Commit Diff

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-**CHAPTER 9**
+## Chapter 9: Software Engineering Models And Methods
+- 3GL 3rd Generation Language
+- BNF Backus-Naur Form
+- FDD Feature-Driven Development
+- IDE Integrated Development Environment
+- PBI Product Backlog Item
+- RAD Rapid Application Development
+- UML Unified Modeling Language
+- XP eXtreme Programming
-3GL 3rd Generation Language
-BNF Backus-Naur Form
-FDD Feature-Driven Development
-IDE Integrated Development Environment
-PBI Product Backlog Item
-RAD Rapid Application Development
-UML Unified Modeling Language
-XP eXtreme Programming
 Software engineering models and methods impose structure on software
 engineering with the goal of making that activity systematic, repeatable, and
 ultimately more success-oriented.  Using models provides an approach to problem
 solving, a notation, and procedures for model construction and analysis.
 Methods provide an approach to the systematic specification, design,
 construction, test, and verification of the end-item software and associated
-work products.  Software engineering models and methods vary widely in
-scope—from addressing a single software life cycle phase to covering the com-
-plete software life cycle. The emphasis in this knowledge area (KA) is on
-software engineer- ing models and methods that encompass multiple software life
+work products. Software engineering models and methods vary widely in
+scope - from addressing a single software life cycle phase to covering the
+complete software life cycle. The emphasis in this knowledge area (KA) is on
+software engineering models and methods that encompass multiple software life
 cycle phases, since methods specific for single life cycle phases are covered
 by other KAs.
+This chapter on software engineering models and methods is divided into four
+main topic areas:
+- _Modeling_: discusses the general practice of modeling and presents topics
+  in modeling principles; properties and expression of models; modeling
+  syntax, semantics, and pragmatics; and preconditions, postconditions, and
+  invariants.
+- _Types of Models_: briefly discusses models and aggregation of submodels and
+  provides some general characteristics of model types commonly found in the
+  software engineering practice.
+- _Analysis of Models_: presents some of the common analysis techniques used
+  in modeling to verify completeness, consistency, correctness,
+  traceability, and interaction.
+- _Software Engineering Methods_: presents a brief summary of commonly used
+  software engineering methods. The discussion guides the reader through a
+  summary of heuristic methods, formal methods, prototyping, and agile methods.
+The breakdown of topics for the Software Engineering Models and Methods KA is
+shown in Figure 9.1.
-This chapter on software engineering models and
-methods is divided into four main topic areas:
+### 1. Modeling
-- _Modeling_ : discusses the general practice
-    of modeling and presents topics in model-
-    ing principles; properties and expression of
-    models; modeling syntax, semantics, and
-    pragmatics; and preconditions, postcondi-
-    tions, and invariants.
-- _Types of Models_ : briefly discusses models
-    and aggregation of submodels and provides
-    some general characteristics of model types
-    commonly found in the software engineering
-    practice.
-- _Analysis of Models_ : presents some of the
-    common analysis techniques used in model-
-    ing to verify completeness, consistency, cor-
-    rectness, traceability, and interaction.
-- _Software Engineering Methods_ : presents a
-    brief summary of commonly used software
-    engineering methods. The discussion guides
-    the reader through a summary of heuristic
-    methods, formal methods, prototyping, and
-    agile methods.
-The breakdown of topics for the Software
-Engineering Models and Methods KA is shown
-in Figure 9.1.
-**1. Modeling**
-Modeling of software is becoming a pervasive
-technique to help software engineers understand, 
-engineer, and communicate aspects of the soft-
-ware to appropriate stakeholders. Stakeholders
-are those persons or parties who have a stated
-or implied interest in the software (for example,
-user, buyer, supplier, architect, certifying author-
-ity, evaluator, developer, software engineer, and
+Modeling of software is becoming a pervasive technique to help software
+engineers understand, engineer, and communicate aspects of the software to
+appropriate stakeholders. Stakeholders are those persons or parties who have a
+stated or implied interest in the software (for example, user, buyer, supplier,
+architect, certifying authority, evaluator, developer, software engineer, and
 perhaps others).
-While there are many modeling languages,
-notations, techniques, and tools in the literature
-and in practice, there are unifying general con-
-cepts that apply in some form to them all. The
-following sections provide background on these
-general concepts.
-_1.1. Modeling Principles_
-[1*, c2s2, c5s1, c5s2] [2*, c2s2] [3*, c5s0]
+While there are many modeling languages, notations, techniques, and tools in
+the literature and in practice, there are unifying general concepts that
+apply in some form to them all. The following sections provide background on
+these general concepts.
-Modeling provides the software engineer with
-an organized and systematic approach for repre-
-senting significant aspects of the software under
-study, facilitating decision-making about the soft-
-ware or elements of it, and communicating those
+#### 1.1. Modeling Principles
+<!-- [1*, c2s2, c5s1, c5s2] [2*, c2s2] [3*, c5s0] -->
-significant decisions to others in the stakeholder
-communities. There are three general principles
-guiding such modeling activities:
+Modeling provides the software engineer with an organized and systematic
+approach for representing significant aspects of the software under study,
+facilitating decision-making about the software or elements of it, and
+communicating those significant decisions to others in the stakeholder
+communities. There are three general principles guiding such modeling
-- _Model the Essentials_ : good models do not
-    usually represent every aspect or feature of
-    the software under every possible condition.
-    Modeling typically involves developing only
-    those aspects or features of the software that
-    need specific answers, abstracting away any
-    nonessential information. This approach
-    keeps the models manageable and useful.
-- _Provide Perspective_ : modeling provides
-    views of the software under study using
-    a defined set of rules for expression of the
-    model within each view. This perspective-
-    driven approach provides dimensionality to
-    the model (for example, a structural view,
-    behavioral view, temporal view, organiza-
-    tional view, and other views as relevant).
-    Organizing information into views focuses
-    the software modeling efforts on specific
+- _Model the Essentials_: good models do not usually represent every aspect or
+  feature of the software under every possible condition. Modeling typically
+  involves developing only those aspects or features of the software that need
+  specific answers, abstracting away any nonessential information. This
+  approach keeps the models manageable and useful.
+- _Provide Perspective_: modeling provides views of the software under study
+  using a defined set of rules for expression of the model within each view.
+  This perspective-driven approach provides dimensionality to the model (for
+  example, a structural view, behavioral view, temporal view, organizational
+  view, and other views as relevant). Organizing information into views focuses
+  the software modeling efforts on specific concerns relevant to that view
+  using the appropriate notation, vocabulary, methods, and tools.
+- _Enable Effective Communications_: modeling employs the application domain
+  vocabulary of the software, a modeling language, and semantic expression (in
+  other words, meaning within context). When used rigorously and
+  systematically, this modeling results in a reporting approach that
+  facilitates effective communication of software information to project
+  stakeholders.
