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-**CHAPTER 7**
+## Chapter 7: Software Engineering Management
+- PMBOK ® Guide Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge
+- SDLC Software Development Life Cycle
+- SEM Software Engineering Management
+- SQA Software Quality Assurance
+- SWX Software Extension to the PMBOK ® Guide
+- WBS Work Breakdown Structure
-PMBOK ® Guide Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge
-SDLC Software Development Life Cycle
-SEM Software Engineering Management
-SQA Software Quality Assurance
-SWX Software Extension to the PMBOK ® Guide
-WBS Work Breakdown Structure
+Software engineering management can be defined as the application of management
+activities - planning, coordinating, measuring, monitoring, controlling, and
+reporting^1 - to ensure that software products and software engineering
+services are delivered efficiently, effectively, and to the benefit of
+stakeholders. The related discipline of management is an important element of
+all the knowledge areas (KAs), but it is of course more relevant to this KA
+than to other KAs. Measurement is also an important aspect of all KAs; the
+topic of measurement programs is presented in this KA.
-Software engineering management can be defined
-as the application of management activities—plan-
-ning, coordinating, measuring, monitoring, con-
-trolling, and reporting^1 —to ensure that software
-products and software engineering services are
-delivered efficiently, effectively, and to the benefit
-of stakeholders. The related discipline of manage-
-ment is an important element of all the knowledge
-areas (KAs), but it is of course more relevant to
-this KA than to other KAs. Measurement is also an
-important aspect of all KAs; the topic of measure-
-ment programs is presented in this KA.
-In one sense, it should be possible to manage
-a software engineering project in the same way
-other complex endeavors are managed. However,
-there are aspects specific to software projects
-and software life cycle processes that complicate
+In one sense, it should be possible to manage a software engineering project in
+the same way other complex endeavors are managed. However, there are aspects
+specific to software projects and software life cycle processes that complicate
 effective management, including these:
-1 The terms Initiating, Planning, Executing,
-Monitoring and Controlling, and Closing are used to
-describe process groups in the _PMBOK_ ® _Guide_ and
+1 The terms Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring and Controlling, and
+Closing are used to describe process groups in the _PMBOK_ ® _Guide_ and _SWX_.
-- Clients often don’t know what is needed or
-    what is feasible.
-- Clients often lack appreciation for the com-
-    plexities inherent in software engineering,
-    particularly regarding the impact of chang-
-    ing requirements.
-- It is likely that increased understanding and
-    changing conditions will generate new or
-    changed software requirements.
-- As a result of changing requirements, soft-
-    ware is often built using an iterative process
-    rather than as a sequence of closed tasks.
-- Software engineering necessarily incorpo-
-    rates creativity and discipline. Maintaining
-    an appropriate balance between the two is
-    sometimes difficult.
-- The degree of novelty and complexity is
-    often high.
-- There is often a rapid rate of change in the
-    underlying technology.
+- Clients often don’t know what is needed or what is feasible.
+- Clients often lack appreciation for the complexities inherent in software
+  engineering, particularly regarding the impact of changing requirements.
+- It is likely that increased understanding and changing conditions will
+  generate new or changed software requirements.
+- As a result of changing requirements, software is often built using an
+  iterative process rather than as a sequence of closed tasks.
+- Software engineering necessarily incorporates creativity and discipline.
+  Maintaining an appropriate balance between the two is sometimes difficult.
+- The degree of novelty and complexity is often high.
+- There is often a rapid rate of change in the underlying technology.
+Software engineering management activities occur at three levels:
+organizational and infrastructure management, project management, and
+management of the measurement program. The last two are covered in detail in
+this KA description. However, this is not to diminish the importance of
+organizational and infrastructure management issues. It is generally agreed
+that software organizational engineering managers should be conversant with the
+project manage- ment and software measurement knowledge described in this KA.
+They should also possess some target domain knowledge. Likewise, it is also
+helpful if managers of complex projects and programs in which software is a
+component of the system architecture are aware of the differences that software
+processes introduce into project management and project measurement.
-Software engineering management activities
-occur at three levels: organizational and infra-
-structure management, project management,
-and management of the measurement program.
-The last two are covered in detail in this KA
-description. However, this is not to diminish the
-importance of organizational and infrastructure
-management issues. It is generally agreed that
-software organizational engineering managers
-should be conversant with the project manage-
-ment and software measurement knowledge
-described in this KA. They should also possess
-some target domain knowledge. Likewise, it is
-also helpful if managers of complex projects and
-programs in which software is a component of
-the system architecture are aware of the differ-
-ences that software processes introduce into proj-
-ect management and project measurement.
+Other aspects of organizational management exert an impact on software
+engineering (for example, organizational policies and procedures that provide
+the framework in which software engineering projects are undertaken). These
+policies and procedures may need to be adjusted by the requirements for
+effective software development and maintenance. In addition, a number of
+policies specific to software engineering may need to be in place or
+established for effective management of software engineering at the
+organizational level. For example, policies are usually necessary to establish
+specific organization-wide processes or procedures for software engineering
+tasks such as software design, software construction, estimating, monitoring,
+and reporting. Such policies are important for effective long-term management
+of software engineering projects across an organization (for example,
+establishing a consistent basis by which to analyze past project performance
+and implement improvements).
+Another important aspect of organizational management is personnel management
+policies and procedures for hiring, training, and mentoring personnel for
+career development, not only at the project level, but also to the longer-term
+success of an organization. Software engineering personnel may present unique
+training or personnel management challenges (for example, maintaining currency
+in a context where the underlying technology undergoes rapid and continuous
+change). Communication management is also often mentioned as an overlooked but
+important aspect of the performance of individuals in a field where precise
+understanding of user needs, software requirements, and software designs is
+necessary. Furthermore, portfolio management, which provides an overall view,
+not only of software currently under development in various projects and
+programs (integrated projects), but also of software planned and currently in
+use in an organization, is desirable. Also, software reuse is a key
-Other aspects of organizational management
-exert an impact on software engineering (for
-example, organizational policies and procedures
-that provide the framework in which software
-engineering projects are undertaken). These poli-
-cies and procedures may need to be adjusted by
-the requirements for effective software develop-
-ment and maintenance. In addition, a number of
-policies specific to software engineering may
-need to be in place or established for effective
-management of software engineering at the orga-
-nizational level. For example, policies are usually
-necessary to establish specific organization-wide
-processes or procedures for software engineering
-tasks such as software design, software construc-
-tion, estimating, monitoring, and reporting. Such
-policies are important for effective long-term
-management of software engineering projects
-across an organization (for example, establishing
-a consistent basis by which to analyze past proj-
-ect performance and implement improvements).
+![Figure 7.1. Breakdown of Topics for the Software Engineering Management KA](images/Figure-7.1.png)
+factor in maintaining and improving productivity and competitiveness. Effective
+reuse requires a strategic vision that reflects the advantages and
+disadvantages of reuse.
-Another important aspect of organizational
-management is personnel management policies
-and procedures for hiring, training, and mentor-
-ing personnel for career development, not only at
-the project level, but also to the longer-term suc-
-cess of an organization. Software engineering per-
-sonnel may present unique training or personnel
-management challenges (for example, maintaining
-currency in a context where the underlying tech-
-nology undergoes rapid and continuous change).
-Communication management is also often
-mentioned as an overlooked but important aspect
-of the performance of individuals in a field where
-precise understanding of user needs, software
-requirements, and software designs is necessary.
-Furthermore, portfolio management, which pro-
-vides an overall view, not only of software cur-
-rently under development in various projects and
-programs (integrated projects), but also of soft-
-ware planned and currently in use in an organiza-
-tion, is desirable. Also, software reuse is a key
+In addition to understanding the aspects of management that are uniquely
+influenced by software projects, software engineers should have some knowledge
+of the more general aspects of management that are discussed in this KA (even
+in the first few years after graduation). Attributes of organizational culture
+and behavior, plus management of other functional areas of the enterprise, have
+an influence, albeit indirectly, on an organization’s software engineering
+Extensive information concerning software project management can be found in
+the _Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK_ ® _Guide)_ and
+the _Software Extension to the PMBOK_ ® _Guide_ ( _SWX_ ) [1] [2]. Each of
+these guides includes ten project management KAs: project integration
+management, project scope management, project time management, project cost
+management, project quality management, project human resource management,
+project communications management, project risk management, project
+procurement management, and project stakeholder management. Each KA has direct
+relevance to this Software Engineering Management KA.
-Figure 7.1. Breakdown of Topics for the Software Engineering Management KA
+Additional information is also provided in the other references and further
+readings for this KA. This Software Engineering Management KA consists of the
+software project management processes in the first five topics in Figure 7.1
+(Initiation and Scope Definition, Software Project Planning, Software Project
+Enactment, Review and Evaluation, Closure), plus Software Engineering
+Measurement in the sixth topic and Software Engineering Management Tools in the
+seventh topic. While project management and measurement management are often
+regarded as being separate, and indeed each does possess many unique
+attributes, the close relationship has led to combined treatment in this KA.
+Unfortunately, a common perception of the software industry is that software
+products are delivered late, over budget, of poor quality, and with incomplete
+functionality. Measurement-informed managementa - basic principle of any true
+engineering discipline (see Measurement in the Engineering Foundations KA) -
+can help improve the perception and the reality. In essence, management without
+measurement (qualitative and quantitative) suggests a lack of discipline, and
+measurement without management suggests a lack of purpose or context. Effective
+management requires a combination of both measurement and experience.
