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-**CHAPTER 8**
+## Chapter 8: Software Engineering Process
+- BPMN Business Process Modeling Notation
+- CASE Computer-Assisted Software Engineering
+- CM Configuration Management
+- CMMI Capability Maturity Model Integration
+- GQM Goal-Question-Metric
+- IDEF0 Integration Definition
+- LOE Level of Effort
+- ODC Orthogonal Defect Classification
+- SDLC Software Development Life Cycle
+- SPLC Software Product Life Cycle
+- UML Unified Modeling Language
-BPMN Business Process Modeling Notation
-CASE Computer-Assisted Software Engineering
-CM Configuration Management
-CMMI Capability Maturity Model Integration
-GQM Goal-Question-Metric
-IDEF0 Integration Definition
-LOE Level of Effort
-ODC Orthogonal Defect Classification
-SDLC Software Development Life Cycle
-SPLC Software Product Life Cycle
-UML Unified Modeling Language
+An engineering process consists of a set of interrelated activities that
+transform one or more inputs into outputs while consuming resources to
+accomplish the transformation. Many of the processes of traditional engineering
+disciplines (e.g., electrical, mechanical, civil, chemical) are concerned with
+transforming energy and physical entities from one form into another, as in a
+hydroelectric dam that transforms potential energy into electrical energy or a
+petroleum refinery that uses chemical processes to transform crude oil into
+gasoline. In this knowledge area (KA), software engineering processes are
+concerned with work activities accomplished by software engineers to develop,
+maintain, and operate software, such as requirements, design, construction,
+testing, configuration management, and other software engineering processes.
+For readability, “software engineering process” will be referred to as
+“software process” in this KA. In addition, please note that “software process”
+denotes work activities - not the execution process for implemented software.
+Software processes are specified for a number of reasons: to facilitate human
+understanding, communication, and coordination; to aid management of software
+projects; to measure and improve the quality of software products in an
+efficient manner; to support process improvement; and to provide a basis for
+automated support of process execution.
-An engineering process consists of a set of inter-
-related activities that transform one or more inputs
-into outputs while consuming resources to accom-
-plish the transformation. Many of the processes of
-traditional engineering disciplines (e.g., electrical,
-mechanical, civil, chemical) are concerned with
-transforming energy and physical entities from
-one form into another, as in a hydroelectric dam
-that transforms potential energy into electrical
-energy or a petroleum refinery that uses chemical
-processes to transform crude oil into gasoline.
-In this knowledge area (KA), software engineer-
-ing processes are concerned with work activities
-accomplished by software engineers to develop,
-maintain, and operate software, such as require-
-ments, design, construction, testing, configura-
-tion management, and other software engineering
-processes. For readability, “software engineering
+SWEBOK KAs closely related to this Software Engineering Process KA include
+Software Engineering Management, Software Engineering Models and Methods, and
+Software Quality; the Measurement and Root Cause Analysis topic found in the
+Engineering Foundations KA is also closely related. Software Engineering
+Management is concerned with tailoring, adapting, and implementing software
+processes for a specific software project (see Process Planning in the Software
+Engineering Management KA). Models and methods support a systematic approach
+to software development and modification.
-process” will be referred to as “software process”
-in this KA. In addition, please note that “software
-process” denotes work activities—not the execu-
-tion process for implemented software.
-Software processes are specified for a number
-of reasons: to facilitate human understanding,
-communication, and coordination; to aid man-
-agement of software projects; to measure and
-improve the quality of software products in an
-efficient manner; to support process improve-
-ment; and to provide a basis for automated sup-
-port of process execution.
-SWEBOK KAs closely related to this Soft-
-ware Engineering Process KA include Software
-Engineering Management, Software Engineer-
-ing Models and Methods, and Software Quality;
-the Measurement and Root Cause Analysis topic
-found in the Engineering Foundations KA is also
-closely related. Software Engineering Manage-
-ment is concerned with tailoring, adapting, and
-implementing software processes for a specific
-software project (see Process Planning in the
-Software Engineering Management KA). Mod-
-els and methods support a systematic approach to
-software development and modification.
-The Software Quality KA is concerned with
-the planning, assurance, and control processes
-for project and product quality. Measurement and
-measurement results in the Engineering Founda-
-tions KA are essential for evaluating and control-
+The Software Quality KA is concerned with the planning, assurance, and control
+processes for project and product quality. Measurement and measurement results
+in the Engineering Foundations KA are essential for evaluating and control-
 ling software processes.
+As illustrated in Figure 8.1, this KA is concerned with software process
+definition, software life cycles, software process assessment and improve-
+ment, software measurement, and software engineering process tools.
+### 1. Software Process Definition
-As illustrated in Figure 8.1, this KA is concerned
-with software process definition, software life
-cycles, software process assessment and improve-
-ment, software measurement, and software engi-
-neering process tools.
+<!-- [1*, p177] [2*, p295] [3*, p28–29, p36, c5] -->
+This topic is concerned with a definition of software process, software
+process management, and software process infrastructure.
-**1. Software Process Definition**
-    [1*, p177] [2*, p295] [3*, p28–29, p36, c5]
-This topic is concerned with a definition of soft-
-ware process, software process management, and
-software process infrastructure.
-As stated above, a software process is a set of
-interrelated activities and tasks that transform
-input work products into output work products.
-At minimum, the description of a software pro-
-cess includes required inputs, transforming work
-activities, and outputs generated. As illustrated in
-Figure 8.2, a software process may also include
-its entry and exit criteria and decomposition
-of the work activities into tasks, which are the
-smallest units of work subject to management
-accountability. A process input may be a trigger-
-ing event or the output of another process. Entry
-criteria should be satisfied before a process can
-commence. All specified conditions should be
-satisfied before a process can be successfully
-concluded, including the acceptance criteria for
+As stated above, a software process is a set of interrelated activities and
+tasks that transform input work products into output work products. At minimum,
+the description of a software process includes required inputs, transforming
+work activities, and outputs generated. As illustrated in Figure 8.2, a
+software process may also include its entry and exit criteria and decomposition
+of the work activities into tasks, which are the smallest units of work subject
+to management accountability. A process input may be a triggering event or
+the output of another process. Entry criteria should be satisfied before a
+process can commence. All specified conditions should be satisfied before a
+process can be successfully concluded, including the acceptance criteria for
 the output work product or work products.
-A software process may include subprocesses.
-For example, software requirements validation is
-a process used to determine whether the require-
-ments will provide an adequate basis for software
-development; it is a subprocess of the software
-requirements process. Inputs for requirements val-
-idation are typically a software requirements spec-
-ification and the resources needed to perform vali-
-dation (personnel, validation tools, sufficient time).
-The tasks of the requirements validation activity
-might include requirements reviews, prototyping,
-and model validation. These tasks involve work
-assignments for individuals and teams. The output
-of requirements validation is typically a validated
-software requirements specification that provides
-inputs to the software design and software test-
-ing processes. Requirements validation and other
-subprocesses of the software requirements process
-are often interleaved and iterated in various ways;
+A software process may include subprocesses. For example, software requirements
+validation is a process used to determine whether the requirements will
+provide an adequate basis for software development; it is a subprocess of the
+software requirements process. Inputs for requirements validation are
+typically a software requirements specification and the resources needed to
+perform validation (personnel, validation tools, sufficient time). The tasks
+of the requirements validation activity might include requirements reviews,
+prototyping, and model validation. These tasks involve work assignments for
+individuals and teams. The output of requirements validation is typically a
+validated software requirements specification that provides inputs to the
+software design and software testing processes. Requirements validation and
+other subprocesses of the software requirements process are often interleaved
+and iterated in various ways;
-Figure 8.1. Breakdown of Topics for the Software Engineering Process KA
+![Figure 8.1. Breakdown of Topics for the Software Engineering Process KA](images/Figure-8.1.png)
+Software Engineering Process 8-3
+the software requirements process and its subprocesses may be entered and
+exited multiple times during software development or modification.
-Software Engineering Process 8-3
+Complete definition of a software process may also include the roles and
+competencies, IT support, software engineering techniques and tools, and work
+environment needed to perform the process, as well as the approaches and
+measures (Key Performance Indicators) used to determine the efficiency and
+effectiveness of performing the process.
-the software requirements process and its subpro-
-cesses may be entered and exited multiple times
-during software development or modification.
-Complete definition of a software process may
-also include the roles and competencies, IT sup-
-port, software engineering techniques and tools,
-and work environment needed to perform the
-process, as well as the approaches and measures
-(Key Performance Indicators) used to determine
-the efficiency and effectiveness of performing the
-In addition, a software process may include
-interleaved technical, collaborative, and adminis-
-trative activities.
-Notations for defining software processes
-include textual lists of constituent activities and
-tasks described in natural language; data-flow
-diagrams; state charts; BPMN; IDEF0; Petri nets;
-and UML activity diagrams. The transforming
-tasks within a process may be defined as proce-
-dures; a procedure may be specified as an ordered
-set of steps or, alternatively, as a checklist of the
+In addition, a software process may include interleaved technical,
+collaborative, and administrative activities.
+Notations for defining software processes include textual lists of constituent
+activities and tasks described in natural language; data-flow diagrams; state
+charts; BPMN; IDEF0; Petri nets; and UML activity diagrams. The transforming
+tasks within a process may be defined as procedures; a procedure may be
+specified as an ordered set of steps or, alternatively, as a checklist of the
 work to be accomplished in performing a task.