+![Figure 9.1. Breakdown of Topics for the Software Engineering Models and Methods KA](images/Figure-9.1.png)
-Figure 9.1. Breakdown of Topics for the Software Engineering Models and Methods KA
+A model is an _abstraction_ or simplification of a software component. A
+consequence of using abstraction is that no single abstraction completely
+describes a software component. Rather, the model of the software is
+represented as an aggregation of abstractions, which - when taken together -
+describe only selected aspects, perspectives, or views - only those that are
+needed to make informed decisions and respond to the reasons for creating the
+model in the first place. This simplification leads to a set of assumptions
+about the context within which the model is placed that should also be captured
+in the model. Then, when reusing the model, these assumptions can be validated
+first to establish the relevancy of the reused model within its new use and
-Software Engineering Models and Methods 9-3
+#### 1.2. Properties and Expression of Models
-concerns relevant to that view using the
-appropriate notation, vocabulary, methods,
-and tools.
+<!-- [1*, c5s2, c5s3] [3*, c4s1.1p7, c4s6p3, c5s0p3] -->
-- _Enable Effective Communications_ : modeling
-    employs the application domain vocabulary
-    of the software, a modeling language, and
-    semantic expression (in other words, mean-
-    ing within context). When used rigorously
-    and systematically, this modeling results in
-    a reporting approach that facilitates effective
-    communication of software information to
-    project stakeholders.
+Properties of models are those distinguishing features of a particular model
+used to characterize its completeness, consistency, and correctness within the
+chosen modeling notation and tooling used. Properties of models include the
-A model is an _abstraction_ or simplification of
-a software component. A consequence of using
-abstraction is that no single abstraction com-
-pletely describes a software component. Rather,
-the model of the software is represented as an
-aggregation of abstractions, which—when taken
-together—describe only selected aspects, per-
-spectives, or views—only those that are needed
-to make informed decisions and respond to the
-reasons for creating the model in the first place.
-This simplification leads to a set of assumptions
-about the context within which the model is
-placed that should also be captured in the model.
-Then, when reusing the model, these assumptions
-can be validated first to establish the relevancy of
-the reused model within its new use and context.
+- _Completeness_: the degree to which all requirements have been implemented
+  and verified within the model.
+- _Consistency_: the degree to which the model contains no conflicting
+  requirements, assertions, constraints, functions, or component
+  descriptions.
+- _Correctness_: the degree to which the model satisfies its requirements and
+  design specifications and is free of defects.
-_1.2. Properties and Expression of Models_
-[1*, c5s2, c5s3] [3*, c4s1.1p7, c4s6p3,
+Models are constructed to represent real-world objects and their behaviors to
+answer specific questions about how the software is expected to operate.
+Interrogating the models - either through exploration, simulation, or review -
+may expose areas of uncertainty within the model and the software to which the
+model refers. These uncertainties or unanswered questions regarding the
+requirements, design, and/or implementation can then be handled appropriately.
-Properties of models are those distinguishing fea-
-tures of a particular model used to characterize
-its completeness, consistency, and correctness
-within the chosen modeling notation and tooling
-used. Properties of models include the following:
+The primary expression element of a model is an entity. An entity may represent
+concrete artifacts (for example, processors, sensors, or robots) or abstract
+artifacts (for example, software modules or communication protocols). Model
+entities are connected to other entities using relations (in other words,
+lines or textual operators on target entities). Expression of model entities
+may be accomplished using textual or graphical modeling languages; both
+modeling language types connect model entities through specific language
+constructs. The meaning of an entity may be represented by its shape, textual
+attributes, or both. Generally, textual information adheres to
+language-specific syntactic structure. The precise meanings related to the
+modeling of context, structure, or behavior using these entities and relations
+is dependent on the modeling language used, the design rigor applied to the
+modeling effort, the specific view being constructed, and the entity to which
+the specific notation element may be attached. Multiple views of the model may
+be required to capture the needed semantics of the software.
-- _Completeness_ : the degree to which all
-    requirements have been implemented and
-    verified within the model.
-- _Consistency_ : the degree to which the model
-    contains no conflicting requirements, asser-
-    tions, constraints, functions, or component
-    descriptions.
-- _Correctness_ : the degree to which the model
-    satisfies its requirements and design specifi-
-    cations and is free of defects.
+When using models supported with automation, models may be checked for
+completeness and consistency. The usefulness of these checks depends greatly on
+the level of semantic and syntactic rigor applied to the modeling effort in
+addition to explicit tool support. Correctness is typically checked through
+simulation and/or review.
+#### 1.3. Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics
-Models are constructed to represent real-world
-objects and their behaviors to answer specific
-questions about how the software is expected
-to operate. Interrogating the models—either
-through exploration, simulation, or review—may
-expose areas of uncertainty within the model and
-the software to which the model refers. These
-uncertainties or unanswered questions regarding
-the requirements, design, and/or implementation
-can then be handled appropriately.
-The primary expression element of a model is
-an entity. An entity may represent concrete arti-
-facts (for example, processors, sensors, or robots)
-or abstract artifacts (for example, software mod-
-ules or communication protocols). Model enti-
-ties are connected to other entities using rela-
-tions (in other words, lines or textual operators
-on target entities). Expression of model entities
-may be accomplished using textual or graphical
-modeling languages; both modeling language
-types connect model entities through specific lan-
-guage constructs. The meaning of an entity may
-be represented by its shape, textual attributes, or
-both. Generally, textual information adheres to
-language-specific syntactic structure. The pre-
-cise meanings related to the modeling of context,
-structure, or behavior using these entities and
-relations is dependent on the modeling language
-used, the design rigor applied to the modeling
-effort, the specific view being constructed, and
-the entity to which the specific notation element
-may be attached. Multiple views of the model
-may be required to capture the needed semantics
-of the software.
-When using models supported with automa-
-tion, models may be checked for completeness
-and consistency. The usefulness of these checks
-depends greatly on the level of semantic and syn-
-tactic rigor applied to the modeling effort in addi-
-tion to explicit tool support. Correctness is typi-
-cally checked through simulation and/or review.
+<!-- [2* c2s2.2.2p6] [3*, c5s0] -->
+Models can be surprisingly deceptive. The fact that a model is an abstraction
+with missing information can lead one into a false sense of completely
+understanding the software from a single model. A complete model (“complete”
+being relative to the modeling effort) may be a union of multiple submodels and
+any special function models. Examination and decision-making relative to a
+single model within this collection of submodels may be problematic.
-1.3. Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics
-[2* c2s2.2.2p6] [3*, c5s0]
+Understanding the precise meanings of modeling constructs can also be
+difficult. Modeling languages are defined by syntactic and semantic rules. For
+textual languages, syntax is defined using a notation grammar that defines
+valid language constructs (for example, Backus-Naur Form (BNF)). For graphical
+languages, syntax is defined using graphical models called metamod- els. As
+with BNF, metamodels define the valid syntactical constructs of a graphical
+modeling language; the metamodel defines how these constructs can be composed
+to produce valid models. Semantics for modeling languages specify the meaning
+attached to the entities and relations captured within the model. For example,
+a simple diagram of two boxes connected by a line is open to a variety of
+interpretations. Knowing that the diagram on which the boxes are placed and
+connected is an object diagram or an activity diagram can assist in the
+interpretation of this model.
+As a practical matter, there is usually a good understanding of the semantics
+of a specific software model due to the modeling language selected, how that
+modeling language is used to express entities and relations within that model,
+the experience base of the modeler(s), and the context within which the
+modeling has been undertaken and so represented. Meaning is communicated
+through the model even in the presence of incomplete information through
+abstraction; pragmatics explains how meaning is embodied in the model and its
+context and communicated effectively to other software engineers.
