P(x).
+A probability distribution (density) function is a table, formula, or graph
+that describes the values of a random variable and the probability asso-
+ciated with these values.
+Probabilities associated with discrete random variables have the following
 i. 0 ≤ P(x) ≤ 1 for all x
 ii. ΣP(x) = 1
-A discrete probability distribution can be repre-
-sented as a discrete random variable.
+A discrete probability distribution can be represented as a discrete random
-##### X 1 2 3 4 5 6
+X 1 2 3 4 5 6
 P(x) 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6
-**Figure 14.20.** A Discrete Probability Function for a Rolling
+<!-- FIXME: ![Figure 14.20. A Discrete Probability Function for a Rolling Die](images/Figure-14.20.png) -->
-The mean μ of a probability distribution model
-is the sum of the product terms for individual
-events and its outcome probability. In other
-words, for the possible outcomes x 1 , x 2 , ... , xn
-in a sample space S if pk is the probability of out-
-come xk, the mean of this probability would be μ
-= x 1 p 1 + x 2 p 2 + ... + xnpn.
-For example, the mean of the probability den-
-sity for the distribution in Figure 14.20 would be
+The mean μ of a probability distribution model is the sum of the product terms
+for individual events and its outcome probability. In other words, for the
+possible outcomes x 1 , x 2 , ... , xn in a sample space S if pk is the
+probability of outcome xk, the mean of this probability would be μ = x 1
+p 1 + x 2 p 2 + ... + xnpn.
+For example, the mean of the probability density for the distribution in
+Figure 14.20 would be
 1 * (1/6) + 2 * (1/6) + 3 * (1/6) + 4 * (1/6) + 5
 * (1/6) + 6 * (1/6)
 = 21 * (1/6) = 3.5
-Here, the sample space refers to the set of all
-possible outcomes.
-The variance s^2 of a discrete probability model
-is: s^2 = (x 1 – μ)^2 p 1 + (x 2 – μ)^2 p 2 + ... + (xk – μ)^2 pk.
-The _standard deviation_ s is the square root of the
-For example, for the probability distribution in
-Figure 14.20, the variation σ^2 would be
+Here, the sample space refers to the set of all possible outcomes.
+The variance s^2 of a discrete probability model is: s^2 = (x 1 – μ)^2 p 1 + (x
+2 – μ)^2 p 2 + ... + (xk – μ)^2 pk. The _standard deviation_ s is the square
+root of the variance.
+For example, for the probability distribution in Figure 14.20, the variation
+σ^2 would be
 s^2 = [(1 – 3.5)^2 * (1/6) + (2 – 3.5)^2 * (1/6) +
 (3 – 3.5)^2 * (1/6) + (4 – 3.5)^2 * (1/6) + (5 –
 3.5)^2 * (1/6) + (6 – 3.5)^2 * (1/6)]
@@ -1229,78 +954,57 @@ s^2 = [(1 – 3.5)^2 * (1/6) + (2 – 3.5)^2 * (1/6) +
 = 17.5 * (1/6)
 = 2.90
 ∴ standard deviation s =
-These numbers indeed aim to derive the aver-
-age value from repeated experiments. This is
-based on the single most important phenom-
-enon of probability, i.e., the average value from
-repeated experiments is likely to be close to the
-expected value of one experiment. Moreover,
-the average value is more likely to be closer to
-the expected value of any one experiment as the
+These numbers indeed aim to derive the average value from repeated
+experiments. This is based on the single most important phenomenon of
+probability, i.e., the average value from repeated experiments is likely to be
+close to the expected value of one experiment. Moreover, the average value is
+more likely to be closer to the expected value of any one experiment as the
 number of experiments increases.
-**7. Finite State Machines**
-    [1*, c13]
+### 7. Finite State Machines
+<!-- [1*, c13] -->
-A computer system may be abstracted as a map-
-ping from state to state driven by inputs. In other
-words, a system may be considered as a transition
-function T: S × I → S × O, where S is the set of
-states and I, O are the input and output functions.
-If the state set S is finite (not infinite), the sys-
-tem is called a finite state machine (FSM).
-Alternately, a finite state machine (FSM) is a
-mathematical abstraction composed of a finite
-number of states and transitions between those
-states. If the domain S × I is reasonably small,
-then one can specify T explicitly using diagrams
-similar to a flow graph to illustrate the way logic
-flows for different inputs. However, this is prac-
-tical only for machines that have a very small
-information capacity.
-An FSM has a finite internal memory, an input
-feature that reads symbols in a sequence and one
-at a time, and an output feature.
-The operation of an FSM begins from a start
-state, goes through transitions depending on input
-to different states, and can end in any valid state.
-However, only a few of all the states mark a suc-
-cessful flow of operation. These are called accept
-The information capacity of an FSM is
-C = log |S|. Thus, if we represent a machine having
-an information capacity of C bits as an FSM, then
-its state transition graph will have |S| = 2C nodes.
-A finite state machine is formally defined as M
-= ( S , I , O , f , g , s 0 ).
+A computer system may be abstracted as a mapping from state to state driven
+by inputs. In other words, a system may be considered as a transition function
+T: S × I → S × O, where S is the set of states and I, O are the input and
+output functions. If the state set S is finite (not infinite), the system is
+called a finite state machine (FSM). Alternately, a finite state machine (FSM)
+is a mathematical abstraction composed of a finite number of states and
+transitions between those states. If the domain S × I is reasonably small, then
+one can specify T explicitly using diagrams similar to a flow graph to
+illustrate the way logic flows for different inputs. However, this is prac-
+tical only for machines that have a very small information capacity.
+An FSM has a finite internal memory, an input feature that reads symbols in a
+sequence and one at a time, and an output feature.
+The operation of an FSM begins from a start state, goes through transitions
+depending on input to different states, and can end in any valid state.
+However, only a few of all the states mark a successful flow of operation.
+These are called accept states.
+The information capacity of an FSM is C = log |S|. Thus, if we represent a
+machine having an information capacity of C bits as an FSM, then its state
+transition graph will have |S| = 2C nodes. A finite state machine is formally
+defined as M = ( S , I , O , f , g , s 0 ).