-It must be emphasized that there is no best soft-
-ware process or set of software processes. Soft-
-ware processes must be selected, adapted, and
-applied as appropriate for each project and each
-organizational context. No ideal process, or set of
-processes, exists.
-_1.1. Software Process Management_
-[3*, s26.1] [4*, p453–454]
+It must be emphasized that there is no best software process or set of
+software processes. Software processes must be selected, adapted, and applied
+as appropriate for each project and each organizational context. No ideal
+process, or set of processes, exists.
-Two objectives of software process management
-are to realize the efficiency and effectiveness that
+#### 1.1. Software Process Management
+<!-- [3*, s26.1] [4*, p453–454] -->
-result from a systematic approach to accomplish-
-ing software processes and producing work prod-
-ucts—be it at the individual, project, or organiza-
-tional level—and to introduce new or improved
-Processes are changed with the expectation that
-a new or modified process will improve the effi-
-ciency and/or effectiveness of the process and the
-quality of the resulting work products. Changing
-to a new process, improving an existing process,
-organizational change, and infrastructure change
-(technology insertion or changes in tools) are
-closely related, as all are usually initiated with the
-goal of improving the cost, development sched-
-ule, or quality of the software products. Process
-change has impacts not only for the software
-product; they often lead to organizational change.
-Changing a process or introducing a new process
-can have ripple effects throughout an organiza-
-tion. For example, changes in IT infrastruc-
-ture tools and technology often require process
+Two objectives of software process management are to realize the efficiency and
+effectiveness that result from a systematic approach to accomplishing
+software processes and producing work products - be it at the individual,
+project, or organizational level - and to introduce new or improved processes.
+Processes are changed with the expectation that a new or modified process will
+improve the efficiency and/or effectiveness of the process and the quality of
+the resulting work products. Changing to a new process, improving an existing
+process, organizational change, and infrastructure change (technology insertion
+or changes in tools) are closely related, as all are usually initiated with the
+goal of improving the cost, development schedule, or quality of the software
+products. Process change has impacts not only for the software product; they
+often lead to organizational change. Changing a process or introducing a new
+process can have ripple effects throughout an organization. For example,
+changes in IT infrastructure tools and technology often require process
-Existing processes may be modified when
-other new processes are deployed for the first
-time (for example, introducing an inspection
-activity within a software development project
-will likely impact the software testing process—
-see Reviews and Audits in the Software Quality
-KA and in the Software Testing KA). These situ-
-ations can also be termed “process evolution.”
-If the modifications are extensive, then changes
-in the organizational culture and business model
-will likely be necessary to accommodate the pro-
-cess changes.
+Existing processes may be modified when other new processes are deployed for
+the first time (for example, introducing an inspection activity within a
+software development project will likely impact the software testing process -
+see Reviews and Audits in the Software Quality KA and in the Software Testing
+KA). These situations can also be termed “process evolution.” If the
+modifications are extensive, then changes in the organizational culture and
+business model will likely be necessary to accommodate the process changes.
-Figure 8.2. Elements of a Software Process
+![Figure 8.2. Elements of a Software Process](images/Figure-8.2.png)
+#### 1.2. Software Process Infrastructure
-_1.2. Software Process Infrastructure_
-[2*, p183, p186] [4*, p437–438]
+<!-- [2*, p183, p186] [4*, p437–438] -->
-Establishing, implementing, and managing soft-
-ware processes and software life cycle models
-often occurs at the level of individual software
-projects. However, systematic application of
-software processes and software life cycle mod-
-els across an organization can provide benefits
-to all software work within the organization,
-although it requires commitment at the organi-
-zational level. A software process infrastructure
-can provide process definitions, policies for inter-
-preting and applying the processes, and descrip-
-tions of the procedures to be used to implement
-the processes. Additionally, a software process
-infrastructure may provide funding, tools, train-
-ing, and staff members who have been assigned
-responsibilities for establishing and maintaining
-the software process infrastructure.
-Software process infrastructure varies, depend-
-ing on the size and complexity of the organization
-and the projects undertaken within the organiza-
-tion. Small, simple organizations and projects
-have small, simple infrastructure needs. Large,
-complex organizations and projects, by neces-
-sity, have larger and more complex software
-process infrastructures. In the latter case, various
-organizational units may be established (such as
-a software engineering process group or a steer-
-ing committee) to oversee implementation and
-improvement of the software processes.
-A common misperception is that establishing a
-software process infrastructure and implementing
-repeatable software processes will add time and
-cost to software development and maintenance.
-There is a cost associated with introducing or
-improving a software process; however, experi-
-ence has shown that implementing systematic
-improvement of software processes tends to result
-in lower cost through improved efficiency, avoid-
-ance of rework, and more reliable and affordable
-software. Process performance thus influences
-software product quality.
+Establishing, implementing, and managing software processes and software life
+cycle models often occurs at the level of individual software projects.
+However, systematic application of software processes and software life cycle
+models across an organization can provide benefits to all software work
+within the organization, although it requires commitment at the organi-
+zational level. A software process infrastructure can provide process
+definitions, policies for interpreting and applying the processes, and
+descriptions of the procedures to be used to implement the processes.
+Additionally, a software process infrastructure may provide funding, tools,
+training, and staff members who have been assigned responsibilities for
+establishing and maintaining the software process infrastructure.
-**2. Software Life Cycles**
-    [1*, c2] [2*, p190]
+Software process infrastructure varies, depending on the size and complexity
+of the organization and the projects undertaken within the organization.
+Small, simple organizations and projects have small, simple infrastructure
+needs. Large, complex organizations and projects, by necessity, have larger
+and more complex software process infrastructures. In the latter case, various
+organizational units may be established (such as a software engineering process
+group or a steering committee) to oversee implementation and improvement of
+the software processes.
-This topic addresses categories of software pro-
-cesses, software life cycle models, software
+A common misperception is that establishing a software process infrastructure
+and implementing repeatable software processes will add time and cost to
+software development and maintenance. There is a cost associated with
+introducing or improving a software process; however, experience has shown
+that implementing systematic improvement of software processes tends to result
+in lower cost through improved efficiency, avoidance of rework, and more
+reliable and affordable software. Process performance thus influences software
+product quality.
+### 2. Software Life Cycles
-process adaptation, and practical considerations.
-A software development life cycle (SDLC)
-includes the software processes used to specify
-and transform software requirements into a deliv-
-erable software product. A software product life
-cycle (SPLC) includes a software development
-life cycle plus additional software processes that
-provide for deployment, maintenance, support,
-evolution, retirement, and all other inception-
-to-retirement processes for a software product,
-including the software configuration management
-and software quality assurance processes that are
-applied throughout a software product life cycle.
-A software product life cycle may include multi-
-ple software development life cycles for evolving
-and enhancing the software.
-Individual software processes have no tempo-
-ral ordering among them. The temporal relation-
-ships among software processes are provided by
-a software life cycle model: either an SDLC or
-SPLC. Life cycle models typically emphasize
-the key software processes within the model
-and their temporal and logical interdependen-
-cies and relationships. Detailed definitions of
-the software processes in a life cycle model may
-be provided directly or by reference to other
-In addition to conveying the temporal and
-logical relationships among software processes,
-the software development life cycle model (or
-models used within an organization) includes the
-control mechanisms for applying entry and exit
-criteria (e.g., project reviews, customer approv-
-als, software testing, quality thresholds, dem-
-onstrations, team consensus). The output of one
-software process often provides the input for oth-
-ers (e.g., software requirements provide input for
-a software architectural design process and the
-software construction and software testing pro-
-cesses). Concurrent execution of several software
-process activities may produce a shared output
-(e.g., the interface specifications for interfaces
-among multiple software components developed
-by different teams). Some software processes
-may be regarded as less effective unless other
-software processes are being performed at the
-same time (e.g., software test planning during
-software requirements analysis can improve the
-software requirements).
+<!-- [1*, c2] [2*, p190] -->
+This topic addresses categories of software processes, software life cycle
+models, software process adaptation, and practical considerations. A software
+development life cycle (SDLC) includes the software processes used to specify
+and transform software requirements into a deliverable software product. A
+software product life cycle (SPLC) includes a software development life cycle
+plus additional software processes that provide for deployment, maintenance,
+support, evolution, retirement, and all other inception-to-retirement
+processes for a software product, including the software configuration
+management and software quality assurance processes that are applied throughout
+a software product life cycle. A software product life cycle may include multi-
+ple software development life cycles for evolving and enhancing the software.
+Individual software processes have no temporal ordering among them. The
+temporal relationships among software processes are provided by a software
+life cycle model: either an SDLC or SPLC. Life cycle models typically emphasize
+the key software processes within the model and their temporal and logical
+interdependencies and relationships. Detailed definitions of the software
+processes in a life cycle model may be provided directly or by reference to
+other documents.