-Models can be surprisingly deceptive. The fact
-that a model is an abstraction with missing infor-
-mation can lead one into a false sense of com-
-pletely understanding the software from a single
-model. A complete model (“complete” being
-relative to the modeling effort) may be a union
-of multiple submodels and any special function
-models. Examination and decision-making rela-
-tive to a single model within this collection of
-submodels may be problematic.
-Understanding the precise meanings of mod-
-eling constructs can also be difficult. Modeling
-languages are defined by syntactic and semantic
-rules. For textual languages, syntax is defined
-using a notation grammar that defines valid lan-
-guage constructs (for example, Backus-Naur
-Form (BNF)). For graphical languages, syntax is
-defined using graphical models called metamod-
-els. As with BNF, metamodels define the valid
-syntactical constructs of a graphical modeling
-language; the metamodel defines how these con-
-structs can be composed to produce valid models.
-Semantics for modeling languages specify the
-meaning attached to the entities and relations
-captured within the model. For example, a simple
-diagram of two boxes connected by a line is open
-to a variety of interpretations. Knowing that the
-diagram on which the boxes are placed and con-
-nected is an object diagram or an activity diagram
-can assist in the interpretation of this model.
-As a practical matter, there is usually a good
-understanding of the semantics of a specific
-software model due to the modeling language
-selected, how that modeling language is used to
-express entities and relations within that model,
-the experience base of the modeler(s), and the
-context within which the modeling has been
-undertaken and so represented. Meaning is com-
-municated through the model even in the presence
-of incomplete information through abstraction;
-pragmatics explains how meaning is embodied
-in the model and its context and communicated
-effectively to other software engineers.
-There are still instances, however, where cau-
-tion is needed regarding modeling and semantics.
-For example, any model parts imported from
-another model or library must be examined for
-semantic assumptions that conflict in the new
-modeling environment; this may not be obvious.
-The model should be checked for documented
-assumptions. While modeling syntax may be
-identical, the model may mean something quite
-different in the new environment, which is a dif-
-ferent context. Also, consider that as software
-matures and changes are made, semantic discord
+There are still instances, however, where caution is needed regarding
+modeling and semantics. For example, any model parts imported from another
+model or library must be examined for semantic assumptions that conflict in the
+new modeling environment; this may not be obvious. The model should be checked
+for documented assumptions. While modeling syntax may be identical, the model
+may mean something quite different in the new environment, which is a dif-
+ferent context. Also, consider that as software matures and changes are
+made, semantic discord can be introduced, leading to errors. With many
+software engineers working on a model part over time coupled with tool
+updates and perhaps new requirements, there are opportunities for portions
+of the model to represent something different from the original author’s
+intent and initial model context.
+#### 1.4. Preconditions, Postconditions, and Invariants
-can be introduced, leading to errors. With many
-software engineers working on a model part over
-time coupled with tool updates and perhaps new
-requirements, there are opportunities for portions
-of the model to represent something different
-from the original author’s intent and initial model
+<!-- [2*, c4s4] [4*, c10s4p2, c10s5p2p4] -->
+When modeling functions or methods, the software engineer typically starts
+with a set of assumptions about the state of the software prior to, during, and
+after the function or method executes. These assumptions are essential to the
+correct operation of the function or method and are grouped, for discussion,
+as a set of preconditions, postconditions, and invariants.
-1.4. Preconditions, Postconditions, and
-[2*, c4s4] [4*, c10s4p2, c10s5p2p4]
+- _Preconditions_: a set of conditions that must be satisfied prior to
+  execution of the function or method. If these preconditions do not hold prior
+  to execution of the function or method, the function or method may produce
+  erroneous results.
+- _Postconditions_: a set of conditions that is guaranteed to be true after
+  the function or method has executed successfully. Typically, the
+  postconditions represent how the state of the software has changed, how
+  parameters passed to the function or method have changed, how data values
+  have changed, or how the return value has been affected.
+- _Invariants_: a set of conditions within the operational environment that
+  persist (in other words, do not change) before and after execution of the
+  function or method. These invariants are relevant and necessary to the
+  software and the correct operation of the function or method.
+### 2. Types of Models
-When modeling functions or methods, the soft-
-ware engineer typically starts with a set of
-assumptions about the state of the software prior
-to, during, and after the function or method exe-
-cutes. These assumptions are essential to the cor-
-rect operation of the function or method and are
-grouped, for discussion, as a set of preconditions,
-postconditions, and invariants.
+A typical model consists of an aggregation of submodels. Each submodel is a
+partial description and is created for a specific purpose; it may be
+comprised of one or more diagrams. The collection of submodels may employ
+multiple modeling languages or a single modeling language. The Unified
+Modeling Language (UML) recognizes a rich collection of modeling diagrams.
+Use of these diagrams, along with the modeling language constructs, brings
+about three broad model types commonly used: information models, behavioral
+models, and structure models (see section 1.1).
-- _Preconditions_ : a set of conditions that must
-    be satisfied prior to execution of the function
-    or method. If these preconditions do not hold
-    prior to execution of the function or method,
-    the function or method may produce errone-
-    ous results.
-- _Postconditions_ : a set of conditions that is
-    guaranteed to be true after the function or
-    method has executed successfully. Typically,
-    the postconditions represent how the state
-    of the software has changed, how param-
-    eters passed to the function or method have
-    changed, how data values have changed, or
-    how the return value has been affected.
-- _Invariants_ : a set of conditions within the
-    operational environment that persist (in
-    other words, do not change) before and after
-    execution of the function or method. These
-    invariants are relevant and necessary to the
-    software and the correct operation of the
-    function or method.
-**2. Types of Models**
+#### 2.1. Information Modeling
+<!-- [1*, c7s2.2] [3*, c8s1] -->
-A typical model consists of an aggregation of
-submodels. Each submodel is a partial descrip-
-tion and is created for a specific purpose; it may
-be comprised of one or more diagrams. The
-collection of submodels may employ multiple
+Information models provide a central focus on data and information. An
+information model is an abstract representation that identifies and defines a
+set of concepts, properties, relations, and constraints on data entities. The
+semantic or conceptual information model is often used to provide some
+formalism and context to the software being modeled as viewed from the problem
+perspective, without concern for how this model is actually mapped to the
+implementation of the software. The semantic or conceptual information model is
+an abstraction and, as such, includes only the concepts, properties, relations,
+and constraints needed to conceptualize the real-world view of the information.
+Subsequent transformations of the semantic or conceptual information model lead
+to the elaboration of logical and then physical data models as implemented in
+the software.
+#### 2.2. Behavioral Modeling
+<!-- [1*, c7s2.1, c7s2.3, c7s2.4] [2*, c9s2] [3*, c5s4] -->
-Software Engineering Models and Methods 9-5
+Behavioral models identify and define the functions of the software being
+modeled. Behavioral models generally take three basic forms: state machines,
+control-flow models, and dataflow models. State machines provide a model of
+the software as a collection of defined states, events, and transitions. The
+software transitions from one state to the next by way of a guarded or
+unguarded triggering event that occurs in the modeled environment. Control-flow
+models depict how a sequence of events causes processes to be activated or
+deactivated. Data-flow behavior is typified as a sequence of steps where data
+moves through processes toward data stores or data sinks.