 S is the state set;
 I is the set of input symbols;
 O is the set of output symbols;
 f is the state transition function;
-Mathematical Foundations 14-15
 g is the output function;
 and s 0 is the initial state.
-Given an input x ∈ I on state Sk, the FSM
-makes a transition to state Sh following state tran-
-sition function f and produces an output y ∈ O
-using the output function g.
+Given an input x ∈ I on state Sk, the FSM makes a transition to state Sh
+following state transition function f and produces an output y ∈ O using the
+output function g.
+![Figure 14.21. Example of an FSM](images/Figure-14.21.png)
-Figure 14.21. Example of an FSM
 For example, Figure 14.21 illustrates an FSM
 with S 0 as the start state and S 1 as the final state.
 Here, S = {S 0 , S 1 , S 2 }; I = {0, 1}; O = {2, 3}; f(S 0 ,
@@ -1308,25 +1012,20 @@ Here, S = {S 0 , S 1 , S 2 }; I = {0, 1}; O = {2, 3}; 
 0) = S 2 , f(S 2 , 1) = S 0 ; g(S 0 , 0) = 3, g(S 0 , 1) = 2, g(S 1 ,
 0) = 3, g(S 1 , 1) = 2, g(S 2 , 0) = 2, g(S 2 , 1) = 3.
 0 1
 S 0 S 2 S 1
 S 1 S 2 S 2
 S 2 S 2 S 0
 Output State
 Input Input
 0 1 0 1
@@ -1337,144 +1036,108 @@ S 2 2 3 S 2 S 0
+<!-- FIXME: ![Figure 14.22. Tabular Representation of an FSM](images/Figure-14.22.png) -->
-Figure 14.22. Tabular Representation of an FSM
+The state transition and output values for different inputs on different
+states may be represented using a state table. The state table for the FSM in
+Figure 14.21 is shown in Figure 14.22. Each pair against an input symbol
+represents the new state and the output symbol.
+For example, Figures 14.22(a) and 14.22(b) are two alternate representations of
+the FSM in Figure 14.21.
-The state transition and output values for differ-
-ent inputs on different states may be represented
-using a state table. The state table for the FSM in
-Figure 14.21 is shown in Figure 14.22. Each pair
-against an input symbol represents the new state
-and the output symbol.
-For example, Figures 14.22(a) and 14.22(b) are
-two alternate representations of the FSM in Fig-
-ure 14.21.
+### 8. Grammars
-**8. Grammars**
-    [1*, c13]
+<!-- [1*, c13] -->
+The grammar of a natural language tells us whether a combination of words makes
+a valid sentence. Unlike natural languages, a formal language is specified by
+a well-defined set of rules for syntaxes. The valid sentences of a formal
+language can be described by a grammar with the help of these rules, referred
+to as production rules. A formal language is a set of finite-length words or
+strings over some finite alphabet, and a grammar specifies the rules for
+formation of these words or strings. The entire set of words that are valid for
+a grammar constitutes the language for the grammar. Thus, the grammar G is
+any compact, precise mathematical definition of a language L as opposed to just
+a raw listing of all of the language’s legal sentences or examples of those
-The grammar of a natural language tells us
-whether a combination of words makes a valid
-sentence. Unlike natural languages, a formal lan-
-guage is specified by a well-defined set of rules for
-syntaxes. The valid sentences of a formal language
-can be described by a grammar with the help of
-these rules, referred to as production rules.
-A formal language is a set of finite-length
-words or strings over some finite alphabet, and
-a grammar specifies the rules for formation of
-these words or strings. The entire set of words
-that are valid for a grammar constitutes the lan-
-guage for the grammar. Thus, the grammar G is
-any compact, precise mathematical definition of a
-language L as opposed to just a raw listing of all
-of the language’s legal sentences or examples of
-those sentences.
-A grammar implies an algorithm that would
-generate all legal sentences of the language.
-There are different types of grammars.
-A phrase-structure or Type-0 grammar G = (V,
-T, S, P) is a 4-tuple in which:
+A grammar implies an algorithm that would generate all legal sentences of the
+language. There are different types of grammars. A phrase-structure or Type-0
+grammar G = (V, T, S, P) is a 4-tuple in which:
 - V is the vocabulary, i.e., set of words.
 - T ⊆ V is a set of words called terminals.
-- S ∈ N is a special word called the start
-    symbol.
-- P is the set of productions rules for substitut-
-    ing one sentence fragment for another.
+- S ∈ N is a special word called the start symbol.
+- P is the set of productions rules for substituting one sentence fragment
+  for another.
+There exists another set N = V − T of words called nonterminals. The
+nonterminals represent concepts like noun. Production rules are applied on
+strings containing nonterminals until no more nonterminal symbols are present
+in the string. The start symbol S is a nonterminal.
-There exists another set N = V − T of words
-called nonterminals. The nonterminals represent
-concepts like noun. Production rules are applied
-on strings containing nonterminals until no more
-nonterminal symbols are present in the string.
-The start symbol S is a nonterminal.
+The language generated by a formal grammar G, denoted by L(G), is the set of
+all strings over the set of alphabets V that can be generated, starting with
+the start symbol, by applying production rules until all the nonterminal
+symbols are replaced in the string.
+For example, let G = ({S, A, a, b}, {a, b}, S, {S → aA, S → b, A → aa}). Here,
+the set of terminals are N = {S, A}, where S is the start symbol. The three
+production rules for the grammar are given as P1: S → aA; P2: S → b; P3: A →
+aa. Applying the production rules in all possible ways, the following words may
+be generated from the start symbol.
-The language generated by a formal grammar
-G, denoted by L(G), is the set of all strings over
-the set of alphabets V that can be generated, start-
-ing with the start symbol, by applying produc-
-tion rules until all the nonterminal symbols are
-replaced in the string.
-For example, let G = ({S, A, a, b}, {a, b}, S, {S
-→ aA, S → b, A → aa}). Here, the set of termi-
-nals are N = {S, A}, where S is the start symbol.