-Software Engineering Process 8-5
+In addition to conveying the temporal and logical relationships among software
+processes, the software development life cycle model (or models used within an
+organization) includes the control mechanisms for applying entry and exit
+criteria (e.g., project reviews, customer approvals, software testing,
+quality thresholds, demonstrations, team consensus). The output of one
+software process often provides the input for others (e.g., software
+requirements provide input for a software architectural design process and the
+software construction and software testing processes). Concurrent execution
+of several software process activities may produce a shared output (e.g., the
+interface specifications for interfaces among multiple software components
+developed by different teams). Some software processes may be regarded as less
+effective unless other software processes are being performed at the same time
+(e.g., software test planning during software requirements analysis can improve
+the software requirements).
-_2.1. Categories of Software Processes_
-[1*, Preface] [2* , p294–295] [3*, c22–c24]
+#### 2.1. Categories of Software Processes
-Many distinct software processes have been
-defined for use in the various parts of the soft-
-ware development and software maintenance life
-cycles. These processes can be categorized as
+<!-- [1*, Preface] [2* , p294–295] [3*, c22–c24] -->
-1. _Primary processes_ include software pro-
-    cesses for development, operation, and
-    maintenance of software.
-2. _Supporting processes_ are applied intermit-
-    tently or continuously throughout a software
-    product life cycle to support primary pro-
-    cesses; they include software processes such
-    as configuration management, quality assur-
-    ance, and verification and validation.
-3. _Organizational processes_ provide sup-
-    port for software engineering; they include
-    training, process measurement analysis,
-    infrastructure management, portfolio and
-    reuse management, organizational process
-    improvement, and management of software
-    life cycle models.
-4. _Cross-project processes,_ such as reuse, soft-
-    ware product line, and domain engineering;
-    they involve more than a single software
-    project in an organization.
+Many distinct software processes have been defined for use in the various parts
+of the software development and software maintenance life cycles. These
+processes can be categorized as follows:
-Software processes in addition to those listed
-above include the following.
-Project management processes include pro-
-cesses for planning and estimating, resource
-management, measuring and controlling, leading,
-managing risk, managing stakeholders, and coor-
-dinating the primary, supporting, organizational,
-and cross-project processes of software develop-
-ment and maintenance projects.
-Software processes are also developed for
-particular needs, such as process activities that
-address software quality characteristics (see
-the Software Quality KA). For example, secu-
-rity concerns during software development may
-necessitate one or more software processes to
-protect the security of the development environ-
-ment and reduce the risk of malicious acts. Soft-
-ware processes may also be developed to provide
-adequate grounds for establishing confidence in
-the integrity of the software.
+1. _Primary processes_ include software processes for development, operation,
+   and maintenance of software.
+2. _Supporting processes_ are applied intermittently or continuously
+   throughout a software product life cycle to support primary processes;
+   they include software processes such as configuration management, quality
+   assurance, and verification and validation.
+3. _Organizational processes_ provide support for software engineering; they
+   include training, process measurement analysis, infrastructure management,
+   portfolio and reuse management, organizational process improvement, and
+   management of software life cycle models.
+4. _Cross-project processes,_ such as reuse, software product line, and
+   domain engineering; they involve more than a single software project in an
+   organization.
+Software processes in addition to those listed above include the following.
-2.2. Software Life Cycle Models
-[1*, c2] [2*, s3.2] [3*, s2.1] [5]
+Project management processes include processes for planning and estimating,
+resource management, measuring and controlling, leading, managing risk,
+managing stakeholders, and coordinating the primary, supporting,
+organizational, and cross-project processes of software development and
+maintenance projects.
+Software processes are also developed for particular needs, such as process
+activities that address software quality characteristics (see the Software
+Quality KA). For example, security concerns during software development may
+necessitate one or more software processes to protect the security of the
+development environment and reduce the risk of malicious acts. Software
+processes may also be developed to provide adequate grounds for establishing
+confidence in the integrity of the software.
-The intangible and malleable nature of software
-permits a wide variety of software development
-life cycle models, ranging from linear models in
-which the phases of software development are
-accomplished sequentially with feedback and
-iteration as needed followed by integration, test-
-ing, and delivery of a single product; to iterative
-models in which software is developed in incre-
-ments of increasing functionality on iterative
-cycles; to agile models that typically involve
-frequent demonstrations of working software to
-a customer or user representative who directs
-development of the software in short iterative
-cycles that produce small increments of working,
-deliverable software. Incremental, iterative, and
-agile models can deliver early subsets of working
+#### 2.2. Software Life Cycle Models
+<!-- [1*, c2] [2*, s3.2] [3*, s2.1] [5] -->
+The intangible and malleable nature of software permits a wide variety of
+software development life cycle models, ranging from linear models in which the
+phases of software development are accomplished sequentially with feedback and
+iteration as needed followed by integration, testing, and delivery of a
+single product; to iterative models in which software is developed in incre-
+ments of increasing functionality on iterative cycles; to agile models that
+typically involve frequent demonstrations of working software to a customer or
+user representative who directs development of the software in short iterative
+cycles that produce small increments of working, deliverable software.
+Incremental, iterative, and agile models can deliver early subsets of working
 software into the user environment, if desired.
-Linear SDLC models are sometimes referred
-to as predictive software development life cycle
-models, while iterative and agile SDLCs are
-referred to as adaptive software development
-life cycle models. It should be noted that vari-
-ous maintenance activities during an SPLC can
-be conducted using different SDLC models, as
-appropriate to the maintenance activities.
-A distinguishing feature of the various soft-
-ware development life cycle models is the way in
-which software requirements are managed. Lin-
-ear development models typically develop a com-
-plete set of software requirements, to the extent
-possible, during project initiation and planning.
-The software requirements are then rigorously
-controlled. Changes to the software requirements
-are based on change requests that are processed
-by a change control board (see Requesting,
-Evaluating and Approving Software Changes in
-the Change Control Board in the Software Con-
-figuration Management KA). An incremental
-model produces successive increments of work-
-ing, deliverable software based on partitioning
-of the software requirements to be implemented
-in each of the increments. The software require-
-ments may be rigorously controlled, as in a linear
-model, or there may be some flexibility in revising
-the software requirements as the software product
-evolves. Agile models may define product scope
-and high-level features initially; however, agile 
-models are designed to facilitate evolution of the
-software requirements during the project.
-It must be emphasized that the continuum of
-SDLCs from linear to agile is not a thin, straight
-line. Elements of different approaches may be
-incorporated into a specific model; for exam-
-ple, an incremental software development life
-cycle model may incorporate sequential soft-
-ware requirements and design phases but permit
-considerable flexibility in revising the software
-requirements and architecture during software
-_2.3. Software Process Adaptation_
-[1*, s2.7] [2*, p51]
+Linear SDLC models are sometimes referred to as predictive software development
+life cycle models, while iterative and agile SDLCs are referred to as adaptive
+software development life cycle models. It should be noted that various
+maintenance activities during an SPLC can be conducted using different SDLC
+models, as appropriate to the maintenance activities.
-Predefined SDLCs, SPLCs, and individual soft-
-ware processes often need to be adapted (or
-“tailored”) to better serve local needs. Organiza-
-tional context, innovations in technology, project
-size, product criticality, regulatory requirements,
-industry practices, and corporate culture may
-determine needed adaptations. Adaptation of
-individual software processes and software life
-cycle models (development and product) may
-consist of adding more details to software pro-
-cesses, activities, tasks, and procedures to address
-critical concerns. It may consist of using an alter-
-nate set of activities that achieves the purpose and
-outcomes of the software process. Adaptation
-may also include omitting software processes
-or activities from a development or product life
-cycle model that are clearly inapplicable to the
-scope of work to be accomplished.
+A distinguishing feature of the various software development life cycle
+models is the way in which software requirements are managed. Linear
+development models typically develop a complete set of software requirements,
+to the extent possible, during project initiation and planning. The software
+requirements are then rigorously controlled. Changes to the software
+requirements are based on change requests that are processed by a change
+control board (see Requesting, Evaluating and Approving Software Changes in the
+Change Control Board in the Software Configuration Management KA). An
+incremental model produces successive increments of working, deliverable
+software based on partitioning of the software requirements to be implemented
+in each of the increments. The software requirements may be rigorously
+controlled, as in a linear model, or there may be some flexibility in revising
+the software requirements as the software product evolves. Agile models may
+define product scope and high-level features initially; however, agile models
+are designed to facilitate evolution of the software requirements during the
-_2.4. Practical Considerations_
-[2*, p188–190]
+It must be emphasized that the continuum of SDLCs from linear to agile is not a
+thin, straight line. Elements of different approaches may be incorporated into
+a specific model; for example, an incremental software development life cycle
+model may incorporate sequential software requirements and design phases but
+permit considerable flexibility in revising the software requirements and
+architecture during software construction.
-In practice, software processes and activities are
-often interleaved, overlapped, and applied concur-
-rently. Software life cycle models that specify dis-
-crete software processes, with rigorously specified
-entry and exit criteria and prescribed boundaries
-and interfaces, should be recognized as idealiza-
-tions that must be adapted to reflect the realities of
-software development and maintenance within the
-organizational context and business environment.
-Another practical consideration: software
-processes (such as configuration management,
+#### 2.3. Software Process Adaptation
+<!-- [1*, s2.7] [2*, p51] -->
-construction, and testing) can be adapted to facili-
-tate operation, support, maintenance, migration,
-and retirement of the software.
