Commit Diff

commit - 7dc1039c56f1f1a35707aea31b6bf10028f6c20e
commit + 91d7daeb58076d2ddf3a378fc851ed3b3e3f8176
blob - /dev/null
blob + 3fcedfdf6ce9f5b27d4a6e4391348326a029b711 (mode 755)
--- /dev/null
+++ contrib/8225.user.js
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+// RtBoard Kill Announcement Greasemonkey script, v 0.0.2, 2007-April-02
+// Released under the GPL license:
+// Changelog:
+// 0.0.1 2007-03-29 -- Original release.
+// 0.0.2 2007-04-02 implementation based on styles
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+// This is a Greasemonkey user script.
+// To install, you need Greasemonkey:
+// Then restart Firefox and revisit this script.
+// Under Tools, there will be a new menu item to "Install User Script".
+// Accept the default configuration and install.
+// To uninstall, go to Tools/Manage User Scripts, select this script,
+// and click Uninstall.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ==UserScript==
+// @name           RtBoard Kill Announcement
+// @namespace,2007-03-29:greasemonkey/RtBoard/Kill/Announcement
+// @description    Kills announcements on RtBoard
+// @include*
+// @include*
+// ==/UserScript==
+// kill all elements defined by xpath
+function kill_elements(xpath) {
+  // populate elements
+  var elements = document.evaluate(xpath, document, null, 
+				   XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
+  // kill elements
+  var e;
+  for (var i = 0; (e = elements.snapshotItem(i)); i++) {
+//debug    e.parentNode.removeChild(e);
+ = "none";
+  }  
+// kill announcements
+function onloadKill() {
+  kill_elements("//div[@class='an']"); 
+  kill_elements("//a[starts-with(@href, '?rann=')]"); 
+window.addEventListener('load', onloadKill, false);
blob - /dev/null
blob + 1eb2eee65a9863fb9bcb0eff012264d794c66507 (mode 755)
--- /dev/null
+++ contrib/ban.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+$ban_list = "../data/banned.txt";
+$edit_url = "ban.cgi";
+@pairs = split(/&/,$string);
+foreach $pair (@pairs) {
+	($keyword,$value) = split(/=/,$pair);
+		$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C",hex($1))/ge;
+		$keyword =~ tr/+/ /;
+		$value =~ tr/+/ /;
+		$input{$keyword} = $value;
+	}
+ print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
+open (BAN_LIST, "$ban_list") || print "Can\'t open ban list $ban_list \n"; 
+close BAN_LIST;
+if    ($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} =~ /edit/i)   {&edit;}
+elsif ($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} =~ /save/i)   {&save;}
+else  {&view;}
+sub init{
+       print "<html><head><title>ban-list</title>\n";
+       print "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;charset=windows-1251\">";
+       print "<style> TD.under {font-family: arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 7pt;font-weight: bold;vertical-align: top;} .underhref {font-size: 7pt;} BIG {font-size: 14pt;font-weight: bold;} /* name */ NOBR B {font-size: 12pt;color: #207025;}  /* ip,counter */ EM {font-size: 9pt;font-style: normal;} /* + for new */ A EM.emplus, EM.emplus {color: #cc0000;font-weight: bold;font-size: 13pt;}  DIV {PADDING-LEFT: 25px;} DD DL{margin-left:-15px;} A:link {text-decoration: none;}  A:visited {text-decoration: none;} A:active {text-decoration: none;} A:hover {text-decoration: none;} </STYLE>";
+       print "<meta http-equiv=\"Pragma\" content=\"no-cache\">";
+       print "</head><body BGCOlOR=\"#f0f0f0\" TEXT=\"#000000\" vlink=\"#000088\">";