+The following working definitions are adopted here:
-factor in maintaining and improving productivity
-and competitiveness. Effective reuse requires a
-strategic vision that reflects the advantages and
-disadvantages of reuse.
-In addition to understanding the aspects of
-management that are uniquely influenced by soft-
-ware projects, software engineers should have
-some knowledge of the more general aspects of
-management that are discussed in this KA (even
-in the first few years after graduation).
-Attributes of organizational culture and behav-
-ior, plus management of other functional areas
-of the enterprise, have an influence, albeit indi-
-rectly, on an organization’s software engineering
-Extensive information concerning software
-project management can be found in the _Guide
-to the Project Management Body of Knowledge
-(PMBOK_ ® _Guide)_ and the _Software Extension to
-the PMBOK_ ® _Guide_ ( _SWX_ ) [1] [2]. Each of these
-guides includes ten project management KAs:
-project integration management, project scope
-management, project time management, project
-cost management, project quality management,
-project human resource management, project
-communications management, project risk man-
-agement, project procurement management, and
-project stakeholder management. Each KA has
-direct relevance to this Software Engineering
-Management KA.
-Additional information is also provided in the
-other references and further readings for this KA.
-This Software Engineering Management KA
-consists of the software project management pro-
-cesses in the first five topics in Figure 7.1 (Initia-
-tion and Scope Definition, Software Project Plan-
-ning, Software Project Enactment, Review and
-Evaluation, Closure), plus Software Engineering
-Measurement in the sixth topic and Software
-Engineering Management Tools in the seventh
-topic. While project management and measure-
-ment management are often regarded as being
-separate, and indeed each does possess many
-unique attributes, the close relationship has led to
-combined treatment in this KA.
-Unfortunately, a common perception of the soft-
-ware industry is that software products are deliv-
-ered late, over budget, of poor quality, and with
-incomplete functionality. Measurement-informed
+- _Management_ is a system of processes and controls required to achieve the
+  strategic objectives set by the organization.
+- _Measurement_ refers to the assignment of values and labels to software
+  engineering work products, processes, and resources plus the models that are
+  derived from them, whether these models are developed using statistical or
+  other techniques [3* , c7, c8].
+The software engineering project management sections in this KA make extensive
+use of the software engineering measurement section. This KA is closely related
+to others in the SWEBOK Guide , and reading the following KA descriptions in
+conjunction with this one will be particularly helpful:
-management—a basic principle of any true engi-
-neering discipline (see Measurement in the Engi-
-neering Foundations KA)—can help improve
-the perception and the reality. In essence, man-
-agement without measurement (qualitative and
-quantitative) suggests a lack of discipline, and
-measurement without management suggests a
-lack of purpose or context. Effective management
-requires a combination of both measurement and
-The following working definitions are adopted
+- The Engineering Foundations KA describes some general concepts of measurement
+  that are directly applicable to the Software Engineering Measurement section
+  of this KA. In addition, the concepts and techniques presented in the
+  Statistical Analysis section of the Engineering Foundations KA apply directly
+  to many topics in this KA.
+- The Software Requirements KA describes some of the activities that should be
+  performed during the Initiation and Scope definition phase of the project.
+- The Software Configuration Management KA deals with identification, control,
+  status accounting, and auditing of software configurations along with
+  software release man- agement and delivery and software configuration
+  management tools.
+- The Software Engineering Process KA describes software life cycle models and
+  the relationships between processes and work products.
+- The Software Quality KA emphasizes quality as a goal of management and as an
+  aim of many software engineering activities.
+- The Software Engineering Economics KA discusses how to make software-related
+  decisions in a business context.
-- _Management_ is a system of processes and
-    controls required to achieve the strategic
-    objectives set by the organization.
-- _Measurement_ refers to the assignment of val-
-    ues and labels to software engineering work
-    products, processes, and resources plus the
-    models that are derived from them, whether
-    these models are developed using statistical
-    or other techniques [3* , c7, c8].
+Because most software development life cycle models require similar activities
+that may be executed in different ways, the breakdown of topics is
+activity-based. That breakdown is shown in Figure 7.1. The elements of the
+top-level breakdown shown in that figure are the activities that are usually
+performed when a software development project is being managed, independent of
+the software development life cycle model (see Software Life Cycle Models in
+the Software Engineering Process KA) that has been chosen for a specific
+project. There is no intent in this breakdown to recommend a specific life
+cycle model. The breakdown implies only what happens and does not imply when,
+how, or how many times each activity occurs. The seven topics are:
-The software engineering project management
-sections in this KA make extensive use of the
-software engineering measurement section.
-This KA is closely related to others in the
-SWEBOK Guide , and reading the following KA
-descriptions in conjunction with this one will be
-particularly helpful:
+- Initiation and Scope Definition, which deal with the decision to embark on a
+  software engineering project;
+- Software Project Planning, which addresses the activities undertaken to
+  prepare for a successful software engineering project from the management
+  perspective;
+- Software Project Enactment, which deals with generally accepted software
+  engineering management activities that occur during the execution of a
+  software engineering project;
+- Review and Evaluation, which deal with ensuring that technical, schedule,
+  cost, and quality engineering activities are satisfactory;
+- Closure, which addresses the activities accomplished to complete a project;
+- Software Engineering Measurement, which deals with the effective development
+  and implementation of measurement programs in software engineering
+  organizations;
+- Software Engineering Management Tools, which describes the selection and use
+  of tools for managing a software engineering project.
-- The Engineering Foundations KA describes
-    some general concepts of measurement that
-    are directly applicable to the Software Engi-
-    neering Measurement section of this KA.
-    In addition, the concepts and techniques
-    presented in the Statistical Analysis section
-    of the Engineering Foundations KA apply
-    directly to many topics in this KA.
-- The Software Requirements KA describes
-    some of the activities that should be per-
-    formed during the Initiation and Scope defi-
-    nition phase of the project.
-- The Software Configuration Management
-    KA deals with identification, control, status
-    accounting, and auditing of software con-
-    figurations along with software release man-
-    agement and delivery and software configu-
-    ration management tools.
+### 1. Initiation and Scope Definition
+The focus of these activities is on effective determination of software
+requirements using various elicitation methods and the assessment of project
+feasibility from a variety of standpoints. Once project feasibility has been
+established, the remaining tasks within this section are the specification of
+requirements and selection of the processes for revision and review of
-- The Software Engineering Process KA
-    describes software life cycle models and the
-    relationships between processes and work
-    products.
-- The Software Quality KA emphasizes qual-
-    ity as a goal of management and as an aim of
-    many software engineering activities.
-- The Software Engineering Economics KA
-    discusses how to make software-related
-    decisions in a business context.
+#### 1.1. Determination and Negotiation of Requirements
+<!-- [3*, c3] -->
-Because most software development life cycle
-models require similar activities that may be exe-
-cuted in different ways, the breakdown of topics
-is activity-based. That breakdown is shown in
-Figure 7.1. The elements of the top-level break-
-down shown in that figure are the activities that
-are usually performed when a software develop-
-ment project is being managed, independent of
-the software development life cycle model (see
-Software Life Cycle Models in the Software
-Engineering Process KA) that has been chosen for
-a specific project. There is no intent in this break-
-down to recommend a specific life cycle model.
-The breakdown implies only what happens and
-does not imply when, how, or how many times
-each activity occurs. The seven topics are:
+Determining and negotiating requirements set the visible boundaries for the set
+of tasks being undertaken (see the Software Requirements KA). Activities
+include requirements elicitation, analysis, specification, and validation.
+Methods and techniques should be selected and applied, taking into account the
+various stakeholder perspectives. This leads to the determination of project
+scope in order to meet objectives and satisfy constraints.
-- Initiation and Scope Definition, which deal
-    with the decision to embark on a software
-    engineering project;
-- Software Project Planning, which addresses
-    the activities undertaken to prepare for a suc-
-    cessful software engineering project from
-    the management perspective;
-- Software Project Enactment, which deals
-    with generally accepted software engineering
-    management activities that occur during the
-    execution of a software engineering project;
-- Review and Evaluation, which deal with
-    ensuring that technical, schedule, cost, and
-    quality engineering activities are satisfactory;
-- Closure, which addresses the activities
-    accomplished to complete a project;
-- Software Engineering Measurement, which
-    deals with the effective development and
+#### 1.2. Feasibility Analysis
+<!-- [4*, c4] -->
-implementation of measurement programs in
-software engineering organizations;
+The purpose of feasibility analysis is to develop a clear description of
+project objectives and evaluate alternative approaches in order to determine
+whether the proposed project is the best alternative given the constraints of
+technology, resources, finances, and social/political considerations. An
+initial project and product scope statement, project deliverables, project
+duration constraints, and an estimate of resources needed should be prepared.
+Resources include a sufficient number of people who have the needed skills,
+facilities, infrastructure, and support (either internally or externally).
+Feasibility analysis often requires approximate estimations of effort and cost
+based on appropriate methods (see section 2.3, Effort, Schedule, and Cost
-- Software Engineering Management Tools,
-    which describes the selection and use of tools
-    for managing a software engineering project.
-**1. Initiation and Scope Definition**
+#### 1.3. Process for the Review and Revision of Requirements_
+<!-- [3*, c3] -->
-The focus of these activities is on effective deter-
-mination of software requirements using vari-
-ous elicitation methods and the assessment of
-project feasibility from a variety of standpoints.
-Once project feasibility has been established, the
-remaining tasks within this section are the speci-
-fication of requirements and selection of the pro-
-cesses for revision and review of requirements.