-modeling languages or a single modeling lan-
-guage. The Unified Modeling Language (UML)
-recognizes a rich collection of modeling dia-
-grams. Use of these diagrams, along with the
-modeling language constructs, brings about three
-broad model types commonly used: information
-models, behavioral models, and structure models
-(see section 1.1).
+#### 2.3. Structure Modeling
-_2.1. Information Modeling_
-[1*, c7s2.2] [3*, c8s1]
+<!-- [1*, c7s2.5, c7s3.1, c7s3.2] [3*, c5s3] [4*, c4] -->
-Information models provide a central focus on
-data and information. An information model is an
-abstract representation that identifies and defines
-a set of concepts, properties, relations, and con-
-straints on data entities. The semantic or concep-
-tual information model is often used to provide
-some formalism and context to the software being
-modeled as viewed from the problem perspective,
-without concern for how this model is actually
-mapped to the implementation of the software.
-The semantic or conceptual information model
-is an abstraction and, as such, includes only the
-concepts, properties, relations, and constraints
-needed to conceptualize the real-world view of
-the information. Subsequent transformations of
-the semantic or conceptual information model
-lead to the elaboration of logical and then physi-
-cal data models as implemented in the software.
+Structure models illustrate the physical or logical composition of software
+from its various component parts. Structure modeling establishes the defined
+boundary between the software being implemented or modeled and the environment
+in which it is to operate. Some common structural constructs used in
+structure modeling are composition, decomposition, generalization, and
+specialization of entities; identification of relevant relations and
+cardinality between entities; and the definition of process or functional
+interfaces. Structure diagrams provided by the UML for structure modeling
+include class, component, object, deployment, and packaging diagrams.
-_2.2. Behavioral Modeling_
-[1*, c7s2.1, c7s2.3, c7s2.4] [2*, c9s2]
-[3*, c5s4]
+### 3. Analysis of Models
-Behavioral models identify and define the func-
-tions of the software being modeled. Behav-
-ioral models generally take three basic forms:
-state machines, control-flow models, and data-
-flow models. State machines provide a model
-of the software as a collection of defined states,
-events, and transitions. The software transitions
-from one state to the next by way of a guarded
-or unguarded triggering event that occurs in the
-modeled environment. Control-flow models
-depict how a sequence of events causes processes
-to be activated or deactivated. Data-flow behav-
-ior is typified as a sequence of steps where data
-moves through processes toward data stores or
-data sinks.
+The development of models affords the software engineer an opportunity to
+study, reason about, and understand the structure, function, operational
+usage, and assembly considerations associated with software. Analysis of
+constructed models is needed to ensure that these models are complete,
+consistent, and correct enough to serve their intended purpose for the
+The sections that follow briefly describe the analysis techniques generally
+used with software models to ensure that the software engineer and other
+relevant stakeholders gain appropriate value from the development and use of
-2.3. Structure Modeling
-[1*, c7s2.5, c7s3.1, c7s3.2] [3*, c5s3] [4*, c4]
+#### 3.1. Analyzing for Completeness
+<!-- [3*, c4s1.1p7, c4s6] [5*, p8–11] -->
-Structure models illustrate the physical or logical
-composition of software from its various com-
-ponent parts. Structure modeling establishes the
-defined boundary between the software being
-implemented or modeled and the environment
-in which it is to operate. Some common struc-
-tural constructs used in structure modeling are
-composition, decomposition, generalization, and
-specialization of entities; identification of rel-
-evant relations and cardinality between entities;
-and the definition of process or functional inter-
-faces. Structure diagrams provided by the UML
-for structure modeling include class, component,
-object, deployment, and packaging diagrams.
+In order to have software that fully meets the needs of the stakeholders,
+completeness is critical - from the requirements elicitation process to code
+implementation. Completeness is the degree to which all of the specified
+requirements have been implemented and verified. Models may be checked for
+completeness by a modeling tool that uses techniques such as structural
+analysis and state-space reachability analysis (which ensure that all paths in
+the state models are reached by some set of correct inputs); models may also be
+checked for completeness manually by using inspections or other review
+techniques (see the Software Quality KA). Errors and warnings generated by
+these analysis tools and found by inspection or review indicate probable needed
+corrective actions to ensure completeness of the models.
-**3. Analysis of Models**
+#### 3.2. Analyzing for Consistency
+<!-- [3*, c4s1.1p7, c4s6] [5*, p8–11] -->
-The development of models affords the software
-engineer an opportunity to study, reason about,
-and understand the structure, function, opera-
-tional usage, and assembly considerations asso-
-ciated with software. Analysis of constructed
-models is needed to ensure that these models are
-complete, consistent, and correct enough to serve
-their intended purpose for the stakeholders.
-The sections that follow briefly describe the
-analysis techniques generally used with soft-
-ware models to ensure that the software engineer
-and other relevant stakeholders gain appropriate
-value from the development and use of models.
+Consistency is the degree to which models contain no conflicting
+requirements, assertions, constraints, functions, or component descriptions.
+Typically, consistency checking is accomplished with the modeling tool using an
+automated analysis function; models may also be checked for consistency
+manually using inspections or other review techniques (see the Software Quality
+KA). As with completeness, errors and warnings generated by these analysis
+tools and found by inspection or review indicate the need for corrective
+#### 3.3. Analyzing for Correctness
-3.1. Analyzing for Completeness
-[3*, c4s1.1p7, c4s6] [5*, p8–11]
+<!-- [5*, p8–11] -->
+Correctness is the degree to which a model satisfies its software
+requirements and software design specifications, is free of defects, and ulti-
+mately meets the stakeholders’ needs. Analyzing for correctness includes
+verifying syntactic correctness of the model (that is, correct use of the
+modeling language grammar and constructs) and verifying semantic correctness of
+the model (that is, use of the modeling language constructs to correctly
+represent the meaning of that which is being modeled). To analyze a model for
+syntactic and semantic correctness, one analyzes it - either automatically (for
+example, using the modeling tool to check for model syntactic correctness) or
+manually (using inspections or other review techniques) - searching for possible
+defects and then removing or repairing the confirmed defects before the
+software is released for use.
-In order to have software that fully meets the needs
-of the stakeholders, completeness is critical—from
-the requirements elicitation process to code imple-
-mentation. Completeness is the degree to which
-all of the specified requirements have been imple-
-mented and verified. Models may be checked for
-completeness by a modeling tool that uses tech-
-niques such as structural analysis and state-space
-reachability analysis (which ensure that all paths in
-the state models are reached by some set of correct
-inputs); models may also be checked for complete-
-ness manually by using inspections or other review
-techniques (see the Software Quality KA). Errors
-and warnings generated by these analysis tools and
-found by inspection or review indicate probable
-needed corrective actions to ensure completeness
-of the models.
+#### 3.4. Traceability
-_3.2. Analyzing for Consistency_
-[3*, c4s1.1p7, c4s6] [5*, p8–11]
+<!-- [3*, c4s7.1, c4s7.2] -->
-Consistency is the degree to which models con-
-tain no conflicting requirements, assertions, con-
-straints, functions, or component descriptions.
-Typically, consistency checking is accomplished
-with the modeling tool using an automated analysis
-function; models may also be checked for consis-
-tency manually using inspections or other review
-techniques (see the Software Quality KA). As
-with completeness, errors and warnings generated
-by these analysis tools and found by inspection or
-review indicate the need for corrective action.
