Commit Diff

commit - 0cbbf19e6d226204b7f64fe6e22aa63c7365e090
commit + 70fc1955fbbbb39a48c3305a86cba6925477992e
blob - /dev/null
blob + 46c0572ae63d7053d0104e904235e3f1c12789a2 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ Formula/postgrespro-9.5.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+class Postgrespro95 < Formula
+  desc "Relational database management system"
+  homepage ""
+  version = ""
+  url "{version}.tar.bz2"
+  sha256 "8ab757fd89ca2e46929396078cf946f9a10395eb890d1abe9738c6ac89111f24"
+  head do
+    url "", :branch => "REL9_5_STABLE"
+    depends_on "open-sp" => :build
+    depends_on "petere/sgml/docbook-dsssl" => :build
+    depends_on "petere/sgml/docbook-sgml" => :build
+    depends_on "petere/sgml/openjade" => :build
+  end
+  keg_only "The different provided versions of PostgreSQL conflict with each other."
+  deprecated_option "enable-cassert" => "with-cassert"
+  option "with-cassert", "Enable assertion checks (for debugging)"
+  depends_on "e2fsprogs"
+  depends_on "gettext"
+  depends_on "homebrew/dupes/openldap"
+  depends_on "openssl"
+  depends_on "readline"
+  depends_on "homebrew/dupes/tcl-tk"
+  def install
+    args = %W[
+      --prefix=#{prefix}
+      --enable-dtrace
+      --enable-nls
+      --with-bonjour
+      --with-gssapi
+      --with-ldap
+      --with-libxml
+      --with-libxslt
+      --with-openssl
+      --with-uuid=e2fs
+      --with-pam
+      --with-perl
+      --with-python
+      --with-tcl
+      XML2_CONFIG=:
+    ]
+    # Add include and library directories of dependencies, so that
+    # they can be used for compiling extensions.  Superenv does this
+    # when compiling this package, but won't record it for pg_config.
+    deps = %w[gettext openldap openssl readline tcl-tk]
+    with_includes = { |f| Formula[f].opt_include }.join(":")
+    with_libraries = { |f| Formula[f].opt_lib }.join(":")
+    args << "--with-includes=#{with_includes}"
+    args << "--with-libraries=#{with_libraries}"
+    args << "--enable-cassert" if build.with? "cassert"
+    args << "--with-extra-version=+git" if build.head?
+    system "./configure", *args
+    system "make", "install-world"
+  end
+  def caveats; <<-EOS.undent
+    To use this PostgreSQL installation, do one or more of the following:
+    - Call all programs explicitly with #{opt_prefix}/bin/...
+    - Add #{opt_bin} to your PATH
+    - brew link -f #{name}
+    - Install the postgresql-common package
+    To access the man pages, do one or more of the following:
+    - Refer to them by their full path, like `man #{opt_share}/man/man1/psql.1`
+    - Add #{opt_share}/man to your MANPATH
+    - brew link -f #{name}
+    EOS
+  end
+  test do
+    system "#{bin}/initdb", "pgdata"
+  end
blob - /dev/null
blob + d602e5a23521f311f28422ec0dba4a1b78f8fac9 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ Formula/postgrespro-9.6.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+class Postgrespro96 < Formula
+  desc "Relational database management system"
+  homepage ""
+  version = ""
+  url "{version}.tar.bz2"
+  sha256 "6911ba75a5dff747d8edd7d501c97dcb1d3c2a41733998f1b2332d37f9879bd0"
+  head do
+    url "", :branch => "REL9_6_STABLE"
+    depends_on "open-sp" => :build
+    depends_on "petere/sgml/docbook-dsssl" => :build
+    depends_on "petere/sgml/docbook-sgml" => :build
+    depends_on "petere/sgml/openjade" => :build
+  end
+  keg_only "The different provided versions of PostgreSQL conflict with each other."
+  deprecated_option "enable-cassert" => "with-cassert"
+  option "with-cassert", "Enable assertion checks (for debugging)"
+  depends_on "e2fsprogs"
+  depends_on "gettext"
+  depends_on "homebrew/dupes/openldap"
+  depends_on "icu4c"
+  depends_on "openssl"
+  depends_on "readline"
+  depends_on "homebrew/dupes/tcl-tk"
+  def install
+    args = %W[
+      --prefix=#{prefix}
+      --enable-dtrace
+      --enable-nls
+      --with-bonjour
+      --with-gssapi
+      --with-ldap
+      --with-libxml
+      --with-libxslt
+      --with-openssl
+      --with-uuid=e2fs
+      --with-pam
+      --with-perl
+      --with-python
+      --with-tcl
+      XML2_CONFIG=:
+    ]
+    # Add include and library directories of dependencies, so that
+    # they can be used for compiling extensions.  Superenv does this
+    # when compiling this package, but won't record it for pg_config.