+Given the inevitability of change, stakeholders should agree on the means by
+which requirements and scope are to be reviewed and revised (for example,
+change management procedures, iterative cycle retrospectives). This clearly
+implies that scope and requirements will not be “set in stone” but can and
+should be revisited at predetermined points as the project unfolds (for
+example, at the time when backlog priorities are created or at milestone
+reviews). If changes are accepted, then some form of traceability analysis and
+risk analysis should be used to ascertain the impact of those changes (see
+section 2.5, Risk Management, and Software Configuration Control in the
+Software Configuration Management KA).
+A managed-change approach can also form the basis for evaluation of success
+during closure of an incremental cycle or an entire project, based on changes
+that have occurred along the way (see topic 5, Closure).
-1.1. Determination and Negotiation of
-[3*, c3]
+### 2. Software Project Planning
+The first step in software project planning should be selection of an
+appropriate software development life cycle model and perhaps tailoring it
+based on project scope, software requirements, and a risk assessment. Other
+factors to be considered include the nature of the application domain,
+functional and technical complexity, and software quality requirements (see
+Software Quality Requirements in the Software Quality KA). In all SDLCs, risk
+assessment should be an element of initial project planning, and the “risk
+profile” of the project should be discussed and accepted by all relevant
+stakeholders. Software quality management processes (see Software Quality
+Management Processes in the Software Quality KA) should be determined as part
+of the planning process and result in procedures and responsibilities for
+software quality assurance, verification and validation, reviews, and audits
+(see the Software Quality KA). Processes and responsibilities for ongoing
+review and revision of the project plan and related plans should also be
+clearly stated and agreed upon.
-Determining and negotiating requirements set
-the visible boundaries for the set of tasks being
-undertaken (see the Software Requirements KA).
-Activities include requirements elicitation, analy-
-sis, specification, and validation. Methods and
-techniques should be selected and applied, taking
-into account the various stakeholder perspectives.
-This leads to the determination of project scope in
-order to meet objectives and satisfy constraints.
+#### 2.1. Process Planning
+<!-- [3*, c3, c4, c5] [5*, c1] -->
-1.2. Feasibility Analysis
-[4*, c4]
-The purpose of feasibility analysis is to develop a
-clear description of project objectives and evalu-
-ate alternative approaches in order to determine
-whether the proposed project is the best alterna-
-tive given the constraints of technology, resources,
-finances, and social/political considerations. An
-initial project and product scope statement, project
-deliverables, project duration constraints, and an
-estimate of resources needed should be prepared.
-Resources include a sufficient number of
-people who have the needed skills, facilities,
-infrastructure, and support (either internally or
-externally). Feasibility analysis often requires
-approximate estimations of effort and cost based
-on appropriate methods (see section 2.3, Effort,
-Schedule, and Cost Estimation).
+Software development life cycle (SDLC) models span a continuum from predictive
+to adaptive (see Software Life Cycle Models in the Software Engineering Process
+KA). Predictive SDLCs are characterized by development of detailed software
+requirements, detailed project planning, and minimal planning for iteration
+among development phases. Adaptive SDLCs are designed to accommodate emergent
+software requirements and iterative adjustment of plans. A highly predictive
+SDLC executes the first five processes listed in Figure 7.1 in a linear
+sequence with revisions to earlier phases only as necessary. Adaptive SDLCs are
+characterized by iterative development cycles. SDLCs in the mid-range of the
+SDLC continuum produce increments of functionality on either a preplanned
+schedule (on the predictive side of the continuum) or as the prod- ucts of
+frequently updated development cycles (on the adaptive side of the continuum).
+Well-known SDLCs include the waterfall, incremental, and spiral models plus
+various forms of agile software development [2] [3*, c2]. Relevant methods (see
+the Software Engineering Models and Methods KA) and tools should be selected as
+part of planning. Automated tools that will be used throughout the project
+should also be planned for and acquired. Tools may include tools for project
+scheduling, software requirements, software design, software construction,
+software maintenance, software configuration management, software engineering
+process, software quality, and others. While many of these tools should be
+selected based primarily on the technical considerations discussed in other
+KAs, some of them are closely related to the management considerations
+discussed in this chapter.
+#### 2.2. Determine Deliverables
-_1.3. Process for the Review and Revision of
-[3*, c3]
+<!-- [3*, c4, c5, c6] -->
-Given the inevitability of change, stakeholders
-should agree on the means by which requirements
-and scope are to be reviewed and revised (for
-example, change management procedures, itera-
-tive cycle retrospectives). This clearly implies
-that scope and requirements will not be “set in
-stone” but can and should be revisited at predeter-
-mined points as the project unfolds (for example,
-at the time when backlog priorities are created or
-at milestone reviews). If changes are accepted,
-then some form of traceability analysis and risk
-analysis should be used to ascertain the impact
-of those changes (see section 2.5, Risk Manage-
-ment, and Software Configuration Control in the
-Software Configuration Management KA).
-A managed-change approach can also form the
-basis for evaluation of success during closure of
-an incremental cycle or an entire project, based
-on changes that have occurred along the way (see
-topic 5, Closure).
+The work product(s) of each project activity (for example, software
+architecture design documents, inspection reports, tested software) should be
+identified and characterized. Opportunities to reuse software components from
+previous projects or to utilize off-the-shelf software products should be
+evaluated. Procurement of software and use of third parties to develop
+deliverables should be planned and suppliers selected (see section 3.2,
+Software Acquisition and Supplier Contract Management).
-**2. Software Project Planning**
+#### 2.3. Effort, Schedule, and Cost Estimation
-The first step in software project planning should
-be selection of an appropriate software develop-
-ment life cycle model and perhaps tailoring it
-based on project scope, software requirements,
-and a risk assessment. Other factors to be consid-
-ered include the nature of the application domain,
-functional and technical complexity, and soft-
-ware quality requirements (see Software Quality
-Requirements in the Software Quality KA).
-In all SDLCs, risk assessment should be an
-element of initial project planning, and the “risk
-profile” of the project should be discussed and
-accepted by all relevant stakeholders. Software
-quality management processes (see Software
-Quality Management Processes in the Software
-Quality KA) should be determined as part of the
-planning process and result in procedures and
-responsibilities for software quality assurance,
-verification and validation, reviews, and audits
-(see the Software Quality KA). Processes and
-responsibilities for ongoing review and revision
-of the project plan and related plans should also
-be clearly stated and agreed upon.
+<!-- [3*, c6] -->
+The estimated range of effort required for a project, or parts of a project,
+can be determined using a calibrated estimation model based on historical size
+and effort data (when available) and other relevant methods such as expert
+judgment and analogy. Task dependencies can be established and potential
+opportunities for completing tasks concurrently and sequentially can be
+identified and documented using a Gantt chart, for example. For predictive SDLC
+projects, the expected schedule of tasks with projected start times, durations,
+and end times is typically produced during planning. For adaptive SDLC
+projects, an overall estimate of effort and schedule is typically developed
+from the initial understanding of the requirements, or, alternatively,
+constraints on overall effort and schedule may be specified and used to
+determine an initial estimate of the number of iterative cycles and estimates
+of effort and other resources allocated to each cycle.
-2.1. Process Planning
-[3*, c3, c4, c5] [5*, c1]
+Resource requirements (for example, people and tools) can be translated into
+cost estimates. Initial estimation of effort, schedule, and cost is an
+iterative activity that should be negotiated and revised among affected
+stakeholders until consensus is reached on resources and time available for
+project completion.
+#### 2.4. Resource Allocation
-Software development life cycle (SDLC) mod-
-els span a continuum from predictive to adaptive
-(see Software Life Cycle Models in the Software
-Engineering Process KA). Predictive SDLCs are
-characterized by development of detailed soft-
-ware requirements, detailed project planning, and
-minimal planning for iteration among develop-
-ment phases. Adaptive SDLCs are designed to
-accommodate emergent software requirements
-and iterative adjustment of plans. A highly pre-
-dictive SDLC executes the first five processes
-listed in Figure 7.1 in a linear sequence with revi-
-sions to earlier phases only as necessary. Adap-
-tive SDLCs are characterized by iterative devel-
-opment cycles. SDLCs in the mid-range of the
-SDLC continuum produce increments of func-
-tionality on either a preplanned schedule (on the
-predictive side of the continuum) or as the prod-
-ucts of frequently updated development cycles
-(on the adaptive side of the continuum).
-Well-known SDLCs include the waterfall,
-incremental, and spiral models plus various forms
-of agile software development [2] [3*, c2].
-Relevant methods (see the Software Engineer-
-ing Models and Methods KA) and tools should be
-selected as part of planning. Automated tools that
-will be used throughout the project should also
-be planned for and acquired. Tools may include
-tools for project scheduling, software require-
-ments, software design, software construction,
-software maintenance, software configuration
-management, software engineering process, soft-
-ware quality, and others. While many of these
-tools should be selected based primarily on the
-technical considerations discussed in other KAs,
-some of them are closely related to the manage-
-ment considerations discussed in this chapter.
+<!-- [3*, c5, c10, c11] -->
+Equipment, facilities, and people should be allocated to the identified tasks,
+including the allocation of responsibilities for completion of various elements
+of a project and the overall project. A matrix that shows who is responsible
+for, accountable for, consulted about, and informed about each of the tasks can
+be used. Resource allocation is based on, and constrained by, the
+availability of resources and their optimal use, as well as by issues
+relating to personnel (for example, productivity of individuals and teams,
+team dynamics, and team structures).