-Additional factors to be considered when
-defining and tailoring a software life cycle model
-include required conformance to standards, direc-
-tives, and policies; customer demands; criticality
-of the software product; and organizational matu-
-rity and competencies. Other factors include the
-nature of the work (e.g., modification of exist-
-ing software versus new development) and the
-application domain (e.g., aerospace versus hotel
+Predefined SDLCs, SPLCs, and individual software processes often need to be
+adapted (or “tailored”) to better serve local needs. Organizational context,
+innovations in technology, project size, product criticality, regulatory
+requirements, industry practices, and corporate culture may determine needed
+adaptations. Adaptation of individual software processes and software life
+cycle models (development and product) may consist of adding more details to
+software processes, activities, tasks, and procedures to address critical
+concerns. It may consist of using an alternate set of activities that
+achieves the purpose and outcomes of the software process. Adaptation may also
+include omitting software processes or activities from a development or product
+life cycle model that are clearly inapplicable to the scope of work to be
-**3. Software Process Assessment and
-    [2*, p188, p194] [3*, c26] [4*, p397, c15]
+#### 2.4. Practical Considerations
+<!-- [2*, p188–190] -->
-This topic addresses software process assess-
-ment models, software process assessment meth-
-ods, software process improvement models, and
-continuous and staged process ratings. Software
-process assessments are used to evaluate the form
-and content of a software process, which may
-be specified by a standardized set of criteria. In
-some instances, the terms “process appraisal”
-and “capability evaluation” are used instead of
-process assessment. Capability evaluations are
-typically performed by an acquirer (or potential
-acquirer) or by an external agent on behalf of
-an acquirer (or potential acquirer). The results
-are used as an indicator of whether the software
-processes used by a supplier (or potential sup-
-plier) are acceptable to the acquirer. Performance
-appraisals are typically performed within an orga-
-nization to identify software processes in need of
-improvement or to determine whether a process
-(or processes) satisfies the criteria at a given level
-of process capability or maturity.
-Process assessments are performed at the lev-
-els of entire organizations, organizational units
-within organizations, and individual projects.
-Assessment may involve issues such as assess-
-ing whether software process entry and exit cri-
-teria are being met, to review risk factors and
-risk management, or to identify lessons learned.
-Process assessment is carried out using both an
-assessment model and an assessment method. The
-model can provide a norm for a benchmarking
+In practice, software processes and activities are often interleaved,
+overlapped, and applied concurrently. Software life cycle models that specify
+discrete software processes, with rigorously specified entry and exit
+criteria and prescribed boundaries and interfaces, should be recognized as
+idealizations that must be adapted to reflect the realities of software
+development and maintenance within the organizational context and business
+environment. Another practical consideration: software processes (such as
+configuration management, construction, and testing) can be adapted to facili-
+tate operation, support, maintenance, migration, and retirement of the
+Additional factors to be considered when defining and tailoring a software life
+cycle model include required conformance to standards, directives, and
+policies; customer demands; criticality of the software product; and
+organizational maturity and competencies. Other factors include the nature of
+the work (e.g., modification of existing software versus new development) and
+the application domain (e.g., aerospace versus hotel management).
+### 3. Software Process Assessment and Improvement
-Software Engineering Process 8-7
+<!-- [2*, p188, p194] [3*, c26] [4*, p397, c15] -->
-comparison among projects within an organiza-
-tion and among organizations.
-A process audit differs from a process assess-
-ment. Assessments are performed to determine
-levels of capability or maturity and to identify
-software processes to be improved. Audits are
-typically conducted to ascertain compliance with
-policies and standards. Audits provide manage-
-ment visibility into the actual operations being
-performed in the organization so that accurate
-and meaningful decisions can be made concern-
-ing issues that are impacting a development proj-
-ect, a maintenance activity, or a software-related
-Success factors for software process assess-
-ment and improvement within software engineer-
-ing organizations include management sponsor-
-ship, planning, training, experienced and capable
-leaders, team commitment, expectation manage-
-ment, the use of change agents, plus pilot projects
-and experimentation with tools. Additional fac-
-tors include independence of the assessor and the
-timeliness of the assessment.
+This topic addresses software process assessment models, software process
+assessment methods, software process improvement models, and continuous and
+staged process ratings. Software process assessments are used to evaluate the
+form and content of a software process, which may be specified by a
+standardized set of criteria. In some instances, the terms “process appraisal”
+and “capability evaluation” are used instead of process assessment. Capability
+evaluations are typically performed by an acquirer (or potential acquirer) or
+by an external agent on behalf of an acquirer (or potential acquirer). The
+results are used as an indicator of whether the software processes used by a
+supplier (or potential supplier) are acceptable to the acquirer. Performance
+appraisals are typically performed within an organization to identify
+software processes in need of improvement or to determine whether a process (or
+processes) satisfies the criteria at a given level of process capability or
-_3.1. Software Process Assessment Models_
-[2*, s4.5, s4.6] [3*, s26.5] [4*, p44–48]
+Process assessments are performed at the levels of entire organizations,
+organizational units within organizations, and individual projects. Assessment
+may involve issues such as assessing whether software process entry and exit
+criteria are being met, to review risk factors and risk management, or to
+identify lessons learned. Process assessment is carried out using both an
+assessment model and an assessment method. The model can provide a norm for a
+benchmarking comparison among projects within an organization and among
-Software process assessment models typically
-include assessment criteria for software processes
-that are regarded as constituting good practices.
-These practices may address software develop-
-ment processes only, or they may also include
-topics such as software maintenance, software
-project management, systems engineering, or
-human resources management.
+A process audit differs from a process assessment. Assessments are performed
+to determine levels of capability or maturity and to identify software
+processes to be improved. Audits are typically conducted to ascertain
+compliance with policies and standards. Audits provide management visibility
+into the actual operations being performed in the organization so that accurate
+and meaningful decisions can be made concerning issues that are impacting a
+development project, a maintenance activity, or a software-related topic.
-_3.2. Software Process Assessment Methods_
-[1*, p322–331] [3*, s26.3]
-[4*, p44–48, s16.4] [6]
+Success factors for software process assessment and improvement within
+software engineering organizations include management sponsorship,
+planning, training, experienced and capable leaders, team commitment,
+expectation management, the use of change agents, plus pilot projects and
+experimentation with tools. Additional factors include independence of the
+assessor and the timeliness of the assessment.
-A software process assessment method can be
-qualitative or quantitative. Qualitative assess-
-ments rely on the judgment of experts; quanti-
-tative assessments assign numerical scores to
-software processes based on analysis of objective
-evidence that indicates attainment of the goals
-and outcomes of a defined software process. For
-example, a quantitative assessment of the soft-
-ware inspection process might be performed by
+#### 3.1. Software Process Assessment Models
+<!-- [2*, s4.5, s4.6] [3*, s26.5] [4*, p44–48] -->
-examining the procedural steps followed and
-results obtained plus data concerning defects
-found and time required to find and fix the defects
-as compared to software testing.
-A typical method of software process assess-
-ment includes planning, fact-finding (by collect-
-ing evidence through questionnaires, interviews,
-and observation of work practices), collection
-and validation of process data, and analysis and
-reporting. Process assessments may rely on the
-subjective, qualitative judgment of the assessor,
-or on the objective presence or absence of defined
-artifacts, records, and other evidence.
-The activities performed during a software pro-
-cess assessment and the distribution of effort for
-assessment activities are different depending on
-the purpose of the software process assessment.
-Software process assessments may be undertaken
-to develop capability ratings used to make recom-
-mendations for process improvements or may be
-undertaken to obtain a process maturity rating in
-order to qualify for a contract or award.
-The quality of assessment results depends on
-the software process assessment method, the
-integrity and quality of the obtained data, the
-assessment team’s capability and objectivity, and
-the evidence examined during the assessment.
-The goal of a software process assessment is to
-gain insight that will establish the current status
-of a process or processes and provide a basis for
-process improvement; performing a software
-process assessment by following a checklist for
-conformance without gaining insight adds little
+Software process assessment models typically include assessment criteria for
+software processes that are regarded as constituting good practices. These
+practices may address software development processes only, or they may also
+include topics such as software maintenance, software project management,
+systems engineering, or human resources management.
+#### 3.2. Software Process Assessment Methods
-3.3. Software Process Improvement Models
-[2*, p187–188] [3*, s26.5] [4*, s2.7]
+<!-- [1*, p322–331] [3*, s26.3] [4*, p44–48, s16.4] [6] -->
+A software process assessment method can be qualitative or quantitative.
+Qualitative assessments rely on the judgment of experts; quantitative
+assessments assign numerical scores to software processes based on analysis of
+objective evidence that indicates attainment of the goals and outcomes of a
+defined software process. For example, a quantitative assessment of the soft-
+ware inspection process might be performed by examining the procedural steps
+followed and results obtained plus data concerning defects found and time
+required to find and fix the defects as compared to software testing.
-Software process improvement models empha-
-size iterative cycles of continuous improvement.
-A software process improvement cycle typically
-involves the subprocesses of measuring, ana-
-lyzing, and changing. The Plan-Do-Check-Act
-model is a well-known iterative approach to
-software process improvement. Improvement
-activities include identifying and prioritizing
-desired improvements (planning); introducing
-an improvement, including change management
-and training (doing); evaluating the improvement as compared to previous or exemplary process
-results and costs (checking); and making further
-modifications (acting). The Plan-Do-Check-Act
-process improvement model can be applied, for
-example, to improve software processes that
-enhance defect prevention.
