Commit Diff

commit - c87c6f13c4b7d8026799c6e7a4399e77c1710de4
commit + a3c2f8bc54cb398faacf94ca8c99f089ebcb55a8
blob - 8b3763dd7c2b918fbd979d05fe9c71110207460d
blob + f2c5448c053594c7b323ee9687743bae676fcb11
--- test/app-luatest/gh_7479_bug_fix_uri_lib_test.lua
+++ test/app-luatest/gh_7479_bug_fix_uri_lib_test.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
 local t = require('luatest')
-local fio = require('fio')
-local popen = require('popen')
 local net_box = require('')
 local server = require('luatest.server')
@@ -21,44 +19,6 @@ g.after_all(function()
--- Checks whether it is possible to specify only port for tarantoolctl connect.
-g.test_tarantoolctl_connect = function()
-    -- Find tarantoolctl.
-    -- Probably test-run knows the path to tarantoolctl.
-    local TARANTOOLCTL_PATH = os.getenv('TARANTOOLCTL')
-    if TARANTOOLCTL_PATH == nil then
-        -- If test-run dose not know the path to tarantoolctl.
-        -- Assume that current directory is tarantool's build directory.
-        local BUILDDIR = os.getenv('BUILDDIR')
-        TARANTOOLCTL_PATH = ('%s/extra/dist/tarantoolctl'):format(BUILDDIR)
-        if not fio.path.exists(TARANTOOLCTL_PATH) then
-            error("Can't find tarantoolctl")
-        end
-    end
-    local cmd_tarantoolctl = {
-        'connect',
-        -- Indicate only port, without localhost:* before the port value.
-        tostring(g.server_port),
-    }
-    -- Connection will be established in a separate process.
-    local ph_tarantoolctl =, {
-        stdin  = 'devnull',
-        stdout = 'devnull',
-        stderr = popen.opts.PIPE,
-    })
-    -- Stderr should contain a message about successful connection.
-    local result = ph_tarantoolctl:read({stderr = true}):rstrip()
-    ph_tarantoolctl:close()
-    t.assert_equals(
-        result,
-        'connected to localhost:' .. tostring(g.server_port)
-    )
 -- Checks whether it is possible to specify only port for
 g.test_net_box_connect_with_only_port_indication = function()
     -- Indicate only port, without localhost:* before the port value.