+#       print "<center><map name=\"topnav1\"><area shape=rect coords=\"654,8,738,30\" href=\"\"></map><map name=\"topnav2\"><area shape=rect coords=\"140,0,229,14\" href=\"\" alt=\"Пользователи\"><area shape=rect coords=\"233,0,264,14\" href=\"\" alt=\"Сеть\"><area shape=rect coords=\"269,0,324,14\" href=\"\" alt=\"Ресурсы\"><area shape=rect coords=\"327,0,406,14\" href=\"/\" alt=\"Конференция\"><area shape=rect coords=\"409,0,449,14\" href=\"\" alt=\"Учеба\"><area shape=rect coords=\"452,0,493,14\" href=\"\" alt=\"Игры\"><area shape=rect coords=\"497,0,550,14\" href=\"\" alt=\"Деканат\"><area shape=rect coords=\"555,0,604,14\" href=\"\" alt=\"Ссылки\"></map><map name=\"botnav1\"><area shape=rect coords=\"29,0,48,18\" href=\"\" alt=\"Home\"><area shape=rect coords=\"59,0,82,18\" href=\"\"><area shape=rect coords=\"91,0,110,18\" href=\"\"><area shape=rect coords=\"118,0,140,18\" href=\"\"><area shape=rect coords=\"195,3,264,16\" href=\"\" alt=\"Пользователи\"><area shape=rect coords=\"268,3,293,16\" href=\"\" alt=\"Сеть\"><area shape=rect coords=\"296,3,340,16\" href=\"\" alt=\"Ресурсы\"><area shape=rect coords=\"343,3,403,16\" href=\"/\" alt=\"Конференция\"><area shape=rect coords=\"407,3,437,16\" href=\"\" alt=\"Учеба\"><area shape=rect coords=\"441,3,472,16\" href=\"\" alt=\"Игры\"><area shape=rect coords=\"476,3,517,16\" href=\"\" alt=\"Деканат\"><area shape=rect coords=\"520,3,560,16\" href=\"\" alt=\"Ссылки\"><area shape=rect coords=\"626,0,719,18\" href=\"mailto:bbsadmin\\"></map>";
+#       print "<img src=\"/images/1board.gif\" border=0 width=750 height=35 usemap=#topnav1><br><img src=\"/images/subline.gif\" border=0 width=750 height=20 usemap=#topnav2><br>";
+#       print "<table BORDER=0 CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=1 BGCOLOR=\"#dfdfdf\"><tr><td ALIGN=CENTER><small>[ <a HREF=\"/?form\">Новое сообщение</a> | <a HREF=\"/?search=form\">Поиск</a> | <a HREF=\"/?configure=form\">Настройки</a> | <a HREF=\"/?resetnew\">Убрать все плюсы</a> | <a HREF=\"/?register=form\">Ваш профайл</a> | <a HREF=\"/?userlist\">Пользователи</a> | <a HREF=\"/?help\">Справка</a> | <a HREF=\"/rules.html\" target=_blank>Правила</a> | <a HREF=\"/?persmsg\">Приват</a> | <a HREF=\"/?globann=form\">Добавить анонс</a> ]</small></td></tr></table><br><br><br></center>";
+sub footer{
+    print "<center><img src=\"/images/botnav.gif\" border=0 width=750 height=23 usemap=#botnav1><br><table width=750 border=0><tr><td align=left class=under>Сервер создан студентами ФРТК.</td>";
+    print "<td align=center class=under>PT Форум создан  на движке <a STYLE=\"text-decoration:underline;\" href=\"\" TARGET=\"_blank\">WWWConf 2.0 PRE BETA2</a>, поддерживается и модерируется группой <a STYLE=\"text-decoration:underline;\" href=\"\">энтузиастов</a>.</td>";
+    print "<td align=right class=under>Apache inside!</td></tr></table></center>";
+    print "</body></html>\n";
+sub view{
+    print "<center><H4>КОГДА БАНИТЕ ПИШИТЕ ДАТУ !!!</H4><table width=\"80%\"><tr><td align=\"center\">";
+    print "<form action=\"$edit_url?save\" method=post>\n";
+    if ( $input{action} == 'edit' ){
+        print "<textarea name=banlist rows=30 cols=70 wrap=soft>\n";
+	foreach $line (@ban_list){
+	print $line;
+	}
+    print "</textarea><br><INPUT type=submit name=submit value=Save> \n";
+    print "<br></td></tr></table></center> \n";
+    }
+sub save{
+    if ($input{banlist}){
+	open (BAN_LIST, ">$ban_list") || print "Can\'t open ban list $ban_list \n";
+	print BAN_LIST $input{banlist};
+	close BAN_LIST;
+	print "<center><table width=\"80%\"><tr><td>";
+	print "<pre> $input{banlist} </pre><br><h2>Saved....</h2></td></tr>";
+	print "<tr><td align=center><form action=\"$edit_url\" method=post>\n";
+	print "<br><INPUT type=submit name=submit value=Edit></td></tr>";
+	print "</table></center> \n";
+    }else{
+	print "<h2><center>sent list is empty...mmm...mistake?!... not saved...</center><h2>";
+    }
blob - /dev/null
blob + 74c2c2dfe9e499652b6528b9e20455e52645c378 (mode 755)
--- /dev/null
+++ contrib/rtboardreply.user.js
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+// RTboard quick reply script
+// Based on LJ Instant Comment (below)
+// Version 0.2 2005-12-13
+// Ported by demon
+// LJ Instant Comment
+// version 0.6
+// 2005-08-23
+// Copyright (c) 2005, Tim Babych
+// Homepage:
+// Released under the GPL license
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+// This is a Greasemonkey user script.