+Developing software typically involves the use, creation, and modification of
+many work products such as planning documents, process specifications,
+software requirements, diagrams, designs and pseudo-code, handwritten and
+tool-generated code, manual and automated test cases and reports, and files and
+data. These work products may be related through various dependency
+relationships (for example, uses, implements, and tests). As software is
+being developed, managed, maintained, or extended, there is a need to map and
+control these traceability relationships to demonstrate software requirements
+consistency with the software model (see Requirements Tracing in the Software
+Requirements KA) and the many work products.
-_3.3. Analyzing for Correctness_
-[5*, p8–11]
+Use of traceability typically improves the management of software work products
+and software process quality; it also provides assurances to stakeholders that
+all requirements have been satisfied. Traceability enables change analysis once
+the software is developed and released, since relationships to software work
+products can easily be traversed to assess change impact. Modeling tools
+typically provide some automated or manual means to specify and manage
+traceability links between requirements, design, code, and/or test entities
+as may be represented in the models and other software work products. (For more
+information on traceability, see the Software Configuration Management KA).
-Correctness is the degree to which a model sat-
-isfies its software requirements and software
-design specifications, is free of defects, and ulti-
-mately meets the stakeholders’ needs. Analyzing
-for correctness includes verifying syntactic cor-
-rectness of the model (that is, correct use of the
-modeling language grammar and constructs) and
-verifying semantic correctness of the model (that
-is, use of the modeling language constructs to
-correctly represent the meaning of that which is
-being modeled). To analyze a model for syntactic
-and semantic correctness, one analyzes it—either
-automatically (for example, using the modeling
-tool to check for model syntactic correctness)
-or manually (using inspections or other review
-techniques)—searching for possible defects and
-then removing or repairing the confirmed defects
-before the software is released for use.
+#### 3.5. Interaction Analysis
-_3.4. Traceability_
-[3*, c4s7.1, c4s7.2]
+<!-- [2*, c10, c11] [3*, c29s1.1, c29s5] [4*, c5] -->
-Developing software typically involves the use,
-creation, and modification of many work products
-such as planning documents, process specifica-
-tions, software requirements, diagrams, designs
+Interaction analysis focuses on the communications or control flow relations
+between entities used to accomplish a specific task or function within the
+software model. This analysis examines the dynamic behavior of the interactions
+between different portions of the software model, including other software
+layers (such as the operating system, middleware, and applications). It may
+also be important for some software applications to examine interactions
+between the computer software application and the user interface software. Some
+software modeling environments provide simulation facilities to study aspects
+of the dynamic behavior of modeled software. Stepping through the simulation
+provides an analysis option for the software engineer to review the interaction
+design and verify that the different parts of the software work together to
+provide the intended functions.
+### 4. Software Engineering Methods
-and pseudo-code, handwritten and tool-generated
-code, manual and automated test cases and reports,
-and files and data. These work products may be
-related through various dependency relationships
-(for example, uses, implements, and tests). As soft-
-ware is being developed, managed, maintained, or
-extended, there is a need to map and control these
-traceability relationships to demonstrate soft-
-ware requirements consistency with the software
-model (see Requirements Tracing in the Software
-Requirements KA) and the many work products.
-Use of traceability typically improves the manage-
-ment of software work products and software pro-
-cess quality; it also provides assurances to stake-
-holders that all requirements have been satisfied.
-Traceability enables change analysis once the soft-
-ware is developed and released, since relationships
-to software work products can easily be traversed
-to assess change impact. Modeling tools typically
-provide some automated or manual means to spec-
-ify and manage traceability links between require-
-ments, design, code, and/or test entities as may be
-represented in the models and other software work
-products. (For more information on traceability,
-see the Software Configuration Management KA).
+Software engineering methods provide an organized and systematic approach to
+developing software for a target computer. There are numerous methods from
+which to choose, and it is important for the software engineer to choose an
+appropriate method or methods for the software development task at hand; this
+choice can have a dramatic effect on the success of the software project. Use
+of these software engineering methods coupled with people of the right skill
+set and tools enable the software engineers to visualize the details of the
+software and ultimately transform the representation into a working set of code
+and data.
+Selected software engineering methods are discussed below. The topic areas
+are organized into discussions of Heuristic Methods, Formal Methods,
+Prototyping Methods, and Agile Methods.
-3.5. Interaction Analysis
-[2*, c10, c11] [3*, c29s1.1, c29s5] [4*, c5]
+#### 4.1. Heuristic Methods
+<!-- [1*, c13, c15, c16] [3*, c2s2.2, c5s4.1, c7s1,] -->
+Heuristic methods are those experience-based software engineering methods that
+have been and are fairly widely practiced in the software industry. This
+topic area contains three broad discussion categories: structured analysis
+and design methods, data modeling methods, and object-oriented analysis and
+design methods.
+- _Structured Analysis and Design Methods_: The software model is developed
+  primarily from a functional or behavioral viewpoint, starting from a
+  high-level view of the software (including data and control elements) and
+  then progressively decomposing or refining the model components through
+  increasingly detailed designs. The detailed design eventually converges to
+  very specific details or specifications of the software that must be coded
+  (by hand, automatically generated, or both), built, tested, and verified.
+- _Data Modeling Methods_: The data model is constructed from the viewpoint of
+  the data or information used. Data tables and relationships define the data
+  models. This data modeling method is used primarily for defining and
+  analyzing data requirements supporting database designs or data repositories
+  typically found in business software, where data is actively managed as a
+  business systems resource or asset.
+- _Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Methods_: The object-oriented model is
+  represented as a collection of objects that encapsulate data and
+  relationships and interact with other objects through methods. Objects may be
+  real-world items or virtual items. The software model is constructed using
+  diagrams to constitute selected views of the software. Progressive refinement
+  of the software models leads to a detailed design. The detailed design is
+  then either evolved through successive iteration or transformed (using some
+  mechanism) into the implementation view of the model, where the code and
+  packaging approach for eventual software product release and deployment is
+  expressed.
+#### 4.2. Formal Methods
-Interaction analysis focuses on the communica-
-tions or control flow relations between entities
-used to accomplish a specific task or function
-within the software model. This analysis exam-
-ines the dynamic behavior of the interactions
-between different portions of the software model,
-including other software layers (such as the oper-
-ating system, middleware, and applications). It
-may also be important for some software applica-
-tions to examine interactions between the com-
-puter software application and the user interface
-software. Some software modeling environments
-provide simulation facilities to study aspects of
-the dynamic behavior of modeled software. Step-
-ping through the simulation provides an analysis
-option for the software engineer to review the
-interaction design and verify that the different
-parts of the software work together to provide the
-intended functions.
+<!-- [1*, c18] [3*, c27] [5*, p8–24] -->
+Formal methods are software engineering methods used to specify, develop, and
+verify the software through application of a rigorous mathematically based
+notation and language. Through use of a specification language, the software
+model can be checked for consistency (in other words, lack of ambiguity),
+completeness, and correctness in a systematic and automated or semi-automated
+fashion. This topic is related to the Formal Analysis section in the Software
+Requirements KA.
+This section addresses specification languages, program refinement and
+derivation, formal verification, and logical inference.