+    deps = %w[gettext openldap openssl readline tcl-tk]
+    with_includes = { |f| Formula[f].opt_include }.join(":")
+    with_libraries = { |f| Formula[f].opt_lib }.join(":")
+    args << "--with-includes=#{with_includes}"
+    args << "--with-libraries=#{with_libraries}"
+    args << "--enable-cassert" if build.with? "cassert"
+    args << "--with-extra-version=+git" if build.head?
+    system "./configure", *args
+    system "make", "install-world"
+  end
+  def caveats; <<-EOS.undent
+    To use this PostgreSQL installation, do one or more of the following:
+    - Call all programs explicitly with #{opt_prefix}/bin/...
+    - Add #{opt_bin} to your PATH
+    - brew link -f #{name}
+    - Install the postgresql-common package
+    To access the man pages, do one or more of the following:
+    - Refer to them by their full path, like `man #{opt_share}/man/man1/psql.1`
+    - Add #{opt_share}/man to your MANPATH
+    - brew link -f #{name}
+    EOS
+  end
+  test do
+    system "#{bin}/initdb", "pgdata"
+  end
blob - /dev/null
blob + 9eaf39a1ac13c0941067a089283384b0224f2a92 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ Formula/postgresql-common.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+class PostgresqlCommon < Formula
+  desc "PostgreSQL database-cluster manager"
+  homepage ""
+  head "", :branch => "homebrew"
+  conflicts_with "postgresql",
+    :because => "both install the same binaries."
+  depends_on "gnu-sed" => :build
+  def install
+    %w[Makefile].each do |f|
+      inreplace f, "/usr/local/opt", HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"opt"
+    end
+    system "make", "install", "prefix=#{prefix}", "sysconfdir=#{etc}", "localstatedir=#{var}"
+    prefix.install "debian/README.Debian", "architecture.html"
+    (var/"lib/postgresql").mkpath
+    (var/"log/postgresql").mkpath
+  end
+  test do
+    system bin/"pg_lsclusters"
+  end
blob - /dev/null
blob + bdb4e46faab25ab2c1a6c6d336e7b789252ad905 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ Formula/testres.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+class Testres < Formula
+	desc "hyperfast web frontend for software testing results"
+	homepage ""
+	url ""
+	sha256 "282c08206d075777c22e8ffddf179a5a17aa89a555e6ff69a8aba4b55845cc"
+	def install
+		system "make"
+		system "make", "install"
+	end
blob - 46c0572ae63d7053d0104e904235e3f1c12789a2 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- postgrespro-9.5.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-class Postgrespro95 < Formula
-  desc "Relational database management system"
-  homepage ""
-  version = ""
-  url "{version}.tar.bz2"
-  sha256 "8ab757fd89ca2e46929396078cf946f9a10395eb890d1abe9738c6ac89111f24"
-  head do
-    url "", :branch => "REL9_5_STABLE"
-    depends_on "open-sp" => :build
-    depends_on "petere/sgml/docbook-dsssl" => :build
-    depends_on "petere/sgml/docbook-sgml" => :build
-    depends_on "petere/sgml/openjade" => :build
-  end
-  keg_only "The different provided versions of PostgreSQL conflict with each other."
-  deprecated_option "enable-cassert" => "with-cassert"
-  option "with-cassert", "Enable assertion checks (for debugging)"
-  depends_on "e2fsprogs"
-  depends_on "gettext"
-  depends_on "homebrew/dupes/openldap"
-  depends_on "openssl"
-  depends_on "readline"
-  depends_on "homebrew/dupes/tcl-tk"
-  def install
-    args = %W[
-      --prefix=#{prefix}
-      --enable-dtrace
-      --enable-nls
-      --with-bonjour
-      --with-gssapi
-      --with-ldap
-      --with-libxml
-      --with-libxslt
-      --with-openssl
-      --with-uuid=e2fs
-      --with-pam
-      --with-perl
-      --with-python
-      --with-tcl
-      XML2_CONFIG=:
-    ]
-    # Add include and library directories of dependencies, so that
-    # they can be used for compiling extensions.  Superenv does this
-    # when compiling this package, but won't record it for pg_config.
-    deps = %w[gettext openldap openssl readline tcl-tk]
-    with_includes = { |f| Formula[f].opt_include }.join(":")
-    with_libraries = { |f| Formula[f].opt_lib }.join(":")
-    args << "--with-includes=#{with_includes}"
-    args << "--with-libraries=#{with_libraries}"
-    args << "--enable-cassert" if build.with? "cassert"
-    args << "--with-extra-version=+git" if build.head?