-The three production rules for the grammar are
-given as P1: S → aA; P2: S → b; P3: A → aa.
-Applying the production rules in all possible
-ways, the following words may be generated
-from the start symbol.
 S → aA (using P1 on start symbol)
 → aaa (using P3)
 S → b (using P2 on start symbol)
-Nothing else can be derived for G. Thus, the
-language of the grammar G consists of only two
-words: L(G) = {aaa, b}.
+Nothing else can be derived for G. Thus, the language of the grammar G consists
+of only two words: L(G) = {aaa, b}.
-_8.1. Language Recognition_
+#### 8.1. Language Recognition
-Formal grammars can be classified according to the
-types of productions that are allowed. The Chom-
-sky hierarchy (introduced by Noam Chomsky in
-1956) describes such a classification scheme.
+Formal grammars can be classified according to the types of productions that
+are allowed. The Chomsky hierarchy (introduced by Noam Chomsky in 1956)
+describes such a classification scheme.
+![Figure 14.23. Chomsky Hierarchy of Grammars](images/Figure-14.23.png)
-Figure 14.23. Chomsky Hierarchy of Grammars
+As illustrated in Figure 14.23, we infer the following on different types of
-As illustrated in Figure 14.23, we infer the fol-
-lowing on different types of grammars:
+1. Every regular grammar is a context-free grammar (CFG).
+2. Every CFG is a context-sensitive grammar (CSG).
+3. Every CSG is a phrase-structure grammar (PSG).
-1. Every regular grammar is a context-free
-    grammar (CFG).
-2. Every CFG is a context-sensitive grammar
-    (CSG).
-       3. Every CSG is a phrase-structure grammar
-          (PSG).
+Context-Sensitive Grammar: All fragments in the RHS are either longer than the
+corresponding fragments in the LHS or empty, i.e., if b → a, then |b| < |a| or
+a = ∅.
-Context-Sensitive Grammar: All fragments in
-the RHS are either longer than the corresponding
-fragments in the LHS or empty, i.e., if b → a, then
-|b| < |a| or a = ∅.
-A formal language is context-sensitive if a con-
-text-sensitive grammar generates it.
-Context-Free Grammar: All fragments in the
-LHS are of length 1, i.e., if A → a, then |A| = 1
-for all A ∈ N.
-The term context-free derives from the fact that
-A can always be replaced by a, regardless of the
-context in which it occurs.
-A formal language is context-free if a context-
-free grammar generates it. Context-free lan-
-guages are the theoretical basis for the syntax of
-most programming languages.
-Regular Grammar. All fragments in the RHS
-are either single terminals or a pair built by a
-terminal and a nonterminal; i.e., if A → a, then
-either a ∈ T, or a = cD, or a = Dc for c ∈ T, D ∈ N.
-If a = cD, then the grammar is called a right
-linear grammar. On the other hand, if a = Dc, then
-the grammar is called a left linear grammar. Both
-the right linear and left linear grammars are regu-
-lar or Type-3 grammar.
-The language L(G) generated by a regular
-grammar G is called a regular language.
-A regular expression A is a string (or pattern)
-formed from the following six pieces of infor-
-mation: a ∈ S, the set of alphabets, e, 0 and the
-operations, OR (+), PRODUCT (.), CONCATE-
-NATION (*). The language of G, L(G) is equal to
-all those strings that match G, L(G) = {x ∈ S*|x
-matches G}.
+A formal language is context-sensitive if a context-sensitive grammar
+generates it. Context-Free Grammar: All fragments in the LHS are of length 1,
+i.e., if A → a, then |A| = 1 for all A ∈ N.
+The term context-free derives from the fact that A can always be replaced by a,
+regardless of the context in which it occurs.
+A formal language is context-free if a contextfree grammar generates it.
+Context-free languages are the theoretical basis for the syntax of most
+programming languages.
+Regular Grammar. All fragments in the RHS are either single terminals or a pair
+built by a terminal and a nonterminal; i.e., if A → a, then either a ∈ T, or a
+= cD, or a = Dc for c ∈ T, D ∈ N. If a = cD, then the grammar is called a right
+linear grammar. On the other hand, if a = Dc, then the grammar is called a left
+linear grammar. Both the right linear and left linear grammars are regular or
+Type-3 grammar.
+The language L(G) generated by a regular grammar G is called a regular
+language. A regular expression A is a string (or pattern) formed from the
+following six pieces of information: a ∈ S, the set of alphabets, e, 0 and
+the operations, OR (+), PRODUCT (.), CONCATENATION (*). The language of G,
+L(G) is equal to all those strings that match G, L(G) = {x ∈ S*|x matches G}.
 For any a ∈ S, L(a) = a; L(e) = {ε}; L(0) = 0.
 + functions as an or, L(A + B) = L(A) ∪ L(B).
@@ -1483,416 +1146,314 @@ For any a ∈ S, L(a) = a; L(e) = {ε}; L(0) = 0.
 * denotes concatenation, L(A*) = {x 1 x 2 ...xn |
     xi ∈ L(A) and n ³ 0}
 For example, the regular expression (ab)*
 matches the set of strings: {e, ab, abab, ababab,
 abababab, ...}.
+For example, the regular expression (aa)* matches the set of strings on one
+letter _a_ that have even length.
-Mathematical Foundations 14-17
-For example, the regular expression (aa)*
-matches the set of strings on one letter _a_ that have
-even length.
 For example, the regular expression (aaa)* +
 (aaaaa)* matches the set of strings of length equal
 to a multiple of 3 or 5.
-**9. Numerical Precision, Accuracy, and Errors**
-    [2*, c2]
+### 9. Numerical Precision, Accuracy, and Errors
-The main goal of numerical analysis is to
-develop efficient algorithms for computing pre-
-cise numerical values of functions, solutions of
-algebraic and differential equations, optimization
-problems, etc.
-A matter of fact is that all digital computers can
-only store finite numbers. In other words, there
-is no way that a computer can represent an infi-
-nitely large number—be it an integer, rational
-number, or any real or all complex numbers (see
-section 10, Number Theory). So the mathematics
-of approximation becomes very critical to handle
-all the numbers in the finite range that a computer
-can handle.