+A typical method of software process assessment includes planning,
+fact-finding (by collecting evidence through questionnaires, interviews, and
+observation of work practices), collection and validation of process data, and
+analysis and reporting. Process assessments may rely on the subjective,
+qualitative judgment of the assessor, or on the objective presence or absence
+of defined artifacts, records, and other evidence.
-_3.4. Continuous and Staged Software Process
-[1*, p28–34] [3*, s26.5] [4*, p39–45]
+The activities performed during a software process assessment and the
+distribution of effort for assessment activities are different depending on the
+purpose of the software process assessment. Software process assessments may be
+undertaken to develop capability ratings used to make recommendations for
+process improvements or may be undertaken to obtain a process maturity rating
+in order to qualify for a contract or award.
+The quality of assessment results depends on the software process assessment
+method, the integrity and quality of the obtained data, the assessment team’s
+capability and objectivity, and the evidence examined during the assessment.
+The goal of a software process assessment is to gain insight that will
+establish the current status of a process or processes and provide a basis for
+process improvement; performing a software process assessment by following a
+checklist for conformance without gaining insight adds little value.
+#### 3.3. Software Process Improvement Models
+<!-- [2*, p187–188] [3*, s26.5] [4*, s2.7] -->
+Software process improvement models emphasize iterative cycles of continuous
+improvement. A software process improvement cycle typically involves the
+subprocesses of measuring, analyzing, and changing. The Plan-Do-Check-Act
+model is a well-known iterative approach to software process improvement.
+Improvement activities include identifying and prioritizing desired
+improvements (planning); introducing an improvement, including change
+management and training (doing); evaluating the improvement as compared to
+previous or exemplary process results and costs (checking); and making further
+modifications (acting). The Plan-Do-Check-Act process improvement model can be
+applied, for example, to improve software processes that enhance defect
+#### 3.4. Continuous and Staged Software Process Ratings
+<!-- [1*, p28–34] [3*, s26.5] [4*, p39–45] -->
 Software process capability and software process
 maturity are typically rated using five or six levels
 to characterize the capability or maturity of the
@@ -651,657 +466,418 @@ els is provided in Table 8.1. Continuous models
 typically use a level 0 rating; staged models typi-
 cally do not.
+| Level  | Continuous Representation of Capability Levels | Staged Representation of Maturity Levels |
+| 0      |  Incomplete                                    |                                          |
+| 1      |  Performed                                     | Initial                                  |
+| 2      |  Managed                                       | Managed                                  |
+| 3      |  Defined                                       | Defined                                  |
+| 4      |                                                | Quantitatively Managed                   |
+| 5      |                                                | Optimizing                               |
 Table 8.1. Software Process Rating Levels
+In Table 8.1, level 0 indicates that a software process is incompletely
+performed or may not be performed. At level 1, a software process is being
+performed (capability rating), or the software processes in a maturity level 1
+group are being performed but on an ad hoc, informal basis. At level 2, a
+software process (capability rating) or the processes in maturity level 2 are
+being performed in a manner that provides management visibility into
+intermediate work products and can exert some control over transitions between
+processes. At level 3, a single software process or the processes in a maturity
+level 3 group plus the process or processes in maturity level 2 are well
+defined (perhaps in organizational policies and procedures) and are being
+repeated across different projects. Level 3 of process capability or maturity
+provides the basis for process improvement across an organization because the
+process is (or processes are) conducted in a similar manner. This allows
+collection of performance data in a uniform manner across multiple projects. At
+maturity level 4, quantitative measures can be applied and used for process
+assessment; statistical analysis may be used. At maturity level 5, the
+mechanisms for continuous process improvements are applied.
+Continuous and staged representations can be used to determine the order in
+which software processes are to be improved. In the continuous representation,
+the different capability levels for different software processes provide a
+guideline for determining the order in which software processes will be
+improved. In the staged representation, satisfying the goals of a set of
+software processes within a maturity level is accomplished for that maturity
+level, which provides a foundation for improving all of the software processes
+at the next higher level.
+### 4. Software Measurement
-of Capability
+<!-- [3*, s26.2] [4*, s18.1.1] -->
+This topic addresses software process and product measurement, quality of
+measurement results, software information models, and software process
+measurement techniques (see Measurement in the Engineering Foundations KA).
-of Maturity
-0 Incomplete
-1 Performed Initial
-2 Managed Managed
-3 Defined Defined
+Before a new process is implemented or a current process is modified,
+measurement results for the current situation should be obtained to provide a
+baseline for comparison between the current situation and the new situation.
+For example, before introducing the software inspection process, effort
+required to fix defects discovered by testing should be measured. Following an
+initial start-up period after the inspection process is introduced, the
+combined effort of inspection plus testing can be compared to the previous
+amount of effort required for testing alone. Similar considerations apply if
+a process is changed.
+#### 4.1. Software Process and Product Measurement
-5 Optimizing
+<!-- [1*, s6.3, p273] [3*, s26.2, p638] -->
-In Table 8.1, level 0 indicates that a software
-process is incompletely performed or may not be
-performed. At level 1, a software process is being
-performed (capability rating), or the software
-processes in a maturity level 1 group are being
-performed but on an ad hoc, informal basis. At
-level 2, a software process (capability rating) or
-the processes in maturity level 2 are being per-
-formed in a manner that provides management
+Software process and product measurement are concerned with determining the
+efficiency and effectiveness of a software process, activity, or task. The
+_efficiency_ of a software process, activity, or task is the ratio of resources
+actually consumed to resources expected or desired to be consumed in
+accomplishing a software process, activity, or task (see Efficiency in the
+Software Engineering Economics KA). Effort (or equivalent cost) is the primary
+measure of resources for most software processes, activities, and tasks; it is
+measured in units such as person-hours, person-days, staff-weeks, or
+staff-months of effort or in equivalent monetary units - such as euros or
+_Effectiveness_ is the ratio of actual output to expected output produced by a
+software process, activity, or task; for example, actual number of defects
+detected and corrected during software testing to expected number of defects to
+be detected and corrected - perhaps based on historical data for similar
+projects (see Effectiveness in the Software Engineering Economics KA). Note
+that measurement of software process effectiveness requires measurement of
+the relevant product attributes; for example, measurement of software defects
+discovered and corrected during software testing.
-visibility into intermediate work products and
-can exert some control over transitions between
-processes. At level 3, a single software process or
-the processes in a maturity level 3 group plus the
-process or processes in maturity level 2 are well
-defined (perhaps in organizational policies and
-procedures) and are being repeated across dif-
-ferent projects. Level 3 of process capability or
-maturity provides the basis for process improve-
-ment across an organization because the process
-is (or processes are) conducted in a similar man-
-ner. This allows collection of performance data
-in a uniform manner across multiple projects. At
-maturity level 4, quantitative measures can be
-applied and used for process assessment; statis-
-tical analysis may be used. At maturity level 5,
-the mechanisms for continuous process improve-
-ments are applied.
-Continuous and staged representations can be
-used to determine the order in which software
-processes are to be improved. In the continuous
-representation, the different capability levels for
-different software processes provide a guideline
-for determining the order in which software pro-
-cesses will be improved. In the staged representa-
-tion, satisfying the goals of a set of software pro-
-cesses within a maturity level is accomplished for
-that maturity level, which provides a foundation
-for improving all of the software processes at the
-next higher level.
+One must take care when measuring product attributes for the purpose of
+determining process effectiveness. For example, the number of defects detected
+and corrected by testing may not achieve the expected number of defects and
+thus provide a misleadingly low effectiveness measure, either because the
+software being tested is of better-than-usual quality or perhaps because
+introduction of a newly introduced upstream inspection process has reduced
+the remaining number of defects in the software.
-**4. Software Measurement**
-    [3*, s26.2] [4*, s18.1.1]
+Product measures that may be important in determining the effectiveness of
+software processes include product complexity, total defects, defect density,
+and the quality of requirements, design documentation, and other related work
+Also note that efficiency and effectiveness are independent concepts. An
+effective software process can be inefficient in achieving a desired soft-
+ware process result; for example, the amount of effort expended to find and fix
+software defects could be very high and result in low efficiency, as compared
+to expectations.
-This topic addresses software process and prod-
-uct measurement, quality of measurement results,
-software information models, and software pro-
-cess measurement techniques (see Measurement
-in the Engineering Foundations KA).
-Before a new process is implemented or a cur-
-rent process is modified, measurement results for
-the current situation should be obtained to pro-
-vide a baseline for comparison between the cur-
-rent situation and the new situation. For exam-
-ple, before introducing the software inspection
-process, effort required to fix defects discovered
-by testing should be measured. Following an ini-
-tial start-up period after the inspection process
-is introduced, the combined effort of inspection
+An efficient process can be ineffective in accomplishing the desired
+transformation of input work products into output work products; for example,
+failure to find and correct a sufficient number of software defects during the
+testing process.
+Causes of low efficiency and/or low effectiveness in the way a software
+process, activity, or task is executed might include one or more of the
+following problems: deficient input work products, inexperienced personnel,
+lack of adequate tools and infrastructure, learning a new process, a complex
+product, or an unfamiliar product domain. The efficiency and effectiveness of
+software process execution are also affected (either positively or
+negatively) by factors such as turnover in software personnel, schedule
+changes, a new customer representative, or a new organizational policy.
