
.cirrus.ymlcommits | blame
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unreliablefs-scm-1.rockspeccommits | blame

## UnreliableFS

[![Build Status](](

is a FUSE-based fault injection filesystem that allows to change
fault-injections in runtime using simple configuration file.

Supported fault injections are:

- `errinj_errno` - return error value and set random errno.
- `errinj_kill_caller` - send SIGKILL to a process that invoked file operation.
- `errinj_noop` - replace file operation with no operation
  (similar to [libeatmydata](,
  but applicable to any file operation).
- `errinj_slowdown` - slowdown invoked file operation.

### Building


- CentOS: `dnf install -y gcc -y cmake fuse fuse-devel`
- Ubuntu: `apt-get install -y gcc cmake fuse libfuse-dev`
- FreeBSD: `pkg install gcc cmake fusefs-libs pkgconf`
- OpenBSD: `pkg_add cmake`
- macOS: `brew install --cask osxfuse`

$ cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug
$ cmake --build build --parallel

### Packages

[![Packaging status](](

### Using

$ mkdir /tmp/fs
$ unreliablefs /tmp/fs -base_dir=/tmp -seed=1618680646
$ cat << EOF > /tmp/fs/unreliablefs.conf
op_regexp = .*
path_regexp = .*
probability = 30
$ ls -la
$ umount /tmp/fs

### Documentation

See documentation in [unreliablefs.1]( and

### Similar projects

- CuttleFS - FUSE-based file system with private page cache to simulate post fsync
  failure characteristics of modern file systems.
- libeatmydata - `LD_PRELOAD` library that disables all forms of writing data
  safely to disk. `fsync()` becomes a NO-OP, `O_SYNC` is removed etc.
- CharybdeFS - FUSE-based fault injection filesystem with a Thrift RPC
  interface for instrumentation.
- PetardFS - FUSE-based file system for injecting intentional errors.
- HookFS - Usermode Hookable Filesystem Library.
- Kibosh - fault-injecting filesystem for Linux. It is written in C using
  FUSE, faults are injected by writing JSON to the control file.
- chaos-mesh/toda - hook filesystem and utils to inject I/O chaos.

### License

MIT License, Copyright (c) 2020-2023, Sergey Bronnikov
BSD-3-Clause, Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Ben Hoyt