Commit Diff

commit - 261e6fe247dd29637a91fa302b72daab99589f22
commit + e4f024d5923f17fea55f06030635bf8a5675aee1
blob - 71178ecb1a2b070125d571550b54f6087a9c12ca (mode 755)
blob + /dev/null
--- test/entrypoint/srv-basic.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env tarantool
-local workdir = os.getenv('TARANTOOL_WORKDIR')
-local listen = os.getenv('TARANTOOL_LISTEN')
-local qsync_quorum = os.getenv('TARANTOOL_QUORUM')
-local qsync_peers = os.getenv('TARANTOOL_PEERS')
-    feedback_enabled = false,
-    listen = listen,
-    log_level = 6,
-    memtx_memory = 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
-    net_msg_max = 2 * 1024,
-    work_dir = workdir,
-    iproto_threads = 2,
-if qsync_peers and qsync_quorum then
-    box.cfg.election_mode = 'candidate'
-    box.cfg.election_timeout = 0.5
-    box.cfg.memtx_use_mvcc_engine = true
-    box.cfg.replication_synchro_quorum = qsync_quorum
-    box.cfg.replication_synchro_timeout = 0.2
-    box.cfg.replication = { qsync_peers }
-    box.cfg.replication_timeout = 1
-local function bootstrap()
-    local space ='register_space')
-    space:format({
-	{ name = 'id', type = 'number' },
-	{ name = 'value', type = 'number' },
-    })
-    space:create_index('pk', {type = 'HASH'})
-    space ='bank_space')
-    space:format({
-	{ name = 'id', type = 'number' },
-	{ name = 'balance', type = 'number' },
-    })
-    space:create_index('pk', {type = 'HASH'})
-    box.schema.user.grant('guest', 'create,read,write,execute,drop', 'universe')
-    box.schema.user.grant('guest', 'read,write', 'space', '_index')
-    box.schema.user.grant('guest', 'write', 'space', '_schema')
-    box.schema.user.grant('guest', 'write', 'space', '_space')
-box.once('molly', bootstrap)
--- Function implements a CAS (Compare And Set) operation, which takes a key,
--- old value, and new value and sets the key to the new value if and only if
--- the old value matches what's currently there, and returns a status of
--- operation and old value in case of fail and a new value in case of success.
-function cas(space_name, tuple_id, old_value, new_value) -- luacheck: no global
-    local space =[space_name]
-    box.begin()
-    local tuple = space:get{tuple_id}
-    if not tuple or tuple.value ~= old_value then
-        box.commit()
-        return old_value, false
-    end
-    tuple = space:update(tuple_id, {{'=', 2, new_value}}, {timeout = 0.05})
-    box.commit()
-    assert(tuple ~= nil)
-    return tuple.value, true
--- Function returns IP address of the node where current leader of synchronous
--- cluster with enabled Raft consensus protocol is started.
--- Returns nil when Raft is disabled and a string otherwise.
-function leader_ipaddr() -- luacheck: no global
-    local leader_id =
-    if leader_id == 0 or leader_id == nil then
-      return nil
-    end
-    local leader_upstream =[leader_id].upstream
-    if leader_upstream == nil then
-      return string.match(, '(.+):[0-9]+')
-    end
-    local leader_ip_address = string.match(leader_upstream.peer, '[A-z]+@(.+):[0-9]+')
-    return leader_ip_address
--- Function transfers money between two accounts presented by tuples in a table
--- and returns true in case of success and false in other cases.
-function withdraw(space_name, tuple_id_source, tuple_id_dest, amount) -- luacheck: no global
-    local space =[space_name]
-    box.begin()
-    local tuple_source = space:get(tuple_id_source)
-    local tuple_dest = space:get(tuple_id_dest)
-    local b1 = tuple_source['balance'] - amount
-    local b2 = tuple_dest['balance'] + amount
-    if b1 < 0 or b2 < 0 then
-      box.rollback()
-      return false
-    end
-    space:update(tuple_id_source, {{'-', 'balance', amount}})
-    space:update(tuple_id_dest, {{'+', 'balance', amount}})
-    box.commit()
-    return true
--- Function transfers money between two accounts presented by different tables
--- and returns true in case of success and false in other cases.
