Commit Diff

commit - 3383cf5a3d216104cc008fc23ed7f254878fc77c
commit + dc01cc3710db3686a900ab2e2fed2cd837b4fcac
blob - d258023892eee5c198032e71aebfa8d837c6c9af (mode 644)
blob + /dev/null
--- test/test-helpers/cluster.lua_
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
---- Class to run and manage multiple Tarantool instances.
--- @classmod test.test-helpers.cluster
-local checks = require('checks')
-local fio = require('fio')
-local fun = require('fun')
-local uuid = require('uuid')
-local luatest = require('luatest')
-local Server = require('test.test-helpers.server')
--- Defaults.
-local Cluster = {
-    base_http_port = 8080,
-    base_advertise_port = 13300,
-function Cluster:inherit(object)
-    setmetatable(object, self)
-    self.__index = self
---- Build cluster object.
--- @param object
--- @string object.datadir Data directory for all cluster servers.
--- @string object.server_command Command to run server.
--- @int[opt] object.base_http_port Value to calculate server's http_port.
--- @int[opt] object.base_advertise_port Value to calculate server's advertise_port.
--- @tab object.replicasets Replicasets configuration. List of @{replicaset_config}
--- @return object
-function Cluster:new(object)
-    checks('table', {
-        datadir = 'string',
-        server_command = 'string',
-        base_http_port = '?number',
-        base_advertise_port = '?number',
-        replicasets = 'table',
-        env = '?table',
-    })
-    --- Replicaset config.
-    -- @table @replicaset_config
-    -- @string[opt] alias Prefix to generate server alias automatically.
-    -- @string[opt] uuid Replicaset uuid.
-    -- @tparam {string} roles List of roles for servers in the replicaset.
-    -- @tparam ?string vshard_group Name of vshard group.
-    -- @tparam ?boolan all_rw Make all replicas writable.
-    -- @tparam table|number servers List of objects to build `Server`s with or
-    --      number of servers in replicaset.
-    for _, replicaset in pairs(object.replicasets) do
-        (function(_) checks({
-            alias = '?string',
-            uuid = '?string',
-            roles = 'table',
-            vshard_group = '?string',
-            servers = 'table|number',
-            all_rw = '?boolean',
-        }) end)(replicaset)
-    end
-    self:inherit(object)
-    object:initialize()
-    return object
-function Cluster:initialize()
-    self.servers = {}
-    for _, replicaset_config in ipairs(self.replicasets) do
-        replicaset_config.uuid = replicaset_config.uuid or uuid.str()
-        if type(replicaset_config.servers) == 'number' then
-            assert(replicaset_config.servers > 0, 'servers count must be positive')
-            replicaset_config.servers = fun.range(replicaset_config.servers):
-                map(function() return {} end):totable()
-        end
-        assert(#replicaset_config.servers > 0, 'Replicaset must contain at least one server')
-        for i, server_config in ipairs(replicaset_config.servers) do
-            if self.env then
-                server_config.env = fun.chain(self.env, server_config.env or {}):tomap()
-            end
-            table.insert(self.servers, self:build_server(server_config, replicaset_config, i))
-        end
-    end
---- Find server by alias.
--- @string alias
--- @return @{cartridge.test-helpers.server}
-function Cluster:server(alias)
-    for _, server in ipairs(self.servers) do
-        if server.alias == alias then
-            return server
-        end
-    end
-    error('Server ' .. alias .. ' not found', 2)
--- Configure replicasets and bootstrap vshard if required.
-function Cluster:bootstrap()
-    self.main_server = self.servers[1]
-    self:apply_topology()
-    for _, server in ipairs(self.servers) do
-        self:wait_until_healthy(server)
-    end
--- Bootstraps cluster if it wasn't bootstrapped before.
--- Otherwise starts servers.
-function Cluster:start()
-    if self.running then
-        return
-    end
-    for _, server in ipairs(self.servers) do
-        server:start()
-    end
-    if self.bootstrapped then
-        for _, server in ipairs(self.servers) do
-            self:wait_until_healthy(server)
-        end
-    else
-        self:bootstrap()
-        self.bootstrapped = true
-    end
-    self.running = true
---- Stop all servers.
-function Cluster:stop()
-    for _, server in ipairs(self.servers) do
-        server:stop()
-    end
-    self.running = nil
-function Cluster:build_server(config, replicaset_config, sn)
-    replicaset_config = replicaset_config or {}
-    local server_id = #self.servers + 1
-    local advertise_port = self.base_advertise_port and (self.base_advertise_port + server_id)
-    local server_config = {
-        alias = replicaset_config.alias and (replicaset_config.alias .. '-' .. sn),
-        replicaset_uuid = replicaset_config.uuid,
-        command = self.server_command,
-        workdir = nil,
-        http_port = self.base_http_port and (self.base_http_port + server_id),
-        advertise_port = advertise_port,
-    }
-    for key, value in pairs(config) do
-        server_config[key] = value
-    end
-    assert(server_config.alias, 'Either replicaset.alias or server.alias must be given')
-    if server_config.workdir == nil then
-        server_config.workdir = fio.pathjoin(
-            self.datadir, 'localhost-' .. server_config.advertise_port
-        )
-    end
-    return Server:new(server_config)
---- Register running server in the cluster.
--- @tparam Server server Server to be registered.
-function Cluster:join_server(server)
-    if self.main_server then
-        self:retrying({}, function()
-            self.main_server.net_box:eval(
-                "assert(require('membership').probe_uri(...))",
-                {server.advertise_uri}
-            )
-        end)
-    else
-        self.main_server = server
-        self:retrying({}, function() server:graphql({query = '{ servers { uri } }'}) end)
-    end
-    server:join_cluster(self.main_server, {timeout = self.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT})
-    -- wait for bootserv to see that the new member is alive
-    self:wait_until_healthy()
---- Keeps calling fn until it returns without error.
--- Throws last error if config.timeout is elapsed.
--- @tab config Options for `luatest.helpers.retrying`.
--- @func fn Function to call
--- @param[opt] ... Args to run fn with.
-function Cluster:retrying(config, fn, ...)
-    return luatest.helpers.retrying({
-        timeout = config.timeout or self.CONNECTION_TIMEOUT,
-        delay = config.delay or self.CONNECTION_RETRY_DELAY,
-    }, fn, ...)
-return Cluster