-Each number in a computer is assigned a loca-
-tion or word, consisting of a specified number of
-binary digits or bits. A k bit word can store a total
-of N = 2k different numbers.
-For example, a computer that uses 32 bit arith-
-metic can store a total of N = 2^32 ≈ 4.3 × 10^9 dif-
-ferent numbers, while another one that uses 64
-bits can handle N’ = 2^64 ≈ 1.84 × 10^19 different
-numbers. The question is how to distribute these
-N numbers over the real line for maximum effi-
-ciency and accuracy in practical computations.
-One evident choice is to distribute them evenly,
-leading to fixed-point arithmetic. In this system,
-the first bit in a word is used to represent a sign
-and the remaining bits are treated for integer val-
-ues. This allows representation of the integers
-from 1 − ½N, i.e., = 1 − 2k−1 to 1. As an approxi-
-mating method, this is not good for noninteger
-Another option is to space the numbers closely
-together—say with a uniform gap of 2−n—and so
-distribute the total N numbers uniformly over the
-interval −2−n−1N < x ≤ 2−n−1N. Real numbers lying
-between the gaps are represented by either _round-
-ing_ (meaning the closest exact representative)
+<!-- [2*, c2] -->
+The main goal of numerical analysis is to develop efficient algorithms for
+computing precise numerical values of functions, solutions of algebraic and
+differential equations, optimization problems, etc.
-or chopping (meaning the exact representative
-immediately below —or above, if negative—the
-Numbers lying beyond the range must be repre-
-sented by the largest (or largest negative) number
-that can be represented. This becomes a symbol
-for overflow. Overflow occurs when a computa-
-tion produces a value larger than the maximum
-value in the range.
-When processing speed is a significant bottle-
-neck, the use of the fixed-point representations
-is an attractive and faster alternative to the more
-cumbersome floating-point arithmetic most com-
-monly used in practice.
-Let’s define a couple of very important terms:
-accuracy and precision as associated with numer-
-ical analysis.
-Accuracy is the closeness with which a mea-
-sured or computed value agrees with the true value.
-Precision, on the other hand, is the closeness
-with which two or more measured or computed
-values for the same physical substance agree with
-each other. In other words, precision is the close-
-ness with which a number represents an exact
-Let x be a real number and let x* be an approxi-
-mation. The absolute error in the approximation
-x* ≈ x is defined as | x* − x |. The relative error
-is defined as the ratio of the absolute error to the
-size of x, i.e., |x* − x| / | x |, which assumes x ¹ 0;
-otherwise, relative error is not defined.
-For example, 1000000 is an approximation to
-1000001 with an absolute error of 1 and a relative
-error of 10−6, while 10 is an approximation of 11
-with an absolute error of 1 and a relative error of
-0.1. Typically, relative error is more intuitive and
-the preferred determiner of the size of the error.
-The present convention is that errors are always
-≥ 0, and are = 0 if and only if the approximation
-is exact.
-An approximation x* has k significant deci-
-mal digits if its relative error is < 5 × 10−k−1. This
-means that the first k digits of x* following its
-first nonzero digit are the same as those of x.
-Significant digits are the digits of a number that
-are known to be correct. In a measurement, one
-uncertain digit is included.
-For example, measurement of length with
-a ruler of 15.5 mm with ±0.5 mm maximum
+A matter of fact is that all digital computers can only store finite numbers.
+In other words, there is no way that a computer can represent an infinitely
+large number—be it an integer, rational number, or any real or all complex
+numbers (see section 10, Number Theory). So the mathematics of approximation
+becomes very critical to handle all the numbers in the finite range that a
+computer can handle.
+Each number in a computer is assigned a location or word, consisting of a
+specified number of binary digits or bits. A k bit word can store a total of N
+= 2k different numbers.
-allowable error has 2 significant digits, whereas
-a measurement of the same length using a caliper
-and recorded as 15.47 mm with ±0.01 mm maxi-
-mum allowable error has 3 significant digits.
+For example, a computer that uses 32 bit arithmetic can store a total of N =
+2^32 ≈ 4.3 × 10^9 different numbers, while another one that uses 64 bits can
+handle N’ = 2^64 ≈ 1.84 × 10^19 different numbers. The question is how to
+distribute these N numbers over the real line for maximum efficiency and
+accuracy in practical computations. One evident choice is to distribute them
+evenly, leading to fixed-point arithmetic. In this system, the first bit in a
+word is used to represent a sign and the remaining bits are treated for integer
+values. This allows representation of the integers from 1 − ½N, i.e., = 1 −
+2k−1 to 1. As an approximating method, this is not good for noninteger
-**10. Number Theory**
-    [1*, c4]
+Another option is to space the numbers closely together—say with a uniform gap
+of 2−n—and so distribute the total N numbers uniformly over the interval
+−2−n−1N < x ≤ 2−n−1N. Real numbers lying between the gaps are represented by
+either _rounding_ (meaning the closest exact representative) or chopping
+(meaning the exact representative immediately below —or above, if negative—the
-Number theory is one of the oldest branches
-of pure mathematics and one of the largest. Of
-course, it concerns questions about numbers,
-usually meaning whole numbers and fractional or
-rational numbers. The different types of numbers
-include integer, real number, natural number,
-complex number, rational number, etc.
+Numbers lying beyond the range must be represented by the largest (or largest
+negative) number that can be represented. This becomes a symbol for overflow.
+Overflow occurs when a computation produces a value larger than the maximum
+value in the range.
-_10.1. Divisibility_
+When processing speed is a significant bottleneck, the use of the fixed-point
+representations is an attractive and faster alternative to the more cumbersome
+floating-point arithmetic most commonly used in practice.
-Let’s start this section with a brief description of
-each of the above types of numbers, starting with
-the natural numbers.
-_Natural Numbers._ This group of numbers starts
-at 1 and continues: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and so on. Zero
-is not in this group. There are no negative or frac-
-tional numbers in the group of natural numbers.
-The common mathematical symbol for the set of
-all natural numbers is N.