+In software engineering, productivity in performing a process, activity, or
+task is the ratio of output produced divided by resources consumed; for
+example, the number of software defects discovered and corrected divided by
+person-hours of effort (see Productivity in the Software Engineering
+Economics KA). Accurate measurement of productivity must include total effort
+used to satisfy the exit criteria of a software process, activity, or task;
+for example, the effort required to correct defects discovered during software
+testing must be included in software development productivity.
-Software Engineering Process 8-9
+Calculation of productivity must account for the context in which the work is
+accomplished. For example, the effort to correct discovered defects will be
+included in the productivity calculation of a software team if team members
+correct the defects they find—as in unit testing by software developers or in a
+cross-functional agile team. Or the productivity calculation may include either
+the effort of the software developers or the effort of an independent testing
+team, depending on who fixes the defects found by the independent testers. Note
+that this example refers to the effort of teams of developers or teams of
+testers and not to individuals. Software productivity calculated at the level
+of individuals can be misleading because of the many factors that can affect
+the individual productivity of software engineers.
-plus testing can be compared to the previous
-amount of effort required for testing alone. Simi-
-lar considerations apply if a process is changed.
+Standardized definitions and counting rules for measurement of software
+processes and work products are necessary to provide standardized measurement
+results across projects within an organization, to populate a repository of
+historical data that can be analyzed to identify software processes that need
+to be improved, and to build predictive models based on accumulated data. In
+the example above, definitions of software defects and staff-hours of testing
+effort plus counting rules for defects and effort would be necessary to obtain
+satisfactory measurement results.
-_4.1. Software Process and Product Measurement_
-[1*, s6.3, p273] [3*, s26.2, p638]
+The extent to which the software process is institutionalized is important;
+failure to institutionalize a software process may explain why “good”
+software processes do not always produce anticipated results. Software
+processes may be institutionalized by adoption within the local organizational
+unit or across larger units of an enterprise.
-Software process and product measurement are
-concerned with determining the efficiency and
-effectiveness of a software process, activity, or
-task. The _efficiency_ of a software process, activity,
-or task is the ratio of resources actually consumed
-to resources expected or desired to be consumed
-in accomplishing a software process, activity, or
-task (see Efficiency in the Software Engineering
-Economics KA). Effort (or equivalent cost) is the
-primary measure of resources for most software
-processes, activities, and tasks; it is measured in
-units such as person-hours, person-days, staff-
-weeks, or staff-months of effort or in equivalent
-monetary units—such as euros or dollars.
-_Effectiveness_ is the ratio of actual output to
-expected output produced by a software process,
-activity, or task; for example, actual number of
-defects detected and corrected during software
-testing to expected number of defects to be
-detected and corrected—perhaps based on his-
-torical data for similar projects (see Effectiveness
-in the Software Engineering Economics KA).
-Note that measurement of software process effec-
-tiveness requires measurement of the relevant
-product attributes; for example, measurement of
-software defects discovered and corrected during
-software testing.
-One must take care when measuring product
-attributes for the purpose of determining process
-effectiveness. For example, the number of defects
-detected and corrected by testing may not achieve
-the expected number of defects and thus provide
-a misleadingly low effectiveness measure, either
-because the software being tested is of better-
-than-usual quality or perhaps because introduc-
-tion of a newly introduced upstream inspection
-process has reduced the remaining number of
-defects in the software.
-Product measures that may be important in
-determining the effectiveness of software pro-
-cesses include product complexity, total defects,
-defect density, and the quality of requirements,
+#### 4.2. Quality of Measurement Results
+<!-- [4*, s3.4–3.7] -->
-design documentation, and other related work
-Also note that efficiency and effectiveness are
-independent concepts. An effective software pro-
-cess can be inefficient in achieving a desired soft-
-ware process result; for example, the amount of
-effort expended to find and fix software defects
-could be very high and result in low efficiency, as
-compared to expectations.
-An efficient process can be ineffective in accom-
-plishing the desired transformation of input work
-products into output work products; for example,
-failure to find and correct a sufficient number of
-software defects during the testing process.
-Causes of low efficiency and/or low effective-
-ness in the way a software process, activity, or
-task is executed might include one or more of the
-following problems: deficient input work prod-
-ucts, inexperienced personnel, lack of adequate
-tools and infrastructure, learning a new process,
-a complex product, or an unfamiliar product
-domain. The efficiency and effectiveness of soft-
-ware process execution are also affected (either
-positively or negatively) by factors such as turn-
-over in software personnel, schedule changes, a
-new customer representative, or a new organiza-
-tional policy.
-In software engineering, productivity in per-
-forming a process, activity, or task is the ratio of
-output produced divided by resources consumed;
-for example, the number of software defects dis-
-covered and corrected divided by person-hours of
-effort (see Productivity in the Software Engineer-
-ing Economics KA). Accurate measurement of
-productivity must include total effort used to sat-
-isfy the exit criteria of a software process, activ-
-ity, or task; for example, the effort required to
-correct defects discovered during software test-
-ing must be included in software development
-Calculation of productivity must account for
-the context in which the work is accomplished.
-For example, the effort to correct discovered
-defects will be included in the productivity cal-
-culation of a software team if team members
-correct the defects they find—as in unit testing
-by software developers or in a cross-functional
-agile team. Or the productivity calculation
-may include either the effort of the software
-developers or the effort of an independent test-
-ing team, depending on who fixes the defects
-found by the independent testers. Note that this
-example refers to the effort of teams of devel-
-opers or teams of testers and not to individuals.
-Software productivity calculated at the level of
-individuals can be misleading because of the
-many factors that can affect the individual pro-
-ductivity of software engineers.
-Standardized definitions and counting rules
-for measurement of software processes and work
-products are necessary to provide standardized
-measurement results across projects within an
-organization, to populate a repository of histori-
-cal data that can be analyzed to identify software
-processes that need to be improved, and to build
-predictive models based on accumulated data. In
-the example above, definitions of software defects
-and staff-hours of testing effort plus counting
-rules for defects and effort would be necessary to
-obtain satisfactory measurement results.
-The extent to which the software process is
-institutionalized is important; failure to institu-
-tionalize a software process may explain why
-“good” software processes do not always pro-
-duce anticipated results. Software processes may
-be institutionalized by adoption within the local
-organizational unit or across larger units of an
+The quality of process and product measurement results is primarily determined
+by the reliability and validity of the measured results. Measurements that do
+not satisfy these quality criteria can result in incorrect interpretations and
+faulty software process improvement initiatives. Other desirable properties of
+software measurements include ease of collection, analysis, and presentation
+plus a strong correlation between cause and effect.
-_4.2. Quality of Measurement Results_
-[4*, s3.4–3.7]
+The Software Engineering Measurement topic in the Software Engineering
+Management KA describes a process for implementing a software measurement
-The quality of process and product measurement
-results is primarily determined by the reliability
-and validity of the measured results. Measure-
-ments that do not satisfy these quality criteria
-can result in incorrect interpretations and faulty
-software process improvement initiatives. Other
-desirable properties of software measurements
-include ease of collection, analysis, and presenta-
-tion plus a strong correlation between cause and
-The Software Engineering Measurement topic
-in the Software Engineering Management KA
-describes a process for implementing a software
-measurement program.
+#### 4.3. Software Information Models
+<!-- [1*, p310–311] [3*, p712–713] [4*, s19.2] -->
-4.3. Software Information Models
-[1*, p310–311] [3*, p712–713] [4*, s19.2]
+Software information models allow modeling, analysis, and prediction of
+software process and software product attributes to provide answers to relevant
+questions and achieve process and product improvement goals. Needed data can be
+collected and retained in a repository; the data can be analyzed and models
+can be constructed. Validation and refinement of software information models
+occur during software projects and after projects are completed to ensure that
+the level of accuracy is sufficient and that their limitations are known and
+understood. Software information models may also be developed for contexts
+other than software projects; for example, a software information model might
+be developed for processes that apply across an organization, such as software
+configuration management or software quality assurance processes at the
+organizational level.
+Analysis-driven software information model building involves the development,
+calibration, and evaluation of a model. A software information model is
+developed by establishing a hypothesized transformation of input variables into
+desired outputs; for example, product size and complexity might be transformed
+into estimated effort needed to develop a software product using a
+regression equation developed from observed data from past projects. A model is
+calibrated by adjusting parameters in the model to match observed results from
+past projects; for example, the exponent in a nonlinear regression model might
+be changed by applying the regression equation to a different set of past
+projects other than the projects used to develop the model.
-Software information models allow modeling,
-analysis, and prediction of software process and
-software product attributes to provide answers to
-relevant questions and achieve process and product
-improvement goals. Needed data can be collected
-and retained in a repository; the data can be ana-
-lyzed and models can be constructed. Validation
-and refinement of software information models
-occur during software projects and after projects
-are completed to ensure that the level of accuracy
-is sufficient and that their limitations are known
-and understood. Software information models may
-also be developed for contexts other than software
-projects; for example, a software information
-model might be developed for processes that apply
-across an organization, such as software configu-
-ration management or software quality assurance
-processes at the organizational level.