+// To install, you need Greasemonkey:
+// Then restart Firefox and revisit this script.
+// Under Tools, there will be a new menu item to "Install User Script".
+// Accept the default configuration and install.
+// To uninstall, go to Tools/Manage User Scripts,
+// select "Ctrl+Enter Submits", and click Uninstall.
+// --------------------------------------------------------------------
+// ==UserScript==
+// @name          RtBoard Reply 
+// @description	 Allows replying on rtboard
+// @include*
+// @include*
+// ==/UserScript==
+	// cyrillic quotes
+	_smart_quotes_regexp = '$1\u00ab$2\u00bb$3'
+	// latin quotes 
+//	_smart_quotes_regexp = '$1\u201c$2\u201d$3'
+// triggerd by clicking Instant Comment link
+function want_reply(){
+	dd = document.getElementById('quick_reply')
+	if (dd.getAttribute('caller_entry_id') == // hide-unhide
+		if ( == 'block' ) {
+			hide_div(dd)
+			return
+		} else
+ = 'block'
+	else {
+		// insert it in da new place
+		Xwidth = 350
+		Xshift = 170
+		Xcoord = findPosX(this)
+		Xwindow = document.body.clientWidth
+ = (Xcoord - Xshift) + "px"
+		if(Xcoord < Xshift) = 0
+		if(Xcoord + Xwidth - Xshift > Xwindow) = (Xwindow - Xwidth - 20) + "px"
+ = (findPosY(this) + 20) + "px"
+		dd.setAttribute('caller_entry_id',
+		dd.firstChild.value = ''
+ = 'block'
+	} 
+	// workaround near firefox 1.0 bug with focus()
+	hScroll = window.pageXOffset; vScroll = window.pageYOffset
+	dd.firstChild.focus()
+	window.scrollTo(hScroll, vScroll)
+// triggered when user presses Ctrl+Enter
+function trigger_submit_on_ctrl_enter(e) {
+	//hide on Esc
+	if (e.keyCode==27) {
+		hide_div(this.parentNode)
+	}
+	// not enter and (ctrl or alt)
+	if (! (e.keyCode==13 && (e.ctrlKey || e.altKey))) 
+		return
+	qsubj = document.getElementById('quick_subj')
+	msgsubj = zakavych(qsubj.value)
+	msgsubj = EscapeToWin(msgsubj)
+	qsubj.value = ''
+	qbody = document.getElementById('quick_body')
+	msgbody = zakavych(qbody.value)
+	msgbody = EscapeToWin(msgbody)
+	qbody.value = ''
+	reply = document.getElementById(this.parentNode.getAttribute('caller_entry_id'))
+ = "3px solid rgb(0,250,0)"
+ = "3px"
+	reply.setAttribute('mycolor', 200)
+	reply.setAttribute('step', -5)
+	fading = function(){
+		elem = reply
+		mycolor = parseInt(elem.getAttribute('mycolor'))
+		step = parseInt(elem.getAttribute('step'))
+		if ( mycolor> 250)
+			step -= 5
+		if ( mycolor < 50)
+			step += 5
+		mycolor += step
+ = "rgb("+mycolor+", 250,"+mycolor+")"
+		elem.setAttribute('mycolor', mycolor)
+		reply.setAttribute('step', step)
+		//GM_log("rgb("+mycolor+", 250,"+mycolor+")")
+	}
+	anim = window.setInterval(fading, 15)
+	hide_div(this.parentNode)
+	GM_xmlhttpRequest({
+	    method: 'POST',
+	    url: 'http://' + window.location.hostname + '/?xpost=' + reply.getAttribute('msgid'),
+	    headers: {
+		'User-agent': 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible) Greasemonkey',
+		'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=cp1251',
+		'Referer' : 'http://' + window.location.hostname + '/?read=' + reply.getAttribute('msgid')
+	    },
+	    data: 'jpost=post&subject=' + msgsubj + '&body=' + msgbody ,
+	    onload: function() {
+			window.clearInterval(anim); 
+		}
+	});
+// hide input div, return focus to page
+function hide_div(div){
+ = 'none'
+	div.firstChild.blur()
+//	INIT
+d = document.createElement('DIV') = "quick_reply"
+d.setAttribute('caller_entry_id', false)
+d.innerHTML = "<input name='quick_subj' id='quick_subj' maxlength='99' /><br />" +