-Software Engineering Models and Methods 9-7
+- _Specification Languages_: Specification languages provide the mathematical
+  basis for a formal method; specification lan- guages are formal, higher level
+  computer languages (in other words, not a classic 3rd Generation Language
+  (3GL) program- ming language) used during the software specification,
+  requirements analysis, and/ or design stages to describe specific input/
+  output behavior. Specification languages are not directly executable
+  languages; they are typically comprised of a notation and syntax, semantics
+  for use of the notation, and a set of allowed relations for objects.
+- _Program Refinement and Derivation_: Program refinement is the process of
+  creating a lower level (or more detailed) specification using a series of
+  transformations. It is through successive transformations that the software
+  engineer derives an executable representation of a program. Specifications
+  may be refined, adding details until the model can be formulated in a 3GL
+  programming language or in an executable portion of the chosen specifica-
+  tion language. This specification refinement is made possible by defining
+  specifications with precise semantic properties; the specifications must set
+  out not only the relationships between entities but also the exact runtime
+  meanings of those relationships and operations.
+- _Formal Verification_: Model checking is a formal verification method; it
+  typically involves performing a state-space exploration or reachability
+  analysis to demonstrate that the represented software design has or preserves
+  certain model properties of interest. An example of model checking is an
+  analysis that verifies correct program behavior under all possible
+  interleaving of event or message arrivals. The use of formal verification
+  requires a rigorously specified model of the software and its operational
+  environment; this model often takes the form of a finite state machine or
+  other formally defined automaton.
+- _Logical Inference_: Logical inference is a method of designing software
+  that involves specifying preconditions and postconditions around each
+  significant block of the design, and - using mathematical logic - developing the
+  proof that those preconditions and postconditions must hold under all
+  inputs. This provides a way for the software engineer to predict software
+  behavior without having to execute the software. Some Integrated Development
+  Environments (IDEs) include ways to represent these proofs along with the
+  design or code.
-**4. Software Engineering Methods**
+#### 4.3. Prototyping Methods
-Software engineering methods provide an orga-
-nized and systematic approach to developing soft-
-ware for a target computer. There are numerous
-methods from which to choose, and it is important
-for the software engineer to choose an appropriate
-method or methods for the software development
-task at hand; this choice can have a dramatic effect
-on the success of the software project. Use of these
-software engineering methods coupled with people
-of the right skill set and tools enable the software
-engineers to visualize the details of the software
-and ultimately transform the representation into a
-working set of code and data.
-Selected software engineering methods are dis-
-cussed below. The topic areas are organized into
-discussions of Heuristic Methods, Formal Meth-
-ods, Prototyping Methods, and Agile Methods.
+<!-- [1*, c12s2] [3*, c2s3.1] [6*, c7s3p5] -->
-_4.1. Heuristic Methods_
-[1*, c13, c15, c16] [3*, c2s2.2, c5s4.1, c7s1,]
+Software prototyping is an activity that generally creates incomplete or
+minimally functional versions of a software application, usually for trying
+out specific new features, soliciting feedback on software requirements or user
+interfaces, further exploring software requirements, software design, or
+implementation options, and/or gaining some other useful insight into the
+software. The software engineer selects a prototyping method to understand the
+least understood aspects or components of the software first; this approach
+is in contrast with other software engineering methods that usually begin
+development with the most understood portions first. Typically, the proto-
+typed product does not become the final software product without extensive
+development rework or refactoring.
-Heuristic methods are those experience-based
-software engineering methods that have been and
-are fairly widely practiced in the software indus-
-try. This topic area contains three broad discus-
-sion categories: structured analysis and design
-methods, data modeling methods, and object-
-oriented analysis and design methods.
+This section discusses prototyping styles, targets, and evaluation techniques
+in brief.
-- _Structured Analysis and Design Methods_ :
-    The software model is developed primarily
-    from a functional or behavioral viewpoint,
-    starting from a high-level view of the soft-
-    ware (including data and control elements)
-    and then progressively decomposing or refin-
-    ing the model components through increas-
-    ingly detailed designs. The detailed design
-    eventually converges to very specific details
-    or specifications of the software that must be
-    coded (by hand, automatically generated, or
-    both), built, tested, and verified.
-- _Data Modeling Methods_ : The data model is
-    constructed from the viewpoint of the data or
-    information used. Data tables and relation-
-    ships define the data models. This data mod-
-    eling method is used primarily for defining
-    and analyzing data requirements supporting
+- _Prototyping Style_: This addresses the various approaches to developing
+  prototypes. Prototypes can be developed as throwaway code or paper
+  products, as an evolution of a working design, or as an executable
+  specification. Different prototyping life cycle processes are typically used
+  for each style. The style chosen is based on the type of results the
+  project needs, the quality of the results needed, and the urgency of the
+  results.
+- _Prototyping Target_: The target of the prototype activity is the specific
+  product being served by the prototyping effort. Examples of prototyping
+  targets include a requirements specification, an architectural design element
+  or component, an algorithm, or a human-machine user interface.
+- _Prototyping Evaluation Techniques_: A prototype may be used or evaluated
+  in a number of ways by the software engineer or other project stakeholders,
+  driven primarily by the underlying reasons that led to prototype development
+  in the first place. Prototypes may be evaluated or tested against the actual
+  implemented software or against a target set of requirements (for example, a
+  requirements prototype); the prototype may also serve as a model for a future
+  software development effort (for example, as in a user interface
+  specification).
+#### 4.4. Agile Methods
-database designs or data repositories typi-
-cally found in business software, where data
-is actively managed as a business systems
-resource or asset.
+<!-- [3*, c3] [6*, c7s3p7] [7*, c6, App. A] -->
-- _Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Meth-_
-    _ods_ : The object-oriented model is represented
-    as a collection of objects that encapsulate
-    data and relationships and interact with other
-    objects through methods. Objects may be
-    real-world items or virtual items. The soft-
-    ware model is constructed using diagrams
-    to constitute selected views of the software.
-    Progressive refinement of the software mod-
-    els leads to a detailed design. The detailed
-    design is then either evolved through suc-
-    cessive iteration or transformed (using some
-    mechanism) into the implementation view
-    of the model, where the code and packag-
-    ing approach for eventual software product
-    release and deployment is expressed.
+Agile methods were born in the 1990s from the need to reduce the apparent large
+overhead associated with heavyweight, plan-based methods used in large-scale
+software-development projects. Agile methods are considered lightweight meth-
+ods in that they are characterized by short, iterative development cycles,
+self-organizing teams, simpler designs, code refactoring, test-driven
+development, frequent customer involvement, and an emphasis on creating a
+demonstrable working product with each development cycle.
+Many agile methods are available in the literature; some of the more popular
+approaches, which are discussed here in brief, include Rapid Application
+Development (RAD), eXtreme Programming (XP), Scrum, and Feature-Driven
+Development (FDD).
-4.2. Formal Methods
-[1*, c18] [3*, c27] [5*, p8–24]
+- _RAD:_ Rapid software development methods are used primarily in
+  data-intensive, business-systems application development. The RAD method is
+  enabled with special-purpose database development tools used by software
+  engineers to quickly develop, test, and deploy new or modified business
+  applications.