-_Whole Numbers._ This group has all of the natu-
-ral numbers in it plus the number 0.
-Unfortunately, not everyone accepts the above
-definitions of natural and whole numbers. There
-seems to be no general agreement about whether
-to include 0 in the set of natural numbers.
-Many mathematicians consider that, in Europe,
-the sequence of natural numbers traditionally
-started with 1 (0 was not even considered to be
-a number by the Greeks). In the 19th century, set
-theoreticians and other mathematicians started
-the convention of including 0 in the set of natural
-_Integers._ This group has all the whole numbers
-in it and their negatives. The common mathemati-
-cal symbol for the set of all integers is Z, i.e., Z =
-{..., −3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...}.
-_Rational Numbers._ These are any numbers that
-can be expressed as a ratio of two integers. The
-common symbol for the set of all rational num-
-bers is Q.
-Rational numbers may be classified into
-three types, based on how the decimals act. The
+Let’s define a couple of very important terms: accuracy and precision as
+associated with numerical analysis.
+Accuracy is the closeness with which a measured or computed value agrees with
+the true value. Precision, on the other hand, is the closeness with which two
+or more measured or computed values for the same physical substance agree with
+each other. In other words, precision is the closeness with which a number
+represents an exact value.
-decimals either do not exist, e.g., 15, or, when
-decimals do exist, they may terminate, as in 15.6,
-or they may repeat with a pattern, as in 1.666...,
-(which is 5/3).
-Irrational Numbers. These are numbers that
-cannot be expressed as an integer divided by an
-integer. These numbers have decimals that never
-terminate and never repeat with a pattern, e.g., PI
-or √2.
-Real Numbers. This group is made up of all the
-rational and irrational numbers. The numbers that
-are encountered when studying algebra are real
-numbers. The common mathematical symbol for
-the set of all real numbers is R.
-Imaginary Numbers. These are all based on the
-imaginary number i. This imaginary number is
-equal to the square root of −1. Any real number
-multiple of i is an imaginary number, e.g., i , 5 i ,
-3.2 i , −2.6 i, etc.
-Complex Numbers. A complex number is a
-combination of a real number and an imaginary
-number in the form a + b i. The real part is a, and
-b is called the imaginary part. The common math-
-ematical symbol for the set of all complex num-
-bers is C.
-For example, 2 + 3 i , 3−5 i , 7.3 + 0 i , and 0 + 5 i.
-Consider the last two examples:
-7.3 + 0 i is the same as the real number 7.3.
-Thus, all real numbers are complex numbers with
-zero for the imaginary part.
-Similarly, 0 + 5 i is just the imaginary number
-5 i. Thus, all imaginary numbers are complex
-numbers with zero for the real part.
-Elementary number theory involves divisibility
-among integers. Let a, b ∈ Z with a ≠ 0.The expres-
-sion a|b, i.e., a divides b if ∃c ∈ Z: b = ac, i.e., there
-is an integer c such that c times a equals b.
-For example, 3|−12 is true, but 3|7 is false.
-If a divides b , then we say that a is a factor of
-b or a is a divisor of b , and b is a multiple of a.
-b is even if and only if 2| b.
-Let a, d ∈ Z with d > 1. Then a mod d denotes
-that the remainder r from the division algorithm
-with dividend a and divisor d , i.e., the remainder
-when a is divided by d. We can compute (a mod
-d) by: a − d * ⎣ a/d ⎦ , where ⎣ a/d ⎦ represents the
-floor of the real number.
-Let Z+ = {n ∈ Z | n > 0} and a, b ∈ Z, m ∈ Z+,
-then a is congruent to b modulo m , written as a ≡
-b (mod m) , if and only if m | a−b.
+Let x be a real number and let x* be an approximation. The absolute error in
+the approximation x* ≈ x is defined as | x* − x |. The relative error is
+defined as the ratio of the absolute error to the size of x, i.e., |x* − x| / |
+x |, which assumes x ¹ 0; otherwise, relative error is not defined. For
+example, 1000000 is an approximation to 1000001 with an absolute error of 1 and
+a relative error of 10−6, while 10 is an approximation of 11 with an absolute
+error of 1 and a relative error of 0.1. Typically, relative error is more
+intuitive and the preferred determiner of the size of the error. The present
+convention is that errors are always ≥ 0, and are = 0 if and only if the
+approximation is exact.
+An approximation x* has k significant decimal digits if its relative error is
+< 5 × 10−k−1. This means that the first k digits of x* following its first
+nonzero digit are the same as those of x. Significant digits are the digits of
+a number that are known to be correct. In a measurement, one uncertain digit is
+For example, measurement of length with a ruler of 15.5 mm with ±0.5 mm maximum
+allowable error has 2 significant digits, whereas a measurement of the same
+length using a caliper and recorded as 15.47 mm with ±0.01 mm maximum
+allowable error has 3 significant digits.
-Mathematical Foundations 14-19
+### 10. Number Theory
-Alternately, _a_ is congruent to _b modulo m_ if and
-only if _(a−b) mod m = 0_.
+<!-- [1*, c4] -->
-_10.2. Prime Number, GCD_
+Number theory is one of the oldest branches of pure mathematics and one of the
+largest. Of course, it concerns questions about numbers, usually meaning whole
+numbers and fractional or rational numbers. The different types of numbers
+include integer, real number, natural number, complex number, rational number,
-An integer p > 1 is prime if and only if it is not
-the product of any two integers greater than 1,
-i.e., p is prime if p > 1 ∧ ∃ ¬ a, b ∈ N: a > 1, b >
-1, a * b = p.
-The only positive factors of a prime p are 1
-and p itself. For example, the numbers 2, 13, 29,
-61, etc. are prime numbers. Nonprime integers
-greater than 1 are called composite numbers. A
-composite number may be composed by multi-
-plying two integers greater than 1.
-There are many interesting applications of
-prime numbers; among them are the public-
-key cryptography scheme, which involves the
-exchange of public keys containing the product
-_p*q_ of two random large primes _p_ and _q_ (a private
-key) that must be kept secret by a given party.
