Commit Diff

commit - 935da4cf63a9fdc003fd51b77be4fea1c33f68e0
commit + c660bce8c10041aa3353f4fb8269eca7f3ffb228
blob - ba7df2ad31b35228e20e3575bbe3f79b786b0d33
blob + fd7011ff02cfab1b505d595cf052b1f886539c6a
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ change log follows the conventions of
 ### Added
 - Add a checker for comments test (#32).
+- Add a checker for sequential test (#33).
 ### Fixed
blob - 5dc3aff3d137de29ce45ed31cc7b63eacbca6f14
blob + 2462bda7d76c2ee5075c579ccde2dcf285a4dc7a
@@ -372,7 +372,26 @@ Example of history:
                                            350 356 359 360 361 363 366 367 371 376 403 410 419 422
+### sequential
+A standalone checker for a sequential consistency, it checks that the effective
+order of transactions should be consistent with the order on every client. Any
+execution is the same as if all `read` and `write` ops were executed in some
+global ordering, and the ops of each client process appear in the order
+specified by its program. If a process order enforces that `x` must be visible
+before `y`, we should always read both or neither.
+To verify this, we have a single client perform a sequence of independent
+transactions, inserting `k1`, `k2`, ..., `kn` into different tables.
+Concurrently, a different client attempts to read each of `kn`, ..., `k2`, `k1`
+in turn. Because all inserts occur from the same process, they must also be
+visible to any single process in that order. This implies that once a process
+observes `kn`, any subsequent read must see `kn − 1`, and by induction, all
+smaller keys.
+Like G2 and the bank tests, this test does not verify consistency *in general*.
 ## License
 Copyright © 2021-2022 Sergey Bronnikov
blob - 8e1b83e0db2ba7d1f94ab8432d48ac3048b2292c
blob + 4251b1a28d2c23839abdd02bd63545c607f7a88b
--- src/elle_cli/cli.clj
+++ src/elle_cli/cli.clj
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
             [jepsen.tests.long-fork :as jepsen-long-fork]
             [jepsen.independent :as independent]
             [elle-cli.comments :as comments-model]
+            [elle-cli.sequential :as sequential-model]
             [elle.list-append :as elle-list-append]
             [ :as elle-rw-register]
             [elle.consistency-model :as elle-consistency-model]
@@ -89,6 +90,7 @@
    "set"                     jepsen-model/set
    "set-full"                jepsen-model/set-full
    "comments"                comments-model/checker
+   "sequential"              sequential-model/checker
    "elle-rw-register"        elle-rw-register/check
    "elle-list-append"        elle-list-append/check
    "rw-register"             elle-rw-register/check
@@ -168,6 +170,7 @@
         "  cas-register - a checker for CAS (Compare-And-Set) registers."
         "  mutex - a checker for a mutex histories."
         "  comments - a custom checker for a comments histories (experimental)."
+        "  sequential - a custom checker for sequential histories (experimental)."
@@ -189,6 +192,7 @@
        "knossos-cas-register" (competition/analysis (checker-fn) (history/parse-ops history))
        "knossos-mutex" (competition/analysis (checker-fn) (history/parse-ops history))
        "comments" ((independent/checker (checker-fn)) (history/parse-ops history))
+       "sequential" ((checker-fn) (history/parse-ops history))
        "list-append" (checker-fn options history)
        "rw-register" (checker-fn options history)
        "elle-list-append" (checker-fn options history)
blob - /dev/null
blob + 3645ec884b232d7cb3706ccbad009cf483fd8f37 (mode 644)
--- /dev/null
+++ src/elle_cli/sequential.clj
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+(ns elle-cli.sequential
+  "A sequential consistency test.
+  Verify that client order is consistent with DB order by performing queries
+  (in four distinct transactions) like:
+  A: insert x
+  A: insert y
+  B: read y
+  B: read x
+  A's process order enforces that x must be visible before y, so we should
+  always read both or neither.
+  Splits keys up onto different tables to make sure they fall in different
+  shard ranges."
+  (:require [jepsen [checker :as checker]
+                    [independent :as independent]]
+            [knossos.model :as model]
+            [knossos.op :as op]
+            [clojure.core.reducers :as r]))
+(defn trailing-nil?
+  "Does the given sequence contain a nil anywhere after a non-nil element?"
+  [coll]
+  (some nil? (drop-while nil? coll)))
+(defn subkeys
+  "The subkeys used for a given key, in order."
+  [key-count k]
+  (mapv (partial str k "_") (range key-count)))
+(defn checker
+  "A sequential consistency checker."
+  []
+  (reify checker/Checker
+    (check [this test history opts]
+      (assert (integer? (:key-count test)))
+      (let [reads (->> history
+                       (r/filter op/ok?)
+                       (r/filter #(= :read (:f %)))
+                       (r/map :value)
+                       (into []))
+            none (filter (comp (partial every? nil?) second) reads)
+            some (filter (comp (partial some nil?) second) reads)
+            bad  (filter (comp trailing-nil? second) reads)
+            all  (filter (fn [[k ks]]
+                           (= (subkeys (:key-count test) k)
+                             (reverse ks)))
+                         reads)]
+        {:valid?      (not (seq bad))
+         :all-count   (count all)
+         :some-count  (count some)
+         :none-count  (count none)
+         :bad-count   (count bad)
+         :bad         bad}))))