-2.2. Determine Deliverables
-[3*, c4, c5, c6]
+#### 2.5. Risk Management
+<!-- [3*, c9] [5*, c5] -->
-The work product(s) of each project activity (for
-example, software architecture design docu-
-ments, inspection reports, tested software) should
-be identified and characterized. Opportunities to
-reuse software components from previous proj-
-ects or to utilize off-the-shelf software products
+Risk and uncertainty are related but distinct concepts. Uncertainty results
+from lack of information. Risk is characterized by the probability of an event
+that will result in a negative impact plus a characterization of the negative
+impact on a project. Risk is often the result of uncertainty. The converse of
+risk is opportunity, which is characterized by the probability that an event
+having a positive outcome might occur.
+Risk management entails identification of risk factors and analysis of the
+probability and potential impact of each risk factor, prioritization of risk
+factors, and development of risk mitigation strategies to reduce the
+probability and minimize the negative impact if a risk factor becomes a
+problem. Risk assessment methods (for example, expert judgment, historical
+data, decision trees, and process simulations) can sometimes be used in order
+to identify and evaluate risk factors.
-should be evaluated. Procurement of software
-and use of third parties to develop deliverables
-should be planned and suppliers selected (see
-section 3.2, Software Acquisition and Supplier
-Contract Management).
+Project abandonment conditions can also be determined at this point in
+discussion with all relevant stakeholders. Software-unique aspects of risk,
+such as software engineers’ tendency to add unneeded features, or the risks
+related to software’s intangible nature, can influence risk management of a
+software project. Particular attention should be paid to the management of
+risks related to software quality requirements such as safety or security (see
+the Software Quality KA). Risk management should be done not only at the
+beginning of a project, but also at periodic intervals throughout the project
+life cycle.
-_2.3. Effort, Schedule, and Cost Estimation_
-[3*, c6]
+#### 2.6. Quality Management
-The estimated range of effort required for a proj-
-ect, or parts of a project, can be determined using
-a calibrated estimation model based on historical
-size and effort data (when available) and other
-relevant methods such as expert judgment and
-analogy. Task dependencies can be established
-and potential opportunities for completing tasks
-concurrently and sequentially can be identified
-and documented using a Gantt chart, for exam-
-ple. For predictive SDLC projects, the expected
-schedule of tasks with projected start times, dura-
-tions, and end times is typically produced during
-planning. For adaptive SDLC projects, an over-
-all estimate of effort and schedule is typically
-developed from the initial understanding of the
-requirements, or, alternatively, constraints on
-overall effort and schedule may be specified and
-used to determine an initial estimate of the num-
-ber of iterative cycles and estimates of effort and
-other resources allocated to each cycle.
-Resource requirements (for example, people
-and tools) can be translated into cost estimates.
-Initial estimation of effort, schedule, and cost is
-an iterative activity that should be negotiated and
-revised among affected stakeholders until con-
-sensus is reached on resources and time available
-for project completion.
+<!-- [3*, c4] [4*, c24] -->
-_2.4. Resource Allocation_
-[3*, c5, c10, c11]
+Software quality requirements should be identified, perhaps in both
+quantitative and qualitative terms, for a software project and the associated
+work products. Thresholds for acceptable quality measurements should be set for
+each software quality requirement based on stakeholder needs and expectations.
+Procedures concerned with ongoing Software Quality Assurance (SQA) and quality
+improvement throughout the development process, and for verification and
+validation of the deliverable software product, should also be specified during
+quality planning (for example, technical reviews and inspections or
+demonstrations of completed functionality; see the Software Quality KA).
-Equipment, facilities, and people should be allo-
-cated to the identified tasks, including the allo-
-cation of responsibilities for completion of vari-
-ous elements of a project and the overall project.
-A matrix that shows who is responsible for,
-accountable for, consulted about, and informed
-about each of the tasks can be used. Resource
-allocation is based on, and constrained by, the
-availability of resources and their optimal use, as
+#### 2.7. Plan Management
+<!--[3*, c4] -->
-well as by issues relating to personnel (for exam-
-ple, productivity of individuals and teams, team
-dynamics, and team structures).
+For software projects, where change is an expectation, plans should be managed.
+Managing the project plan should thus be planned. Plans and processes selected
+for software development should be systematically monitored, reviewed,
+reported, and, when appropriate, revised. Plans associated with supporting
+processes (for example, documentation, software configuration management,
+and problem resolution) also should be managed. Reporting, monitoring, and
+controlling a project should fit within the selected SDLC and the realities
+of the project; plans should account for the various artifacts that will be
+used to manage the project.
-2.5. Risk Management
-[3*, c9] [5*, c5]
+### 3. Software Project Enactment
+During software project enactment (also known as project execution) plans are
+implemented and the processes embodied in the plans are enacted. Throughout,
+there should be a focus on adherence to the selected SDLC processes, with an
+overriding expectation that adherence will lead to the successful satisfaction
+of stakeholder requirements and achievement of the project’s objectives.
+Fundamental to enactment are the ongoing management activities of monitoring,
+controlling, and reporting.
-Risk and uncertainty are related but distinct con-
-cepts. Uncertainty results from lack of informa-
-tion. Risk is characterized by the probability of an
-event that will result in a negative impact plus a
-characterization of the negative impact on a proj-
-ect. Risk is often the result of uncertainty. The
-converse of risk is opportunity, which is charac-
-terized by the probability that an event having a
-positive outcome might occur.
-Risk management entails identification of risk
-factors and analysis of the probability and poten-
-tial impact of each risk factor, prioritization of
-risk factors, and development of risk mitigation
-strategies to reduce the probability and minimize
-the negative impact if a risk factor becomes a
-problem. Risk assessment methods (for example,
-expert judgment, historical data, decision trees,
-and process simulations) can sometimes be used
-in order to identify and evaluate risk factors.
-Project abandonment conditions can also be
-determined at this point in discussion with all
-relevant stakeholders. Software-unique aspects
-of risk, such as software engineers’ tendency to
-add unneeded features, or the risks related to soft-
-ware’s intangible nature, can influence risk man-
-agement of a software project. Particular atten-
-tion should be paid to the management of risks
-related to software quality requirements such as
-safety or security (see the Software Quality KA).
-Risk management should be done not only at the
-beginning of a project, but also at periodic inter-
-vals throughout the project life cycle.
+#### 3.1. Implementation of Plans
+<!-- [4*, c2] -->
-2.6. Quality Management
-[3*, c4] [4*, c24]
+Project activities should be undertaken in accordance with the project plan
+and supporting plans. Resources (for example, personnel, technology, and
+funding) are utilized and work products (for example, software design, software
+code, and software test cases) are generated.
+#### 3.2. Software Acquisition and Supplier Contract Management
-Software quality requirements should be identi-
-fied, perhaps in both quantitative and qualitative
-terms, for a software project and the associated
-work products. Thresholds for acceptable qual-
-ity measurements should be set for each software
-quality requirement based on stakeholder needs
+<!-- [3*, c3, c4] -->
+Software acquisition and supplier contract man agement is concerned with issues
+involved in contracting with customers of the software development organization
+who acquire the deliverable work products and with suppliers who supply
+products or services to the software engineering organization.
+This may involve selection of appropriate kinds of contracts, such as fixed
+price, time and materials, cost plus fixed fee, or cost plus incentive fee.
+Agreements with customers and suppliers typically specify the scope of work and
+the deliverables and include clauses such as penalties for late delivery or
+nondelivery and intellectual property agreements that specify what the supplier
+or suppliers are providing and what the acquirer is paying for, plus what will
+be delivered to and owned by the acquirer. For software being developed by
+suppliers (both internal to or external to the software development
+organization), agreements commonly indicate software quality requirements for
+acceptance of the delivered software.
-and expectations. Procedures concerned with
-ongoing Software Quality Assurance (SQA) and
-quality improvement throughout the development
-process, and for verification and validation of
-the deliverable software product, should also be
-specified during quality planning (for example,
-technical reviews and inspections or demonstra-
-tions of completed functionality; see the Software
-Quality KA).
+After the agreement has been put in place, execution of the project in
+compliance with the terms of the agreement should be managed (see chapter 12 of
+SWX, Software Procurement Management, for more information on this topic [2]).
-_2.7. Plan Management_
-[3*, c4]
+#### 3.3. Implementation of Measurement Process
-For software projects, where change is an expec-
-tation, plans should be managed. Managing the
-project plan should thus be planned. Plans and
-processes selected for software development
-should be systematically monitored, reviewed,
-reported, and, when appropriate, revised. Plans
-associated with supporting processes (for exam-
-ple, documentation, software configuration man-
-agement, and problem resolution) also should be
-managed. Reporting, monitoring, and controlling
-a project should fit within the selected SDLC and
-the realities of the project; plans should account
-for the various artifacts that will be used to man-
-age the project.
+<!-- [3*, c7] -->
-**3. Software Project Enactment**
+The measurement process should be enacted during the software project to ensure
+that relevant and useful data are collected (see sections 6.2, Plan the
+Measurement Process, and 6.3, Perform the Measurement Process).
-During software project enactment (also known
-as project execution) plans are implemented and
-the processes embodied in the plans are enacted.
-Throughout, there should be a focus on adher-
-ence to the selected SDLC processes, with an
-overriding expectation that adherence will lead to
-the successful satisfaction of stakeholder require-
-ments and achievement of the project’s objec-
-tives. Fundamental to enactment are the ongoing
-management activities of monitoring, control-
-ling, and reporting.