-function withdraw_multitable(space_name_source, space_name_dest, amount) -- luacheck: no global
-    local space_source =[space_name_source]
-    local space_dest =[space_name_dest]
-    local tuple_id = 0
-    box.begin()
-    local tuple_source = space_source:get(tuple_id)
-    local tuple_dest = space_dest:get(tuple_id)
-    local bal_source = tuple_source['balance'] - amount
-    local bal_dest = tuple_dest['balance'] + amount
-    if bal_source < 0 or bal_dest < 0 then
-        box.rollback()
-        return false
-    end
-    space_source:update(tuple_id, {{'-', 'balance', amount}})
-    space_dest:update(tuple_id, {{'+', 'balance', amount}})
-    box.commit()
-    return true
blob - /dev/null
blob + 71178ecb1a2b070125d571550b54f6087a9c12ca (mode 755)
--- /dev/null
+++ test/entrypoint/srv-tarantool.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env tarantool
+local workdir = os.getenv('TARANTOOL_WORKDIR')
+local listen = os.getenv('TARANTOOL_LISTEN')
+local qsync_quorum = os.getenv('TARANTOOL_QUORUM')
+local qsync_peers = os.getenv('TARANTOOL_PEERS')
+    feedback_enabled = false,
+    listen = listen,
+    log_level = 6,
+    memtx_memory = 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
+    net_msg_max = 2 * 1024,
+    work_dir = workdir,
+    iproto_threads = 2,
+if qsync_peers and qsync_quorum then
+    box.cfg.election_mode = 'candidate'
+    box.cfg.election_timeout = 0.5
+    box.cfg.memtx_use_mvcc_engine = true
+    box.cfg.replication_synchro_quorum = qsync_quorum
+    box.cfg.replication_synchro_timeout = 0.2
+    box.cfg.replication = { qsync_peers }
+    box.cfg.replication_timeout = 1
+local function bootstrap()
+    local space ='register_space')
+    space:format({
+	{ name = 'id', type = 'number' },
+	{ name = 'value', type = 'number' },
+    })
+    space:create_index('pk', {type = 'HASH'})
+    space ='bank_space')
+    space:format({
+	{ name = 'id', type = 'number' },
+	{ name = 'balance', type = 'number' },
+    })
+    space:create_index('pk', {type = 'HASH'})
+    box.schema.user.grant('guest', 'create,read,write,execute,drop', 'universe')
+    box.schema.user.grant('guest', 'read,write', 'space', '_index')
+    box.schema.user.grant('guest', 'write', 'space', '_schema')
+    box.schema.user.grant('guest', 'write', 'space', '_space')
+box.once('molly', bootstrap)
+-- Function implements a CAS (Compare And Set) operation, which takes a key,
+-- old value, and new value and sets the key to the new value if and only if
+-- the old value matches what's currently there, and returns a status of
+-- operation and old value in case of fail and a new value in case of success.
+function cas(space_name, tuple_id, old_value, new_value) -- luacheck: no global
+    local space =[space_name]
+    box.begin()
+    local tuple = space:get{tuple_id}
+    if not tuple or tuple.value ~= old_value then
+        box.commit()
+        return old_value, false
+    end
+    tuple = space:update(tuple_id, {{'=', 2, new_value}}, {timeout = 0.05})
+    box.commit()
+    assert(tuple ~= nil)
+    return tuple.value, true
+-- Function returns IP address of the node where current leader of synchronous
+-- cluster with enabled Raft consensus protocol is started.
+-- Returns nil when Raft is disabled and a string otherwise.
+function leader_ipaddr() -- luacheck: no global
+    local leader_id =
+    if leader_id == 0 or leader_id == nil then
+      return nil
+    end
+    local leader_upstream =[leader_id].upstream
+    if leader_upstream == nil then
+      return string.match(, '(.+):[0-9]+')
+    end
+    local leader_ip_address = string.match(leader_upstream.peer, '[A-z]+@(.+):[0-9]+')
+    return leader_ip_address
+-- Function transfers money between two accounts presented by tuples in a table
+-- and returns true in case of success and false in other cases.
+function withdraw(space_name, tuple_id_source, tuple_id_dest, amount) -- luacheck: no global
+    local space =[space_name]
+    box.begin()
+    local tuple_source = space:get(tuple_id_source)
+    local tuple_dest = space:get(tuple_id_dest)
+    local b1 = tuple_source['balance'] - amount
+    local b2 = tuple_dest['balance'] + amount
+    if b1 < 0 or b2 < 0 then
+      box.rollback()
+      return false
+    end
+    space:update(tuple_id_source, {{'-', 'balance', amount}})
+    space:update(tuple_id_dest, {{'+', 'balance', amount}})
+    box.commit()
+    return true
+-- Function transfers money between two accounts presented by different tables
+-- and returns true in case of success and false in other cases.
+function withdraw_multitable(space_name_source, space_name_dest, amount) -- luacheck: no global
+    local space_source =[space_name_source]
+    local space_dest =[space_name_dest]
+    local tuple_id = 0
+    box.begin()
+    local tuple_source = space_source:get(tuple_id)
+    local tuple_dest = space_dest:get(tuple_id)
+    local bal_source = tuple_source['balance'] - amount
+    local bal_dest = tuple_dest['balance'] + amount
+    if bal_source < 0 or bal_dest < 0 then
+        box.rollback()
+        return false
+    end
+    space_source:update(tuple_id, {{'-', 'balance', amount}})
+    space_dest:update(tuple_id, {{'+', 'balance', amount}})
+    box.commit()
+    return true
blob - 2bb8aee00f9a1b161108116af9151966d515221a
blob + 587913dd3286e8cf244720d4ae15bba79e8b0365
--- test/tarantool/tarantool_test.lua
+++ test/tarantool/tarantool_test.lua
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ print(('Random seed: %s'):format(seed))
 local datadir = fio.tempdir()
 local server = Server:new({
-    command = helpers.entrypoint('srv-basic'),
+    command = helpers.entrypoint('srv-tarantool'),
     workdir = fio.pathjoin(datadir),
     net_box_port = 3301,