+		"<textarea name='quick_body' id='quick_body'></textarea><br />"+
+		"<small>Ctrl+Enter to post</small>"
+d.firstChild.addEventListener("keydown", trigger_submit_on_ctrl_enter, false);
+document.getElementById('quick_body').addEventListener("keydown", trigger_submit_on_ctrl_enter, false);
+get_itemid_regexp = /.*read=(\d+)/
+var allReplies
+allReplies = document.evaluate(
+    "//a[contains(@href, '?read=')]",
+    document,
+    null,
+    null);
+for (var i = 0; i < allReplies.snapshotLength; i++) {
+	thisOne = allReplies.snapshotItem(i);
+	params =  get_itemid_regexp.exec(thisOne.href)
+	a = document.createElement('a')
+	a.href = 'javascript:void(0)'
+	a.addEventListener("click", want_reply, false);
+	a.setAttribute('msgid', params[1])
+ = 'reply_'+params[1]
+	linktxt = document.createTextNode('(r)')
+	a.appendChild(linktxt)
+	t = document.createTextNode(' -- ')
+	thisOne.parentNode.insertBefore(t, thisOne.nextSibling);
+	t.parentNode.insertBefore(a, t.nextSibling);
+"#quick_reply { position: absolute; display: none;	border: 1px solid #999;"+
+"	background: #ececec; padding: 1px; text-align: center; z-index:99}"+
+"#quick_reply textarea { width:350px; height:100px; min-height: 10px;"+
+"	margin: 1px; border:1px solid #999; padding-left: 3px;	background: white; }"+
+"#quick_reply textarea:focus { border:1px solid black; }"+
+"#quick_reply small { color:#999; font: 10px Arial }"+
+"#quick_reply input { width:350px;"+
+"	margin: 1px; border:1px solid #999; padding-left: 3px;	background: white; }"+
+"#quick_reply input:focus { border:1px solid black; }"
+get_user_from_cookie = /RTBB=name(\w+)|.*|seq=(\w+).*/
+if (matches = get_user_from_cookie.exec(document.cookie)) 
+	cookieuser = matches[1]
+	cookieuser = false
+function findPosX(obj) {
+	var curleft = 0;
+	if (obj.offsetParent) {
+		while (obj.offsetParent) {
+			curleft += obj.offsetLeft
+			obj = obj.offsetParent;
+		}
+	} 
+	return curleft;
+function findPosY(obj) {
+	var curtop = 0;
+	if (obj.offsetParent) {
+		while (obj.offsetParent) {
+			curtop += obj.offsetTop
+			obj = obj.offsetParent;
+		}
+	} 
+	return curtop;
+function addGlobalStyle(css) {
+    style = document.createElement('STYLE');
+    style.type = 'text/css';
+    style.innerHTML = css;
+    document.body.appendChild(style);
+function zakavych(text) {
+	replacements = [
+	];
+	s = text
+	for( i=0; i < replacements.length; i++) {
+		s = s.replace(replacements[i][0], replacements[i][1])
+	}
+	return s
+	var Letters=new Array('%C0','%C1','%C2','%C3','%C4','%C5','%C6','%C7','%C8','%C9','%CA','%CB','%CC','%CD','%CE','%CF',
+					'%D0','%D1','%D2','%D3','%D4','%D5','%D6','%D7','%D8','%D9','%DA','%DB','%DC','%DD','%DE','%DF','%E0','%E1',
+					'%E2','%E3','%E4','%E5','%E6','%E7','%E8','%E9','%EA','%EB','%EC','%ED','%EE','%EF','%F0','%F1','%F2','%F3',
+					'%F4','%F5','%F6','%F7','%F8','%F9','%FA','%FB','%FC','%FD','%FE','%FF','%A8','%B8');
+function EscapeToWin(AStr){
+	var Result='';
+	for(var i=0;i<AStr.length;i++)
+		if(AStr.charCodeAt(i) >= 1040 && AStr.charCodeAt(i) <= 1103)
+			Result+=Letters[AStr.charCodeAt(i)-0x0410];
+		else if(AStr.charCodeAt(i)==1105)
+			Result+=Letters[65];
+		else if(AStr.charCodeAt(i)== 1025)
+			Result+=Letters[64];
+		else if(AStr.charAt(i)=='=')
+			Result+='%3D';
+		else if(AStr.charAt(i)=='&')
+			Result+='%26';
+		else if(AStr.charAt(i)=='\n')
+			Result+='%0A%0D';
+		else if(AStr.charAt(i)=='+')
+			Result+='%2B';
+		else if(AStr.charAt(i)=='%')
+			Result+='%25';
+		else
+			Result+=AStr.charAt(i);
+	return Result;