+#### 3.4. Monitor Process
-_3.1. Implementation of Plans_
-[4*, c2]
+<!-- [3*, c8] -->
-Project activities should be undertaken in accor-
-dance with the project plan and supporting plans.
-Resources (for example, personnel, technology,
-and funding) are utilized and work products (for
+Adherence to the project plan and related plans should be assessed continually
+and at predetermined intervals. Also, outputs and completion criteria for each
+task should be assessed. Deliverables should be evaluated in terms of their
+required characteristics (for example, via inspections or by demonstrating
+working functionality). Effort expenditure, schedule adherence, and costs to
+date should be analyzed, and resource usage examined. The project risk profile
+(see section 2.5, Risk Management) should be revisited, and adherence to
+software quality requirements evaluated (see Software Quality Requirements in
+the Software Quality KA).
+Measurement data should be analyzed (see Statistical Analysis in the
+Engineering Foundations KA). Variance analysis based on the deviation of actual
+from expected outcomes and values should be determined. This may include cost
+overruns, schedule slippage, or other similar measures. Outlier identification
+and analysis of quality and other measurement data should be performed (for
+example, defect analysis; see Software Quality Measurement in the Software
+Quality KA). Risk exposures should be recalculated (see section 2.5, Risk
+Management). These activities can enable problem detection and exception
+identification based on thresholds that have been exceeded. Outcomes should be
+reported when thresholds have been exceeded, or as necessary.
-example, software design, software code, and
-software test cases) are generated.
+#### 3.5. Control Process
+<!-- [3*, c7, c8] -->
-3.2. Software Acquisition and Supplier Contract
-[3*, c3, c4]
+The outcomes of project monitoring activities provide the basis on which
+decisions can be made. Where appropriate, and when the probability and impact
+of risk factors are understood, changes can be made to the project. This may
+take the form of corrective action (for example, retesting certain software
+components); it may involve incorporating additional actions (for example,
+deciding to use prototyping to assist in software requirements validation; see
+Prototyping in the Software Requirements KA); and/or it may entail revision of
+the project plan and other project documents (for example, the software
+requirements specification) to accommodate unanticipated events and their
+In some instances, the control process may lead to abandonment of the project.
+In all cases, software configuration control and software configuration
+management procedures should be adhered to (see the Software Configuration
+Management KA), decisions should be documented and communicated to all relevant
+parties, plans should be revisited and revised when necessary, and relevant
+data recorded (see section 6.3, Perform the Measurement Process).
-Software acquisition and supplier contract man-
-agement is concerned with issues involved in
-contracting with customers of the software devel-
-opment organization who acquire the deliverable
-work products and with suppliers who supply
-products or services to the software engineering
-This may involve selection of appropriate kinds
-of contracts, such as fixed price, time and materi-
-als, cost plus fixed fee, or cost plus incentive fee.
-Agreements with customers and suppliers typi-
-cally specify the scope of work and the deliver-
-ables and include clauses such as penalties for late
-delivery or nondelivery and intellectual property
-agreements that specify what the supplier or sup-
-pliers are providing and what the acquirer is pay-
-ing for, plus what will be delivered to and owned
-by the acquirer. For software being developed by
-suppliers (both internal to or external to the soft-
-ware development organization), agreements com-
-monly indicate software quality requirements for
-acceptance of the delivered software.
-After the agreement has been put in place, exe-
-cution of the project in compliance with the terms
-of the agreement should be managed (see chapter
-12 of SWX, Software Procurement Management,
-for more information on this topic [2]).
+#### 3.6. Reporting
+<!-- [3*, c11] -->
-3.3. Implementation of Measurement Process
-[3*, c7]
+At specified and agreed-upon times, progress to date should be reported - both
+within the organization (for example, to a project steering committee) and to
+external stakeholders (for example, clients or users). Reports should focus on
+the information needs of the target audience as opposed to the detailed status
+reporting within the project team.
+### 4. Review and Evaluation
+At prespecified times and as needed, overall progress towards achievement of
+the stated objectives and satisfaction of stakeholder (user and customer)
+requirements should be evaluated. Similarly, assessments of the effectiveness
+of the software process, the personnel involved, and the tools and methods
+employed should also be undertaken regularly and as determined by
+#### 4.1. Determining Satisfaction of Requirements
-The measurement process should be enacted dur-
-ing the software project to ensure that relevant
-and useful data are collected (see sections 6.2,
-Plan the Measurement Process, and 6.3, Perform
+<!-- [4*, c8] -->
+Because achieving stakeholder satisfaction is a principal goal of the software
+engineering manager, progress towards this goal should be assessed
+periodically. Progress should be assessed on achievement of major project
+milestones (for example, completion of software design architecture or
+completion of a software technical review), or upon completion of an iterative
+development cycle that results in a product increment. Variances from software
+requirements should be identified and appropriate actions should be taken. As
+in the control process activity above (see section 3.5, Control Process),
+software configuration control and software configuration management procedures
+should be followed (see the Software Configuration Management KA), decisions
+documented and communicated to all relevant parties, plans revisited and
+revised where necessary, and relevant data recorded (see section 6.3, Perform
 the Measurement Process).
+#### 4.2. Reviewing and Evaluating Performance
-3.4. Monitor Process
-[3*, c8]
+<!-- [3*, c8, c10] -->
+Periodic performance reviews for project personnel can provide insights as to
+the likelihood of adherence to plans and processes as well as possible areas of
+difficulty (for example, team member conflicts). The various methods, tools,
+and techniques employed should be evaluated for their effectiveness and
+appropriateness, and the process being used by the project should also be
+systematically and periodically assessed for relevance, utility, and efficacy
+in the project context. Where appropriate, changes should be made and managed.
-Adherence to the project plan and related
-plans should be assessed continually and at 
-predetermined intervals. Also, outputs and com-
-pletion criteria for each task should be assessed.
-Deliverables should be evaluated in terms of their
-required characteristics (for example, via inspec-
-tions or by demonstrating working functionality).
-Effort expenditure, schedule adherence, and costs
-to date should be analyzed, and resource usage
-examined. The project risk profile (see section
-2.5, Risk Management) should be revisited, and
-adherence to software quality requirements eval-
-uated (see Software Quality Requirements in the
-Software Quality KA).
-Measurement data should be analyzed (see Sta-
-tistical Analysis in the Engineering Foundations
-KA). Variance analysis based on the deviation of
-actual from expected outcomes and values should
-be determined. This may include cost overruns,
-schedule slippage, or other similar measures.
-Outlier identification and analysis of quality and
-other measurement data should be performed (for
-example, defect analysis; see Software Quality
-Measurement in the Software Quality KA). Risk
-exposures should be recalculated (see section 2.5,
-Risk Management). These activities can enable
-problem detection and exception identification
-based on thresholds that have been exceeded.
-Outcomes should be reported when thresholds
-have been exceeded, or as necessary.
+### 5. Closure
-_3.5. Control Process_
-[3*, c7, c8]
+An entire project, a major phase of a project, or an iterative development
+cycle reaches closure when all the plans and processes have been enacted and
+completed. The criteria for project, phase, or iteration success should be
+evaluated. Once closure is established, archival, retrospective, and process
+improvement activities can be performed.
-The outcomes of project monitoring activities
-provide the basis on which decisions can be made.
-Where appropriate, and when the probability and
-impact of risk factors are understood, changes can
-be made to the project. This may take the form of
-corrective action (for example, retesting certain
-software components); it may involve incorpo-
-rating additional actions (for example, deciding
-to use prototyping to assist in software require-
-ments validation; see Prototyping in the Software
-Requirements KA); and/or it may entail revision
-of the project plan and other project documents
-(for example, the software requirements specifi-
-cation) to accommodate unanticipated events and
-their implications.
-In some instances, the control process may
-lead to abandonment of the project. In all cases,
+#### 5.1. Determining Closure
+<!-- [1, s3.7, s4.6] -->
-software configuration control and software con-
-figuration management procedures should be
-adhered to (see the Software Configuration Man-
-agement KA), decisions should be documented
-and communicated to all relevant parties, plans
-should be revisited and revised when necessary,
-and relevant data recorded (see section 6.3, Per-
-form the Measurement Process).
+Closure occurs when the specified tasks for a project, a phase, or an iteration
+have been completed and satisfactory achievement of the completion criteria has
+been confirmed. Software requirements can be confirmed as satisfied or not, and
+the degree of achieving the objectives can be determined. Closure processes
+should involve relevant stakeholders and result in documentation of relevant
+stakeholders’ acceptance; any known problems should be documented.
+#### 5.2. Closure Activities
-3.6. Reporting
-[3*, c11]
+<!-- [2, s3.7, s4.8] -->
+After closure has been confirmed, archiving of project materials should be
+accomplished in accordance with stakeholder agreed-upon methods, location, and
+duration - possibly including destruction of sensitive information, software,
+and the medium on which copies are resident. The organization’s measurement
+database should be updated with relevant project data. A project, phase, or
+iteration retrospective analysis should be undertaken so that issues, problems,
+risks, and opportunities encountered can be analyzed (see topic 4, Review and
+Evaluation). Lessons learned should be drawn from the project and fed into
+organizational learning and improvement endeavors.
-At specified and agreed-upon times, progress to
-date should be reported—both within the orga-
-nization (for example, to a project steering com-
-mittee) and to external stakeholders (for exam-
-ple, clients or users). Reports should focus on
-the information needs of the target audience as
-opposed to the detailed status reporting within the
-project team.
