Commit Briefs

Sergey Bronnikov

Add configuration support (configuration_file)

Patch adds command line options and configuration file support to unreliablefs. unreliablefs can be managed in runtime using simple .INI configuration file. unreliablefs config uses configuration language which provides a structure similar to what's found in Microsoft Windows INI files or used by configparser Python module [2]. To make it possible third-party C library [1] has been imported. There is only one supported error injection - "errinj_noop" that replaces file operation with no operation. More error injections are coming. 1. 2. Closes #3 Closes #18 Closes #1 Closes #7 Closes #12 Closes #60

Sergey Bronnikov

cmake: add ASAN and UBSAN sanitizers

Disabled by default

Sergey Bronnikov

Remove unused headers

Sergey Bronnikov

cmake: set CFLAGS using target_compile_options()

Using target_compile_options() is one of the best practice for CMake so replaced CMAKE_C_FLAGS and CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS by target_compile_options(). Also patch adds options -Wall and -Wextra.

Sergey Bronnikov

gitignore: ignore .swp files

Sergey Bronnikov

ci: remove macOS 10.15

brew install --cask osxfuse ==> Tapping homebrew/cask Cloning into '/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-cask'... Error: Invalid cask: /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-cask/Casks/emacs.rb Cask ''/Applications/' is not a valid man page name' definition is invalid. Error: Cannot tap homebrew/cask: invalid syntax in tap! 1.

Sergey Bronnikov


- FreeBSD - MacOS

Sergey Bronnikov

style: alignment

Sergey Bronnikov

readme: add cirrus ci status badge

Sergey Bronnikov

Add license






.cirrus.ymlcommits | blame
.gitignorecommits | blame
CMakeLists.txtcommits | blame
LICENSEcommits | blame
README.mdcommits | blame
conf.ccommits | blame
conf.hcommits | blame
unreliablefs.1commits | blame
unreliablefs.ccommits | blame
unreliablefs.conf.5commits | blame
unreliablefs.hcommits | blame
unreliablefs_errinj.ccommits | blame
unreliablefs_errinj.hcommits | blame
unreliablefs_ops.ccommits | blame
unreliablefs_ops.hcommits | blame

## UnreliableFS

[![Build Status](](

is a FUSE-based fault injection filesystem that allows to change
fault-injections in runtime using simple configuration file.

Supported fault injections are:

- `errinj_errno` - return error value and set random errno.
- `errinj_kill_caller` - send SIGKILL to a process that invoked file operation.
- `errinj_noop` - replace file operation with no operation
  (similar to [libeatmydata](,
  but applicable to any file operation).
- `errinj_slowdown` - slowdown invoked file operation.

### Building


- CentOS: `dnf install -y gcc -y cmake fuse fuse-devel`
- Ubuntu: `apt-get install -y gcc cmake fuse libfuse-dev`
- FreeBSD: `pkg install gcc cmake fusefs-libs pkgconf`
- OpenBSD: `pkg_add cmake`
- macOS: `brew install --cask osxfuse`

$ cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
$ cmake --build build --parallel

### Packages

[![Packaging status](](

### Using

$ mkdir /tmp/fs
$ unreliablefs /tmp/fs -basedir=/tmp -seed=1618680646
$ cat << EOF > /tmp/fs/unreliablefs.conf
op_regexp = .*
path_regexp = .*
probability = 30
$ ls -la
$ umount /tmp/fs

### Documentation

See documentation in [unreliablefs.1]( and

### License

MIT License, Copyright (c) 2020-2023, Sergey Bronnikov
BSD-3-Clause, Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Ben Hoyt