+- _XP_: This approach uses stories or scenarios for requirements, develops
+  tests first, has direct customer involvement on the team (typically defining
+  acceptance tests), uses pair programming, and provides for continuous code
+  refactoring and integration. Stories are decomposed into tasks, prioritized,
+  estimated, developed, and tested. Each increment of software is tested
+  with automated and manual tests; an increment may be released frequently,
+  such as every couple of weeks or so.
+- _Scrum_: This agile approach is more project management-friendly than the
+  others. The scrum master manages the activities within the project increment;
+  each increment is called a sprint and lasts no more than 30 days. A Product
+  Backlog Item (PBI) list is developed from which tasks are identified,
+  defined, prioritized, and estimated. A working version of the software is
+  tested and released in each increment. Daily scrum meetings ensure work is
+  managed to plan.
+- _FDD:_ This is a model-driven, short, iterative software development
+  approach using a five-phase process: (1) develop a product model to scope the
+  breadth of the domain, (2) create the list of needs or features, (3) build
+  the feature development plan, (4) develop designs for iteration-specific
+  features, and (5) code, test, and then integrate the features. FDD is similar
+  to an incremental software development approach; it is also similar to XP,
+  except that code ownership is assigned to individuals rather than the team.
+  FDD emphasizes an overall architectural approach to the software, which
+  promotes building the feature correctly the first time rather than
+  emphasizing continual refactoring.
+There are many more variations of agile methods in the literature and in
+practice. Note that there will always be a place for heavyweight, plan-based
+software engineering methods as well as places where agile methods shine. There
+are new methods arising from combinations of agile and plan-based methods where
+practitioners are defining new methods that balance the features needed in both
+heavyweight and lightweight methods based primarily on prevailing
+organizational business needs. These business needs, as typically represented
+by some of the project stakeholders, should and do drive the choice in using
+one software engineering method over another or in constructing a new method
+from the best features of a combination of software engineering methods.
-Formal methods are software engineering meth-
-ods used to specify, develop, and verify the soft-
-ware through application of a rigorous mathemat-
-ically based notation and language. Through use
-of a specification language, the software model
-can be checked for consistency (in other words,
-lack of ambiguity), completeness, and correctness
-in a systematic and automated or semi-automated
-fashion. This topic is related to the Formal Analy-
-sis section in the Software Requirements KA.
-This section addresses specification languages,
-program refinement and derivation, formal verifi-
-cation, and logical inference.
+### Matrix Of Topics vs. Reference Material
-- _Specification Languages_ : Specification
-    languages provide the mathematical basis
-    for a formal method; specification lan-
-    guages are formal, higher level computer
-    languages (in other words, not a classic
-    3rd Generation Language (3GL) program-
-    ming language) used during the software
-    specification, requirements analysis, and/
-    or design stages to describe specific input/
-    output behavior. Specification languages are
-    not directly executable languages; they are
-typically comprised of a notation and syntax,
-semantics for use of the notation, and a set of
-allowed relations for objects.
+Budgen 2003 [1]
+Mellor and Balcer 2002 [2]
+Sommerville 2011 [3]
+Page-Jones 1999 [4]
+Wing 1990 [5]
+Brookshear 2008 [6]
+Boehm and Turner 2003 [7]
-- _Program Refinement and Derivation_ : Pro-
-    gram refinement is the process of creating a
-    lower level (or more detailed) specification
-    using a series of transformations. It is through
-    successive transformations that the software
-    engineer derives an executable representation
-    of a program. Specifications may be refined,
-    adding details until the model can be formu-
-    lated in a 3GL programming language or in
-    an executable portion of the chosen specifica-
-    tion language. This specification refinement is
-    made possible by defining specifications with
-    precise semantic properties; the specifications
-    must set out not only the relationships between
-    entities but also the exact runtime meanings of
-    those relationships and operations.
-- _Formal Verification_ : Model checking is
-    a formal verification method; it typically
-    involves performing a state-space explora-
-    tion or reachability analysis to demonstrate
-    that the represented software design has or
-    preserves certain model properties of inter-
-    est. An example of model checking is an
-    analysis that verifies correct program behav-
-    ior under all possible interleaving of event or
-    message arrivals. The use of formal verifi-
-    cation requires a rigorously specified model
-    of the software and its operational environ-
-    ment; this model often takes the form of a
-    finite state machine or other formally defined
-    automaton.
-- _Logical Inference_ : Logical inference is a
-    method of designing software that involves
-    specifying preconditions and postconditions
-    around each significant block of the design,
-    and—using mathematical logic—developing
-    the proof that those preconditions and post-
-    conditions must hold under all inputs. This
-    provides a way for the software engineer to
-    predict software behavior without having
-    to execute the software. Some Integrated
-    Development Environments (IDEs) include
-    ways to represent these proofs along with the
-    design or code.
+1. Modeling
+1.1. Modeling Principles c2s2, c5s1, c5s2 c2s2 c5s0 
+1.2. Properties and Expression of Models c5s2, c5s3 c4s1.1p7, c4s6p3, c5s0p3
+1.3. Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics c2s2.2.2 p6 c5s0
+1.4. Preconditions, Postconditions, and Invariants c4s4 c10s4p2, c10s5 p2p4
+2. Types of Models
+2.1. Information Modeling c7s2.2 c8s1
+2.2. Behavioral Modeling c7s2.1, c7s2.3, c7s2.4 c9s2 c5s4
+2.3. Structure Modeling c7s2.5, c7s3.1, c7s3.2 c5s3 c4
+3. Analysis of Models
+3.1. Analyzing for Completeness c4s1.1p7, c4s6 pp8–11 
+3.2. Analyzing for Consistency c4s1.1p7, c4s6 pp8–11
+3.3. Analyzing for Correctness pp8–11
+3.4. Traceability c4s7.1, c4s7.2
+3.5. Interaction Analysis c10, c11 c29s1.1, c29s5 c5
+Budgen 2003 [1]
+Mellor and Balcer 2002 [2]
+Sommerville 2011 [3]
+Page-Jones 1999 [4]
+Wing 1990 [5]
+Brookshear 2008 [6]
+Boehm and Turner 2003 [7]
-4.3. Prototyping Methods
-[1*, c12s2] [3*, c2s3.1] [6*, c7s3p5]
+4. Software Engineering Methods
+4.1. Heuristic Methods c13, c15, c16 c2s2.2, c7s1, c5s4.1
+4.2. Formal Methods c18 c27 pp8–24
+4.3. Prototyping Methods c12s2 c2s3.1 c7s3p5
+4.4. Agile Methods c3 c7s3p7 c6, app. A
-Software prototyping is an activity that generally
-creates incomplete or minimally functional ver-
-sions of a software application, usually for try-
-ing out specific new features, soliciting feedback
-on software requirements or user interfaces, fur-
-ther exploring software requirements, software
-design, or implementation options, and/or gaining
-some other useful insight into the software. The
-software engineer selects a prototyping method to
-understand the least understood aspects or com-
-ponents of the software first; this approach is in
-contrast with other software engineering methods
-that usually begin development with the most
-understood portions first. Typically, the proto-
-typed product does not become the final software
-product without extensive development rework
-or refactoring.
-This section discusses prototyping styles, tar-
-gets, and evaluation techniques in brief.