+### 6. Software Engineering Measurement
-**4. Review and Evaluation**
+The importance of measurement and its role in better management and engineering
+practices is widely acknowledged (see Measurement in the Engineering
+Foundations KA). Effective mea- surement has become one of the cornerstones of
+organizational maturity. Measurement can be applied to organizations, projects,
+processes, and work products. In this section the focus is on the application
+of measurement at the levels of projects, processes, and work products. This
+section follows the IEEE 15939:2008 standard [6], which describes a process to
+define the activities and tasks necessary to implement a software measurement
+process. The standard also includes a measurement information model.
+#### 6.1. Establish and Sustain Measurement Commitment
-At prespecified times and as needed, overall prog-
-ress towards achievement of the stated objectives
-and satisfaction of stakeholder (user and customer)
-requirements should be evaluated. Similarly,
-assessments of the effectiveness of the software
-process, the personnel involved, and the tools and
-methods employed should also be undertaken reg-
-ularly and as determined by circumstances.
+<!-- [7*, c1, c2]^2 -->
+- Requirements for measurement. Each measurement endeavor should be guided by
+  organizational objectives and driven by a set of measurement requirements
+  established by the organization and the project (for example, an
+  organizational objective might be “first-to-market with new products”).
+- Scope of measurement. The organizational unit to which each measurement
+  requirement is to be applied should be established. This may consist of a
+  functional area, a single project, a single site, or an entire enterprise.
+  The temporal scope of the measurement effort should also be considered
+  because time series of some measurements may be required; for example, to
+  calibrate estimation models (see section 2.3, Effort, Schedule, and Cost
+  Estimation).
+- Team commitment to measurement. The commitment should be formally
+  established, communicated, and supported by resources (see next item).
+- Resources for measurement. An organization’s commitment to measurement is an
+  essential factor for success, as evidenced by the assignment of resources for
+  implementing the measurement process. Assigning resources includes allocation
+  of responsibility for the various tasks of the measurement process (such as
+  analyst and librarian). Adequate funding, training, tools, and support to
+  conduct the process should also be allocated.
-4.1. Determining Satisfaction of Requirements
-[4*, c8]
+2 Please note that these two chapters can be downloaded free of charge from
+ PSMBook.asp.
+#### 6.2. Plan the Measurement Process
-Because achieving stakeholder satisfaction is
-a principal goal of the software engineering
-manager, progress towards this goal should
-be assessed periodically. Progress should be
-assessed on achievement of major project mile-
-stones (for example, completion of software
-design architecture or completion of a soft-
-ware technical review), or upon completion of
-an iterative development cycle that results in
-a product increment. Variances from software
-requirements should be identified and appropri-
-ate actions should be taken.
-As in the control process activity above (see sec-
-tion 3.5, Control Process), software configuration
+<!-- [7*, c1, c2] -->
-control and software configuration management
-procedures should be followed (see the Software
-Configuration Management KA), decisions docu-
-mented and communicated to all relevant parties,
-plans revisited and revised where necessary, and
-relevant data recorded (see section 6.3, Perform
-the Measurement Process).
-_4.2. Reviewing and Evaluating Performance_
-[3*, c8, c10]
-Periodic performance reviews for project per-
-sonnel can provide insights as to the likelihood
-of adherence to plans and processes as well as
-possible areas of difficulty (for example, team
-member conflicts). The various methods, tools,
-and techniques employed should be evaluated for
-their effectiveness and appropriateness, and the
-process being used by the project should also be
-systematically and periodically assessed for rel-
-evance, utility, and efficacy in the project context.
-Where appropriate, changes should be made and
-**5. Closure**
-An entire project, a major phase of a project,
-or an iterative development cycle reaches clo-
-sure when all the plans and processes have been
-enacted and completed. The criteria for project,
-phase, or iteration success should be evaluated.
-Once closure is established, archival, retrospec-
-tive, and process improvement activities can be
-_5.1. Determining Closure_
-[1, s3.7, s4.6]
-Closure occurs when the specified tasks for a
-project, a phase, or an iteration have been com-
-pleted and satisfactory achievement of the com-
-pletion criteria has been confirmed. Software
-requirements can be confirmed as satisfied or not,
-and the degree of achieving the objectives can
-be determined. Closure processes should involve
-relevant stakeholders and result in documentation
-of relevant stakeholders’ acceptance; any known
-problems should be documented.
-5.2. Closure Activities
-[2, s3.7, s4.8]
+- Characterize the organizational unit. The organizational unit provides the
+  context for measurement, so the organizational context should be made
+  explicit, including the constraints that the organization imposes on the
+  measurement process. The characterization can be stated in terms of
+  organizational processes, application domains, technology, organizational
+  interfaces, and organizational structure.
+- Identify information needs. Information needs are based on the goals,
+  constraints, risks, and problems of the organizational unit. They may be
+  derived from business, organizational, regulatory, and/or product objectives.
+  They should be identified and prioritized. Then a subset of objectives to be
+  addressed can be selected, documented, communicated, and reviewed by
+  stakeholders.
+- Select measures. Candidate measures should be selected, with clear links to
+  the information needs. Measures should be selected based on the priorities of
+  the information needs and other criteria such as cost of collection, degree
+  of process disruption during collection, ease of obtaining accurate,
+  consistent data, and ease of analysis and reporting. Because internal quality
+  characteristics (see Models and Quality Characteristics in the Software
+  Quality KA) are often not contained in the contractually binding software
+  requirements, it is important to consider measuring the internal quality of
+  the software to provide an early indicator of potential issues that may
+  impact external stakeholders.
+- Define data collection, analysis, and reporting procedures. This encompasses
+  collection procedures and schedules, storage, verification, analysis,
+  reporting, and configuration management of data.
+- Select criteria for evaluating the information products. Criteria for
+  evaluation are influenced by the technical and business objectives of the
+  organizational unit. Information products include those associated with the
+  product being produced, as well as those associated with the processes being
+  used to manage and measure the project.
+- Provide resources for measurement tasks. The measurement plan should be
+  reviewed and approved by the appropriate stakeholders to include all data
+  collection procedures; storage, analysis, and reporting procedures;
+  evaluation criteria; schedules; and responsibilities. Criteria for reviewing
+  these artifacts should have been established at the organizational-unit level
+  or higher and should be used as the basis for these reviews. Such criteria
+  should take into consideration previous experience, availability of
+  resources, and potential disruptions to projects when changes from current
+  practices are proposed. Approval demonstrates commitment to the measurement
+  process.
+- Identify resources to be made available for implementing the planned and
+  approved measurement tasks. Resource availability may be staged in cases
+  where changes are to be piloted before widespread deployment. Consideration
+  should be paid to the resources necessary for successful deployment of new
+  procedures or measures.
+- Acquire and deploy supporting technologies. This includes evaluation of
+  available supporting technologies, selection of the most appropriate
+  technologies, acquisition of those technologies, and deployment of those
+  technologies.
+#### 6.3. Perform the Measurement Process
-After closure has been confirmed, archiving of
-project materials should be accomplished in
-accordance with stakeholder agreed-upon meth-
-ods, location, and duration—possibly including
-destruction of sensitive information, software,
-and the medium on which copies are resident.
-The organization’s measurement database should
-be updated with relevant project data. A project,
-phase, or iteration retrospective analysis should
-be undertaken so that issues, problems, risks,
-and opportunities encountered can be analyzed
-(see topic 4, Review and Evaluation). Lessons
-learned should be drawn from the project and fed
-into organizational learning and improvement
+<!-- [7*, c1, c2] -->
-**6. Software Engineering Measurement**
+- Integrate measurement procedures with relevant software processes. The
+  measurement procedures, such as data collection, should be integrated into
+  the software processes they are measuring. This may involve changing current
+  software processes to accommodate data collection or generation activities.
+  It may also involve analysis of current software processes to minimize
+  additional effort and evaluation of the effect on employees to ensure that
+  the measurement procedures will be accepted. Morale issues and other human
+  factors should be considered. In addition, the measurement procedures should
+  be communicated to those providing the data. Training and support may also
+  need to be provided. Data analysis and reporting procedures are typically
+  integrated into organizational and/ or project processes in a similar manner.
+- Collect data. Data should be collected, verified, and stored. Collection can
+  sometimes be automated by using software engineering management tools (see
+  topic 7, Software Engineering Management Tools) to analyze data and develop
+  reports. Data may be aggregated, transformed, or recoded as part of the
+  analysis process, using a degree of rigor appropriate to the nature of the
+  data and the information needs. The results of this analysis are typically
+  indicators such as graphs, numbers, or other indications that will be
+  interpreted, resulting in conclusions and recommendations to be presented to
+  stakeholders (see Statistical Analysis in the Engineering Foundations KA).
+  The results and conclusions are usually reviewed, using a process defined by
+  the organization (which may be formal or informal). Data providers and
+  measurement users should participate in reviewing the data to ensure that
+  they are meaningful and accurate and that they can result in reasonable
+  actions.
+- Communicate results. Information products should be documented and
+  communicated to users and stakeholders.
+#### 6.4. Evaluate Measurement
-The importance of measurement and its role in
-better management and engineering practices is
-widely acknowledged (see Measurement in the
-Engineering Foundations KA). Effective mea-
-surement has become one of the cornerstones
-of organizational maturity. Measurement can be
-applied to organizations, projects, processes, and
-work products. In this section the focus is on the
-application of measurement at the levels of proj-
-ects, processes, and work products.
-This section follows the IEEE 15939:2008
-standard [6], which describes a process to define
-the activities and tasks necessary to implement a
-software measurement process. The standard also
-includes a measurement information model.