-Analysis-driven software information model
-building involves the development, calibration,
-and evaluation of a model. A software infor-
-mation model is developed by establishing a
-hypothesized transformation of input variables
-into desired outputs; for example, product size
-and complexity might be transformed into esti-
-mated effort needed to develop a software prod-
-uct using a regression equation developed from
-observed data from past projects. A model is
-calibrated by adjusting parameters in the model
-to match observed results from past projects; for
-example, the exponent in a nonlinear regression
-model might be changed by applying the regres-
-sion equation to a different set of past projects
-other than the projects used to develop the model.
-A model is evaluated by comparing computed
-results to actual outcomes for a different set of
-similar data. There are three possible evaluation
+A model is evaluated by comparing computed results to actual outcomes for a
+different set of similar data. There are three possible evaluation outcomes:
-1. results computed for a different data set vary
-    widely from actual outcomes for that data
-    set, in which case the derived model is not
-    applicable for the new data set and should
-    not be applied to analyze or make predictions
-    for future projects;
+1. results computed for a different data set vary widely from actual outcomes
+   for that data set, in which case the derived model is not applicable for the
+   new data set and should not be applied to analyze or make predictions
+   for future projects;
+2. results computed for a new data set are close to actual outcomes for that
+   data set, in which case minor adjustments are made to the parameters of the
+   model to improve agreement;
+3. results computed for the new data set and subsequent data sets are very
+   close and no adjustments to the model are needed.
+Continuous evaluation of the model may indicate a need for adjustments over
+time as the context in which the model is applied changes.
-Software Engineering Process 8-11
-2. results computed for a new data set are
-    close to actual outcomes for that data set,
-    in which case minor adjustments are made
-    to the parameters of the model to improve
-    agreement;
-3. results computed for the new data set and
-    subsequent data sets are very close and no
-    adjustments to the model are needed.
-Continuous evaluation of the model may indi-
-cate a need for adjustments over time as the con-
-text in which the model is applied changes.
-The Goals/Questions/Metrics (GQM) method
-was originally intended for establishing measure-
-ment activities, but it can also be used to guide
+The Goals/Questions/Metrics (GQM) method was originally intended for
+establishing measurement activities, but it can also be used to guide
 analysis and improvement of software processes.
-It can be used to guide analysis-driven software
-information model building; results obtained
-from the software information model can be used
-to guide process improvement.
-The following example illustrates application
-of the GQM method:
-- Goal: Reduce the average change request
-    processing time by 10% within six months.
-- Question 1-1: What is the baseline change
-    request processing time?
-- Metric 1-1-1: Average of change request
-    processing times on starting date
-- Metric 1-1-2: Standard deviation of change
-    request processing times on starting date
-- Question 1-2: What is the current change
-    request processing time?
-- Metric 1-2-1: Average of change request
-    processing times currently
-- Metric 1-2-2: Standard deviation of change
-    request processing times currently
-_4.4. Software Process Measurement Techniques_
-[1*, c8]
-Software process measurement techniques are
-used to collect process data and work product
-data, transform the data into useful information,
-and analyze the information to identify process
-activities that are candidates for improvement.
-In some cases, new software processes may be
+It can be used to guide analysis-driven software information model building;
+results obtained from the software information model can be used to guide
+process improvement.
+The following example illustrates application of the GQM method:
-Process measurement techniques also provide
-the information needed to measure the effects of
-process improvement initiatives. Process mea-
-surement techniques can be used to collect both
-quantitative and qualitative data.
+- Goal: Reduce the average change request processing time by 10% within six
+  months.
+- Question 1-1: What is the baseline change request processing time?
+- Metric 1-1-1: Average of change request processing times on starting date
+- Metric 1-1-2: Standard deviation of change request processing times on
+  starting date
+- Question 1-2: What is the current change request processing time?
+- Metric 1-2-1: Average of change request processing times currently
+- Metric 1-2-2: Standard deviation of change request processing times currently
+#### 4.4. Software Process Measurement Techniques
-4.4.1. Quantitative Process Measurement
-[4*, s5.1, s5.7, s9.8]
+<!-- [1*, c8] -->
+Software process measurement techniques are used to collect process data and
+work product data, transform the data into useful information, and analyze the
+information to identify process activities that are candidates for improvement.
+In some cases, new software processes may be needed.
-The purpose of quantitative process measurement
-techniques is to collect, transform, and analyze
-quantitative process and work product data that
-can be used to indicate where process improve-
-ments are needed and to assess the results of
-process improvement initiatives. Quantitative
-process measurement techniques are used to col-
-lect and analyze data in numerical form to which
-mathematical and statistical techniques can be
-Quantitative process data can be collected as
-a byproduct of software processes. For example,
-the number of defects discovered during software
-testing and the staff-hours expended can be col-
-lected by direct measurement, and the productiv-
-ity of defect discovery can be derived by calculat-
-ing defects discovered per staff-hour.
-Basic tools for quality control can be used to
-analyze quantitative process measurement data
-(e.g., check sheets, Pareto diagrams, histograms,
-scatter diagrams, run charts, control charts, and
-cause-and-effect diagrams) (see Root Cause
-Analysis in the Engineering Foundations KA). In
-addition, various statistical techniques can be used
-that range from calculation of medians and means
-to multivariate analysis methods (see Statistical
-Analysis in the Engineering Foundations KA).
-Data collected using quantitative process mea-
-surement techniques can also be used as inputs
-to simulation models (see Modeling, Prototyp-
-ing, and Simulation in the Engineering Founda-
-tions KA); these models can be used to assess the
-impact of various approaches to software process
-Orthogonal Defect Classification (ODC) can
-be used to analyze quantitative process measure-
-ment data. ODC can be used to group detected
-defects into categories and link the defects in
-each category to the software process or soft-
-ware processes where a group of defects origi-
-nated (see Defect Characterization in the Soft-
-ware Quality KA). Software interface defects,
-for example, may have originated during an inad-
-equate software design process; improving the
-software design process will reduce the number
-of software interface defects. ODC can provide
-quantitative data for applying root cause analysis.
-Statistical Process Control can be used to track
-process stability, or the lack of process stability,
-using control charts.
+Process measurement techniques also provide the information needed to measure
+the effects of process improvement initiatives. Process measurement
+techniques can be used to collect both quantitative and qualitative data.
+##### 4.4.1. Quantitative Process Measurement Techniques
-4.4.2. Qualitative Process Measurement
-[1*, s6.4]
+<!-- [4*, s5.1, s5.7, s9.8] -->
-Qualitative process measurement techniques—
-including interviews, questionnaires, and expert
-judgment—can be used to augment quantitative
-process measurement techniques. Group consen-
-sus techniques, including the Delphi technique,
-can be used to obtain consensus among groups of
+The purpose of quantitative process measurement techniques is to collect,
+transform, and analyze quantitative process and work product data that can be
+used to indicate where process improvements are needed and to assess the
+results of process improvement initiatives. Quantitative process measurement
+techniques are used to collect and analyze data in numerical form to which
+mathematical and statistical techniques can be applied.
-**5. Software Engineering Process Tools**
-    [1*, s8.7]
+Quantitative process data can be collected as a byproduct of software
+processes. For example, the number of defects discovered during software
+testing and the staff-hours expended can be collected by direct measurement,
+and the productivity of defect discovery can be derived by calculating
+defects discovered per staff-hour.
-Software process tools support many of the nota-
-tions used to define, implement, and manage
-individual software processes and software life
-cycle models. They include editors for notations
-such as data-flow diagrams, state charts, BPMN,
-IDEF0 diagrams, Petri nets, and UML activity
-diagrams. In some cases, software process tools
-allow different types of analyses and simula-
-tions (for example, discrete event simulation). In
+Basic tools for quality control can be used to analyze quantitative process
+measurement data (e.g., check sheets, Pareto diagrams, histograms, scatter
+diagrams, run charts, control charts, and cause-and-effect diagrams) (see Root
+Cause Analysis in the Engineering Foundations KA). In addition, various
+statistical techniques can be used that range from calculation of medians and
+means to multivariate analysis methods (see Statistical Analysis in the
+Engineering Foundations KA). Data collected using quantitative process mea-
+surement techniques can also be used as inputs to simulation models (see
+Modeling, Prototyping, and Simulation in the Engineering Foundations KA);
+these models can be used to assess the impact of various approaches to software
+process improvement.
+Orthogonal Defect Classification (ODC) can be used to analyze quantitative
+process measurement data. ODC can be used to group detected defects into
+categories and link the defects in each category to the software process or
+software processes where a group of defects originated (see Defect
+Characterization in the Software Quality KA). Software interface defects, for
+example, may have originated during an inadequate software design process;
+improving the software design process will reduce the number of software
+interface defects. ODC can provide quantitative data for applying root cause
+analysis. Statistical Process Control can be used to track process stability,
+or the lack of process stability, using control charts.
-addition, general purpose business tools, such as
-a spreadsheet, may be useful.
-Computer-Assisted Software Engineering
-(CASE) tools can reinforce the use of integrated
-processes, support the execution of process defi-
-nitions, and provide guidance to humans in per-
-forming well-defined processes. Simple tools
-such as word processors and spreadsheets can
-be used to prepare textual descriptions of pro-
-cesses, activities, and tasks; these tools also sup-
-port traceability among the inputs and outputs of
-multiple software processes (such as stakeholder
-needs analysis, software requirements specifica-
-tion, software architecture, and software detailed
-design) as well as the results of software pro-
-cesses such as documentation, software compo-
-nents, test cases, and problem reports.