-The greatest common divisor gcd(a, b) of inte-
-gers a, b is the greatest integer d that is a divisor
-both of a and of b, i.e.,
+#### 10.1. Divisibility
+Let’s start this section with a brief description of each of the above types of
+numbers, starting with the natural numbers.
-d = gcd(a, b) for max(d: d|a ∧ d|b)
+_Natural Numbers._ This group of numbers starts at 1 and continues: 1, 2, 3, 4,
+5, and so on. Zero is not in this group. There are no negative or fractional
+numbers in the group of natural numbers. The common mathematical symbol for the
+set of all natural numbers is N.
-For example, gcd(24, 36) = 12.
-Integers _a_ and _b_ are called relatively prime or
-coprime if and only if their GCD is 1.
-For example, neither 35 nor 6 are prime, but
-they are coprime as these two numbers have no
-common factors greater than 1, so their GCD is 1.
-A set of integers X = {i 1 , i 2 , ...} is relatively
-prime if all possible pairs ih, ik, h ≠ k drawn from
-the set X are relatively prime.
+_Whole Numbers._ This group has all of the natural numbers in it plus the
+number 0.
-**11. Algebraic Structures**
+Unfortunately, not everyone accepts the above definitions of natural and whole
+numbers. There seems to be no general agreement about whether to include 0 in
+the set of natural numbers. Many mathematicians consider that, in Europe, the
+sequence of natural numbers traditionally started with 1 (0 was not even
+considered to be a number by the Greeks). In the 19th century, set
+theoreticians and other mathematicians started the convention of including 0 in
+the set of natural numbers.
-This section introduces a few representations
-used in higher algebra. An algebraic structure
-consists of one or two sets closed under some
-operations and satisfying a number of axioms,
-including none.
-For example, group, monoid, ring, and lattice
-are examples of algebraic structures. Each of
-these is defined in this section.
-11.1. Group
+_Integers._ This group has all the whole numbers in it and their negatives. The
+common mathematical symbol for the set of all integers is Z, i.e., Z = {...,
+−3, −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...}.
+_Rational Numbers._ These are any numbers that can be expressed as a ratio of
+two integers. The common symbol for the set of all rational numbers is Q.
-A set S closed under a binary operation • forms a
-group if the binary operation satisfies the follow-
-ing four criteria:
+Rational numbers may be classified into three types, based on how the decimals
+act. The decimals either do not exist, e.g., 15, or, when decimals do exist,
+they may terminate, as in 15.6, or they may repeat with a pattern, as in
+1.666..., (which is 5/3).
-- Associative: ∀a, b, c ∈ S, the equation (a • b)
-    - c = a • (b • c) holds.
-- Identity: There exists an identity element I ∈
-    S such that for all a ∈ S, I • a = a • I = a.
-- Inverse: Every element a ∈ S, has an inverse
-    a' ∈ S with respect to the binary operation,
-    i.e., a • a' = I; for example, the set of integers
-    Z with respect to the addition operation is a
-    group. The identity element of the set is 0 for
-    the addition operation. ∀x ∈ Z, the inverse
-    of x would be –x, which is also included in Z.
-- Closure property: ∀a, b ∈ S, the result of the
-    operation a • b ∈ S.
-- A group that is commutative, i.e., a • b = b • a,
-    is known as a commutative or Abelian group.
+Irrational Numbers. These are numbers that cannot be expressed as an integer
+divided by an integer. These numbers have decimals that never terminate and
+never repeat with a pattern, e.g., PI or √2.
+Real Numbers. This group is made up of all the rational and irrational numbers.
+The numbers that are encountered when studying algebra are real numbers. The
+common mathematical symbol for the set of all real numbers is R.
-The set of natural numbers N (with the opera-
-tion of addition) is not a group, since there is no
-inverse for any x > 0 in the set of natural numbers.
-Thus, the third rule (of inverse) for our operation
-is violated. However, the set of natural number
-has some structure.
-Sets with an associative operation (the first
-condition above) are called semigroups; if they
-also have an identity element (the second condi-
-tion), then they are called monoids.
-Our set of natural numbers under addition is
-then an example of a monoid, a structure that
-is not quite a group because it is missing the
-requirement that every element have an inverse
-under the operation.
-A monoid is a set S that is closed under a single
-associative binary operation • and has an identity
-element I ∈ S such that for all a ∈ S, I • a = a • I
-= a. A monoid must contain at least one element.
-For example, the set of natural numbers N
-forms a commutative monoid under addition with
-identity element 0. The same set of natural num-
-bers N also forms a monoid under multiplication
-with identity element 1. The set of positive inte-
-gers P forms a commutative monoid under multi-
-plication with identity element 1.
-It may be noted that, unlike those in a group,
-elements of a monoid need not have inverses. A
+Imaginary Numbers. These are all based on the imaginary number i. This
+imaginary number is equal to the square root of −1. Any real number multiple of
+i is an imaginary number, e.g., i , 5 i , 3.2 i , −2.6 i, etc.
+Complex Numbers. A complex number is a combination of a real number and an
+imaginary number in the form a + b i. The real part is a, and b is called the
+imaginary part. The common mathematical symbol for the set of all complex
+numbers is C.
-monoid can also be thought of as a semigroup
-with an identity element.
-A _subgroup_ is a group _H_ contained within a
-bigger one, _G,_ such that the identity element of
-_G_ is contained in _H_ , and whenever _h_ 1 and _h_ 2 are
-in _H_ , then so are _h_ 1 • _h_ 2 and _h_ 1 −1. Thus, the ele-
-ments of _H_ , equipped with the group operation on
-_G_ restricted to _H_ , indeed form a group.
-Given any subset _S_ of a group _G_ , the subgroup
-generated by _S_ consists of products of elements
-of _S_ and their inverses. It is the smallest subgroup
-of _G_ containing _S_.
-For example, let _G_ be the Abelian group whose
-elements are _G_ = {0, 2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5, 7} and whose
-group operation is addition modulo 8. This group
-has a pair of nontrivial subgroups: _J_ = {0, 4} and
-_H_ = {0, 2, 4, 6}, where _J_ is also a subgroup of _H_.
