Commit Diff

commit - 631b9683de1baabb6f4b61516c6ac3a926a0cde8
commit + f6eb16f86fc465785243eaf1d33bfa3266c977c2
blob - 639422ecc25caffdd85c7424375a8e4127b3a471
blob + a574f02a71dd45aec5187e0a01d4d636695425d1
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ change log follows the conventions of
 ### Changed
 - Updated test descriptions in a README. (#37)
+- Bump Elle version to 0.1.5.
 ## [0.1.3] - 2022-05-11
blob - 19805cb7cb42837e20886cd3996bb5e90727dc24
blob + 4ec253d0ec563e8f46d33472ae02cb5198b346ec
@@ -75,13 +75,15 @@ An Elle's checker for write-read registers. Options ar
   `consistent-view`, `conflict-serializable`, `cursor-stability`,
   `forward-consistent-view`, `monotonic-snapshot-read`, `monotonic-view`,
   `read-committed`, `read-uncommitted`, `repeatable-read`, `serializable`,
-  `snapshot-isolation`, `strict-serializable`, `update-serializable`.
+  `snapshot-isolation`, `strict-serializable`, `strong-serializable`,
+  `update-serializable`.
 - **anomalies** - a collection of specific anomalies you'd like to look for.
   Defaults to `G0`. Possible values are: `G0`, `G0-process`, `G0-realtime`,
   `G1a`, `G1b`, `G1c`, `G1c-process`, `G-single`, `G-single-process`,
   `G-single-realtime`, `G-nonadjacent`, `G-nonadjacent-process`,
   `G-nonadjacent-realtime`, `G2-item`, `G2-item-process`, `G2-item-realtime`,
-  `G2-process`, `GSIa`, `GSIb`, `incompatible-order`, `dirty-update`.
+  `G2-process`, `GSIa`, `GSIb`, `incompatible-order`, `dirty-update`,
+  `lost-update`, `write-skew`.
 - **cycle-search-timeout** - how many milliseconds are we willing to search a
   single SCC for a cycle? Default value is `1000`.
 - **directory** - where to output files, if desired. Default value is `nil`.
@@ -127,13 +129,15 @@ Options are:
   `consistent-view`, `conflict-serializable`, `cursor-stability`,
   `forward-consistent-view`, `monotonic-snapshot-read`, `monotonic-view`,
   `read-committed`, `read-uncommitted`, `repeatable-read`, `serializable`,
-  `snapshot-isolation`, `strict-serializable`, `update-serializable`.
+  `snapshot-isolation`, `strict-serializable`, `strong-serializable`,
+  `update-serializable`.
 - **anomalies** - a collection of specific anomalies you'd like to look for.
   Defaults to `G0`. Possible values are: `G0`, `G0-process`, `G0-realtime`,
   `G1a`, `G1b`, `G1c`, `G1c-process`, `G-single`, `G-single-process`,
   `G-single-realtime`, `G-nonadjacent`, `G-nonadjacent-process`,
   `G-nonadjacent-realtime`, `G2-item`, `G2-item-process`, `G2-item-realtime`,
-  `G2-process`, `GSIa`, `GSIb`, `incompatible-order`, `dirty-update`.
+  `G2-process`, `GSIa`, `GSIb`, `incompatible-order`, `dirty-update`,
+  `lost-update`, `write-skew`.
 - **cycle-search-timeout** - how many milliseconds are we willing to search a
   single SCC for a cycle? Default value is `1000`.
 - **directory** - where to output files, if desired. Default value is `nil`.
blob - dc08c846fcb697732974db9845f96559c229f30d
blob + 1200ea7679e3afe04020a84548b7003bcf7478ac
--- project.clj
+++ project.clj
@@ -13,6 +13,6 @@
                  [org.clojure/tools.logging "1.1.0"]
                  [org.clojure/data.json "2.4.0"]
                  [spootnik/unilog "0.7.28"] ; required by elle
-                 [elle "0.1.4"]
+                 [elle "0.1.5"]
                  [jepsen "0.2.6"]
                  [knossos "0.3.8"]])