-    system "./configure", *args
-    system "make", "install-world"
-  end
-  def caveats; <<-EOS.undent
-    To use this PostgreSQL installation, do one or more of the following:
-    - Call all programs explicitly with #{opt_prefix}/bin/...
-    - Add #{opt_bin} to your PATH
-    - brew link -f #{name}
-    - Install the postgresql-common package
-    To access the man pages, do one or more of the following:
-    - Refer to them by their full path, like `man #{opt_share}/man/man1/psql.1`
-    - Add #{opt_share}/man to your MANPATH
-    - brew link -f #{name}
-    EOS
-  end
-  test do
-    system "#{bin}/initdb", "pgdata"
-  end
blob - d602e5a23521f311f28422ec0dba4a1b78f8fac9 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- postgrespro-9.6.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
-class Postgrespro96 < Formula
-  desc "Relational database management system"
-  homepage ""
-  version = ""
-  url "{version}.tar.bz2"
-  sha256 "6911ba75a5dff747d8edd7d501c97dcb1d3c2a41733998f1b2332d37f9879bd0"
-  head do
-    url "", :branch => "REL9_6_STABLE"
-    depends_on "open-sp" => :build
-    depends_on "petere/sgml/docbook-dsssl" => :build
-    depends_on "petere/sgml/docbook-sgml" => :build
-    depends_on "petere/sgml/openjade" => :build
-  end
-  keg_only "The different provided versions of PostgreSQL conflict with each other."
-  deprecated_option "enable-cassert" => "with-cassert"
-  option "with-cassert", "Enable assertion checks (for debugging)"
-  depends_on "e2fsprogs"
-  depends_on "gettext"
-  depends_on "homebrew/dupes/openldap"
-  depends_on "icu4c"
-  depends_on "openssl"
-  depends_on "readline"
-  depends_on "homebrew/dupes/tcl-tk"
-  def install
-    args = %W[
-      --prefix=#{prefix}
-      --enable-dtrace
-      --enable-nls
-      --with-bonjour
-      --with-gssapi
-      --with-ldap
-      --with-libxml
-      --with-libxslt
-      --with-openssl
-      --with-uuid=e2fs
-      --with-pam
-      --with-perl
-      --with-python
-      --with-tcl
-      XML2_CONFIG=:
-    ]
-    # Add include and library directories of dependencies, so that
-    # they can be used for compiling extensions.  Superenv does this
-    # when compiling this package, but won't record it for pg_config.
-    deps = %w[gettext openldap openssl readline tcl-tk]
-    with_includes = { |f| Formula[f].opt_include }.join(":")
-    with_libraries = { |f| Formula[f].opt_lib }.join(":")
-    args << "--with-includes=#{with_includes}"
-    args << "--with-libraries=#{with_libraries}"
-    args << "--enable-cassert" if build.with? "cassert"
-    args << "--with-extra-version=+git" if build.head?
-    system "./configure", *args
-    system "make", "install-world"
-  end
-  def caveats; <<-EOS.undent
-    To use this PostgreSQL installation, do one or more of the following:
-    - Call all programs explicitly with #{opt_prefix}/bin/...
-    - Add #{opt_bin} to your PATH
-    - brew link -f #{name}
-    - Install the postgresql-common package
-    To access the man pages, do one or more of the following:
-    - Refer to them by their full path, like `man #{opt_share}/man/man1/psql.1`
-    - Add #{opt_share}/man to your MANPATH
-    - brew link -f #{name}
-    EOS
-  end
-  test do
-    system "#{bin}/initdb", "pgdata"
-  end
blob - 9eaf39a1ac13c0941067a089283384b0224f2a92 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- postgresql-common.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-class PostgresqlCommon < Formula
-  desc "PostgreSQL database-cluster manager"
-  homepage ""
-  head "", :branch => "homebrew"
-  conflicts_with "postgresql",
-    :because => "both install the same binaries."
-  depends_on "gnu-sed" => :build
-  def install
-    %w[Makefile].each do |f|
-      inreplace f, "/usr/local/opt", HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"opt"
-    end
-    system "make", "install", "prefix=#{prefix}", "sysconfdir=#{etc}", "localstatedir=#{var}"
-    prefix.install "debian/README.Debian", "architecture.html"
-    (var/"lib/postgresql").mkpath
-    (var/"log/postgresql").mkpath
-  end
-  test do
-    system bin/"pg_lsclusters"
-  end
blob - bdb4e46faab25ab2c1a6c6d336e7b789252ad905 (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- testres.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-class Testres < Formula
-	desc "hyperfast web frontend for software testing results"
-	homepage ""
-	url ""
-	sha256 "282c08206d075777c22e8ffddf179a5a17aa89a555e6ff69a8aba4b55845cc"
-	def install
-		system "make"
-		system "make", "install"
-	end