-In group theory, a cyclic group is a group that
-can be generated by a single element, in the
-sense that the group has an element _a_ (called the
-_generator_ of the group) such that, when written
-multiplicatively, every element of the group is a
-power of _a_.
-A group G is cyclic if G = {an for any integer n}.
-Since any group generated by an element in a
-group is a subgroup of that group, showing that
-the only subgroup of a group G that contains _a_ is
-G itself suffices to show that G is cyclic.
-For example, the group _G_ = {0, 2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5,
-7}, with respect to addition modulo 8 operation,
-is cyclic. The subgroups _J_ = {0, 4} and _H_ = {0, 2,
-4, 6} are also cyclic.
+For example, 2 + 3 i , 3−5 i , 7.3 + 0 i , and 0 + 5 i. Consider the last two
+examples: 7.3 + 0 i is the same as the real number 7.3. Thus, all real numbers
+are complex numbers with zero for the imaginary part. Similarly, 0 + 5 i is
+just the imaginary number 5 i. Thus, all imaginary numbers are complex numbers
+with zero for the real part. Elementary number theory involves divisibility
+among integers. Let a, b ∈ Z with a ≠ 0.The expression a|b, i.e., a divides b
+if ∃c ∈ Z: b = ac, i.e., there is an integer c such that c times a equals b.
+For example, 3|−12 is true, but 3|7 is false. If a divides b , then we say
+that a is a factor of b or a is a divisor of b , and b is a multiple of a.
+b is even if and only if 2| b. Let a, d ∈ Z with d > 1. Then a mod d
+denotes that the remainder r from the division algorithm with dividend a
+and divisor d , i.e., the remainder when a is divided by d. We can compute
+(a mod d) by: a − d * ⎣ a/d ⎦ , where ⎣ a/d ⎦ represents the floor of the
+real number. Let Z+ = {n ∈ Z | n > 0} and a, b ∈ Z, m ∈ Z+, then a is
+congruent to b modulo m , written as a ≡ b (mod m) , if and only if m |
+Alternately, _a_ is congruent to _b modulo m_ if and only if _(a−b) mod m = 0_.
-11.2. Rings
+#### 10.2. Prime Number, GCD
+An integer p > 1 is prime if and only if it is not the product of any two
+integers greater than 1, i.e., p is prime if p > 1 ∧ ∃ ¬ a, b ∈ N: a > 1, b >
+1, a * b = p.
-If we take an Abelian group and define a second
-operation on it, a new structure is found that is
-different from just a group. If this second opera-
-tion is associative and is distributive over the
-first, then we have a ring.
-A ring is a triple of the form (S, +, •), where (S,
-+) is an Abelian group, (S, •) is a semigroup, and
+The only positive factors of a prime p are 1 and p itself. For example, the
+numbers 2, 13, 29, 61, etc. are prime numbers. Nonprime integers greater than 1
+are called composite numbers. A composite number may be composed by multi-
+plying two integers greater than 1.
-- is distributive over +; i.e., “ a, b, c ∈ S, the equa-
-tion _a_ • ( _b_ + _c_ ) = ( _a_ • _b_ ) + ( _a_ • _c_ ) holds. Further, if
-- is commutative, then the ring is said to be com-
-mutative. If there is an identity element for the •
-operation, then the ring is said to have an identity.
-    For example, (Z, +, *), i.e., the set of integers Z,
-with the usual addition and multiplication opera-
-tions, is a ring. As (Z, *) is commutative, this ring
-is a commutative or Abelian ring. The ring has 1
-as its identity element.
-    Let’s note that the second operation may not
-have an identity element, nor do we need to find
-an inverse for every element with respect to this
-second operation. As for what distributive means,
-intuitively it is what we do in elementary math-
-ematics when performing the following change: a
-* (b + c) = (a * b) + (a * c).
-    A field is a ring for which the elements of the
-set, excluding 0, form an Abelian group with the
-second operation.
-    A simple example of a field is the field of ratio-
-nal numbers (R, +, *) with the usual addition
-and multiplication operations. The numbers of
-the format _a_ / _b_ ∈ R, where _a, b_ are integers and
-_b_ ≠ 0. The additive inverse of such a fraction is
-simply − _a_ / _b_ , and the multiplicative inverse is _b/a_
-provided that _a_ ≠ 0.
+There are many interesting applications of prime numbers; among them are the
+public-key cryptography scheme, which involves the exchange of public keys
+containing the product _p*q_ of two random large primes _p_ and _q_ (a private
+key) that must be kept secret by a given party. The greatest common divisor
+gcd(a, b) of integers a, b is the greatest integer d that is a divisor both
+of a and of b, i.e.,
+d = gcd(a, b) for max(d: d|a ∧ d|b)
+For example, gcd(24, 36) = 12. Integers _a_ and _b_ are called relatively prime
+or coprime if and only if their GCD is 1. For example, neither 35 nor 6 are
+prime, but they are coprime as these two numbers have no common factors greater
+than 1, so their GCD is 1. A set of integers X = {i 1 , i 2 , ...} is
+relatively prime if all possible pairs ih, ik, h ≠ k drawn from the set X are
+relatively prime.
-Mathematical Foundations 14-21
+### 11. Algebraic Structures
+This section introduces a few representations used in higher algebra. An
+algebraic structure consists of one or two sets closed under some operations
+and satisfying a number of axioms, including none.
+For example, group, monoid, ring, and lattice are examples of algebraic
+structures. Each of these is defined in this section.
-Rosen 2011
+#### 11.1. Group
-##### [1]
+A set S closed under a binary operation • forms a group if the binary operation
+satisfies the following four criteria:
+- Associative: ∀a, b, c ∈ S, the equation (a • b) - c = a • (b • c) holds.
+- Identity: There exists an identity element I ∈ S such that for all a ∈ S, I •
+  a = a • I = a.
+- Inverse: Every element a ∈ S, has an inverse a' ∈ S with respect to the
+  binary operation, i.e., a • a' = I; for example, the set of integers Z with
+  respect to the addition operation is a group. The identity element of the set
+  is 0 for the addition operation. ∀x ∈ Z, the inverse of x would be –x, which
+  is also included in Z.
