Commit Diff

commit - d9145d2205e8e2ad30b16fed056ac6ec2fef975f
commit + 935da4cf63a9fdc003fd51b77be4fea1c33f68e0
blob - a15798d24b6a96656156d3f698b50625fadf7f86
blob + ba7df2ad31b35228e20e3575bbe3f79b786b0d33
@@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ change log follows the conventions of
 ### Added
+- Add a checker for comments test (#32).
 ### Fixed
 ### Changed
blob - 90ed5e5317ab4f0634ba0d51e6d7b20ed0b77920
blob + 5dc3aff3d137de29ce45ed31cc7b63eacbca6f14
@@ -343,6 +343,34 @@ Example of history:
 {:type :fail,   :f :release, :process 1, :time 585478186, :error :not-held, :index 8}
 {:type :invoke, :f :acquire, :process 2, :time 584335820, :index 9}
 {:type :invoke, :f :release, :process 0, :time 679093895, :index 10}
+### comments
+A custom checker for a comments histories.
+Imagine an application which has a sequential stream of comments. Users make
+comments by inserting new rows into a table. Because each request is
+load-balanced to a different server, two transactions from the same user may
+execute on different nodes. Now imagine that a user makes a comment `C1` in
+transaction `T1`. `T1` completes successfully. The user then realizes they made
+a mistake, and posts a correction comment `C2`, in transaction `T2`. Meanwhile,
+someone attempts to read all comments in a third transaction `T3`, concurrent
+with both `T1` and `T2`.
+Example of history:
+{:index 1, :type :invoke :f :read   :value nil}
+{:index 2, :type :invoke :f :write  :value 425}
+{:index 3, :type :ok     :f :write  :value 425}
+{:index 4, :type :invoke :f :write  :value 430}
+{:index 5, :type :ok     :f :write  :value 430}
+{:index 6, :type :ok     :f :read   :value #{2 10 15 20 34 35 38 42 43 47 51 53 59 61 71 72 82 88 89
+                                           113 119 123 129 132 145 146 163 167 176 206 216 224 230
+                                           238 243 244 255 260 292 294 299 312 316 324 325 327 330
+                                           350 356 359 360 361 363 366 367 371 376 403 410 419 422
+                                           430}}
 ## License
blob - /dev/null
blob + 25d9226b5dee1f3e06c9a29e1dc79fafd68a79e9 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ histories/custom/comments.edn
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+{:index 1, :type :invoke :f :read   :value nil}
+{:index 2, :type :invoke :f :write  :value 425}
+{:index 3, :type :ok     :f :write  :value 425}
+{:index 4, :type :invoke :f :write  :value 430}
+{:index 5, :type :ok     :f :write  :value 430}
+{:index 6, :type :ok     :f :read   :value #{2 10 15 20 34 35 38 42 43 47 51 53 59 61 71 72 82 88 89
+                                           113 119 123 129 132 145 146 163 167 176 206 216 224 230
+                                           238 243 244 255 260 292 294 299 312 316 324 325 327 330
+                                           350 356 359 360 361 363 366 367 371 376 403 410 419 422
+                                           430}}
blob - 5eea0a12126c46cf45b32c593d6ca85552dedf70
blob + 8e1b83e0db2ba7d1f94ab8432d48ac3048b2292c
--- src/elle_cli/cli.clj
+++ src/elle_cli/cli.clj
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
             [jepsen [checker :as jepsen-model]]
             [ :as jepsen-bank]
             [jepsen.tests.long-fork :as jepsen-long-fork]
+            [jepsen.independent :as independent]
+            [elle-cli.comments :as comments-model]
             [elle.list-append :as elle-list-append]
             [ :as elle-rw-register]
             [elle.consistency-model :as elle-consistency-model]
@@ -86,6 +88,7 @@
    "counter"                 jepsen-model/counter
    "set"                     jepsen-model/set
    "set-full"                jepsen-model/set-full
+   "comments"                comments-model/checker
    "elle-rw-register"        elle-rw-register/check
    "elle-list-append"        elle-list-append/check
    "rw-register"             elle-rw-register/check
@@ -164,6 +167,7 @@
         "  long-fork - a checker for an anomaly in parallel snapshot isolation."
         "  cas-register - a checker for CAS (Compare-And-Set) registers."
         "  mutex - a checker for a mutex histories."
+        "  comments - a custom checker for a comments histories (experimental)."
@@ -184,6 +188,7 @@
        "knossos-register" (competition/analysis (checker-fn) (history/parse-ops history))
        "knossos-cas-register" (competition/analysis (checker-fn) (history/parse-ops history))
        "knossos-mutex" (competition/analysis (checker-fn) (history/parse-ops history))
+       "comments" ((independent/checker (checker-fn)) (history/parse-ops history))
        "list-append" (checker-fn options history)
        "rw-register" (checker-fn options history)
        "elle-list-append" (checker-fn options history)
blob - /dev/null
blob + d61f41da3c6350da99f1f6a84807272c3cab699b (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/elle_cli/comments.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+(ns elle-cli.comments
+  "Checks for a strict serializability anomaly in which T1 < T2, but T2 is
+  visible without T1.
+  We perform concurrent blind inserts across n tables, and meanwhile, perform
+  reads of both tables in a transaction. To verify, we replay the history,
+  tracking the writes which were known to have completed before the invocation
+  of any write w_i. If w_i is visible, and some w_j < w_i is *not* visible,
+  we've found a violation of strict serializability.
+  Splits keys up onto different tables to make sure they fall in different
+  shard ranges"
+  (:require [jepsen.checker :as checker]
+            [knossos.model :as model]
+            [knossos.op :as op]
+            [clojure.core.reducers :as r]
+            [clojure.set :as set]))
+; Source:
+(defn checker
+  []
+  (reify checker/Checker
+    (check [this test history opts]
+      ; Determine first-order write precedence graph
+      (let [expected (loop [completed  (sorted-set)
+                            expected   {}
+                            [op & more :as history] history]
+                       (cond
+                         ; Done
+                         (not (seq history))
+                         expected
+                         ; We know this value is definitely written
+                         (= :write (:f op))
+                         (cond ; Write is beginning; record precedence
+                               (op/invoke? op)
+                               (recur completed
+                                      (assoc expected (:value op) completed)
+                                      more)
+                               ; Write is completing; we can now expect to see
+                               ; it
+                               (op/ok? op)
+                               (recur (conj completed (:value op))
+                                      expected more)
+                               true
+                               (recur completed expected more))
+                         true
+                         (recur completed expected more)))
+            errors (->> history
+                        (r/filter op/ok?)
+                        (r/filter #(= :read (:f %)))
+                        (reduce (fn [errors op]
+                                  (let [seen         (:value op)
+                                        our-expected (->> seen
+                                                          (map expected)
+                                                          (reduce set/union))
+                                        missing (set/difference our-expected
+                                                                seen)]
+                                    (if (empty? missing)
+                                      errors
+                                      (conj errors
+                                            (-> op
+                                                (dissoc :value)
+                                                (assoc :missing missing)
+                                                (assoc :expected-count
+                                                       (count our-expected)))))))
+                                []))]
+        {:valid? (empty? errors)
+         :errors errors}))))
blob - 3e61bc3e913494d72b6043d61345bee864b780c2
blob + 1a66e6dab5d6da626ff342f9272dfe98aad900bc
@@ -60,4 +60,5 @@ run_test 1 "--model set-full histories/jepsen/set_full
 run_test 1 "--model bank histories/jepsen/bank.edn"
 run_test 1 "--model bank histories/jepsen/bank.json"
 exit $suite_status