+<!-- [7*, c1, c2] -->
+- Evaluate information products and the measurement process against specified
+  evaluation criteria and determine strengths and weaknesses of the information
+  products or process, respectively. Evaluation may be performed by an internal
+  process or an external audit; it should include feedback from measurement
+  users. Lessons learned should be recorded in an appropriate database.
+- Identify potential improvements. Such improvements may be changes in the
+  format of indicators, changes in units measured, or reclassification of
+  measurement categories. The costs and benefits of potential improvements
+  should be determined and appropriate improvement actions should be reported.
+- Communicate proposed improvements to the measurement process owner and
+  stakeholders for review and approval. Also, lack of potential improvements
+  should be communicated if the analysis fails to identify any improvements.
-6.1. Establish and Sustain Measurement
-[7*, c1, c2]^2
+### 7. Software Engineering Management Tools
-- Requirements for measurement. Each mea-
-    surement endeavor should be guided by
-    organizational objectives and driven by a set
-    of measurement requirements established by
+<!-- [3*, c5, c6, c7] -->
+Software engineering management tools are often used to provide visibility and
+control of software engineering management processes. Some tools are automated
+while others are manually implemented. There has been a recent trend towards
+the use of integrated suites of software engineering tools that are used
+throughout a project to plan, collect and record, monitor and control, and
+report project and product information. Tools can be divided into the
+following categories:
-2 Please note that these two chapters can be
-downloaded free of charge from
+- _Project Planning and Tracking Tools._ Project planning and tracking tools
+  can be used to estimate project effort and cost and to prepare project
+  schedules. Some projects use automated estimation tools that accept as input
+  the estimated size and other characteristics of a software product and
+  produce estimates of the required total effort, schedule, and cost. Planning
+  tools also include automated scheduling tools that analyze the tasks within a
+  work breakdown structure, their estimated durations, their precedence
+  relationships, and the resources assigned to each task to produce a schedule
+  in the form of a Gantt chart.
+- Tracking tools can be used to track project milestones, regularly scheduled
+  project status meetings, scheduled iteration cycles, product demonstrations,
+  and/or action items.
+- _Risk Management Tools._ Risk management tools (see section 2.5, Risk
+  Management) can be used to track risk identification, estimation, and
+  monitoring. These tools include the use of approaches such as simulation or
+  decision trees to analyze the effect of costs versus payoffs and subjective
+  estimates of the probabilities of risk events. Monte Carlo simulation tools
+  can be used to produce probability distributions of effort, schedule, and
+  risk by combining multiple input probability distributions in an algorithmic
+  manner.
+- _Communications Tools._ Communication tools can assist in providing timely
+  and consistent information to relevant stakeholders involved in a project.
+  These tools can include things like email notifications and broadcasts to
+  team members and stakeholders. They also include communication of minutes
+  from regularly scheduled project meetings, daily stand-up meetings, plus
+  charts showing progress, backlogs, and maintenance request resolutions.
+- _Measurement Tools._ Measurement tools support activities related to the
+  software measurement program (see topic 6, Software Engineering Measurement).
+  There are few completely automated tools in this category. Measurement tools
+  used to gather, analyze, and report project measurement data may be based on
+  spreadsheets developed by project team members or organizational employees.
+### Matrix Of Topics vs. Reference Material
-the organization and the project (for exam-
-ple, an organizational objective might be
-“first-to-market with new products”).
+Fairley 2009
-- Scope of measurement_._ The organizational
-    unit to which each measurement requirement
-    is to be applied should be established. This
-    may consist of a functional area, a single
-    project, a single site, or an entire enterprise.
-    The temporal scope of the measurement
-    effort should also be considered because
-    time series of some measurements may be
-    required; for example, to calibrate estima-
-    tion models (see section 2.3, Effort, Sched-
-    ule, and Cost Estimation).
-- Team commitment to measurement. The
-    commitment should be formally established,
-    communicated, and supported by resources
-    (see next item).
-- Resources for measurement. An organiza-
-    tion’s commitment to measurement is an
-    essential factor for success, as evidenced by
-    the assignment of resources for implement-
-    ing the measurement process. Assigning
-    resources includes allocation of responsibil-
-    ity for the various tasks of the measurement
-    process (such as analyst and librarian). Ade-
-    quate funding, training, tools, and support to
-    conduct the process should also be allocated.
-_6.2. Plan the Measurement Process_
-[7*, c1, c2]
+Sommerville 2011
-- Characterize the organizational unit. The
-    organizational unit provides the context for
-    measurement, so the organizational context
-    should be made explicit, including the con-
-    straints that the organization imposes on
-    the measurement process. The characteriza-
-    tion can be stated in terms of organizational
-    processes, application domains, technology,
-    organizational interfaces, and organizational
-    structure.
-- Identify information needs. Information
-    needs are based on the goals, constraints,
-    risks, and problems of the organizational
-    unit. They may be derived from business,
-    organizational, regulatory, and/or product
-    objectives. They should be identified and
-prioritized. Then a subset of objectives to be
-addressed can be selected, documented, com-
-municated, and reviewed by stakeholders.
-- Select measures. Candidate measures should
-    be selected, with clear links to the informa-
-    tion needs. Measures should be selected
-    based on the priorities of the information
-    needs and other criteria such as cost of col-
-    lection, degree of process disruption during
-    collection, ease of obtaining accurate, con-
-    sistent data, and ease of analysis and report-
-    ing. Because internal quality characteristics
-    (see Models and Quality Characteristics in
-    the Software Quality KA) are often not con-
-    tained in the contractually binding software
-    requirements, it is important to consider mea-
-    suring the internal quality of the software to
-    provide an early indicator of potential issues
-    that may impact external stakeholders.
-- Define data collection, analysis, and report-
-    ing procedures. This encompasses collection
-    procedures and schedules, storage, verifica-
-    tion, analysis, reporting, and configuration
-    management of data.
-- Select criteria for evaluating the information
-    products. Criteria for evaluation are influ-
-    enced by the technical and business objec-
-    tives of the organizational unit. Information
-    products include those associated with the
-    product being produced, as well as those
-    associated with the processes being used to
-    manage and measure the project.
-- Provide resources for measurement tasks. The
-    measurement plan should be reviewed and
-    approved by the appropriate stakeholders to
-    include all data collection procedures; storage,
-    analysis, and reporting procedures; evaluation
-    criteria; schedules; and responsibilities. Crite-
-    ria for reviewing these artifacts should have
-    been established at the organizational-unit
-    level or higher and should be used as the basis
-    for these reviews. Such criteria should take
-    into consideration previous experience, avail-
-    ability of resources, and potential disruptions
-    to projects when changes from current prac-
-    tices are proposed. Approval demonstrates
-    commitment to the measurement process.
-- Identify resources to be made available for
-    implementing the planned and approved
-measurement tasks. Resource availability
-may be staged in cases where changes are
-to be piloted before widespread deployment.
-Consideration should be paid to the resources
-necessary for successful deployment of new
-procedures or measures.
-- Acquire and deploy supporting technologies.
-    This includes evaluation of available supporting
-    technologies, selection of the most appropriate
-    technologies, acquisition of those technologies,
-    and deployment of those technologies.
-_6.3. Perform the Measurement Process_
-[7*, c1, c2]
-- Integrate measurement procedures with rel-
-    evant software processes. The measurement
-    procedures, such as data collection, should
-    be integrated into the software processes
-    they are measuring. This may involve chang-
-    ing current software processes to accommo-
-    date data collection or generation activities.
-    It may also involve analysis of current soft-
-    ware processes to minimize additional effort
-    and evaluation of the effect on employees to
-    ensure that the measurement procedures will
-    be accepted. Morale issues and other human
-    factors should be considered. In addition, the
-    measurement procedures should be commu-
-    nicated to those providing the data. Training
-    and support may also need to be provided.
-    Data analysis and reporting procedures are
-    typically integrated into organizational and/
-    or project processes in a similar manner.
-- Collect data. Data should be collected, veri-
-    fied, and stored. Collection can sometimes
-    be automated by using software engineer-
-    ing management tools (see topic 7, Soft-
-    ware Engineering Management Tools) to
-    analyze data and develop reports. Data may
-    be aggregated, transformed, or recoded as
-    part of the analysis process, using a degree
-    of rigor appropriate to the nature of the data
-    and the information needs. The results of
-    this analysis are typically indicators such as
-    graphs, numbers, or other indications that
-    will be interpreted, resulting in conclusions
-    and recommendations to be presented to
-    stakeholders (see Statistical Analysis in the
-Engineering Foundations KA). The results
-and conclusions are usually reviewed, using
-a process defined by the organization (which
-may be formal or informal). Data providers
-and measurement users should participate
-in reviewing the data to ensure that they are
-meaningful and accurate and that they can
-result in reasonable actions.
-- Communicate results. Information products
-    should be documented and communicated to
-    users and stakeholders.
-6.4. Evaluate Measurement
-[7*, c1, c2]
-- Evaluate information products and the mea-
-    surement process against specified evalu-
-    ation criteria and determine strengths and
-    weaknesses of the information products or
-    process, respectively. Evaluation may be
-    performed by an internal process or an exter-
-    nal audit; it should include feedback from
-    measurement users. Lessons learned should
-    be recorded in an appropriate database.
-- Identify potential improvements. Such
-    improvements may be changes in the format
-    of indicators, changes in units measured, or
-    reclassification of measurement categories.
-    The costs and benefits of potential improve-
-    ments should be determined and appropriate
-    improvement actions should be reported.