+[1] D. Budgen, _Software Design_, 2nd ed., Addison-Wesley, 2003.
-- _Prototyping Style_ : This addresses the various
-    approaches to developing prototypes. Proto-
-    types can be developed as throwaway code
-    or paper products, as an evolution of a work-
-    ing design, or as an executable specification.
-    Different prototyping life cycle processes are
-    typically used for each style. The style cho-
-    sen is based on the type of results the project
-    needs, the quality of the results needed, and
-    the urgency of the results.
-- _Prototyping Target_ : The target of the pro-
-    totype activity is the specific product being
-    served by the prototyping effort. Examples
-    of prototyping targets include a requirements
-    specification, an architectural design element
-    or component, an algorithm, or a human-
-    machine user interface.
-- _Prototyping Evaluation Techniques_ : A pro-
-    totype may be used or evaluated in a num-
-    ber of ways by the software engineer or
-    other project stakeholders, driven primarily
-    by the underlying reasons that led to pro-
-    totype development in the first place. Pro-
-    totypes may be evaluated or tested against
-    the actual implemented software or against
-Software Engineering Models and Methods 9-9
-a target set of requirements (for example, a
-requirements prototype); the prototype may
-also serve as a model for a future software
-development effort (for example, as in a user
-interface specification).
-_4.4. Agile Methods_
-[3*, c3] [6*, c7s3p7] [7*, c6, App. A]
-Agile methods were born in the 1990s from the
-need to reduce the apparent large overhead associ-
-ated with heavyweight, plan-based methods used
-in large-scale software-development projects.
-Agile methods are considered lightweight meth-
-ods in that they are characterized by short, itera-
-tive development cycles, self-organizing teams,
-simpler designs, code refactoring, test-driven
-development, frequent customer involvement, and
-an emphasis on creating a demonstrable working
-product with each development cycle.
-Many agile methods are available in the lit-
-erature; some of the more popular approaches,
-which are discussed here in brief, include Rapid
-Application Development (RAD), eXtreme Pro-
-gramming (XP), Scrum, and Feature-Driven
-Development (FDD).
-- _RAD:_ Rapid software development methods
-    are used primarily in data-intensive, business-
-    systems application development. The RAD
-    method is enabled with special-purpose data-
-    base development tools used by software
-    engineers to quickly develop, test, and deploy
-    new or modified business applications.
-- _XP_ : This approach uses stories or scenarios
-    for requirements, develops tests first, has
-    direct customer involvement on the team
-    (typically defining acceptance tests), uses
-    pair programming, and provides for continu-
-    ous code refactoring and integration. Stories
-    are decomposed into tasks, prioritized, esti-
-    mated, developed, and tested. Each incre-
-    ment of software is tested with automated
-    and manual tests; an increment may be
-    released frequently, such as every couple of
-    weeks or so.
-       - _Scrum_ : This agile approach is more project
-          management-friendly than the others. The
-          scrum master manages the activities within
-          the project increment; each increment is
-          called a sprint and lasts no more than 30
-          days. A Product Backlog Item (PBI) list is
-          developed from which tasks are identified,
-          defined, prioritized, and estimated. A work-
-          ing version of the software is tested and
-          released in each increment. Daily scrum
-          meetings ensure work is managed to plan.
-       - _FDD:_ This is a model-driven, short, itera-
-          tive software development approach using
-          a five-phase process: (1) develop a product
-          model to scope the breadth of the domain, (2)
-          create the list of needs or features, (3) build
-          the feature development plan, (4) develop
-          designs for iteration-specific features, and
-          (5) code, test, and then integrate the features.
-          FDD is similar to an incremental software
-          development approach; it is also similar to
-          XP, except that code ownership is assigned
-          to individuals rather than the team. FDD
-          emphasizes an overall architectural approach
-          to the software, which promotes building the
-          feature correctly the first time rather than
-          emphasizing continual refactoring.
-There are many more variations of agile meth-
-ods in the literature and in practice. Note that
-there will always be a place for heavyweight,
-plan-based software engineering methods as well
-as places where agile methods shine. There are
-new methods arising from combinations of agile
-and plan-based methods where practitioners are
-defining new methods that balance the features
-needed in both heavyweight and lightweight
-methods based primarily on prevailing organi-
-zational business needs. These business needs,
-as typically represented by some of the project
-stakeholders, should and do drive the choice in
-using one software engineering method over
-another or in constructing a new method from the
-best features of a combination of software engi-
-neering methods.
-Budgen 2003
-##### [1]
-Mellor and Balcer 2002
-##### [2]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [3]
-Page-Jones 1999
-##### [4]
-Wing 1990
-##### [5]
-Brookshear 2008
-##### [6]
-Boehm and Turner 2003
-##### [7]
-**1. Modeling**
-1.1. Modeling
-c2s2 c5s0
-1.2. Properties
-and Expression of
-1.3. Syntax,
-Semantics, and
-1.4. Preconditions,
-Postconditions, and
-**2. Types of Models**
-    2.1. Information
-    Modeling
-       c7s2.2 c8s1
-2.2. Behavioral
-c9s2 c5s4
-2.3. Structure
-c5s3 c4
-**3. Analysis of Models**
-    3.1. Analyzing for
-    Completeness
-3.2. Analyzing for
-3.3. Analyzing for
-3.4. Traceability
-3.5. Interaction
-c10, c11
-Software Engineering Models and Methods 9-11
-Budgen 2003
-##### [1]
-Mellor and Balcer 2002
-##### [2]
-Sommerville 2011
-##### [3]
-Page-Jones 1999
-##### [4]
-Wing 1990
-##### [5]
-Brookshear 2008
-##### [6]
-Boehm and Turner 2003
-##### [7]
-**4. Software
-Engineering Methods**
-4.1. Heuristic
-c13, c15,
-4.2. Formal Methods c18 c27 pp8–24
-4.3. Prototyping
-c12s2 c2s3.1 c7s3p5
-4.4. Agile Methods c3 c7s3p7
-c6, app.
-[1] D. Budgen, _Software Design_ , 2nd ed., Addison-Wesley, 2003.
 [2] S.J. Mellor and M.J. Balcer, _Executable UML: A Foundation for Model-Driven
-Architecture_ , 1st ed., Addison-Wesley, 2002.
+Architecture_, 1st ed., Addison-Wesley, 2002.
-[3] I. Sommerville, _Software Engineering_ , 9th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2011.
+[3] I. Sommerville, _Software Engineering_, 9th ed., Addison-Wesley, 2011.
-[4] M. Page-Jones, _Fundamentals of Object- Oriented Design in UML_ , 1st ed.,
+[4] M. Page-Jones, _Fundamentals of Object- Oriented Design in UML_, 1st ed.,
 Addison- Wesley, 1999.
-[5] J.M. Wing, “A Specifier’s Introduction to Formal Methods,” Computer , vol.
+[5] J.M. Wing, “A Specifier’s Introduction to Formal Methods,” Computer, vol.
 23, no. 9, 1990, pp. 8, 10–23.
 [6] J.G. Brookshear, Computer Science: An Overview , 10th ed., Addison-Wesley,
 [7] B. Boehm and R. Turner, Balancing Agility and Discipline: A Guide for the
-Perplexed , Addison-Wesley, 2003.
+Perplexed, Addison-Wesley, 2003.