-Most of the knowledge areas in this Guide
-describe specialized tools that can be used to
-manage the processes within that KA. In particu-
-lar, see the Software Configuration Management
-KA for a discussion of software configuration
-management tools that can be used to manage the
-construction, integration, and release processes
-for software products. Other tools, such as those
-for requirements management and testing, are
-described in the appropriate KAs.
-Software process tools can support projects
-that involve geographically dispersed (virtual)
-teams. Increasingly, software process tools are
-available through cloud computing facilities as
-well as through dedicated infrastructures.
-A project control panel or dashboard can dis-
-play selected process and product attributes for
-software projects and indicate measurements that
-are within control limits and those needing cor-
-rective action.
+##### 4.4.2. Qualitative Process Measurement Techniques
+<!-- [1*, s6.4] -->
+Qualitative process measurement techniques - including interviews,
+questionnaires, and expert judgment - can be used to augment quantitative process
+measurement techniques. Group consensus techniques, including the Delphi
+technique, can be used to obtain consensus among groups of stakeholders.
-Software Engineering Process 8-13
+### 5. Software Engineering Process Tools
+<!-- [1*, s8.7] -->
+Software process tools support many of the notations used to define,
+implement, and manage individual software processes and software life cycle
+models. They include editors for notations such as data-flow diagrams, state
+charts, BPMN, IDEF0 diagrams, Petri nets, and UML activity diagrams. In some
+cases, software process tools allow different types of analyses and simula-
+tions (for example, discrete event simulation). In addition, general purpose
+business tools, such as a spreadsheet, may be useful.
-Fairley 2009
+Computer-Assisted Software Engineering (CASE) tools can reinforce the use of
+integrated processes, support the execution of process definitions, and
+provide guidance to humans in performing well-defined processes. Simple tools
+such as word processors and spreadsheets can be used to prepare textual
+descriptions of processes, activities, and tasks; these tools also support
+traceability among the inputs and outputs of multiple software processes (such
+as stakeholder needs analysis, software requirements specification, software
+architecture, and software detailed design) as well as the results of software
+processes such as documentation, software components, test cases, and
+problem reports.
-##### [1]
-Moore 2009
-##### [2]
+Most of the knowledge areas in this Guide describe specialized tools that can
+be used to manage the processes within that KA. In particular, see the
+Software Configuration Management KA for a discussion of software configuration
+management tools that can be used to manage the construction, integration, and
+release processes for software products. Other tools, such as those for
+requirements management and testing, are described in the appropriate KAs.
+Software process tools can support projects that involve geographically
+dispersed (virtual) teams. Increasingly, software process tools are available
+through cloud computing facilities as well as through dedicated
-Sommerville 2011
+A project control panel or dashboard can display selected process and product
+attributes for software projects and indicate measurements that are within
+control limits and those needing corrective action.
-##### [3]
+### Matrix Of Topics vs. Reference Material
+Fairley 2009 [1]
+Moore 2009 [2]
+Sommerville 2011 [3]
+Kan 2003 [4]
-Kan 2003
+1. Software Process Definition p177 p295 p28–29, p36, c5
+    1.1. Software Process Management s26.1 p453–454
+    1.2. Software Process Infrastructure p183, p186 p437–438
+2. Software Life Cycles c2 p190
+    2.1. Categories of Software Processes preface p294–295 c22, c23, c24
+    2.2. Software Life Cycle Models c2 s3.2 s2.1
+    2.3. Software Process Adaptation s2.7 p51
+    2.4. Practical Considerations p188–190
+3. Software Process Assessment and Improvement p188, p194 c26 p397, c15
+    3.1. Software Process Assessment Models s4.5, s4.6 s26.5 p44–48 
+    3.2. Software Process Assessment Methods p322–331 s26.3 p44–48, s16.4
+    3.3. Software Process Improvement Models p187–188 s26.5 s2.7
+    3.4. Continuous and Staged Ratings p28–34 s26.5 p39–45
+4. Software Measurement s26.2 s18.1.1
+    4.1. Software Process and Product Measurement s6.3, p273 s26.2, p638
+    4.2. Quality of Measurement Results s3.4, s3.5, s3.6, s3.7
+    4.3. Software Information Models p310–311 p. 712–713 s19.2
+    4.4. Software Process Measurement Techniques s6.4, c8 s5.1, s5.7, s9.8
+5. Software Engineering Process Tools s8.7
-##### [4]
+**Further Readings**
-**1. Software Process Definition** p177 p295
+_Software Extension to the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge®_
+(SWX) [5].
+SWX provides adaptations and extensions to the generic practices of project
+management documented in the _PMBOK® Guide_ for managing software projects.
+The primary contribution of this extension to the _PMBOK® Guide_ is descrip-
+tion of processes that are applicable for managing adaptive life cycle software
-1.1. Software Process Management s26.1 p453–454
-1.2. Software Process Infrastructure
-p183, p186
-**2. Software Life Cycles** c2 p190
-2.1. Categories of Software Processes preface p294–295
-c22, c23,
-2.2. Software Life Cycle Models c2 s3.2 s2.1
-2.3. Software Process Adaptation s2.7 p51
-2.4. Practical Considerations p188–190
-**3. Software Process Assessment and
-    p188, p194 c26 p397, c15
-3.1. Software Process Assessment Models
-s26.5 p44–48
-3.2. Software Process Assessment
-p322–331 s26.3
-3.3. Software Process Improvement
-p187–188 s26.5 s2.7
-3.4. Continuous and Staged Ratings p28–34 s26.5 p39–45
-**4. Software Measurement** s26.2 s18.1.1
-    4.1. Software Process and Product
-    Measurement
-4.2. Quality of Measurement Results
-4.3. Software Information Models p310–311 p. 712–713 s19.2
-4.4. Software Process Measurement
-Te c h n i q u e s
-**5. Software Engineering Process Tools** s8.7
-_Software Extension to the Guide to the Project
-Management Body of Knowledge®_ (SWX)
-SWX provides adaptations and extensions to the
-generic practices of project management docu-
-mented in the _PMBOK® Guide_ for managing
-software projects. The primary contribution of
-this extension to the _PMBOK® Guide_ is descrip-
-tion of processes that are applicable for managing
-adaptive life cycle software projects.
 D. Gibson, D. Goldenson, and K. Kost, “Performance Results of CMMI-Based
 Process Improvement” [6].
-This technical report summarizes publicly avail-
-able empirical evidence about the performance
-results that can occur as a consequence of CMMI-
-based process improvement. The report contains
-a series of brief case descriptions that were cre-
-ated with collaboration from representatives
-from 10 organizations that have achieved notable
-quantitative performance results through their
-CMMI-based improvement efforts.
+This technical report summarizes publicly available empirical evidence about
+the performance results that can occur as a consequence of CMMI-based process
+improvement. The report contains a series of brief case descriptions that were
+created with collaboration from representatives from 10 organizations that
+have achieved notable quantitative performance results through their CMMI-based
+improvement efforts.
 _CMMI_ ® _for Development, Version 1.3_ [7].
-_CMMI_ ® _for Development, Version 1.3_ provides an
-integrated set of process guidelines for develop-
-ing and improving products and services. These
-guidelines include best practices for developing
-and improving products and services to meet the
-needs of customers and end users.
+_CMMI_ ® _for Development, Version 1.3_ provides an integrated set of process
+guidelines for developing and improving products and services. These
+guidelines include best practices for developing and improving products and
+services to meet the needs of customers and end users.
-_ISO/IEC 15504-1:2004 Information tech-
-nology—Process assessment—Part 1:
+_ISO/IEC 15504-1:2004 Information technology - Process assessment—Part 1:
 Concepts and vocabulary_ [8].
 This standard, commonly known as SPICE (Software Process Improvement and
 Capability Determination), includes multiple parts. Part 1 provides concepts
 and vocabulary for software development processes and related business-
 management functions. Other parts of 15504 define the requirements and
-procedures for per- forming process assessments.
+procedures for performing process assessments.
-[1] R.E. Fairley, Managing and Leading Software Projects , Wiley-IEEE Computer
+[1] R.E. Fairley, Managing and Leading Software Projects, Wiley-IEEE Computer
 Society Press, 2009.
-[2] J.W. Moore, The Road Map to Software Engineering: A Standards-Based Guide ,
+[2] J.W. Moore, The Road Map to Software Engineering: A Standards-Based Guide,
 Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press, 2006.
-[3] I. Sommerville, Software Engineering , 9th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2011.
+[3] I. Sommerville, Software Engineering, 9th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2011.
-[4] S.H. Kan, Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering , 2nd ed.,
-Addison- Wesley, 2002.
+[4] S.H. Kan, Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering, 2nd ed.,
+Addison-Wesley, 2002.
 [5] Project Management Institute and IEEE Computer Society, Software Extension
-to the PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition , ed: Project Management Institute, 2013.
+to the PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition, ed: Project Management Institute, 2013.
 [6] D. Gibson, D. Goldenson, and K. Kost, “Performance Results of CMMI-Based
 Process Improvement,” Software Engineering Institute, 2006; http://  cfm?assetID=8065.
 [7] CMMI Product Team, “CMMI for Development, Version 1.3,” Software
 Engineering Institute, 2010; http://