-- Communicate proposed improvements to the
-    measurement process owner and stakehold-
-    ers for review and approval. Also, lack of
-    potential improvements should be commu-
-    nicated if the analysis fails to identify any
-    improvements.
-**7. Software Engineering Management Tools**
-[3*, c5, c6, c7]
-Software engineering management tools are often
-used to provide visibility and control of software
-engineering management processes. Some tools
-are automated while others are manually imple-
-mented. There has been a recent trend towards
-the use of integrated suites of software engineer-
-ing tools that are used throughout a project to
-plan, collect and record, monitor and control, and
-report project and product information. Tools can
-be divided into the following categories:
-_Project Planning and Tracking Tools._ Project
-planning and tracking tools can be used to esti-
-mate project effort and cost and to prepare project
-schedules. Some projects use automated estima-
-tion tools that accept as input the estimated size
-and other characteristics of a software product
-and produce estimates of the required total effort,
-schedule, and cost. Planning tools also include
-automated scheduling tools that analyze the tasks
-within a work breakdown structure, their esti-
-mated durations, their precedence relationships,
-and the resources assigned to each task to pro-
-duce a schedule in the form of a Gantt chart.
-Tracking tools can be used to track project
-milestones, regularly scheduled project status
-meetings, scheduled iteration cycles, product
-demonstrations, and/or action items.
-_Risk Management Tools._ Risk management
-tools (see section 2.5, Risk Management _)_ can
-be used to track risk identification, estimation,
-and monitoring. These tools include the use of
-approaches such as simulation or decision trees
-to analyze the effect of costs versus payoffs
-and subjective estimates of the probabilities of
-risk events. Monte Carlo simulation tools can
-be used to produce probability distributions of
-effort, schedule, and risk by combining multiple
-input probability distributions in an algorithmic
-Communications Tools. Communication tools
-can assist in providing timely and consistent
-information to relevant stakeholders involved in a
-project. These tools can include things like email
-notifications and broadcasts to team members
-and stakeholders. They also include communica-
-tion of minutes from regularly scheduled project
-meetings, daily stand-up meetings, plus charts
-showing progress, backlogs, and maintenance
-request resolutions.
-Measurement Tools. Measurement tools sup-
-port activities related to the software measure-
-ment program (see topic 6, Software Engineer-
-ing Measurement). There are few completely
-automated tools in this category. Measurement
-tools used to gather, analyze, and report project
-measurement data may be based on spreadsheets
-developed by project team members or organiza-
-tional employees.
-Fairley 2009
-##### [3]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [4]
-Boehm and Turner 2003
-##### [5]
-McGarry et al. 2001
-##### [7]
-**1. Initiation and Scope
-    1.1. Determination and
-    Negotiation of Requirements
-       c3
-1.2. Feasibility Analysis c4
-1.3. Process for the Review and
-Revision of Requirements
+Boehm and Turner 2003
+McGarry et al. 2001
+**1. Initiation and Scope Definition**
+    1.1. Determination and Negotiation of Requirements c3
+    1.2. Feasibility Analysis c4
+    1.3. Process for the Review and Revision of Requirements c3
 **2. Software Project Planning**
     2.1. Process Planning c2, c3, c4, c5 c1
     2.2. Determine Deliverables c4, c5, c6
-    2.3. Effort, Schedule, and Cost
-    Estimation
-       c6
-2.4. Resource Allocation c5, c10, c11
-2.5. Risk Management c9 c5
-2.6. Quality Management c4 c24
-2.7. Plan Management c4
+    2.3. Effort, Schedule, and Cost Estimation c6
+    2.4. Resource Allocation c5, c10, c11
+    2.5. Risk Management c9 c5
+    2.6. Quality Management c4 c24
+    2.7. Plan Management c4
 **3. Software Project Enactment**
     3.1. Implementation of Plans c2
-    3.2. Software Acquisition and
-    Supplier Contract Management
-       c3, c4
-3.3. Implementation of
-Measurement Process
-3.4. Monitor Process c8
-3.5. Control Process c7, c8
-3.6. Reporting c11
+    3.2. Software Acquisition and Supplier Contract Management c3, c4
+    3.3. Implementation of Measurement Process c7
+    3.4. Monitor Process c8
+    3.5. Control Process c7, c8
+    3.6. Reporting c11
 **4. Review and Evaluation**
-    4.1. Determining Satisfaction of
-    Requirements
-    4.2. Reviewing and Evaluating
-    Performance
-       c8, c10
+    4.1. Determining Satisfaction of Requirements
+    4.2. Reviewing and Evaluating Performance c8, c10
 Fairley 2009
-##### [3]
 Sommerville 2011
-##### [4]
 Boehm and Turner 2003
-##### [5]
 McGarry et al. 2001
-##### [7]
 **5. Closure**
     5.1. Determining Closure
     5.2. Closure Activities
 **6. Software Engineering Measurement**
-    6.1. Establish and Sustain
-    Measurement Commitment
-       c1, c2
+    6.1. Establish and Sustain Measurement Commitment c1, c2
+    6.2. Plan the Measurement Process c1, c2
+    6.3. Perform the Measurement Process c1, c2
+    6.4. Evaluate Measurement c1, c2
+**7. Software Engineering Management Tools** c5, c6, c7
+**Further Readings**
-6.2. Plan the Measurement
-c1, c2
+_A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK_ ® _Guide)_ [1].
+The _PMBOK_ ® _Guide_ provides guidelines for managing individual projects and
+defines project management-related concepts. It also describes the project
+management life cycle and its related processes, as well as the project life
+cycle. It is a globally recognized guide for the project management profession.
-6.3. Perform the Measurement
-c1, c2
-6.4. Evaluate Measurement c1, c2
-**7. Software Engineering
-Management Tools**
-    c5, c6, c7
-_A Guide to the Project Management Body of
-Knowledge (PMBOK_ ® _Guide)_ [1].
-The _PMBOK_ ® _Guide_ provides guidelines for
-managing individual projects and defines project
-management-related concepts. It also describes
-the project management life cycle and its related
-processes, as well as the project life cycle. It is
-a globally recognized guide for the project man-
-agement profession.
-_Software Extension to the Guide to the
-Project Management Body of Knowledge
+_Software Extension to the Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge
 (PMBOK® Guide)_ [2].
-SWX provides adaptations and extensions to
-the generic practices of project management
-documented in the _PMBOK® Guide_ for manag-
-ing software projects. The primary contribution
-of this extension to the _PMBOK® Guide_ is a
-description of processes that are applicable for
-managing adaptive life cycle software projects.
+SWX provides adaptations and extensions to the generic practices of project
+management documented in the _PMBOK® Guide_ for managing software projects. The
+primary contribution of this extension to the _PMBOK® Guide_ is a description
+of processes that are applicable for managing adaptive life cycle software
 _IEEE Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC 15939_ [6].
-This international standard identifies a process
-that supports defining a suitable set of measures
-to address specific information needs. It identi-
-fies the activities and tasks that are necessary to
-successfully identify, define, select, apply, and
-improve measurement within an overall project
-or organizational measurement structure.
+This international standard identifies a process that supports defining a
+suitable set of measures to address specific information needs. It identifies
+the activities and tasks that are necessary to successfully identify, define,
+select, apply, and improve measurement within an overall project or
+organizational measurement structure.
-J. McDonald, _Managing the Development of
-Software Intensive Systems_ , Wiley, 2010 [8].
+J. McDonald, _Managing the Development of Software Intensive Systems_ , Wiley,
+2010 [8].
-This textbook provides an introduction to project
-management for beginning software and hard-
-ware developers plus unique advanced material
-for experienced project managers. Case studies
-are included for planning and managing verifica-
-tion and validation for large software projects,
-complex software, and hardware systems, as well
-as inspection results and testing metrics to moni-
-tor project status.
+This textbook provides an introduction to project management for beginning
+software and hard- ware developers plus unique advanced material for
+experienced project managers. Case studies are included for planning and
+managing verification and validation for large software projects, complex
+software, and hardware systems, as well as inspection results and testing
+metrics to monitor project status.
 [1] Project Management Institute, A Guide to the Project Management Body of
-Knowledge (PMBOK(R) Guide) , 5th ed., Project Management Institute, 2013.
+Knowledge (PMBOK(R) Guide), 5th ed., Project Management Institute, 2013.
 [2] Project Management Institute and IEEE Computer Society, Software Extension
-to the PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition , Project Management Institute, 2013.
+to the PMBOK® Guide Fifth Edition, Project Management Institute, 2013.
-[3] R.E. Fairley, Managing and Leading Software Projects , Wiley-IEEE Computer
+[3] R.E. Fairley, Managing and Leading Software Projects, Wiley-IEEE Computer
 Society Press, 2009.
-[4] I. Sommerville, Software Engineering , 9th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2011.
+[4] I. Sommerville, Software Engineering, 9th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2011.
 [5] B. Boehm and R. Turner, Balancing Agility and Discipline: A Guide for the
-Perplexed , Addison-Wesley, 2003.
+Perplexed, Addison-Wesley, 2003.
 [6] IEEE Std. 15939-2008 Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC 15939:2007 Systems and
-Software Engineering—Measurement Process , IEEE, 2008.
+Software Engineering - Measurement Process, IEEE, 2008.
 [7] J. McGarry et al., Practical Software Measurement: Objective Information
 for Decision Makers , Addison-Wesley Professional, 2001.
-[8] J. McDonald, Managing the Development of Software Intensive Systems , John
+[8] J. McDonald, Managing the Development of Software Intensive Systems, John
 Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2010.