+- Closure property: ∀a, b ∈ S, the result of the operation a • b ∈ S.
+- A group that is commutative, i.e., a • b = b • a, is known as a commutative
+  or Abelian group.
+The set of natural numbers N (with the operation of addition) is not a group,
+since there is no inverse for any x > 0 in the set of natural numbers. Thus,
+the third rule (of inverse) for our operation is violated. However, the set of
+natural number has some structure.
+Sets with an associative operation (the first condition above) are called
+semigroups; if they also have an identity element (the second condition),
+then they are called monoids.
+Our set of natural numbers under addition is then an example of a monoid, a
+structure that is not quite a group because it is missing the requirement that
+every element have an inverse under the operation.
+A monoid is a set S that is closed under a single associative binary operation
+• and has an identity element I ∈ S such that for all a ∈ S, I • a = a • I = a.
+A monoid must contain at least one element. For example, the set of natural
+numbers N forms a commutative monoid under addition with identity element 0.
+The same set of natural numbers N also forms a monoid under multiplication
+with identity element 1. The set of positive integers P forms a commutative
+monoid under multiplication with identity element 1. It may be noted that,
+unlike those in a group, elements of a monoid need not have inverses. A monoid
+can also be thought of as a semigroup with an identity element.
+A _subgroup_ is a group _H_ contained within a bigger one, _G,_ such that the
+identity element of _G_ is contained in _H_ , and whenever _h_ 1 and _h_ 2 are
+in _H_ , then so are _h_ 1 • _h_ 2 and _h_ 1 −1. Thus, the elements of _H_ ,
+equipped with the group operation on _G_ restricted to _H_ , indeed form a
+Given any subset _S_ of a group _G_ , the subgroup generated by _S_ consists of
+products of elements of _S_ and their inverses. It is the smallest subgroup of
+_G_ containing _S_.
+For example, let _G_ be the Abelian group whose elements are _G_ = {0, 2, 4, 6,
+1, 3, 5, 7} and whose group operation is addition modulo 8. This group has a
+pair of nontrivial subgroups: _J_ = {0, 4} and _H_ = {0, 2, 4, 6}, where _J_ is
+also a subgroup of _H_. In group theory, a cyclic group is a group that can be
+generated by a single element, in the sense that the group has an element _a_
+(called the _generator_ of the group) such that, when written multiplicatively,
+every element of the group is a power of _a_.
+A group G is cyclic if G = {an for any integer n}. Since any group generated by
+an element in a group is a subgroup of that group, showing that the only
+subgroup of a group G that contains _a_ is G itself suffices to show that G is
+cyclic. For example, the group _G_ = {0, 2, 4, 6, 1, 3, 5, 7}, with respect to
+addition modulo 8 operation, is cyclic. The subgroups _J_ = {0, 4} and _H_ =
+{0, 2, 4, 6} are also cyclic.
+#### 11.2. Rings
+If we take an Abelian group and define a second operation on it, a new
+structure is found that is different from just a group. If this second opera-
+tion is associative and is distributive over the first, then we have a ring.
+A ring is a triple of the form (S, +, •), where (S, +) is an Abelian group, (S,
+•) is a semigroup, and - is distributive over +; i.e., “ a, b, c ∈ S, the equa-
+tion _a_ • ( _b_ + _c_ ) = ( _a_ • _b_ ) + ( _a_ • _c_ ) holds. Further, if -
+is commutative, then the ring is said to be commutative. If there is an
+identity element for the • operation, then the ring is said to have an
+identity. For example, (Z, +, *), i.e., the set of integers Z, with the usual
+addition and multiplication operations, is a ring. As (Z, *) is
+commutative, this ring is a commutative or Abelian ring. The ring has 1 as
+its identity element.
+Let’s note that the second operation may not have an identity element, nor
+do we need to find an inverse for every element with respect to this second
+operation. As for what distributive means, intuitively it is what we do
+in elementary mathematics when performing the following change:
+a * (b + c) = (a * b) + (a * c).
+A field is a ring for which the elements of the set, excluding 0, form an
+Abelian group with the second operation.
+A simple example of a field is the field of rational numbers (R, +, *)
+with the usual addition and multiplication operations. The numbers of the
+format _a_ / _b_ ∈ R, where _a, b_ are integers and _b_ ≠ 0. The additive
+inverse of such a fraction is simply − _a_ / _b_ , and the multiplicative
+inverse is _b/a_ provided that _a_ ≠ 0.
+### Matrix Of Topics vs. Reference Material
+Rosen 2011
 Cheney and Kincaid 2007
-##### [2]
 **1. Sets, Relations, Functions** c2
 **2. Basic Logic** c1
@@ -1906,22 +1467,18 @@ Cheney and Kincaid 2007
 **10. Number Theory** c4
 **11. Algebraic Structures**
+[1] K. Rosen, _Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications_ , 7th ed.,
+McGraw-Hill, 2011.
-[1] K. Rosen, _Discrete Mathematics and Its
-Applications_ , 7th ed., McGraw-Hill, 2011.
+[2] E.W. Cheney and D.R. Kincaid, _Numerical Mathematics and Computing_ , 6th
+ed., Brooks/Cole, 2007.
-[2] E.W. Cheney and D.R. Kincaid, _Numerical
-Mathematics and Computing_ , 6th ed.,
-Brooks/Cole, 2007.
-The author thankfully acknowledges the contri-
-bution of Prof. Arun Kumar Chatterjee, Ex-Head,
-Department of Mathematics, Manipur Univer-
-sity, India, and Prof. Devadatta Sinha, Ex-Head,
-Department of Computer Science and Engineer-
-ing, University of Calcutta, India, in preparing
-this chapter on Mathematical Foundations.
+The author thankfully acknowledges the contribution of Prof. Arun Kumar
+Chatterjee, Ex-Head, Department of Mathematics, Manipur University, India,
+and Prof. Devadatta Sinha, Ex-Head, Department of Computer Science and
+Engineering, University of Calcutta, India, in preparing this chapter on
+Mathematical Foundations.